dijit/form/NumberTextBox.Mixin (version 1.10)


A mixin for all number textboxes

See the dijit/form/NumberTextBox.Mixin reference documentation for more information.

Property Summary

  • _decimalInfo
  • constraintsDespite the name, this parameter specifies both constraints on the input (including minimum/maximum allowed values) as well as formatting options like places (the number of digits to display after the decimal point).
  • editOptionsProperties to mix into constraints when the value is being edited.
  • valueThe value of this NumberTextBox as a Javascript Number (i.e., not a String).

Method Summary

  • _formatter(value,options) Format a Number as a String, using locale-specific settings
  • _getDisplayedValueAttr()
  • _getValueAttr() Hook so get('value') works.
  • _isValidSubset()
  • _parser(expression,options) Convert a properly formatted string to a primitive Number, using locale-specific settings.
  • _regExpGenerator(options) Builds the regular needed to parse a number
  • _setBlurValue()
  • _setConstraintsAttr(constraints)
  • _setValueAttr(value,priorityChange,formattedValue) Hook so set('value', ...) works.
  • filter(value) This is called with both the display value (string), and the actual value (a number).
  • format(value,constraints) Formats the value as a Number, according to constraints.
  • isValid(isFocused)
  • parse(value,constraints) Replaceable function to convert a formatted string to a number value
  • pattern(constraints)
  • postMixInProperties()
  • serialize(value,options) Convert value (a Number) into a canonical string (ie, how the number literal is written in javascript/java/C/etc.)

Event Summary



Despite the name, this parameter specifies both constraints on the input (including minimum/maximum allowed values) as well as formatting options like places (the number of digits to display after the decimal point).


Properties to mix into constraints when the value is being edited. This is here because we edit the number in the format "12345", which is different than the display value (ex: "12,345")


The value of this NumberTextBox as a Javascript Number (i.e., not a String). If the displayed value is blank, the value is NaN, and if the user types in an gibberish value (like "hello world"), the value is undefined (i.e. get('value') returns undefined).

Symmetrically, set('value', NaN) will clear the displayed value, whereas set('value', undefined) will have no effect.



Format a Number as a String, using locale-specific settings

Create a string from a Number using a known localized pattern. Formatting patterns appropriate to the locale are chosen from the Common Locale Data Repository as well as the appropriate symbols and delimiters. If value is Infinity, -Infinity, or is not a valid JavaScript number, return null.

Parameter Type Description
value Number

the number to be formatted

options Object

An object with the following properties:

  • pattern (String, optional):

    override formatting pattern with this string. Default value is based on locale. Overriding this property will defeat localization. Literal characters in patterns are not supported.

  • type (String, optional):

    choose a format type based on the locale from the following: decimal, scientific (not yet supported), percent, currency. decimal by default.

  • places (Number, optional):

    fixed number of decimal places to show. This overrides any information in the provided pattern.

  • round (Number, optional):

    5 rounds to nearest .5; 0 rounds to nearest whole (default). -1 means do not round.

  • locale (String, optional):

    override the locale used to determine formatting rules

  • fractional (Boolean, optional):

    If false, show no decimal places, overriding places and pattern settings.

Returns:null | undefined

Hook so get('value') works. Returns Number, NaN for '', or undefined for unparseable text

Returns:undefined | boolean

Convert a properly formatted string to a primitive Number, using locale-specific settings.

Create a Number from a string using a known localized pattern. Formatting patterns are chosen appropriate to the locale and follow the syntax described by unicode.org TR35 Note that literal characters in patterns are not supported.

Parameter Type Description
expression String

A string representation of a Number

options Object

An object with the following properties:

  • pattern (String, optional):

    override formatting pattern with this string. Default value is based on locale. Overriding this property will defeat localization. Literal characters in patterns are not supported.

  • type (String, optional):

    choose a format type based on the locale from the following: decimal, scientific (not yet supported), percent, currency. decimal by default.

  • locale (String, optional):

    override the locale used to determine formatting rules

  • strict (Boolean, optional):

    strict parsing, false by default. Strict parsing requires input as produced by the format() method. Non-strict is more permissive, e.g. flexible on white space, omitting thousands separators

  • fractional (Boolean|Array, optional):

    Whether to include the fractional portion, where the number of decimal places are implied by pattern or explicit 'places' parameter. The value [true,false] makes the fractional portion optional.


Builds the regular needed to parse a number

Returns regular expression with positive and negative match, group and decimal separators

Parameter Type Description
options Object

An object with the following properties:

  • pattern (String, optional):

    override formatting pattern with this string. Default value is based on locale. Overriding this property will defeat localization.

  • type (String, optional):

    choose a format type based on the locale from the following: decimal, scientific (not yet supported), percent, currency. decimal by default.

  • locale (String, optional):

    override the locale used to determine formatting rules

  • strict (Boolean, optional):

    strict parsing, false by default. Strict parsing requires input as produced by the format() method. Non-strict is more permissive, e.g. flexible on white space, omitting thousands separators

  • places (Number|String, optional):

    number of decimal places to accept: Infinity, a positive number, or a range "n,m". Defined by pattern or Infinity if pattern not provided.

Parameter Type Description
constraints Object

Hook so set('value', ...) works.

Parameter Type Description
value Number
priorityChange Boolean
formattedValue String

This is called with both the display value (string), and the actual value (a number). When called with the actual value it does corrections so that '' etc. are represented as NaN. Otherwise it dispatches to the superclass's filter() method.

See dijit/form/TextBox.filter() for more details.

Parameter Type Description
value Number
Returns:number | undefined

Formats the value as a Number, according to constraints.

Parameter Type Description
value Number
constraints Object

An object with the following properties:

  • pattern (String, optional):

    override formatting pattern with this string. Default value is based on locale. Overriding this property will defeat localization. Literal characters in patterns are not supported.

  • type (String, optional):

    choose a format type based on the locale from the following: decimal, scientific (not yet supported), percent, currency. decimal by default.

  • places (Number, optional):

    fixed number of decimal places to show. This overrides any information in the provided pattern.

  • round (Number, optional):

    5 rounds to nearest .5; 0 rounds to nearest whole (default). -1 means do not round.

  • locale (String, optional):

    override the locale used to determine formatting rules

  • fractional (Boolean, optional):

    If false, show no decimal places, overriding places and pattern settings.

Returns:undefined | string
Parameter Type Description
isFocused Boolean
Returns:undefined | boolean

Replaceable function to convert a formatted string to a number value

Parameter Type Description
value String
constraints Object

An object with the following properties:

  • pattern (String, optional):

    override formatting pattern with this string. Default value is based on locale. Overriding this property will defeat localization. Literal characters in patterns are not supported.

  • type (String, optional):

    choose a format type based on the locale from the following: decimal, scientific (not yet supported), percent, currency. decimal by default.

  • places (Number, optional):

    fixed number of decimal places to show. This overrides any information in the provided pattern.

  • round (Number, optional):

    5 rounds to nearest .5; 0 rounds to nearest whole (default). -1 means do not round.

  • locale (String, optional):

    override the locale used to determine formatting rules

  • fractional (Boolean, optional):

    If false, show no decimal places, overriding places and pattern settings.

Parameter Type Description
constraints undefined

Convert value (a Number) into a canonical string (ie, how the number literal is written in javascript/java/C/etc.)

Parameter Type Description
value Number
options Object


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