dojox/mdnd/adapter/DndToDojo (version 1.10)


Allow communication between an item of dojox D&D area to a target dojo.


var foo = new DndToDojo();

Property Summary

Method Summary

  • _getHoverDojoArea(coords) Check if the coordinates of the mouse is in a dojo target.
  • _getIndexDojoArea(area) Check if a dojo area is registered.
  • _initCoordinates(area) Initialize the coordinates of the target dojo.
  • isAccepted(draggedNode,target) Return true if the dragged node is accepted.
  • refresh() Refresh the coordinates of all registered dojo target.
  • refreshByType(type) Refresh the coordinates of registered dojo target with a specific type.
  • register(area,type,dojoTarget) Register a target dojo.
  • unregister() Unregister all targets dojo.
  • unregisterByNode(area) Unregister a target dojo.
  • unregisterByType(type) Unregister several targets dojo having the same type passing in parameter.

Event Summary

  • onDragEnter(e) Call when the mouse enters in a registered dojo target.
  • onDragExit(e) Call when the mouse exit of a registered dojo target.
  • onDrop(e) Called when an onmouseup event is loaded on a registered target dojo.
  • onMouseMove(e) Call when the mouse moving after an onStartDrag of AreaManger.



Representing the current dojo area


Array containing object references the dojo Target list


The reference to the dojox AreaManager


The current dragged node


Handle to keep start subscribe


Handle to keep drop subscribe


Handle to keep move subscribe


Handle to kee move up subscribe



Check if the coordinates of the mouse is in a dojo target.

Parameter Type Description
coords Object

Coordinates of the mouse.


Check if a dojo area is registered.

Parameter Type Description
area DOMNode

A node corresponding to the target dojo.

Returns:any | number

The index of area if it's registered else -1.


Initialize the coordinates of the target dojo.

Parameter Type Description
area DOMNode

A registered DOM node.

Returns:any | object | null

An object which contains coordinates : {x:0,y:,x1:0,y1:0}


Return true if the dragged node is accepted. This method has to be overwritten according to registered target.

Parameter Type Description
draggedNode DOMNode
target Object

Refresh the coordinates of all registered dojo target.


Refresh the coordinates of registered dojo target with a specific type.

Parameter Type Description
type String

A String to identify dojo targets.


Register a target dojo. The target is represented by an object containing :

  • the dojo area node
  • the type reference to identify a group node
  • the coords of the area to enable refresh position
Parameter Type Description
area DOMNode

The DOM node which has to be registered.

type String

A String to identify the node.

dojoTarget Boolean

True if the dojo D&D have to be enable when mouse is hover the registered target dojo.


Unregister all targets dojo.


Unregister a target dojo.

Parameter Type Description
area DOMNode

The DOM node of target dojo.


Unregister several targets dojo having the same type passing in parameter.

Parameter Type Description
type String

A String to identify dojo targets.



Call when the mouse enters in a registered dojo target.

Parameter Type Description
e DOMEvent

The current Javascript Event.


Call when the mouse exit of a registered dojo target.

Parameter Type Description
e DOMEvent

current javscript event


Called when an onmouseup event is loaded on a registered target dojo.

Parameter Type Description
e DOMEvent

Event object.


Call when the mouse moving after an onStartDrag of AreaManger. Check if the coordinates of the mouse is in a dojo target.

Parameter Type Description
e DOMEvent

Event object.

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