dojox/atom/io/model.Feed (version 1.10)


Class container for 'Feed' types.


var foo = new model.Feed(args);
Parameter Type Description
args undefined

Property Summary

Method Summary

  • _getAttributeNames()
  • _postBuild()
  • _saveAttributes(node)
  • accept(tag)
  • addAttribute(name,value)
  • addAuthor(name,email,uri) Function to add in an author to the list of authors.
  • addCategory(scheme,term,label) Function to add in a category to the list of categories.
  • addContent(content)
  • addContributor(name,email,uri) Function to add in an author to the list of authors.
  • addEntry(entry) Function to add an entry to this feed.
  • addExtension(name_space,name,attributes,content,shortNS) Function to add in an extension namespace into the item.
  • addLink(href,rel,hrefLang,title,type) Function to add in a link to the list of links.
  • addNamespace(fullName,shortName)
  • buildFromDom(node)
  • createEntry() Function to Create a new entry object in the feed.
  • destroy()
  • getAttribute(name)
  • getCategories(scheme) Function to get all categories that match a particular scheme.
  • getEntry(entryId) Function to get an entry by its id.
  • getExtensions(name_space,name) Function to get extensions that match a namespace and name.
  • getFirstEntry() Function to get the first entry of the feed.
  • getSelfHref() Function to get the href that refers to this feed.
  • removeBasicLinks() Function to remove all basic links from the list of links.
  • removeCategories(scheme,term) Function to remove all categories that match a particular scheme and term.
  • removeEntry(entry) Function to remove an entry from the list of links.
  • removeExtensions(name_space,name) Function to remove extensions that match a namespace and name.
  • removeLink(href,rel) Function to remove a link from the list of links.
  • setEntries(arrayOfEntry) Function to add a set of entries to the feed.
  • setTitle(str,type) Function to set the title of the item.
  • toString() Function to construct string form of the feed tag, which is an XML structure.


Defined by: dojox/atom/io/model


Defined by dojox/atom/io/model
Defined by dojox/atom/io/model
Defined by dojox/atom/io/model
Parameter Type Description
node undefined
Defined by dojox/atom/io/model
Parameter Type Description
tag undefined
Defined by dojox/atom/io/model
Parameter Type Description
name undefined
value undefined
Defined by dojox/atom/io/model

Function to add in an author to the list of authors.

Parameter Type Description
name String

The author's name.

email String

The author's e-mail address.

uri String

A URI associated with the author.

Defined by dojox/atom/io/model

Function to add in a category to the list of categories.

Parameter Type Description
scheme String
term String
label String
Defined by dojox/atom/io/model
Parameter Type Description
content undefined
Defined by dojox/atom/io/model

Function to add in an author to the list of authors.

Parameter Type Description
name String

The author's name.

email String

The author's e-mail address.

uri String

A URI associated with the author.

Defined by dojox/atom/io/model

Function to add an entry to this feed.

Parameter Type Description
entry object

The entry object to add.

Defined by dojox/atom/io/model

Function to add in an extension namespace into the item.

Parameter Type Description
name_space String

The namespace of the extension.

name String

The name of the extension

attributes Array

The attributes associated with the extension.

content String

The content of the extension.

shortNS String
Defined by dojox/atom/io/model

Function to add in a link to the list of links.

Parameter Type Description
href String
rel String
hrefLang String
title String

A title to associate with the link.

type String

The type of link is is.

Defined by dojox/atom/io/model
Parameter Type Description
fullName undefined
shortName undefined
Defined by dojox/atom/io/model
Parameter Type Description
node undefined
Defined by dojox/atom/io/model

Function to Create a new entry object in the feed.

Returns:any | instance

An empty entry object in the feed.

Defined by dojox/atom/io/model
Defined by dojox/atom/io/model
Parameter Type Description
name undefined
Defined by dojox/atom/io/model

Function to get all categories that match a particular scheme.

Parameter Type Description
scheme String

The scheme to filter on.

Returns:undefined | Array
Defined by dojox/atom/io/model

Function to get an entry by its id.

Parameter Type Description
entryId String
Returns:any | null | undefined

The entry desired, or null if none.

Defined by dojox/atom/io/model

Function to get extensions that match a namespace and name.

Parameter Type Description
name_space String

The namespace of the extension.

name String

The name of the extension

Defined by dojox/atom/io/model

Function to get the first entry of the feed.

Returns:any | null | undefined

The first entry in the feed.

Defined by dojox/atom/io/model

Function to get the href that refers to this feed.

Returns:any | null | undefined

The href that refers to this feed or null if none.

Defined by dojox/atom/io/model

Function to remove all basic links from the list of links.

Defined by dojox/atom/io/model

Function to remove all categories that match a particular scheme and term.

Parameter Type Description
scheme String

The scheme to filter on.

term String

The term to filter on.

Defined by dojox/atom/io/model

Function to remove an entry from the list of links.

Parameter Type Description
entry object

The entry.

Defined by dojox/atom/io/model

Function to remove extensions that match a namespace and name.

Parameter Type Description
name_space String

The namespace of the extension.

name String

The name of the extension

Defined by dojox/atom/io/model

Function to remove a link from the list of links.

Parameter Type Description
href String

The href.

rel String
Defined by dojox/atom/io/model

Function to add a set of entries to the feed.

Parameter Type Description
arrayOfEntry array

An array of entry objects to add to the feed.

Defined by dojox/atom/io/model

Function to set the title of the item.

Parameter Type Description
str String

The title to set.

type String

The type of title format, text, xml, xhtml, etc.

Defined by dojox/atom/io/model

Function to construct string form of the feed tag, which is an XML structure.

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