dojox/geo/openlayers/_base.JsonImport (version 1.10)


Class to load JSON formated ShapeFile as output of the JSon Custom Map Converter.

This class loads JSON formated ShapeFile produced by the JSon Custom Map Converter. When loading the JSON file, it calls a iterator function each time a feature is read. This iterator function is provided as parameter to the constructor.


var foo = new _base.JsonImport(params);
Parameter Type Description
params Object

The parameters to initialize this JsonImport instance.

See the dojox/geo/openlayers/_base.JsonImport reference documentation for more information.

Method Summary

  • _gotData(items) Called when loading is complete.
  • _loadError() Called when an error occurs.
  • _makeFeature(s,ulx,uly,lrx,lry,ulxLL,ulyLL,lrxLL,lryLL) Make a GeometryFeature with the specified points.
  • _makeGeometry(s,ulx,uly,lrx,lry,ulxLL,ulyLL,lrxLL,lryLL) Make a geometry with the specified points.
  • loadData() Triggers the loading.



Called when loading is complete.

Parameter Type Description
items Object

Called when an error occurs. Calls the error function is provided in the parameters.


Make a GeometryFeature with the specified points.

Parameter Type Description
s Array
ulx Float
uly Float
lrx Float
lry Float
ulxLL Float
ulyLL Float
lrxLL Float
lryLL Float

Make a geometry with the specified points.

Parameter Type Description
s Array
ulx Float
uly Float
lrx Float
lry Float
ulxLL Float
ulyLL Float
lrxLL Float
lryLL Float

Triggers the loading.

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