dojox/calc/_Executor (version 1.10)

Method Summary

  • _Executor()
  • approx(r) Return a less exact approximation of r such that approx(r * (1 +- eps)) == approx(r)
  • draw(chart,functionToGraph,params) graph a chart with the given function.
  • FuncGen()
  • generatePoints(funcToGraph,x,y,width,minX,maxX,minY,maxY) create the points with information about the graph.
  • Grapher()
  • pow(base,exponent)
  • toFrac(number)



Return a less exact approximation of r such that approx(r * (1 +- eps)) == approx(r)

Parameter Type Description
r Number
Returns:number | Number
Defined by dojox/calc/Grapher

graph a chart with the given function.

Parameter Type Description
chart dojox/charting/Chart2D
functionToGraph Function

Function with one numeric parameter (x or y typically)

params Object

can contain the number of the graph in the chart it is (an integer), a boolean saying if the functionToGraph is a function of x (otherwise y) and the color, which is an object with a stroke with a color's name eg: color:{stroke:"black"}

Defined by dojox/calc/FuncGen
Defined by dojox/calc/Grapher

create the points with information about the graph.

Parameter Type Description
funcToGraph Function

A function with one numeric parameter (x or y typically)

x String

x and y are Strings which always have the values of "x" or "y". If y="x" and x="y" then it is creating points for the function as though it was a function of y

y String

x and y are Strings which always have the values of "x" or "y". If y="x" and x="y" then it is creating points for the function as though it was a function of y

width Number

pixel width of the chart

minX Number

minX, maxX, minY, and maxY are all bounds of the chart. If x="y" then maxY should be the maximum bound of x rather than y

maxX Number

minX, maxX, minY, and maxY are all bounds of the chart. If x="y" then maxY should be the maximum bound of x rather than y

minY Number

minX, maxX, minY, and maxY are all bounds of the chart. If x="y" then maxY should be the maximum bound of x rather than y

maxY Number

minX, maxX, minY, and maxY are all bounds of the chart. If x="y" then maxY should be the maximum bound of x rather than y

Returns:object | Array
Defined by dojox/calc/Grapher
Defined by dojox/calc/toFrac
Parameter Type Description
base undefined
exponent undefined
Returns:undefined | number
Defined by dojox/calc/toFrac
Parameter Type Description
number undefined
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