dojox/gfx/VectorText (version 1.10)


An implementation of the SVG Font 1.1 spec, using dojox/gfx.

Basic interface:

var f = new gfx.Font(url|string);

The arguments passed to createVectorText are the same as you would pass to surface||group.createText; the difference is that this is entirely renderer-agnostic, and the return value is a subclass of dojox/gfx.Group.

Note also that the "defaultText" object is slightly different: { type:"vectortext", x:0, y:0, width:null, height: null, text: "", align: "start", decoration: "none" } well as the "defaultVectorFont" object: { type:"vectorfont", size:"10pt" }

The reason for this should be obvious: most of the style for the font is defined by the font object itself.

Note that this will only render IF and WHEN you set the font.


var foo = new VectorText(url);
Parameter Type Description
url String | dojo._Url

An url pointing to the SVG Font definition.

See the dojox/gfx/VectorText reference documentation for more information.

Property Summary

Method Summary

  • _clean() Clean off all of the given mixin parameters.
  • _decodeEntitySequence(str)
  • _getBestFit(chars,w,h,ldng) Get the best number of lines to return given w and h.
  • _getBestFlow(chars,w,scale) Based on the given scale, do the best line splitting possible.
  • _getFitFactor(lines,w,h,l) Find the scaling factor for the given phrase set.
  • _getLongestLine(lines)
  • _getSizeFactor(size)
  • _getWidth(glyphs)
  • _leading(unit)
  • _normalize(str)
  • _parse(svg,url) Take the loaded SVG Font definition file and convert the info into things we can use.
  • _round(n)
  • _split(chars,nLines) split passed chars into nLines by finding the closest whitespace.
  • _trim(lines)
  • draw(group,textArgs,fontArgs,fillArgs,strokeArgs) based on the passed parameters, draw the given text using paths defined by this font.
  • getBaseline(scale) Find the baseline coord for alignment; adjust for scale if passed.
  • getCenterline(scale) return the y coordinate that is the center of the viewbox.
  • getLineHeight(scale) return the height of a single line, sans leading, based on scale.
  • getWidth(text,scale) Get the width of the rendered text without actually rendering it.
  • initialized() Return if we've loaded a font def, and the parsing was successful.
  • load(url) Load the passed SVG and send it to the parser for parsing.

Event Summary


Defined by: dojox/gfx/VectorText



Clean off all of the given mixin parameters.


Clean off all of the given mixin parameters.

Parameter Type Description
str undefined

Get the best number of lines to return given w and h.

Parameter Type Description
chars undefined
w undefined
h undefined
ldng undefined

Based on the given scale, do the best line splitting possible.

Parameter Type Description
chars undefined
w undefined
scale undefined

Find the scaling factor for the given phrase set.

Parameter Type Description
lines undefined
w undefined
h undefined
l undefined
Parameter Type Description
lines undefined
Parameter Type Description
size string
Parameter Type Description
glyphs undefined
Parameter Type Description
unit undefined
Parameter Type Description
str undefined

Take the loaded SVG Font definition file and convert the info into things we can use. The SVG Font definition must follow the SVG 1.1 Font specification.

Parameter Type Description
svg String
url String
Parameter Type Description
n undefined

split passed chars into nLines by finding the closest whitespace.

Parameter Type Description
chars undefined
nLines undefined
Parameter Type Description
lines undefined

based on the passed parameters, draw the given text using paths defined by this font.

The main method of a VectorFont, draw() will take a text fragment and render it in a set of groups and paths based on the parameters passed.

The basics of drawing text are simple enough: pass it your text as part of the textArgs object, pass size and family info as part of the fontArgs object, pass at least a color as the fillArgs object, and if you are looking to create an outline, pass the strokeArgs object as well. fillArgs and strokeArgs are the same as any other gfx fill and stroke arguments; they are simply applied to any path object generated by this method.

Resulting GFX structure

The result of this function is a set of gfx objects in the following structure:

gfx.Group           //      the parent group generated by this function
+   gfx.Group[]     //      a group generated for each line of text
    +   gfx.Path[]  //      each glyph/character in the text

Scaling transformations (i.e. making the generated text the correct size) are always applied to the parent Group that is generated (i.e. the top node in the above example). In theory, if you are looking to do any kind of other transformations (such as a translation), you should apply it to the group reference you pass to this method. If you find that you need to apply transformations to the group that is returned by this method, you will need to reapply the scaling transformation as the last transform, like so:

textGroup.setTransform(new matrix.Matrix2D([
    matrix.translate({ dx: dx, dy: dy }),

In general, this should never be necessary unless you are doing advanced placement of your text.

Advanced Layout Functionality

In addition to straight text fragments, draw() supports a few advanced operations not normally available with vector graphics:

  • Flow operations (i.e. wrap to a given width)
  • Fitting operations (i.e. find a best fit to a given rectangle)

To enable either, pass a fitting property along with the textArgs object. The possible values are contained in the dojox/gfx.vectorFontFitting enum (NONE, FLOW, FIT).

Flow fitting Flow fitting requires both a passed size (in the fontArgs object) and a width (passed with the textArgs object). draw() will attempt to split the passed text up into lines, at the closest whitespace according to the passed width. If a width is missing, it will revert to NONE.

Best fit fitting Doing a "best fit" means taking the passed text, and finding the largest size and line breaks so that it is the closest fit possible. With best fit, any size arguments are ignored; if a height is missing, it will revert to NONE.

Other notes

a11y Since the results of this method are rendering using pure paths (think "convert to outlines" in Adobe Illustrator), any text rendered by this code is NOT considered a11y-friendly. If a11y is a requirement, we suggest using other, more a11y-friendly methods.

Font sources Always make sure that you are legally allowed to use any fonts that you convert to SVG format; we claim no responsibility for any licensing infractions that may be caused by the use of this code.

Parameter Type Description
group dojox/gfx.Container
textArgs dojox/gfx.Text
fontArgs dojox/gfx.Font
fillArgs dojox/gfx.Fill
strokeArgs dojox/gfx.Stroke
Returns:dojox/gfx.Group | undefined

Find the baseline coord for alignment; adjust for scale if passed.

Parameter Type Description
scale Float

an optional scaling factor.


return the y coordinate that is the center of the viewbox.

Parameter Type Description
scale Float

an optional scaling factor.


return the height of a single line, sans leading, based on scale.

Parameter Type Description
scale Float

an optional scaling factor.


Get the width of the rendered text without actually rendering it.

Parameter Type Description
text String

The string to measure.

scale Float

an optional scaling factor.


Return if we've loaded a font def, and the parsing was successful.


Load the passed SVG and send it to the parser for parsing.

Parameter Type Description
url String | dojo._Url

The svg to parse.


Load the passed SVG and send it to the parser for parsing.


Defined by: dojox/gfx/VectorText
Parameter Type Description
font dojox/gfx/VectorText
Defined by: dojox/gfx/VectorText
Parameter Type Description
url String
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