class JHtmlActionsDropdown

HTML utility class for building a dropdown menu


static  string
render( string $item = '')

Method to render current dropdown menu

static  void
publish( string $id, string $prefix = '')

Append a publish item to the current dropdown menu

static  void
unpublish( string $id, string $prefix = '')

Append an unpublish item to the current dropdown menu

static  void
feature( string $id, string $prefix = '')

Append a feature item to the current dropdown menu

static  void
unfeature( string $id, string $prefix = '')

Append an unfeature item to the current dropdown menu

static  void
archive( string $id, string $prefix = '')

Append an archive item to the current dropdown menu

static  void
unarchive( string $id, string $prefix = '')

Append an unarchive item to the current dropdown menu

static  void
duplicate( string $id, string $prefix = '')

Append a duplicate item to the current dropdown menu

static  void
trash( string $id, string $prefix = '')

Append a trash item to the current dropdown menu

static  void
untrash( string $id, string $prefix = '')

Append an untrash item to the current dropdown menu

static  void

Writes a divider between dropdown items

static  void
addCustomItem( string $label, string $icon = '', string $id = '', string $task = '')

Append a custom item to current dropdown menu.


static string render( string $item = '')

Method to render current dropdown menu


string $item An item to render.

Return Value

string HTML markup for the dropdown list

static void publish( string $id, string $prefix = '')

Append a publish item to the current dropdown menu


string $id ID of corresponding checkbox of the record
string $prefix The task prefix

Return Value


static void unpublish( string $id, string $prefix = '')

Append an unpublish item to the current dropdown menu


string $id ID of corresponding checkbox of the record
string $prefix The task prefix

Return Value


static void feature( string $id, string $prefix = '')

Append a feature item to the current dropdown menu


string $id ID of corresponding checkbox of the record
string $prefix The task prefix

Return Value


static void unfeature( string $id, string $prefix = '')

Append an unfeature item to the current dropdown menu


string $id ID of corresponding checkbox of the record
string $prefix The task prefix

Return Value


static void archive( string $id, string $prefix = '')

Append an archive item to the current dropdown menu


string $id ID of corresponding checkbox of the record
string $prefix The task prefix

Return Value


static void unarchive( string $id, string $prefix = '')

Append an unarchive item to the current dropdown menu


string $id ID of corresponding checkbox of the record
string $prefix The task prefix

Return Value


static void duplicate( string $id, string $prefix = '')

Append a duplicate item to the current dropdown menu


string $id ID of corresponding checkbox of the record
string $prefix The task prefix

Return Value


static void trash( string $id, string $prefix = '')

Append a trash item to the current dropdown menu


string $id ID of corresponding checkbox of the record
string $prefix The task prefix

Return Value


static void untrash( string $id, string $prefix = '')

Append an untrash item to the current dropdown menu


string $id ID of corresponding checkbox of the record
string $prefix The task prefix

Return Value


static void divider()

Writes a divider between dropdown items

Return Value


static void addCustomItem( string $label, string $icon = '', string $id = '', string $task = '')

Append a custom item to current dropdown menu.


string $label The label of the item.
string $icon The icon classname.
string $id The item id.
string $task The task.

Return Value
