dojox/charting/plot2d/Stacked (version 1.10)



Like the default plot, Stacked sets up lines, areas and markers in a stacked fashion (values on the y axis added to each other) as opposed to a direct one.


var foo = new Stacked(chart,kwArgs);
Parameter Type Description
chart dojox/charting/Chart

The chart this plot belongs to.

kwArgs Object

An optional arguments object to help define this plot.

Property Summary

Method Summary

  • _connectEvents(o)
  • _connectSingleEvent(o,eventName)
  • _getLabel(number)
  • _plotFill(fill,dim,offsets)
  • _pseudoRadialFill(fill,center,radius,start,end)
  • _reconnectEvents(seriesName)
  • _shapeFill(fill,bbox)
  • addSeries(run) Add a data series to this plot.
  • assignAxes(axes) From an array of axes pick the ones that correspond to this plot and assign them to the plot using setAxis method.
  • buildSegments(i,indexed)
  • calculateAxes(dim) Stub function for running the axis calculations (deprecated).
  • cleanGroup(creator,noClip)
  • clear() Clear out all of the information tied to this plot.
  • connect(object,method) Helper function to connect any object's method to our plotEvent.
  • createLabel(group,value,bbox,theme)
  • createPath(run,creator,params)
  • destroy() API addition to conform to the rest of the Dojo Toolkit's standard.
  • destroyHtmlElements() Destroy any DOMNodes that may have been created as a part of this element.
  • events() Find out if any event handlers have been connected to our plotEvent.
  • fireEvent(seriesName,eventName,index,eventObject) Emulates firing an event for a given data value (specified by an index) of a given series.
  • getGroup()
  • getRequiredColors() Get how many data series we have, so we know how many colors to use.
  • getSeriesStats() Calculate the min/max on all attached series in both directions.
  • getTextWidth(s,font)
  • getTextWithLimitCharCount(s,font,wcLimit,truncated) Get the truncated string based on the limited character count(dichotomy algorithm)
  • getTextWithLimitLength(s,font,limitWidth,truncated) Get the truncated string based on the limited width in px(dichotomy algorithm)
  • initializeScalers(dim,stats) Initializes scalers using attached axes.
  • isDataDirty() Returns whether or not any of this plot's data series need to be rendered.
  • isDirty() Returns whether or not this plot needs to be rendered.
  • performZoom(dim,offsets) Create/alter any zooming windows on this plot.
  • plotEvent(o) Stub function for use by specific plots.
  • purgeGroup()
  • raiseEvent(o) Raises events in predefined order
  • render(dim,offsets) Render/draw everything on this plot.
  • renderLabel(group,x,y,label,theme,block,align)
  • resetEvents() Reset all events attached to our plotEvent (i.e. disconnect).
  • setAxis(axis) Set an axis for this plot.
  • toData(coord) Compute plot axis data coordinates from page coordinates.
  • toPage(coord) Compute page coordinates from plot axis data coordinates.



The parent chart for this element.


The default parameters of this plot.


A flag indicating whether or not this element needs to be rendered.


The visual GFX group representing this element.


Any DOMNodes used as a part of this element (such as HTML-based labels).


The optional parameters of this plot.



Parameter Type Description
o undefined
Parameter Type Description
o undefined
eventName undefined
Parameter Type Description
number undefined
Parameter Type Description
fill undefined
dim undefined
offsets undefined
Parameter Type Description
fill undefined
center undefined
radius undefined
start undefined
end undefined
Returns:undefined | object
Parameter Type Description
seriesName undefined
Parameter Type Description
fill undefined
bbox undefined

Add a data series to this plot.

Parameter Type Description
run dojox/charting/Series

The series to be added.

Returns:dojox/charting/plot2d/Base | function

A reference to this plot for functional chaining.


From an array of axes pick the ones that correspond to this plot and assign them to the plot using setAxis method.

Parameter Type Description
axes Array

An array of dojox/charting/axis2d/Base

Parameter Type Description
i undefined
indexed undefined

Stub function for running the axis calculations (deprecated).

Parameter Type Description
dim Object

An object of the form { width, height }

Returns:dojox/charting/plot2d/Base | function

A reference to this plot for functional chaining.

Parameter Type Description
creator undefined
noClip undefined

Clear out all of the information tied to this plot.

A reference to this plot for functional chaining.


Helper function to connect any object's method to our plotEvent.

Parameter Type Description
object Object

The object to connect to.

method String | Function

The method to fire when our plotEvent is fired.

Returns:Array | undefined

The handle as returned from dojo.connect (see dojo.connect).

Parameter Type Description
group undefined
value undefined
bbox undefined
theme undefined
Parameter Type Description
run undefined
creator undefined
params undefined

API addition to conform to the rest of the Dojo Toolkit's standard.


Destroy any DOMNodes that may have been created as a part of this element.


Find out if any event handlers have been connected to our plotEvent.

Returns:Boolean | boolean

A flag indicating that there are handlers attached.


Emulates firing an event for a given data value (specified by an index) of a given series.

Parameter Type Description
seriesName String

Series name.

eventName String

Event name to emulate.

index Number

Valid data value index used to raise an event.

eventObject Object

Optional event object. Especially useful for synthetic events. Default: null.


Get how many data series we have, so we know how many colors to use.

Returns:Number | undefined

The number of colors needed.


Calculate the min/max on all attached series in both directions.

Returns:Object | undefined

{hmin, hmax, vmin, vmax} min/max in both directions.

Parameter Type Description
s undefined
font undefined

Get the truncated string based on the limited character count(dichotomy algorithm)

Parameter Type Description
s String

candidate text.

font String

text's font style.

wcLimit Number

text limited character count.

truncated Boolean

whether the input text(s) has already been truncated.

Returns:Object | object
    text: processed text, maybe truncated or not,
    truncated: whether text has been truncated

Get the truncated string based on the limited width in px(dichotomy algorithm)

Parameter Type Description
s String

candidate text.

font String

text's font style.

limitWidth Number

text limited width in px.

truncated Boolean

whether the input text(s) has already been truncated.

Returns:Object | object
    text: processed text, maybe truncated or not,
    truncated: whether text has been truncated

Initializes scalers using attached axes.

Parameter Type Description
dim Object

Size of a plot area in pixels as {width, height}.

stats Object

Min/max of data in both directions as {hmin, hmax, vmin, vmax}.

A reference to this plot for functional chaining.


Returns whether or not any of this plot's data series need to be rendered.

Returns:Boolean | undefined

Flag indicating if any of this plot's series are invalid and need rendering.


Returns whether or not this plot needs to be rendered.

Returns:Boolean | undefined

The state of the plot.


Create/alter any zooming windows on this plot.

Parameter Type Description
dim Object

An object of the form { width, height }.

offsets Object

An object of the form { l, r, t, b }.

A reference to this plot for functional chaining.


Stub function for use by specific plots.

Parameter Type Description
o Object

An object intended to represent event parameters.


Raises events in predefined order

Parameter Type Description
o Object

An object intended to represent event parameters.


Render/draw everything on this plot.

Parameter Type Description
dim Object

An object of the form { width, height }

offsets Object

An object of the form { l, r, t, b }

Returns:dojox/charting/plot2d/Default | undefined | function

A reference to this plot for functional chaining.

Parameter Type Description
group undefined
x undefined
y undefined
label undefined
theme undefined
block undefined
align undefined

Reset all events attached to our plotEvent (i.e. disconnect).


Set an axis for this plot.

Parameter Type Description
axis dojox/charting/axis2d/Base

The axis to set.

A reference to this plot for functional chaining.


Compute plot axis data coordinates from page coordinates.

Parameter Type Description
coord Object

The pixel coordinate in page coordinate space. That is of the following form: { x: 50, y: 200 } If not provided return the tranform method instead of the result of the transformation.

Returns:Object | function

The resulting plot axis data coordinates. For cartesian charts that is of the following form: { hAxisName: 50, vAxisName: 200 }


Compute page coordinates from plot axis data coordinates.

Parameter Type Description
coord Object

The coordinates in plot axis data coordinate space. For cartesian charts that is of the following form: { hAxisName: 50, vAxisName: 200 } If not provided return the transform method instead of the result of the transformation.

Returns:Object | function

The resulting page pixel coordinates. That is of the following form: { x: 50, y: 200 }

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