dojo/text (version 1.10)


This module implements the dojo/text! plugin and the dojo.cache API.

We choose to include our own plugin to leverage functionality already contained in dojo and thereby reduce the size of the plugin compared to various foreign loader implementations. Also, this allows foreign AMD loaders to be used without their plugins.

CAUTION: this module is designed to optionally function synchronously to support the dojo v1.x synchronous loader. This feature is outside the scope of the CommonJS plugins specification.

See the dojo/text reference documentation for more information.

Property Summary

Method Summary


Defined by: dojo/text


Defined by dojo/text
Parameter Type Description
id String

Path to the resource.

require Function

Object that include the function toUrl with given id returns a valid URL from which to load the text.

load Function

Callback function which will be called, when the loading finished.

Defined by dojo/text
Parameter Type Description
id undefined
toAbsMid undefined
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