dojox/calendar/Mouse (version 1.10)


This plugin is managing the mouse interactions on item renderers displayed by a calendar view.

See the dojox/calendar/Mouse reference documentation for more information.

Property Summary

  • triggerExtentThe distance in pixels along the vertical or horizontal axis to cover with the mouse button down before triggering the editing gesture.

Method Summary

Event Summary


Defined by: dojox/calendar/Mouse

The distance in pixels along the vertical or horizontal axis to cover with the mouse button down before triggering the editing gesture.


Parameter Type Description
globalX undefined
globalY undefined
isVertical undefined
Parameter Type Description
e undefined
Parameter Type Description
e undefined

Callback if the user clicked on the item renderer but not on a handle. Manages item selection.

Parameter Type Description
e undefined
renderer undefined


Defined by: dojox/calendar/Mouse
Parameter Type Description
e undefined
Defined by: dojox/calendar/Mouse
Parameter Type Description
e undefined
Defined by: dojox/calendar/Mouse

Callback if the user clicked on a handle of an item renderer. Manages item selection and editing gesture. If editing is not allowed, resize handles are not displayed and so this callback will never be called. In that case selected is managed by the _rendererMouseDownHandler function.

Parameter Type Description
e undefined
renderer undefined
editKind undefined
Defined by: dojox/calendar/Mouse

Event dispatched when the mouse cursor in leaving an item renderer.

Parameter Type Description
e Object

The event dispatched when the mouse cursor enters in the item renderer.

Defined by: dojox/calendar/Mouse

Event dispatched when the mouse cursor in going over an item renderer.

Parameter Type Description
e Object

The event dispatched when the mouse cursor enters in the item renderer.

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