dojo/topic (version 1.10)


Pubsub hub.

See the dojo/topic reference documentation for more information.


Example 1

topic.subscribe("some/topic", function(event){
... do something with event
topic.publish("some/topic", {name:"some event", ...});

Method Summary

  • publish(topic,event) Publishes a message to a topic on the pub/sub hub.
  • subscribe(topic,listener) Subscribes to a topic on the pub/sub hub


Defined by dojo/topic

Publishes a message to a topic on the pub/sub hub. All arguments after the first will be passed to the subscribers, so any number of arguments can be provided (not just event).

Parameter Type Description
topic String

The name of the topic to publish to

event Object

An event to distribute to the topic listeners

Defined by dojo/topic

Subscribes to a topic on the pub/sub hub

Parameter Type Description
topic String

The topic to subscribe to

listener Function

A function to call when a message is published to the given topic

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