Utility class for generating and validating Luhn numbers.
This generator returns a default value for all called properties and methods. It works with Faker\Generator\Base->optional().
Service class for populating a table through a Doctrine Entity class.
Service class for populating a database using the Doctrine ORM or ODM.
Service class for populating a table through a Mandango ActiveRecord class.
Service class for populating a database using Mandango.
Service class for populating a table through a Propel ActiveRecord class.
Service class for populating a database using the Propel ORM.
Service class for populating a table through a Propel ActiveRecord class.
Service class for populating a database using the Propel ORM.
Service class for populating a table through a Spot Entity class.
Service class for populating a database using the Spot ORM.
Depends on image generation from
Class Payment
Czech months and days without setting locale
Class Address
Extend US class since most fields share the same format
Class Company.
Most popular first and last names published by Ministry of the Interior:
Proxy for other generators, to return only unique values. Works with Faker\Generator\Base->unique()
Proxy for other generators, to return only valid values. Works with Faker\Generator\Base->valid()