dojox/widget/Roller.RollerSlide (version 1.10)


An add-on to the Roller to modify animations. This produces a slide-from-bottom like effect. See dojox.widget.Roller for full API information.

See the dojox/widget/Roller.RollerSlide reference documentation for more information.

Property Summary

  • _idxIndex of the the currently visible item in the list of items[]
  • autoStartToggle to control starup behavior.
  • delayInterval between rolls
  • durationInSpeed (in ms) to apply to the "in" animation (show the node)
  • durationOut
  • itemsIf populated prior to instantiation, is used as the Items over the children
  • itemSelectorA CSS selector to be used by dojo.query to find the children items in this widget.

Method Summary


Defined by: dojox/widget/Roller

Index of the the currently visible item in the list of items[]

Defined by: dojox/widget/Roller

Toggle to control starup behavior. Call .start() manually if set to false

Defined by: dojox/widget/Roller

Interval between rolls

Defined by: dojox/widget/Roller

Speed (in ms) to apply to the "in" animation (show the node)

Defined by: dojox/widget/Roller
Defined by: dojox/widget/Roller

If populated prior to instantiation, is used as the Items over the children

Defined by: dojox/widget/Roller

A CSS selector to be used by dojo.query to find the children items in this widget. Defaults to "> li", finding only first-children list-items in the list, allowing for embedded lists to occur.


Defined by dojox/widget/Roller
Defined by dojox/widget/Roller

Set the Roller to some passed index. If beyond range, go to first.

Parameter Type Description
i undefined
Defined by dojox/widget/Roller

setup the loop connection logic

Defined by dojox/widget/Roller

Animation creator function. Need to create an 'in' and 'out' Animation stored in _anim Object, which the rest of the widget will reuse.

Defined by dojox/widget/Roller
Defined by dojox/widget/Roller

Starts to Roller looping

Defined by dojox/widget/Roller

Stops the Roller from looping anymore.

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