
The StyleSheetList interface represents a list of StyleSheet.

It is an array-like object but can't be iterated over using Array methods. However It can be iterated over in a standard for loop over its indices, or converted to an Array.


Get document styleSheet objects with for loop

for (var i=0; i < document.styleSheets.length; i++){
  var styleSheet = document.styleSheets[i];

Get all CSS rules for the document using Array methods

var allCSS = 
        .reduce(function (prev, styleSheet) {
            if (styleSheet.cssRules) {
                return prev +
                        .reduce(function (prev, cssRule) {
                            return prev + cssRule.cssText;
            } else {
                return prev;
        }, '');

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: KthProg, groovecoder, teoli, Reachmeatshivam, kscarfone, ethertank, Sheppy, Zig
 Last updated by: KthProg,