dojox/drawing/stencil/Rect (version 1.10)



Creates a dojox.gfx rectangle based on data or points provided.


var foo = new Rect(options);
Parameter Type Description
options undefined

Property Summary

Method Summary

  • _create(shp,d,sty) Creates a dojox.gfx.shape based on passed arguments.
  • _setNodeAtts(shape) Internal.
  • _toggleSelected()
  • addShadow(args)
  • animate(options,create)
  • applyTransform(mx) Applies the transform to the stencil NOTE: PARTIALLY IMPLEMENTED.
  • attr(key,value) Changes properties in the style or disabled styles, depending on whether the object is enabled.
  • connect(o,e,s,m,once) Convenience method for quick connects See comments below for possiblities functions can be strings
  • connectMouse() Internal.
  • connectMult() Convenience method for batches of quick connects Handles are not returned and therefore cannot be disconnected until Shape destroy time
  • dataToPoints(d) Converts data to points.
  • deselect(useDelay) Called when the Stencil is deselected.
  • destroy() Destroys this Stencil
  • disable() Disables Stencil so it is not selectable.
  • disconnect(handles) Removes connections based on passed handles arguments
  • disconnectMouse() Internal.
  • enable() Enables Stencil so it is not selectable (if it was selectable to begin with).
  • exporter() Exports Stencil data
  • getAngle() Gets angle of Stencil NOTE: Only works for Lines, Arrows, Vectors and Axes (works on points, not transforms)
  • getBounds(absolute) Returns the coordinates of the Stencil.
  • getLabel() Get the text of the label.
  • getRadius() Gets radius (length) of Stencil.
  • getTransform() Returns the current transform (position) of the Stencil's container
  • highlight() Changes style to the highlight theme.
  • moveToBack() Moves Stencil to the back of all other items on the canvas.
  • moveToFront() Moves Stencil to the front of all other items on the canvas.
  • pointsToData(p) Converts points to data
  • preventNegativePos() Internal.
  • remove() Removes shape(s), typically before a re-render No args defaults to this.shape Pass in multiple args to remove multiple shapes
  • removeShadow()
  • render() Renders the 'hit' object (the shape used for an expanded hit area and for highlighting) and the'shape' (the actual display object).
  • select() Called when the Stencil is selected.
  • setData(data) Setter for Stencil data; also converts data to points.
  • setLabel(text) Creates and sets a label annotation for the Stencil.
  • setPoints(points) Setter for Stencil points; also converts points to data.
  • setTransform(mx) Sets the transform to the stencil NOTE: PARTIALLY IMPLEMENTED.
  • transformPoints(mx) Moves object to a new X Y location mx is additive.
  • unhighlight() Changes style to the current theme.

Event Summary

  • _onPostRender(data) Drag-create or programmatic create calls onRender and afterwards, _onPostRender is called and manages further events.
  • onBeforeRender(stencil) Stub - Fires before render occurs.
  • onChangeData(stencil) Stub - fires on change of dimensional properties or a text change
  • onChangeStyle(stencil) Fires when styles of shape has changed
  • onChangeText(value)
  • onDelete(stencil) Stub - fires before this is destroyed
  • onDown(obj) Mouse event, fired on mousedown on canvas
  • onDrag(obj) Mouse event, fired on mousemove while mouse is down on canvas
  • onModify(stencil) Stub - fires on change of any property, including style properties
  • onMove(obj) Mouse event, fired on mousemove while mouse is not down.
  • onRender(stencil) Stub - Fires on creation.
  • onTransform(anchor) Called from anchor point mouse drag also called from plugins.Pan.checkBounds
  • onTransformBegin(anchor) Fired at the start of a transform.
  • onTransformEnd(anchor) Called from anchor point up mouse up
  • onUp(obj) Mouse event, fired on mouseup



Whether the Stencil is enabled or not.


The minimum size allowed for a render. If the size is less, the shape is destroyed.




Creates a dojox.gfx.shape based on passed arguments. Can be called many times by implementation to create multiple shapes in one stencil.

Parameter Type Description
shp String
d StencilData
sty Object

Internal. Sets the rawNode attribute. (Or in Silverlight an "object attribute". "stencil" is used by the application to determine if something is selectable or not. This also sets the mouse custom events like: "onStencilUp". To disable the selectability, make the att "", which causes a standard mouse event. Labels are special and used to select master stencils.

Parameter Type Description
shape undefined
Parameter Type Description
args Object
Parameter Type Description
options undefined
create undefined

Applies the transform to the stencil

NOTE: PARTIALLY IMPLEMENTED. Only applies x y coords.

Parameter Type Description
mx undefined

Changes properties in the style or disabled styles, depending on whether the object is enabled. Also can be used to change most position and size props.

Parameter Type Description
key String | Object
value String | Number

Convenience method for quick connects See comments below for possiblities functions can be strings

Parameter Type Description
o undefined
e undefined
s undefined
m undefined
once Boolean

If true, the connection happens only once then disconnects. Five args are required for this functionality.


Internal. Registers this Stencil to receive mouse events.


Convenience method for batches of quick connects Handles are not returned and therefore cannot be disconnected until Shape destroy time


Converts data to points.

Parameter Type Description
d Object

Called when the Stencil is deselected. NOTE: Calling this will not deselect the Stencil calling this just sets the style to the current theme. 'manager.Stencil' should be used for selecting and deselecting Stencils.

Parameter Type Description
useDelay Boolean

Adds slight delay before the style is set.


Destroys this Stencil


Disables Stencil so it is not selectable. Changes the color to the disabled style.


Removes connections based on passed handles arguments

Parameter Type Description
handles Handle | Array

Internal. Unregisters this Stencil from receiving mouse events.


Enables Stencil so it is not selectable (if it was selectable to begin with). Changes the color to the current style.


Exports Stencil data


Gets angle of Stencil NOTE: Only works for Lines, Arrows, Vectors and Axes (works on points, not transforms)


Returns the coordinates of the Stencil. This is often different than the data or the points.

NOTE: Won't work for paths or annotations (labels, Axes, arrow tips) They should overwrite.

NOTE: Primarily used for checking for if shape is off canvas. Therefore Lines could get flipped. Use absolute to prevent this.

Parameter Type Description
absolute Boolean

Keeps lines from flipping (see note).


Get the text of the label.

Returns:undefined | null

Gets radius (length) of Stencil.

NOTE: Only works for Lines, Arrows and Vectors (not for Ellipse, Axes has its own version)


Returns the current transform (position) of the Stencil's container


Changes style to the highlight theme.


Moves Stencil to the back of all other items on the canvas.


Moves Stencil to the front of all other items on the canvas.


Converts points to data

Parameter Type Description
p Array

Internal. Prevent item from being drawn/rendered less than zero on the X or Y.


Removes shape(s), typically before a re-render No args defaults to this.shape Pass in multiple args to remove multiple shapes


Renders the 'hit' object (the shape used for an expanded hit area and for highlighting) and the'shape' (the actual display object).


Called when the Stencil is selected. NOTE: Calling this will not select the Stencil calling this just sets the style to the 'selected' theme. 'manager.Stencil' should be used for selecting Stencils.


Setter for Stencil data; also converts data to points. See individual Stencils for specific data properties.

Parameter Type Description
data StencilData

Creates and sets a label annotation for the Stencil. If Stencil contains a labelPosition method, that will be used for positioning. Otherwise dojox.drawing.util.positioning.label is used.

Parameter Type Description
text String

The text to set as the label.


Setter for Stencil points; also converts points to data. See individual Stencils for specific points properties.

Parameter Type Description
points StencilPoints

Sets the transform to the stencil

NOTE: PARTIALLY IMPLEMENTED. Only applies x y coords.

Parameter Type Description
mx Object

Moves object to a new X Y location mx is additive. So mx.dx=1 will move the stencil 1 pixel to the right from wherever it was.

Parameter Type Description
mx undefined

Changes style to the current theme.



Drag-create or programmatic create calls onRender and afterwards, _onPostRender is called and manages further events.

Parameter Type Description
data Object

Stub - Fires before render occurs.

Parameter Type Description
stencil Object

Stub - fires on change of dimensional properties or a text change

Parameter Type Description
stencil Object

Fires when styles of shape has changed

Parameter Type Description
stencil Object
Parameter Type Description
value undefined

Stub - fires before this is destroyed

Parameter Type Description
stencil Stencil

Mouse event, fired on mousedown on canvas

Parameter Type Description
obj EventObject

Mouse event, fired on mousemove while mouse is down on canvas

Parameter Type Description
obj EventObject

Stub - fires on change of any property, including style properties

Parameter Type Description
stencil Object

Mouse event, fired on mousemove while mouse is not down. NOTE: Not currently implemented

Parameter Type Description
obj EventObject

Stub - Fires on creation. Drawing connects to this (once!) to be notified of drag completion. But only if it was registered as a Tool. Creating Stencil in and of itself does not register it.

This should fire at the end of creation (not during drag)

Parameter Type Description
stencil Object

Called from anchor point mouse drag also called from plugins.Pan.checkBounds

Parameter Type Description
anchor ? manager.Anchor

Fired at the start of a transform. This would be an anchor drag or a selection.

Parameter Type Description
anchor ? manager.Anchor

Called from anchor point up mouse up

Parameter Type Description
anchor manager.Anchor

Mouse event, fired on mouseup

Parameter Type Description
obj EventObject
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