

This feature is non-standard and is not on a standards track. Do not use it on production sites facing the Web: it will not work for every user. There may also be large incompatibilities between implementations and the behavior may change in the future.

The BluetoothDevice interface of the Web Bluetooth API represents a Bluetooth device inside a particular script execution environment.


// Allocation authorities for Vendor IDs:
enum VendorIDSource {

interface BluetoothDevice {
  readonly attribute DOMString id;
  readonly attribute DOMString? name;
  readonly attribute BluetoothAdvertisingData adData;
  readonly attribute unsigned long? deviceClass;
  readonly attribute VendorIDSource? vendorIDSource;
  readonly attribute unsigned long? vendorID;
  readonly attribute unsigned long? productID;
  readonly attribute unsigned long? productVersion;
  readonly attribute boolean paired;
  readonly attribute BluetoothGATTRemoteServer? gattServer;
  readonly attribute UUID[] uuids;
  Promise connectGATT();
BluetoothDevice implements EventTarget;
BluetoothDevice implements CharacteristicEventHandlers;
BluetoothDevice implements ServiceEventHandlers;

Properties Read only
A DOMString that uniquely identifies a device. Read only
A DOMString that provices a human-readable name for the device.
BluetoothDevice.adData Read only
An instance of BluetoothAdvertisingData containing the most recent advertising data received for the device.
BluetoothDevice.deviceClass Read only
A number representing the Bluetooth devices "Class of Device".
BluetoothDevice.vendorIDSource Read only
The Vendor ID Source field in the pnp_id characteristic in the device_information service.
BluetoothDevice.vendorID Read only
The 16-bit Vendor ID field in the pnp_id characteristic in the device_information service.
BluetoothDevice.productID Read only
The 16-bit Product ID field in the pnp_id characteristic in the device_information service.
BluetoothDevice.productVersion Read only
The 16-bit Product Version field in the pnp_id characteristic in the device_information service.
BluetoothDevice.paired Read only
A Boolean value indicating whether the device is paired with the system.
BluetoothDevice.gattServer Read only
A reference to the device's GATT server or null if the device is disconnected.
BluetoothDevice.uuids Read only
Lists the UUID's of GATT services provided by the device, that the current origin is allowed to access.


A Promise that resolves to an instance of BluetoothGATTRemoteServer.


Specification Status Comment
Web Bluetooth
The definition of 'BluetoothDevice' in that specification.
Draft Initial definition.

Browser Compatibility

Feature Chrome Firefox (Gecko) Internet Explorer Opera Safari (WebKit)
Basic support 45.0 [1]        
Feature Android Android Webview Firefox Mobile (Gecko) Firefox OS IE Mobile Opera Mobile Safari Mobile Chrome for Android
Basic support Not supported Not supported           Not supported

[1] Behind a flag.  Chrome OS only.

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: jpmedley, chrisdavidmills
 Last updated by: jpmedley,