char* DASHContext::base_url |
Definition at line 124 of file dashdec.c.
Referenced by dash_close(), open_input(), parse_manifest(), and refresh_manifest().
int DASHContext::n_videos |
Definition at line 126 of file dashdec.c.
Referenced by dash_read_packet(), dash_read_seek(), free_video_list(), parse_manifest_representation(), and refresh_manifest().
struct representation** DASHContext::videos |
Definition at line 127 of file dashdec.c.
Referenced by dash_read_packet(), dash_read_seek(), free_video_list(), parse_manifest_representation(), and refresh_manifest().
int DASHContext::n_audios |
Definition at line 128 of file dashdec.c.
Referenced by dash_read_packet(), dash_read_seek(), free_audio_list(), parse_manifest_representation(), and refresh_manifest().
struct representation** DASHContext::audios |
Definition at line 129 of file dashdec.c.
Referenced by dash_read_packet(), dash_read_seek(), free_audio_list(), parse_manifest_representation(), and refresh_manifest().
uint64_t DASHContext::media_presentation_duration |
Definition at line 132 of file dashdec.c.
Referenced by calc_max_seg_no(), and parse_manifest().
uint64_t DASHContext::suggested_presentation_delay |
Definition at line 133 of file dashdec.c.
Referenced by calc_cur_seg_no(), and parse_manifest().
uint64_t DASHContext::availability_start_time |
Definition at line 134 of file dashdec.c.
Referenced by calc_cur_seg_no(), calc_max_seg_no(), calc_min_seg_no(), parse_manifest(), and write_manifest().
uint64_t DASHContext::publish_time |
Definition at line 135 of file dashdec.c.
Referenced by calc_cur_seg_no(), and parse_manifest().
uint64_t DASHContext::minimum_update_period |
Definition at line 136 of file dashdec.c.
Referenced by parse_manifest().
uint64_t DASHContext::time_shift_buffer_depth |
Definition at line 137 of file dashdec.c.
Referenced by calc_min_seg_no(), and parse_manifest().
uint64_t DASHContext::min_buffer_time |
Definition at line 138 of file dashdec.c.
Referenced by parse_manifest().
uint64_t DASHContext::period_duration |
Definition at line 141 of file dashdec.c.
Referenced by parse_manifest().
uint64_t DASHContext::period_start |
Definition at line 142 of file dashdec.c.
Referenced by parse_manifest().
int DASHContext::is_live |
Definition at line 144 of file dashdec.c.
Referenced by calc_cur_seg_no(), calc_max_seg_no(), calc_min_seg_no(), dash_read_seek(), get_current_fragment(), parse_manifest(), read_data(), reopen_demux_for_component(), and set_httpheader_options().
AVIOInterruptCB* DASHContext::interrupt_callback |
Definition at line 145 of file dashdec.c.
Referenced by dash_read_packet(), get_current_fragment(), open_url(), parse_manifest(), and read_data().
char* DASHContext::user_agent |
holds HTTP user agent set as an AVOption to the HTTP protocol context
Definition at line 146 of file dashdec.c.
Referenced by dash_close(), set_http_options(), and set_httpheader_options().
char* DASHContext::cookies |
holds HTTP cookie values set in either the initial response or as an AVOption to the HTTP protocol context
Definition at line 147 of file dashdec.c.
Referenced by dash_close(), open_url(), and set_httpheader_options().
char* DASHContext::headers |
holds HTTP headers set as an AVOption to the HTTP protocol context
Definition at line 148 of file dashdec.c.
Referenced by set_httpheader_options().
char* DASHContext::allowed_extensions |
Definition at line 149 of file dashdec.c.
Referenced by open_url().
AVDictionary* DASHContext::avio_opts |
Definition at line 150 of file dashdec.c.
Referenced by dash_close(), open_input(), and save_avio_options().
int DASHContext::max_url_size |
Definition at line 151 of file dashdec.c.
Referenced by get_current_fragment(), open_input(), parse_manifest_representation(), and parse_manifest_segmenturlnode().
char* DASHContext::adaptation_sets |
Definition at line 92 of file dashenc.c.
Referenced by parse_adaptation_sets().
AdaptationSet* DASHContext::as |
Definition at line 93 of file dashenc.c.
Referenced by adaptation_set_add_stream(), add_adaptation_set(), dash_free(), dash_init(), parse_adaptation_sets(), and write_adaptation_set().
int DASHContext::nb_as |
Definition at line 94 of file dashenc.c.
Referenced by add_adaptation_set(), dash_free(), parse_adaptation_sets(), and write_manifest().
int DASHContext::window_size |
Definition at line 95 of file dashenc.c.
Referenced by dash_flush(), output_segment_list(), and write_manifest().
int DASHContext::extra_window_size |
Definition at line 96 of file dashenc.c.
Referenced by dash_flush().
int DASHContext::min_seg_duration |
Definition at line 97 of file dashenc.c.
Referenced by dash_init(), and dash_write_packet().
int DASHContext::remove_at_exit |
Definition at line 98 of file dashenc.c.
Referenced by dash_flush(), and dash_write_trailer().
int DASHContext::use_template |
Definition at line 99 of file dashenc.c.
Referenced by dash_init(), dash_write_packet(), output_segment_list(), and write_manifest().
int DASHContext::use_timeline |
Definition at line 100 of file dashenc.c.
Referenced by dash_write_packet(), output_segment_list(), and write_manifest().
int DASHContext::single_file |
Definition at line 101 of file dashenc.c.
Referenced by dash_flush(), dash_init(), dash_write_packet(), flush_init_segment(), and output_segment_list().
OutputStream* DASHContext::streams |
Definition at line 102 of file dashenc.c.
Referenced by adaptation_set_add_stream(), dash_check_bitstream(), dash_flush(), dash_free(), dash_init(), dash_write_header(), dash_write_packet(), dash_write_trailer(), parse_adaptation_sets(), write_adaptation_set(), and write_manifest().
int DASHContext::has_video |
Definition at line 103 of file dashenc.c.
Referenced by dash_flush(), dash_init(), and dash_write_packet().
int64_t DASHContext::last_duration |
Definition at line 104 of file dashenc.c.
Referenced by dash_write_packet(), dash_write_trailer(), output_segment_list(), and write_manifest().
int64_t DASHContext::total_duration |
Definition at line 105 of file dashenc.c.
Referenced by dash_write_packet(), dash_write_trailer(), and write_manifest().
char DASHContext::dirname[1024] |
Definition at line 107 of file dashenc.c.
Referenced by dash_flush(), dash_init(), dash_write_packet(), dash_write_trailer(), output_segment_list(), and write_manifest().
const char* DASHContext::single_file_name |
Definition at line 108 of file dashenc.c.
Referenced by dash_init().
const char* DASHContext::init_seg_name |
Definition at line 109 of file dashenc.c.
Referenced by dash_init(), and output_segment_list().
const char* DASHContext::media_seg_name |
Definition at line 110 of file dashenc.c.
Referenced by dash_write_packet(), and output_segment_list().
const char* DASHContext::utc_timing_url |
Definition at line 111 of file dashenc.c.
Referenced by write_manifest().
const char* DASHContext::method |
Definition at line 112 of file dashenc.c.
Referenced by set_http_options().
int DASHContext::hls_playlist |
Definition at line 114 of file dashenc.c.
Referenced by output_segment_list(), and write_manifest().
int DASHContext::http_persistent |
Definition at line 115 of file dashenc.c.
Referenced by dashenc_io_close(), dashenc_io_open(), and set_http_options().
int DASHContext::master_playlist_created |
Definition at line 116 of file dashenc.c.
Referenced by write_manifest().
AVIOContext* DASHContext::mpd_out |
Definition at line 117 of file dashenc.c.
Referenced by dash_free(), and write_manifest().
AVIOContext* DASHContext::m3u8_out |
Definition at line 118 of file dashenc.c.
Referenced by dash_free(), and output_segment_list().
int DASHContext::streaming |
Definition at line 119 of file dashenc.c.
Referenced by dash_init(), and dash_write_packet().
int64_t DASHContext::timeout |
Definition at line 120 of file dashenc.c.
Referenced by set_http_options().