Interface LineMap

  • public interface LineMap
    Provides methods to convert between character positions and line numbers for a compilation unit.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      long getColumnNumber​(long pos)
      Find the column for a character position.
      long getLineNumber​(long pos)
      Find the line containing a position; a line termination character is on the line it terminates.
    • Method Detail

      • getLineNumber

        long getLineNumber​(long pos)
        Find the line containing a position; a line termination character is on the line it terminates.
        pos - character offset of the position
        the line number of pos (first line is 1)
      • getColumnNumber

        long getColumnNumber​(long pos)
        Find the column for a character position. Tab characters preceding the position on the same line will be expanded when calculating the column number.
        pos - character offset of the position
        the tab-expanded column number of pos (first column is 1)