
API Documentation:MavenArtifact

An artifact published as part of a MavenPublication.



Returns a dependency which contains the tasks which build this artifact. All Buildable implementations must ensure that the returned dependency object is live, so that it tracks changes to the dependencies of this buildable.


The classifier used to publish the artifact file. A null value (the default) indicates that this artifact will be published without a classifier.


The extension used to publish the artifact file, never null. For an artifact without an extension, this value will be an empty String.


The actual file contents to publish.



Registers some tasks which build this artifact.

Script blocks

No script blocks

Property details

TaskDependency buildDependencies (read-only)

Returns a dependency which contains the tasks which build this artifact. All Buildable implementations must ensure that the returned dependency object is live, so that it tracks changes to the dependencies of this buildable.

String classifier

The classifier used to publish the artifact file. A null value (the default) indicates that this artifact will be published without a classifier.

String extension

The extension used to publish the artifact file, never null. For an artifact without an extension, this value will be an empty String.

File file (read-only)

The actual file contents to publish.

Method details

void builtBy(Object... tasks)

Registers some tasks which build this artifact.