Class Shape3D

    • Constructor Detail

      • Shape3D

        protected Shape3D​()
    • Method Detail

      • setMaterial

        public final void setMaterial​(Material value)
        Sets the value of the property material.
        Property description:
        Defines the material this Shape3D. The default material is null. If Material is null, a PhongMaterial with a diffuse color of Color.LIGHTGRAY is used for rendering.
        Default value:
      • getMaterial

        public final Material getMaterial​()
        Gets the value of the property material.
        Property description:
        Defines the material this Shape3D. The default material is null. If Material is null, a PhongMaterial with a diffuse color of Color.LIGHTGRAY is used for rendering.
        Default value:
      • materialProperty

        public final ObjectProperty<Material> materialProperty​()
        Defines the material this Shape3D. The default material is null. If Material is null, a PhongMaterial with a diffuse color of Color.LIGHTGRAY is used for rendering.
        Default value:
        See Also:
        getMaterial(), setMaterial(Material)
      • setDrawMode

        public final void setDrawMode​(DrawMode value)
        Sets the value of the property drawMode.
        Property description:
        Defines the draw mode used to render this Shape3D. DrawMode.LINE is not available on embedded platforms. If drawMode is set to DrawMode.LINE on an embedded platform the default value of DrawMode.FILL will be used instead.
        Default value:
      • getDrawMode

        public final DrawMode getDrawMode​()
        Gets the value of the property drawMode.
        Property description:
        Defines the draw mode used to render this Shape3D. DrawMode.LINE is not available on embedded platforms. If drawMode is set to DrawMode.LINE on an embedded platform the default value of DrawMode.FILL will be used instead.
        Default value:
      • setCullFace

        public final void setCullFace​(CullFace value)
        Sets the value of the property cullFace.
        Property description:
        Defines the cullFace this Shape3D.
        Default value:
      • getCullFace

        public final CullFace getCullFace​()
        Gets the value of the property cullFace.
        Property description:
        Defines the cullFace this Shape3D.
        Default value: