StringIO View Source

Controls an IO device process that wraps a string.

A StringIO IO device can be passed as a "device" to most of the functions in the IO module.


iex> {:ok, pid} ="foo")
iex>, 2)

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Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor

Stops the IO device and returns the remaining input/output buffers

Returns the current input/output buffers for the given IO device

Flushes the output buffer and returns its current contents

Creates an IO device

Link to this section Functions

Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

See Supervisor.

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close(pid) View Source
close(pid()) :: {:ok, {binary(), binary()}}

Stops the IO device and returns the remaining input/output buffers.


iex> {:ok, pid} ="in")
iex> IO.write(pid, "out")
iex> StringIO.close(pid)
{:ok, {"in", "out"}}
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contents(pid) View Source
contents(pid()) :: {binary(), binary()}

Returns the current input/output buffers for the given IO device.


iex> {:ok, pid} ="in")
iex> IO.write(pid, "out")
iex> StringIO.contents(pid)
{"in", "out"}

Flushes the output buffer and returns its current contents.


iex> {:ok, pid} ="in")
iex> IO.write(pid, "out")
iex> StringIO.flush(pid)
iex> StringIO.contents(pid)
{"in", ""}
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open(string, options_or_function \\ []) View Source
open(binary(), keyword()) :: {:ok, pid()}
open(binary(), (pid() -> res)) :: {:ok, res} when res: var

Creates an IO device.

string will be the initial input of the newly created device.

options_or_function can be a keyword list of options or a function.

If options are provided, the result will be {:ok, pid}, returning the IO device created. The option :capture_prompt, when set to true, causes prompts (which are specified as arguments to IO.get* functions) to be included in the device's output.

If a function is provided, the device will be created and sent to the function. When the function returns, the device will be closed. The final result will be a tuple with :ok and the result of the function.


iex> {:ok, pid} ="foo")
iex> IO.gets(pid, ">")
iex> StringIO.contents(pid)
{"", ""}

iex> {:ok, pid} ="foo", capture_prompt: true)
iex> IO.gets(pid, ">")
iex> StringIO.contents(pid)
{"", ">"}

iex>"foo", fn pid ->
...>   input = IO.gets(pid, ">")
...>   IO.write(pid, "The input was #{input}")
...>   StringIO.contents(pid)
...> end)
{:ok, {"", "The input was foo"}}
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open(string, options, function) View Source (since 1.7.0)
open(binary(), keyword(), (pid() -> res)) :: {:ok, res} when res: var

Creates an IO device.

string will be the initial input of the newly created device.

If the :capture_prompt option is set to true, prompts (specified as arguments to IO.get* functions) are captured in the output.

The device will be created and sent to the function given. When the function returns, the device will be closed. The final result will be a tuple with :ok and the result of the function.


iex>"foo", [], fn pid ->
...>   input = IO.gets(pid, ">")
...>   IO.write(pid, "The input was #{input}")
...>   StringIO.contents(pid)
...> end)
{:ok, {"", "The input was foo"}}

iex>"foo", [capture_prompt: true], fn pid ->
...>   input = IO.gets(pid, ">")
...>   IO.write(pid, "The input was #{input}")
...>   StringIO.contents(pid)
...> end)
{:ok, {"", ">The input was foo"}}