build: Index | Files

package buildenv

import ""

Package buildenv contains definitions for the environments the Go build system can run in.


Package Files



var Development = &Environment{
    IsProd:   false,
    StaticIP: "",
var Production = &Environment{
    ProjectName:     "symbolic-datum-552",
    IsProd:          true,
    Zone:            "us-central1-f",
    ZonesToClean:    []string{"us-central1-f"},
    StaticIP:        "",
    MachineType:     "n1-standard-4",
    KubeMinNodes:    3,
    KubeMaxNodes:    5,
    KubeName:        "buildlets",
    KubeMachineType: "n1-standard-32",
    CoordinatorURL:  "",
    CoordinatorName: "farmer",
    BuildletBucket:  "go-builder-data",
    LogBucket:       "go-build-log",
    SnapBucket:      "go-build-snap",

Production defines the environment that the coordinator and build infrastructure is deployed to for production usage at

var Staging = &Environment{
    ProjectName:     "go-dashboard-dev",
    IsProd:          true,
    Zone:            "us-central1-f",
    ZonesToClean:    []string{"us-central1-a", "us-central1-b", "us-central1-f"},
    StaticIP:        "",
    MachineType:     "n1-standard-1",
    KubeMinNodes:    1,
    KubeMaxNodes:    2,
    KubeName:        "buildlets",
    KubeMachineType: "n1-standard-32",
    CoordinatorURL:  "",
    CoordinatorName: "farmer",
    BuildletBucket:  "dev-go-builder-data",
    LogBucket:       "dev-go-build-log",
    SnapBucket:      "dev-go-build-snap",

Staging defines the environment that the coordinator and build infrastructure is deployed to before it is released to production. For local dev, override the project with the program's flag to set a custom project.

type Environment

type Environment struct {
    // The GCP project name that the build infrastructure will be provisioned in.
    // This field may be overridden as necessary without impacting other fields.
    ProjectName string

    // The IsProd flag indicates whether production functionality should be
    // enabled. When true, GCE and Kubernetes builders are enabled and the
    // coordinator serves on 443. Otherwise, GCE and Kubernetes builders are
    // disabled and the coordinator serves on 8119.
    IsProd bool

    // Zone is the GCE zone that the coordinator instance and Kubernetes cluster
    // will run in. This field may be overridden as necessary without impacting
    // other fields.
    Zone string

    // ZonesToClean are the GCE zones that will be periodically cleaned by
    // deleting old VMs. The zero value means that no cleaning will occur.
    // This field is optional.
    ZonesToClean []string

    // StaticIP is the public, static IP address that will be attached to the
    // coordinator instance. The zero value means the address will be looked
    // up by name. This field is optional.
    StaticIP string

    // MachineType is the GCE machine type to use for the coordinator.
    MachineType string

    // KubeMinNodes is the minimum number of nodes in the Kubernetes cluster.
    // The autoscaler will ensure that at least this many nodes is always
    // running despite any scale-down decision.
    KubeMinNodes int64

    // KubeMaxNodes is the maximum number of nodes that the autoscaler can
    // provision in the Kubernetes cluster.
    // If KubeMaxNodes is 0, Kubernetes is not used.
    KubeMaxNodes int64

    // KubeMachineType is the GCE machine type to use for the Kubernetes cluster nodes.
    KubeMachineType string

    // KubeName is the name of the Kubernetes cluster that will be created.
    KubeName string

    // KubePassword is the admin password for the Kubernetes cluster. Its value
    // will be set to a random value at runtime.
    KubePassword string

    // CoordinatorURL is the location from which the coordinator
    // binary will be downloaded.
    // This is only used by cmd/coordinator/buildongce/create.go when
    // creating the coordinator VM from scratch.
    CoordinatorURL string

    // CoordinatorName is the hostname of the coordinator instance.
    CoordinatorName string

    // BuildletBucket is the GCS bucket that stores buildlet binaries.
    // TODO: rename. this is not just for buildlets; also for bootstrap.
    BuildletBucket string

    // LogBucket is the GCS bucket to which logs are written.
    LogBucket string

    // SnapBucket is the GCS bucket to which snapshots of
    // completed builds (after make.bash, before tests) are
    // written.
    SnapBucket string

    // MaxBuilds is the maximum number of concurrent builds that
    // can run. Zero means unlimit. This is typically only used
    // in a development or staging environment.
    MaxBuilds int

Environment describes the configuration of the infrastructure for a coordinator and its buildlet resources running on Google Cloud Platform. Staging and Production are the two common build environments.

func ByProjectID

func ByProjectID(projectID string) *Environment

ByProjectID returns an Environment for the specified project ID. It is currently limited to the symbolic-datum-552 and go-dashboard-dev projects. ByProjectID will panic if the project ID is not known.

func (Environment) ComputePrefix

func (e Environment) ComputePrefix() string

ComputePrefix returns the URI prefix for Compute Engine resources in a project.

func (Environment) MachineTypeURI

func (e Environment) MachineTypeURI() string

MachineTypeURI returns the URI for the environment's Machine Type.

func (Environment) Region

func (e Environment) Region() string

Region returns the GCE region, derived from its zone.

Package buildenv imports 2 packages (graph) and is imported by 7 packages. Updated a day ago. Refresh now. Tools for package owners.