dojox/widget/Dialog (version 1.10)


A Lightbox-like Modal-dialog for HTML Content

An HTML-capable Dialog widget with advanced sizing options, animated show/hide and other useful options.

This Dialog is also very easy to apply custom styles to.

It works identically to a dijit.Dialog with several additional parameters.


var foo = new Dialog(props,node);
Parameter Type Description
props undefined
node undefined

See the dojox/widget/Dialog reference documentation for more information.

Property Summary

  • dimensionsA two-element array of [width,height] to animate the Dialog to if sizeToViewport="false" Defaults to [300,300]
  • draggableMake the pane draggable.
  • easingAn easing function to apply to the sizing animation.
  • modalIf true, this Dialog instance will be truly modal and prevent closing until explicitly told to by calling hide() - Defaults to false to preserve previous behaviors.
  • showTitleToogle to show or hide the Title area.
  • sizeDurationTime (in ms) to use in the Animation for sizing.
  • sizeMethodTo be passed to dojox.fx.sizeTo, one of "chain" or "combine" to effect the animation sequence.
  • sizeToViewportIf true, fix the size of the dialog to the Viewport based on viewportPadding value rather than the calculated or natural style.
  • templateString
  • viewportPaddingIf sizeToViewport="true", this is the amount of padding in pixels to leave between the dialog border and the viewport edge.

Method Summary

  • _handleNav(e) Handle's showing or hiding the close icon
  • _position()
  • _setSize() cache and set our desired end position
  • _setup() Piggyback on dijit.Dialog's _setup for load-time options, deferred to
  • _showContent(e) Show the inner container after sizing animation
  • layout(e)
  • show()


Defined by: dojox/widget/Dialog

A two-element array of [width,height] to animate the Dialog to if sizeToViewport="false" Defaults to [300,300]

Defined by: dojox/widget/Dialog

Make the pane draggable. Differs from dijit.Dialog by setting default to false

Defined by: dojox/widget/Dialog

An easing function to apply to the sizing animation.

Defined by: dojox/widget/Dialog

If true, this Dialog instance will be truly modal and prevent closing until explicitly told to by calling hide() - Defaults to false to preserve previous behaviors.

Defined by: dojox/widget/Dialog

Toogle to show or hide the Title area. Can only be set at startup.

Defined by: dojox/widget/Dialog

Time (in ms) to use in the Animation for sizing.

Defined by: dojox/widget/Dialog

To be passed to dojox.fx.sizeTo, one of "chain" or "combine" to effect the animation sequence.

Defined by: dojox/widget/Dialog

If true, fix the size of the dialog to the Viewport based on viewportPadding value rather than the calculated or natural style. If false, base the size on a passed dimension attribute. Either way, the viewportPadding value is used if the the content extends beyond the viewport size for whatever reason.

Defined by: dojox/widget/Dialog
Defined by: dojox/widget/Dialog

If sizeToViewport="true", this is the amount of padding in pixels to leave between the dialog border and the viewport edge. This value is also used when sizeToViewport="false" and dimensions exceeded by dialog content to ensure dialog does not go outside viewport boundary


Defined by dojox/widget/Dialog

Handle's showing or hiding the close icon

Parameter Type Description
e undefined
Defined by dojox/widget/Dialog
Defined by dojox/widget/Dialog

cache and set our desired end position

Defined by dojox/widget/Dialog

Piggyback on dijit.Dialog's _setup for load-time options, deferred to

Defined by dojox/widget/Dialog

Show the inner container after sizing animation

Parameter Type Description
e undefined
Defined by dojox/widget/Dialog
Parameter Type Description
e undefined
Defined by dojox/widget/Dialog
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