build: Index | Files | Directories

package build

import ""

Package build contains constants for the Go continous build system.


Package Files



const DevCoordinatorCA = "" /* 957 byte string literal not displayed */

DevCoordinatorCA is the cert used by the coordinator and buildlet in development mode. (Not to be confused with the staging "dev" instance under GCE project "go-dashboard-dev")

const DevCoordinatorKey = "" /* 1676 byte string literal not displayed */

DevCoordinatorKey is the key used by the coordinator and buildlet in development mode. (Not to be confused with the staging "dev" instance under GCE project "go-dashboard-dev")

const ProdCoordinatorCA = "" /* 1116 byte string literal not displayed */

ProdCoordinatorCA is the production CA cert for

const StagingCoordinatorCA = "" /* 1075 byte string literal not displayed */

StagingCoordinatorCA is the cert used on GCE for the go-dashboard-dev project.

type CoordinatorInstance

type CoordinatorInstance string

CoordinatorInstance is either "prod", "staging", or "localhost:<port>".

const (
    ProdCoordinator    CoordinatorInstance = "prod"
    StagingCoordinator CoordinatorInstance = "staging"

func (CoordinatorInstance) CACert

func (ci CoordinatorInstance) CACert() string

CACert returns the public certificate of the CA used to sign this coordinator instance's certificate.

func (CoordinatorInstance) TLSDialer

func (ci CoordinatorInstance) TLSDialer() func(network, addr string) (net.Conn, error)

func (CoordinatorInstance) TLSHostPort

func (ci CoordinatorInstance) TLSHostPort() (string, error)


authPackage auth contains shared code related to OAuth2 and obtaining tokens for a project.
buildenvPackage buildenv contains definitions for the environments the Go build system can run in.
buildletPackage buildlet contains client tools for working with a buildlet server.
cmd/builderGo Builder is a continuous build client for the Go project.
cmd/buildletThe buildlet is an HTTP server that untars content to disk and runs commands it has untarred, streaming their output back over HTTP.
cmd/buildlet/stage0The stage0 command looks up the buildlet's URL from its environment (GCE metadata service, scaleway, etc), downloads it, and runs it.
cmd/clCL prints a list of open Go code reviews (also known as change lists, or CLs).
cmd/coordinatorThe coordinator runs the majority of the Go build system.
cmd/docker2bootThe docker2boot command converts a Docker image into a bootable GCE VM image.
cmd/fetchlogsFetchlogs downloads build failure logs from the Go dashboard so they can be accessed and searched from the local file system.
cmd/genbootstrapThe genbootstrap command prepares GO_BOOTSTRAP tarballs suitable for use on builders.
cmd/gomoteThe gomote command is a client for the Go builder infrastructure.
cmd/pushbackCommand pushback is a service that monitors a set of GitHub repositories for incoming Pull Requests, replies with contribution instructions, and closes the request.
cmd/racebuildracebuild builds the race runtime (syso files) on all supported OSes using gomote.
cmd/releaseCommand release builds a Go release.
cmd/retrybuildsThe retrybuilds command clears build failures from the dashboard to force them to be rebuilt.
cmd/scalewayThe scaleway command creates ARM servers on
cmd/uploadThe upload command writes a file to Google Cloud Storage.
dashboardPackage dashboard contains shared configuration and logic used by various pieces of the Go continuous build system.
envutilPackage envutil provides utilities for working with environment variables.
gerritPackage gerrit contains code to interact with Gerrit servers.
internal/loghashPackage loghash provides the shared information for computing a log hash (as in
internal/lruPackage lru implements an LRU cache.
internal/singleflightPackage singleflight provides a duplicate function call suppression mechanism.
kubernetesPackage kubernetes contains a minimal client for the Kubernetes API.
kubernetes/apiPackage api contains the Kubernetes v1 API types.
livelogPackage livelog provides a buffer that can be simultaneously written to by one writer and read from by many readers.
pargzipPackage pargzip contains a parallel gzip writer implementation.
revdialPackage revdial implements a Dialer and Listener which work together to turn an accepted connection (for instance, a Hijacked HTTP request) into a Dialer which can then create net.Conns connecting back to the original dialer, which then gets a net.Listener accepting those conns.
tarutilPackage tarutil contains utilities for working with tar archives.
typesPackage types contains common types used by the Go continuous build system.

Package build imports 6 packages (graph) and is imported by 5 packages. Updated 6 days ago. Refresh now. Tools for package owners.