dojox/widget/Roller._Hover (version 1.10)


A mixin class to provide a way to automate the "stop on hover" functionality.

A mixin class used to provide a way to automate a "stop on hover" behavior, while still allowing for ambiguous subclassing for custom animations. Simply mix this class into a dojox.widget.Roller variant, and instantiate as you would. The hover connection is done automatically.

The "hover" functionality is as such: Stop rotation while the mouse is over the instance, and resume again once leaving. Even if autoStart is disabled, the widget will start if a mouse enters and leaves the node in this case.

See the dojox/widget/Roller._Hover reference documentation for more information.


Example 1

dojo.declare("my.Roller", [Roller.RollerSlide, Roller._Hover], {});
new my.Roller({}, "myList");

Method Summary


Defined by dojox/widget/Roller
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