dojo/request/iframe.__BaseOptions (version 1.10)

Note: This is not a real constructor, but just a description of the type of object that should be passed as a parameter to some method(s), and/or the return value from some method(s). In other words, the type exists only for documentation purposes, and you cannot call new iframe.__BaseOptions()

See the dojo/request/iframe.__BaseOptions reference documentation for more information.

Property Summary

  • dataData to transfer.
  • formA form node to use to submit data to the server.
  • handleAsHow to handle the response from the server.
  • preventCacheWhether to append a cache-busting parameter to the URL.
  • queryQuery parameters to append to the URL.
  • timeoutMilliseconds to wait for the response.


Defined by: dojo/request/iframe

Data to transfer. When making a GET request, this will be converted to key=value parameters and appended to the URL.

Defined by: dojo/request/iframe

A form node to use to submit data to the server.

Defined by: dojo/request

How to handle the response from the server. Default is 'text'. Other values are 'json', 'javascript', and 'xml'.

Defined by: dojo/request

Whether to append a cache-busting parameter to the URL.

Defined by: dojo/request

Query parameters to append to the URL.

Defined by: dojo/request

Milliseconds to wait for the response. If this time passes, the then the promise is rejected.

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