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Buttons are simple components in Ionic. They can consist of text and icons and be enhanced by a wide range of attributes.


selector: button:not([ion-item]),[button]


Attribute Description
outline A transparent button with a border.
clear A transparent button without a border.
round A button with rounded corners.
block A button that fills its parent container with a border-radius.
full A button that fills its parent container without a border-radius or borders on the left/right.
small A button with size small.
large A button with size large.
disabled A disabled button.
fab A floating action button.
fab-left Position a fab button to the left.
fab-right Position a fab button to the right.
fab-center Position a fab button towards the center.
fab-top Position a fab button towards the top.
fab-bottom Position a fab button towards the bottom.
color Dynamically set which predefined color this button should use (e.g. default, secondary, danger, etc).

Input Properties

Attr Type Details
category string

The category of the button.

large string

Large button.

small string

Small button.

default string

Default button.

outline string

A transparent button with a border.

clear string

A transparent button without a border.

solid string

Force a solid button. Useful for buttons within an item.

round string

A button with rounded corners.

block string

A button that fills its parent container with a border-radius.

full string

A button that fills its parent container without a border-radius or borders on the left/right.

color string

Dynamically set which predefined color this button should use (e.g. default, secondary, danger, etc).


Button Component Docs


