JApplication::afterSessionStart() — Method in class JApplication
After the session has been started we need to populate it with some default values.
JApplicationWebRouterBase::addMap() — Method in class JApplicationWebRouterBase
Add a route map to the router. If the pattern already exists it will be overwritten.
JApplicationWebRouterBase::addMaps() — Method in class JApplicationWebRouterBase
Add a route map to the router. If the pattern already exists it will be overwritten.
JArrayHelper::arrayUnique() — Method in class JArrayHelper
Multidimensional array safe unique test
JDatabaseDriver::alterDbCharacterSet() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Alter database's character set, obtaining query string from protected member.
JDatabaseDriver::alterTableCharacterSet() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Alter a table's character set, obtaining an array of queries to do so from a protected method. The conversion is wrapped in a transaction, if supported by the database driver. Otherwise the table will be locked before the conversion. This prevents data corruption.
JDatabaseDriver::addDisconnectHandler() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Adds a function callable just before disconnecting the database. Parameter of the callable is $this JDatabaseDriver
JDatabaseExporter::asXml() — Method in class JDatabaseExporter
Set the output option for the exporter to XML format.
JDatabaseImporter::asXml() — Method in class JDatabaseImporter
Set the output option for the exporter to XML format.
JDatabaseQuery::andWhere() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Extend the WHERE clause with an AND and a single condition or an array of conditions.
JDatabaseQueryElement::append() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryElement
Appends element parts to the internal list.
JError::addToStack() — Method in class JError
Method to add non-JError thrown JExceptions to the JError stack for debugging purposes
JError::attachHandler() — Method in class JError
Method that attaches the error handler to JError
JEventDispatcher::attach() — Method in class JEventDispatcher
Attach an observer object
JFormFieldList::addOption() — Method in class JFormFieldList
Method to add an option to the list field.
JGithubPackageIssuesLabels::add() — Method in class JGithubPackageIssuesLabels
Add labels to an issue.
JGithubPackageOrgsTeams::addMember() — Method in class JGithubPackageOrgsTeams
Add team member.
JGithubPackageOrgsTeams::addRepo() — Method in class JGithubPackageOrgsTeams
Add team repo.
JGithubPackageRepositoriesCollaborators::add() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositoriesCollaborators
Add collaborator.
JGithubPackageUsersEmails::add() — Method in class JGithubPackageUsersEmails
Add email address(es).
JGoogleAuth::authenticate() — Method in class JGoogleAuth
Abstract method to authenticate to Google
JGoogleAuthOauth2::authenticate() — Method in class JGoogleAuthOauth2
Method to authenticate to Google
JGoogleData::authenticate() — Method in class JGoogleData
Method to authenticate to Google
JGoogleDataCalendar::addCalendar() — Method in class JGoogleDataCalendar
Method to add a calendar to a user's Google Calendar list
JGoogleEmbedAnalytics::addCall() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedAnalytics
Add an analytics call
JGoogleEmbedAnalytics::addCustomVar() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedAnalytics
Add a custom variable to the analytics
JGoogleEmbedAnalytics::addEvent() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedAnalytics
Track an analytics event
JGoogleEmbedMaps::addEventHandler() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedMaps
Method to add an event handler to the map.
JGoogleEmbedMaps::addMarker() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedMaps
Add a marker to the map
JGrid::addColumn() — Method in class JGrid
Add new column name to process
JGrid::addRow() — Method in class JGrid
Adds a row to the table and sets the currently active row to the new row
JHtmlAccess::actions() — Method in class JHtmlAccess
Returns a UL list of actions with checkboxes
JHtmlAccess::assetgroups() — Method in class JHtmlAccess
Gets a list of the asset groups as an array of JHtml compatible options.
JHtmlAccess::assetgrouplist() — Method in class JHtmlAccess
Displays a Select list of the available asset groups
JHtmlActionsDropdown::archive() — Method in class JHtmlActionsDropdown
Append an archive item to the current dropdown menu
JHtmlActionsDropdown::addCustomItem() — Method in class JHtmlActionsDropdown
Append a custom item to current dropdown menu.
JHtmlBatch::access() — Method in class JHtmlBatch
Display a batch widget for the access level selector.
JHtmlBootstrap::affix() — Method in class JHtmlBootstrap
Add javascript support for the Bootstrap affix plugin
JHtmlBootstrap::alert() — Method in class JHtmlBootstrap
Add javascript support for Bootstrap alerts
JHtmlBootstrap::addSlide() — Method in class JHtmlBootstrap
Begins the display of a new accordion slide.
JHtmlBootstrap::addTab() — Method in class JHtmlBootstrap
Begins the display of a new tab content panel.
JHtmlBootstrap::addPanel() — Method in class JHtmlBootstrap
Begins the display of a new tab content panel.
JHtmlDropdown::archive() — Method in class JHtmlDropdown
Append an archive item to the current dropdown menu
JHtmlDropdown::addCustomItem() — Method in class JHtmlDropdown
Append a custom item to current dropdown menu
JHtmlFormbehavior::ajaxchosen() — Method in class JHtmlFormbehavior
Method to load the AJAX Chosen library
JHtmlJGrid::action() — Method in class JHtmlJGrid
Returns an action on a grid
JHtmlRules::assetFormWidget() — Method in class JHtmlRules
Creates the HTML for the permissions widget
JHtmlSidebar::addEntry() — Method in class JHtmlSidebar
Method to add a menu item to submenu.
JHtmlSidebar::addFilter() — Method in class JHtmlSidebar
Method to add a filter to the submenu
JHtmlString::abridge() — Method in class JHtmlString
Abridges text strings over the specified character limit. The behavior will insert an ellipsis into the text replacing a section of variable size to ensure the string does not exceed the defined maximum length. This method is UTF-8 safe.
JHtmlTag::ajaxfield() — Method in class JHtmlTag
This is just a proxy for the formbehavior.ajaxchosen method
$JLessFormatterJoomlaProperty in class JLessFormatterJoomla
JLinkedinGroups::addComment() — Method in class JLinkedinGroups
Method to add a comment to a post
JLoader::applyAliasFor() — Method in class JLoader
Applies a class alias for an already loaded class, if a class alias was created for it.
JMediawikiUsers::assignGroup() — Method in class JMediawikiUsers
Method to assign a user to a group.
JNode::addChild() — Method in class JNode
Add child to this node
JOAuth1Client::authenticate() — Method in class JOAuth1Client
Method to for the oauth flow.
JOAuth2Client::authenticate() — Method in class JOAuth2Client
Get the access token or redict to the authentication URL.
JObservable::attach() — Method in class JObservable
Attach an observer object
JObservableInterface::attachObserver() — Method in class JObservableInterface
Adds an observer to this JObservableInterface instance.
JObserverMapper::addObserverClassToClass() — Method in class JObserverMapper
Adds a mapping to observe $observerClass subjects with $observableClass observer/listener, attaching it on creation with $params on $observableClass instance creations
JObserverMapper::attachAllObservers() — Method in class JObserverMapper
Attaches all applicable observers to an $observableObject
JObserverUpdater::attachObserver() — Method in class JObserverUpdater
Adds an observer to the JObservableInterface instance updated by this This method can be called from JObservableInterface::attachObserver
JObserverUpdaterInterface::attachObserver() — Method in class JObserverUpdaterInterface
Adds an observer to the JObservableInterface instance updated by this This method can be called fron JObservableInterface::attachObserver
JObserverWrapperMapper::addObserverClassToClass() — Method in class JObserverWrapperMapper
Helper wrapper method for addObserverClassToClass
JObserverWrapperMapper::attachAllObservers() — Method in class JObserverWrapperMapper
Helper wrapper method for attachAllObservers
JResponse::allowCache() — Method in class JResponse
Set/get cachable state for the response.
JResponse::appendBody() — Method in class JResponse
Append content to the body content
JTree::addChild() — Method in class JTree
Method to add a child
JTwitterLists::addMembers() — Method in class JTwitterLists
Method to add multiple members to a list, by specifying a comma-separated list of member ids or screen names.
JXMLElement::asFormattedXml() — Method in class JXMLElement
Return a well-formed XML string based on SimpleXML element
AccessClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Access
Class that handles all access authorisation routines.
Rule::allow() — Method in class Rule
Checks that this action can be performed by an identity.
Rules::allow() — Method in class Rules
Checks that an action can be performed by an identity.
AccessClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Access\Wrapper
Wrapper class for Access
AdministratorApplicationClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Application
Joomla! Administrator Application class
ApplicationHelperClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Application
Application helper functions
ApplicationHelper::addClientInfo() — Method in class ApplicationHelper
Adds information for a client.
WebApplication::allowCache() — Method in class WebApplication
Set/get cachable state for the response. If $allow is set, sets the cachable state of the response. Always returns the current state.
WebApplication::appendBody() — Method in class WebApplication
Append content to the body content
WebApplication::afterSessionStart() — Method in class WebApplication
After the session has been started we need to populate it with some default values.
AssociationExtensionHelperClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Association
Association Extension Helper
AssociationExtensionInterfaceClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Association
Association Extension Interface for the helper classes
AuthenticationClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Authentication
Authentication class, provides an interface for the Joomla authentication system
Authentication::attach() — Method in class Authentication
Attach an observer object
Authentication::authenticate() — Method in class Authentication
Finds out if a set of login credentials are valid by asking all observing objects to run their respective authentication routines.
Authentication::authorise() — Method in class Authentication
Authorises that a particular user should be able to login
AuthenticationResponseClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Authentication
Authentication response class, provides an object for storing user and error details
Cache::addIncludePath() — Method in class Cache
Add a directory where Cache should search for handlers. You may either pass a string or an array of directories.
CacheController::addIncludePath() — Method in class CacheController
Add a directory where Cache should search for controllers. You may either pass a string or an array of directories.
CacheStorage::addIncludePath() — Method in class CacheStorage
Add a directory where CacheStorage should search for handlers. You may either pass a string or an array of directories.
ApcStorageClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Cache\Storage
APC cache storage handler
ApcuStorageClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Cache\Storage
APCu cache storage handler
Captcha::attach() — Method in class Captcha
Attach an observer object
$CategoryNodeProperty in class CategoryNode
The id of the category in the asset table
$CategoryNodeProperty in class CategoryNode
The the alias for the category
$CategoryNodeProperty in class CategoryNode
Access level for the category
$CategoryNodeProperty in class CategoryNode
Array of assets
CategoryNode::addChild() — Method in class CategoryNode
Add child to this node
FtpClient::append() — Method in class FtpClient
Method to append a string to the FTP server
$RouterBaseProperty in class RouterBase
Application object to use in the router
RouterView::attachRules() — Method in class RouterView
Add a number of router rules to the object
RouterView::attachRule() — Method in class RouterView
Attach a build rule
RouterViewConfiguration::addLayout() — Method in class RouterViewConfiguration
Add a layout to this view
Date::add() — Method in class Date
Adds an amount of days, months, years, hours, minutes and seconds to a JDate object.
Document::addScript() — Method in class Document
Adds a linked script to the page
Document::addScriptVersion() — Method in class Document
Adds a linked script to the page with a version to allow to flush it. Ex: myscript.js?54771616b5bceae9df03c6173babf11d If not specified Joomla! automatically handles versioning
Document::addScriptDeclaration() — Method in class Document
Adds a script to the page
Document::addScriptOptions() — Method in class Document
Add option for script
Document::addStyleSheet() — Method in class Document
Adds a linked stylesheet to the page
Document::addStyleSheetVersion() — Method in class Document
Adds a linked stylesheet version to the page. Ex: template.css?54771616b5bceae9df03c6173babf11d If not specified Joomla! automatically handles versioning
Document::addStyleDeclaration() — Method in class Document
Adds a stylesheet declaration to the page
FeedDocument::addItem() — Method in class FeedDocument
Adds a FeedItem to the feed.
$FeedItemProperty in class FeedItem
Author item element
$FeedItemProperty in class FeedItem
Author email element
HtmlDocument::addHeadLink() — Method in class HtmlDocument
Adds <link> tags to the head of the document
HtmlDocument::addFavicon() — Method in class HtmlDocument
Adds a shortcut icon (favicon)
HtmlDocument::addCustomTag() — Method in class HtmlDocument
Adds a custom HTML string to the head block
OpensearchDocument::addUrl() — Method in class OpensearchDocument
Adds a URL to the Opensearch description.
OpensearchDocument::addImage() — Method in class OpensearchDocument
Adds an image to the Opensearch description.
AtomRendererClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Document\Renderer\Feed
AtomRenderer is a feed that implements the atom specification
Editor::attach() — Method in class Editor
Attach an observer object
$FactoryProperty in class Factory
Global application object
$FactoryProperty in class Factory
Global ACL object
$FeedProperty in class Feed
FeedPerson$authorPerson responsible for feed content.
Feed::addCategory() — Method in class Feed
Method to add a category to the feed object.
Feed::addContributor() — Method in class Feed
Method to add a contributor to the feed object.
Feed::addEntry() — Method in class Feed
Method to add an entry to the feed object.
$FeedEntryProperty in class FeedEntry
FeedPerson$authorPerson responsible for feed entry content.
FeedEntry::addCategory() — Method in class FeedEntry
Method to add a category to the feed entry object.
FeedEntry::addContributor() — Method in class FeedEntry
Method to add a contributor to the feed entry object.
FeedEntry::addLink() — Method in class FeedEntry
Method to add a link to the feed entry object.
AtomParserClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Feed\Parser
ATOM Feed Parser class.
File::append() — Method in class File
Append contents to a file
Patcher::apply() — Method in class Patcher
Apply the patches
Patcher::addFile() — Method in class Patcher
Add a unified diff file to the patcher
Patcher::add() — Method in class Patcher
Add a unified diff string to the patcher
Stream::addContextEntry() — Method in class Stream
Adds a particular options to the context
Stream::applyContextToStream() — Method in class Stream
Applies the current context to the stream
Stream::appendFilter() — Method in class Stream
Stream filters Append a filter to the chain
OutputFilter::ampReplaceCallback() — Method in class OutputFilter
Callback method for replacing & with & in a string
OutputFilterWrapper::ampReplace() — Method in class OutputFilterWrapper
Helper wrapper method for ampReplace
AuthorFieldClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form\Field
Form Field to load a list of content authors
TagField::allowCustom() — Method in class TagField
Determines if the field allows or denies custom values
Form::addFieldPath() — Method in class Form
Proxy for {@link FormHelper::addFieldPath()}.
Form::addFormPath() — Method in class Form
Proxy for FormHelper::addFormPath().
Form::addRulePath() — Method in class Form
Proxy for FormHelper::addRulePath().
FormHelper::addFieldPath() — Method in class FormHelper
Method to add a path to the list of field include paths.
FormHelper::addFormPath() — Method in class FormHelper
Method to add a path to the list of form include paths.
FormHelper::addRulePath() — Method in class FormHelper
Method to add a path to the list of rule include paths.
FormHelper::addFieldPrefix() — Method in class FormHelper
Method to add a namespace prefix to the list of field lookups.
FormHelper::addFormPrefix() — Method in class FormHelper
Method to add a namespace to the list of form lookups.
FormHelper::addRulePrefix() — Method in class FormHelper
Method to add a namespace to the list of rule lookups.
FormWrapper::addFieldPath() — Method in class FormWrapper
Helper wrapper method for addFieldPath
FormWrapper::addFormPath() — Method in class FormWrapper
Helper wrapper method for addFormPath
FormWrapper::addRulePath() — Method in class FormWrapper
Helper wrapper method for addRulePath
HTMLHelper::addIncludePath() — Method in class HTMLHelper
Add a directory where HTMLHelper should search for helpers. You may either pass a string or an array of directories.
AuthenticationHelperClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Helper
Authentication helper class
ContentHelper::addSubmenu() — Method in class ContentHelper
Configure the Linkbar. Must be implemented by each extension.
TagsHelper::addTagMapping() — Method in class TagsHelper
Method to add tag rows to mapping table.
$CliProperty in class Cli
The additional arguments passed to the script that are not associated with a specific argument name.
Installer::abort() — Method in class Installer
Installation abort method
$LibraryManifestProperty in class LibraryManifest
Author for the library
$LibraryManifestProperty in class LibraryManifest
Author email for the library
$LibraryManifestProperty in class LibraryManifest
Author URL for the library
AssociationsClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Language
Utitlity class for associations in multilang
Text::alt() — Method in class Text
Translates a string into the current language.
JTextWrapper::alt() — Method in class JTextWrapper
Helper wrapper method for alt
BaseLayout::addDebugMessage() — Method in class BaseLayout
Add a debug message to the debug messages array
FileLayout::addIncludePath() — Method in class FileLayout
Add one path to include in layout search. Proxy of addIncludePaths()
FileLayout::addIncludePaths() — Method in class FileLayout
Add one or more paths to include in layout search
Log::add() — Method in class Log
Method to add an entry to the log.
Log::addLogger() — Method in class Log
Add a logger to the Log instance. Loggers route log entries to the correct files/systems to be logged.
Logger::addEntry() — Method in class Logger
Method to add an entry to the log.
CallbackLogger::addEntry() — Method in class CallbackLogger
Method to add an entry to the log.
DatabaseLogger::addEntry() — Method in class DatabaseLogger
Method to add an entry to the log.
EchoLogger::addEntry() — Method in class EchoLogger
Method to add an entry to the log.
FormattedtextLogger::addEntry() — Method in class FormattedtextLogger
Method to add an entry to the log.
MessagequeueLogger::addEntry() — Method in class MessagequeueLogger
Method to add an entry to the log.
SyslogLogger::addEntry() — Method in class SyslogLogger
Method to add an entry to the log.
AdminControllerClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller
Base class for a Joomla Administrator Controller
BaseController::addModelPath() — Method in class BaseController
Adds to the stack of model paths in LIFO order.
BaseController::addViewPath() — Method in class BaseController
Add one or more view paths to the controller's stack, in LIFO order.
BaseController::authorise() — Method in class BaseController
Authorisation check
FormController::add() — Method in class FormController
Method to add a new record.
AdminModelClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\MVC\Model
Prototype admin model.
BaseDatabaseModel::addIncludePath() — Method in class BaseDatabaseModel
Add a directory where \JModelLegacy should search for models. You may either pass a string or an array of directories.
BaseDatabaseModel::addTablePath() — Method in class BaseDatabaseModel
Adds to the stack of model table paths in LIFO order.
HtmlView::assign() — Method in class HtmlView
Assigns variables to the view script via differing strategies.
HtmlView::assignRef() — Method in class HtmlView
Assign variable for the view (by reference).
HtmlView::addTemplatePath() — Method in class HtmlView
Adds to the stack of view script paths in LIFO order.
HtmlView::addHelperPath() — Method in class HtmlView
Adds to the stack of helper script paths in LIFO order.
Mail::addRecipient() — Method in class Mail
Add recipients to the email
Mail::addCc() — Method in class Mail
Add carbon copy recipients to the email
Mail::addBcc() — Method in class Mail
Add blind carbon copy recipients to the email
Mail::addAttachment() — Method in class Mail
Add file attachment to the email
Mail::addReplyTo() — Method in class Mail
Add Reply to email address(es) to the email
AbstractMenuClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Menu
Menu class
AbstractMenu::authorise() — Method in class AbstractMenu
Method to check Menu object authorization against an access control object and optionally an access extension object
AdministratorMenuClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Menu
Menu class.
MenuHelper::addPreset() — Method in class MenuHelper
Add a custom preset externally via plugin or any other means.
$MenuItemProperty in class MenuItem
The SEF alias of the menu item
$MenuItemProperty in class MenuItem
The access level required to view the menu item
Node::addChild() — Method in class Node
Add child to this node
Tree::addChild() — Method in class Tree
Method to add a child
$PaginationObjectProperty in class PaginationObject
Pathway::addItem() — Method in class Pathway
Create and add an item to the pathway.
AdministratorRouterClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Router
Class to create and parse routes
Router::attachBuildRule() — Method in class Router
Attach a build rule
Router::attachParseRule() — Method in class Router
Attach a parse rule
AssetClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Table
Table class supporting modified pre-order tree traversal behavior.
$NestedProperty in class Nested
Object property holding the alias of this node used to constuct the full text path, forward-slash delimited.
AbstractObserverClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Table\Observer
Table class supporting modified pre-order tree traversal behavior.
Table::attachObserver() — Method in class Table
Implement \JObservableInterface: Adds an observer to this instance.
Table::addIncludePath() — Method in class Table
Add a filesystem path where Table should search for table class files.
Table::appendPrimaryKeys() — Method in class Table
Method to append the primary keys for this table to a query.
Toolbar::appendButton() — Method in class Toolbar
Set a value
Toolbar::addButtonPath() — Method in class Toolbar
Add a directory where Toolbar should search for button types in LIFO order.
ToolbarHelper::assign() — Method in class ToolbarHelper
Writes a common 'assign' button for a record.
ToolbarHelper::addNew() — Method in class ToolbarHelper
Writes the common 'new' icon for the button bar.
ToolbarHelper::archiveList() — Method in class ToolbarHelper
Writes a common 'archive' button for a list of records.
ToolbarHelper::apply() — Method in class ToolbarHelper
Writes a save button for a given option.
$UserProperty in class User
Activation hash
User::authorise() — Method in class User
Method to check User object authorisation against an access control object and optionally an access extension object
UserHelper::addUserToGroup() — Method in class UserHelper
Method to add a user to a group.
UserHelper::activateUser() — Method in class UserHelper
Method to activate a user
UserWrapper::addUserToGroup() — Method in class UserWrapper
Helper wrapper method for addUserToGroup
UserWrapper::activateUser() — Method in class UserWrapper
Helper wrapper method for activateUser


JDatabaseQueryOracle::bind() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryOracle
Method to add a variable to an internal array that will be bound to a prepared SQL statement before query execution. Also removes a variable that has been bounded from the internal bounded array when the passed in value is null.
JDatabaseQueryPgsql::bind() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryPgsql
Method to add a variable to an internal array that will be bound to a prepared SQL statement before query execution. Also removes a variable that has been bounded from the internal bounded array when the passed in value is null.
JDatabaseQueryPreparable::bind() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryPreparable
Method to add a variable to an internal array that will be bound to a prepared SQL statement before query execution. Also removes a variable that has been bounded from the internal bounded array when the passed in value is null.
JDatabaseQuerySqlite::bind() — Method in class JDatabaseQuerySqlite
Method to add a variable to an internal array that will be bound to a prepared SQL statement before query execution. Also removes a variable that has been bounded from the internal bounded array when the passed in value is null.
JHtmlBootstrap::button() — Method in class JHtmlBootstrap
Add javascript support for Bootstrap buttons
JHtmlGrid::boolean() — Method in class JHtmlGrid
Display a boolean setting widget.
JHtmlGrid::behavior() — Method in class JHtmlGrid
Method to build the behavior script and add it to the document head.
JHtmlIcons::buttons() — Method in class JHtmlIcons
Method to generate html code for a list of buttons
JHtmlIcons::button() — Method in class JHtmlIcons
Method to generate html code for a list of buttons
JHtmlNumber::bytes() — Method in class JHtmlNumber
Converts bytes to more distinguishable formats such as: kilobytes, megabytes, etc.
JHtmlSelect::booleanlist() — Method in class JHtmlSelect
Generates a yes/no radio list.
$JLessFormatterJoomlaProperty in class JLessFormatterJoomla
JLinkedinJobs::bookmark() — Method in class JLinkedinJobs
Method to bookmark a job to the current user's account.
JLinkedinObject::booleanToString() — Method in class JLinkedinObject
Method to convert boolean to string.
JMediawikiObject::buildParameter() — Method in class JMediawikiObject
Method to build request parameters from a string array.
JMediawikiUsers::blockUser() — Method in class JMediawikiUsers
Method to block a user.
JTwitterBlock::block() — Method in class JTwitterBlock
Method to block the specified user from following the authenticating user.
BaseApplicationClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Application
Joomla Platform Base Application Class
$AuthenticationResponseProperty in class AuthenticationResponse
The End User's date of birth as YYYY-MM-DD. Any values whose representation uses fewer than the specified number of digits should be zero-padded. The length of this value MUST always be 10. If the End User user does not want to reveal any particular component of this value, it MUST be set to zero.
RouterInterface::build() — Method in class RouterInterface
Build method for URLs This method is meant to transform the query parameters into a more human readable form. It is only executed when SEF mode is switched on.
RouterLegacy::build() — Method in class RouterLegacy
Generic build function for missing or legacy component router
RouterView::build() — Method in class RouterView
Build method for URLs
MenuRules::build() — Method in class MenuRules
Dummymethod to fullfill the interface requirements
NomenuRules::build() — Method in class NomenuRules
Build a menu-less URL
RulesInterface::build() — Method in class RulesInterface
Builds URI segments from a query to encode the necessary informations for a route in a human-readable URL.
StandardRules::build() — Method in class StandardRules
Build a standard URL
BlowfishCipherClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Crypt\Cipher
Crypt cipher for Blowfish encryption, decryption and key generation.
$DocumentProperty in class Document
Document base URL
$ErrorDocumentProperty in class ErrorDocument
Document base URL
$HtmlDocumentProperty in class HtmlDocument
Base url
BrowserClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Environment
Browser class, provides capability information about the current web client.
Form::bind() — Method in class Form
Method to bind data to the form.
BooleanRuleClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form\Rule
Form Rule class for the Joomla Platform.
$ResponseProperty in class Response
$PackageManifestProperty in class PackageManifest
Flag if the package blocks individual child extensions from being uninstalled
BaseLayoutClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Layout
Base class for rendering a display layout
BaseControllerClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller
Base class for a Joomla Controller
FormController::batch() — Method in class FormController
Method to run batch operations.
AdminModel::batch() — Method in class AdminModel
Method to perform batch operations on an item or a set of items.
BaseDatabaseModelClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\MVC\Model
Base class for a database aware Joomla Model
$MenuItemProperty in class MenuItem
The click behaviour of the link
$PaginationObjectProperty in class PaginationObject
AdministratorRouter::build() — Method in class AdministratorRouter
Function to convert an internal URI to a route
Router::build() — Method in class Router
Function to convert an internal URI to a route
SiteRouter::build() — Method in class SiteRouter
Function to convert an internal URI to a route
Category::bind() — Method in class Category
Overloaded bind function.
Content::bind() — Method in class Content
Overloaded bind function
CoreContent::bind() — Method in class CoreContent
Overloaded bind function
Extension::bind() — Method in class Extension
Overloaded bind function
Menu::bind() — Method in class Menu
Overloaded bind function
Module::bind() — Method in class Module
Overloaded bind function.
Table::bind() — Method in class Table
Method to bind an associative array or object to the Table instance.This method only binds properties that are publicly accessible and optionally takes an array of properties to ignore when binding.
TableInterface::bind() — Method in class TableInterface
Method to bind an associative array or object to the TableInterface instance.
Update::bind() — Method in class Update
Overloaded bind function
User::bind() — Method in class User
Method to bind the user, user groups, and any other necessary data.
ViewLevel::bind() — Method in class ViewLevel
Method to bind the data.
ToolbarHelper::back() — Method in class ToolbarHelper
Writes a cancel button that will go back to the previous page without doing any other operation.
Uri::base() — Method in class Uri
Returns the base URI for the request.
Uri::buildQuery() — Method in class Uri
Build a query from an array (reverse of the PHP parse_str()).
$UserProperty in class User
Block status
User::bind() — Method in class User
Method to bind an associative array of data to a user object
BufferStreamHandlerClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Utility
Generic Buffer stream handler
$BufferStreamHandlerProperty in class BufferStreamHandler
Buffer hash


$JApplicationProperty in class JApplication
The application client object.
JApplication::checkSession() — Method in class JApplication
Checks the user session.
JArchiveZip::create() — Method in class JArchiveZip
Create a ZIP compressed file from an array of file data.
JArchiveZip::checkZipData() — Method in class JArchiveZip
Checks to see if the data is a valid ZIP file.
JDatabaseDriver::connect() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Connects to the database if needed.
JDatabaseDriver::connected() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Determines if the connection to the server is active.
JDatabaseDriver::createDatabase() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Create a new database using information from $options object, obtaining query string from protected member.
JDatabaseDriver::convertUtf8mb4QueryToUtf8() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Automatically downgrade a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE query from utf8mb4 (UTF-8 Multibyte) to plain utf8. Used when the server doesn't support UTF-8 Multibyte.
JDatabaseDriverMysql::connect() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverMysql
Connects to the database if needed.
JDatabaseDriverMysql::connected() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverMysql
Determines if the connection to the server is active.
JDatabaseDriverMysqli::connect() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverMysqli
Connects to the database if needed.
JDatabaseDriverMysqli::connected() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverMysqli
Determines if the connection to the server is active.
JDatabaseDriverOracle::connect() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverOracle
Connects to the database if needed.
JDatabaseDriverPdo::connect() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPdo
Connects to the database if needed.
JDatabaseDriverPdo::connected() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPdo
Determines if the connection to the server is active.
JDatabaseDriverPdomysql::connect() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPdomysql
Connects to the database if needed.
JDatabaseDriverPgsql::connect() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPgsql
Connects to the database if needed.
JDatabaseDriverPostgresql::connect() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPostgresql
Connects to the database if needed.
JDatabaseDriverPostgresql::connected() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPostgresql
Determines if the connection to the server is active.
JDatabaseDriverSqlite::connect() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlite
Connects to the database if needed.
JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv::connect() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv
Connects to the database if needed.
JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv::connected() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv
Determines if the connection to the server is active.
JDatabaseExporter::check() — Method in class JDatabaseExporter
Checks if all data and options are in order prior to exporting.
JDatabaseExporterMysql::check() — Method in class JDatabaseExporterMysql
Checks if all data and options are in order prior to exporting.
JDatabaseExporterMysqli::check() — Method in class JDatabaseExporterMysqli
Checks if all data and options are in order prior to exporting.
JDatabaseExporterPdomysql::check() — Method in class JDatabaseExporterPdomysql
Checks if all data and options are in order prior to exporting.
JDatabaseExporterPgsql::check() — Method in class JDatabaseExporterPgsql
Checks if all data and options are in order prior to exporting.
JDatabaseExporterPostgresql::check() — Method in class JDatabaseExporterPostgresql
Checks if all data and options are in order prior to exporting.
JDatabaseImporter::check() — Method in class JDatabaseImporter
Checks if all data and options are in order prior to exporting.
JDatabaseImporterMysql::check() — Method in class JDatabaseImporterMysql
Checks if all data and options are in order prior to exporting.
JDatabaseImporterMysqli::check() — Method in class JDatabaseImporterMysqli
Checks if all data and options are in order prior to exporting.
JDatabaseImporterPdomysql::check() — Method in class JDatabaseImporterPdomysql
Checks if all data and options are in order prior to exporting.
JDatabaseImporterPgsql::check() — Method in class JDatabaseImporterPgsql
Checks if all data and options are in order prior to exporting.
JDatabaseImporterPostgresql::check() — Method in class JDatabaseImporterPostgresql
Checks if all data and options are in order prior to exporting.
JDatabaseIterator::current() — Method in class JDatabaseIterator
The current element in the iterator.
JDatabaseIteratorMysql::count() — Method in class JDatabaseIteratorMysql
Get the number of rows in the result set for the executed SQL given by the cursor.
JDatabaseIteratorMysqli::count() — Method in class JDatabaseIteratorMysqli
Get the number of rows in the result set for the executed SQL given by the cursor.
JDatabaseIteratorPdo::count() — Method in class JDatabaseIteratorPdo
Get the number of rows in the result set for the executed SQL given by the cursor.
JDatabaseIteratorPostgresql::count() — Method in class JDatabaseIteratorPostgresql
Get the number of rows in the result set for the executed SQL given by the cursor.
JDatabaseIteratorSqlsrv::count() — Method in class JDatabaseIteratorSqlsrv
Get the number of rows in the result set for the executed SQL given by the cursor.
JDatabaseQuery::call() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Add a single column, or array of columns to the CALL clause of the query.
JDatabaseQuery::castAsChar() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Casts a value to a char.
JDatabaseQuery::charLength() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Gets the number of characters in a string.
JDatabaseQuery::clear() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Clear data from the query or a specific clause of the query.
JDatabaseQuery::columns() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Adds a column, or array of column names that would be used for an INSERT INTO statement.
JDatabaseQuery::concatenate() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Concatenates an array of column names or values.
JDatabaseQuery::currentTimestamp() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Gets the current date and time.
JDatabaseQueryMysqli::concatenate() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryMysqli
Concatenates an array of column names or values.
JDatabaseQueryMysqli::castAsChar() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryMysqli
Casts a value to a char.
JDatabaseQueryOracle::clear() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryOracle
Clear data from the query or a specific clause of the query.
JDatabaseQueryPdo::castAsChar() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryPdo
Casts a value to a char.
JDatabaseQueryPgsql::clear() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryPgsql
Clear data from the query or a specific clause of the query.
JDatabaseQueryPostgresql::clear() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryPostgresql
Clear data from the query or a specific clause of the query.
JDatabaseQueryPostgresql::castAsChar() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryPostgresql
Casts a value to a char.
JDatabaseQueryPostgresql::concatenate() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryPostgresql
Concatenates an array of column names or values.
JDatabaseQueryPostgresql::currentTimestamp() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryPostgresql
Gets the current date and time.
JDatabaseQuerySqlite::charLength() — Method in class JDatabaseQuerySqlite
Gets the number of characters in a string.
JDatabaseQuerySqlite::clear() — Method in class JDatabaseQuerySqlite
Clear data from the query or a specific clause of the query.
JDatabaseQuerySqlite::concatenate() — Method in class JDatabaseQuerySqlite
Concatenates an array of column names or values.
JDatabaseQuerySqlite::currentTimestamp() — Method in class JDatabaseQuerySqlite
Gets the current date and time.
JDatabaseQuerySqlsrv::castAsChar() — Method in class JDatabaseQuerySqlsrv
Casts a value to a char.
JDatabaseQuerySqlsrv::charLength() — Method in class JDatabaseQuerySqlsrv
Gets the function to determine the length of a character string.
JDatabaseQuerySqlsrv::concatenate() — Method in class JDatabaseQuerySqlsrv
Concatenates an array of column names or values.
JDatabaseQuerySqlsrv::currentTimestamp() — Method in class JDatabaseQuerySqlsrv
Gets the current date and time.
JError::customErrorPage() — Method in class JError
Display a custom error page and exit gracefully
JError::customErrorHandler() — Method in class JError
Display a message to the user
JFacebookAlbum::createPhoto() — Method in class JFacebookAlbum
Method to add photos to an album. Note: check canupload flag first. Requires authentication and publishstream permission.
JFacebookAlbum::createComment() — Method in class JFacebookAlbum
Method to comment on an album. Requires authentication and publish_stream permission.
JFacebookAlbum::createLike() — Method in class JFacebookAlbum
Method to like an album. Requires authentication and publish_stream permission.
JFacebookCheckin::createComment() — Method in class JFacebookCheckin
Method to post a comment to the checkin. Requires authentication and publishstream and usercheckins or friends_checkins permission.
JFacebookCheckin::createLike() — Method in class JFacebookCheckin
Method to like a checkin. Requires authentication and publishstream and usercheckins or friends_checkins permission.
JFacebookComment::createComment() — Method in class JFacebookComment
Method to comment on a comment. Requires authentication with publish_stream permission.
JFacebookComment::createLike() — Method in class JFacebookComment
Method to like a comment. Requires authentication and publish_stram permission.
JFacebookEvent::createLink() — Method in class JFacebookEvent
Method to post a link on event's feed which the currentuser is or maybe attending. Requires authentication and publishstream permission.
JFacebookEvent::createPost() — Method in class JFacebookEvent
Method to post on event's wall. Message or link parameter is required. Requires authentication and publish_stream permission.
JFacebookEvent::createStatus() — Method in class JFacebookEvent
Method to post a status message on behalf of the user on the event's wall. Requires authentication and publish_stream permission.
JFacebookEvent::createInvite() — Method in class JFacebookEvent
Method to invite users to the event. Requires authentication and create_event permission.
JFacebookEvent::createAttending() — Method in class JFacebookEvent
Method to set the current user as attending. Requires authentication and rsvp_event permission.
JFacebookEvent::createMaybe() — Method in class JFacebookEvent
Method to set the current user as maybe attending. Requires authentication and rscp_event permission.
JFacebookEvent::createDeclined() — Method in class JFacebookEvent
Method to set the current user as declined. Requires authentication and rscp_event permission.
JFacebookEvent::createPhoto() — Method in class JFacebookEvent
Method to post a photo on event's wall. Requires authentication and publish_stream permission.
JFacebookEvent::createVideo() — Method in class JFacebookEvent
Method to post a video on event's wall. Requires authentication and publish_stream permission.
JFacebookGroup::createLink() — Method in class JFacebookGroup
Method to post a link on group's wall. Requires authentication and publish_stream permission.
JFacebookGroup::createPost() — Method in class JFacebookGroup
Method to post on group's wall. Message or link parameter is required. Requires authentication and publish_stream permission.
JFacebookGroup::createStatus() — Method in class JFacebookGroup
Method to post a status message on behalf of the user on the group's wall. Requires authentication and publish_stream permission.
JFacebookLink::createComment() — Method in class JFacebookLink
Method to comment on a link. Requires authentication and publish_stream permission.
JFacebookLink::createLike() — Method in class JFacebookLink
Method to like a link. Requires authentication and publish_stream permission.
JFacebookNote::createComment() — Method in class JFacebookNote
Method to comment on a note. Requires authentication and publishstream and usernotes or friends_notes permissions.
JFacebookNote::createLike() — Method in class JFacebookNote
Method to like a note. Requires authentication and publishstream and usernotes or friends_notes permissions.
JFacebookObject::createConnection() — Method in class JFacebookObject
Method to create a connection.
JFacebookPhoto::createComment() — Method in class JFacebookPhoto
Method to comment on a photo. Requires authentication and publishstream permission, userphotos or friends_photos permission for private photos.
JFacebookPhoto::createLike() — Method in class JFacebookPhoto
Method to like a photo. Requires authentication and publishstream permission, userphotos or friends_photos permission for private photos.
JFacebookPhoto::createTag() — Method in class JFacebookPhoto
Method to tag one or more Users in a photo. $to or $tag_text required.
JFacebookPost::createComment() — Method in class JFacebookPost
Method to comment on a post. Requires authentication and publish_stream permission
JFacebookPost::createLike() — Method in class JFacebookPost
Method to like a post. Requires authentication and publish_stream permission
JFacebookStatus::createComment() — Method in class JFacebookStatus
Method to post a comment to the status message. Requires authentication and publishstream and userstatus or friends_status permission.
JFacebookStatus::createLike() — Method in class JFacebookStatus
Method to like status message. Requires authentication and publishstream and userstatus or friends_status permission.
JFacebookUser::createAlbum() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to create an album for a user. Requires authentication and publish_stream permission.
JFacebookUser::createCheckin() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to create a checkin for a user. Requires authentication and publish_checkins permission.
JFacebookUser::createEvent() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to create an event for a user. Requires authentication create_event permission.
JFacebookUser::createLink() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to post a link on user's feed. Requires authentication and publish_stream permission.
JFacebookUser::createNote() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to create a note on the behalf of the user.
JFacebookUser::createPhoto() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to post a photo on user's wall. Requires authentication and publishstream permission, usergroups or friends_groups permission.
JFacebookUser::createPost() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to post on a user's wall. Message or link parameter is required. Requires authentication and publish_stream permission.
JFacebookUser::createStatus() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to post a status message on behalf of the user. Requires authentication publish_stream permission.
JFacebookUser::createVideo() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to post a video on behalf of the user. Requires authentication and publish_stream permission.
JFacebookVideo::createComment() — Method in class JFacebookVideo
Method to comment on a video. Requires authentication and publishstream permission, uservideos or friends_videos permission for private videos.
JFacebookVideo::createLike() — Method in class JFacebookVideo
Method to like a video. Requires authentication and publishstream permission, uservideos or friends_videos permission for private videos.
$JFormFieldCheckboxesProperty in class JFormFieldCheckboxes
The comma seprated list of checked checkboxes value.
JGithubAccount::createAuthorisation() — Method in class JGithubAccount
Method to create an authorisation.
JGithubCommits::create() — Method in class JGithubCommits
Method to create a commit.
JGithubCommits::createCommitComment() — Method in class JGithubCommits
Method to create a comment on a commit.
JGithubForks::create() — Method in class JGithubForks
Method to fork a repository.
JGithubHooks::create() — Method in class JGithubHooks
Method to create a hook on a repository.
JGithubMilestones::create() — Method in class JGithubMilestones
Method to create a milestone for a repository.
JGithubPackageActivityStarring::check() — Method in class JGithubPackageActivityStarring
Check if you are starring a repository.
JGithubPackageActivityWatching::check() — Method in class JGithubPackageActivityWatching
Check if you are watching a repository (LEGACY).
JGithubPackageAuthorization::create() — Method in class JGithubPackageAuthorization
Method to create an authorization.
JGithubPackageDataBlobs::create() — Method in class JGithubPackageDataBlobs
Create a Blob.
JGithubPackageDataCommits::create() — Method in class JGithubPackageDataCommits
Method to create a commit.
JGithubPackageDataRefs::create() — Method in class JGithubPackageDataRefs
Method to create a ref.
JGithubPackageDataTags::create() — Method in class JGithubPackageDataTags
Create a Tag Object
JGithubPackageDataTrees::create() — Method in class JGithubPackageDataTrees
Create a Tree.
JGithubPackageGists::create() — Method in class JGithubPackageGists
Method to create a gist.
JGithubPackageGists::createComment() — Method in class JGithubPackageGists
Method to create a comment on a gist.
JGithubPackageGistsComments::create() — Method in class JGithubPackageGistsComments
Method to create a comment on a gist.
JGithubPackageIssues::create() — Method in class JGithubPackageIssues
Method to create an issue.
JGithubPackageIssues::createComment() — Method in class JGithubPackageIssues
Method to create a comment on an issue.
JGithubPackageIssues::createLabel() — Method in class JGithubPackageIssues
Method to create a label on a repo.
JGithubPackageIssuesAssignees::check() — Method in class JGithubPackageIssuesAssignees
Check assignee.
JGithubPackageIssuesComments::create() — Method in class JGithubPackageIssuesComments
Method to create a comment on an issue.
JGithubPackageIssuesLabels::create() — Method in class JGithubPackageIssuesLabels
Method to create a label on a repo.
JGithubPackageIssuesMilestones::create() — Method in class JGithubPackageIssuesMilestones
Method to create a milestone for a repository.
JGithubPackageOrgsMembers::check() — Method in class JGithubPackageOrgsMembers
Check membership.
JGithubPackageOrgsMembers::checkPublic() — Method in class JGithubPackageOrgsMembers
Check public membership.
JGithubPackageOrgsMembers::conceal() — Method in class JGithubPackageOrgsMembers
Conceal a user’s membership.
JGithubPackageOrgsTeams::create() — Method in class JGithubPackageOrgsTeams
Create team.
JGithubPackageOrgsTeams::checkRepo() — Method in class JGithubPackageOrgsTeams
Check if the repo is managed by this team.
JGithubPackagePulls::create() — Method in class JGithubPackagePulls
Method to create a pull request.
JGithubPackagePulls::createFromIssue() — Method in class JGithubPackagePulls
Method to create a pull request from an existing issue.
JGithubPackagePulls::createComment() — Method in class JGithubPackagePulls
Method to create a comment on a pull request.
JGithubPackagePulls::createCommentReply() — Method in class JGithubPackagePulls
Method to create a comment in reply to another comment.
JGithubPackagePullsComments::create() — Method in class JGithubPackagePullsComments
Method to create a comment on a pull request.
JGithubPackagePullsComments::createReply() — Method in class JGithubPackagePullsComments
Method to create a comment in reply to another comment.
JGithubPackageRepositories::create() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositories
Create a new repository for the authenticated user or an organization.
JGithubPackageRepositoriesComments::create() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositoriesComments
Method to create a comment on a commit.
JGithubPackageRepositoriesCommits::compare() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositoriesCommits
Method to get a diff for two commits.
JGithubPackageRepositoriesDownloads::create() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositoriesDownloads
Create a new download (Part 1: Create the resource).
JGithubPackageRepositoriesForks::create() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositoriesForks
Method to fork a repository.
JGithubPackageRepositoriesHooks::create() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositoriesHooks
Method to create a hook on a repository.
JGithubPackageRepositoriesKeys::create() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositoriesKeys
Create a key.
JGithubPackageRepositoriesStatuses::create() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositoriesStatuses
Method to create a status.
JGithubPackageUsersFollowers::check() — Method in class JGithubPackageUsersFollowers
Check if you are following a user.
JGithubPackageUsersKeys::create() — Method in class JGithubPackageUsersKeys
Create a public key
JGithubRefs::create() — Method in class JGithubRefs
Method to create an issue.
JGithubStatuses::create() — Method in class JGithubStatuses
Method to create a status.
JGoogleDataCalendar::clearCalendar() — Method in class JGoogleDataCalendar
Method to clear a Google Calendar
JGoogleDataCalendar::createCalendar() — Method in class JGoogleDataCalendar
Method to create a Google Calendar
JGoogleDataCalendar::createEvent() — Method in class JGoogleDataCalendar
Method to create a Google Calendar event
JGoogleDataPicasa::createAlbum() — Method in class JGoogleDataPicasa
Method to create a Picasa Album
JGoogleEmbedAnalytics::createCall() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedAnalytics
Create a javascript function from the call parameters
JGoogleEmbedAnalytics::createCustomVar() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedAnalytics
Get the code to create a custom analytics variable
JGoogleEmbedAnalytics::createEvent() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedAnalytics
Get the code to track an analytics event
JHtmlBehavior::core() — Method in class JHtmlBehavior
Method to load core.js into the document head.
JHtmlBehavior::caption() — Method in class JHtmlBehavior
Add unobtrusive JavaScript support for image captions.
JHtmlBehavior::combobox() — Method in class JHtmlBehavior
Add unobtrusive JavaScript support for a combobox effect.
JHtmlBehavior::calendar() — Method in class JHtmlBehavior
Add unobtrusive JavaScript support for a calendar control.
JHtmlBehavior::colorpicker() — Method in class JHtmlBehavior
Add unobtrusive JavaScript support for a color picker.
JHtmlBootstrap::carousel() — Method in class JHtmlBootstrap
Add javascript support for Bootstrap carousels
JHtmlCategory::categories() — Method in class JHtmlCategory
Returns an array of categories for the given extension.
JHtmlDropdown::checkin() — Method in class JHtmlDropdown
Append a checkin item to the current dropdown menu
JHtmlEmail::cloak() — Method in class JHtmlEmail
Simple JavaScript email cloaker
JHtmlForm::csrf() — Method in class JHtmlForm
Add CSRF form token to Joomla script options that developers can get it by Javascript.
JHtmlFormbehavior::chosen() — Method in class JHtmlFormbehavior
Method to load the Chosen JavaScript framework and supporting CSS into the document head
JHtmlGrid::checkall() — Method in class JHtmlGrid
Method to check all checkboxes in a grid
JHtmlGrid::checkedOut() — Method in class JHtmlGrid
Displays a checked out icon.
JHtmlJGrid::checkedout() — Method in class JHtmlJGrid
Returns a checked-out icon
JKeychain::createPassphraseFile() — Method in class JKeychain
Create a passphrase file
JLess::compile() — Method in class JLess
Override compile to reset $this->allParsedFiles array to allow parsing multiple files/strings using same imports.
JLinkedinGroups::changeSettings() — Method in class JLinkedinGroups
Method to change a groups settings.
JLinkedinGroups::createPost() — Method in class JLinkedinGroups
Method to retrieve all comments of a post.
JMediawikiPages::changeProtection() — Method in class JMediawikiPages
Method to change the protection level of a page.
JOAuth2Client::createUrl() — Method in class JOAuth2Client
Create the URL for authentication.
JObserverInterface::createObserver() — Method in class JObserverInterface
Creates the associated observer instance and attaches it to the $observableObject
JOpenstreetmapChangesets::createChangeset() — Method in class JOpenstreetmapChangesets
Method to create a changeset
JOpenstreetmapChangesets::closeChangeset() — Method in class JOpenstreetmapChangesets
Method to close a changeset
JOpenstreetmapElements::createNode() — Method in class JOpenstreetmapElements
Method to create a node
JOpenstreetmapElements::createWay() — Method in class JOpenstreetmapElements
Method to create a way
JOpenstreetmapElements::createRelation() — Method in class JOpenstreetmapElements
Method to create a relation
JOpenstreetmapUser::changePreference() — Method in class JOpenstreetmapUser
Method to change user preferences
JRequest::checkToken() — Method in class JRequest
Checks for a form token in the request.
JResponse::clearHeaders() — Method in class JResponse
Clear headers.
JSessionHandlerInterface::clear() — Method in class JSessionHandlerInterface
Clear all session data in memory.
JSessionHandlerJoomla::clear() — Method in class JSessionHandlerJoomla
Clear all session data in memory.
JSessionHandlerNative::clear() — Method in class JSessionHandlerNative
Clear all session data in memory.
JSessionStorage::close() — Method in class JSessionStorage
Close the SessionHandler backend.
JTwitterFavorites::createFavorites() — Method in class JTwitterFavorites
Method to favorite the status specified in the ID parameter as the authenticating user
JTwitterLists::create() — Method in class JTwitterLists
Method to create a new list for the authenticated user.
JTwitterObject::checkRateLimit() — Method in class JTwitterObject
Method to check the rate limit for the requesting IP address
JTwitterPlaces::createPlace() — Method in class JTwitterPlaces
Method to create a new place object at the given latitude and longitude.
JTwittersearch::createSavedSearch() — Method in class JTwittersearch
Method to create a new saved search for the authenticated user.
Access::clearStatics() — Method in class Access
Method for clearing static caches.
Access::check() — Method in class Access
Method to check if a user is authorised to perform an action, optionally on an asset.
Access::checkGroup() — Method in class Access
Method to check if a group is authorised to perform an action, optionally on an asset.
Access::clearStatics() — Method in class Access
Helper wrapper method for addUserToGroup
Access::check() — Method in class Access
Helper wrapper method for check
Access::checkGroup() — Method in class Access
Helper wrapper method for checkGroup
CMSApplicationClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Application
Joomla! CMS Application class
CMSApplication::checkSession() — Method in class CMSApplication
Checks the user session.
CliApplicationClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Application
Base class for a Joomla! command line application.
$WebApplicationProperty in class WebApplication
$WebApplicationProperty in class WebApplication
WebApplication::clearHeaders() — Method in class WebApplication
Method to clear any set response headers.
$AuthenticationResponseProperty in class AuthenticationResponse
The End User's country of residence as specified by ISO3166.
CacheClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Cache
Joomla! Cache base object
Cache::contains() — Method in class Cache
Check if the cache contains data stored by ID and group
Cache::clean() — Method in class Cache
Clean cache for a group given a mode.
CacheControllerClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Cache
Public cache handler
$CacheControllerProperty in class CacheController
Cache object
CacheStorageClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Cache
Abstract cache storage handler
CacheStorage::contains() — Method in class CacheStorage
Check if the cache contains data stored by ID and group
CacheStorage::clean() — Method in class CacheStorage
Clean cache for a group given a mode.
CallbackControllerClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Cache\Controller
Joomla! Cache callback type object
CallbackController::call() — Method in class CallbackController
Executes a cacheable callback if not found in cache else returns cached output and result
CacheConnectingExceptionClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Cache\Exception
Exception class defining an error connecting to the cache storage engine
CacheExceptionInterfaceClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Cache\Exception
Exception interface defining a cache storage error
ApcStorage::contains() — Method in class ApcStorage
Check if the cache contains data stored by ID and group
ApcStorage::clean() — Method in class ApcStorage
Clean cache for a group given a mode.
ApcuStorage::contains() — Method in class ApcuStorage
Check if the cache contains data stored by ID and group
ApcuStorage::clean() — Method in class ApcuStorage
Clean cache for a group given a mode.
CacheStorageHelperClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Cache\Storage
Cache storage helper functions.
$CacheStorageHelperProperty in class CacheStorageHelper
CacheliteStorageClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Cache\Storage
Cache lite storage handler
CacheliteStorage::contains() — Method in class CacheliteStorage
Check if the cache contains data stored by ID and group
CacheliteStorage::clean() — Method in class CacheliteStorage
Clean cache for a group given a mode.
FileStorage::contains() — Method in class FileStorage
Check if the cache contains data stored by ID and group
FileStorage::clean() — Method in class FileStorage
Clean cache for a group given a mode.
MemcacheStorage::contains() — Method in class MemcacheStorage
Check if the cache contains data stored by ID and group
MemcacheStorage::clean() — Method in class MemcacheStorage
Clean cache for a group given a mode.
MemcachedStorage::contains() — Method in class MemcachedStorage
Check if the cache contains data stored by ID and group
MemcachedStorage::clean() — Method in class MemcachedStorage
Clean cache for a group given a mode.
RedisStorage::contains() — Method in class RedisStorage
Check if the cache contains data stored by ID and group
RedisStorage::clean() — Method in class RedisStorage
Clean cache for a group given a mode.
WincacheStorage::contains() — Method in class WincacheStorage
Check if the cache contains data stored by ID and group
WincacheStorage::clean() — Method in class WincacheStorage
Clean cache for a group given a mode.
XcacheStorage::contains() — Method in class XcacheStorage
Check if the cache contains data stored by ID and group
XcacheStorage::clean() — Method in class XcacheStorage
Clean cache for a group given a mode.
CaptchaClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Captcha
Joomla! Captcha base object
Captcha::checkAnswer() — Method in class Captcha
Checks if the answer is correct.
CategoriesClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Categories
Categories Class.
CategoryNodeClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Categories
Helper class to load Categorytree
$CategoryNodeProperty in class CategoryNode
Whether the category is or is not checked out
$CategoryNodeProperty in class CategoryNode
The time at which the category was checked out
$CategoryNodeProperty in class CategoryNode
The ID of the user who created the category
$CategoryNodeProperty in class CategoryNode
The time at which the category was created
$CategoryNodeProperty in class CategoryNode
Number of children items
ClientHelperClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Client
Client helper class
ClientWrapperClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Client
Wrapper class for ClientHelper
FtpClient::connect() — Method in class FtpClient
Method to connect to a FTP server
FtpClient::chdir() — Method in class FtpClient
Method to change the current working directory on the FTP server
FtpClient::chmod() — Method in class FtpClient
Method to change mode for a path on the FTP server
FtpClient::create() — Method in class FtpClient
Method to create an empty file on the FTP server
ComponentHelperClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Component
Component helper class
ComponentRecordClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Component
Object representing a component extension record
$RouterViewConfigurationProperty in class RouterViewConfiguration
Child-views of this view
$RouterViewConfigurationProperty in class RouterViewConfiguration
Keys used for this parent view by the child views
CipherInterfaceClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Crypt
Crypt cipher interface.
CryptoCipherClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Crypt\Cipher
Crypt cipher for encryption, decryption and key generation via the php-encryption library.
CryptClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Crypt
Crypt is a Joomla Platform class for handling basic encryption/decryption of data.
CryptPasswordClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Crypt
Joomla Platform Password Hashing Interface
CryptPassword::create() — Method in class CryptPassword
Creates a password hash
SimpleCryptPassword::create() — Method in class SimpleCryptPassword
Creates a password hash
Date::calendar() — Method in class Date
Gets the date as a formatted string in a local calendar.
$FeedDocumentProperty in class FeedDocument
Copyright feed element
$FeedDocumentProperty in class FeedDocument
Category feed element
$FeedItemProperty in class FeedItem
Category element
$FeedItemProperty in class FeedItem
Comments element
HtmlDocument::countModules() — Method in class HtmlDocument
Count the modules based on the given condition
HtmlDocument::countMenuChildren() — Method in class HtmlDocument
Count the number of child menu items of the current active menu item
ComponentRendererClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Document\Renderer\Html
HTML document renderer for the component output
ExtensionHelper::checkIfCoreExtension() — Method in class ExtensionHelper
Check if an extension is core or not
$FactoryProperty in class Factory
Global cache object
$FactoryProperty in class Factory
Global configuraiton object
$FeedProperty in class Feed
array$categoriesCategories to which the feed belongs.
$FeedProperty in class Feed
array$contributorsPeople who contributed to the feed content.
$FeedProperty in class Feed
string$copyrightInformation about rights, e.g. copyrights, held in and over the feed.
Feed::count() — Method in class Feed
Returns a count of the number of entries in the feed.
$FeedEntryProperty in class FeedEntry
array$categoriesCategories to which the feed entry belongs.
$FeedEntryProperty in class FeedEntry
string$contentThe content of the feed entry.
$FeedEntryProperty in class FeedEntry
array$contributorsPeople who contributed to the feed entry content.
$FeedEntryProperty in class FeedEntry
string$copyrightInformation about rights, e.g. copyrights, held in and over the feed entry.
File::copy() — Method in class File
Copies a file
Folder::copy() — Method in class Folder
Copy a folder.
Folder::create() — Method in class Folder
Create a folder -- and all necessary parent folders.
Path::canChmod() — Method in class Path
Checks if a path's permissions can be changed.
Path::check() — Method in class Path
Checks for snooping outside of the file system root.
Path::clean() — Method in class Path
Function to strip additional / or \ in a path name.
Stream::close() — Method in class Stream
Attempt to close a file handle
Stream::chmod() — Method in class Stream
Chmod wrapper
Stream::copy() — Method in class Stream
Copy a file from src to dest
StringController::createRef() — Method in class StringController
Create a reference
FileWrapper::copy() — Method in class FileWrapper
Helper wrapper method for copy
FolderWrapper::copy() — Method in class FolderWrapper
Helper wrapper method for copy
FolderWrapper::create() — Method in class FolderWrapper
Helper wrapper method for create
PathWrapper::canChmod() — Method in class PathWrapper
Helper wrapper method for canChmod
PathWrapper::check() — Method in class PathWrapper
Helper wrapper method for check
PathWrapper::clean() — Method in class PathWrapper
Helper wrapper method for clean
InputFilter::clean() — Method in class InputFilter
Method to be called by another php script. Processes for XSS and specified bad code.
OutputFilterWrapper::cleanText() — Method in class OutputFilterWrapper
Helper wrapper method for cleanText
CaptchaFieldClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form\Field
Captcha field.
ChromestyleFieldClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form\Field
Chrome Styles field.
ContenthistoryFieldClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form\Field
Field to select Content History from a modal list.
ContentlanguageFieldClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form\Field
Provides a list of content languages
ContenttypeFieldClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form\Field
Content Type field.
CalendarRuleClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form\Rule
Form Rule class for the Joomla Platform
CaptchaRuleClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form\Rule
Form Rule class for the Joomla Framework.
ColorRuleClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form\Rule
Form Rule class for the Joomla Platform.
HTMLHelper::calendar() — Method in class HTMLHelper
Displays a calendar control field
Help::createUrl() — Method in class Help
Create a URL for a given help key reference
Help::createSiteList() — Method in class Help
Builds a list of the help sites which can be used in a select option.
CMSHelperClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Helper
Base Helper class.
ContentHelperClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Helper
Helper for standard content style extensions.
ContentHelper::countRelations() — Method in class ContentHelper
Adds Count relations for Category and Tag Managers
ContentHistoryHelperClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Helper
Versions helper class, provides methods to perform various tasks relevant versioning of content.
MediaHelper::canUpload() — Method in class MediaHelper
Checks if the file can be uploaded
MediaHelper::countFiles() — Method in class MediaHelper
Counts the files and directories in a directory that are not php or html files.
ModuleHelper::cleanModuleList() — Method in class ModuleHelper
Clean the module list
TagsHelper::convertPathsToNames() — Method in class TagsHelper
Function that converts tags paths into paths of names
TagsHelper::createTagsFromField() — Method in class TagsHelper
Create any new tags by looking for #new# in the strings
TagsHelper::createTagsFromMetadata() — Method in class TagsHelper
Create any new tags by looking for #new# in the metadata
UserGroupsHelper::count() — Method in class UserGroupsHelper
Count loaded user groups.
$ResponseProperty in class Response
CurlTransportClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Http\Transport
HTTP transport class for using cURL.
CliClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Input
Joomla! Input CLI Class
CookieClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Input
Joomla! Input Cookie Class
ComponentAdapterClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Installer\Adapter
Component installer
Installer::copyFiles() — Method in class Installer
Installer::copyManifest() — Method in class Installer
Copies the installation manifest file to the extension folder in the given client
Installer::cleanDiscoveredExtension() — Method in class Installer
Cleans up discovered extensions if they're being installed some other way
$InstallerExtensionProperty in class InstallerExtension
String representation of client. Valid for modules, templates and languages.
InstallerHelper::cleanupInstall() — Method in class InstallerHelper
Clean up temporary uploaded package and unpacked extension
$LibraryManifestProperty in class LibraryManifest
Creation Date of the library
$LibraryManifestProperty in class LibraryManifest
Copyright notice for the library
LanguageHelper::createLanguageList() — Method in class LanguageHelper
Builds a list of the system languages which can be used in a select option
LanguageHelperWrapper::createLanguageList() — Method in class LanguageHelperWrapper
Helper wrapper method for createLanguageList
BaseLayout::clearDebugMessages() — Method in class BaseLayout
Clear the debug messages array
FileLayout::clearIncludePaths() — Method in class FileLayout
Clear the include paths
Log::createDelegatedLogger() — Method in class Log
Creates a delegated PSR-3 compatible logger from the current singleton instance. This method always returns a new delegated logger.
$LogEntryProperty in class LogEntry
Application responsible for log entry.
$LogEntryProperty in class LogEntry
The message context.
$LogEntryProperty in class LogEntry
Call stack and back trace of the logged call.
CallbackLoggerClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Log\Logger
Joomla! Callback Log class
AdminController::checkin() — Method in class AdminController
Check in of one or more records.
BaseController::checkToken() — Method in class BaseController
Checks for a form token in the request.
FormController::cancel() — Method in class FormController
Method to cancel an edit.
AdminModel::checkin() — Method in class AdminModel
Method override to check-in a record or an array of record
AdminModel::checkout() — Method in class AdminModel
Method override to check-out a record.
AdminModel::createTagsHelper() — Method in class AdminModel
Method to create a tags helper to ensure proper management of tags
FormModel::checkin() — Method in class FormModel
Method to checkin a row.
FormModel::checkout() — Method in class FormModel
Method to check-out a row for editing.
CategoriesViewClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\MVC\View
Categories view base class.
CategoryFeedViewClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\MVC\View
Base feed View class for a category
CategoryViewClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\MVC\View
Base HTML View class for the a Category list
CategoryView::commonCategoryDisplay() — Method in class CategoryView
Method with common display elements used in category list displays
$MailProperty in class Mail
Charset of the message.
Mail::clearAttachments() — Method in class Mail
Unset all file attachments from the email
MailHelper::cleanLine() — Method in class MailHelper
Cleans single line inputs.
MailHelper::cleanText() — Method in class MailHelper
Cleans multi-line inputs.
MailHelper::cleanBody() — Method in class MailHelper
Cleans any injected headers from the email body.
MailHelper::cleanSubject() — Method in class MailHelper
Cleans any injected headers from the subject string.
MailHelper::cleanAddress() — Method in class MailHelper
Verifies that an email address does not have any extra headers injected into it.
MailWrapper::cleanLine() — Method in class MailWrapper
Helper wrapper method for cleanLine
MailWrapper::cleanText() — Method in class MailWrapper
Helper wrapper method for cleanText
MailWrapper::cleanBody() — Method in class MailWrapper
Helper wrapper method for cleanBody
MailWrapper::cleanSubject() — Method in class MailWrapper
Helper wrapper method for cleanSubject
MailWrapper::cleanAddress() — Method in class MailWrapper
Helper wrapper method for cleanAddress
MenuHelper::createLevels() — Method in class MenuHelper
Parse the flat list of menu items and prepare the hierarchy of them using parent-child relationship.
$MenuItemProperty in class MenuItem
The extension ID of the component this menu item is for
$MenuItemProperty in class MenuItem
The name of the component this menu item is for
ComponentClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Menu\Node
A Component type of node for MenuTree
ContainerClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Menu\Node
A Container type of node for MenuTree
Microdata::content() — Method in class Microdata
Setup a Human content or content for the Machines
CMSObjectClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Object
Joomla Platform Object Class
CMSPluginClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Plugin
Plugin Class
ChangeItemClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Schema
Each object represents one query, which is one line from a DDL SQL query.
$ChangeItemProperty in class ChangeItem
Check query: query used to check the db schema
$ChangeItemProperty in class ChangeItem
Check query result: expected result of check query if database is up to date
$ChangeItemProperty in class ChangeItem
Checked status
ChangeItem::check() — Method in class ChangeItem
Runs the check query and checks that 1 row is returned If yes, return true, otherwise return false
ChangeSetClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Schema
Contains a set of JSchemaChange objects for a particular instance of Joomla.
ChangeSet::check() — Method in class ChangeSet
Checks the database and returns an array of any errors found.
MetadataManager::createRecordIfNonExisting() — Method in class MetadataManager
Create the metadata record if it does not exist.
Session::checkToken() — Method in class Session
Checks for a form token in the request.
Session::clear() — Method in class Session
Unset data from the session store
Session::close() — Method in class Session
Writes session data and ends session
Asset::check() — Method in class Asset
Assert that the nested set data is valid.
CategoryClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Table
Category table
Category::check() — Method in class Category
Override check function
ContentClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Table
Content table
Content::check() — Method in class Content
Overloaded check function
ContentHistoryClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Table
Content History table.
$ContentHistoryProperty in class ContentHistory
Array of object fields to convert to integers before calculating SHA1 hash. Some values are stored differently when an item is created than when the item is changed and saved. This works around that issue.
ContentTypeClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Table
Tags table
ContentType::check() — Method in class ContentType
Overloaded check method to ensure data integrity.
CoreContentClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Table
Core content table
CoreContent::check() — Method in class CoreContent
Overloaded check function
Extension::check() — Method in class Extension
Overloaded check function
Language::check() — Method in class Language
Overloaded check method to ensure data integrity
Menu::check() — Method in class Menu
Overloaded check function
MenuType::check() — Method in class MenuType
Overloaded check function
Module::check() — Method in class Module
Overloaded check function.
Nested::check() — Method in class Nested
Checks that the object is valid and able to be stored.
ContentHistoryClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Table\Observer
Table class supporting modified pre-order tree traversal behavior.
ContentHistory::createObserver() — Method in class ContentHistory
Creates the associated observer instance and attaches it to the $observableObject Creates the associated content history helper class instance $typeAlias can be of the form "{variableName}.type", automatically replacing {variableName} with table-instance variables variableName
Tags::createObserver() — Method in class Tags
Creates the associated observer instance and attaches it to the $observableObject Creates the associated tags helper class instance $typeAlias can be of the form "{variableName}.type", automatically replacing {variableName} with table-instance variables variableName
Table::check() — Method in class Table
Method to perform sanity checks on the Table instance properties to ensure they are safe to store in the database.
Table::checkOut() — Method in class Table
Method to check a row out if the necessary properties/fields exist.
Table::checkIn() — Method in class Table
Method to check a row in if the necessary properties/fields exist.
TableInterface::check() — Method in class TableInterface
Method to perform sanity checks on the TableInterface instance properties to ensure they are safe to store in the database.
Update::check() — Method in class Update
Overloaded check function
UpdateSite::check() — Method in class UpdateSite
Overloaded check function
User::check() — Method in class User
Validation and filtering
Usergroup::check() — Method in class Usergroup
Method to check the current record to save
ViewLevel::check() — Method in class ViewLevel
Method to check the current record to save
ConfirmButtonClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Toolbar\Button
Renders a standard button with a confirm dialog
CustomButtonClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Toolbar\Button
Renders a custom button
ToolbarHelper::custom() — Method in class ToolbarHelper
Writes a custom option and task button for the button bar.
ToolbarHelper::checkin() — Method in class ToolbarHelper
Writes a checkin button for a given option.
ToolbarHelper::cancel() — Method in class ToolbarHelper
Writes a cancel button and invokes a cancel operation (eg a checkin).
CollectionAdapterClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Updater\Adapter
Collection Update Adapter Class
Uri::current() — Method in class Uri
Returns the URL for the request, minus the query.
User::clearAccessRights() — Method in class User
Clears the access rights cache of this user
UserHelper::clearExpiredTokens() — Method in class UserHelper
Clear all expired tokens for all users.
UserHelper::checkSuperUserInUsers() — Method in class UserHelper
Check if there is a super user in the user ids.
UserWrapper::clearExpiredTokens() — Method in class UserWrapper
Helper wrapper method for clearExpiredTokens


JApplication::dispatch() — Method in class JApplication
Dispatch the application.
JDatabaseDriver::disconnect() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Disconnects the database.
JDatabaseDriver::dropTable() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Drops a table from the database.
JDatabaseDriverMysql::disconnect() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverMysql
Disconnects the database.
JDatabaseDriverMysqli::disconnect() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverMysqli
Disconnects the database.
JDatabaseDriverMysqli::dropTable() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverMysqli
Drops a table from the database.
JDatabaseDriverOracle::disconnect() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverOracle
Disconnects the database.
JDatabaseDriverOracle::dropTable() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverOracle
Drops a table from the database.
JDatabaseDriverPdo::disconnect() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPdo
Disconnects the database.
JDatabaseDriverPdomysql::dropTable() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPdomysql
Drops a table from the database.
JDatabaseDriverPgsql::dropTable() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPgsql
Drops a table from the database.
JDatabaseDriverPostgresql::disconnect() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPostgresql
Disconnects the database.
JDatabaseDriverPostgresql::dropTable() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPostgresql
Drops a table from the database.
JDatabaseDriverSqlite::disconnect() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlite
Disconnects the database.
JDatabaseDriverSqlite::dropTable() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlite
Drops a table from the database.
JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv::disconnect() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv
Disconnects the database.
JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv::dropTable() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv
Drops a table from the database.
JDatabaseQuery::dateFormat() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Returns a PHP date() function compliant date format for the database driver.
JDatabaseQuery::dump() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Creates a formatted dump of the query for debugging purposes.
JDatabaseQuery::delete() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Add a table name to the DELETE clause of the query.
JDatabaseQuery::day() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Used to get a string to extract day from date column.
JDatabaseQuery::dateAdd() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Add to the current date and time.
JDatabaseQueryPostgresql::day() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryPostgresql
Used to get a string to extract day from date column.
JDatabaseQueryPostgresql::dateAdd() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryPostgresql
Add to the current date and time in Postgresql.
JDatabaseQuerySqlite::dateAdd() — Method in class JDatabaseQuerySqlite
Add to the current date and time.
JDatabaseQuerySqlsrv::dateAdd() — Method in class JDatabaseQuerySqlsrv
Add to the current date and time.
JError::detachHandler() — Method in class JError
Method that detaches the error handler from JError
JEventDispatcher::detach() — Method in class JEventDispatcher
Detach an observer object
JFacebookAlbum::deleteComment() — Method in class JFacebookAlbum
Method to delete a comment. Requires authentication and publish_stream permission.
JFacebookAlbum::deleteLike() — Method in class JFacebookAlbum
Method to unlike an album. Requires authentication and publish_stream permission.
JFacebookCheckin::deleteComment() — Method in class JFacebookCheckin
Method to delete a comment. Requires authentication and publish_stream permission.
JFacebookCheckin::deleteLike() — Method in class JFacebookCheckin
Method to unlike a checkin. Requires authentication and publish_stream permission.
JFacebookComment::deleteComment() — Method in class JFacebookComment
Method to delete a comment. Requires authentication and publish_stream permission.
JFacebookComment::deleteLike() — Method in class JFacebookComment
Method to unlike a comment. Requires authentication and publish_stram permission.
JFacebookEvent::deleteLink() — Method in class JFacebookEvent
Method to delete a link. Requires authentication and publish_stream permission.
JFacebookEvent::deletePost() — Method in class JFacebookEvent
Method to delete a post. Note: you can only delete the post if it was created by the current user.
JFacebookEvent::deleteStatus() — Method in class JFacebookEvent
Method to delete a status. Note: you can only delete the post if it was created by the current user.
JFacebookEvent::deleteInvite() — Method in class JFacebookEvent
Method to delete an invitation. Note: you can only delete the invite if the current user is the event admin.
JFacebookGroup::deleteLink() — Method in class JFacebookGroup
Method to delete a link. Requires authentication.
JFacebookGroup::deletePost() — Method in class JFacebookGroup
Method to delete a post. Note: you can only delete the post if it was created by the current user. Requires authentication.
JFacebookGroup::deleteStatus() — Method in class JFacebookGroup
Method to delete a status. Note: you can only delete the status if it was created by the current user. Requires authentication.
JFacebookLink::deleteComment() — Method in class JFacebookLink
Method to delete a comment. Requires authentication and publish_stream permission.
JFacebookLink::deleteLike() — Method in class JFacebookLink
Method to unlike a link. Requires authentication and publish_stream permission.
JFacebookNote::deleteComment() — Method in class JFacebookNote
Method to delete a comment. Requires authentication and publishstream and usernotes or friends_notes permissions.
JFacebookNote::deleteLike() — Method in class JFacebookNote
Method to unlike a note. Requires authentication and publishstream and usernotes or friends_notes permissions.
JFacebookObject::deleteConnection() — Method in class JFacebookObject
Method to delete a connection.
JFacebookPhoto::deleteComment() — Method in class JFacebookPhoto
Method to delete a comment. Requires authentication and publishstream permission, userphotos or friends_photos permission for private photos.
JFacebookPhoto::deleteLike() — Method in class JFacebookPhoto
Method to unlike a photo. Requires authentication and publishstream permission, userphotos or friends_photos permission for private photos.
JFacebookPost::deletePost() — Method in class JFacebookPost
Method to delete a post if it was created by this application. Requires authentication and publish_stream permission
JFacebookPost::deleteComment() — Method in class JFacebookPost
Method to delete a comment. Requires authentication and publish_stream permission
JFacebookPost::deleteLike() — Method in class JFacebookPost
Method to unlike a post. Requires authentication and publish_stream permission
JFacebookStatus::deleteComment() — Method in class JFacebookStatus
Method to delete a comment. Requires authentication and publishstream and userstatus or friends_status permission.
JFacebookStatus::deleteLike() — Method in class JFacebookStatus
Method to unlike a status message. Requires authentication and publishstream and userstatus or friends_status permission.
JFacebookUser::deletePermission() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to revoke a specific permission on behalf of a user. Requires authentication.
JFacebookUser::deleteEvent() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to delete an event. Note: you can only delete the event if it was created by the same app. Requires authentication create_event permission.
JFacebookUser::deleteLink() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to delete a link. Requires authentication and publish_stream permission.
JFacebookUser::deletePost() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to delete a post. Note: you can only delete the post if it was created by the current user. Requires authentication
JFacebookUser::deleteStatus() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to delete a status. Note: you can only delete the post if it was created by the current user.
JFacebookVideo::deleteComment() — Method in class JFacebookVideo
Method to delete a comment. Requires authentication and publishstream permission, uservideos or friends_videos permission for private videos.
JFacebookVideo::deleteLike() — Method in class JFacebookVideo
Method to unlike a video. Requires authentication and publishstream permission, uservideos or friends_videos permission for private videos.
JGithubAccount::deleteAuthorisation() — Method in class JGithubAccount
Method to delete an authorisation
JGithubCommits::deleteCommitComment() — Method in class JGithubCommits
Method to delete a comment on a commit.
JGithubHooks::delete() — Method in class JGithubHooks
Method to delete a hook
JGithubMilestones::delete() — Method in class JGithubMilestones
Method to delete a milestone.
JGithubPackageActivityNotifications::deleteThreadSubscription() — Method in class JGithubPackageActivityNotifications
Delete a Thread Subscription.
JGithubPackageActivityWatching::deleteSubscription() — Method in class JGithubPackageActivityWatching
Delete a Repository Subscription.
JGithubPackageAuthorization::delete() — Method in class JGithubPackageAuthorization
Method to delete an authorization
JGithubPackageDataRefs::delete() — Method in class JGithubPackageDataRefs
Delete a Reference
JGithubPackageGists::delete() — Method in class JGithubPackageGists
Method to delete a gist.
JGithubPackageGists::deleteComment() — Method in class JGithubPackageGists
Method to delete a comment on a gist.
JGithubPackageGistsComments::delete() — Method in class JGithubPackageGistsComments
Method to delete a comment on a gist.
JGithubPackageIssues::deleteComment() — Method in class JGithubPackageIssues
Method to delete a comment on an issue.
JGithubPackageIssues::deleteLabel() — Method in class JGithubPackageIssues
Method to delete a label on a repo.
JGithubPackageIssuesComments::delete() — Method in class JGithubPackageIssuesComments
Method to delete a comment on an issue.
JGithubPackageIssuesLabels::delete() — Method in class JGithubPackageIssuesLabels
Method to delete a label on a repo.
JGithubPackageIssuesMilestones::delete() — Method in class JGithubPackageIssuesMilestones
Method to delete a milestone.
JGithubPackageOrgsTeams::delete() — Method in class JGithubPackageOrgsTeams
Delete team.
JGithubPackagePulls::deleteComment() — Method in class JGithubPackagePulls
Method to delete a comment on a pull request.
JGithubPackagePullsComments::delete() — Method in class JGithubPackagePullsComments
Method to delete a comment on a pull request.
JGithubPackageRepositories::delete() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositories
Delete a Repository.
JGithubPackageRepositoriesComments::delete() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositoriesComments
Method to delete a comment on a commit.
JGithubPackageRepositoriesDownloads::delete() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositoriesDownloads
Delete a download.
JGithubPackageRepositoriesHooks::delete() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositoriesHooks
Method to delete a hook
JGithubPackageRepositoriesKeys::delete() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositoriesKeys
Delete a key.
JGithubPackageUsersEmails::delete() — Method in class JGithubPackageUsersEmails
Delete email address(es).
JGithubPackageUsersKeys::delete() — Method in class JGithubPackageUsersKeys
Delete a public key.
JGoogle::data() — Method in class JGoogle
Method to create JGoogleData objects
JGoogleDataCalendar::deleteCalendar() — Method in class JGoogleDataCalendar
Method to delete a calendar from Google
JGoogleDataCalendar::deleteEvent() — Method in class JGoogleDataCalendar
Method to delete an event from a Google Calendar
JGoogleDataPicasaAlbum::delete() — Method in class JGoogleDataPicasaAlbum
Method to delete a Picasa album
JGoogleDataPicasaPhoto::delete() — Method in class JGoogleDataPicasaPhoto
Method to delete a Picasa photo
JGoogleEmbedAnalytics::deleteCall() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedAnalytics
Delete a call from the stack
JGoogleEmbedMaps::deleteEventHandler() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedMaps
Method to remove an event handler from the map
JGoogleEmbedMaps::deleteMarker() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedMaps
Delete a marker from the map
JGrid::deleteColumn() — Method in class JGrid
Delete column by name
JGrid::deleteRow() — Method in class JGrid
Delete a row from the object
JHtmlActionsDropdown::duplicate() — Method in class JHtmlActionsDropdown
Append a duplicate item to the current dropdown menu
JHtmlActionsDropdown::divider() — Method in class JHtmlActionsDropdown
Writes a divider between dropdown items
JHtmlBootstrap::dropdown() — Method in class JHtmlBootstrap
Add javascript support for Bootstrap dropdowns
JHtmlDropdown::divider() — Method in class JHtmlDropdown
Writes a divider between dropdown items
JKeychain::deleteValue() — Method in class JKeychain
Delete a registry value (very simple method)
$JLessFormatterJoomlaProperty in class JLessFormatterJoomla
JLinkedinGroups::deletePost() — Method in class JLinkedinGroups
Method to delete a post if the current user is the creator or flag it as inappropriate otherwise.
JLinkedinGroups::deleteComment() — Method in class JLinkedinGroups
Method to delete a comment if the current user is the creator or flag it as inappropriate otherwise.
JLinkedinGroups::deleteSuggestion() — Method in class JLinkedinGroups
Method to delete a group suggestion for a user.
JLinkedinJobs::deleteBookmark() — Method in class JLinkedinJobs
Method to delete a bookmark.
JLoader::discover() — Method in class JLoader
Method to discover classes of a given type in a given path.
JMediawikiPages::deletePageByName() — Method in class JMediawikiPages
Method to delete a page.
JMediawikiPages::deletePageById() — Method in class JMediawikiPages
Method to delete a page.
JObservable::detach() — Method in class JObservable
Detach an observer object
JObserverUpdater::detachObserver() — Method in class JObserverUpdater
Removes an observer from the JObservableInterface instance updated by this This method can be called from JObservableInterface::attachObserver
JObserverUpdater::doCallObservers() — Method in class JObserverUpdater
Enable/Disable calling of observers (this is useful when calling parent:: function
JObserverUpdaterInterface::doCallObservers() — Method in class JObserverUpdaterInterface
Enable/Disable calling of observers (this is useful when calling parent:: function
JOpenstreetmapChangesets::downloadChangeset() — Method in class JOpenstreetmapChangesets
Method to download a changeset
JOpenstreetmapChangesets::diffUploadChangeset() — Method in class JOpenstreetmapChangesets
Method to upload a diff to a changeset
JOpenstreetmapElements::deleteElement() — Method in class JOpenstreetmapElements
Method to delete an element [node|way|relation]
JOpenstreetmapGps::downloadTraceMetadetails() — Method in class JOpenstreetmapGps
Method to download Trace details
JOpenstreetmapGps::downloadTraceMetadata() — Method in class JOpenstreetmapGps
Method to download Trace data
JSessionStorage::destroy() — Method in class JSessionStorage
Destroy the data for a particular session identifier in the SessionHandler backend.
JSessionStorageApc::destroy() — Method in class JSessionStorageApc
Destroy the data for a particular session identifier in the SessionHandler backend.
JSessionStorageApcu::destroy() — Method in class JSessionStorageApcu
Destroy the data for a particular session identifier in the SessionHandler backend.
JSessionStorageDatabase::destroy() — Method in class JSessionStorageDatabase
Destroy the data for a particular session identifier in the SessionHandler backend.
JSessionStorageXcache::destroy() — Method in class JSessionStorageXcache
Destroy the data for a particular session identifier in the SessionHandler backend.
JSimplecrypt::decrypt() — Method in class JSimplecrypt
Decrypt a string
JTableSession::destroy() — Method in class JTableSession
Destroys the pre-existing session
JTableSession::delete() — Method in class JTableSession
Overloaded delete method
JTwitterDirectmessages::deleteDirectMessages() — Method in class JTwitterDirectmessages
Method to delete the direct message specified in the required ID parameter.
JTwitterFavorites::deleteFavorites() — Method in class JTwitterFavorites
Method to un-favorites the status specified in the ID parameter as the authenticating user.
JTwitterLists::deleteMembers() — Method in class JTwitterLists
Method to remove multiple members from a list, by specifying a comma-separated list of member ids or screen names.
JTwitterLists::delete() — Method in class JTwitterLists
Method to delete a specified list.
JTwitterStatuses::deleteTweet() — Method in class JTwitterStatuses
Method to delete the status specified by the required ID parameter.
JTwittersearch::deleteSavedSearch() — Method in class JTwittersearch
Method to delete a saved search for the authenticating user.
AdministratorApplication::dispatch() — Method in class AdministratorApplication
Dispatch the application
DaemonApplicationClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Application
Class to turn CliApplication applications into daemons. It requires CLI and PCNTL support built into PHP.
SiteApplication::dispatch() — Method in class SiteApplication
Dispatch the application
Authentication::detach() — Method in class Authentication
Detach an observer object
Captcha::display() — Method in class Captcha
Get the HTML for the captcha.
Captcha::detach() — Method in class Captcha
Detach an observer object
$CategoryNodeProperty in class CategoryNode
Description of the category.
FtpClient::delete() — Method in class FtpClient
Method to delete a path [file/folder] on the FTP server
RouterView::detachRule() — Method in class RouterView
Remove a build rule
CipherInterface::decrypt() — Method in class CipherInterface
Method to decrypt a data string.
CryptoCipher::decrypt() — Method in class CryptoCipher
Method to decrypt a data string.
McryptCipher::decrypt() — Method in class McryptCipher
Method to decrypt a data string.
SimpleCipher::decrypt() — Method in class SimpleCipher
Method to decrypt a data string.
SodiumCipher::decrypt() — Method in class SodiumCipher
Method to decrypt a data string.
Crypt::decrypt() — Method in class Crypt
Method to decrypt a data string.
DateClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Date
JDate is a class that stores a date and provides logic to manipulate and render that date in a variety of formats.
Date::dayToString() — Method in class Date
Translates day of week number to a string.
DocumentClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Document
Document class, provides an easy interface to parse and display a document
$DocumentProperty in class Document
Document description
$DocumentProperty in class Document
Contains the document direction setting
DocumentRendererClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Document
Abstract class for a renderer
$ErrorDocumentProperty in class ErrorDocument
Flag if debug mode has been enabled
$FeedDocumentProperty in class FeedDocument
Docs feed element
$FeedImageProperty in class FeedImage
Title feed attribute
$FeedItemProperty in class FeedItem
Description item element
$FeedItemProperty in class FeedItem
Published date
$OpensearchImageProperty in class OpensearchImage
URL of the image or the image as base64 encoded value
Editor::detach() — Method in class Editor
Detach an observer object
Editor::display() — Method in class Editor
Display the editor area.
$FactoryProperty in class Factory
Container for Date instances
$FactoryProperty in class Factory
Global document object
$FactoryProperty in class Factory
Global database object
$FeedProperty in class Feed
string$descriptionA phrase or sentence describing the feed.
File::delete() — Method in class File
Delete a file or array of files
Folder::delete() — Method in class Folder
Delete a folder.
Stream::deleteContextEntry() — Method in class Stream
Deletes a particular setting from a context
Stream::delete() — Method in class Stream
Delete a file
FileWrapper::delete() — Method in class FileWrapper
Helper wrapper method for delete
FolderWrapper::delete() — Method in class FolderWrapper
Helper wrapper method for delete
HTMLHelper::date() — Method in class HTMLHelper
Returns formated date according to a given format and time zone.
ContentHistoryHelper::deleteHistory() — Method in class ContentHistoryHelper
Method to delete the history for an item.
TagsHelper::deleteTagData() — Method in class TagsHelper
Method to delete the tag mappings and #__ucm_content record for for an item
Http::delete() — Method in class Http
Method to send the DELETE command to the server.
ComponentAdapter::discover() — Method in class ComponentAdapter
Discover unregistered extensions.
LanguageAdapter::discover() — Method in class LanguageAdapter
Custom discover method Finds language files
LanguageAdapter::discover_install() — Method in class LanguageAdapter
Custom discover install method Basically updates the manifest cache and leaves everything alone
LibraryAdapter::discover() — Method in class LibraryAdapter
Custom discover method
ModuleAdapter::discover() — Method in class ModuleAdapter
Custom discover method
PluginAdapter::discover() — Method in class PluginAdapter
Custom discover method
TemplateAdapter::discover() — Method in class TemplateAdapter
Discover existing but uninstalled templates
Installer::discover_install() — Method in class Installer
Discovered package installation method
Installer::discover() — Method in class Installer
Extension discover method
InstallerAdapter::discover_install() — Method in class InstallerAdapter
Generic discover_install method for extensions
InstallerHelper::downloadPackage() — Method in class InstallerHelper
Downloads a package
InstallerHelper::detectType() — Method in class InstallerHelper
Method to detect the extension type from a package directory
$ManifestProperty in class Manifest
Description of the extension
Language::debugFile() — Method in class Language
Debugs a language file
LanguageHelper::detectLanguage() — Method in class LanguageHelper
Tries to detect the language.
LanguageHelperWrapper::detectLanguage() — Method in class LanguageHelperWrapper
Helper wrapper method for detectLanguage
BaseLayout::debug() — Method in class BaseLayout
Render a layout with debug info
$LayoutHelperProperty in class LayoutHelper
A default base path that will be used if none is provided when calling the render method.
LayoutHelper::debug() — Method in class LayoutHelper
Method to render a layout with debug info
DelegatingPsrLoggerClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Log
Delegating logger which delegates log messages received from the PSR-3 interface to the Joomla! Log object.
$LogEntryProperty in class LogEntry
The date the message was logged.
DatabaseLoggerClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Log\Logger
Joomla! MySQL Database Log class
AdminController::delete() — Method in class AdminController
Removes an item.
BaseController::display() — Method in class BaseController
Typical view method for MVC based architecture
AdminModel::delete() — Method in class AdminModel
Method to delete one or more records.
CategoriesView::display() — Method in class CategoriesView
Execute and display a template script.
CategoryFeedView::display() — Method in class CategoryFeedView
Execute and display a template script.
CategoryView::display() — Method in class CategoryView
Execute and display a template script.
$HtmlViewProperty in class HtmlView
The active document object
HtmlView::display() — Method in class HtmlView
Execute and display a template script.
Microdata::display() — Method in class Microdata
This function handles the display logic.
Microdata::displayScope() — Method in class Microdata
Return the HTML of the current Scope
CMSObject::def() — Method in class CMSObject
Sets a default value if not already assigned
$JsonResponseProperty in class JsonResponse
The response data
$ChangeItemProperty in class ChangeItem
\JDatabaseDriver object
MetadataManager::deletePriorTo() — Method in class MetadataManager
Delete records with a timestamp prior to the given time.
Session::destroy() — Method in class Session
Frees all session variables and destroys all data registered to a session
ContentHistory::deleteOldVersions() — Method in class ContentHistory
Utility method to remove the oldest versions of an item, saving only the most recent versions.
CoreContent::delete() — Method in class CoreContent
Override JTable delete method to include deleting corresponding row from #__ucm_base.
CoreContent::deleteByContentId() — Method in class CoreContent
Method to delete a row from the #__ucmcontent table by contentitem_id.
MenuType::delete() — Method in class MenuType
Method to delete a row from the database table by primary key value.
Nested::debug() — Method in class Nested
Sets the debug level on or off
Nested::delete() — Method in class Nested
Method to delete a node and, optionally, its child nodes from the table.
Table::delete() — Method in class Table
Method to delete a row from the database table by primary key value.
TableInterface::delete() — Method in class TableInterface
Method to delete a record.
User::delete() — Method in class User
Method to delete a user, user groups, and any other necessary data from the database.
Usergroup::delete() — Method in class Usergroup
Delete this object and its dependencies
ToolbarHelper::divider() — Method in class ToolbarHelper
Writes a divider between menu buttons
ToolbarHelper::deleteList() — Method in class ToolbarHelper
Writes a common 'delete' button for a list of records.
UCMContent::delete() — Method in class UCMContent
Delete content from the Core Content table
DownloadSourceClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Updater
Data object representing a download source given as part of an update's <downloads> element
User::defParam() — Method in class User
Method to set a default parameter if it does not exist
User::delete() — Method in class User
Method to delete the User object from the database


JApplication::enqueueMessage() — Method in class JApplication
Enqueue a system message.
JApplicationWebRouter::execute() — Method in class JApplicationWebRouter
Find and execute the appropriate controller based on a given route.
JApplicationWebRouterRest::execute() — Method in class JApplicationWebRouterRest
Find and execute the appropriate controller based on a given route.
JArchive::extract() — Method in class JArchive
Extract an archive file to a directory.
JArchiveBzip2::extract() — Method in class JArchiveBzip2
Extract a Bzip2 compressed file to a given path
JArchiveExtractable::extract() — Method in class JArchiveExtractable
Extract a compressed file to a given path
JArchiveGzip::extract() — Method in class JArchiveGzip
Extract a Gzip compressed file to a given path
JArchiveTar::extract() — Method in class JArchiveTar
Extract a ZIP compressed file to a given path
JArchiveWrapperArchive::extract() — Method in class JArchiveWrapperArchive
Helper wrapper method for extract
JArchiveZip::extract() — Method in class JArchiveZip
Extract a ZIP compressed file to a given path
JController::execute() — Method in class JController
Execute the controller.
JDatabaseDriver::escape() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Escapes a string for usage in an SQL statement.
JDatabaseDriver::execute() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Execute the SQL statement.
JDatabaseDriverMysql::escape() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverMysql
Method to escape a string for usage in an SQL statement.
JDatabaseDriverMysql::execute() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverMysql
Execute the SQL statement.
JDatabaseDriverMysqli::escape() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverMysqli
Method to escape a string for usage in an SQL statement.
JDatabaseDriverMysqli::execute() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverMysqli
Execute the SQL statement.
JDatabaseDriverPdo::escape() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPdo
Method to escape a string for usage in an SQL statement.
JDatabaseDriverPdo::execute() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPdo
Execute the SQL statement.
JDatabaseDriverPdomysql::escape() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPdomysql
Method to escape a string for usage in an SQL statement.
JDatabaseDriverPostgresql::escape() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPostgresql
Method to escape a string for usage in an SQL statement.
JDatabaseDriverPostgresql::execute() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPostgresql
Execute the SQL statement.
JDatabaseDriverSqlite::escape() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlite
Method to escape a string for usage in an SQLite statement.
JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv::escape() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv
Method to escape a string for usage in an SQL statement.
JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv::execute() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv
Execute the SQL statement.
JDatabaseQuery::escape() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Method to escape a string for usage in an SQL statement.
JDatabaseQuery::exec() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Add a single column, or array of columns to the EXEC clause of the query.
JDatabaseQuery::extendWhere() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Extend the WHERE clause with a single condition or an array of conditions, with a potentially different logical operator from the one in the current WHERE clause.
JDatabaseQuery::e() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Alias for escape method
JFacebookUser::editEvent() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to edit an event. Requires authentication create_event permission.
JGithubAccount::editAuthorisation() — Method in class JGithubAccount
Method to edit an authorisation.
JGithubCommits::editCommitComment() — Method in class JGithubCommits
Method to edit a comment on a commit.
JGithubHooks::edit() — Method in class JGithubHooks
Method to edit a hook.
JGithubMilestones::edit() — Method in class JGithubMilestones
Method to update a milestone.
JGithubPackageAuthorization::edit() — Method in class JGithubPackageAuthorization
Method to edit an authorization.
JGithubPackageDataRefs::edit() — Method in class JGithubPackageDataRefs
Method to update a reference.
JGithubPackageGists::edit() — Method in class JGithubPackageGists
Method to update a gist.
JGithubPackageGists::editComment() — Method in class JGithubPackageGists
Method to update a comment on a gist.
JGithubPackageGistsComments::edit() — Method in class JGithubPackageGistsComments
Method to update a comment on a gist.
JGithubPackageIssues::edit() — Method in class JGithubPackageIssues
Method to update an issue.
JGithubPackageIssues::editComment() — Method in class JGithubPackageIssues
Method to update a comment on an issue.
JGithubPackageIssues::editLabel() — Method in class JGithubPackageIssues
Method to update a label on a repo.
JGithubPackageIssuesComments::edit() — Method in class JGithubPackageIssuesComments
Method to update a comment on an issue.
JGithubPackageIssuesMilestones::edit() — Method in class JGithubPackageIssuesMilestones
Method to update a milestone.
JGithubPackageOrgs::edit() — Method in class JGithubPackageOrgs
Edit an Organization.
JGithubPackageOrgsTeams::edit() — Method in class JGithubPackageOrgsTeams
Edit team.
JGithubPackagePulls::edit() — Method in class JGithubPackagePulls
Method to update a pull request.
JGithubPackagePulls::editComment() — Method in class JGithubPackagePulls
Method to update a comment on a pull request.
JGithubPackagePullsComments::edit() — Method in class JGithubPackagePullsComments
Method to update a comment on a pull request.
JGithubPackageRepositories::edit() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositories
Edit a repository.
JGithubPackageRepositoriesComments::edit() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositoriesComments
Method to edit a comment on a commit.
JGithubPackageRepositoriesHooks::edit() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositoriesHooks
Method to edit a hook.
JGithubPackageRepositoriesKeys::edit() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositoriesKeys
Edit a key.
JGithubPackageSearch::email() — Method in class JGithubPackageSearch
Email search.
JGithubPackageUsers::edit() — Method in class JGithubPackageUsers
Update a user.
JGithubPackageUsersKeys::edit() — Method in class JGithubPackageUsersKeys
Update a public key.
JGithubRefs::edit() — Method in class JGithubRefs
Method to update a reference.
JGoogle::embed() — Method in class JGoogle
Method to create JGoogleEmbed objects
JGoogleDataCalendar::editCalendarSettings() — Method in class JGoogleDataCalendar
Method to edit a Google Calendar's settings
JGoogleDataCalendar::editCalendar() — Method in class JGoogleDataCalendar
Method to edit a Google Calendar
JGoogleDataCalendar::editEvent() — Method in class JGoogleDataCalendar
Method to edit a Google Calendar event
JGoogleEmbed::echoHeader() — Method in class JGoogleEmbed
Method to output the javascript header for the embed API
JGoogleEmbed::echoBody() — Method in class JGoogleEmbed
Method to output the body for the API
JHtmlAdminLanguage::existing() — Method in class JHtmlAdminLanguage
Get a list of the available administrator language items.
JHtmlBootstrap::endAccordion() — Method in class JHtmlBootstrap
Close the current accordion
JHtmlBootstrap::endSlide() — Method in class JHtmlBootstrap
Close the current slide
JHtmlBootstrap::endTabSet() — Method in class JHtmlBootstrap
Close the current tab pane
JHtmlBootstrap::endTab() — Method in class JHtmlBootstrap
Close the current tab content panel
JHtmlBootstrap::endPane() — Method in class JHtmlBootstrap
Close the current tab pane
JHtmlBootstrap::endPanel() — Method in class JHtmlBootstrap
Close the current tab content panel
JHtmlContentLanguage::existing() — Method in class JHtmlContentLanguage
Get a list of the available content language items.
JHtmlDropdown::edit() — Method in class JHtmlDropdown
Append an edit item to the current dropdown menu
JHtmlSliders::end() — Method in class JHtmlSliders
Close the current pane.
JHtmlTabs::end() — Method in class JHtmlTabs
Close the current pane
JMediawikiCategories::enumerateCategories() — Method in class JMediawikiCategories
Method to enumerate all categories.
JMediawikiImages::enumerateImages() — Method in class JMediawikiImages
Method to enumerate all images.
JMediawikiLinks::enumerateLinks() — Method in class JMediawikiLinks
Method to enumerate all links that point to a given namespace.
JMediawikiPages::editPage() — Method in class JMediawikiPages
Method to edit a page.
JMediawikiUsers::emailUser() — Method in class JMediawikiUsers
Method to email a user.
JOpenstreetmapChangesets::expandBBoxChangeset() — Method in class JOpenstreetmapChangesets
Method to expand the bounding box of a changeset
JSimplecrypt::encrypt() — Method in class JSimplecrypt
Encrypt a string
JStringWrapperPunycode::emailToPunycode() — Method in class JStringWrapperPunycode
Helper wrapper method for emailToPunycode
JStringWrapperPunycode::emailToUTF8() — Method in class JStringWrapperPunycode
Helper wrapper method for emailToUTF8
JTableSession::exists() — Method in class JTableSession
Find out if a user has one or more active sessions
JTwitterOAuth::endSession() — Method in class JTwitterOAuth
Ends the session of the authenticating user, returning a null cookie.
JView::escape() — Method in class JView
Method to escape output.
JViewBase::escape() — Method in class JViewBase
Method to escape output.
JViewHtml::escape() — Method in class JViewHtml
Method to escape output.
CMSApplication::enqueueMessage() — Method in class CMSApplication
Enqueue a system message.
CMSApplication::execute() — Method in class CMSApplication
Execute the application.
CliApplication::execute() — Method in class CliApplication
Execute the application.
DaemonApplication::execute() — Method in class DaemonApplication
Execute the daemon.
WebApplication::execute() — Method in class WebApplication
Execute the application.
$AuthenticationResponseProperty in class AuthenticationResponse
The error message
$AuthenticationResponseProperty in class AuthenticationResponse
The email address of the End User as specified in section 3.4.1 of [RFC2822]
OutputController::end() — Method in class OutputController
Stop the cache buffer and store the cached data
$CategoryNodeProperty in class CategoryNode
The extension this category is associated with
$ComponentRecordProperty in class ComponentRecord
Indicates if this component is enabled
CipherInterface::encrypt() — Method in class CipherInterface
Method to encrypt a data string.
CryptoCipher::encrypt() — Method in class CryptoCipher
Method to encrypt a data string.
McryptCipher::encrypt() — Method in class McryptCipher
Method to encrypt a data string.
SimpleCipher::encrypt() — Method in class SimpleCipher
Method to encrypt a data string.
SodiumCipher::encrypt() — Method in class SodiumCipher
Method to encrypt a data string.
Crypt::encrypt() — Method in class Crypt
Method to encrypt a data string.
ErrorDocumentClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Document
ErrorDocument class, provides an easy interface to parse and display an error page
$ErrorDocumentProperty in class ErrorDocument
Error Object
$FeedDocumentProperty in class FeedDocument
Editor feed element
$FeedDocumentProperty in class FeedDocument
Editor email feed element
$FeedItemProperty in class FeedItem
Enclosure element
EditorClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Editor
Editor class to handle WYSIWYG editors
ExceptionHandlerClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Exception
Displays the custom error page when an uncaught exception occurs.
ExtensionHelperClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Extension
Extension Helper class.
$FeedPersonProperty in class FeedPerson
The email address of the person.
File::exists() — Method in class File
Wrapper for the standard file_exists function
Folder::exists() — Method in class Folder
Wrapper for the standard file_exists function
Stream::eof() — Method in class Stream
Work out if we're at the end of the file for a stream
FileWrapper::exists() — Method in class FileWrapper
Helper wrapper method for exists
FolderWrapper::exists() — Method in class FolderWrapper
Helper wrapper method for exists
InputFilter::emailToPunycode() — Method in class InputFilter
Function to punyencode utf8 mail when saving content
EditorFieldClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form\Field
A textarea field for content creation
EmailRuleClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form\Rule
Form Rule class for the Joomla Platform.
EqualsRuleClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form\Rule
Form Rule class for the Joomla Platform.
ExistsRuleClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form\Rule
Form rule class to determine if a value exists in a database table.
$CliProperty in class Cli
The executable that was called to run the CLI script.
$InstallerProperty in class Installer
Extension Table Entry
Language::exists() — Method in class Language
Checks if a language exists.
LanguageHelper::exists() — Method in class LanguageHelper
Checks if a language exists.
BaseLayout::escape() — Method in class BaseLayout
Method to escape output.
LayoutInterface::escape() — Method in class LayoutInterface
Method to escape output.
EchoLoggerClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Log\Logger
Joomla Echo logger class.
BaseController::execute() — Method in class BaseController
Execute a task by triggering a method in the derived class.
FormController::edit() — Method in class FormController
Method to edit an existing record.
FormController::editAssociations() — Method in class FormController
Load item to edit associations in com_associations
AdminModel::editAssociations() — Method in class AdminModel
Method to load an item in com_associations.
HtmlView::escape() — Method in class HtmlView
Escapes a value for output in a view script.
Microdata::enable() — Method in class Microdata
Enable or Disable the library output
PunycodeHelper::emailToPunycode() — Method in class PunycodeHelper
Transforms a UTF-8 email to a Punycode email This assumes a valid email address
PunycodeHelper::emailToUTF8() — Method in class PunycodeHelper
Transforms a Punycode email to a UTF-8 email This assumes a valid email address
ExtensionClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Table
Extension table
ToolbarHelper::editList() — Method in class ToolbarHelper
Writes a common 'edit' button for a list of records.
ToolbarHelper::editHtml() — Method in class ToolbarHelper
Writes a common 'edit' button for a template html.
ToolbarHelper::editCss() — Method in class ToolbarHelper
Writes a common 'edit' button for a template css.
ExtensionAdapterClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Updater\Adapter
Extension class for updater
$UserProperty in class User
The email


JArrayHelper::fromObject() — Method in class JArrayHelper
Utility function to map an object to an array
JDatabaseExporter::from() — Method in class JDatabaseExporter
Specifies a list of table names to export.
JDatabaseImporter::from() — Method in class JDatabaseImporter
Specifies the data source to import.
JDatabaseQuery::from() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Add a table to the FROM clause of the query.
JDatabaseQuery::format() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Find and replace sprintf-like tokens in a format string.
JDatabaseQueryPostgresql::forUpdate() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryPostgresql
Sets the FOR UPDATE lock on select's output row
JDatabaseQueryPostgresql::forShare() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryPostgresql
Sets the FOR SHARE lock on select's output row
JGithubPackageGists::fork() — Method in class JGithubPackageGists
Method to fork a gist.
JGithubPackageUsersFollowers::follow() — Method in class JGithubPackageUsersFollowers
Follow a user.
JHtmlActionsDropdown::feature() — Method in class JHtmlActionsDropdown
Append a feature item to the current dropdown menu
JHtmlBehavior::framework() — Method in class JHtmlBehavior
Method to load the MooTools framework into the document head
JHtmlBehavior::formvalidation() — Method in class JHtmlBehavior
Add unobtrusive JavaScript support for form validation.
JHtmlBehavior::formvalidator() — Method in class JHtmlBehavior
Add unobtrusive JavaScript support for form validation.
JHtmlBootstrap::framework() — Method in class JHtmlBootstrap
Method to load the Bootstrap JavaScript framework into the document head
JHtmlDropdown::featured() — Method in class JHtmlDropdown
Append a featured item to the current dropdown menu
JHtmlJquery::framework() — Method in class JHtmlJquery
Method to load the jQuery JavaScript framework into the document head
JHtmlSearchtools::form() — Method in class JHtmlSearchtools
Load searchtools for a specific form
JLinkedinCompanies::follow() — Method in class JLinkedinCompanies
Method to follow a company.
JLinkedinGroups::followPost() — Method in class JLinkedinGroups
Method used to follow a post.
JLinkedinGroups::flagPost() — Method in class JLinkedinGroups
Method to flag a post as a Promotion or Job.
JOpenstreetmapElements::fullElement() — Method in class JOpenstreetmapElements
Method to get full information about an element [way|relation]
JStringWrapperNormalise::fromCamelCase() — Method in class JStringWrapperNormalise
Helper wrapper method for fromCamelCase
JStringWrapperPunycode::fromPunycode() — Method in class JStringWrapperPunycode
Helper wrapper method for fromPunycode
JTwitterFriends::follow() — Method in class JTwitterFriends
Allows the authenticating users to follow the user specified in the ID parameter.
JTwitterObject::fetchUrl() — Method in class JTwitterObject
Method to build and return a full request URL for the request. This method will add appropriate pagination details if necessary and also prepend the API url to have a complete URL for the request.
WebApplication::flushAssets() — Method in class WebApplication
Flush the media version to refresh versionable assets
$AuthenticationResponseProperty in class AuthenticationResponse
UTF-8 string free text representation of the End User's full name.
CacheStorage::flush() — Method in class CacheStorage
Flush all existing items in storage.
FileStorageClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Cache\Storage
File cache storage handler
MemcacheStorage::flush() — Method in class MemcacheStorage
Flush all existing items in storage.
MemcachedStorage::flush() — Method in class MemcachedStorage
Flush all existing items in storage.
FtpClientClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Client
FTP client class
ComponentHelper::filterText() — Method in class ComponentHelper
Applies the global text filters to arbitrary text as per settings for current user groups
$DateProperty in class Date
The format string to be applied when using the __toString() magic method.
Date::format() — Method in class Date
Gets the date as a formatted string.
FeedDocumentClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Document
FeedDocument class, provides an easy interface to parse and display any feed document
FeedEnclosureClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Document\Feed
Data object representing a feed enclosure
FeedImageClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Document\Feed
Data object representing a feed image
FeedItemClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Document\Feed
Data object representing a feed item
HeadRenderer::fetchHead() — Method in class HeadRenderer
Generates the head HTML and return the results as a string
FactoryClass in namespace Joomla\CMS
Joomla Platform Factory class.
FeedClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Feed
Class to encapsulate a feed for the Joomla Platform.
FeedEntryClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Feed
Class to encapsulate a feed entry for the Joomla Platform.
FeedFactoryClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Feed
Feed factory class.
FeedLinkClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Feed
Feed Link class.
FeedParserClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Feed
Feed Parser class.
FeedPersonClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Feed
Feed Person class.
FileClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Filesystem
A File handling class
FilesystemHelperClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Filesystem
File system helper
FilesystemHelper::ftpChmod() — Method in class FilesystemHelper
Quick FTP chmod
FilesystemHelper::fileUploadMaxSize() — Method in class FilesystemHelper
Calculates the maximum upload file size and returns string with unit or the size in bytes
FolderClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Filesystem
A Folder handling class
Folder::files() — Method in class Folder
Utility function to read the files in a folder.
Folder::folders() — Method in class Folder
Utility function to read the folders in a folder.
Path::find() — Method in class Path
Searches the directory paths for a given file.
Stream::filesize() — Method in class Stream
Retrieve the file size of the path
FileWrapperClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Wrapper
Wrapper class for File
FolderWrapperClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Wrapper
Wrapper class for Folder
FolderWrapper::files() — Method in class FolderWrapper
Helper wrapper method for files
FolderWrapper::folders() — Method in class FolderWrapper
Helper wrapper method for folders
PathWrapper::find() — Method in class PathWrapper
Helper wrapper method for find
FrontendlanguageFieldClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form\Field
Provides a list of published content languages with home pages
FormClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form
Form Class for the Joomla Platform.
Form::filter() — Method in class Form
Method to filter the form data.
FormFieldClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form
Abstract Form Field class for the Joomla Platform.
FormHelperClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form
Form's helper class.
FormRuleClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form
Form Rule class for the Joomla Platform.
FormWrapperClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form
Wrapper class for FormHelper
$HTMLHelperProperty in class HTMLHelper
Option values related to the generation of HTML output. Recognized options are: fmtDepth, integer. The current indent depth.
FactoryWrapperClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Http\Wrapper
Wrapper class for HttpFactory
FilesClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Input
Joomla! Input Files Class
FileAdapterClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Installer\Adapter
File installer
Installer::findManifest() — Method in class Installer
Tries to find the package manifest file
Installer::findDeletedFiles() — Method in class Installer
Compares two "files" entries to find deleted files/folders
$InstallerExtensionProperty in class InstallerExtension
Filename of the extension
$ManifestProperty in class Manifest
List of files in the extension
FileLayoutClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Layout
Base class for rendering a display layout loaded from from a layout file
FormattedtextLoggerClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Log\Logger
Joomla! Formatted Text File Log class
FormControllerClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller
Controller tailored to suit most form-based admin operations.
FormModelClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\MVC\Model
Prototype form model.
Microdata::fallback() — Method in class Microdata
Setup a Fallback Type and Property
$ChangeItemProperty in class ChangeItem
Update file: full path file name where query was found
ChangeItem::fix() — Method in class ChangeItem
Runs the update query to apply the change to the database
ChangeSet::fix() — Method in class ChangeSet
Runs the update query to apply the change to the database
Session::fork() — Method in class Session
Create a new session and copy variables from the old one
PunycodeHelper::fromPunycode() — Method in class PunycodeHelper
Transforms a Punycode string to a UTF-8 string
ContentType::fieldmapExpand() — Method in class ContentType
Method to expand the field mapping
Extension::find() — Method in class Extension
Method to create and execute a SELECT WHERE query.
Update::find() — Method in class Update
Method to create and execute a SELECT WHERE query.
ConfirmButton::fetchButton() — Method in class ConfirmButton
Fetch the HTML for the button
ConfirmButton::fetchId() — Method in class ConfirmButton
Get the button CSS Id
CustomButton::fetchButton() — Method in class CustomButton
Fetch the HTML for the button
CustomButton::fetchId() — Method in class CustomButton
Get the button CSS Id
HelpButton::fetchButton() — Method in class HelpButton
Fetches the button HTML code.
HelpButton::fetchId() — Method in class HelpButton
Get the button id
LinkButton::fetchButton() — Method in class LinkButton
Fetch the HTML for the button
LinkButton::fetchId() — Method in class LinkButton
Get the button CSS Id
PopupButton::fetchButton() — Method in class PopupButton
Fetch the HTML for the button
PopupButton::fetchId() — Method in class PopupButton
Get the button id
SeparatorButton::fetchButton() — Method in class SeparatorButton
Empty implementation (not required for separator)
SliderButton::fetchButton() — Method in class SliderButton
Fetch the HTML for the button
SliderButton::fetchId() — Method in class SliderButton
Get the button id
StandardButton::fetchButton() — Method in class StandardButton
Fetch the HTML for the button
StandardButton::fetchId() — Method in class StandardButton
Get the button CSS Id
ToolbarButton::fetchIconClass() — Method in class ToolbarButton
Method to get the CSS class name for an icon identifier
ToolbarButton::fetchButton() — Method in class ToolbarButton
Get the button
UCMType::fieldmapExpand() — Method in class UCMType
Method to expand the field mapping
CollectionAdapter::findUpdate() — Method in class CollectionAdapter
Finds an update
ExtensionAdapter::findUpdate() — Method in class ExtensionAdapter
Finds an update.
$DownloadSourceProperty in class DownloadSource
The download file's format
UpdateAdapter::findUpdate() — Method in class UpdateAdapter
Finds an update
Updater::findUpdates() — Method in class Updater
Finds the update for an extension. Any discovered updates are stored in the #__updates table.


JAdapter::getDbo() — Method in class JAdapter
Get the database connector object
JAdapter::getAdapter() — Method in class JAdapter
Return an adapter.
JAdapterInstance::getParent() — Method in class JAdapterInstance
Retrieves the parent object
JApplication::getInstance() — Method in class JApplication
Returns the global JApplicationCms object, only creating it if it doesn't already exist.
JApplication::getMessageQueue() — Method in class JApplication
Get the system message queue.
JApplication::getCfg() — Method in class JApplication
Gets a configuration value.
JApplication::getName() — Method in class JApplication
Method to get the application name.
JApplication::getUserState() — Method in class JApplication
Gets a user state.
JApplication::getUserStateFromRequest() — Method in class JApplication
Gets the value of a user state variable.
JApplication::getTemplate() — Method in class JApplication
Gets the name of the current template.
JApplication::getRouter() — Method in class JApplication
Returns the application JRouter object.
JApplication::getPathway() — Method in class JApplication
Returns the application JPathway object.
JApplication::getMenu() — Method in class JApplication
Returns the application JPathway object.
JApplication::getHash() — Method in class JApplication
Provides a secure hash based on a seed
JApplication::getClientId() — Method in class JApplication
Gets the client id of the current running application.
JArchive::getAdapter() — Method in class JArchive
Get a file compression adapter.
JArchiveWrapperArchive::getAdapter() — Method in class JArchiveWrapperArchive
Helper wrapper method for getAdapter
JArrayHelper::getColumn() — Method in class JArrayHelper
Extracts a column from an array of arrays or objects
JArrayHelper::getValue() — Method in class JArrayHelper
Utility function to return a value from a named array or a specified default
JController::getApplication() — Method in class JController
Get the application object.
JController::getInput() — Method in class JController
Get the input object.
JControllerBase::getApplication() — Method in class JControllerBase
Get the application object.
JControllerBase::getInput() — Method in class JControllerBase
Get the input object.
JDatabase::getConnectors() — Method in class JDatabase
Get a list of available database connectors. The list will only be populated with connectors that both the class exists and the static test method returns true. This gives us the ability to have a multitude of connector classes that are self-aware as to whether or not they are able to be used on a given system.
JDatabase::getErrorMsg() — Method in class JDatabase
Gets the error message from the database connection.
JDatabase::getErrorNum() — Method in class JDatabase
Gets the error number from the database connection.
JDatabase::getInstance() — Method in class JDatabase
Method to return a JDatabaseDriver instance based on the given options. There are three global options and then the rest are specific to the database driver. The 'driver' option defines which JDatabaseDriver class is used for the connection -- the default is 'mysqli'. The 'database' option determines which database is to be used for the connection. The 'select' option determines whether the connector should automatically select the chosen database.
JDatabaseDriver::getConnectors() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Get a list of available database connectors. The list will only be populated with connectors that both the class exists and the static test method returns true. This gives us the ability to have a multitude of connector classes that are self-aware as to whether or not they are able to be used on a given system.
JDatabaseDriver::getInstance() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Method to return a JDatabaseDriver instance based on the given options. There are three global options and then the rest are specific to the database driver. The 'driver' option defines which JDatabaseDriver class is used for the connection -- the default is 'mysqli'. The 'database' option determines which database is to be used for the connection. The 'select' option determines whether the connector should automatically select the chosen database.
JDatabaseDriver::getAffectedRows() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Get the number of affected rows for the previous executed SQL statement.
JDatabaseDriver::getAlterDbCharacterSet() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Return the query string to alter the database character set.
JDatabaseDriver::getAlterTableCharacterSet() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Get the query strings to alter the character set and collation of a table.
JDatabaseDriver::getCollation() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Method to get the database collation in use by sampling a text field of a table in the database.
JDatabaseDriver::getConnectionCollation() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Method to get the database connection collation, as reported by the driver. If the connector doesn't support reporting this value please return an empty string.
JDatabaseDriver::getConnection() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Method that provides access to the underlying database connection. Useful for when you need to call a proprietary method such as postgresql's lo_* methods.
JDatabaseDriver::getCount() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Get the total number of SQL statements executed by the database driver.
JDatabaseDriver::getDateFormat() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Returns a PHP date() function compliant date format for the database driver.
JDatabaseDriver::getLog() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Get the database driver SQL statement log.
JDatabaseDriver::getTimings() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Get the database driver SQL statement log.
JDatabaseDriver::getCallStacks() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Get the database driver SQL statement log.
JDatabaseDriver::getMinimum() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Get the minimum supported database version.
JDatabaseDriver::getNullDate() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Get the null or zero representation of a timestamp for the database driver.
JDatabaseDriver::getNumRows() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Get the number of returned rows for the previous executed SQL statement.
JDatabaseDriver::getPrefix() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Get the common table prefix for the database driver.
JDatabaseDriver::getExporter() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Gets an exporter class object.
JDatabaseDriver::getImporter() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Gets an importer class object.
JDatabaseDriver::getName() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Get the name of the database driver. If $this->name is not set it will try guessing the driver name from the class name.
JDatabaseDriver::getServerType() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Get the server family type, e.g. mysql, postgresql, oracle, sqlite, mssql. If $this->serverType is not set it will attempt guessing the server family type from the driver name. If this is not possible the driver name will be returned instead.
JDatabaseDriver::getQuery() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Get the current query object or a new JDatabaseQuery object.
JDatabaseDriver::getIterator() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Get a new iterator on the current query.
JDatabaseDriver::getTableColumns() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Retrieves field information about the given tables.
JDatabaseDriver::getTableCreate() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Shows the table CREATE statement that creates the given tables.
JDatabaseDriver::getTableKeys() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Retrieves keys information about the given table.
JDatabaseDriver::getTableList() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Method to get an array of all tables in the database.
JDatabaseDriver::getUTFSupport() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Determine whether or not the database engine supports UTF-8 character encoding.
JDatabaseDriver::getVersion() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Get the version of the database connector
JDatabaseDriverMysql::getAffectedRows() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverMysql
Get the number of affected rows by the last INSERT, UPDATE, REPLACE or DELETE for the previous executed SQL statement.
JDatabaseDriverMysql::getNumRows() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverMysql
Get the number of returned rows for the previous executed SQL statement.
JDatabaseDriverMysql::getVersion() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverMysql
Get the version of the database connector.
JDatabaseDriverMysqli::getAffectedRows() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverMysqli
Get the number of affected rows by the last INSERT, UPDATE, REPLACE or DELETE for the previous executed SQL statement.
JDatabaseDriverMysqli::getCollation() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverMysqli
Method to get the database collation.
JDatabaseDriverMysqli::getConnectionCollation() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverMysqli
Method to get the database connection collation, as reported by the driver. If the connector doesn't support reporting this value please return an empty string.
JDatabaseDriverMysqli::getNumRows() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverMysqli
Get the number of returned rows for the previous executed SQL statement.
JDatabaseDriverMysqli::getTableCreate() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverMysqli
Shows the table CREATE statement that creates the given tables.
JDatabaseDriverMysqli::getTableColumns() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverMysqli
Retrieves field information about a given table.
JDatabaseDriverMysqli::getTableKeys() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverMysqli
Get the details list of keys for a table.
JDatabaseDriverMysqli::getTableList() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverMysqli
Method to get an array of all tables in the database.
JDatabaseDriverMysqli::getVersion() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverMysqli
Get the version of the database connector.
JDatabaseDriverOracle::getCollation() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverOracle
Method to get the database collation in use by sampling a text field of a table in the database.
JDatabaseDriverOracle::getConnectionCollation() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverOracle
Method to get the database connection collation, as reported by the driver. If the connector doesn't support reporting this value please return an empty string.
JDatabaseDriverOracle::getConnectedQuery() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverOracle
Get a query to run and verify the database is operational.
JDatabaseDriverOracle::getDateFormat() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverOracle
Returns the current date format This method should be useful in the case that somebody actually wants to use a different date format and needs to check what the current one is to see if it needs to be changed.
JDatabaseDriverOracle::getTableCreate() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverOracle
Shows the table CREATE statement that creates the given tables.
JDatabaseDriverOracle::getTableColumns() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverOracle
Retrieves field information about a given table.
JDatabaseDriverOracle::getTableKeys() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverOracle
Get the details list of keys for a table.
JDatabaseDriverOracle::getTableList() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverOracle
Method to get an array of all tables in the database (schema).
JDatabaseDriverOracle::getVersion() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverOracle
Get the version of the database connector.
JDatabaseDriverOracle::getAlterTableCharacterSet() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverOracle
Get the query strings to alter the character set and collation of a table.
JDatabaseDriverPdo::getOption() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPdo
Retrieve a PDO database connection attribute
JDatabaseDriverPdo::getConnectedQuery() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPdo
Get a query to run and verify the database is operational.
JDatabaseDriverPdo::getVersion() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPdo
Get the version of the database connector.
JDatabaseDriverPdo::getAffectedRows() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPdo
Get the number of affected rows for the previous executed SQL statement.
JDatabaseDriverPdo::getNumRows() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPdo
Get the number of returned rows for the previous executed SQL statement.
JDatabaseDriverPdomysql::getCollation() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPdomysql
Method to get the database collation in use by sampling a text field of a table in the database.
JDatabaseDriverPdomysql::getConnectionCollation() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPdomysql
Method to get the database connection collation, as reported by the driver. If the connector doesn't support reporting this value please return an empty string.
JDatabaseDriverPdomysql::getTableCreate() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPdomysql
Shows the table CREATE statement that creates the given tables.
JDatabaseDriverPdomysql::getTableColumns() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPdomysql
Retrieves field information about a given table.
JDatabaseDriverPdomysql::getTableKeys() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPdomysql
Get the details list of keys for a table.
JDatabaseDriverPdomysql::getTableList() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPdomysql
Method to get an array of all tables in the database.
JDatabaseDriverPgsql::getCollation() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPgsql
Method to get the database collation in use by sampling a text field of a table in the database.
JDatabaseDriverPgsql::getConnectionCollation() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPgsql
Method to get the database connection collation in use by sampling a text field of a table in the database.
JDatabaseDriverPgsql::getTableCreate() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPgsql
Shows the table CREATE statement that creates the given tables.
JDatabaseDriverPgsql::getTableColumns() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPgsql
Retrieves field information about a given table.
JDatabaseDriverPgsql::getTableKeys() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPgsql
Get the details list of keys for a table.
JDatabaseDriverPgsql::getTableList() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPgsql
Method to get an array of all tables in the database.
JDatabaseDriverPgsql::getTableSequences() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPgsql
Get the details list of sequences for a table.
JDatabaseDriverPgsql::getStringPositionSql() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPgsql
Get the substring position inside a string
JDatabaseDriverPgsql::getRandom() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPgsql
Generate a random value
JDatabaseDriverPgsql::getAlterDbCharacterSet() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPgsql
Get the query string to alter the database character set.
JDatabaseDriverPgsql::getCreateDbQuery() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPgsql
Get the query string to create new Database in correct PostgreSQL syntax.
JDatabaseDriverPostgresql::getAffectedRows() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPostgresql
Get the number of affected rows by the last INSERT, UPDATE, REPLACE or DELETE for the previous executed SQL statement.
JDatabaseDriverPostgresql::getCollation() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPostgresql
Method to get the database collation in use by sampling a text field of a table in the database.
JDatabaseDriverPostgresql::getConnectionCollation() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPostgresql
Method to get the database connection collation, as reported by the driver. If the connector doesn't support reporting this value please return an empty string.
JDatabaseDriverPostgresql::getNumRows() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPostgresql
Get the number of returned rows for the previous executed SQL statement.
JDatabaseDriverPostgresql::getQuery() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPostgresql
Get the current or query, or new JDatabaseQuery object.
JDatabaseDriverPostgresql::getTableCreate() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPostgresql
Shows the table CREATE statement that creates the given tables.
JDatabaseDriverPostgresql::getTableColumns() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPostgresql
Retrieves field information about a given table.
JDatabaseDriverPostgresql::getTableKeys() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPostgresql
Get the details list of keys for a table.
JDatabaseDriverPostgresql::getTableList() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPostgresql
Method to get an array of all tables in the database.
JDatabaseDriverPostgresql::getTableSequences() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPostgresql
Get the details list of sequences for a table.
JDatabaseDriverPostgresql::getVersion() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPostgresql
Get the version of the database connector.
JDatabaseDriverPostgresql::getStringPositionSql() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPostgresql
Get the substring position inside a string
JDatabaseDriverPostgresql::getRandom() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPostgresql
Generate a random value
JDatabaseDriverPostgresql::getAlterDbCharacterSet() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPostgresql
Get the query string to alter the database character set.
JDatabaseDriverPostgresql::getCreateDbQuery() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPostgresql
Get the query string to create new Database in correct PostgreSQL syntax.
JDatabaseDriverPostgresql::getAlterTableCharacterSet() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPostgresql
Get the query strings to alter the character set and collation of a table.
JDatabaseDriverSqlite::getCollation() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlite
Method to get the database collation in use by sampling a text field of a table in the database.
JDatabaseDriverSqlite::getConnectionCollation() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlite
Method to get the database connection collation, as reported by the driver. If the connector doesn't support reporting this value please return an empty string.
JDatabaseDriverSqlite::getTableCreate() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlite
Shows the table CREATE statement that creates the given tables.
JDatabaseDriverSqlite::getTableColumns() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlite
Retrieves field information about a given table.
JDatabaseDriverSqlite::getTableKeys() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlite
Get the details list of keys for a table.
JDatabaseDriverSqlite::getTableList() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlite
Method to get an array of all tables in the database (schema).
JDatabaseDriverSqlite::getVersion() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlite
Get the version of the database connector.
JDatabaseDriverSqlite::getAlterTableCharacterSet() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlite
Get the query strings to alter the character set and collation of a table.
JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv::getAffectedRows() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv
Get the number of affected rows for the previous executed SQL statement.
JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv::getCollation() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv
Method to get the database collation in use by sampling a text field of a table in the database.
JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv::getConnectionCollation() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv
Method to get the database connection collation, as reported by the driver. If the connector doesn't support reporting this value please return an empty string.
JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv::getNumRows() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv
Get the number of returned rows for the previous executed SQL statement.
JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv::getTableColumns() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv
Retrieves field information about the given tables.
JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv::getTableCreate() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv
Shows the table CREATE statement that creates the given tables.
JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv::getTableKeys() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv
Get the details list of keys for a table.
JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv::getTableList() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv
Method to get an array of all tables in the database.
JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv::getVersion() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv
Get the version of the database connector.
JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv::getAlterTableCharacterSet() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv
Get the query strings to alter the character set and collation of a table.
JDatabaseExceptionExecuting::getQuery() — Method in class JDatabaseExceptionExecuting
Get the SQL statement that was executed
JDatabaseFactory::getDriver() — Method in class JDatabaseFactory
Method to return a JDatabaseDriver instance based on the given options. There are three global options and then the rest are specific to the database driver. The 'database' option determines which database is to be used for the connection. The 'select' option determines whether the connector should automatically select the chosen database.
JDatabaseFactory::getExporter() — Method in class JDatabaseFactory
Gets an exporter class object.
JDatabaseFactory::getImporter() — Method in class JDatabaseFactory
Gets an importer class object.
JDatabaseFactory::getInstance() — Method in class JDatabaseFactory
Gets an instance of the factory object.
JDatabaseFactory::getQuery() — Method in class JDatabaseFactory
Get the current query object or a new JDatabaseQuery object.
JDatabaseQuery::group() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Add a grouping column to the GROUP clause of the query.
JDatabaseQueryElement::getElements() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryElement
Gets the elements of this element.
JDatabaseQueryOracle::getBounded() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryOracle
Retrieves the bound parameters array when key is null and returns it by reference. If a key is provided then that item is returned.
JDatabaseQueryPgsql::getBounded() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryPgsql
Retrieves the bound parameters array when key is null and returns it by reference. If a key is provided then that item is returned.
JDatabaseQueryPreparable::getBounded() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryPreparable
Retrieves the bound parameters array when key is null and returns it by reference. If a key is provided then that item is returned.
JDatabaseQuerySqlite::getBounded() — Method in class JDatabaseQuerySqlite
Retrieves the bound parameters array when key is null and returns it by reference. If a key is provided then that item is returned.
JError::getError() — Method in class JError
Method for retrieving the last exception object in the error stack
JError::getErrors() — Method in class JError
Method for retrieving the exception stack
JError::getErrorHandling() — Method in class JError
Method to get the current error handler settings for a specified error level.
JEventDispatcher::getInstance() — Method in class JEventDispatcher
Returns the global Event Dispatcher object, only creating it if it doesn't already exist.
JEventDispatcher::getState() — Method in class JEventDispatcher
Get the state of the JEventDispatcher object
JException::get() — Method in class JException
Returns a property of the object or the default value if the property is not set.
JException::getProperties() — Method in class JException
Returns an associative array of object properties
JException::getError() — Method in class JException
Get the most recent error message
JException::getErrors() — Method in class JException
Return all errors, if any
JFacebook::getOption() — Method in class JFacebook
Get an option from the JFacebook instance.
JFacebookAlbum::getAlbum() — Method in class JFacebookAlbum
Method to get an album. Requires authentication and userphotos or friendsphotos permission for private photos.
JFacebookAlbum::getPhotos() — Method in class JFacebookAlbum
Method to get the photos contained in this album. Requires authentication and userphotos or friendsphotos permission for private photos.
JFacebookAlbum::getComments() — Method in class JFacebookAlbum
Method to get an album's comments. Requires authentication and userphotos or friendsphotos permission for private photos.
JFacebookAlbum::getLikes() — Method in class JFacebookAlbum
Method to get album's likes. Requires authentication and userphotos or friendsphotos permission for private photos.
JFacebookAlbum::getPicture() — Method in class JFacebookAlbum
Method to get the album's cover photo, the first picture uploaded to an album becomes the cover photo for the album.
JFacebookCheckin::getCheckin() — Method in class JFacebookCheckin
Method to get a checkin. Requires authentication and usercheckins or friendscheckins permission.
JFacebookCheckin::getComments() — Method in class JFacebookCheckin
Method to get a checkin's comments. Requires authentication and usercheckins or friendscheckins permission.
JFacebookCheckin::getLikes() — Method in class JFacebookCheckin
Method to get a checkin's likes. Requires authentication and usercheckins or friendscheckins permission.
JFacebookComment::getComment() — Method in class JFacebookComment
Method to get a comment. Requires authentication.
JFacebookComment::getComments() — Method in class JFacebookComment
Method to get a comment's comments. Requires authentication.
JFacebookComment::getLikes() — Method in class JFacebookComment
Method to get comment's likes. Requires authentication.
JFacebookEvent::getEvent() — Method in class JFacebookEvent
Method to get information about an event visible to the current user. Requires authentication.
JFacebookEvent::getFeed() — Method in class JFacebookEvent
Method to get the event's wall. Requires authentication.
JFacebookEvent::getInvited() — Method in class JFacebookEvent
Method to get the list of invitees for the event. Requires authentication and userevents or friendsevents permission.
JFacebookEvent::getAttending() — Method in class JFacebookEvent
Method to get the list of attending users. Requires authentication and userevents or friendsevents permission.
JFacebookEvent::getMaybe() — Method in class JFacebookEvent
Method to get the list of maybe attending users. Requires authentication and userevents or friendsevents permission.
JFacebookEvent::getDeclined() — Method in class JFacebookEvent
Method to get the list of users which declined the event. Requires authentication and userevents or friendsevents permission.
JFacebookEvent::getNoreply() — Method in class JFacebookEvent
Method to get the list of users which have not replied to the event. Requires authentication and userevents or friendsevents permission.
JFacebookEvent::getPicture() — Method in class JFacebookEvent
Method to get the event's profile picture. Requires authentication and userevents or friendsevents permission.
JFacebookEvent::getPhotos() — Method in class JFacebookEvent
Method to get photos published on event's wall. Requires authentication.
JFacebookEvent::getVideos() — Method in class JFacebookEvent
Method to get videos published on event's wall. Requires authentication.
JFacebookGroup::getGroup() — Method in class JFacebookGroup
Method to read a group. Requires authentication and usergroups or friendsgroups permission for non-public groups.
JFacebookGroup::getFeed() — Method in class JFacebookGroup
Method to get the group's wall. Requires authentication and usergroups or friendsgroups permission for non-public groups.
JFacebookGroup::getMembers() — Method in class JFacebookGroup
Method to get the group's members. Requires authentication and usergroups or friendsgroups permission for non-public groups.
JFacebookGroup::getDocs() — Method in class JFacebookGroup
Method to get the group's docs. Requires authentication and usergroups or friendsgroups permission for non-public groups.
JFacebookGroup::getPicture() — Method in class JFacebookGroup
Method to get the groups's picture. Requires authentication and usergroups or friendsgroups permission.
JFacebookLink::getLink() — Method in class JFacebookLink
Method to get a link. Requires authentication and read_stream permission for non-public links.
JFacebookLink::getComments() — Method in class JFacebookLink
Method to get a link's comments. Requires authentication and read_stream permission for non-public links.
JFacebookLink::getLikes() — Method in class JFacebookLink
Method to get link's likes. Requires authentication and read_stream permission for non-public links.
JFacebookNote::getNote() — Method in class JFacebookNote
Method to get a note. Requires authentication and usernotes or friendsnotes permission for non-public notes.
JFacebookNote::getComments() — Method in class JFacebookNote
Method to get a note's comments. Requires authentication and usernotes or friendsnotes permission for non-public notes.
JFacebookNote::getLikes() — Method in class JFacebookNote
Method to get note's likes. Requires authentication and usernotes or friendsnotes for non-public notes.
JFacebookOAuth::getScope() — Method in class JFacebookOAuth
Method to get the current scope
JFacebookObject::get() — Method in class JFacebookObject
Method to get an object.
JFacebookObject::getConnection() — Method in class JFacebookObject
Method to get object's connection.
JFacebookObject::getOAuth() — Method in class JFacebookObject
Method used to get the OAuth client.
JFacebookPhoto::getPhoto() — Method in class JFacebookPhoto
Method to get a photo. Requires authentication and userphotos or friendsphotos permission for private photos.
JFacebookPhoto::getComments() — Method in class JFacebookPhoto
Method to get a photo's comments. Requires authentication and userphotos or friendsphotos permission for private photos.
JFacebookPhoto::getLikes() — Method in class JFacebookPhoto
Method to get photo's likes. Requires authentication and userphotos or friendsphotos permission for private photos.
JFacebookPhoto::getTags() — Method in class JFacebookPhoto
Method to get the Users tagged in the photo. Requires authentication and userphotos or friendsphotos permission for private photos.
JFacebookPhoto::getPicture() — Method in class JFacebookPhoto
Method to get the album-sized view of the photo. Requires authentication and userphotos or friendsphotos permission for private photos.
JFacebookPost::getPost() — Method in class JFacebookPost
Method to get a post. Requires authentication and read_stream permission for all data.
JFacebookPost::getComments() — Method in class JFacebookPost
Method to get a post's comments. Requires authentication and read_stream permission.
JFacebookPost::getLikes() — Method in class JFacebookPost
Method to get post's likes. Requires authentication and read_stream permission.
JFacebookStatus::getStatus() — Method in class JFacebookStatus
Method to get a status message. Requires authentication.
JFacebookStatus::getComments() — Method in class JFacebookStatus
Method to get a status message's comments. Requires authentication.
JFacebookStatus::getLikes() — Method in class JFacebookStatus
Method to get a status message's likes. Requires authentication.
JFacebookUser::getUser() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to get the specified user's details. Authentication is required only for some fields.
JFacebookUser::getFriends() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to get the specified user's friends. Requires authentication.
JFacebookUser::getFriendRequests() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to get the user's incoming friend requests. Requires authentication and read_requests permission.
JFacebookUser::getFriendLists() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to get the user's friend lists. Requires authentication and read_friendlists permission.
JFacebookUser::getFeed() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to get the user's wall. Requires authentication and read_stream permission.
JFacebookUser::getHome() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to get the user's news feed. Requires authentication and read_stream permission.
JFacebookUser::getMutualFriends() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to get mutual friends of one user and the current user. Requires authentication.
JFacebookUser::getPicture() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to get the user's profile picture. Requires authentication.
JFacebookUser::getFamily() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to get the user's family relationships. Requires authentication and user_relationships permission.
JFacebookUser::getNotifications() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to get the user's notifications. Requires authentication and manage_notifications permission.
JFacebookUser::getPermissions() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to get the user's permissions. Requires authentication.
JFacebookUser::getAlbums() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to get the user's albums. Requires authentication and userphotos or friendsphotos permission.
JFacebookUser::getCheckins() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to get the user's checkins. Requires authentication and usercheckins or friendscheckins permission
JFacebookUser::getLikes() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to get the user's likes. Requires authentication and userlikes or friendslikes permission.
JFacebookUser::getEvents() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to get the current user's events. Requires authentication and userevents or friendsevents permission.
JFacebookUser::getGroups() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to get the groups that the user belongs to. Requires authentication and usergroups or friendsgroups permission.
JFacebookUser::getLinks() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to get the user's posted links. Requires authentication and usergroups or friendsgroups permission.
JFacebookUser::getNotes() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to get the user's notes. Requires authentication and usergroups or friendsgroups permission.
JFacebookUser::getPhotos() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to get the user's photos. Requires authentication and usergroups or friendsgroups permission.
JFacebookUser::getPosts() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to get the user's posts. Requires authentication and read_stream permission for non-public posts.
JFacebookUser::getStatuses() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to get the user's statuses. Requires authentication read_stream permission.
JFacebookUser::getVideos() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to get the videos the user has been tagged in. Requires authentication and uservideos or friendsvideos permission.
JFacebookUser::getTagged() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to get the posts the user has been tagged in. Requires authentication and uservideos or friendsvideos permission.
JFacebookUser::getActivities() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to get the activities listed on the user's profile. Requires authentication and useractivities or friendsactivities permission.
JFacebookUser::getBooks() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to get the books listed on the user's profile. Requires authentication and userlikes or friendslikes permission.
JFacebookUser::getInterests() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to get the interests listed on the user's profile. Requires authentication.
JFacebookUser::getMovies() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to get the movies listed on the user's profile. Requires authentication and userlikes or friendslikes permission.
JFacebookUser::getTelevision() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to get the television listed on the user's profile. Requires authentication and userlikes or friendslikes permission.
JFacebookUser::getMusic() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to get the music listed on the user's profile. Requires authentication userlikes or friendslikes permission.
JFacebookUser::getSubscribers() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to get the user's subscribers. Requires authentication and usersubscriptions or friendssubscriptions permission.
JFacebookUser::getSubscribedTo() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to get the people the user is subscribed to. Requires authentication and usersubscriptions or friendssubscriptions permission.
JFacebookVideo::getVideo() — Method in class JFacebookVideo
Method to get a video. Requires authentication and uservideos or friendsvideos permission for private videos.
JFacebookVideo::getComments() — Method in class JFacebookVideo
Method to get a video's comments. Requires authentication and uservideos or friendsvideos permission for private videos.
JFacebookVideo::getLikes() — Method in class JFacebookVideo
Method to get video's likes. Requires authentication and uservideos or friendsvideos permission for private videos.
JFacebookVideo::getPicture() — Method in class JFacebookVideo
Method to get the album-sized view of the video. Requires authentication and uservideos or friendsvideos permission for private photos.
JGithub::getOption() — Method in class JGithub
Get an option from the JGitHub instance.
JGithubAccount::getAuthorisation() — Method in class JGithubAccount
Method to get details about an authorised application for the authenticated user.
JGithubAccount::getAuthorisations() — Method in class JGithubAccount
Method to get the authorised applications for the authenticated user.
JGithubAccount::getRateLimit() — Method in class JGithubAccount
Method to get the rate limit for the authenticated user.
JGithubCommits::getCommit() — Method in class JGithubCommits
Method to get a single commit for a repository.
JGithubCommits::getCommitComment() — Method in class JGithubCommits
Method to get a single comment on a commit.
JGithubCommits::getCommitComments() — Method in class JGithubCommits
Method to get a list of comments for a single commit for a repository.
JGithubCommits::getDiff() — Method in class JGithubCommits
Method to get a diff for two commits.
JGithubCommits::getList() — Method in class JGithubCommits
Method to list commits for a repository.
JGithubCommits::getListComments() — Method in class JGithubCommits
Method to get a list of commit comments for a repository.
JGithubForks::getList() — Method in class JGithubForks
Method to list forks for a repository.
JGithubHooks::get() — Method in class JGithubHooks
Method to get details about a single hook for the repository.
JGithubHooks::getList() — Method in class JGithubHooks
Method to list hooks for a repository.
JGithubMeta::getMeta() — Method in class JGithubMeta
Method to get the authorized IP addresses for services
JGithubMilestones::getList() — Method in class JGithubMilestones
Method to get the list of milestones for a repo.
JGithubMilestones::get() — Method in class JGithubMilestones
Method to get a specific milestone.
JGithubPackageActivityEvents::getPublic() — Method in class JGithubPackageActivityEvents
List public events.
JGithubPackageActivityEvents::getRepository() — Method in class JGithubPackageActivityEvents
List repository events.
JGithubPackageActivityEvents::getIssue() — Method in class JGithubPackageActivityEvents
List issue events for a repository.
JGithubPackageActivityEvents::getNetwork() — Method in class JGithubPackageActivityEvents
List public events for a network of repositories.
JGithubPackageActivityEvents::getOrg() — Method in class JGithubPackageActivityEvents
List public events for an organization.
JGithubPackageActivityEvents::getUser() — Method in class JGithubPackageActivityEvents
List events that a user has received.
JGithubPackageActivityEvents::getUserPublic() — Method in class JGithubPackageActivityEvents
List public events that a user has received.
JGithubPackageActivityEvents::getByUser() — Method in class JGithubPackageActivityEvents
List events performed by a user.
JGithubPackageActivityEvents::getByUserPublic() — Method in class JGithubPackageActivityEvents
List public events performed by a user.
JGithubPackageActivityEvents::getUserOrg() — Method in class JGithubPackageActivityEvents
List events for an organization.
JGithubPackageActivityNotifications::getList() — Method in class JGithubPackageActivityNotifications
List your notifications.
JGithubPackageActivityNotifications::getListRepository() — Method in class JGithubPackageActivityNotifications
List your notifications in a repository.
JGithubPackageActivityNotifications::getThreadSubscription() — Method in class JGithubPackageActivityNotifications
Get a Thread Subscription.
JGithubPackageActivityStarring::getList() — Method in class JGithubPackageActivityStarring
List Stargazers.
JGithubPackageActivityStarring::getRepositories() — Method in class JGithubPackageActivityStarring
List repositories being starred.
JGithubPackageActivityWatching::getList() — Method in class JGithubPackageActivityWatching
List watchers
JGithubPackageActivityWatching::getRepositories() — Method in class JGithubPackageActivityWatching
List repositories being watched.
JGithubPackageActivityWatching::getSubscription() — Method in class JGithubPackageActivityWatching
Get a Repository Subscription.
JGithubPackageAuthorization::get() — Method in class JGithubPackageAuthorization
Method to get details about an authorised application for the authenticated user.
JGithubPackageAuthorization::getList() — Method in class JGithubPackageAuthorization
Method to get the authorised applications for the authenticated user.
JGithubPackageAuthorization::getRateLimit() — Method in class JGithubPackageAuthorization
Method to get the rate limit for the authenticated user.
JGithubPackageAuthorization::getAuthorizationLink() — Method in class JGithubPackageAuthorization
  1. Request authorization on GitHub.
JGithubPackageDataBlobs::get() — Method in class JGithubPackageDataBlobs
Get a Blob.
JGithubPackageDataCommits::get() — Method in class JGithubPackageDataCommits
Get a single commit.
JGithubPackageDataRefs::get() — Method in class JGithubPackageDataRefs
Method to get a reference.
JGithubPackageDataRefs::getList() — Method in class JGithubPackageDataRefs
Method to list references for a repository.
JGithubPackageDataTags::get() — Method in class JGithubPackageDataTags
Get a Tag.
JGithubPackageDataTrees::get() — Method in class JGithubPackageDataTrees
Get a Tree
JGithubPackageDataTrees::getRecursively() — Method in class JGithubPackageDataTrees
Get a Tree Recursively
JGithubPackageGists::get() — Method in class JGithubPackageGists
Method to get a single gist.
JGithubPackageGists::getList() — Method in class JGithubPackageGists
Method to list gists. If a user is authenticated it will return the user's gists, otherwise it will return all public gists.
JGithubPackageGists::getListByUser() — Method in class JGithubPackageGists
Method to get a list of gists belonging to a given user.
JGithubPackageGists::getListPublic() — Method in class JGithubPackageGists
Method to get a list of all public gists.
JGithubPackageGists::getListStarred() — Method in class JGithubPackageGists
Method to get a list of the authenticated users' starred gists.
JGithubPackageGists::getComment() — Method in class JGithubPackageGists
Method to get a specific comment on a gist.
JGithubPackageGists::getComments() — Method in class JGithubPackageGists
Method to get the list of comments on a gist.
JGithubPackageGistsComments::get() — Method in class JGithubPackageGistsComments
Method to get a specific comment on a gist.
JGithubPackageGistsComments::getList() — Method in class JGithubPackageGistsComments
Method to get the list of comments on a gist.
JGithubPackageGitignore::getList() — Method in class JGithubPackageGitignore
Listing available templates
JGithubPackageGitignore::get() — Method in class JGithubPackageGitignore
Get a single template
JGithubPackageIssues::get() — Method in class JGithubPackageIssues
Method to get a single issue.
JGithubPackageIssues::getList() — Method in class JGithubPackageIssues
Method to list an authenticated user's issues.
JGithubPackageIssues::getListByRepository() — Method in class JGithubPackageIssues
Method to list issues.
JGithubPackageIssues::getComment() — Method in class JGithubPackageIssues
Method to get a specific comment on an issue.
JGithubPackageIssues::getComments() — Method in class JGithubPackageIssues
Method to get the list of comments on an issue.
JGithubPackageIssues::getLabel() — Method in class JGithubPackageIssues
Method to get a specific label on a repo.
JGithubPackageIssues::getLabels() — Method in class JGithubPackageIssues
Method to get the list of labels on a repo.
JGithubPackageIssuesAssignees::getList() — Method in class JGithubPackageIssuesAssignees
List assignees.
JGithubPackageIssuesComments::getList() — Method in class JGithubPackageIssuesComments
Method to get the list of comments on an issue.
JGithubPackageIssuesComments::getRepositoryList() — Method in class JGithubPackageIssuesComments
Method to get the list of comments in a repository.
JGithubPackageIssuesComments::get() — Method in class JGithubPackageIssuesComments
Method to get a single comment.
JGithubPackageIssuesEvents::getList() — Method in class JGithubPackageIssuesEvents
List events for an issue.
JGithubPackageIssuesEvents::getListRepository() — Method in class JGithubPackageIssuesEvents
List events for a repository.
JGithubPackageIssuesEvents::get() — Method in class JGithubPackageIssuesEvents
Get a single event.
JGithubPackageIssuesLabels::getList() — Method in class JGithubPackageIssuesLabels
Method to get the list of labels on a repo.
JGithubPackageIssuesLabels::get() — Method in class JGithubPackageIssuesLabels
Method to get a specific label on a repo.
JGithubPackageIssuesLabels::getListByIssue() — Method in class JGithubPackageIssuesLabels
List labels on an issue.
JGithubPackageIssuesLabels::getListByMilestone() — Method in class JGithubPackageIssuesLabels
Get labels for every issue in a milestone.
JGithubPackageIssuesMilestones::getList() — Method in class JGithubPackageIssuesMilestones
Method to get the list of milestones for a repo.
JGithubPackageIssuesMilestones::get() — Method in class JGithubPackageIssuesMilestones
Method to get a specific milestone.
JGithubPackageOrgs::getList() — Method in class JGithubPackageOrgs
List User Organizations.
JGithubPackageOrgs::get() — Method in class JGithubPackageOrgs
Get an Organization.
JGithubPackageOrgsMembers::getList() — Method in class JGithubPackageOrgsMembers
Members list.
JGithubPackageOrgsMembers::getListPublic() — Method in class JGithubPackageOrgsMembers
Public members list.
JGithubPackageOrgsTeams::getList() — Method in class JGithubPackageOrgsTeams
List teams.
JGithubPackageOrgsTeams::get() — Method in class JGithubPackageOrgsTeams
Get team.
JGithubPackageOrgsTeams::getListMembers() — Method in class JGithubPackageOrgsTeams
List team members.
JGithubPackageOrgsTeams::getListRepos() — Method in class JGithubPackageOrgsTeams
List team repos.
JGithubPackagePulls::get() — Method in class JGithubPackagePulls
Method to get a single pull request.
JGithubPackagePulls::getCommits() — Method in class JGithubPackagePulls
Method to get a list of commits for a pull request.
JGithubPackagePulls::getFiles() — Method in class JGithubPackagePulls
Method to get a list of files for a pull request.
JGithubPackagePulls::getList() — Method in class JGithubPackagePulls
Method to list pull requests.
JGithubPackagePulls::getComment() — Method in class JGithubPackagePulls
Method to get a specific comment on a pull request.
JGithubPackagePulls::getComments() — Method in class JGithubPackagePulls
Method to get the list of comments on a pull request.
JGithubPackagePullsComments::get() — Method in class JGithubPackagePullsComments
Method to get a specific comment on a pull request.
JGithubPackagePullsComments::getList() — Method in class JGithubPackagePullsComments
Method to get the list of comments on a pull request.
JGithubPackageRepositories::getListOwn() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositories
List your repositories.
JGithubPackageRepositories::getListUser() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositories
List user repositories.
JGithubPackageRepositories::getListOrg() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositories
List organization repositories.
JGithubPackageRepositories::getList() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositories
List all repositories.
JGithubPackageRepositories::get() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositories
Get a repository.
JGithubPackageRepositories::getListContributors() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositories
List contributors.
JGithubPackageRepositories::getListLanguages() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositories
List languages.
JGithubPackageRepositories::getListTeams() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositories
List Teams
JGithubPackageRepositories::getListTags() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositories
List Tags.
JGithubPackageRepositories::getListBranches() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositories
List Branches.
JGithubPackageRepositories::getBranch() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositories
Get a Branch.
JGithubPackageRepositoriesCollaborators::getList() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositoriesCollaborators
JGithubPackageRepositoriesCollaborators::get() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositoriesCollaborators
Test if a user is a collaborator.
JGithubPackageRepositoriesComments::getListRepository() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositoriesComments
Method to get a list of commit comments for a repository.
JGithubPackageRepositoriesComments::getList() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositoriesComments
Method to get a list of comments for a single commit for a repository.
JGithubPackageRepositoriesComments::get() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositoriesComments
Method to get a single comment on a commit.
JGithubPackageRepositoriesCommits::getList() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositoriesCommits
Method to list commits for a repository.
JGithubPackageRepositoriesCommits::get() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositoriesCommits
Method to get a single commit for a repository.
JGithubPackageRepositoriesContents::getReadme() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositoriesContents
Get the README
JGithubPackageRepositoriesContents::get() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositoriesContents
Get contents
JGithubPackageRepositoriesContents::getArchiveLink() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositoriesContents
Get archive link
JGithubPackageRepositoriesDownloads::getList() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositoriesDownloads
List downloads for a repository.
JGithubPackageRepositoriesDownloads::get() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositoriesDownloads
Get a single download.
JGithubPackageRepositoriesForks::getList() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositoriesForks
Method to list forks for a repository.
JGithubPackageRepositoriesHooks::get() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositoriesHooks
Method to get details about a single hook for the repository.
JGithubPackageRepositoriesHooks::getList() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositoriesHooks
Method to list hooks for a repository.
JGithubPackageRepositoriesKeys::getList() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositoriesKeys
List keys in a repository.
JGithubPackageRepositoriesKeys::get() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositoriesKeys
Get a key.
JGithubPackageRepositoriesStatistics::getListContributors() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositoriesStatistics
Get contributors list with additions, deletions, and commit counts.
JGithubPackageRepositoriesStatistics::getActivityData() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositoriesStatistics
Get the last year of commit activity data.
JGithubPackageRepositoriesStatistics::getCodeFrequency() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositoriesStatistics
Get the number of additions and deletions per week.
JGithubPackageRepositoriesStatistics::getParticipation() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositoriesStatistics
Get the weekly commit count for the repo owner and everyone else.
JGithubPackageRepositoriesStatistics::getPunchCard() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositoriesStatistics
Get the number of commits per hour in each day.
JGithubPackageRepositoriesStatuses::getList() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositoriesStatuses
Method to list statuses for an SHA.
JGithubPackageUsers::get() — Method in class JGithubPackageUsers
Get a single user.
JGithubPackageUsers::getAuthenticatedUser() — Method in class JGithubPackageUsers
Get the current authenticated user.
JGithubPackageUsers::getList() — Method in class JGithubPackageUsers
Get all users.
JGithubPackageUsers::getUser() — Method in class JGithubPackageUsers
Get a single user.
JGithubPackageUsers::getUsers() — Method in class JGithubPackageUsers
Get all users.
JGithubPackageUsersEmails::getList() — Method in class JGithubPackageUsersEmails
List email addresses for a user.
JGithubPackageUsersFollowers::getList() — Method in class JGithubPackageUsersFollowers
List followers of a user.
JGithubPackageUsersFollowers::getListFollowedBy() — Method in class JGithubPackageUsersFollowers
List users followed by another user.
JGithubPackageUsersKeys::getListUser() — Method in class JGithubPackageUsersKeys
List public keys for a user.
JGithubPackageUsersKeys::getList() — Method in class JGithubPackageUsersKeys
List your public keys.
JGithubPackageUsersKeys::get() — Method in class JGithubPackageUsersKeys
Get a single public key.
JGithubRefs::get() — Method in class JGithubRefs
Method to get a reference.
JGithubRefs::getList() — Method in class JGithubRefs
Method to list references for a repository.
JGithubStatuses::getList() — Method in class JGithubStatuses
Method to list statuses for an SHA.
JGoogle::getOption() — Method in class JGoogle
Get an option from the JGoogle instance.
JGoogleAuth::getOption() — Method in class JGoogleAuth
Get an option from the JGoogleAuth object.
JGoogleData::getOption() — Method in class JGoogleData
Get an option from the JGoogleData instance.
JGoogleDataAdsense::getAccount() — Method in class JGoogleDataAdsense
Method to get an Adsense account's settings from Google
JGoogleDataAdsense::getUnit() — Method in class JGoogleDataAdsense
Method to get an AdSense AdUnit
JGoogleDataAdsense::getChannel() — Method in class JGoogleDataAdsense
Method to get an Adsense Channel
JGoogleDataAdsense::generateReport() — Method in class JGoogleDataAdsense
Method to retrieve a list of AdSense Channel URLs
JGoogleDataCalendar::getCalendar() — Method in class JGoogleDataCalendar
Method to get a calendar's settings from Google
JGoogleDataCalendar::getEvent() — Method in class JGoogleDataCalendar
Method to get an event from a Google Calendar
JGoogleDataPicasa::getAlbum() — Method in class JGoogleDataPicasa
Get Picasa Album
JGoogleDataPicasaAlbum::getLink() — Method in class JGoogleDataPicasaAlbum
Method to get the album link
JGoogleDataPicasaAlbum::getTitle() — Method in class JGoogleDataPicasaAlbum
Method to get the title of the album
JGoogleDataPicasaAlbum::getSummary() — Method in class JGoogleDataPicasaAlbum
Method to get the summary of the album
JGoogleDataPicasaAlbum::getLocation() — Method in class JGoogleDataPicasaAlbum
Method to get the location of the album
JGoogleDataPicasaAlbum::getAccess() — Method in class JGoogleDataPicasaAlbum
Method to get the access level of the album
JGoogleDataPicasaAlbum::getTime() — Method in class JGoogleDataPicasaAlbum
Method to get the time of the album
JGoogleDataPicasaPhoto::getLink() — Method in class JGoogleDataPicasaPhoto
Method to get the photo link
JGoogleDataPicasaPhoto::getUrl() — Method in class JGoogleDataPicasaPhoto
Method to get the photo's URL
JGoogleDataPicasaPhoto::getThumbnails() — Method in class JGoogleDataPicasaPhoto
Method to get the photo's thumbnails
JGoogleDataPicasaPhoto::getTitle() — Method in class JGoogleDataPicasaPhoto
Method to get the title of the photo
JGoogleDataPicasaPhoto::getSummary() — Method in class JGoogleDataPicasaPhoto
Method to get the summary of the photo
JGoogleDataPicasaPhoto::getAccess() — Method in class JGoogleDataPicasaPhoto
Method to get the access level of the photo
JGoogleDataPicasaPhoto::getTime() — Method in class JGoogleDataPicasaPhoto
Method to get the time of the photo
JGoogleDataPicasaPhoto::getSize() — Method in class JGoogleDataPicasaPhoto
Method to get the size of the photo
JGoogleDataPicasaPhoto::getHeight() — Method in class JGoogleDataPicasaPhoto
Method to get the height of the photo
JGoogleDataPicasaPhoto::getWidth() — Method in class JGoogleDataPicasaPhoto
Method to get the width of the photo
JGoogleDataPlusActivities::getActivity() — Method in class JGoogleDataPlusActivities
Get an activity.
JGoogleDataPlusComments::getComment() — Method in class JGoogleDataPlusComments
Get a comment.
JGoogleDataPlusPeople::getPeople() — Method in class JGoogleDataPlusPeople
Get a person's profile.
JGoogleEmbed::getHeader() — Method in class JGoogleEmbed
Method to retrieve the header for the API
JGoogleEmbed::getBody() — Method in class JGoogleEmbed
Method to retrieve the body for the API
JGoogleEmbed::getOption() — Method in class JGoogleEmbed
Get an option from the JGoogleEmbed instance.
JGoogleEmbedAnalytics::getCode() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedAnalytics
Method to get the tracking code
JGoogleEmbedAnalytics::getHeader() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedAnalytics
Get code to load Google Analytics javascript
JGoogleEmbedAnalytics::getBody() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedAnalytics
Google Analytics only needs to be included in the header
JGoogleEmbedMaps::getKey() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedMaps
Method to get the API key
JGoogleEmbedMaps::getMapId() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedMaps
Method to get the id of the map div
JGoogleEmbedMaps::getMapClass() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedMaps
Method to get the class of the map div
JGoogleEmbedMaps::getMapStyle() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedMaps
Method to get the style of the map div
JGoogleEmbedMaps::getMapType() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedMaps
Method to get the map type setting
JGoogleEmbedMaps::getAdditionalMapOptions() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedMaps
Method to get additional map options
JGoogleEmbedMaps::getAdditionalJavascript() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedMaps
Method to get additional map options
JGoogleEmbedMaps::getZoom() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedMaps
Method to get the zoom
JGoogleEmbedMaps::getCenter() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedMaps
Method to set the center of the map
JGoogleEmbedMaps::getAsyncCallback() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedMaps
Method to get callback function for async javascript loading
JGoogleEmbedMaps::getAutoload() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedMaps
Checks how the script should be loaded
JGoogleEmbedMaps::getHeader() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedMaps
Get code to load Google Maps javascript
JGoogleEmbedMaps::getBody() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedMaps
Method to retrieve the div that the map is loaded into
JGoogleEmbedMaps::geocodeAddress() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedMaps
Method to get the location information back from an address
JGrid::getTableOptions() — Method in class JGrid
Get the Attributes of the current table
JGrid::getColumns() — Method in class JGrid
Returns the list of internal columns
JGrid::getRowOptions() — Method in class JGrid
Method to get the attributes of the currently active row
JGrid::getActiveRow() — Method in class JGrid
Get the currently active row ID
JGrid::getRow() — Method in class JGrid
Get all data for a row
JGrid::getRows() — Method in class JGrid
Get the IDs of all rows in the table
JHtmlList::genericordering() — Method in class JHtmlList
Returns an array of options
JHtmlSelect::genericlist() — Method in class JHtmlSelect
Generates an HTML selection list.
JHtmlSelect::groupedlist() — Method in class JHtmlSelect
Generates a grouped HTML selection list from nested arrays.
JHtmlSidebar::getEntries() — Method in class JHtmlSidebar
Returns an array of all submenu entries
JHtmlSidebar::getFilters() — Method in class JHtmlSidebar
Returns an array of all filters
JHtmlSidebar::getAction() — Method in class JHtmlSidebar
Get value for the action attribute of the filter form
JHtmlUser::groups() — Method in class JHtmlUser
Displays a list of user groups.
JLinkedin::getOption() — Method in class JLinkedin
Get an option from the JLinkedin instance.
JLinkedinCompanies::getCompanies() — Method in class JLinkedinCompanies
Method to retrieve companies using a company ID, a universal name, or an email domain.
JLinkedinCompanies::getUpdates() — Method in class JLinkedinCompanies
Method to read shares for a particular company .
JLinkedinCompanies::getFollowed() — Method in class JLinkedinCompanies
Method to get a list of companies the current member is following.
JLinkedinCompanies::getSuggested() — Method in class JLinkedinCompanies
Method to get a collection of suggested companies for the current user.
JLinkedinCompanies::getProducts() — Method in class JLinkedinCompanies
Method to get a collection of suggested companies for the current user.
JLinkedinGroups::getGroup() — Method in class JLinkedinGroups
Method to get a group.
JLinkedinGroups::getMemberships() — Method in class JLinkedinGroups
Method to find the groups a member belongs to.
JLinkedinGroups::getSettings() — Method in class JLinkedinGroups
Method to find the groups a member belongs to.
JLinkedinGroups::getDiscussions() — Method in class JLinkedinGroups
Method to get dicussions for a group.
JLinkedinGroups::getUserPosts() — Method in class JLinkedinGroups
Method to get posts a user started / participated in / follows for a group.
JLinkedinGroups::getPost() — Method in class JLinkedinGroups
Method to retrieve details about a post.
JLinkedinGroups::getPostComments() — Method in class JLinkedinGroups
Method to retrieve all comments of a post.
JLinkedinGroups::getComment() — Method in class JLinkedinGroups
Method to access the comments resource.
JLinkedinGroups::getSuggested() — Method in class JLinkedinGroups
Method to get suggested groups for a user.
JLinkedinJobs::getJob() — Method in class JLinkedinJobs
Method to retrieve detailed information about a job.
JLinkedinJobs::getBookmarked() — Method in class JLinkedinJobs
Method to get a list of bookmarked jobs for the current member.
JLinkedinJobs::getSuggested() — Method in class JLinkedinJobs
Method to retrieve job suggestions for the current user.
JLinkedinOauth::getScope() — Method in class JLinkedinOauth
Method to get the current scope
JLinkedinObject::getOption() — Method in class JLinkedinObject
Get an option from the JLinkedinObject instance.
JLinkedinPeople::getProfile() — Method in class JLinkedinPeople
Method to get a member's profile.
JLinkedinPeople::getConnections() — Method in class JLinkedinPeople
Method to get a list of connections for a user who has granted access to his/her account.
JLinkedinStream::getCurrentShare() — Method in class JLinkedinStream
Method to get a particular member's current share.
JLinkedinStream::getShareStream() — Method in class JLinkedinStream
Method to get a particular member's current share.
JLinkedinStream::getNetworkUpdates() — Method in class JLinkedinStream
Method to get the users network updates.
JLinkedinStream::getNetworkStats() — Method in class JLinkedinStream
Method to get information about the current member's network.
JLinkedinStream::getComments() — Method in class JLinkedinStream
Method to retrieve all comments for a given network update.
JLinkedinStream::getLikes() — Method in class JLinkedinStream
Method to retrieve the complete list of people who liked an update.
JLoader::getClassList() — Method in class JLoader
Method to get the list of registered classes and their respective file paths for the autoloader.
JLoader::getDeprecatedAliases() — Method in class JLoader
Method to get the list of deprecated class aliases.
JLoader::getNamespaces() — Method in class JLoader
Method to get the list of registered namespaces.
JMediawiki::getOption() — Method in class JMediawiki
Get an option from the JMediawiki instance.
JMediawikiCategories::getCategories() — Method in class JMediawikiCategories
Method to list all categories the page(s) belong to.
JMediawikiCategories::getCategoriesUsed() — Method in class JMediawikiCategories
Method to get information about all categories used.
JMediawikiCategories::getCategoriesInfo() — Method in class JMediawikiCategories
Method to get information about the given categories.
JMediawikiCategories::getCategoryMembers() — Method in class JMediawikiCategories
Method to get information about the pages within a category
JMediawikiCategories::getChangeTags() — Method in class JMediawikiCategories
Method to list change tags.
JMediawikiHttp::get() — Method in class JMediawikiHttp
Method to send the GET command to the server.
JMediawikiImages::getImages() — Method in class JMediawikiImages
Method to get all images contained on the given page(s).
JMediawikiImages::getImagesUsed() — Method in class JMediawikiImages
Method to get all images contained on the given page(s).
JMediawikiImages::getImageInfo() — Method in class JMediawikiImages
Method to get all image information and upload history.
JMediawikiLinks::getLinks() — Method in class JMediawikiLinks
Method to return all links from the given page(s).
JMediawikiLinks::getLinksUsed() — Method in class JMediawikiLinks
Method to return info about the link pages.
JMediawikiLinks::getIWLinks() — Method in class JMediawikiLinks
Method to return all interwiki links from the given page(s).
JMediawikiLinks::getLangLinks() — Method in class JMediawikiLinks
Method to return all interlanguage links from the given page(s).
JMediawikiLinks::getExtLinks() — Method in class JMediawikiLinks
Method to return all external urls from the given page(s).
JMediawikiPages::getPageInfo() — Method in class JMediawikiPages
Method to get basic page information.
JMediawikiPages::getPageProperties() — Method in class JMediawikiPages
Method to get various properties defined in the page content.
JMediawikiPages::getRevisions() — Method in class JMediawikiPages
Method to get a list of revisions.
JMediawikiPages::getPageTemplates() — Method in class JMediawikiPages
Method to get all page templates from the given page.
JMediawikiPages::getBackLinks() — Method in class JMediawikiPages
Method to get all pages that link to the given page.
JMediawikiPages::getIWBackLinks() — Method in class JMediawikiPages
Method to get all pages that link to the given interwiki link.
JMediawikiPages::getToken() — Method in class JMediawikiPages
Method to get access token.
JMediawikiSites::getSiteInfo() — Method in class JMediawikiSites
Method to get site information.
JMediawikiSites::getEvents() — Method in class JMediawikiSites
Method to get events from logs.
JMediawikiSites::getRecentChanges() — Method in class JMediawikiSites
Method to get recent changes on a site.
JMediawikiSites::getProtectedTitles() — Method in class JMediawikiSites
Method to get protected titles on a site.
JMediawikiUsers::getUserInfo() — Method in class JMediawikiUsers
Method to get user information.
JMediawikiUsers::getCurrentUserInfo() — Method in class JMediawikiUsers
Method to get current user information.
JMediawikiUsers::getUserContribs() — Method in class JMediawikiUsers
Method to get user contributions.
JMediawikiUsers::getToken() — Method in class JMediawikiUsers
Method to get access token.
JModel::getState() — Method in class JModel
Get the model state.
JModelBase::getState() — Method in class JModelBase
Get the model state.
JModelDatabase::getDb() — Method in class JModelDatabase
Get the database driver.
JNode::getChildren() — Method in class JNode
Get the children of this node
JNode::getParent() — Method in class JNode
Get the parent of this node
JOAuth1Client::generateNonce() — Method in class JOAuth1Client
Method used to generate the current nonce.
JOAuth1Client::getOption() — Method in class JOAuth1Client
Get an option from the JOauth1aClient instance.
JOAuth1Client::getToken() — Method in class JOAuth1Client
Get the oauth token key or secret.
JOAuth2Client::getOption() — Method in class JOAuth2Client
Get an option from the JOAuth2Client instance.
JOAuth2Client::getToken() — Method in class JOAuth2Client
Get the access token from the JOAuth2Client instance.
JObservable::getState() — Method in class JObservable
Get the state of the JObservable object
JObserverUpdater::getObserverOfClass() — Method in class JObserverUpdater
Gets the instance of the observer of class $observerClass
JOpenstreetmap::getOption() — Method in class JOpenstreetmap
Get an option from the JOpenstreetmap instance.
JOpenstreetmapInfo::getCapabilities() — Method in class JOpenstreetmapInfo
Method to get capabilities of the API
JOpenstreetmapObject::getOption() — Method in class JOpenstreetmapObject
Get an option from the JOpenstreetmapObject instance.
JOpenstreetmapUser::getDetails() — Method in class JOpenstreetmapUser
Method to get user details
JOpenstreetmapUser::getPreferences() — Method in class JOpenstreetmapUser
Method to get preferences
JPlatform::getShortVersion() — Method in class JPlatform
Gets a "PHP standardized" version string for the current Joomla Platform.
JPlatform::getLongVersion() — Method in class JPlatform
Gets a version string for the current Joomla Platform with all release information.
JRequest::getUri() — Method in class JRequest
Gets the full request path.
JRequest::getMethod() — Method in class JRequest
Gets the request method.
JRequest::getVar() — Method in class JRequest
Fetches and returns a given variable.
JRequest::getInt() — Method in class JRequest
Fetches and returns a given filtered variable. The integer filter will allow only digits and the - sign to be returned. This is currently only a proxy function for getVar().
JRequest::getUInt() — Method in class JRequest
Fetches and returns a given filtered variable. The unsigned integer filter will allow only digits to be returned. This is currently only a proxy function for getVar().
JRequest::getFloat() — Method in class JRequest
Fetches and returns a given filtered variable. The float filter only allows digits and periods. This is currently only a proxy function for getVar().
JRequest::getBool() — Method in class JRequest
Fetches and returns a given filtered variable. The bool filter will only return true/false bool values. This is currently only a proxy function for getVar().
JRequest::getWord() — Method in class JRequest
Fetches and returns a given filtered variable. The word filter only allows the characters [A-Za-z_]. This is currently only a proxy function for getVar().
JRequest::getCmd() — Method in class JRequest
Cmd (Word and Integer) filter
JRequest::getString() — Method in class JRequest
Fetches and returns a given filtered variable. The string filter deletes 'bad' HTML code, if not overridden by the mask.
JRequest::get() — Method in class JRequest
Fetches and returns a request array.
JResponse::getHeaders() — Method in class JResponse
Return array of headers.
JResponse::getBody() — Method in class JResponse
Return the body content
JSessionHandlerInterface::getId() — Method in class JSessionHandlerInterface
Returns the session ID
JSessionHandlerInterface::getName() — Method in class JSessionHandlerInterface
Returns the session name
JSessionHandlerNative::getId() — Method in class JSessionHandlerNative
Returns the session ID
JSessionHandlerNative::getName() — Method in class JSessionHandlerNative
Returns the session name
JSessionStorage::getInstance() — Method in class JSessionStorage
Returns a session storage handler object, only creating it if it doesn't already exist.
JSessionStorage::gc() — Method in class JSessionStorage
Garbage collect stale sessions from the SessionHandler backend.
JSessionStorageDatabase::gc() — Method in class JSessionStorageDatabase
Garbage collect stale sessions from the SessionHandler backend.
JSimplepieFactory::getFeedParser() — Method in class JSimplepieFactory
Get a parsed XML Feed Source
JTree::getParent() — Method in class JTree
Method to get the parent
JTwitter::getOption() — Method in class JTwitter
Get an option from the JTwitter instance.
JTwitterBlock::getBlocking() — Method in class JTwitterBlock
Method to get the user ids the authenticating user is blocking.
JTwitterDirectmessages::getDirectMessages() — Method in class JTwitterDirectmessages
Method to get the most recent direct messages sent to the authenticating user.
JTwitterDirectmessages::getSentDirectMessages() — Method in class JTwitterDirectmessages
Method to get the most recent direct messages sent by the authenticating user.
JTwitterDirectmessages::getDirectMessagesById() — Method in class JTwitterDirectmessages
Method to get a single direct message, specified by an id parameter.
JTwitterFavorites::getFavorites() — Method in class JTwitterFavorites
Method to get the most recent favorite statuses for the authenticating or specified user.
JTwitterFriends::getFriendIds() — Method in class JTwitterFriends
Method to get an array of user IDs the specified user follows.
JTwitterFriends::getFriendshipDetails() — Method in class JTwitterFriends
Method to display detailed friend information between two users.
JTwitterFriends::getFollowerIds() — Method in class JTwitterFriends
Method to get an array of user IDs the specified user is followed by.
JTwitterFriends::getFriendshipsIncoming() — Method in class JTwitterFriends
Method to determine pending requests to follow the authenticating user.
JTwitterFriends::getFriendshipsOutgoing() — Method in class JTwitterFriends
Method to determine every protected user for whom the authenticating user has a pending follow request.
JTwitterFriends::getFriendshipsLookup() — Method in class JTwitterFriends
Method to get the relationship of the authenticating user to the comma separated list of up to 100 screennames or userids provided.
JTwitterFriends::getFriendshipNoRetweetIds() — Method in class JTwitterFriends
Method to get the user ids that currently authenticated user does not want to see retweets from.
JTwitterHelp::getLanguages() — Method in class JTwitterHelp
Method to get the supported languages from the API.
JTwitterHelp::getConfiguration() — Method in class JTwitterHelp
Method to get the current configuration used by Twitter including twitter.com slugs which are not usernames, maximum photo resolutions, and t.co URL lengths.
JTwitterLists::getLists() — Method in class JTwitterLists
Method to get all lists the authenticating or specified user subscribes to, including their own.
JTwitterLists::getStatuses() — Method in class JTwitterLists
Method to get tweet timeline for members of the specified list
JTwitterLists::getSubscribers() — Method in class JTwitterLists
Method to get the subscribers of the specified list.
JTwitterLists::getMembers() — Method in class JTwitterLists
Method to get the members of the specified list.
JTwitterLists::getListById() — Method in class JTwitterLists
Method to get the specified list.
JTwitterLists::getSubscriptions() — Method in class JTwitterLists
Method to get a collection of the lists the specified user is subscribed to, 20 lists per page by default. Does not include the user's own lists.
JTwitterObject::getRateLimit() — Method in class JTwitterObject
Method to retrieve the rate limit for the requesting IP address
JTwitterObject::getOption() — Method in class JTwitterObject
Get an option from the JTwitterObject instance.
JTwitterPlaces::getPlace() — Method in class JTwitterPlaces
Method to get all the information about a known place.
JTwitterPlaces::getGeocode() — Method in class JTwitterPlaces
Method to get up to 20 places that can be used as a place_id when updating a status.
JTwitterPlaces::getSimilarPlaces() — Method in class JTwitterPlaces
Method to locate places near the given coordinates which are similar in name.
JTwitterProfile::getSettings() — Method in class JTwitterProfile
Method to get the settings (including current trend, geo and sleep time information) for the authenticating user.
JTwitterStatuses::getTweetById() — Method in class JTwitterStatuses
Method to get a single tweet with the given ID.
JTwitterStatuses::getUserTimeline() — Method in class JTwitterStatuses
Method to retrieve the latest statuses from the specified user timeline.
JTwitterStatuses::getMentions() — Method in class JTwitterStatuses
Method to retrieve the most recent mentions for the authenticating user.
JTwitterStatuses::getRetweetsOfMe() — Method in class JTwitterStatuses
Method to get the most recent tweets of the authenticated user that have been retweeted by others.
JTwitterStatuses::getRetweeters() — Method in class JTwitterStatuses
Method to show user objects of up to 100 members who retweeted the status.
JTwitterStatuses::getRetweetsById() — Method in class JTwitterStatuses
Method to get up to 100 of the first retweets of a given tweet.
JTwitterStatuses::getOembed() — Method in class JTwitterStatuses
Method to get information allowing the creation of an embedded representation of a Tweet on third party sites.
JTwitterTrends::getTrends() — Method in class JTwitterTrends
Method to get the top 10 trending topics for a specific WOEID, if trending information is available for it.
JTwitterTrends::getLocations() — Method in class JTwitterTrends
Method to get the locations that Twitter has trending topic information for.
JTwitterTrends::getClosest() — Method in class JTwitterTrends
Method to get the locations that Twitter has trending topic information for, closest to a specified location.
JTwitterUsers::getUsersLookup() — Method in class JTwitterUsers
Method to get up to 100 users worth of extended information, specified by either ID, screen name, or combination of the two.
JTwitterUsers::getUserProfileBanner() — Method in class JTwitterUsers
Method to access the profile banner in various sizes for the user with the indicated screen_name.
JTwitterUsers::getUser() — Method in class JTwitterUsers
Method to get extended information of a given user, specified by ID or screen name as per the required id parameter.
JTwitterUsers::getContributees() — Method in class JTwitterUsers
Method to get an array of users that the specified user can contribute to.
JTwitterUsers::getContributors() — Method in class JTwitterUsers
Method to get an array of users who can contribute to the specified account.
JTwitterUsers::getSuggestions() — Method in class JTwitterUsers
Method access to Twitter's suggested user list.
JTwitterUsers::getSuggestionsSlug() — Method in class JTwitterUsers
method to access the users in a given category of the Twitter suggested user list.
JTwitterUsers::getSuggestionsSlugMembers() — Method in class JTwitterUsers
Method to access the users in a given category of the Twitter suggested user list and return their most recent status if they are not a protected user.
JTwittersearch::getSavedSearches() — Method in class JTwittersearch
Method to get the authenticated user's saved search queries.
JTwittersearch::getSavedSearchesById() — Method in class JTwittersearch
Method to get the information for the saved search represented by the given id.
JViewHtml::getLayout() — Method in class JViewHtml
Method to get the view layout.
JViewHtml::getPath() — Method in class JViewHtml
Method to get the layout path.
JViewHtml::getPaths() — Method in class JViewHtml
Method to get the view paths.
Access::getAssetRules() — Method in class Access
Method to return the Rules object for an asset. The returned object can optionally hold only the rules explicitly set for the asset or the summation of all inherited rules from parent assets and explicit rules.
Access::getExtensionNameFromAsset() — Method in class Access
Method to get the extension name from the asset name.
Access::getAssetType() — Method in class Access
Method to get the asset type from the asset name.
Access::getGroupTitle() — Method in class Access
Method to return the title of a user group
Access::getGroupsByUser() — Method in class Access
Method to return a list of user groups mapped to a user. The returned list can optionally hold only the groups explicitly mapped to the user or all groups both explicitly mapped and inherited by the user.
Access::getUsersByGroup() — Method in class Access
Method to return a list of user Ids contained in a Group
Access::getAuthorisedViewLevels() — Method in class Access
Method to return a list of view levels for which the user is authorised.
Access::getActions() — Method in class Access
Method to return a list of actions for which permissions can be set given a component and section.
Access::getActionsFromFile() — Method in class Access
Method to return a list of actions from a file for which permissions can be set.
Access::getActionsFromData() — Method in class Access
Method to return a list of actions from a string or from an xml for which permissions can be set.
Rule::getData() — Method in class Rule
Get the data for the action.
Rules::getData() — Method in class Rules
Get the data for the action.
Rules::getAllowed() — Method in class Rules
Get the allowed actions for an identity.
Access::getAssetRules() — Method in class Access
Helper wrapper method for getAssetRules
Access::getGroupsByUser() — Method in class Access
Helper wrapper method for getGroupsByUser
Access::getUsersByGroup() — Method in class Access
Helper wrapper method for getUsersByGroup
Access::getAuthorisedViewLevels() — Method in class Access
Helper wrapper method for getAuthorisedViewLevels
Access::getActions() — Method in class Access
Helper wrapper method for getActions
Access::getActionsFromFile() — Method in class Access
Helper wrapper method for getActionsFromFile
Access::getActionsFromData() — Method in class Access
Helper wrapper method for getActionsFromData
AdministratorApplication::getRouter() — Method in class AdministratorApplication
Return a reference to the \JRouter object.
AdministratorApplication::getTemplate() — Method in class AdministratorApplication
Gets the name of the current template.
ApplicationHelper::getComponentName() — Method in class ApplicationHelper
Return the name of the request component [main component]
ApplicationHelper::getHash() — Method in class ApplicationHelper
Provides a secure hash based on a seed
ApplicationHelper::getClientInfo() — Method in class ApplicationHelper
Gets information on a specific client id. This method will be useful in future versions when we start mapping applications in the database.
BaseApplication::getIdentity() — Method in class BaseApplication
Get the application identity.
CMSApplication::getCfg() — Method in class CMSApplication
Gets a configuration value.
CMSApplication::getClientId() — Method in class CMSApplication
Gets the client id of the current running application.
CMSApplication::getInstance() — Method in class CMSApplication
Returns a reference to the global CMSApplication object, only creating it if it doesn't already exist.
CMSApplication::getMenu() — Method in class CMSApplication
Returns the application \JMenu object.
CMSApplication::getMessageQueue() — Method in class CMSApplication
Get the system message queue.
CMSApplication::getName() — Method in class CMSApplication
Gets the name of the current running application.
CMSApplication::getPathway() — Method in class CMSApplication
Returns the application \JPathway object.
CMSApplication::getRouter() — Method in class CMSApplication
Returns the application \JRouter object.
CMSApplication::getTemplate() — Method in class CMSApplication
Gets the name of the current template.
CMSApplication::getUserState() — Method in class CMSApplication
Gets a user state.
CMSApplication::getUserStateFromRequest() — Method in class CMSApplication
Gets the value of a user state variable.
CliApplication::getInstance() — Method in class CliApplication
Returns a reference to the global CliApplication object, only creating it if it doesn't already exist.
CliApplication::getOutput() — Method in class CliApplication
Get an output object.
SiteApplication::getDetectBrowser() — Method in class SiteApplication
Return the current state of the detect browser option.
SiteApplication::getLanguageFilter() — Method in class SiteApplication
Return the current state of the language filter.
SiteApplication::getMenu() — Method in class SiteApplication
Return a reference to the \JMenu object.
SiteApplication::getPageParameters() — Method in class SiteApplication
Get the application parameters
SiteApplication::getParams() — Method in class SiteApplication
Get the application parameters
SiteApplication::getPathway() — Method in class SiteApplication
Return a reference to the \JPathway object.
SiteApplication::getRouter() — Method in class SiteApplication
Return a reference to the \JRouter object.
SiteApplication::getTemplate() — Method in class SiteApplication
Gets the name of the current template.
WebApplication::getInstance() — Method in class WebApplication
Returns a reference to the global WebApplication object, only creating it if it doesn't already exist.
WebApplication::getHeaders() — Method in class WebApplication
Method to get the array of response headers to be sent when the response is sent to the client.
WebApplication::getBody() — Method in class WebApplication
Return the body content
WebApplication::getDocument() — Method in class WebApplication
Method to get the application document object.
WebApplication::getLanguage() — Method in class WebApplication
Method to get the application language object.
WebApplication::getSession() — Method in class WebApplication
Method to get the application session object.
AssociationExtensionHelper::getItemTypes() — Method in class AssociationExtensionHelper
Get the item types
AssociationExtensionHelper::getAssociationList() — Method in class AssociationExtensionHelper
Get the associated items for an item
AssociationExtensionHelper::getType() — Method in class AssociationExtensionHelper
Get information about the type
AssociationExtensionHelper::getTypeFields() — Method in class AssociationExtensionHelper
Get information about the fields the type provides
AssociationExtensionHelper::getTypeSupport() — Method in class AssociationExtensionHelper
Get information about the fields the type provides
AssociationExtensionHelper::getTypeTables() — Method in class AssociationExtensionHelper
Get information about the tables the type use
AssociationExtensionHelper::getTypeJoins() — Method in class AssociationExtensionHelper
Get information about the table joins for the type
AssociationExtensionHelper::getTypeTitle() — Method in class AssociationExtensionHelper
Get the type title
AssociationExtensionHelper::getTypeFieldName() — Method in class AssociationExtensionHelper
Get a table field name for a type
Authentication::getInstance() — Method in class Authentication
Returns the global authentication object, only creating it if it doesn't already exist.
Authentication::getState() — Method in class Authentication
Get the state of the Authentication object
$AuthenticationResponseProperty in class AuthenticationResponse
The End User's gender, "M" for male, "F" for female.
Cache::getInstance() — Method in class Cache
Returns a reference to a cache adapter object, always creating it
Cache::getStores() — Method in class Cache
Get the storage handlers
Cache::getCaching() — Method in class Cache
Get caching state
Cache::get() — Method in class Cache
Get cached data by ID and group
Cache::getAll() — Method in class Cache
Get a list of all cached data
Cache::gc() — Method in class Cache
Garbage collect expired cache data
Cache::getWorkarounds() — Method in class Cache
Perform workarounds on retrieved cached data
Cache::getPlatformPrefix() — Method in class Cache
Set a prefix cache key if device calls for separate caching
CacheController::getInstance() — Method in class CacheController
Returns a reference to a cache adapter object, always creating it
CacheController::get() — Method in class CacheController
Get stored cached data by ID and group
CacheStorage::getInstance() — Method in class CacheStorage
Returns a cache storage handler object.
CacheStorage::get() — Method in class CacheStorage
Get cached data by ID and group
CacheStorage::getAll() — Method in class CacheStorage
Get all cached data
CacheStorage::gc() — Method in class CacheStorage
Garbage collect expired cache data
CallbackController::get() — Method in class CallbackController
Executes a cacheable callback if not found in cache else returns cached output and result
OutputController::get() — Method in class OutputController
Get stored cached data by ID and group
PageController::get() — Method in class PageController
Get the cached page data
ViewController::get() — Method in class ViewController
Get the cached view data
ApcStorage::get() — Method in class ApcStorage
Get cached data by ID and group
ApcStorage::getAll() — Method in class ApcStorage
Get all cached data
ApcStorage::gc() — Method in class ApcStorage
Garbage collect expired cache data
ApcuStorage::get() — Method in class ApcuStorage
Get cached data by ID and group
ApcuStorage::getAll() — Method in class ApcuStorage
Get all cached data
ApcuStorage::gc() — Method in class ApcuStorage
Garbage collect expired cache data
$CacheStorageHelperProperty in class CacheStorageHelper
Cache data group
CacheliteStorage::get() — Method in class CacheliteStorage
Get cached data by ID and group
CacheliteStorage::getAll() — Method in class CacheliteStorage
Get all cached data
CacheliteStorage::gc() — Method in class CacheliteStorage
Garbage collect expired cache data
FileStorage::get() — Method in class FileStorage
Get cached data by ID and group
FileStorage::getAll() — Method in class FileStorage
Get all cached data
FileStorage::gc() — Method in class FileStorage
Garbage collect expired cache data
MemcacheStorage::get() — Method in class MemcacheStorage
Get cached data by ID and group
MemcacheStorage::getAll() — Method in class MemcacheStorage
Get all cached data
MemcachedStorage::get() — Method in class MemcachedStorage
Get cached data by ID and group
MemcachedStorage::getAll() — Method in class MemcachedStorage
Get all cached data
RedisStorage::get() — Method in class RedisStorage
Get cached data by ID and group
RedisStorage::getAll() — Method in class RedisStorage
Get all cached data
WincacheStorage::get() — Method in class WincacheStorage
Get cached data by ID and group
WincacheStorage::getAll() — Method in class WincacheStorage
Get all cached data
WincacheStorage::gc() — Method in class WincacheStorage
Garbage collect expired cache data
XcacheStorage::get() — Method in class XcacheStorage
Get cached data by ID and group
XcacheStorage::getAll() — Method in class XcacheStorage
Get all cached data
Captcha::getInstance() — Method in class Captcha
Returns the global Captcha object, only creating it if it doesn't already exist.
Captcha::getState() — Method in class Captcha
Get the state of the Captcha object
Categories::getInstance() — Method in class Categories
Returns a reference to a Categories object
Categories::get() — Method in class Categories
Loads a specific category and all its children in a CategoryNode object
Categories::getExtension() — Method in class Categories
Returns the extension of the category.
CategoryNode::getChildren() — Method in class CategoryNode
Get the children of this node
CategoryNode::getParent() — Method in class CategoryNode
Get the parent of this node
CategoryNode::getSibling() — Method in class CategoryNode
Returns the right or left sibling of a category
CategoryNode::getParams() — Method in class CategoryNode
Returns the category parameters
CategoryNode::getMetadata() — Method in class CategoryNode
Returns the category metadata
CategoryNode::getPath() — Method in class CategoryNode
Returns the category path to the root category
CategoryNode::getAuthor() — Method in class CategoryNode
Returns the user that created the category
CategoryNode::getNumItems() — Method in class CategoryNode
Returns the number of items.
ClientHelper::getCredentials() — Method in class ClientHelper
Method to return the array of client layer configuration options
ClientWrapper::getCredentials() — Method in class ClientWrapper
Helper wrapper method for getCredentials
FtpClient::getInstance() — Method in class FtpClient
Returns the global FTP connector object, only creating it if it doesn't already exist.
FtpClient::get() — Method in class FtpClient
Method to get a file from the FTP server and save it to a local file
ComponentHelper::getComponent() — Method in class ComponentHelper
Get the component information.
ComponentHelper::getParams() — Method in class ComponentHelper
Gets the parameter object for the component
ComponentHelper::getComponents() — Method in class ComponentHelper
Get installed components
ComponentRecord::getParams() — Method in class ComponentRecord
Returns the menu item parameters
RouterView::getViews() — Method in class RouterView
Return an array of registered view objects
RouterView::getPath() — Method in class RouterView
Get the path of views from target view to root view including content items of a nestable view
RouterView::getRules() — Method in class RouterView
Get all currently attached rules
RouterView::getName() — Method in class RouterView
Method to return the name of the router
CipherInterface::generateKey() — Method in class CipherInterface
Method to generate a new encryption key[/pair] object.
CryptoCipher::generateKey() — Method in class CryptoCipher
Method to generate a new encryption key object.
McryptCipher::generateKey() — Method in class McryptCipher
Method to generate a new encryption key object.
SimpleCipher::generateKey() — Method in class SimpleCipher
Method to generate a new encryption key[/pair] object.
SodiumCipher::generateKey() — Method in class SodiumCipher
Method to generate a new encryption key object.
Crypt::generateKey() — Method in class Crypt
Method to generate a new encryption key[/pair] object.
Crypt::genRandomBytes() — Method in class Crypt
Generate random bytes.
CryptPassword::getDefaultType() — Method in class CryptPassword
Gets the default type
SimpleCryptPassword::getDefaultType() — Method in class SimpleCryptPassword
Gets the default type
Date::getInstance() — Method in class Date
Proxy for new JDate().
Date::getOffsetFromGmt() — Method in class Date
Get the time offset from GMT in hours or seconds.
Document::getInstance() — Method in class Document
Returns the global Document object, only creating it if it doesn't already exist.
Document::getType() — Method in class Document
Returns the document type
Document::getBuffer() — Method in class Document
Get the contents of the document buffer
Document::getMetaData() — Method in class Document
Gets a meta tag.
Document::getScriptOptions() — Method in class Document
Get script(s) options
Document::getCharset() — Method in class Document
Returns the document charset encoding.
Document::getLanguage() — Method in class Document
Returns the document language.
Document::getDirection() — Method in class Document
Returns the document direction declaration.
Document::getTitle() — Method in class Document
Return the title of the document.
Document::getMediaVersion() — Method in class Document
Return the media version
Document::getBase() — Method in class Document
Return the base URI of the document.
Document::getDescription() — Method in class Document
Return the description of the document.
Document::getLink() — Method in class Document
Returns the document base url
Document::getGenerator() — Method in class Document
Returns the document generator
Document::getModifiedDate() — Method in class Document
Returns the document modified date
Document::getMimeEncoding() — Method in class Document
Return the document MIME encoding that is sent to the browser.
DocumentRenderer::getContentType() — Method in class DocumentRenderer
Return the content type of the renderer
$FeedItemProperty in class FeedItem
Guid element
HtmlDocument::getHeadData() — Method in class HtmlDocument
Get the HTML document head data
HtmlDocument::getBuffer() — Method in class HtmlDocument
Get the contents of a document include
JsonDocument::getName() — Method in class JsonDocument
Returns the document name
XmlDocument::getName() — Method in class XmlDocument
Returns the document name
Editor::getInstance() — Method in class Editor
Returns the global Editor object, only creating it if it doesn't already exist.
Editor::getState() — Method in class Editor
Get the state of the Editor object
Editor::getContent() — Method in class Editor
Get the editor contents
Editor::getButtons() — Method in class Editor
Get the editor extended buttons (usually from plugins)
Browser::getInstance() — Method in class Browser
Returns the global Browser object, only creating it if it doesn't already exist.
Browser::getPlatform() — Method in class Browser
Return the currently matched platform.
Browser::getBrowser() — Method in class Browser
Retrieve the current browser.
Browser::getMajor() — Method in class Browser
Retrieve the current browser's major version.
Browser::getMinor() — Method in class Browser
Retrieve the current browser's minor version.
Browser::getVersion() — Method in class Browser
Retrieve the current browser's version.
Browser::getAgentString() — Method in class Browser
Return the full browser agent string.
Browser::getHTTPProtocol() — Method in class Browser
Returns the server protocol in use on the current server.
ExtensionHelper::getCoreExtensions() — Method in class ExtensionHelper
Gets the core extensions.
Factory::getApplication() — Method in class Factory
Get an application object.
Factory::getConfig() — Method in class Factory
Get a configuration object
Factory::getSession() — Method in class Factory
Get a session object.
Factory::getLanguage() — Method in class Factory
Get a language object.
Factory::getDocument() — Method in class Factory
Get a document object.
Factory::getUser() — Method in class Factory
Get a user object.
Factory::getCache() — Method in class Factory
Get a cache object
Factory::getAcl() — Method in class Factory
Get an authorization object
Factory::getDbo() — Method in class Factory
Get a database object.
Factory::getMailer() — Method in class Factory
Get a mailer object.
Factory::getFeedParser() — Method in class Factory
Get a parsed XML Feed Source
Factory::getXml() — Method in class Factory
Reads a XML file.
Factory::getEditor() — Method in class Factory
Get an editor object.
Factory::getUri() — Method in class Factory
Return a reference to the {@link Uri} object
Factory::getDate() — Method in class Factory
Return the {@link Date} object
Factory::getStream() — Method in class Factory
Creates a new stream object with appropriate prefix
$FeedProperty in class Feed
string$generatorA string indicating the program used to generate the feed.
FeedFactory::getFeed() — Method in class FeedFactory
Method to load a URI into the feed reader for parsing.
File::getExt() — Method in class File
Gets the extension of a file name
File::getName() — Method in class File
Returns the name, without any path.
FilesystemHelper::getWriteModes() — Method in class FilesystemHelper
Modes that require a write operation
FilesystemHelper::getSupported() — Method in class FilesystemHelper
Stream and Filter Support Operations
FilesystemHelper::getTransports() — Method in class FilesystemHelper
Returns a list of transports
FilesystemHelper::getFilters() — Method in class FilesystemHelper
Returns a list of filters
FilesystemHelper::getJStreams() — Method in class FilesystemHelper
Returns a list of J! streams
Patcher::getInstance() — Method in class Patcher
Method to get a patcher
Path::getPermissions() — Method in class Path
Get the permissions of the file/folder at a given path.
Stream::gets() — Method in class Stream
Get a line from the stream source.
Stream::get_meta_data() — Method in class Stream
Get the stream metadata
Stream::getFileHandle() — Method in class Stream
Return the internal file handle
StringController::getRef() — Method in class StringController
Get reference
FileWrapper::getExt() — Method in class FileWrapper
Helper wrapper method for getExt
FileWrapper::getName() — Method in class FileWrapper
Helper wrapper method for getName
PathWrapper::getPermissions() — Method in class PathWrapper
Helper wrapper method for getPermissions
InputFilter::getInstance() — Method in class InputFilter
Returns an input filter object, only creating it if it doesn't already exist.
ContenthistoryField::getLayoutData() — Method in class ContenthistoryField
Get the data that is going to be passed to the layout
MediaField::getLayoutData() — Method in class MediaField
Get the data that is going to be passed to the layout
UserField::getLayoutData() — Method in class UserField
Get the data that is going to be passed to the layout
Form::getErrors() — Method in class Form
Return all errors, if any.
Form::getField() — Method in class Form
Method to get a form field represented as a JFormField object.
Form::getFieldAttribute() — Method in class Form
Method to get an attribute value from a field XML element. If the attribute doesn't exist or is null then the optional default value will be used.
Form::getFieldset() — Method in class Form
Method to get an array of JFormField objects in a given fieldset by name. If no name is given then all fields are returned.
Form::getFieldsets() — Method in class Form
Method to get an array of fieldset objects optionally filtered over a given field group.
Form::getFormControl() — Method in class Form
Method to get the form control. This string serves as a container for all form fields. For example, if there is a field named 'foo' and a field named 'bar' and the form control is empty the fields will be rendered like: <input name="foo" /> and <input name="bar" />. If the form control is set to 'joomla' however, the fields would be rendered like: <input name="joomla[foo]" /> and <input name="joomla[bar]" />.
Form::getGroup() — Method in class Form
Method to get an array of JFormField objects in a given field group by name.
Form::getInput() — Method in class Form
Method to get a form field markup for the field input.
Form::getLabel() — Method in class Form
Method to get the label for a field input.
Form::getName() — Method in class Form
Method to get the form name.
Form::getValue() — Method in class Form
Method to get the value of a field.
Form::getControlGroup() — Method in class Form
Method to get a control group with label and input.
Form::getControlGroups() — Method in class Form
Method to get all control groups with label and input of a fieldset.
Form::getInstance() — Method in class Form
Method to get an instance of a form.
Form::getAttribute() — Method in class Form
Returns the value of an attribute of the form itself
Form::getData() — Method in class Form
Getter for the form data
Form::getXml() — Method in class Form
Method to get the XML form object
Form::getFieldXml() — Method in class Form
Method to get a form field represented as an XML element object.
FormField::getAttribute() — Method in class FormField
Method to get an attribute of the field
FormField::getControlGroup() — Method in class FormField
Method to get a control group with label and input.
HTMLHelper::getJSObject() — Method in class HTMLHelper
Internal method to get a JavaScript object notation string from an array
AuthenticationHelper::getTwoFactorMethods() — Method in class AuthenticationHelper
Get the Two Factor Authentication Methods available.
CMSHelper::getCurrentLanguage() — Method in class CMSHelper
Gets the current language
CMSHelper::getLanguageId() — Method in class CMSHelper
Gets the associated language ID
CMSHelper::getRowData() — Method in class CMSHelper
Gets a row of data from a table
CMSHelper::getDataObject() — Method in class CMSHelper
Method to get an object containing all of the table columns and values.
ContentHelper::getActions() — Method in class ContentHelper
Gets a list of the actions that can be performed.
ContentHelper::getCurrentLanguage() — Method in class ContentHelper
Gets the current language
ContentHelper::getLanguageId() — Method in class ContentHelper
Gets the associated language ID
ContentHelper::getRowData() — Method in class ContentHelper
Gets a row of data from a table
ContentHistoryHelper::getHistory() — Method in class ContentHistoryHelper
Method to get a list of available versions of this item.
LibraryHelper::getLibrary() — Method in class LibraryHelper
Get the library information.
LibraryHelper::getParams() — Method in class LibraryHelper
Gets the parameter object for the library
MediaHelper::getTypeIcon() — Method in class MediaHelper
Gets the file extension for purposed of using an icon
ModuleHelper::getModule() — Method in class ModuleHelper
Get module by name (real, eg 'Breadcrumbs' or folder, eg 'mod_breadcrumbs')
ModuleHelper::getModules() — Method in class ModuleHelper
Get modules by position
ModuleHelper::getLayoutPath() — Method in class ModuleHelper
Get the path to a layout for a module
ModuleHelper::getModuleList() — Method in class ModuleHelper
Module list
ModuleHelper::getModuleById() — Method in class ModuleHelper
Get module by id
RouteHelper::getRoute() — Method in class RouteHelper
A method to get the route for a specific item
RouteHelper::getCategoryRoute() — Method in class RouteHelper
Fetches the category route
TagsHelper::getItemTags() — Method in class TagsHelper
Method to get a list of tags for an item, optionally with the tag data.
TagsHelper::getTagIds() — Method in class TagsHelper
Method to get a list of tags for a given item.
TagsHelper::getTagItemsQuery() — Method in class TagsHelper
Method to get a query to retrieve a detailed list of items for a tag.
TagsHelper::getTagNames() — Method in class TagsHelper
Function that converts tag ids to their tag names
TagsHelper::getTagTreeArray() — Method in class TagsHelper
Method to get an array of tag ids for the current tag and its children
TagsHelper::getTypeId() — Method in class TagsHelper
Method to get the type id for a type alias.
TagsHelper::getTypes() — Method in class TagsHelper
Method to get a list of types with associated data.
UserGroupsHelper::getInstance() — Method in class UserGroupsHelper
Get the helper instance.
UserGroupsHelper::get() — Method in class UserGroupsHelper
Get a user group by its id.
UserGroupsHelper::getAll() — Method in class UserGroupsHelper
Get the list of existing user groups.
Http::getOption() — Method in class Http
Get an option from the HTTP client.
Http::get() — Method in class Http
Method to send the GET command to the server.
HttpFactory::getHttp() — Method in class HttpFactory
method to receive Http instance.
HttpFactory::getAvailableDriver() — Method in class HttpFactory
Finds an available http transport object for communication
HttpFactory::getHttpTransports() — Method in class HttpFactory
Get the http transport handlers
FactoryWrapper::getHttp() — Method in class FactoryWrapper
Helper wrapper method for getHttp
FactoryWrapper::getAvailableDriver() — Method in class FactoryWrapper
Helper wrapper method for getAvailableDriver
FactoryWrapper::getHttpTransports() — Method in class FactoryWrapper
Helper wrapper method for getHttpTransports
Files::get() — Method in class Files
Gets a value from the input data.
Input::getArray() — Method in class Input
Gets an array of values from the request.
Json::getRaw() — Method in class Json
Gets the raw JSON string from the request.
ComponentAdapter::getElement() — Method in class ComponentAdapter
Get the filtered extension element from the manifest
FileAdapter::getElement() — Method in class FileAdapter
Get the filtered extension element from the manifest
LibraryAdapter::getElement() — Method in class LibraryAdapter
Get the filtered extension element from the manifest
ModuleAdapter::getElement() — Method in class ModuleAdapter
Get the filtered extension element from the manifest
PackageAdapter::getElement() — Method in class PackageAdapter
Get the filtered extension element from the manifest
PluginAdapter::getElement() — Method in class PluginAdapter
Get the filtered extension element from the manifest
Installer::getInstance() — Method in class Installer
Returns the global Installer object, only creating it if it doesn't already exist.
Installer::getRedirectUrl() — Method in class Installer
Get the redirect location
Installer::getManifest() — Method in class Installer
Get the installation manifest object
Installer::getPath() — Method in class Installer
Get an installer path by name
Installer::getParams() — Method in class Installer
Method to parse the parameters of an extension, build the JSON string for its default parameters, and return the JSON string.
Installer::generateManifestCache() — Method in class Installer
Generates a manifest cache
Installer::getAdapter() — Method in class Installer
Fetches an adapter and adds it to the internal storage if an instance is not set while also ensuring its a valid adapter name
Installer::getAdapters() — Method in class Installer
Gets a list of available install adapters.
InstallerAdapter::getDiscoverInstallSupported() — Method in class InstallerAdapter
Checks if the adapter supports discover_install
InstallerAdapter::getElement() — Method in class InstallerAdapter
Get the filtered extension element from the manifest
InstallerAdapter::getManifest() — Method in class InstallerAdapter
Get the manifest object.
InstallerAdapter::getName() — Method in class InstallerAdapter
Get the filtered component name from the manifest
InstallerAdapter::getRoute() — Method in class InstallerAdapter
Get the install route being followed
InstallerAdapter::getParent() — Method in class InstallerAdapter
Retrieves the parent object.
$InstallerExtensionProperty in class InstallerExtension
The group name of the plugin. Not used for other known extension types (only plugins)
InstallerHelper::getFilenameFromUrl() — Method in class InstallerHelper
Gets a file name out of a url
InstallerScript::getInstances() — Method in class InstallerScript
Gets each instance of a module in the #__modules table
InstallerScript::getParam() — Method in class InstallerScript
Gets parameter value in the extensions row of the extension table
InstallerScript::getItemArray() — Method in class InstallerScript
Builds a standard select query to produce better DRY code in this script.
Associations::getAssociations() — Method in class Associations
Get the associations.
Language::getInstance() — Method in class Language
Returns a language object.
Language::getTransliterator() — Method in class Language
Getter for transliteration function
Language::getPluralSuffixes() — Method in class Language
Returns an array of suffixes for plural rules.
Language::getPluralSuffixesCallback() — Method in class Language
Getter for pluralSuffixesCallback function.
Language::getIgnoredSearchWords() — Method in class Language
Returns an array of ignored search words
Language::getIgnoredSearchWordsCallback() — Method in class Language
Getter for ignoredSearchWordsCallback function.
Language::getLowerLimitSearchWord() — Method in class Language
Returns a lower limit integer for length of search words
Language::getLowerLimitSearchWordCallback() — Method in class Language
Getter for lowerLimitSearchWordCallback function
Language::getUpperLimitSearchWord() — Method in class Language
Returns an upper limit integer for length of search words
Language::getUpperLimitSearchWordCallback() — Method in class Language
Getter for upperLimitSearchWordCallback function
Language::getSearchDisplayedCharactersNumber() — Method in class Language
Returns the number of characters displayed in search results.
Language::getSearchDisplayedCharactersNumberCallback() — Method in class Language
Getter for searchDisplayedCharactersNumberCallback function
Language::get() — Method in class Language
Get a metadata language property.
Language::getName() — Method in class Language
Getter for Name.
Language::getPaths() — Method in class Language
Get a list of language files that have been loaded.
Language::getErrorFiles() — Method in class Language
Get a list of language files that are in error state.
Language::getTag() — Method in class Language
Getter for the language tag (as defined in RFC 3066)
Language::getCalendar() — Method in class Language
Getter for the calendar type
Language::getDebug() — Method in class Language
Get the Debug property.
Language::getDefault() — Method in class Language
Get the default language code.
Language::getOrphans() — Method in class Language
Get the list of orphaned strings if being tracked.
Language::getUsed() — Method in class Language
Get the list of used strings.
Language::getMetadata() — Method in class Language
Returns an associative array holding the metadata.
Language::getKnownLanguages() — Method in class Language
Returns a list of known languages for an area
Language::getLanguagePath() — Method in class Language
Get the path to a language
Language::getLocale() — Method in class Language
Get the language locale based on current language.
Language::getFirstDay() — Method in class Language
Get the first day of the week for this language.
Language::getWeekEnd() — Method in class Language
Get the weekends days for this language.
LanguageHelper::getLanguages() — Method in class LanguageHelper
Get available languages
LanguageHelper::getInstalledLanguages() — Method in class LanguageHelper
Get a list of installed languages.
LanguageHelper::getContentLanguages() — Method in class LanguageHelper
Get a list of content languages.
LanguageHelper::getMetadata() — Method in class LanguageHelper
Returns an associative array holding the metadata.
LanguageHelper::getKnownLanguages() — Method in class LanguageHelper
Returns a list of known languages for an area
LanguageHelper::getLanguagePath() — Method in class LanguageHelper
Get the path to a language
LanguageStemmer::getInstance() — Method in class LanguageStemmer
Method to get a stemmer, creating it if necessary.
Multilanguage::getSiteLangs() — Method in class Multilanguage
Method to return a list of published site languages.
Multilanguage::getSiteHomePages() — Method in class Multilanguage
Method to return a list of language home page menu items.
Text::getScriptStrings() — Method in class Text
Get the strings that have been loaded to the JavaScript language store.
LanguageHelperWrapper::getLanguages() — Method in class LanguageHelperWrapper
Helper wrapper method for getLanguages
BaseLayout::getOptions() — Method in class BaseLayout
Get the options
BaseLayout::getDebugMessages() — Method in class BaseLayout
Get the debug messages array
BaseLayout::get() — Method in class BaseLayout
Method to get the value from the data array
BaseLayout::getData() — Method in class BaseLayout
Get the data being rendered
FileLayout::getIncludePaths() — Method in class FileLayout
Get the active include paths
FileLayout::getLayoutId() — Method in class FileLayout
Get the active layout id
FileLayout::getSuffixes() — Method in class FileLayout
Get the active suffixes
FileLayout::getDefaultIncludePaths() — Method in class FileLayout
Get the default array of include paths
BaseController::getInstance() — Method in class BaseController
Method to get a singleton controller instance.
BaseController::getModel() — Method in class BaseController
Method to get a model object, loading it if required.
BaseController::getName() — Method in class BaseController
Method to get the controller name
BaseController::getTask() — Method in class BaseController
Get the last task that is being performed or was most recently performed.
BaseController::getTasks() — Method in class BaseController
Gets the available tasks in the controller.
BaseController::getView() — Method in class BaseController
Method to get a reference to the current view and load it if necessary.
FormController::getModel() — Method in class FormController
Method to get a model object, loading it if required.
AdminModel::getItem() — Method in class AdminModel
Method to get a single record.
AdminModel::generateTitle() — Method in class AdminModel
A method to preprocess generating a new title in order to allow tables with alternative names for alias and title to use the batch move and copy methods
BaseDatabaseModel::getInstance() — Method in class BaseDatabaseModel
Returns a Model object, always creating it
BaseDatabaseModel::getDbo() — Method in class BaseDatabaseModel
Method to get the database driver object
BaseDatabaseModel::getName() — Method in class BaseDatabaseModel
Method to get the model name
BaseDatabaseModel::getState() — Method in class BaseDatabaseModel
Method to get model state variables
BaseDatabaseModel::getTable() — Method in class BaseDatabaseModel
Method to get a table object, load it if necessary.
FormModel::getForm() — Method in class FormModel
Abstract method for getting the form from the model.
ListModel::getActiveFilters() — Method in class ListModel
Function to get the active filters
ListModel::getItems() — Method in class ListModel
Method to get an array of data items.
ListModel::getPagination() — Method in class ListModel
Method to get a \JPagination object for the data set.
ListModel::getTotal() — Method in class ListModel
Method to get the total number of items for the data set.
ListModel::getStart() — Method in class ListModel
Method to get the starting number of items for the data set.
ListModel::getFilterForm() — Method in class ListModel
Get the filter form
ListModel::getUserStateFromRequest() — Method in class ListModel
Gets the value of a user state variable and sets it in the session
HtmlView::get() — Method in class HtmlView
Method to get data from a registered model or a property of the view
HtmlView::getModel() — Method in class HtmlView
Method to get the model object
HtmlView::getLayout() — Method in class HtmlView
Get the layout.
HtmlView::getLayoutTemplate() — Method in class HtmlView
Get the layout template.
HtmlView::getName() — Method in class HtmlView
Method to get the view name
HtmlView::getForm() — Method in class HtmlView
Returns the form object
Mail::getInstance() — Method in class Mail
Returns the global email object, only creating it if it doesn't already exist.
AbstractMenu::getInstance() — Method in class AbstractMenu
Returns a Menu object
AbstractMenu::getItem() — Method in class AbstractMenu
Get menu item by id
AbstractMenu::getDefault() — Method in class AbstractMenu
Get the default item by language code.
AbstractMenu::getActive() — Method in class AbstractMenu
Get menu item by id.
AbstractMenu::getItems() — Method in class AbstractMenu
Gets menu items by attribute
AbstractMenu::getParams() — Method in class AbstractMenu
Gets the parameter object for a certain menu item
AbstractMenu::getMenu() — Method in class AbstractMenu
Getter for the menu array
MenuHelper::getPresets() — Method in class MenuHelper
Get a list of available presets.
MenuItem::getParams() — Method in class MenuItem
Returns the menu item parameters
MenuItem::get() — Method in class MenuItem
Returns a property of the object or the default value if the property is not set.
Node::getParent() — Method in class Node
Get the parent of this node
Node::getChildren() — Method in class Node
Get the children of this node
Node::getLevel() — Method in class Node
Find the current node depth in the tree hierarchy
Node::getParam() — Method in class Node
Get the param value from the node params
Node::get() — Method in class Node
Get an attribute value
Component::get() — Method in class Component
Get an attribute value
Heading::get() — Method in class Heading
Get an attribute value
Separator::get() — Method in class Separator
Get an attribute value
Url::get() — Method in class Url
Get an attribute value
SiteMenu::getItems() — Method in class SiteMenu
Gets menu items by attribute
SiteMenu::getDefault() — Method in class SiteMenu
Get menu item by id
Tree::getRoot() — Method in class Tree
Get the root node
Tree::getCurrent() — Method in class Tree
Get the current node
Tree::getParent() — Method in class Tree
Method to get the parent and set it as active optionally
Tree::getIconClass() — Method in class Tree
Method to get the CSS class name for an icon identifier or create one if a custom image path is passed as the identifier
Tree::getCss() — Method in class Tree
Get the CSS declarations for this tree
Microdata::getType() — Method in class Microdata
Return the current $Type name
Microdata::getProperty() — Method in class Microdata
Return the current $Property name
Microdata::getContent() — Method in class Microdata
Return the current $content
Microdata::getMachineContent() — Method in class Microdata
Return the current $machineContent
Microdata::getFallbackType() — Method in class Microdata
Return the current $fallbackType
Microdata::getFallbackProperty() — Method in class Microdata
Return the current $fallbackProperty
Microdata::getTypes() — Method in class Microdata
Return an array with all available Types and Properties from the http://schema.org vocabulary
Microdata::getAvailableTypes() — Method in class Microdata
Return an array with all available Types from the http://schema.org vocabulary
Microdata::getExpectedTypes() — Method in class Microdata
Return the expected Types of the given Property
CMSObject::get() — Method in class CMSObject
Returns a property of the object or the default value if the property is not set.
CMSObject::getProperties() — Method in class CMSObject
Returns an associative array of object properties.
CMSObject::getError() — Method in class CMSObject
Get the most recent error message.
CMSObject::getErrors() — Method in class CMSObject
Return all errors, if any.
Pagination::getAdditionalUrlParam() — Method in class Pagination
Method to get an additional URL parameter (if it exists) to be added to all pagination class generated links.
Pagination::getRowOffset() — Method in class Pagination
Return the rationalised offset for a row with a given index.
Pagination::getData() — Method in class Pagination
Return the pagination data object, only creating it if it doesn't already exist.
Pagination::getPagesCounter() — Method in class Pagination
Create and return the pagination pages counter string, ie. Page 2 of 4.
Pagination::getResultsCounter() — Method in class Pagination
Create and return the pagination result set counter string, e.g. Results 1-10 of 42
Pagination::getPagesLinks() — Method in class Pagination
Create and return the pagination page list string, ie. Previous, Next, 1 2 3 .
Pagination::getPaginationLinks() — Method in class Pagination
Get the pagination links
Pagination::getPaginationPages() — Method in class Pagination
Create and return the pagination pages list, ie. Previous, Next, 1 2 3 .
Pagination::getListFooter() — Method in class Pagination
Return the pagination footer.
Pagination::getLimitBox() — Method in class Pagination
Creates a dropdown box for selecting how many records to show per page.
Pagination::get() — Method in class Pagination
Returns a property of the object or the default value if the property is not set.
Pathway::getInstance() — Method in class Pathway
Returns a Pathway object
Pathway::getPathway() — Method in class Pathway
Return the Pathway items array
Pathway::getPathwayNames() — Method in class Pathway
Create and return an array of the pathway names.
PluginHelper::getLayoutPath() — Method in class PluginHelper
Get the path to a layout from a Plugin
PluginHelper::getPlugin() — Method in class PluginHelper
Get the plugin data of a specific type if no specific plugin is specified otherwise only the specific plugin data is returned.
Profiler::getInstance() — Method in class Profiler
Returns the global Profiler object, only creating it if it doesn't already exist.
Profiler::getmicrotime() — Method in class Profiler
Get the current time.
Profiler::getMemory() — Method in class Profiler
Get information about current memory usage.
Profiler::getMarks() — Method in class Profiler
Get all profiler marks.
Profiler::getBuffer() — Method in class Profiler
Get all profiler mark buffers.
Router::getInstance() — Method in class Router
Returns the global Router object, only creating it if it doesn't already exist.
Router::getMode() — Method in class Router
Get the router mode
Router::getVar() — Method in class Router
Get a router variable
Router::getVars() — Method in class Router
Get the router variable array
SiteRouter::getComponentRouter() — Method in class SiteRouter
Get component router
ChangeItem::getInstance() — Method in class ChangeItem
Returns a reference to the ChangeItem object.
ChangeSet::getInstance() — Method in class ChangeSet
Returns a reference to the ChangeSet object, only creating it if it doesn't already exist.
ChangeSet::getStatus() — Method in class ChangeSet
Returns an array of results for this set
ChangeSet::getSchema() — Method in class ChangeSet
Gets the current database schema, based on the highest version number.
Session::getInstance() — Method in class Session
Returns the global Session object, only creating it if it doesn't already exist.
Session::getState() — Method in class Session
Get current state of session
Session::getExpire() — Method in class Session
Get expiration time in seconds
Session::getToken() — Method in class Session
Get a session token, if a token isn't set yet one will be generated.
Session::getFormToken() — Method in class Session
Method to determine a hash for anti-spoofing variable names
Session::getIterator() — Method in class Session
Retrieve an external iterator.
Session::getName() — Method in class Session
Get session name
Session::getId() — Method in class Session
Get session id
Session::getData() — Method in class Session
Returns a clone of the internal data pointer
Session::getStores() — Method in class Session
Get the session handlers
Session::get() — Method in class Session
Get data from the session store
Session::gc() — Method in class Session
Delete expired session data
ContentHistory::getSha1() — Method in class ContentHistory
Utility method to get the hash after removing selected values. This lets us detect changes other than modified date (which will change on every save).
ContentHistory::getHashMatch() — Method in class ContentHistory
Utility method to get a matching row based on the hash value and id columns.
ContentType::getTypeId() — Method in class ContentType
Method to get the id given the type alias
ContentType::getContentTable() — Method in class ContentType
Method to get the Table object for the content type from the table object.
Nested::getPath() — Method in class Nested
Method to get an array of nodes from a given node to its root.
Nested::getTree() — Method in class Nested
Method to get a node and all its child nodes.
Nested::getRootId() — Method in class Nested
Gets the ID of the root item in the tree
Table::getObserverOfClass() — Method in class Table
Gets the instance of the observer of class $observerClass
Table::getFields() — Method in class Table
Get the columns from database table.
Table::getInstance() — Method in class Table
Static method to get an instance of a Table class if it can be found in the table include paths.
Table::getTableName() — Method in class Table
Method to get the database table name for the class.
Table::getKeyName() — Method in class Table
Method to get the primary key field name for the table.
Table::getDbo() — Method in class Table
Method to get the \JDatabaseDriver object.
Table::getRules() — Method in class Table
Method to get the rules for the record.
Table::getNextOrder() — Method in class Table
Method to get the next ordering value for a group of rows defined by an SQL WHERE clause.
Table::getPrimaryKey() — Method in class Table
Get the primary key values for this table using passed in values as a default.
Table::getColumnAlias() — Method in class Table
Method to return the real name of a "special" column such as ordering, hits, published etc etc. In this way you are free to follow your db naming convention and use the built in \Joomla functions.
TableInterface::getDbo() — Method in class TableInterface
Method to get the \JDatabaseDriver object.
TableInterface::getKeyName() — Method in class TableInterface
Method to get the primary key field name for the table.
$UserProperty in class User
Associative array of group ids => group ids for the user
Toolbar::getInstance() — Method in class Toolbar
Returns the global Toolbar object, only creating it if it doesn't already exist.
Toolbar::getItems() — Method in class Toolbar
Get the list of toolbar links.
Toolbar::getName() — Method in class Toolbar
Get the name of the toolbar.
ToolbarButton::getName() — Method in class ToolbarButton
Get the element name
UCMBase::getType() — Method in class UCMBase
Get the UCM Content type.
UCMContent::getPrimaryKey() — Method in class UCMContent
Get the value of the primary key from #__ucm_base
UCMType::getType() — Method in class UCMType
Get the Content Type
UCMType::getTypeByAlias() — Method in class UCMType
Get the Content Type from the alias
UCMType::getTypeByTable() — Method in class UCMType
Get the Content Type from the table class name
UCMType::getTypeId() — Method in class UCMType
Retrieves the UCM type ID
Updater::getInstance() — Method in class Updater
Returns a reference to the global Installer object, only creating it if it doesn't already exist.
Uri::getInstance() — Method in class Uri
Returns the global JUri object, only creating it if it doesn't already exist.
$UserProperty in class User
Associative array of user names => group ids
$UserProperty in class User
Guest status
User::getInstance() — Method in class User
Returns the global User object, only creating it if it doesn't already exist.
User::getParam() — Method in class User
Method to get a parameter value
User::getAuthorisedCategories() — Method in class User
Method to return a list of all categories that a user has permission for a given action
User::getAuthorisedViewLevels() — Method in class User
Gets an array of the authorised access levels for the user
User::getAuthorisedGroups() — Method in class User
Gets an array of the authorised user groups
User::getParameters() — Method in class User
Method to get the user parameters
User::getTimezone() — Method in class User
Method to get the user timezone.
User::getTable() — Method in class User
Method to get the user table object
UserHelper::getUserGroups() — Method in class UserHelper
Method to get a list of groups a user is in.
UserHelper::getProfile() — Method in class UserHelper
Gets the user profile information
UserHelper::getUserId() — Method in class UserHelper
Returns userid if a user exists
UserHelper::getCryptedPassword() — Method in class UserHelper
Formats a password using the old encryption methods.
UserHelper::getSalt() — Method in class UserHelper
Returns a salt for the appropriate kind of password encryption using the old encryption methods.
UserHelper::genRandomPassword() — Method in class UserHelper
Generate a random password
UserHelper::getRememberCookieData() — Method in class UserHelper
Method to get the remember me cookie data
UserHelper::getShortHashedUserAgent() — Method in class UserHelper
Method to get a hashed user agent string that does not include browser version.
UserWrapper::getUserGroups() — Method in class UserWrapper
Helper wrapper method for getUserGroups
UserWrapper::getProfile() — Method in class UserWrapper
Helper wrapper method for getProfile
UserWrapper::getUserId() — Method in class UserWrapper
Helper wrapper method for getUserId
UserWrapper::getCryptedPassword() — Method in class UserWrapper
Helper wrapper method for getCryptedPassword
UserWrapper::getSalt() — Method in class UserWrapper
Helper wrapper method for getSalt
UserWrapper::genRandomPassword() — Method in class UserWrapper
Helper wrapper method for genRandomPassword
UserWrapper::getRememberCookieData() — Method in class UserWrapper
Helper wrapper method for getRememberCookieData
UserWrapper::getShortHashedUserAgent() — Method in class UserWrapper
Helper wrapper method for getShortHashedUserAgent
Utility::getMaxUploadSize() — Method in class Utility
Method to get the maximum allowed file size for the HTTP uploads based on the active PHP configuration
Version::getHelpVersion() — Method in class Version
Method to get the help file version.
Version::getShortVersion() — Method in class Version
Gets a "PHP standardized" version string for the current Joomla.
Version::getLongVersion() — Method in class Version
Gets a version string for the current Joomla with all release information.
Version::getUserAgent() — Method in class Version
Returns the user agent.
Version::generateMediaVersion() — Method in class Version
Generate a media version string for assets Public to allow third party developers to use it
Version::getMediaVersion() — Method in class Version
Gets a media version which is used to append to Joomla core media files.


JArchiveZip::hasNativeSupport() — Method in class JArchiveZip
Method to determine if the server has native zip support for faster handling
JDatabaseDriver::hasUTFSupport() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Determine whether or not the database engine supports UTF-8 character encoding.
JDatabaseDriver::hasUTF8mb4Support() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Determine whether the database engine support the UTF-8 Multibyte (utf8mb4) character encoding. This applies to MySQL databases.
JDatabaseQuery::hour() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Used to get a string to extract hour from date column.
JDatabaseQuery::having() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
A conditions to the HAVING clause of the query.
JDatabaseQueryPostgresql::hour() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryPostgresql
Used to get a string to extract hour from date column.
JError::handleIgnore() — Method in class JError
Ignore error handler - Ignores the error
JError::handleEcho() — Method in class JError
Echo error handler - Echos the error message to output
JError::handleVerbose() — Method in class JError
Verbose error handler - Echos the error message to output as well as related info
JError::handleDie() — Method in class JError
Die error handler - Echos the error message to output and then dies
JError::handleMessage() — Method in class JError
Message error handler Enqueues the error message into the system queue
JError::handleLog() — Method in class JError
Log error handler Logs the error message to a system log file
JError::handleCallback() — Method in class JError
Callback error handler - Send the error object to a callback method for error handling
JFacebookUser::hasFriend() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to see if a user is a friend of the current user. Requires authentication.
JGoogleEmbedMaps::hasSensor() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedMaps
Checks if a sensor is set to be required
JHtmlBehavior::highlighter() — Method in class JHtmlBehavior
Highlight some words via Javascript.
JNode::hasChildren() — Method in class JNode
Test if this node has children
JNode::hasParent() — Method in class JNode
Test if this node has a parent
JOpenstreetmapElements::historyOfElement() — Method in class JOpenstreetmapElements
Method to get history of an element [node|way|relation]
AssociationExtensionHelper::hasAssociationsSupport() — Method in class AssociationExtensionHelper
Checks if the extension supports associations
AssociationExtensionInterface::hasAssociationsSupport() — Method in class AssociationExtensionInterface
Checks if the extension supports associations
HttpBridgePostRequestMethodClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Captcha\Google
Bridges the Joomla! HTTP API to the Google Recaptcha RequestMethod interface for a POST request.
$CategoryNodeProperty in class CategoryNode
Nmber of times the category has been viewed
CategoryNode::hasChildren() — Method in class CategoryNode
Test if this node has children
CategoryNode::hasParent() — Method in class CategoryNode
Test if this node has a parent
ClientHelper::hasCredentials() — Method in class ClientHelper
Method to determine if client login credentials are present
ClientWrapper::hasCredentials() — Method in class ClientWrapper
Helper wrapper method for hasCredentials
Crypt::hasStrongPasswordSupport() — Method in class Crypt
Tests for the availability of updated crypt().
$FeedImageProperty in class FeedImage
Title feed attribute
HtmlDocumentClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Document
HtmlDocument class, provides an easy interface to parse and display a HTML document
$OpensearchImageProperty in class OpensearchImage
The image's height
HeadRendererClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Document\Renderer\Html
HTML document renderer for the document <head> element
HeadertagFieldClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form\Field
Form Field class for the Joomla! CMS.
HelpsiteFieldClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form\Field
Form Field class for the Joomla Platform.
HTMLHelperClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\HTML
Utility class for all HTML drawing classes
HelpClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Help
Help system class
UserGroupsHelper::has() — Method in class UserGroupsHelper
Check if a group is in the list.
HttpClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Http
HTTP client class.
Http::head() — Method in class Http
Method to send the HEAD command to the server.
HttpFactoryClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Http
HTTP factory class.
$ResponseProperty in class Response
Language::hasKey() — Method in class Language
Determines is a key exists.
HtmlViewClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\MVC\View
Base class for a Joomla View
$MenuItemProperty in class MenuItem
Indicates if this menu item is the home or default page
Node::hasParent() — Method in class Node
Test if this node has a parent
Node::hasChildren() — Method in class Node
Test if this node has children
HeadingClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Menu\Node
A Heading type of node for MenuTree
Microdata::htmlMeta() — Method in class Microdata
Return Microdata semantics in a <meta> tag with content for machines.
Microdata::htmlSpan() — Method in class Microdata
Return Microdata semantics in a <span> tag.
Microdata::htmlDiv() — Method in class Microdata
Return Microdata semantics in a <div> tag.
Microdata::htmlTag() — Method in class Microdata
Return Microdata semantics in a specified tag.
Microdata::htmlScope() — Method in class Microdata
Return the HTML Scope
Microdata::htmlProperty() — Method in class Microdata
Return the HTML Property
$PaginationProperty in class Pagination
Session::hasToken() — Method in class Session
Method to determine if a token exists in the session. If not the session will be set to expired
Session::has() — Method in class Session
Check whether data exists in the session store
Table::hasPrimaryKey() — Method in class Table
Validate that the primary key has been set.
Table::hit() — Method in class Table
Method to increment the hits for a row if the necessary property/field exists.
HelpButtonClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Toolbar\Button
Renders a help popup window button
ToolbarHelper::help() — Method in class ToolbarHelper
Writes a preview button for a given option (opens a popup window).
UserHelper::hashPassword() — Method in class UserHelper
Hashes a password using the current encryption.
UserWrapper::hashPassword() — Method in class UserWrapper
Helper wrapper method for hashPassword


JApplication::initialise() — Method in class JApplication
Initialise the application.
JApplication::isAdmin() — Method in class JApplication
Is admin interface?
JApplication::isSite() — Method in class JApplication
Is site interface?
JApplication::isClient() — Method in class JApplication
Check the client interface by name.
JApplication::isWinOs() — Method in class JApplication
Method to determine if the host OS is Windows
JApplication::isSSLConnection() — Method in class JApplication
Determine if we are using a secure (SSL) connection.
JApplicationWebRouterRest::isMethodInPostRequest() — Method in class JApplicationWebRouterRest
Get the property to allow or not method in POST request
JArchiveBzip2::isSupported() — Method in class JArchiveBzip2
Tests whether this adapter can unpack files on this computer.
JArchiveExtractable::isSupported() — Method in class JArchiveExtractable
Tests whether this adapter can unpack files on this computer.
JArchiveGzip::isSupported() — Method in class JArchiveGzip
Tests whether this adapter can unpack files on this computer.
JArchiveTar::isSupported() — Method in class JArchiveTar
Tests whether this adapter can unpack files on this computer.
JArchiveZip::isSupported() — Method in class JArchiveZip
Tests whether this adapter can unpack files on this computer.
JArrayHelper::invert() — Method in class JArrayHelper
Takes an associative array of arrays and inverts the array keys to values using the array values as keys.
JArrayHelper::isAssociative() — Method in class JArrayHelper
Method to determine if an array is an associative array.
JDatabaseDriver::insertid() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Method to get the auto-incremented value from the last INSERT statement.
JDatabaseDriver::insertObject() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Inserts a row into a table based on an object's properties.
JDatabaseDriver::isMinimumVersion() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Method to check whether the installed database version is supported by the database driver
JDatabaseDriverMysql::isSupported() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverMysql
Test to see if the MySQL connector is available.
JDatabaseDriverMysql::insertid() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverMysql
Method to get the auto-incremented value from the last INSERT statement.
JDatabaseDriverMysqli::isSupported() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverMysqli
Test to see if the MySQL connector is available.
JDatabaseDriverMysqli::insertid() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverMysqli
Method to get the auto-incremented value from the last INSERT statement.
JDatabaseDriverOracle::isSupported() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverOracle
Test to see if the PDO ODBC connector is available.
JDatabaseDriverPdo::isSupported() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPdo
Test to see if the PDO extension is available.
JDatabaseDriverPdo::insertid() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPdo
Method to get the auto-incremented value from the last INSERT statement.
JDatabaseDriverPdomysql::isSupported() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPdomysql
Test to see if the MySQL connector is available.
JDatabaseDriverPgsql::insertObject() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPgsql
Inserts a row into a table based on an object's properties.
JDatabaseDriverPgsql::isSupported() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPgsql
Test to see if the PostgreSQL connector is available.
JDatabaseDriverPostgresql::insertid() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPostgresql
Method to get the auto-incremented value from the last INSERT statement.
JDatabaseDriverPostgresql::insertObject() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPostgresql
Inserts a row into a table based on an object's properties.
JDatabaseDriverPostgresql::isSupported() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPostgresql
Test to see if the PostgreSQL connector is available.
JDatabaseDriverSqlite::isSupported() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlite
Test to see if the PDO ODBC connector is available.
JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv::isSupported() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv
Test to see if the SQLSRV connector is available.
JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv::insertObject() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv
Inserts a row into a table based on an object's properties.
JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv::insertid() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv
Method to get the auto-incremented value from the last INSERT statement.
JDatabaseInterface::isSupported() — Method in class JDatabaseInterface
Test to see if the connector is available.
JDatabaseQuery::innerJoin() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Add an INNER JOIN clause to the query.
JDatabaseQuery::insert() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Add a table name to the INSERT clause of the query.
JError::isError() — Method in class JError
Method to determine if a value is an exception object.
JFacebookEvent::isInvited() — Method in class JFacebookEvent
Method to check if a user is invited to the event. Requires authentication and userevents or friendsevents permission.
JFacebookEvent::isAttending() — Method in class JFacebookEvent
Method to check if a user is attending an event. Requires authentication and userevents or friendsevents permission.
JFacebookEvent::isMaybe() — Method in class JFacebookEvent
Method to check if a user is maybe attending an event. Requires authentication and userevents or friendsevents permission.
JFacebookEvent::isDeclined() — Method in class JFacebookEvent
Method to check if a user responded 'no' to the event. Requires authentication and userevents or friendsevents permission.
JFacebookEvent::isNoreply() — Method in class JFacebookEvent
Method to check if a user has not replied to the event. Requires authentication and userevents or friendsevents permission.
JGithubPackageGists::isStarred() — Method in class JGithubPackageGists
Method to check if a gist has been starred.
JGithubPackageOrgsTeams::isMember() — Method in class JGithubPackageOrgsTeams
Get team member.
JGithubPackagePulls::isMerged() — Method in class JGithubPackagePulls
Method to check if a pull request has been merged.
JGithubPackageSearch::issues() — Method in class JGithubPackageSearch
Search issues.
JGoogleAuth::isAuthenticated() — Method in class JGoogleAuth
Verify if the client has been authenticated
JGoogleAuthOauth2::isAuthenticated() — Method in class JGoogleAuthOauth2
Verify if the client has been authenticated
JGoogleData::isAuthenticated() — Method in class JGoogleData
Check authentication
JGoogleEmbed::isSecure() — Method in class JGoogleEmbed
Method to retrieve the javascript header for the embed API
JGoogleEmbedAnalytics::isAsync() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedAnalytics
Checks if the javascript is set to be asynchronous
JGoogleEmbedMaps::isAsync() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedMaps
Checks if the javascript is set to be asynchronous
JHtmlBatch::item() — Method in class JHtmlBatch
Displays a batch widget for moving or copying items.
JHtmlDropdown::init() — Method in class JHtmlDropdown
Method to inject needed script
JHtmlGrid::id() — Method in class JHtmlGrid
Method to create a checkbox for a grid row.
JHtmlJGrid::isdefault() — Method in class JHtmlJGrid
Returns an isDefault state on a grid
JHtmlList::images() — Method in class JHtmlList
Build the select list to choose an image
JHtmlSelect::integerlist() — Method in class JHtmlSelect
Generates a selection list of integers.
$JKeychainProperty in class JKeychain
$JLessFormatterJoomlaProperty in class JLessFormatterJoomla
JLinkedinCommunications::inviteByEmail() — Method in class JLinkedinCommunications
Method used to invite people.
JLinkedinCommunications::inviteById() — Method in class JLinkedinCommunications
Method used to invite people.
JLoader::import() — Method in class JLoader
Loads a class from specified directories.
JOAuth2Client::isAuthenticated() — Method in class JOAuth2Client
Verify if the client has been authenticated
JPlatform::isCompatible() — Method in class JPlatform
Compares two a "PHP standardized" version number against the current Joomla Platform version.
JSessionHandlerInterface::isStarted() — Method in class JSessionHandlerInterface
Checks if the session is started.
$JSessionHandlerJoomlaProperty in class JSessionHandlerJoomla
The input object
JSessionHandlerNative::isStarted() — Method in class JSessionHandlerNative
Checks if the session is started.
JSessionStorage::isSupported() — Method in class JSessionStorage
Test to see if the SessionHandler is available.
JSessionStorageApc::isSupported() — Method in class JSessionStorageApc
Test to see if the SessionHandler is available.
JSessionStorageApcu::isSupported() — Method in class JSessionStorageApcu
Test to see if the SessionHandler is available.
JSessionStorageMemcache::isSupported() — Method in class JSessionStorageMemcache
Test to see if the SessionHandler is available.
JSessionStorageMemcached::isSupported() — Method in class JSessionStorageMemcached
Test to see if the SessionHandler is available.
JSessionStorageRedis::isSupported() — Method in class JSessionStorageRedis
Test to see if the SessionHandler is available.
JSessionStorageWincache::isSupported() — Method in class JSessionStorageWincache
Test to see if the SessionHandler is available.
JSessionStorageXcache::isSupported() — Method in class JSessionStorageXcache
Test to see if the SessionHandler is available.
JTableSession::insert() — Method in class JTableSession
Insert a session
JTwitterLists::isMember() — Method in class JTwitterLists
Method to check if the specified user is a member of the specified list.
JTwitterLists::isSubscriber() — Method in class JTwitterLists
Method to check if the specified user is a subscriber of the specified list.
CMSApplication::isAdmin() — Method in class CMSApplication
Is admin interface?
CMSApplication::isSite() — Method in class CMSApplication
Is site interface?
CMSApplication::isHttpsForced() — Method in class CMSApplication
Checks if HTTPS is forced in the client configuration.
CMSApplication::isClient() — Method in class CMSApplication
Check the client interface by name.
CliApplication::in() — Method in class CliApplication
Get a value from standard input.
DaemonApplication::isActive() — Method in class DaemonApplication
Check to see if the daemon is active. This does not assume that $this daemon is active, but only if an instance of the application is active as a daemon.
WebApplication::initialise() — Method in class WebApplication
Initialise the application.
WebApplication::isSSLConnection() — Method in class WebApplication
Determine if we are using a secure (SSL) connection.
CacheStorage::isSupported() — Method in class CacheStorage
Test to see if the storage handler is available.
ApcStorage::isSupported() — Method in class ApcStorage
Test to see if the storage handler is available.
ApcuStorage::isSupported() — Method in class ApcuStorage
Test to see if the storage handler is available.
CacheliteStorage::isSupported() — Method in class CacheliteStorage
Test to see if the storage handler is available.
FileStorage::isSupported() — Method in class FileStorage
Test to see if the storage handler is available.
MemcacheStorage::isSupported() — Method in class MemcacheStorage
Test to see if the storage handler is available.
MemcachedStorage::isSupported() — Method in class MemcachedStorage
Test to see if the storage handler is available.
RedisStorage::isSupported() — Method in class RedisStorage
Test to see if the storage handler is available.
RedisStorage::isConnected() — Method in class RedisStorage
Test to see if the Redis connection is available.
WincacheStorage::isSupported() — Method in class WincacheStorage
Test to see if the storage handler is available.
XcacheStorage::isSupported() — Method in class XcacheStorage
Test to see if the storage handler is available.
Captcha::initialise() — Method in class Captcha
Fire the onInit event to initialise the captcha plugin.
$CategoriesProperty in class Categories
Array to hold the object instances
$CategoryNodeProperty in class CategoryNode
Primary key
FtpClient::isConnected() — Method in class FtpClient
Method to determine if the object is connected to an FTP server
ComponentHelper::isEnabled() — Method in class ComponentHelper
Checks if the component is enabled
ComponentHelper::isInstalled() — Method in class ComponentHelper
Checks if a component is installed
$ComponentRecordProperty in class ComponentRecord
Primary key
$FeedDocumentProperty in class FeedDocument
Image feed element
$FeedDocumentProperty in class FeedDocument
The feed items collection
HtmlDocument::isHtml5() — Method in class HtmlDocument
Returns whether the document is set up to be output as HTML5
ImageDocumentClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Document
ImageDocument class, provides an easy interface to output image data
XmlDocument::isDownload() — Method in class XmlDocument
Check if this document is intended for download
Editor::initialise() — Method in class Editor
Initialise the editor
Browser::isViewable() — Method in class Browser
Determines if a browser can display a given MIME type.
Browser::isBrowser() — Method in class Browser
Determine if the given browser is the same as the current.
Browser::isRobot() — Method in class Browser
Determines if the browser is a robot or not.
Browser::isMobile() — Method in class Browser
Determines if the browser is mobile version or not.
Browser::isSSLConnection() — Method in class Browser
Determine if we are using a secure (SSL) connection.
$FeedProperty in class Feed
string$imageSpecifies a GIF, JPEG or PNG image that should be displayed with the feed.
ItunesRssParserClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Feed\Parser\Rss
RSS Feed Parser Namespace handler for iTunes.
FilesystemHelper::isJoomlaStream() — Method in class FilesystemHelper
Determine if a stream is a Joomla stream.
Path::isOwner() — Method in class Path
Method to determine if script owns the path.
PathWrapper::isOwner() — Method in class PathWrapper
Helper wrapper method for isOwner
InputFilterClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Filter
InputFilter is a class for filtering input from any data source
InputFilter::isSafeFile() — Method in class InputFilter
Checks an uploaded for suspicious naming and potential PHP contents which could indicate a hacking attempt.
$TagFieldProperty in class TagField
Flag to work with nested tag field
TagField::isNested() — Method in class TagField
Determine if the field has to be tagnested
HTMLHelper::isRegistered() — Method in class HTMLHelper
Test if the key is registered.
HTMLHelper::iframe() — Method in class HTMLHelper
Write a <iframe> element
HTMLHelper::image() — Method in class HTMLHelper
Write a <img> element
LibraryHelper::isEnabled() — Method in class LibraryHelper
Checks if a library is enabled
MediaHelper::isImage() — Method in class MediaHelper
Checks if the file is an image
MediaHelper::imageResize() — Method in class MediaHelper
Calculate the size of a resized image
ModuleHelper::isEnabled() — Method in class ModuleHelper
Checks if a module is enabled. A given module will only be returned if it meets the following criteria: it is enabled, it is assigned to the current menu item or all items, and the user meets the access level requirements.
ModuleHelper::isAdminMultilang() — Method in class ModuleHelper
Method to determine if filtering by language is enabled in back-end for modules.
TransportInterface::isSupported() — Method in class TransportInterface
Method to check if HTTP transport is available for use
CurlTransport::isSupported() — Method in class CurlTransport
Method to check if HTTP transport cURL is available for use
SocketTransport::isSupported() — Method in class SocketTransport
Method to check if http transport socket available for use
StreamTransport::isSupported() — Method in class StreamTransport
Method to check if http transport stream available for use
ImageClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Image
Class to manipulate an image.
ImageFilterClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Image
Class to manipulate an image.
InputClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Input
Joomla! Input Base Class
LanguageAdapter::install() — Method in class LanguageAdapter
Custom install method
InstallerClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Installer
Joomla base installer class
Installer::isOverwrite() — Method in class Installer
Get the allow overwrite switch
Installer::isPackageUninstall() — Method in class Installer
Get whether this installer is uninstalling extensions which are part of a package
Installer::isUpgrade() — Method in class Installer
Get the upgrade switch
Installer::install() — Method in class Installer
Package installation method
Installer::isManifest() — Method in class Installer
Is the XML file a valid Joomla installation manifest file.
InstallerAdapterClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Installer
Abstract adapter for the installer.
InstallerAdapter::install() — Method in class InstallerAdapter
Generic install method for extensions
InstallerExtensionClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Installer
Extension object
$InstallerExtensionProperty in class InstallerExtension
Unique Identifier for the extension
InstallerHelperClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Installer
Installer helper class
InstallerHelper::isChecksumValid() — Method in class InstallerHelper
Return the result of the checksum of a package with the SHA256/SHA384/SHA512 tags in the update server manifest
InstallerScriptClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Installer
Base install script for use by extensions providing helper methods for common behaviours.
Associations::isEnabled() — Method in class Associations
Method to determine if the language filter Associations parameter is enabled.
Language::isRtl() — Method in class Language
Get the RTL property.
Multilanguage::isEnabled() — Method in class Multilanguage
Method to determine if the language filter plugin is enabled.
BaseLayout::isDebugEnabled() — Method in class BaseLayout
Check if debug mode is enabled
AdminModel::initBatch() — Method in class AdminModel
Method to initialize member variables used by batch methods and other methods like saveorder()
ItemModelClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\MVC\Model
Prototype item model.
Mail::isHtml() — Method in class Mail
Sets message type to HTML
Mail::isSendmail() — Method in class Mail
Send messages using $Sendmail.
MailHelper::isEmailAddress() — Method in class MailHelper
Verifies that the string is in a proper email address format.
MailWrapper::isEmailAddress() — Method in class MailWrapper
Helper wrapper method for isEmailAddress
$MenuItemProperty in class MenuItem
Primary key
$MenuItemProperty in class MenuItem
The image of the menu item
Node::isRoot() — Method in class Node
Check whether the object instance node is the root node
Microdata::isEnabled() — Method in class Microdata
Return 'true' if the library output is enabled
Microdata::isPropertyInType() — Method in class Microdata
Recursive function, control if the given Type has the given Property
Microdata::isTypeAvailable() — Method in class Microdata
Control if the given Type class is available
PluginHelper::isEnabled() — Method in class PluginHelper
Checks if a plugin is enabled.
PluginHelper::importPlugin() — Method in class PluginHelper
Loads all the plugin files for a particular type if no specific plugin is specified otherwise only the specific plugin is loaded.
Session::isActive() — Method in class Session
Shorthand to check if the session is active
Session::isNew() — Method in class Session
Check whether this session is currently created
Session::initialise() — Method in class Session
Check whether this session is currently created
$AssetProperty in class Asset
The primary key of the asset.
$ContentHistoryProperty in class ContentHistory
Array of object fields to unset from the data object before calculating SHA1 hash. This allows us to detect a meaningful change in the database row using the hash. This can be read from the #__contenttypes contenthistory_options column.
Nested::isLeaf() — Method in class Nested
Method to determine if a node is a leaf node in the tree (has no children).
Table::isCheckedOut() — Method in class Table
Method to determine if a row is checked out and therefore uneditable by a user.
Uri::isInternal() — Method in class Uri
Checks if the supplied URL is internal
$UserProperty in class User
Unique id
UserHelper::invalidateCookie() — Method in class UserHelper
Method to remove a cookie record from the database and the browser
UserWrapper::invalidateCookie() — Method in class UserWrapper
Helper wrapper method for invalidateCookie
Version::isInDevelopmentState() — Method in class Version
Check if we are in development mode
Version::isCompatible() — Method in class Version
Compares two a "PHP standardized" version number against the current Joomla version.


JAdapterClass in namespace
Adapter Class Retains common adapter pattern functions Class harvested from joomla.installer.installer
JAdapterInstanceClass in namespace
Adapter Instance Class
JApplicationClass in namespace
Base class for a Joomla! application.
JApplicationWebRouterClass in namespace
Class to define an abstract Web application router.
JApplicationWebRouterBaseClass in namespace
Basic Web application router class for the Joomla Platform.
JApplicationWebRouterRestClass in namespace
RESTful Web application router class for the Joomla Platform.
JArchiveClass in namespace
An Archive handling class
JArchiveBzip2Class in namespace
Bzip2 format adapter for the JArchive class
JArchiveExtractableClass in namespace
Archieve class interface
JArchiveGzipClass in namespace
Gzip format adapter for the JArchive class
JArchiveTarClass in namespace
Tar format adapter for the JArchive class
JArchiveWrapperArchiveClass in namespace
Wrapper class for JArchive
JArchiveZipClass in namespace
ZIP format adapter for the JArchive class
JArrayHelperClass in namespace
JArrayHelper is an array utility class for doing all sorts of odds and ends with arrays.
JClassLoaderClass in namespace
Decorate Composer ClassLoader for Joomla!
JControllerClass in namespace
Joomla Platform Controller Interface
JControllerBaseClass in namespace
Joomla Platform Base Controller Class
JDatabaseClass in namespace
Database connector class.
JDatabaseDriverClass in namespace
Joomla Platform Database Driver Class
JDatabaseDriverMysqlClass in namespace
MySQL database driver
JDatabaseDriverMysqliClass in namespace
MySQLi database driver
JDatabaseDriverOracleClass in namespace
Oracle database driver
JDatabaseDriverPdoClass in namespace
Joomla Platform PDO Database Driver Class
JDatabaseDriverPdomysqlClass in namespace
MySQL database driver supporting PDO based connections
JDatabaseDriverPgsqlClass in namespace
PostgreSQL PDO Database Driver
JDatabaseDriverPostgresqlClass in namespace
PostgreSQL database driver
JDatabaseDriverSqlazureClass in namespace
SQL Server database driver
JDatabaseDriverSqliteClass in namespace
SQLite database driver
JDatabaseDriverSqlsrvClass in namespace
SQL Server database driver
JDatabaseExceptionClass in namespace
Exception class definition for the Database subpackage.
JDatabaseExceptionConnectingClass in namespace
Exception class defining an error connecting to the database platform
JDatabaseExceptionExecutingClass in namespace
Exception class defining an error executing a statement
JDatabaseExceptionUnsupportedClass in namespace
Exception class defining an unsupported database object
JDatabaseExporterClass in namespace
Joomla Platform Database Exporter Class
JDatabaseExporterMysqlClass in namespace
MySQL export driver.
JDatabaseExporterMysqliClass in namespace
MySQLi export driver.
JDatabaseExporterPdomysqlClass in namespace
MySQL export driver for the PDO based MySQL database driver.
JDatabaseExporterPgsqlClass in namespace
PDO PostgreSQL Database Exporter.
JDatabaseExporterPostgresqlClass in namespace
PostgreSQL export driver.
JDatabaseFactoryClass in namespace
Joomla Platform Database Factory class
JDatabaseImporterClass in namespace
Joomla Platform Database Importer Class
JDatabaseImporterMysqlClass in namespace
MySQL import driver.
JDatabaseImporterMysqliClass in namespace
MySQLi import driver.
JDatabaseImporterPdomysqlClass in namespace
MySQL import driver for the PDO based MySQL database driver.
JDatabaseImporterPgsqlClass in namespace
PDO PostgreSQL Database Importer.
JDatabaseImporterPostgresqlClass in namespace
PostgreSQL import driver.
JDatabaseInterfaceClass in namespace
Joomla Platform Database Interface
JDatabaseIteratorClass in namespace
Joomla Platform Database Driver Class
JDatabaseIteratorMysqlClass in namespace
MySQL database iterator.
JDatabaseIteratorMysqliClass in namespace
MySQLi database iterator.
JDatabaseIteratorOracleClass in namespace
Oracle database iterator.
JDatabaseIteratorPdoClass in namespace
PDO database iterator.
JDatabaseIteratorPdomysqlClass in namespace
MySQL database iterator for the PDO based MySQL database driver.
JDatabaseIteratorPgsqlClass in namespace
PostgreSQL database iterator for the PDO based PostgreSQL database driver.
JDatabaseIteratorPostgresqlClass in namespace
PostgreSQL database iterator.
JDatabaseIteratorSqlazureClass in namespace
SQL azure database iterator.
JDatabaseIteratorSqliteClass in namespace
SQLite database iterator.
JDatabaseIteratorSqlsrvClass in namespace
SQL server database iterator.
JDatabaseMysqlClass in namespace
MySQL database driver
JDatabaseMysqliClass in namespace
MySQLi database driver
JDatabaseQueryClass in namespace
Query Building Class.
JDatabaseQuery::join() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Add a JOIN clause to the query.
JDatabaseQueryElementClass in namespace
Query Element Class.
JDatabaseQueryLimitableClass in namespace
Joomla Database Query Limitable Interface.
JDatabaseQueryMysqlClass in namespace
Query Building Class.
JDatabaseQueryMysqliClass in namespace
Query Building Class.
JDatabaseQueryOracleClass in namespace
Oracle Query Building Class.
JDatabaseQueryPdoClass in namespace
PDO Query Building Class.
JDatabaseQueryPdomysqlClass in namespace
Query Building Class.
JDatabaseQueryPgsqlClass in namespace
PDO PostgreSQL Query Building Class.
JDatabaseQueryPostgresqlClass in namespace
Query Building Class.
JDatabaseQueryPreparableClass in namespace
Joomla Database Query Preparable Interface.
JDatabaseQuerySqlazureClass in namespace
Query Building Class.
JDatabaseQuerySqliteClass in namespace
SQLite Query Building Class.
JDatabaseQuerySqlsrvClass in namespace
Query Building Class.
JDatabaseSqlazureClass in namespace
SQL Server database driver
JDatabaseSqlsrvClass in namespace
SQL Server database driver
JDispatcherClass in namespace
Deprecated class placeholder. You should use JEventDispatcher instead.
JErrorClass in namespace
Error Handling Class
JEventClass in namespace
JEvent Class
JEventDispatcherClass in namespace
Class to handle dispatching of events.
JExceptionClass in namespace
Joomla! Exception object.
JFacebookClass in namespace
Joomla Platform class for interacting with a Facebook API instance.
JFacebookAlbumClass in namespace
Facebook API Album class for the Joomla Platform.
JFacebookCheckinClass in namespace
Facebook API Checkin class for the Joomla Platform.
JFacebookCommentClass in namespace
Facebook API Comment class for the Joomla Platform.
JFacebookEventClass in namespace
Facebook API User class for the Joomla Platform.
JFacebookGroupClass in namespace
Facebook API Group class for the Joomla Platform.
JFacebookLinkClass in namespace
Facebook API Link class for the Joomla Platform.
JFacebookNoteClass in namespace
Facebook API Note class for the Joomla Platform.
JFacebookOAuthClass in namespace
Joomla Platform class for generating Facebook API access token.
JFacebookObjectClass in namespace
Facebook API object class for the Joomla Platform.
JFacebookPhotoClass in namespace
Facebook API Photo class for the Joomla Platform.
JFacebookPostClass in namespace
Facebook API Post class for the Joomla Platform.
JFacebookStatusClass in namespace
Facebook API Status class for the Joomla Platform.
JFacebookUserClass in namespace
Facebook API User class for the Joomla Platform.
JFacebookVideoClass in namespace
Facebook API Video class for the Joomla Platform.
JFormFieldAccessLevelClass in namespace
Form Field class for the Joomla Platform.
JFormFieldAliastagClass in namespace
Form Field class for the Joomla Framework.
JFormFieldCacheHandlerClass in namespace
Form Field class for the Joomla Platform.
JFormFieldCalendarClass in namespace
Form Field class for the Joomla Platform.
JFormFieldCategoryClass in namespace
Form Field class for the Joomla Platform.
JFormFieldCheckboxClass in namespace
Form Field class for the Joomla Platform.
JFormFieldCheckboxesClass in namespace
Form Field class for the Joomla Platform.
JFormFieldColorClass in namespace
Color Form Field class for the Joomla Platform.
JFormFieldComboClass in namespace
Form Field class for the Joomla Platform.
JFormFieldComponentlayoutClass in namespace
Form Field to display a list of the layouts for a component view from the extension or template overrides.
JFormFieldComponentsClass in namespace
Form Field class for the Joomla Framework.
JFormFieldDatabaseConnectionClass in namespace
Form Field class for the Joomla Platform.
JFormFieldEMailClass in namespace
Form Field class for the Joomla Platform.
JFormFieldFileClass in namespace
Form Field class for the Joomla Platform.
JFormFieldFileListClass in namespace
Supports an HTML select list of files
JFormFieldFolderListClass in namespace
Supports an HTML select list of folder
JFormFieldGroupedListClass in namespace
Form Field class for the Joomla Platform.
JFormFieldHiddenClass in namespace
Form Field class for the Joomla Platform.
JFormFieldImageListClass in namespace
Supports an HTML select list of image
JFormFieldIntegerClass in namespace
Form Field class for the Joomla Platform.
JFormFieldLanguageClass in namespace
Form Field class for the Joomla Platform.
JFormFieldListClass in namespace
Form Field class for the Joomla Platform.
JFormFieldMeterClass in namespace
Form Field class for the Joomla Platform.
JFormFieldModulelayoutClass in namespace
Form Field to display a list of the layouts for module display from the module or template overrides.
JFormFieldNoteClass in namespace
Form Field class for the Joomla Platform.
JFormFieldNumberClass in namespace
Form Field class for the Joomla Platform.
JFormFieldPasswordClass in namespace
Form Field class for the Joomla Platform.
JFormFieldPluginsClass in namespace
Form Field class for the Joomla Framework.
JFormFieldPredefinedListClass in namespace
Form Field to load a list of predefined values
JFormFieldRadioClass in namespace
Form Field class for the Joomla Platform.
JFormFieldRangeClass in namespace
Form Field class for the Joomla Platform.
JFormFieldRepeatableClass in namespace
Form Field class for the Joomla Platform.
JFormFieldRulesClass in namespace
Form Field class for the Joomla Platform.
JFormFieldSQLClass in namespace
Supports a custom SQL select list
JFormFieldSessionHandlerClass in namespace
Form Field class for the Joomla Platform.
JFormFieldSpacerClass in namespace
Form Field class for the Joomla Platform.
JFormFieldSubformClass in namespace
The Field to load the form inside current form
JFormFieldTelClass in namespace
Form Field class for the Joomla Platform.
JFormFieldTextClass in namespace
Form Field class for the Joomla Platform.
JFormFieldTextareaClass in namespace
Form Field class for the Joomla Platform.
JFormFieldTimezoneClass in namespace
Form Field class for the Joomla Platform.
JFormFieldUrlClass in namespace
Form Field class for the Joomla Platform.
JFormFieldUsergroupClass in namespace
Form Field class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubClass in namespace
Joomla Platform class for interacting with a GitHub server instance.
JGithubAccountClass in namespace
GitHub API Account class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubCommitsClass in namespace
GitHub API Commits class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubForksClass in namespace
GitHub API Forks class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubHooksClass in namespace
GitHub API Hooks class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubHttpClass in namespace
HTTP client class for connecting to a GitHub instance.
JGithubMetaClass in namespace
GitHub API Meta class.
JGithubMilestonesClass in namespace
GitHub API Milestones class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubObjectClass in namespace
GitHub API object class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubPackageClass in namespace
GitHub API package class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubPackageActivityClass in namespace
GitHub API Activity class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubPackageActivityEventsClass in namespace
GitHub API Activity Events class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubPackageActivityNotificationsClass in namespace
GitHub API Activity Events class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubPackageActivityStarringClass in namespace
GitHub API Activity Events class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubPackageActivityWatchingClass in namespace
GitHub API Activity Watching Events class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubPackageAuthorizationClass in namespace
GitHub API Authorization class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubPackageDataClass in namespace
GitHub API DB class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubPackageDataBlobsClass in namespace
GitHub API Data Blobs class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubPackageDataCommitsClass in namespace
GitHub API Data Commits class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubPackageDataRefsClass in namespace
GitHub API References class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubPackageDataTagsClass in namespace
GitHub API Data Tags class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubPackageDataTreesClass in namespace
GitHub API Data Trees class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubPackageGistsClass in namespace
GitHub API Gists class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubPackageGistsCommentsClass in namespace
GitHub API Gists Comments class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubPackageGitignoreClass in namespace
GitHub API Gitignore class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubPackageIssuesClass in namespace
GitHub API Issues class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubPackageIssuesAssigneesClass in namespace
GitHub API Assignees class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubPackageIssuesCommentsClass in namespace
GitHub API Comments class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubPackageIssuesEventsClass in namespace
GitHub API Issues Events class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubPackageIssuesLabelsClass in namespace
GitHub API Milestones class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubPackageIssuesMilestonesClass in namespace
GitHub API Milestones class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubPackageMarkdownClass in namespace
GitHub API Markdown class.
JGithubPackageOrgsClass in namespace
GitHub API Activity class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubPackageOrgsMembersClass in namespace
GitHub API Orgs Members class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubPackageOrgsTeamsClass in namespace
GitHub API Orgs Teams class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubPackagePullsClass in namespace
GitHub API Pull Requests class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubPackagePullsCommentsClass in namespace
GitHub API Pulls Comments class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubPackageRepositoriesClass in namespace
GitHub API Activity class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubPackageRepositoriesCollaboratorsClass in namespace
GitHub API Repositories Collaborators class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubPackageRepositoriesCommentsClass in namespace
GitHub API Repositories Comments class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubPackageRepositoriesCommitsClass in namespace
GitHub API Repositories Commits class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubPackageRepositoriesContentsClass in namespace
GitHub API Repositories Contents class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubPackageRepositoriesDownloadsClass in namespace
GitHub API Repositories Downloads class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubPackageRepositoriesForksClass in namespace
GitHub API Forks class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubPackageRepositoriesHooksClass in namespace
GitHub API Hooks class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubPackageRepositoriesKeysClass in namespace
GitHub API Forks class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubPackageRepositoriesMergingClass in namespace
GitHub API Repositories Merging class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubPackageRepositoriesStatisticsClass in namespace
GitHub API class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubPackageRepositoriesStatusesClass in namespace
GitHub API References class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubPackageSearchClass in namespace
GitHub API Search class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubPackageUsersClass in namespace
GitHub API References class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubPackageUsersEmailsClass in namespace
GitHub API References class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubPackageUsersFollowersClass in namespace
GitHub API References class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubPackageUsersKeysClass in namespace
GitHub API References class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubRefsClass in namespace
GitHub API References class for the Joomla Platform.
JGithubStatusesClass in namespace
GitHub API References class for the Joomla Platform.
JGoogleClass in namespace
Joomla Platform class for interacting with the Google APIs.
JGoogleAuthClass in namespace
Google authentication class abstract
JGoogleAuthOauth2Class in namespace
Google OAuth authentication class
JGoogleDataClass in namespace
Google API data class for the Joomla Platform.
JGoogleDataAdsenseClass in namespace
Google Adsense data class for the Joomla Platform.
JGoogleDataCalendarClass in namespace
Google Calendar data class for the Joomla Platform.
JGoogleDataPicasaClass in namespace
Google Picasa data class for the Joomla Platform.
JGoogleDataPicasaAlbumClass in namespace
Google Picasa data class for the Joomla Platform.
JGoogleDataPicasaPhotoClass in namespace
Google Picasa data class for the Joomla Platform.
JGoogleDataPlusClass in namespace
Google+ data class for the Joomla Platform.
JGoogleDataPlusActivitiesClass in namespace
Google+ data class for the Joomla Platform.
JGoogleDataPlusCommentsClass in namespace
Google+ data class for the Joomla Platform.
JGoogleDataPlusPeopleClass in namespace
Google+ data class for the Joomla Platform.
JGoogleEmbedClass in namespace
Google API object class for the Joomla Platform.
JGoogleEmbedAnalyticsClass in namespace
Google Analytics embed class for the Joomla Platform.
JGoogleEmbedMapsClass in namespace
Google Maps embed class for the Joomla Platform.
JGridClass in namespace
JGrid class to dynamically generate HTML tables
JHtmlAccessClass in namespace
Extended Utility class for all HTML drawing classes.
JHtmlActionsDropdownClass in namespace
HTML utility class for building a dropdown menu
JHtmlAdminLanguageClass in namespace
Utility class working with administrator language select lists
JHtmlBatchClass in namespace
Extended Utility class for batch processing widgets.
JHtmlBehaviorClass in namespace
Utility class for JavaScript behaviors
JHtmlBootstrapClass in namespace
Utility class for Bootstrap elements.
JHtmlCategoryClass in namespace
Utility class for categories
JHtmlContentClass in namespace
Utility class to fire onContentPrepare for non-article based content.
JHtmlContentLanguageClass in namespace
Utility class working with content language select lists
JHtmlDateClass in namespace
Extended Utility class for handling date display.
JHtmlDebugClass in namespace
Extended Utility class for render debug information.
JHtmlDropdownClass in namespace
HTML utility class for building a dropdown menu
JHtmlEmailClass in namespace
Utility class for cloaking email addresses
JHtmlFormClass in namespace
Utility class for form elements
JHtmlFormbehaviorClass in namespace
Utility class for form related behaviors
JHtmlGridClass in namespace
Utility class for creating HTML Grids
JHtmlIconsClass in namespace
Utility class for icons.
JHtmlJGridClass in namespace
Utility class for creating HTML Grids
JHtmlJqueryClass in namespace
Utility class for jQuery JavaScript behaviors
JHtmlLinksClass in namespace
Utility class for icons.
JHtmlListClass in namespace
Utility class for creating different select lists
JHtmlMenuClass in namespace
Utility class working with menu select lists
JHtmlNumberClass in namespace
HTML helper class for rendering numbers.
JHtmlRulesClass in namespace
Extended Utility class for all HTML drawing classes.
JHtmlSearchtoolsClass in namespace
Searchtools elements.
JHtmlSelectClass in namespace
Utility class for creating HTML select lists
JHtmlSidebarClass in namespace
Utility class to render a list view sidebar
JHtmlSlidersClass in namespace
Utility class for Sliders elements
JHtmlSortablelistClass in namespace
HTML utility class for creating a sortable table list
JHtmlStringClass in namespace
HTML helper class for rendering manipulated strings.
JHtmlTabsClass in namespace
Utility class for Tabs elements.
JHtmlTagClass in namespace
Utility class for tags
JHtmlTelClass in namespace
HTML helper class for rendering telephone numbers.
JHtmlUserClass in namespace
Utility class working with users
JKeychainClass in namespace
Keychain Class
JLessClass in namespace
Wrapper class for lessc
JLessFormatterJoomlaClass in namespace
Formatter ruleset for Joomla formatted CSS generated via LESS
JLinkedinClass in namespace
Joomla Platform class for interacting with a Linkedin API instance.
JLinkedinCommunicationsClass in namespace
Linkedin API Social Communications class for the Joomla Platform.
JLinkedinCompaniesClass in namespace
Linkedin API Companies class for the Joomla Platform.
JLinkedinGroupsClass in namespace
Linkedin API Groups class for the Joomla Platform.
JLinkedinGroups::joinGroup() — Method in class JLinkedinGroups
Method to join a group.
JLinkedinJobsClass in namespace
Linkedin API Jobs class for the Joomla Platform.
JLinkedinOauthClass in namespace
Joomla Platform class for generating Linkedin API access token.
JLinkedinObjectClass in namespace
Linkedin API object class for the Joomla Platform.
JLinkedinPeopleClass in namespace
Linkedin API People class for the Joomla Platform.
JLinkedinStreamClass in namespace
Linkedin API Social Stream class for the Joomla Platform.
JLoaderClass in namespace
Static class to handle loading of libraries.
JMediawikiClass in namespace
Joomla Platform class for interacting with a Mediawiki server instance.
JMediawikiCategoriesClass in namespace
MediaWiki API Categories class for the Joomla Platform.
JMediawikiHttpClass in namespace
HTTP client class for connecting to a MediaWiki instance.
JMediawikiImagesClass in namespace
MediaWiki API Images class for the Joomla Platform.
JMediawikiLinksClass in namespace
MediaWiki API Links class for the Joomla Platform.
JMediawikiObjectClass in namespace
MediaWiki API object class for the Joomla Platform.
JMediawikiPagesClass in namespace
MediaWiki API Pages class for the Joomla Platform.
JMediawikiSearchClass in namespace
MediaWiki API Search class for the Joomla Platform.
JMediawikiSitesClass in namespace
MediaWiki API Sites class for the Joomla Platform.
JMediawikiUsersClass in namespace
MediaWiki API Users class for the Joomla Platform.
JModelClass in namespace
Joomla Platform Model Interface
JModelBaseClass in namespace
Joomla Platform Base Model Class
JModelDatabaseClass in namespace
Joomla Platform Database Model Class
JNodeClass in namespace
Tree Node Class.
JOAuth1ClientClass in namespace
Joomla Platform class for interacting with an OAuth 1.0 and 1.0a server.
JOAuth2ClientClass in namespace
Joomla Platform class for interacting with an OAuth 2.0 server.
JObservableClass in namespace
Abstract observable class to implement the observer design pattern
JObservableInterfaceClass in namespace
Observable Subject pattern interface for Joomla
JObserverClass in namespace
Abstract observer class to implement the observer design pattern
JObserverInterfaceClass in namespace
Observer pattern interface for Joomla
JObserverMapperClass in namespace
Observer mapping pattern implementation for Joomla
JObserverUpdaterClass in namespace
Observer updater pattern implementation for Joomla
JObserverUpdaterInterfaceClass in namespace
Observer updater pattern implementation for Joomla
JObserverWrapperMapperClass in namespace
Wrapper class for JObserverMapper
JOpenstreetmapClass in namespace
Joomla Platform class for interact with Openstreetmap API.
JOpenstreetmapChangesetsClass in namespace
Openstreetmap API Changesets class for the Joomla Platform
JOpenstreetmapElementsClass in namespace
Openstreetmap API Elements class for the Joomla Platform
JOpenstreetmapGpsClass in namespace
Openstreetmap API GPS class for the Joomla Platform
JOpenstreetmapInfoClass in namespace
Openstreetmap API Info class for the Joomla Platform
JOpenstreetmapOauthClass in namespace
Joomla Platform class for generating Openstreetmap API access token.
JOpenstreetmapObjectClass in namespace
Openstreetmap API object class for the Joomla Platform
JOpenstreetmapUserClass in namespace
Openstreetmap API User class for the Joomla Platform
JPlatformClass in namespace
Version information class for the Joomla Platform.
JRequestClass in namespace
JRequest Class
JResponseClass in namespace
JResponse Class.
JRouteWrapperRouteClass in namespace
Wrapper class for JRoute
JSessionHandlerInterfaceClass in namespace
Interface for managing HTTP sessions
JSessionHandlerJoomlaClass in namespace
Interface for managing HTTP sessions
JSessionHandlerNativeClass in namespace
Interface for managing HTTP sessions
JSessionStorageClass in namespace
Custom session storage handler for PHP
JSessionStorageApcClass in namespace
APC session storage handler for PHP
JSessionStorageApcuClass in namespace
APC session storage handler for PHP
JSessionStorageDatabaseClass in namespace
Database session storage handler for PHP
JSessionStorageMemcacheClass in namespace
Memcache session storage handler for PHP
JSessionStorageMemcachedClass in namespace
Memcached session storage handler for PHP
JSessionStorageNoneClass in namespace
File session handler for PHP
JSessionStorageRedisClass in namespace
Redis session storage handler for PHP
JSessionStorageWincacheClass in namespace
WINCACHE session storage handler for PHP
JSessionStorageXcacheClass in namespace
XCache session storage handler
JSimplecryptClass in namespace
JSimpleCrypt is a very simple encryption algorithm for encrypting/decrypting strings
JSimplepieFactoryClass in namespace
Class to maintain a pathway.
JStringClass in namespace
String handling class for utf-8 data Wraps the phputf8 library All functions assume the validity of utf-8 strings.
JStringWrapperNormaliseClass in namespace
Wrapper class for JStringNormalise
JStringWrapperPunycodeClass in namespace
Wrapper class for JStringPunycode
JTableSessionClass in namespace
Session table
JTreeClass in namespace
Tree Class.
JTwitterClass in namespace
Joomla Platform class for interacting with a Twitter API instance.
JTwitterBlockClass in namespace
Twitter API Block class for the Joomla Platform.
JTwitterDirectmessagesClass in namespace
Twitter API Direct Messages class for the Joomla Platform.
JTwitterFavoritesClass in namespace
Twitter API Favorites class for the Joomla Platform.
JTwitterFriendsClass in namespace
Twitter API Friends class for the Joomla Platform.
JTwitterHelpClass in namespace
Twitter API Help class for the Joomla Platform.
JTwitterListsClass in namespace
Twitter API Lists class for the Joomla Platform.
JTwitterOAuthClass in namespace
Joomla Platform class for generating Twitter API access token.
JTwitterObjectClass in namespace
Twitter API object class for the Joomla Platform.
JTwitterPlacesClass in namespace
Twitter API Places & Geo class for the Joomla Platform.
JTwitterProfileClass in namespace
Twitter API Profile class for the Joomla Platform.
JTwitterStatusesClass in namespace
Twitter API Statuses class for the Joomla Platform.
JTwitterTrendsClass in namespace
Twitter API Trends class for the Joomla Platform.
JTwitterUsersClass in namespace
Twitter API Users class for the Joomla Platform.
JTwittersearchClass in namespace
Twitter API Search class for the Joomla Platform.
JViewClass in namespace
Joomla Platform View Interface
JViewBaseClass in namespace
Joomla Platform Base View Class
JViewHtmlClass in namespace
Joomla Platform HTML View Class
JXMLElementClass in namespace
Wrapper class for php SimpleXMLElement.
JsonDocumentClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Document
JsonDocument class, provides an easy interface to parse and display JSON output
JsonClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Input
Joomla! Input JSON Class
JTextWrapperClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Language\Wrapper
Wrapper class for JText
JsonResponseClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Response
JSON Response class.


JDatabaseIterator::key() — Method in class JDatabaseIterator
The key of the current element in the iterator.
JHtmlBehavior::keepalive() — Method in class JHtmlBehavior
Keep session alive, for example, while editing or creating an article.
$RouterViewConfigurationProperty in class RouterViewConfiguration
Key of the view
KeyClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Crypt
Encryption key object for the Joomla Platform.


JAdapter::loadAllAdapters() — Method in class JAdapter
Loads all adapters.
JApplication::login() — Method in class JApplication
Login authentication function.
JApplication::logout() — Method in class JApplication
Logout authentication function.
JClassLoader::loadClass() — Method in class JClassLoader
Loads the given class or interface.
JDatabaseDriver::loadAssoc() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Method to get the first row of the result set from the database query as an associative array of ['fieldname' => 'rowvalue'].
JDatabaseDriver::loadAssocList() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Method to get an array of the result set rows from the database query where each row is an associative array of ['fieldname' => 'rowvalue']. The array of rows can optionally be keyed by a field name, but defaults to a sequential numeric array.
JDatabaseDriver::loadColumn() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Method to get an array of values from the $offset field in each row of the result set from the database query.
JDatabaseDriver::loadNextObject() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Method to get the next row in the result set from the database query as an object.
JDatabaseDriver::loadNextRow() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Method to get the next row in the result set from the database query as an array.
JDatabaseDriver::loadObject() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Method to get the first row of the result set from the database query as an object.
JDatabaseDriver::loadObjectList() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Method to get an array of the result set rows from the database query where each row is an object. The array of objects can optionally be keyed by a field name, but defaults to a sequential numeric array.
JDatabaseDriver::loadResult() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Method to get the first field of the first row of the result set from the database query.
JDatabaseDriver::loadRow() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Method to get the first row of the result set from the database query as an array. Columns are indexed numerically so the first column in the result set would be accessible via $row[0], etc.
JDatabaseDriver::loadRowList() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Method to get an array of the result set rows from the database query where each row is an array. The array of objects can optionally be keyed by a field offset, but defaults to a sequential numeric array.
JDatabaseDriver::lockTable() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Locks a table in the database.
JDatabaseDriverMysqli::lockTable() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverMysqli
Locks a table in the database.
JDatabaseDriverOracle::lockTable() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverOracle
Locks a table in the database.
JDatabaseDriverPdo::loadNextObject() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPdo
Method to get the next row in the result set from the database query as an object.
JDatabaseDriverPdo::loadNextAssoc() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPdo
Method to get the next row in the result set from the database query as an array.
JDatabaseDriverPdo::loadNextRow() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPdo
Method to get the next row in the result set from the database query as an array.
JDatabaseDriverPdomysql::lockTable() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPdomysql
Locks a table in the database.
JDatabaseDriverPgsql::lockTable() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPgsql
Locks a table in the database.
JDatabaseDriverPostgresql::lockTable() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPostgresql
Locks a table in the database.
JDatabaseDriverSqlite::lockTable() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlite
Locks a table in the database.
JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv::lockTable() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv
Locks a table in the database.
JDatabaseQuery::leftJoin() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Add a LEFT JOIN clause to the query.
JDatabaseQuery::length() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Get the length of a string in bytes.
JDatabaseQueryPostgresql::limit() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryPostgresql
Set the LIMIT clause to the query
JDatabaseQuerySqlsrv::length() — Method in class JDatabaseQuerySqlsrv
Get the length of a string in bytes.
$JErrorProperty in class JError
Legacy error handling marker
JFacebookUser::likesPage() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to see if a user likes a specific Page. Requires authentication.
JGoogleDataAdsense::listAccounts() — Method in class JGoogleDataAdsense
Method to retrieve a list of AdSense accounts from Google
JGoogleDataAdsense::listClients() — Method in class JGoogleDataAdsense
Method to retrieve a list of AdSense clients from Google
JGoogleDataAdsense::listUnitChannels() — Method in class JGoogleDataAdsense
Method to retrieve a list of AdSense Custom Channels for a specific Adunit
JGoogleDataAdsense::listChannels() — Method in class JGoogleDataAdsense
Method to retrieve a list of AdSense Custom Channels
JGoogleDataAdsense::listChannelUnits() — Method in class JGoogleDataAdsense
Method to retrieve a list of AdSense Adunits for a specific Custom Channel
JGoogleDataAdsense::listUrlChannels() — Method in class JGoogleDataAdsense
Method to generate a report from Google AdSense
JGoogleDataCalendar::listCalendars() — Method in class JGoogleDataCalendar
Method to retrieve calendar list from Google
JGoogleDataCalendar::listRecurrences() — Method in class JGoogleDataCalendar
Method to retrieve a list of events on a Google calendar
JGoogleDataCalendar::listEvents() — Method in class JGoogleDataCalendar
Method to retrieve a list of events on a Google calendar
JGoogleDataPicasa::listAlbums() — Method in class JGoogleDataPicasa
Method to retrieve a list of Picasa Albums
JGoogleDataPicasaAlbum::listPhotos() — Method in class JGoogleDataPicasaAlbum
Method to retrieve a list of Picasa Photos
JGoogleDataPlusActivities::listActivities() — Method in class JGoogleDataPlusActivities
List all of the activities in the specified collection for a particular user.
JGoogleDataPlusComments::listComments() — Method in class JGoogleDataPlusComments
List all of the comments for an activity.
JGoogleDataPlusPeople::listByActivity() — Method in class JGoogleDataPlusPeople
List all of the people in the specified collection for a particular activity.
JGoogleEmbedAnalytics::listCalls() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedAnalytics
List the analytics calls to be executed
JGoogleEmbedMaps::listEventHandlers() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedMaps
List the events added to the map
JGoogleEmbedMaps::listMarkers() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedMaps
List the markers added to the map
JHtmlAccess::level() — Method in class JHtmlAccess
Displays a list of the available access view levels
JHtmlBatch::language() — Method in class JHtmlBatch
Display a batch widget for the language selector.
JHtmlBootstrap::loadCss() — Method in class JHtmlBootstrap
Loads CSS files needed by Bootstrap
JHtmlLinks::linksgroups() — Method in class JHtmlLinks
Method to generate html code for groups of lists of links
JHtmlLinks::links() — Method in class JHtmlLinks
Method to generate html code for a list of links
JHtmlLinks::link() — Method in class JHtmlLinks
Method to generate html code for a single link
JHtmlMenu::linkOptions() — Method in class JHtmlMenu
Build the multiple select list for Menu Links/Pages
JKeychain::loadKeychain() — Method in class JKeychain
Load a keychain file into this object.
JLinkedinGroups::leaveGroup() — Method in class JLinkedinGroups
Method to leave a group.
JLinkedinGroups::likePost() — Method in class JLinkedinGroups
Method used to like a post.
JLinkedinStream::like() — Method in class JLinkedinStream
Method used to like an update.
JLoader::load() — Method in class JLoader
Load the file for a class.
JLoader::loadByPsr4() — Method in class JLoader
Method to autoload classes that are namespaced to the PSR-4 standard.
JLoader::loadByPsr0() — Method in class JLoader
Method to autoload classes that are namespaced to the PSR-0 standard.
JLoader::loadByAlias() — Method in class JLoader
Method to autoload classes that have been aliased using the registerAlias method.
JMediawikiUsers::login() — Method in class JMediawikiUsers
Method to login and get authentication tokens.
JMediawikiUsers::logout() — Method in class JMediawikiUsers
Method to logout and clear session data.
AdministratorApplication::login() — Method in class AdministratorApplication
Login authentication function
BaseApplication::loadDispatcher() — Method in class BaseApplication
Allows the application to load a custom or default dispatcher.
BaseApplication::loadIdentity() — Method in class BaseApplication
Allows the application to load a custom or default identity.
CMSApplication::loadSession() — Method in class CMSApplication
Allows the application to load a custom or default session.
CMSApplication::login() — Method in class CMSApplication
Login authentication function.
CMSApplication::logout() — Method in class CMSApplication
Logout authentication function.
CliApplication::loadConfiguration() — Method in class CliApplication
Load an object or array into the application configuration object.
DaemonApplication::loadConfiguration() — Method in class DaemonApplication
Load an object or array into the application configuration object.
SiteApplication::login() — Method in class SiteApplication
Login authentication function
WebApplication::loadConfiguration() — Method in class WebApplication
Load an object or array into the application configuration object.
WebApplication::loadDocument() — Method in class WebApplication
Allows the application to load a custom or default document.
WebApplication::loadLanguage() — Method in class WebApplication
Allows the application to load a custom or default language.
WebApplication::loadSession() — Method in class WebApplication
Allows the application to load a custom or default session.
$AuthenticationResponseProperty in class AuthenticationResponse
End User's preferred language as specified by ISO639.
Cache::lock() — Method in class Cache
Set lock flag on cached item
CacheStorage::lock() — Method in class CacheStorage
Lock cached item
ApcStorage::lock() — Method in class ApcStorage
Lock cached item
ApcuStorage::lock() — Method in class ApcuStorage
Lock cached item
FileStorage::lock() — Method in class FileStorage
Lock cached item
MemcacheStorage::lock() — Method in class MemcacheStorage
Lock cached item
MemcachedStorage::lock() — Method in class MemcachedStorage
Lock cached item
$CategoryNodeProperty in class CategoryNode
The lft value for this category in the category tree
$CategoryNodeProperty in class CategoryNode
The depth of this category's position in the category tree
$CategoryNodeProperty in class CategoryNode
The language for the category in xx-XX format
FtpClient::login() — Method in class FtpClient
Method to login to a server once connected
FtpClient::listNames() — Method in class FtpClient
Method to list the filenames of the contents of a directory on the FTP server
FtpClient::listDetails() — Method in class FtpClient
Method to list the contents of a directory on the FTP server
$RouterViewConfigurationProperty in class RouterViewConfiguration
Layouts that are supported by this view
$DocumentProperty in class Document
Document full URL
$DocumentProperty in class Document
Contains the document language setting
Document::loadRenderer() — Method in class Document
Load a renderer
$FeedDocumentProperty in class FeedDocument
Lastbuild date feed element
$FeedEnclosureProperty in class FeedEnclosure
Length enclosure element
$FeedImageProperty in class FeedImage
Link image attribute
$FeedItemProperty in class FeedItem
Link item element
$FactoryProperty in class Factory
Global language object
$FeedEntryProperty in class FeedEntry
array$linksLinks associated with the feed entry.
$FeedLinkProperty in class FeedLink
The language of the resource found at the given URI.
$FeedLinkProperty in class FeedLink
The length of the resource in bytes.
Folder::listFolderTree() — Method in class Folder
Lists folder in format suitable for tree display.
FolderWrapper::listFolderTree() — Method in class FolderWrapper
Helper wrapper method for listFolderTree
OutputFilter::linkXHTMLSafe() — Method in class OutputFilter
This method processes a string and replaces all instances of & with & in links only.
OutputFilterWrapper::linkXHTMLSafe() — Method in class OutputFilterWrapper
Helper wrapper method for linkXHTMLSafe
LastvisitdaterangeFieldClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form\Field
Field to show a list of available date ranges to filter on last visit date.
LimitboxFieldClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form\Field
Field to load a list of posible item count limits
Form::load() — Method in class Form
Method to load the form description from an XML string or object.
Form::loadFile() — Method in class Form
Method to load the form description from an XML file.
FormHelper::loadFieldType() — Method in class FormHelper
Method to load a form field object given a type.
FormHelper::loadRuleType() — Method in class FormHelper
Method to load a form rule object given a type.
FormHelper::loadFieldClass() — Method in class FormHelper
Attempt to import the JFormField class file if it isn't already imported.
FormHelper::loadRuleClass() — Method in class FormHelper
Attempt to import the JFormRule class file if it isn't already imported.
FormWrapper::loadFieldType() — Method in class FormWrapper
Helper wrapper method for loadFieldType
FormWrapper::loadRuleType() — Method in class FormWrapper
Helper wrapper method for loadRuleType
FormWrapper::loadFieldClass() — Method in class FormWrapper
Helper wrapper method for loadFieldClass
FormWrapper::loadRuleClass() — Method in class FormWrapper
Helper wrapper method for loadRuleClass
HTMLHelper::link() — Method in class HTMLHelper
Write a <a> element
LibraryHelperClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Helper
Library helper class
SearchHelper::logSearch() — Method in class SearchHelper
Method to log search terms to the database
UserGroupsHelper::load() — Method in class UserGroupsHelper
Load a group from database.
UserGroupsHelper::loadAll() — Method in class UserGroupsHelper
Load all user groups from the database.
ComponentAdapter::loadLanguage() — Method in class ComponentAdapter
Custom loadLanguage method
FileAdapter::loadLanguage() — Method in class FileAdapter
Custom loadLanguage method
LanguageAdapterClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Installer\Adapter
Language installer
LibraryAdapterClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Installer\Adapter
Library installer
LibraryAdapter::loadLanguage() — Method in class LibraryAdapter
Custom loadLanguage method
ModuleAdapter::loadLanguage() — Method in class ModuleAdapter
Custom loadLanguage method
PackageAdapter::loadLanguage() — Method in class PackageAdapter
Load language from a path
PluginAdapter::loadLanguage() — Method in class PluginAdapter
Custom loadLanguage method
TemplateAdapter::loadLanguage() — Method in class TemplateAdapter
Custom loadLanguage method
Installer::loadMD5Sum() — Method in class Installer
Loads an MD5SUMS file into an associative array
Installer::loadAdapter() — Method in class Installer
Method to load an adapter instance
Installer::loadAllAdapters() — Method in class Installer
Loads all adapters.
Manifest::loadManifestFromXml() — Method in class Manifest
Load a manifest from a file
LibraryManifestClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Installer\Manifest
Joomla! Library Manifest File
$LibraryManifestProperty in class LibraryManifest
File system name of the library
$LibraryManifestProperty in class LibraryManifest
License for the library
LanguageClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Language
Languages/translation handler class
Language::load() — Method in class Language
Loads a single language file and appends the results to the existing strings
LanguageHelperClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Language
Language helper class
LanguageStemmerClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Language
Stemmer base class.
LanguageHelperWrapperClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Language\Wrapper
Wrapper class for LanguageHelper
FileLayout::loadLanguageSuffixes() — Method in class FileLayout
Load the automatically generated language suffixes.
FileLayout::loadVersionSuffixes() — Method in class FileLayout
Load the automatically generated version suffixes.
LayoutHelperClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Layout
Helper to render a Layout object, storing a base path
LayoutInterfaceClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Layout
Interface to handle display layout
DelegatingPsrLogger::log() — Method in class DelegatingPsrLogger
Logs with an arbitrary level.
LogClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Log
Joomla! Log Class
LogEntryClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Log
Joomla! Log Entry class
LoggerClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Log
Joomla! Logger Base Class
FormController::loadhistory() — Method in class FormController
Method to load a row from version history
BaseDatabaseModel::loadHistory() — Method in class BaseDatabaseModel
Method to load a row for editing from the version history table.
ListModelClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\MVC\Model
Model class for handling lists of items.
HtmlView::loadTemplate() — Method in class HtmlView
Load a template file -- first look in the templates folder for an override
HtmlView::loadHelper() — Method in class HtmlView
Load a helper file
AbstractMenu::load() — Method in class AbstractMenu
Loads the menu items
MenuHelper::loadPreset() — Method in class MenuHelper
Load the menu items from a preset file into a hierarchical list of objects
$MenuItemProperty in class MenuItem
The actual link the menu item refers to
$MenuItemProperty in class MenuItem
The relative level in the tree
$MenuItemProperty in class MenuItem
The assigned language for this item
SiteMenu::load() — Method in class SiteMenu
Loads the entire menu table into memory.
$PaginationProperty in class Pagination
$PaginationProperty in class Pagination
$PaginationObjectProperty in class PaginationObject
CMSPlugin::loadLanguage() — Method in class CMSPlugin
Loads the plugin language file
Route::link() — Method in class Route
Translates an internal Joomla URL to a humanly readable URL.
Asset::loadByName() — Method in class Asset
Method to load an asset by its name.
LanguageClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Table
Languages table.
$NestedProperty in class Nested
Object property holding the depth level of the node in the tree.
$NestedProperty in class Nested
Object property holding the left value of the node for managing its placement in the nested sets tree.
Table::load() — Method in class Table
Method to load a row from the database by primary key and bind the fields to the Table instance properties.
TableInterface::load() — Method in class TableInterface
Method to load a row from the database by primary key and bind the fields to the TableInterface instance properties.
User::load() — Method in class User
Method to load a user, user groups, and any other necessary data from the database so that it can be bound to the user object.
LinkButtonClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Toolbar\Button
Renders a link button
Toolbar::loadButtonType() — Method in class Toolbar
Loads a button type.
ToolbarHelper::link() — Method in class ToolbarHelper
Creates a button to redirect to a link
Update::loadFromXml() — Method in class Update
Loads an XML file from a URL.
$UserProperty in class User
Date of last visit
$UserProperty in class User
Last Reset Time
User::load() — Method in class User
Method to load a User object by user id number
LogExceptionClass in namespace
Exception class definition for the Log subpackage.


JDatabaseImporter::mergeStructure() — Method in class JDatabaseImporter
Merges the incoming structure definition with the existing structure.
JDatabaseQuery::month() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Used to get a string to extract month from date column.
JDatabaseQuery::minute() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Used to get a string to extract minute from date column.
JDatabaseQueryPostgresql::month() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryPostgresql
Used to get a string to extract month from date column.
JDatabaseQueryPostgresql::minute() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryPostgresql
Used to get a string to extract minute from date column.
JGithubPackageActivityNotifications::markRead() — Method in class JGithubPackageActivityNotifications
Mark as read.
JGithubPackageActivityNotifications::markReadRepository() — Method in class JGithubPackageActivityNotifications
Mark notifications as read in a repository.
JGithubPackageActivityNotifications::markReadThread() — Method in class JGithubPackageActivityNotifications
Mark a thread as read.
JGithubPackagePulls::merge() — Method in class JGithubPackagePulls
Method to merge a pull request.
JGoogleDataCalendar::moveEvent() — Method in class JGoogleDataCalendar
Method to move an event from one calendar to another
JHtmlBehavior::modal() — Method in class JHtmlBehavior
Add unobtrusive JavaScript support for modal links.
JHtmlBehavior::multiselect() — Method in class JHtmlBehavior
JavaScript behavior to allow shift select in grids
JHtmlBootstrap::modal() — Method in class JHtmlBootstrap
Add javascript support for Bootstrap modals
JHtmlContent::months() — Method in class JHtmlContent
Returns an array of months.
JHtmlMenu::menus() — Method in class JHtmlMenu
Get a list of the available menus.
JHtmlMenu::menuItems() — Method in class JHtmlMenu
Returns an array of menu items grouped by menu.
JHtmlMenu::menuItemList() — Method in class JHtmlMenu
Displays an HTML select list of menu items.
JHtmlSearchtools::main() — Method in class JHtmlSearchtools
Load the main Searchtools libraries
$JKeychainProperty in class JKeychain
JMediawikiPages::movePageByName() — Method in class JMediawikiPages
Method to move a page.
JMediawikiPages::movePageById() — Method in class JMediawikiPages
Method to move a page.
JOpenstreetmapElements::multiFetchElements() — Method in class JOpenstreetmapElements
Method to get data about multiple ids of an element [node|way|relation]
Rule::mergeIdentities() — Method in class Rule
Merges the identities
Rule::mergeIdentity() — Method in class Rule
Merges the values for an identity.
Rules::mergeCollection() — Method in class Rules
Method to merge a collection of Rules.
Rules::merge() — Method in class Rules
Method to merge actions with this object.
Rules::mergeAction() — Method in class Rules
Merges an array of identities for an action.
$WebApplicationProperty in class WebApplication
$WebApplicationProperty in class WebApplication
Cache::makeId() — Method in class Cache
Create a safe ID for cached data from URL parameters
MemcacheStorageClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Cache\Storage
Memcache cache storage handler
MemcachedStorageClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Cache\Storage
Memcached cache storage handler
$CategoryNodeProperty in class CategoryNode
Metadata description
$CategoryNodeProperty in class CategoryNode
Key words for metadata
$CategoryNodeProperty in class CategoryNode
JSON string of other metadata
$CategoryNodeProperty in class CategoryNode
The ID of the user who last modified the category
$CategoryNodeProperty in class CategoryNode
The time at which the category was modified
FtpClient::mkdir() — Method in class FtpClient
Method to create a directory on the FTP server
MissingComponentExceptionClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Component\Exception
Exception class defining an error for a missing component
$RouterBaseProperty in class RouterBase
Menu object to use in the router
MenuRulesClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Component\Router\Rules
Rule to identify the right Itemid for a view in a component
McryptCipherClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Crypt\Cipher
Crypt cipher for mcrypt algorithm encryption, decryption and key generation.
Date::monthToString() — Method in class Date
Translates month number to a string.
Date::modify() — Method in class Date
Alter the timestamp of this object by incre/decre-menting in a format accepted by strtotime().
HtmlDocument::mergeHeadData() — Method in class HtmlDocument
Merge the HTML document head data
MessageRendererClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Document\Renderer\Html
HTML document renderer for the system message queue
ModuleRendererClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Document\Renderer\Html
HTML document renderer for a single module
ModulesRendererClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Document\Renderer\Html
HTML document renderer for a module position
Browser::match() — Method in class Browser
Parses the user agent string and inititializes the object with all the known features and quirks for the given browser.
$FactoryProperty in class Factory
Global mailer object
MediaRssParserClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Feed\Parser\Rss
RSS Feed Parser Namespace handler for MediaRSS.
File::makeSafe() — Method in class File
Makes file name safe to use
File::move() — Method in class File
Moves a file
Folder::move() — Method in class Folder
Moves a folder.
Folder::makeSafe() — Method in class Folder
Makes path name safe to use.
Stream::move() — Method in class Stream
Moves a file
FileWrapper::makeSafe() — Method in class FileWrapper
Helper wrapper method for makeSafe
FileWrapper::move() — Method in class FileWrapper
Helper wrapper method for move
FolderWrapper::move() — Method in class FolderWrapper
Helper wrapper method for move
FolderWrapper::makeSafe() — Method in class FolderWrapper
Helper wrapper method for makeSafe
MediaFieldClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form\Field
Provides a modal media selector including upload mechanism
MenuFieldClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form\Field
Supports an HTML select list of menus
MenuitemFieldClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form\Field
Supports an HTML grouped select list of menu item grouped by menu
ModuleorderFieldClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form\Field
Module Order field.
ModulepositionFieldClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form\Field
Module Position field.
ModuletagFieldClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form\Field
Module Tag field.
MediaHelperClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Helper
Media helper class
ModuleHelperClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Helper
Module helper class
ModuleHelper::moduleCache() — Method in class ModuleHelper
Module cache helper
ModuleAdapterClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Installer\Adapter
Module installer
$InstallerProperty in class Installer
The manifest trigger class
$InstallerProperty in class Installer
The output from the install/uninstall scripts
$InstallerProperty in class Installer
The installation manifest XML object
$InstallerAdapterProperty in class InstallerAdapter
Copy of the XML manifest file.
$InstallerExtensionProperty in class InstallerExtension
An object representation of the manifest file stored metadata
InstallerScript::moveCliFiles() — Method in class InstallerScript
Moves the CLI scripts into the CLI folder in the CMS
ManifestClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Installer
Joomla! Package Manifest File
$ManifestProperty in class Manifest
Path to the manifest file
MultilanguageClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Language
Utitlity class for multilang
$LogEntryProperty in class LogEntry
Message to be logged.
MessagequeueLoggerClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Log\Logger
Joomla MessageQueue logger class.
MailClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Mail
Email Class. Provides a common interface to send email from the Joomla! Platform
MailHelperClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Mail
Email helper class, provides static methods to perform various tasks relevant to the Joomla email routines.
MailWrapperClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Mail
Wrapper class for MailHelper
MenuHelperClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Menu
Menu Helper utility
MenuItemClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Menu
Object representing a menu item
$MenuItemProperty in class MenuItem
The type of menu this item belongs to
MicrodataClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Microdata
Joomla Platform class for interacting with Microdata semantics.
Profiler::mark() — Method in class Profiler
Output a time mark
$JsonResponseProperty in class JsonResponse
The main response message
$JsonResponseProperty in class JsonResponse
Array of messages gathered in the \JApplication object
$ChangeItemProperty in class ChangeItem
Array with values for use in a \JText::sprintf statment indicating what was checked
MysqlChangeItemClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Schema\ChangeItem
Checks the database schema against one MySQL DDL query to see if it has been run.
MetadataManagerClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Session
Manager for optional session metadata.
MenuClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Table
Menu table
MenuTypeClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Table
Menu Types table
ModuleClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Table
Module table
Nested::move() — Method in class Nested
Method to move a row in the ordering sequence of a group of rows defined by an SQL WHERE clause.
Nested::moveByReference() — Method in class Nested
Method to move a node and its children to a new location in the tree.
Table::move() — Method in class Table
Method to move a row in the ordering sequence of a group of rows defined by an SQL WHERE clause.
ToolbarHelper::media_manager() — Method in class ToolbarHelper
Writes a media_manager button.
ToolbarHelper::makeDefault() — Method in class ToolbarHelper
Writes a common 'default' button for a record.
ToolbarHelper::modal() — Method in class ToolbarHelper
Displays a modal button
UCMBase::mapBase() — Method in class UCMBase
Method to map the base ucm fields
UCMContent::mapData() — Method in class UCMContent
Map the original content to the Core Content fields


$JDatabaseDriverProperty in class JDatabaseDriver
The name of the database driver.
$JDatabaseDriverMysqlProperty in class JDatabaseDriverMysql
The name of the database driver.
$JDatabaseDriverMysqliProperty in class JDatabaseDriverMysqli
The name of the database driver.
$JDatabaseDriverOracleProperty in class JDatabaseDriverOracle
The name of the database driver.
$JDatabaseDriverPdoProperty in class JDatabaseDriverPdo
The name of the database driver.
$JDatabaseDriverPdomysqlProperty in class JDatabaseDriverPdomysql
The name of the database driver.
$JDatabaseDriverPgsqlProperty in class JDatabaseDriverPgsql
The database driver name
$JDatabaseDriverPostgresqlProperty in class JDatabaseDriverPostgresql
The database driver name
$JDatabaseDriverSqlazureProperty in class JDatabaseDriverSqlazure
The name of the database driver.
$JDatabaseDriverSqliteProperty in class JDatabaseDriverSqlite
The name of the database driver.
$JDatabaseDriverSqlsrvProperty in class JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv
The name of the database driver.
JDatabaseIterator::next() — Method in class JDatabaseIterator
Moves forward to the next result from the SQL query.
JDatabaseQuery::nullDate() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Get the null or zero representation of a timestamp for the database driver.
JDatabaseQueryPostgresql::noWait() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryPostgresql
Sets the NOWAIT lock on select's output row
JGoogleEmbedMaps::noSensor() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedMaps
Don't require access to sensor data
JHtmlBehavior::noframes() — Method in class JHtmlBehavior
Break us out of any containing iframes
JObservable::notify() — Method in class JObservable
Update each attached observer object and return an array of their return values
JXMLElement::name() — Method in class JXMLElement
Get the name of the element.
NotAllowedClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Access\Exception
Exception class defining a not allowed access
$CategoryNodeProperty in class CategoryNode
Number of items in this category or descendants of this category
$RouterViewConfigurationProperty in class RouterViewConfiguration
Name of the view
$RouterViewConfigurationProperty in class RouterViewConfiguration
Is this view nestable?
NomenuRulesClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Component\Router\Rules
Rule to process URLs without a menu item
$FeedPersonProperty in class FeedPerson
The full name of the person.
NamespaceParserInterfaceClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Feed\Parser
Feed Namespace interface.
NotequalsRuleClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form\Rule
Form Rule class for the Joomla Platform.
NumberRuleClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form\Rule
Form Rule class for the Joomla Platform.
$ManifestProperty in class Manifest
Name of the extension
$MenuItemProperty in class MenuItem
A note associated with the menu item
NodeClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Menu
A Node for MenuTree
$AssetProperty in class Asset
The unique name of the asset.
NestedClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Table
Table class supporting modified pre-order tree traversal behavior.
$UserProperty in class User
The user's real name (or nickname)
$BufferStreamHandlerProperty in class BufferStreamHandler
Buffer name


JDatabaseQuery::order() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Add an ordering column to the ORDER clause of the query.
JDatabaseQuery::outerJoin() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Add an OUTER JOIN clause to the query.
JDatabaseQuery::orWhere() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Extend the WHERE clause with an OR and a single condition or an array of conditions.
JDatabaseQueryPostgresql::offset() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryPostgresql
Set the OFFSET clause to the query
JHtmlCategory::options() — Method in class JHtmlCategory
Returns an array of categories for the given extension.
JHtmlGrid::order() — Method in class JHtmlGrid
Method to create an icon for saving a new ordering in a grid
JHtmlJGrid::orderUp() — Method in class JHtmlJGrid
Creates an order-up action icon.
JHtmlJGrid::orderDown() — Method in class JHtmlJGrid
Creates an order-down action icon.
JHtmlList::ordering() — Method in class JHtmlList
Build the select list for Ordering derived from a query
JHtmlMenu::ordering() — Method in class JHtmlMenu
Build the select list for Menu Ordering
JHtmlSelect::optgroup() — Method in class JHtmlSelect
Create a placeholder for an option group.
JHtmlSelect::option() — Method in class JHtmlSelect
Create an object that represents an option in an option list.
JHtmlSelect::options() — Method in class JHtmlSelect
Generates the option tags for an HTML select list (with no select tag surrounding the options).
JHtmlTag::options() — Method in class JHtmlTag
Returns an array of tags.
JMediawikiSearch::openSearch() — Method in class JMediawikiSearch
Method to search the wiki using opensearch protocol.
JOAuth1Client::oauthRequest() — Method in class JOAuth1Client
Method used to make an OAuth request.
JSessionStorage::open() — Method in class JSessionStorage
Open the SessionHandler backend.
CliApplication::out() — Method in class CliApplication
Write a string to standard output.
$CacheControllerProperty in class CacheController
Array of options
OutputControllerClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Cache\Controller
Joomla Cache output type object
$ComponentRecordProperty in class ComponentRecord
The component name
OpensearchDocumentClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Document
Opensearch class, provides an easy interface to display an Opensearch document
OpensearchImageClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Document\Opensearch
Data object representing an OpenSearch image
OpensearchUrlClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Document\Opensearch
Data object representing an OpenSearch URL
Feed::offsetExists() — Method in class Feed
Whether or not an offset exists. This method is executed when using isset() or empty() on objects implementing ArrayAccess.
Feed::offsetGet() — Method in class Feed
Returns the value at specified offset.
Feed::offsetSet() — Method in class Feed
Assigns a value to the specified offset.
Feed::offsetUnset() — Method in class Feed
Unsets an offset.
Stream::open() — Method in class Stream
Generic File Operations
OutputFilterClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Filter
OutputFilterWrapperClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Filter\Wrapper
Wrapper class for OutputFilter
OutputFilterWrapper::objectHTMLSafe() — Method in class OutputFilterWrapper
Helper wrapper method for objectHTMLSafe
OrderingFieldClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form\Field
Ordering field.
OptionsRuleClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form\Rule
Form Rule class for the Joomla Platform.
Http::options() — Method in class Http
Method to send the OPTIONS command to the server.
PackageAdapter::onExtensionAfterInstall() — Method in class PackageAdapter
Handler for the onExtensionAfterInstall event
Pagination::orderUpIcon() — Method in class Pagination
Return the icon to move an item UP.
Pagination::orderDownIcon() — Method in class Pagination
Return the icon to move an item DOWN.
Nested::orderUp() — Method in class Nested
Method to move a node one position to the left in the same level.
Nested::orderDown() — Method in class Nested
Method to move a node one position to the right in the same level.
AbstractObserver::onBeforeLoad() — Method in class AbstractObserver
Pre-processor for $table->load($keys, $reset)
AbstractObserver::onAfterLoad() — Method in class AbstractObserver
Post-processor for $table->load($keys, $reset)
AbstractObserver::onBeforeStore() — Method in class AbstractObserver
Pre-processor for $table->store($updateNulls)
AbstractObserver::onAfterStore() — Method in class AbstractObserver
Post-processor for $table->store($updateNulls)
AbstractObserver::onBeforeDelete() — Method in class AbstractObserver
Pre-processor for $table->delete($pk)
AbstractObserver::onAfterDelete() — Method in class AbstractObserver
Post-processor for $table->delete($pk)
ContentHistory::onAfterStore() — Method in class ContentHistory
Post-processor for $table->store($updateNulls)
ContentHistory::onBeforeDelete() — Method in class ContentHistory
Pre-processor for $table->delete($pk)
Tags::onBeforeStore() — Method in class Tags
Pre-processor for $table->store($updateNulls)
Tags::onAfterStore() — Method in class Tags
Post-processor for $table->store($updateNulls) You can change optional params newTags and replaceTags of tagsHelper with method setNewTagsToAdd
Tags::onBeforeDelete() — Method in class Tags
Pre-processor for $table->delete($pk)


JArrayHelper::pivot() — Method in class JArrayHelper
Pivots an array to create a reverse lookup of an array of scalars, arrays or objects.
JDatabaseQueryLimitable::processLimit() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryLimitable
Method to modify a query already in string format with the needed additions to make the query limited to a particular number of results, or start at a particular offset. This method is used automatically by the __toString() method if it detects that the query implements the JDatabaseQueryLimitable interface.
JDatabaseQueryMysqli::processLimit() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryMysqli
Method to modify a query already in string format with the needed additions to make the query limited to a particular number of results, or start at a particular offset.
JDatabaseQueryOracle::processLimit() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryOracle
Method to modify a query already in string format with the needed additions to make the query limited to a particular number of results, or start at a particular offset. This method is used automatically by the __toString() method if it detects that the query implements the JDatabaseQueryLimitable interface.
JDatabaseQueryPostgresql::processLimit() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryPostgresql
Method to modify a query already in string format with the needed additions to make the query limited to a particular number of results, or start at a particular offset.
JDatabaseQuerySqlite::processLimit() — Method in class JDatabaseQuerySqlite
Method to modify a query already in string format with the needed additions to make the query limited to a particular number of results, or start at a particular offset. This method is used automatically by the __toString() method if it detects that the query implements the JDatabaseQueryLimitable interface.
JDatabaseQuerySqlsrv::processLimit() — Method in class JDatabaseQuerySqlsrv
Method to modify a query already in string format with the needed additions to make the query limited to a particular number of results, or start at a particular offset.
JGithubPackageOrgsMembers::publicize() — Method in class JGithubPackageOrgsMembers
Publicize a user’s membership.
JGithubPackageRepositoriesMerging::perform() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositoriesMerging
Perform a merge.
JHtmlActionsDropdown::publish() — Method in class JHtmlActionsDropdown
Append a publish item to the current dropdown menu
JHtmlBehavior::polyfill() — Method in class JHtmlBehavior
Add javascript polyfills.
JHtmlBootstrap::popover() — Method in class JHtmlBootstrap
Add javascript support for Bootstrap popovers
JHtmlContent::prepare() — Method in class JHtmlContent
Fire onContentPrepare for content that isn't part of an article.
JHtmlDropdown::publish() — Method in class JHtmlDropdown
Append a publish item to the current dropdown menu
JHtmlGrid::published() — Method in class JHtmlGrid
Method to create a clickable icon to change the state of an item
JHtmlJGrid::published() — Method in class JHtmlJGrid
Returns a published state on a grid
JHtmlJGrid::publishedOptions() — Method in class JHtmlJGrid
Returns an array of standard published state filter options.
JHtmlList::positions() — Method in class JHtmlList
Select list of positions - generally used for location of images
JHtmlSliders::panel() — Method in class JHtmlSliders
Begins the display of a new panel.
JHtmlTabs::panel() — Method in class JHtmlTabs
Begins the display of a new panel.
JLinkedinStream::postNetworkUpdate() — Method in class JLinkedinStream
Method to get the users network updates.
JLinkedinStream::postComment() — Method in class JLinkedinStream
Method to post a new comment to an existing update.
JMediawikiHttp::post() — Method in class JMediawikiHttp
Method to send the POST command to the server.
JResponse::prependBody() — Method in class JResponse
Prepend content to the body content
JString::parse_url() — Method in class JString
Does a UTF-8 safe version of PHP parse_url function
JTableSession::purge() — Method in class JTableSession
Purge old sessions
Access::preload() — Method in class Access
Method to preload the Rules object for the given asset type.
AdministratorApplication::purgeMessages() — Method in class AdministratorApplication
Purge the jos_messages table of old messages
ApplicationHelper::parseXMLInstallFile() — Method in class ApplicationHelper
Parse a XML install manifest file.
ApplicationHelper::parseXMLLangMetaFile() — Method in class ApplicationHelper
Parse a XML language meta file.
WebApplication::prependBody() — Method in class WebApplication
Prepend content to the body content
$AuthenticationResponseProperty in class AuthenticationResponse
Any UTF-8 string that the End User wants to use as a password.
$AuthenticationResponseProperty in class AuthenticationResponse
UTF-8 string free text that SHOULD conform to the End User's country's postal system.
PageControllerClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Cache\Controller
Joomla! Cache page type object
$CategoryNodeProperty in class CategoryNode
The id of the parent of category in the asset table, 0 for category root
$CategoryNodeProperty in class CategoryNode
The publication status of the category
$CategoryNodeProperty in class CategoryNode
JSON string of parameters
FtpClient::pwd() — Method in class FtpClient
Method to retrieve the current working directory on the FTP server
RouterBase::preprocess() — Method in class RouterBase
Generic method to preprocess a URL
RouterInterface::preprocess() — Method in class RouterInterface
Prepare-method for URLs This method is meant to validate and complete the URL parameters.
RouterInterface::parse() — Method in class RouterInterface
Parse method for URLs This method is meant to transform the human readable URL back into query parameters. It is only executed when SEF mode is switched on.
RouterLegacy::preprocess() — Method in class RouterLegacy
Generic preprocess function for missing or legacy component router
RouterLegacy::parse() — Method in class RouterLegacy
Generic parse function for missing or legacy component router
RouterView::preprocess() — Method in class RouterView
Generic method to preprocess a URL
RouterView::parse() — Method in class RouterView
Parse method for URLs
$RouterViewConfigurationProperty in class RouterViewConfiguration
Parentview of this one
$RouterViewConfigurationProperty in class RouterViewConfiguration
Key of the parent view
$RouterViewConfigurationProperty in class RouterViewConfiguration
Path of views from this one to the root view
MenuRules::preprocess() — Method in class MenuRules
Finds the right Itemid for this query
MenuRules::parse() — Method in class MenuRules
Dummymethod to fullfill the interface requirements
NomenuRules::preprocess() — Method in class NomenuRules
Dummymethod to fullfill the interface requirements
NomenuRules::parse() — Method in class NomenuRules
Parse a menu-less URL
RulesInterface::preprocess() — Method in class RulesInterface
Prepares a query set to be handed over to the build() method.
RulesInterface::parse() — Method in class RulesInterface
Parses a URI to retrieve informations for the right route through the component.
StandardRules::preprocess() — Method in class StandardRules
Dummymethod to fullfill the interface requirements
StandardRules::parse() — Method in class StandardRules
Parse the URL
McryptCipher::pbkdf2() — Method in class McryptCipher
PBKDF2 Implementation for deriving keys.
$KeyProperty in class Key
$KeyProperty in class Key
Document::parse() — Method in class Document
Parses the document and prepares the buffers
$FeedDocumentProperty in class FeedDocument
Published date feed element
$HtmlDocumentProperty in class HtmlDocument
Array of template parameters
HtmlDocument::parse() — Method in class HtmlDocument
Parses the template and populates the buffer
$FeedProperty in class Feed
Date$publishedDateThe publication date for the feed content.
$FeedEntryProperty in class FeedEntry
Date$publishedDateThe publication date for the feed entry.
FeedParser::parse() — Method in class FeedParser
Method to parse the feed into a JFeed object.
NamespaceParserInterface::processElementForFeed() — Method in class NamespaceParserInterface
Method to handle an element for the feed given that a certain namespace is present.
NamespaceParserInterface::processElementForFeedEntry() — Method in class NamespaceParserInterface
Method to handle the feed entry element for the feed given that a certain namespace is present.
ItunesRssParser::processElementForFeed() — Method in class ItunesRssParser
Method to handle an element for the feed given that the itunes namespace is present.
ItunesRssParser::processElementForFeedEntry() — Method in class ItunesRssParser
Method to handle the feed entry element for the feed given that the itunes namespace is present.
MediaRssParser::processElementForFeed() — Method in class MediaRssParser
Method to handle an element for the feed given that the media namespace is present.
MediaRssParser::processElementForFeedEntry() — Method in class MediaRssParser
Method to handle the feed entry element for the feed given that the media namespace is present.
PatcherClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Filesystem
A Unified Diff Format Patcher class
PathClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Filesystem
A Path handling class
Stream::prependFilter() — Method in class Stream
Prepend a filter to the chain
PathWrapperClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Wrapper
Wrapper class for Path
PluginstatusFieldClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form\Field
Plugin Status field.
FormHelper::parseShowOnConditions() — Method in class FormHelper
Parse the show on conditions
PasswordRuleClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form\Rule
Form Rule class for the Joomla Platform.
TagsHelper::postStoreProcess() — Method in class TagsHelper
Function that handles saving tags used in a table class after a store()
TagsHelper::preStoreProcess() — Method in class TagsHelper
Function that preProcesses data from a table prior to a store() to ensure proper tag handling
UserGroupsHelper::populateGroupData() — Method in class UserGroupsHelper
Populate data for a specific user group.
Http::post() — Method in class Http
Method to send the POST command to the server.
Http::put() — Method in class Http
Method to send the PUT command to the server.
Http::patch() — Method in class Http
Method to send the PATCH command to the server.
ComponentAdapter::prepareDiscoverInstall() — Method in class ComponentAdapter
Prepares the adapter for a discover_install task
LibraryAdapter::prepareDiscoverInstall() — Method in class LibraryAdapter
Prepares the adapter for a discover_install task
ModuleAdapter::prepareDiscoverInstall() — Method in class ModuleAdapter
Prepares the adapter for a discover_install task
PackageAdapterClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Installer\Adapter
Package installer
PluginAdapterClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Installer\Adapter
Plugin installer
PluginAdapter::prepareDiscoverInstall() — Method in class PluginAdapter
Prepares the adapter for a discover_install task
TemplateAdapter::prepareDiscoverInstall() — Method in class TemplateAdapter
Prepares the adapter for a discover_install task
Installer::pushStep() — Method in class Installer
Pushes a step onto the installer stack for rolling back steps
Installer::parseQueries() — Method in class Installer
Backward compatible method to parse through a queries element of the installation manifest file and take appropriate action.
Installer::parseSQLFiles() — Method in class Installer
Method to extract the name of a discreet installation sql file from the installation manifest file.
Installer::parseSchemaUpdates() — Method in class Installer
Method to process the updates for an item
Installer::parseFiles() — Method in class Installer
Method to parse through a files element of the installation manifest and take appropriate action.
Installer::parseLanguages() — Method in class Installer
Method to parse through a languages element of the installation manifest and take appropriate action.
Installer::parseMedia() — Method in class Installer
Method to parse through a media element of the installation manifest and take appropriate action.
Installer::parseXMLInstallFile() — Method in class Installer
Parse a XML install manifest file.
InstallerAdapter::prepareDiscoverInstall() — Method in class InstallerAdapter
Prepares the adapter for a discover_install task
$InstallerExtensionProperty in class InstallerExtension
The status of the extension
$InstallerExtensionProperty in class InstallerExtension
An object representation of the extension params
InstallerScript::preflight() — Method in class InstallerScript
Function called before extension installation/update/removal procedure commences
$ManifestProperty in class Manifest
Packager of the extension
$ManifestProperty in class Manifest
Packager's URL of the extension
PackageManifestClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Installer\Manifest
Joomla! Package Manifest File
$PackageManifestProperty in class PackageManifest
Unique name of the package
Language::parseLanguageFiles() — Method in class Language
Searches for language directories within a certain base dir.
Language::parseXMLLanguageFile() — Method in class Language
Parse XML file for language information.
LanguageHelper::parseIniFile() — Method in class LanguageHelper
Parse strings from a language file.
LanguageHelper::parseLanguageFiles() — Method in class LanguageHelper
Searches for language directories within a certain base dir.
LanguageHelper::parseXMLLanguageFile() — Method in class LanguageHelper
Parse XML file for language information.
PorterenClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Language\Stemmer
Porter English stemmer class.
Text::plural() — Method in class Text
Like Text::sprintf but tries to pluralise the string.
Text::printf() — Method in class Text
Passes a string thru an printf.
JTextWrapper::plural() — Method in class JTextWrapper
Helper wrapper method for plural
JTextWrapper::printf() — Method in class JTextWrapper
Helper wrapper method for printf
$LogEntryProperty in class LogEntry
The priority of the message to be logged.
AdminController::publish() — Method in class AdminController
Method to publish a list of items
AdminModel::publish() — Method in class AdminModel
Method to change the published state of one or more records.
$MenuItemProperty in class MenuItem
The parent menu item in the menu tree
Microdata::property() — Method in class Microdata
Setup a $Property
PaginationClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Pagination
Pagination Class. Provides a common interface for content pagination for the Joomla! CMS.
$PaginationProperty in class Pagination
$PaginationProperty in class Pagination
$PaginationProperty in class Pagination
$PaginationProperty in class Pagination
$PaginationProperty in class Pagination
PaginationObjectClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Pagination
Pagination object representing a particular item in the pagination lists.
$PaginationObjectProperty in class PaginationObject
PathwayClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Pathway
Class to maintain a pathway.
$CMSPluginProperty in class CMSPlugin
A Registry object holding the parameters for the plugin
PluginHelperClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Plugin
Plugin helper class
ProfilerClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Profiler
Utility class to assist in the process of benchmarking the execution of sections of code to understand where time is being spent.
AdministratorRouter::parse() — Method in class AdministratorRouter
Function to convert a route to an internal URI.
Router::parse() — Method in class Router
Function to convert a route to an internal URI
SiteRouter::parse() — Method in class SiteRouter
Function to convert a route to an internal URI
PostgresqlChangeItemClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Schema\ChangeItem
Checks the database schema against one PostgreSQL DDL query to see if it has been run.
PunycodeHelperClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\String
Joomla Platform String Punycode Class
CoreContent::publish() — Method in class CoreContent
Method to set the publishing state for a row or list of rows in the database table. The method respects checked out rows by other users and will attempt to checkin rows that it can after adjustments are made.
Extension::publish() — Method in class Extension
Method to set the publishing state for a row or list of rows in the database table. The method respects checked out rows by other users and will attempt to checkin rows that it can after adjustments are made.
$NestedProperty in class Nested
Object property holding the primary key of the parent node. Provides adjacency list data for nodes.
Nested::publish() — Method in class Nested
Method to set the publishing state for a node or list of nodes in the database table. The method respects rows checked out by other users and will attempt to checkin rows that it can after adjustments are made. The method will not allow you to set a publishing state higher than any ancestor node and will not allow you to set a publishing state on a node with a checked out child.
Table::publish() — Method in class Table
Method to set the publishing state for a row or list of rows in the database table.
PopupButtonClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Toolbar\Button
Renders a modal window button
Toolbar::prependButton() — Method in class Toolbar
Get a value.
ToolbarHelper::preview() — Method in class ToolbarHelper
Writes a preview button for a given option (opens a popup window).
ToolbarHelper::publish() — Method in class ToolbarHelper
Writes a common 'publish' button.
ToolbarHelper::publishList() — Method in class ToolbarHelper
Writes a common 'publish' button for a list of records.
ToolbarHelper::preferences() — Method in class ToolbarHelper
Writes a configuration button and invokes a cancel operation (eg a checkin).
Uri::parse() — Method in class Uri
Parse a given URI and populate the class fields.
$UserProperty in class User
MD5 encrypted password
$UserProperty in class User
Clear password, only available when a new password is set for a user
$UserProperty in class User
User parameters
$BufferStreamHandlerProperty in class BufferStreamHandler
Stream position
Utility::parseAttributes() — Method in class Utility
Method to extract key/value pairs out of a string with XML style attributes


JDatabase::query() — Method in class JDatabase
Execute the SQL statement.
JDatabaseDriver::quote() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Quotes and optionally escapes a string to database requirements for use in database queries.
JDatabaseDriver::quoteName() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Wrap an SQL statement identifier name such as column, table or database names in quotes to prevent injection risks and reserved word conflicts.
JDatabaseDriver::q() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Alias for quote method
JDatabaseDriver::qn() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Alias for quoteName method
JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv::quote() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv
Quotes and optionally escapes a string to database requirements for use in database queries.
JDatabaseQuery::quote() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Method to quote and optionally escape a string to database requirements for insertion into the database.
JDatabaseQuery::quoteName() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Wrap an SQL statement identifier name such as column, table or database names in quotes to prevent injection risks and reserved word conflicts.
JDatabaseQuery::q() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Alias for quote method
JDatabaseQuery::qn() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Alias for quoteName method
JGoogleAuth::query() — Method in class JGoogleAuth
Abstract method to retrieve data from Google
JGoogleAuthOauth2::query() — Method in class JGoogleAuthOauth2
Method to retrieve data from Google
JOAuth2Client::query() — Method in class JOAuth2Client
Send a signed Oauth request.
JOpenstreetmapChangesets::queryChangeset() — Method in class JOpenstreetmapChangesets
Method to query on changesets
FtpClient::quit() — Method in class FtpClient
Method to quit and close the connection
$MenuItemProperty in class MenuItem
An array of the query string values for this item
$ChangeItemProperty in class ChangeItem
Query type: To be used in building a language key for a message to tell user what was checked / changed Possible values: ADDTABLE, ADDCOLUMN, CHANGECOLUMNTYPE, ADD_INDEX


$JApplicationProperty in class JApplication
The time the request was made.
JApplication::route() — Method in class JApplication
Route the application.
JApplication::render() — Method in class JApplication
Render the application.
JApplication::redirect() — Method in class JApplication
Redirect to another URL.
JDatabaseDriver::replacePrefix() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
This function replaces a string identifier $prefix with the string held is the tablePrefix class variable.
JDatabaseDriver::renameTable() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Renames a table in the database.
JDatabaseDriverMysqli::renameTable() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverMysqli
Renames a table in the database.
JDatabaseDriverOracle::renameTable() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverOracle
Renames a table in the database.
JDatabaseDriverOracle::replacePrefix() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverOracle
This function replaces a string identifier $prefix with the string held is the tablePrefix class variable.
JDatabaseDriverPdomysql::renameTable() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPdomysql
Renames a table in the database.
JDatabaseDriverPgsql::renameTable() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPgsql
Renames a table in the database.
JDatabaseDriverPgsql::replacePrefix() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPgsql
This function replaces a string identifier $prefix with the string held is the tablePrefix class variable.
JDatabaseDriverPostgresql::renameTable() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPostgresql
Renames a table in the database.
JDatabaseDriverPostgresql::replacePrefix() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPostgresql
This function replaces a string identifier $prefix with the string held is the tablePrefix class variable.
JDatabaseDriverPostgresql::releaseTransactionSavepoint() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPostgresql
Method to release a savepoint.
JDatabaseDriverSqlite::renameTable() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlite
Renames a table in the database.
JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv::replacePrefix() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv
This function replaces a string identifier $prefix with the string held is the tablePrefix class variable.
JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv::renameTable() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv
Renames a table in the database.
JDatabaseIterator::rewind() — Method in class JDatabaseIterator
Rewinds the iterator.
JDatabaseQuery::rightJoin() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Add a RIGHT JOIN clause to the query.
JDatabaseQueryMysqli::regexp() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryMysqli
Return correct regexp operator for mysqli.
JDatabaseQueryMysqli::Rand() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryMysqli
Return correct rand() function for Mysql.
JDatabaseQueryPostgresql::returning() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryPostgresql
Add the RETURNING element to INSERT INTO statement.
JDatabaseQueryPostgresql::regexp() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryPostgresql
Return correct regexp operator for Postgresql.
JDatabaseQueryPostgresql::Rand() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryPostgresql
Return correct rand() function for Postgresql.
JDatabaseQuerySqlsrv::Rand() — Method in class JDatabaseQuerySqlsrv
Return correct rand() function for MSSQL.
JError::raise() — Method in class JError
Create a new JException object given the passed arguments
JError::raiseError() — Method in class JError
Wrapper method for the raise() method with predefined error level of E_ERROR and backtrace set to true.
JError::raiseWarning() — Method in class JError
Wrapper method for the {@link raise()} method with predefined error level of E_WARNING and backtrace set to false.
JError::raiseNotice() — Method in class JError
Wrapper method for the {@link raise()} method with predefined error level of E_NOTICE and backtrace set to false.
JError::registerErrorLevel() — Method in class JError
Method to register a new error level for handling errors
JError::renderBacktrace() — Method in class JError
Render the backtrace
JEventDispatcher::register() — Method in class JEventDispatcher
Registers an event handler to the event dispatcher
JFormFieldSpacer::renderField() — Method in class JFormFieldSpacer
Method to get a control group with label and input.
JGithubPackageAuthorization::requestToken() — Method in class JGithubPackageAuthorization
  1. Request the access token.
JGithubPackageIssuesLabels::removeFromIssue() — Method in class JGithubPackageIssuesLabels
Remove a label from an issue.
JGithubPackageIssuesLabels::replace() — Method in class JGithubPackageIssuesLabels
Replace all labels for an issue.
JGithubPackageIssuesLabels::removeAllFromIssue() — Method in class JGithubPackageIssuesLabels
JGithubPackageMarkdown::render() — Method in class JGithubPackageMarkdown
Method to render a markdown document.
JGithubPackageOrgsMembers::remove() — Method in class JGithubPackageOrgsMembers
Remove a member.
JGithubPackageOrgsTeams::removeMember() — Method in class JGithubPackageOrgsTeams
Remove team member.
JGithubPackageOrgsTeams::removeRepo() — Method in class JGithubPackageOrgsTeams
Remove team repo.
JGithubPackageRepositoriesCollaborators::remove() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositoriesCollaborators
Remove collaborator.
JGithubPackageSearch::repositories() — Method in class JGithubPackageSearch
Search repositories.
JGoogleDataCalendar::removeCalendar() — Method in class JGoogleDataCalendar
Method to remove a calendar from a user's calendar list
JGoogleDataPicasaAlbum::refresh() — Method in class JGoogleDataPicasaAlbum
Refresh Picasa Album
JGoogleDataPicasaPhoto::refresh() — Method in class JGoogleDataPicasaPhoto
Refresh photo data
JHtmlActionsDropdown::render() — Method in class JHtmlActionsDropdown
Method to render current dropdown menu
JHtmlBootstrap::renderModal() — Method in class JHtmlBootstrap
Method to render a Bootstrap modal
JHtmlDate::relative() — Method in class JHtmlDate
Function to convert a static time into a relative measurement
JHtmlDropdown::render() — Method in class JHtmlDropdown
Method to render current dropdown menu
JHtmlSelect::radiolist() — Method in class JHtmlSelect
Generates an HTML radio list.
JHtmlSidebar::render() — Method in class JHtmlSidebar
Render the sidebar.
JLinkedinStream::reshare() — Method in class JLinkedinStream
Method to reshare an existing share.
JLoader::register() — Method in class JLoader
Directly register a class to the autoload list.
JLoader::registerPrefix() — Method in class JLoader
Register a class prefix with lookup path. This will allow developers to register library packages with different class prefixes to the system autoloader. More than one lookup path may be registered for the same class prefix, but if this method is called with the reset flag set to true then any registered lookups for the given prefix will be overwritten with the current lookup path. When loaded, prefix paths are searched in a "last in, first out" order.
JLoader::registerAlias() — Method in class JLoader
Offers the ability for "just in time" usage of class_alias().
JLoader::registerNamespace() — Method in class JLoader
Register a namespace to the autoloader. When loaded, namespace paths are searched in a "last in, first out" order.
JMediawikiPages::rollback() — Method in class JMediawikiPages
Method to undo the last edit to the page.
JOAuth2Client::refreshToken() — Method in class JOAuth2Client
Refresh the access token instance.
JOpenstreetmapChangesets::readChangeset() — Method in class JOpenstreetmapChangesets
Method to read a changeset
JOpenstreetmapElements::readElement() — Method in class JOpenstreetmapElements
Method to read an element [node|way|relation]
JOpenstreetmapElements::relationsForElement() — Method in class JOpenstreetmapElements
Method to get relations for an Element [node|way|relation]
JOpenstreetmapElements::redaction() — Method in class JOpenstreetmapElements
Method used by the DWG to hide old versions of elements containing data privacy or copyright infringements
JOpenstreetmapGps::retrieveGps() — Method in class JOpenstreetmapGps
Method to retrieve GPS points
JOpenstreetmapInfo::retrieveMapData() — Method in class JOpenstreetmapInfo
Method to retrieve map data of a bounding box
JOpenstreetmapInfo::retrievePermissions() — Method in class JOpenstreetmapInfo
Method to retrieve permissions for current user
JOpenstreetmapUser::replacePreferences() — Method in class JOpenstreetmapUser
Method to replace user preferences
JSessionHandlerInterface::regenerate() — Method in class JSessionHandlerInterface
Regenerates ID that represents this storage.
JSessionHandlerNative::regenerate() — Method in class JSessionHandlerNative
Regenerates ID that represents this storage.
JSessionStorage::register() — Method in class JSessionStorage
Register the functions of this class with PHP's session handler
JSessionStorage::read() — Method in class JSessionStorage
Read the data for a particular session identifier from the SessionHandler backend.
JSessionStorageApc::read() — Method in class JSessionStorageApc
Read the data for a particular session identifier from the SessionHandler backend.
JSessionStorageApcu::read() — Method in class JSessionStorageApcu
Read the data for a particular session identifier from the SessionHandler backend.
JSessionStorageDatabase::read() — Method in class JSessionStorageDatabase
Read the data for a particular session identifier from the SessionHandler backend.
JSessionStorageMemcache::register() — Method in class JSessionStorageMemcache
Register the functions of this class with PHP's session handler
JSessionStorageMemcached::register() — Method in class JSessionStorageMemcached
Register the functions of this class with PHP's session handler
JSessionStorageNone::register() — Method in class JSessionStorageNone
Register the functions of this class with PHP's session handler
JSessionStorageRedis::register() — Method in class JSessionStorageRedis
Register the functions of this class with PHP's session handler
JSessionStorageWincache::register() — Method in class JSessionStorageWincache
Register the functions of this class with PHP's session handler
JSessionStorageXcache::read() — Method in class JSessionStorageXcache
Read the data for a particular session identifier from the SessionHandler backend.
JTree::reset() — Method in class JTree
Method to get the parent
JTwitterStatuses::retweet() — Method in class JTwitterStatuses
Method to retweet a tweet.
JView::render() — Method in class JView
Method to render the view.
JViewHtml::render() — Method in class JViewHtml
Method to render the view.
RuleClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Access
Rule class.
RulesClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Access
Access rules class.
BaseApplication::registerEvent() — Method in class BaseApplication
Registers a handler to a particular event group.
CMSApplication::redirect() — Method in class CMSApplication
Redirect to another URL.
DaemonApplication::restart() — Method in class DaemonApplication
Restart daemon process.
WebApplication::redirect() — Method in class WebApplication
Redirect to another URL.
Cache::remove() — Method in class Cache
Remove a cached data entry by ID and group
CacheStorage::remove() — Method in class CacheStorage
Remove a cached data entry by ID and group
ApcStorage::remove() — Method in class ApcStorage
Remove a cached data entry by ID and group
ApcuStorage::remove() — Method in class ApcuStorage
Remove a cached data entry by ID and group
CacheliteStorage::remove() — Method in class CacheliteStorage
Remove a cached data entry by ID and group
FileStorage::remove() — Method in class FileStorage
Remove a cached data entry by ID and group
MemcacheStorage::remove() — Method in class MemcacheStorage
Remove a cached data entry by ID and group
MemcachedStorage::remove() — Method in class MemcachedStorage
Remove a cached data entry by ID and group
RedisStorageClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Cache\Storage
Redis cache storage handler for PECL
RedisStorage::remove() — Method in class RedisStorage
Remove a cached data entry by ID and group
WincacheStorage::remove() — Method in class WincacheStorage
Remove a cached data entry by ID and group
XcacheStorage::remove() — Method in class XcacheStorage
Remove a cached data entry by ID and group
$CategoryNodeProperty in class CategoryNode
The rgt value for this category in the category tree
CategoryNode::removeChild() — Method in class CategoryNode
Remove a specific child
FtpClient::reinit() — Method in class FtpClient
Method to reinitialise the server, ie. need to login again
FtpClient::rename() — Method in class FtpClient
Method to rename a file/folder on the FTP server
FtpClient::restart() — Method in class FtpClient
Method to restart data transfer at a given byte
FtpClient::read() — Method in class FtpClient
Method to read a file from the FTP server's contents into a buffer
ComponentHelper::renderComponent() — Method in class ComponentHelper
Render the component.
RouterBaseClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Component\Router
Base component routing class
RouterInterfaceClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Component\Router
Component routing interface
RouterLegacyClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Component\Router
Default routing class for missing or legacy component routers
RouterViewClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Component\Router
View-based component routing class
RouterView::registerView() — Method in class RouterView
Register the views of a component
RouterViewConfigurationClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Component\Router
View-configuration class for the view-based component router
RouterViewConfiguration::removeLayout() — Method in class RouterViewConfiguration
Remove a layout from this view
RulesInterfaceClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Component\Router\Rules
RouterRules interface for Joomla
Rijndael256CipherClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Crypt\Cipher
Crypt cipher for Rijndael 256 encryption, decryption and key generation.
Document::render() — Method in class Document
Outputs the document
DocumentRenderer::render() — Method in class DocumentRenderer
Renders a script and returns the results as a string
ErrorDocument::render() — Method in class ErrorDocument
Render the document
ErrorDocument::renderBacktrace() — Method in class ErrorDocument
Render the backtrace
$FeedDocumentProperty in class FeedDocument
Rating feed element
FeedDocument::render() — Method in class FeedDocument
Render the document
HtmlDocument::resetHeadData() — Method in class HtmlDocument
Reset the HTML document head data
HtmlDocument::render() — Method in class HtmlDocument
Outputs the template to the browser.
ImageDocument::render() — Method in class ImageDocument
Render the document.
JsonDocument::render() — Method in class JsonDocument
Render the document.
OpensearchDocument::render() — Method in class OpensearchDocument
Render the document
$OpensearchUrlProperty in class OpensearchUrl
Rel item element
RawDocumentClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Document
RawDocument class, provides an easy interface to parse and display raw output
RawDocument::render() — Method in class RawDocument
Render the document.
AtomRenderer::render() — Method in class AtomRenderer
Render the feed.
RssRendererClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Document\Renderer\Feed
RssRenderer is a feed that implements RSS 2.0 Specification
RssRenderer::render() — Method in class RssRenderer
Render the feed.
ComponentRenderer::render() — Method in class ComponentRenderer
Renders a component script and returns the results as a string
HeadRenderer::render() — Method in class HeadRenderer
Renders the document head and returns the results as a string
MessageRenderer::render() — Method in class MessageRenderer
Renders the error stack and returns the results as a string
ModuleRenderer::render() — Method in class ModuleRenderer
Renders a module script and returns the results as a string
ModulesRenderer::render() — Method in class ModulesRenderer
Renders multiple modules script and returns the results as a string
XmlDocument::render() — Method in class XmlDocument
Render the document.
ExceptionHandler::render() — Method in class ExceptionHandler
Render the error page based on an exception.
Feed::removeCategory() — Method in class Feed
Method to remove a category from the feed object.
Feed::removeContributor() — Method in class Feed
Method to remove a contributor from the feed object.
Feed::removeEntry() — Method in class Feed
Method to remove an entry from the feed object.
Feed::reverseItems() — Method in class Feed
Method to reverse the items if display is set to 'oldest first'
FeedEntry::removeCategory() — Method in class FeedEntry
Method to remove a category from the feed entry object.
FeedEntry::removeContributor() — Method in class FeedEntry
Method to remove a contributor from the feed entry object.
FeedEntry::removeLink() — Method in class FeedEntry
Method to remove a link from the feed entry object.
FeedFactory::registerParser() — Method in class FeedFactory
Method to register a FeedParser class for a given root tag name.
$FeedLinkProperty in class FeedLink
The relationship between the feed and the linked resource.
FeedParser::registerNamespace() — Method in class FeedParser
Method to register a namespace handler object.
RssParserClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Feed\Parser
RSS Feed Parser class.
File::read() — Method in class File
Read the contents of a file
FilesystemHelper::remotefsize() — Method in class FilesystemHelper
Remote file size function for streams that don't support it
Patcher::reset() — Method in class Patcher
Reset the pacher
Stream::read() — Method in class Stream
Read a file
Stream::removeFilter() — Method in class Stream
Remove a filter, either by resource (handed out from the append or prepend function) or via getting the filter list)
FileWrapper::read() — Method in class FileWrapper
Helper wrapper method for read
RedirectStatusFieldClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form\Field
Redirect Status field.
RegistrationdaterangeFieldClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form\Field
Registration Date Range field.
$FormProperty in class Form
Alows extensions to implement repeating elements
Form::renderField() — Method in class Form
Method to get a control group with label and input.
Form::renderFieldset() — Method in class Form
Method to get all control groups with label and input of a fieldset.
Form::removeField() — Method in class Form
Method to remove a field from the form definition.
Form::removeGroup() — Method in class Form
Method to remove a group from the form definition.
Form::reset() — Method in class Form
Method to reset the form data store and optionally the form XML definition.
$FormFieldProperty in class FormField
Allows extensions to create repeat elements
FormField::render() — Method in class FormField
Render a layout of this field
FormField::renderField() — Method in class FormField
Method to get a control group with label and input.
RulesRuleClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form\Rule
Form Rule class for the Joomla Platform.
HTMLHelper::register() — Method in class HTMLHelper
Registers a function to be called with a specific key
ModuleHelper::renderModule() — Method in class ModuleHelper
Render the module.
RouteHelperClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Helper
Route Helper
ResponseClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Http
HTTP response data object class.
TransportInterface::request() — Method in class TransportInterface
Send a request to the server and return a HttpResponse object with the response.
CurlTransport::request() — Method in class CurlTransport
Send a request to the server and return a HttpResponse object with the response.
SocketTransport::request() — Method in class SocketTransport
Send a request to the server and return a HttpResponse object with the response.
StreamTransport::request() — Method in class StreamTransport
Send a request to the server and return a HttpResponse object with the response.
ComponentAdapter::refreshManifestCache() — Method in class ComponentAdapter
Refreshes the extension table cache
FileAdapter::refreshManifestCache() — Method in class FileAdapter
Refreshes the extension table cache
LanguageAdapter::refreshManifestCache() — Method in class LanguageAdapter
Refreshes the extension table cache
LibraryAdapter::refreshManifestCache() — Method in class LibraryAdapter
Refreshes the extension table cache
ModuleAdapter::refreshManifestCache() — Method in class ModuleAdapter
Refreshes the extension table cache
PackageAdapter::refreshManifestCache() — Method in class PackageAdapter
Refreshes the extension table cache
PluginAdapter::refreshManifestCache() — Method in class PluginAdapter
Refreshes the extension table cache.
TemplateAdapter::refreshManifestCache() — Method in class TemplateAdapter
Refreshes the extension table cache
Installer::refreshManifestCache() — Method in class Installer
Refreshes the manifest cache stored in #__extensions
Installer::removeFiles() — Method in class Installer
Method to parse through a files element of the installation manifest and remove the files that were installed
InstallerScript::removeFiles() — Method in class InstallerScript
Remove the files and folders in the given array from
BaseLayout::resetOptions() — Method in class BaseLayout
Function to empty all the options
BaseLayout::render() — Method in class BaseLayout
Method to render the layout.
BaseLayout::renderDebugMessages() — Method in class BaseLayout
Render the list of debug messages
FileLayout::render() — Method in class FileLayout
Method to render the layout.
FileLayout::removeIncludePath() — Method in class FileLayout
Remove one path from the layout search
FileLayout::removeIncludePaths() — Method in class FileLayout
Remove one or more paths to exclude in layout search
LayoutHelper::render() — Method in class LayoutHelper
Method to render the layout.
LayoutInterface::render() — Method in class LayoutInterface
Method to render the layout.
AdminController::reorder() — Method in class AdminController
Changes the order of one or more records.
BaseController::redirect() — Method in class BaseController
Redirects the browser or returns false if no redirect is set.
BaseController::registerDefaultTask() — Method in class BaseController
Register the default task to perform if a mapping is not found.
BaseController::registerTask() — Method in class BaseController
Register (map) a task to a method in the class.
FormController::reload() — Method in class FormController
Method to reload a record.
AdminModel::reorder() — Method in class AdminModel
Method to adjust the ordering of a row.
Mail::removeAttachment() — Method in class Mail
Unset file attachments specified by array index.
MenuHelper::resolveAlias() — Method in class MenuHelper
Method to resolve the menu item alias type menu item
$MenuItemProperty in class MenuItem
The computed path of the menu item based on the alias field, this is populated from the path field in the #__menu table
Node::removeChild() — Method in class Node
Remove a child from this node
Tree::reset() — Method in class Tree
Method to reset the working pointer to the root node and optionally clear all menu nodes
RouteNotFoundExceptionClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Router\Exception
Exception class defining an error for a missing route
RouteClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Router
Route handling class
RouterClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Router
Class to create and parse routes
$ChangeItemProperty in class ChangeItem
Rerun status
Session::restart() — Method in class Session
Restart an expired or locked session.
$AssetProperty in class Asset
The rules for the asset stored in a JSON string
Asset::rebuild() — Method in class Asset
Method to recursively rebuild the whole nested set tree.
$NestedProperty in class Nested
Object property holding the right value of the node for managing its placement in the nested sets tree.
Nested::rebuild() — Method in class Nested
Method to recursively rebuild the whole nested set tree.
Nested::rebuildPath() — Method in class Nested
Method to rebuild the node's path field from the alias values of the nodes from the current node to the root node of the tree.
Nested::reset() — Method in class Nested
Method to reset class properties to the defaults set in the class definition. It will ignore the primary key as well as any private class properties (except $_errors).
Table::reset() — Method in class Table
Method to reset class properties to the defaults set in the class definition. It will ignore the primary key as well as any private class properties (except $_errors).
Table::reorder() — Method in class Table
Method to compact the ordering values of rows in a group of rows defined by an SQL WHERE clause.
TableInterface::reset() — Method in class TableInterface
Method to reset class properties to the defaults set in the class definition.
Usergroup::rebuild() — Method in class Usergroup
Method to recursively rebuild the nested set tree.
SeparatorButton::render() — Method in class SeparatorButton
Get the HTML for a separator in the toolbar
Toolbar::render() — Method in class Toolbar
Render a toolbar.
Toolbar::renderButton() — Method in class Toolbar
Render a button.
ToolbarButton::render() — Method in class ToolbarButton
Get the HTML to render the button
Uri::root() — Method in class Uri
Returns the root URI for the request.
Uri::reset() — Method in class Uri
Method to reset class static members for testing and other various issues.
$UserProperty in class User
Date the user was registered
$UserProperty in class User
Count since last Reset Time
$UserProperty in class User
Flag to require the user's password be reset
UserHelper::removeUserFromGroup() — Method in class UserHelper
Method to remove a user from a group.
UserWrapper::removeUserFromGroup() — Method in class UserWrapper
Helper wrapper method for removeUserFromGroup
Version::refreshMediaVersion() — Method in class Version
Function to refresh the media version


JAdapter::setAdapter() — Method in class JAdapter
Set an adapter by name
$JApplicationProperty in class JApplication
The scope of the application.
$JApplicationProperty in class JApplication
The time the request was made as Unix timestamp.
JApplication::setUserState() — Method in class JApplication
Sets the value of a user state variable.
JApplication::stringURLSafe() — Method in class JApplication
This method transliterates a string into a URL safe string or returns a URL safe UTF-8 string based on the global configuration
JApplicationWebRouter::setControllerPrefix() — Method in class JApplicationWebRouter
Set the controller name prefix.
JApplicationWebRouter::setDefaultController() — Method in class JApplicationWebRouter
Set the default controller name.
JApplicationWebRouterRest::setHttpMethodSuffix() — Method in class JApplicationWebRouterRest
Set a controller class suffix for a given HTTP method.
JApplicationWebRouterRest::setMethodInPostRequest() — Method in class JApplicationWebRouterRest
Set to allow or not method in POST request
JArrayHelper::sortObjects() — Method in class JArrayHelper
Utility function to sort an array of objects on a given field
JControllerBase::serialize() — Method in class JControllerBase
Serialize the controller.
JDatabase::splitSql() — Method in class JDatabase
Splits a string of multiple queries into an array of individual queries.
JDatabase::stderr() — Method in class JDatabase
Return the most recent error message for the database connector.
$JDatabaseDriverProperty in class JDatabaseDriver
The type of the database server family supported by this driver. Examples: mysql, oracle, postgresql, mssql, sqlite.
JDatabaseDriver::splitSql() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Splits a string of multiple queries into an array of individual queries.
JDatabaseDriver::select() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Select a database for use.
JDatabaseDriver::setDebug() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Sets the database debugging state for the driver.
JDatabaseDriver::setQuery() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Sets the SQL statement string for later execution.
JDatabaseDriver::setUtf() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Set the connection to use UTF-8 character encoding.
JDatabaseDriverMysql::select() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverMysql
Select a database for use.
JDatabaseDriverMysql::setUtf() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverMysql
Set the connection to use UTF-8 character encoding.
$JDatabaseDriverMysqliProperty in class JDatabaseDriverMysqli
The type of the database server family supported by this driver.
JDatabaseDriverMysqli::select() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverMysqli
Select a database for use.
JDatabaseDriverMysqli::setUtf() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverMysqli
Set the connection to use UTF-8 character encoding.
$JDatabaseDriverOracleProperty in class JDatabaseDriverOracle
The type of the database server family supported by this driver.
JDatabaseDriverOracle::select() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverOracle
Select a database for use.
JDatabaseDriverOracle::setDateFormat() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverOracle
Sets the Oracle Date Format for the session Default date format for Oracle is = DD-MON-RR The default date format for this driver is: 'RRRR-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS' since it is the format that matches the MySQL one used within most Joomla tables.
JDatabaseDriverOracle::setUtf() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverOracle
Set the connection to use UTF-8 character encoding.
JDatabaseDriverPdo::setOption() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPdo
Sets an attribute on the PDO database handle.
JDatabaseDriverPdo::select() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPdo
Select a database for use.
JDatabaseDriverPdo::setQuery() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPdo
Sets the SQL statement string for later execution.
JDatabaseDriverPdo::setUtf() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPdo
Set the connection to use UTF-8 character encoding.
$JDatabaseDriverPdomysqlProperty in class JDatabaseDriverPdomysql
The type of the database server family supported by this driver.
JDatabaseDriverPdomysql::select() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPdomysql
Select a database for use.
JDatabaseDriverPgsql::sqlValue() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPgsql
This function return a field value as a prepared string to be used in a SQL statement.
JDatabaseDriverPgsql::showTables() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPgsql
Returns an array containing database's table list.
$JDatabaseDriverPostgresqlProperty in class JDatabaseDriverPostgresql
The type of the database server family supported by this driver.
JDatabaseDriverPostgresql::select() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPostgresql
Selects the database, but redundant for PostgreSQL
JDatabaseDriverPostgresql::setUtf() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPostgresql
Custom settings for UTF support
JDatabaseDriverPostgresql::sqlValue() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPostgresql
This function return a field value as a prepared string to be used in a SQL statement.
JDatabaseDriverPostgresql::showTables() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPostgresql
Returns an array containing database's table list.
$JDatabaseDriverSqliteProperty in class JDatabaseDriverSqlite
The type of the database server family supported by this driver.
JDatabaseDriverSqlite::select() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlite
Select a database for use.
JDatabaseDriverSqlite::setUtf() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlite
Set the connection to use UTF-8 character encoding.
$JDatabaseDriverSqlsrvProperty in class JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv
The type of the database server family supported by this driver.
JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv::select() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv
Select a database for use.
JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv::setUtf() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv
Set the connection to use UTF-8 character encoding.
JDatabaseExporter::setDbo() — Method in class JDatabaseExporter
Sets the database connector to use for exporting structure and/or data from MySQL.
JDatabaseFactory::setInstance() — Method in class JDatabaseFactory
Gets an instance of a factory object to return on subsequent calls of getInstance.
JDatabaseImporter::setDbo() — Method in class JDatabaseImporter
Sets the database connector to use for exporting structure and/or data.
JDatabaseQuery::second() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Used to get a string to extract seconds from date column.
JDatabaseQuery::select() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Add a single column, or array of columns to the SELECT clause of the query.
JDatabaseQuery::set() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Add a single condition string, or an array of strings to the SET clause of the query.
JDatabaseQuery::setQuery() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Allows a direct query to be provided to the database driver's setQuery() method, but still allow queries to have bounded variables.
JDatabaseQuery::selectRowNumber() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Return the number of the current row.
JDatabaseQueryElement::setName() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryElement
Sets the name of this element.
JDatabaseQueryLimitable::setLimit() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryLimitable
Sets the offset and limit for the result set, if the database driver supports it.
JDatabaseQueryMysqli::setLimit() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryMysqli
Sets the offset and limit for the result set, if the database driver supports it.
JDatabaseQueryMysqli::selectRowNumber() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryMysqli
Return the number of the current row.
JDatabaseQueryOracle::setLimit() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryOracle
Sets the offset and limit for the result set, if the database driver supports it.
JDatabaseQueryPostgresql::second() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryPostgresql
Used to get a string to extract seconds from date column.
JDatabaseQueryPostgresql::setLimit() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryPostgresql
Sets the offset and limit for the result set, if the database driver supports it.
JDatabaseQueryPostgresql::selectRowNumber() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryPostgresql
Return the number of the current row.
JDatabaseQuerySqlite::setLimit() — Method in class JDatabaseQuerySqlite
Sets the offset and limit for the result set, if the database driver supports it.
JDatabaseQuerySqlite::selectRowNumber() — Method in class JDatabaseQuerySqlite
Return the number of the current row.
JDatabaseQuerySqlsrv::setLimit() — Method in class JDatabaseQuerySqlsrv
Sets the offset and limit for the result set, if the database driver supports it.
JError::setErrorHandling() — Method in class JError
Method to set the way the JError will handle different error levels. Use this if you want to override the default settings.
JException::set() — Method in class JException
Modifies a property of the object, creating it if it does not already exist.
JException::setProperties() — Method in class JException
Set the object properties based on a named array/hash
JException::setError() — Method in class JException
Add an error message
JFacebook::setOption() — Method in class JFacebook
Set an option for the JFacebook instance.
JFacebookOAuth::setScope() — Method in class JFacebookOAuth
Method used to set permissions.
JFacebookObject::sendRequest() — Method in class JFacebookObject
Method to send the request.
JFacebookObject::setOAuth() — Method in class JFacebookObject
Method used to set the OAuth client.
JFormFieldCalendar::setup() — Method in class JFormFieldCalendar
Method to attach a JForm object to the field.
JFormFieldCheckbox::setup() — Method in class JFormFieldCheckbox
Method to attach a JForm object to the field.
JFormFieldCheckboxes::setup() — Method in class JFormFieldCheckboxes
Method to attach a JForm object to the field.
JFormFieldColor::setup() — Method in class JFormFieldColor
Method to attach a JForm object to the field.
JFormFieldFile::setup() — Method in class JFormFieldFile
Method to attach a JForm object to the field.
JFormFieldFileList::setup() — Method in class JFormFieldFileList
Method to attach a JForm object to the field.
JFormFieldFolderList::setup() — Method in class JFormFieldFolderList
Method to attach a JForm object to the field.
JFormFieldMeter::setup() — Method in class JFormFieldMeter
Method to attach a JForm object to the field.
JFormFieldNumber::setup() — Method in class JFormFieldNumber
Method to attach a JForm object to the field.
JFormFieldPassword::setup() — Method in class JFormFieldPassword
Method to attach a JForm object to the field.
JFormFieldPlugins::setup() — Method in class JFormFieldPlugins
Method to attach a JForm object to the field.
JFormFieldRules::setup() — Method in class JFormFieldRules
Method to attach a JForm object to the field.
JFormFieldSQL::setup() — Method in class JFormFieldSQL
Method to attach a JForm object to the field.
JFormFieldSubform::setup() — Method in class JFormFieldSubform
Method to attach a JForm object to the field.
JFormFieldText::setup() — Method in class JFormFieldText
Method to attach a JForm object to the field.
JFormFieldTextarea::setup() — Method in class JFormFieldTextarea
Method to attach a JForm object to the field.
JFormFieldTimezone::setup() — Method in class JFormFieldTimezone
Method to attach a JForm object to the field.
JGithub::setOption() — Method in class JGithub
Set an option for the JGitHub instance.
JGithubPackageActivityNotifications::setThreadSubscription() — Method in class JGithubPackageActivityNotifications
Set a Thread Subscription.
JGithubPackageActivityStarring::star() — Method in class JGithubPackageActivityStarring
Star a repository.
JGithubPackageActivityWatching::setSubscription() — Method in class JGithubPackageActivityWatching
Set a Repository Subscription.
JGithubPackageGists::star() — Method in class JGithubPackageGists
Method to star a gist.
JGoogle::setOption() — Method in class JGoogle
Set an option for the JGoogle instance.
JGoogleAuth::setOption() — Method in class JGoogleAuth
Set an option for the JGoogleAuth object.
JGoogleData::setOption() — Method in class JGoogleData
Set an option for the JGoogleData instance.
JGoogleDataPicasaAlbum::setTitle() — Method in class JGoogleDataPicasaAlbum
Method to set the title of the album
JGoogleDataPicasaAlbum::setSummary() — Method in class JGoogleDataPicasaAlbum
Method to set the summary of the album
JGoogleDataPicasaAlbum::setLocation() — Method in class JGoogleDataPicasaAlbum
Method to set the location of the album
JGoogleDataPicasaAlbum::setAccess() — Method in class JGoogleDataPicasaAlbum
Method to set the access level of the album
JGoogleDataPicasaAlbum::setTime() — Method in class JGoogleDataPicasaAlbum
Method to set the time of the album
JGoogleDataPicasaAlbum::save() — Method in class JGoogleDataPicasaAlbum
Method to modify a Picasa Album
JGoogleDataPicasaPhoto::setTitle() — Method in class JGoogleDataPicasaPhoto
Method to set the title of the photo
JGoogleDataPicasaPhoto::setSummary() — Method in class JGoogleDataPicasaPhoto
Method to set the summary of the photo
JGoogleDataPicasaPhoto::setAccess() — Method in class JGoogleDataPicasaPhoto
Method to set the access level of the photo
JGoogleDataPicasaPhoto::setTime() — Method in class JGoogleDataPicasaPhoto
Method to set the time of the photo
JGoogleDataPicasaPhoto::save() — Method in class JGoogleDataPicasaPhoto
Method to modify a Picasa Photo
JGoogleDataPlusActivities::search() — Method in class JGoogleDataPlusActivities
Search all public activities.
JGoogleDataPlusPeople::search() — Method in class JGoogleDataPlusPeople
Search all public profiles.
JGoogleEmbed::setOption() — Method in class JGoogleEmbed
Set an option for the JGoogleEmbed instance.
JGoogleEmbedAnalytics::setCode() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedAnalytics
Method to set the tracking code
JGoogleEmbedMaps::setKey() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedMaps
Method to set the API key
JGoogleEmbedMaps::setMapId() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedMaps
Method to set the map div id
JGoogleEmbedMaps::setMapClass() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedMaps
Method to set the map div class
JGoogleEmbedMaps::setMapStyle() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedMaps
Method to set the map div style
JGoogleEmbedMaps::setMapType() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedMaps
Method to set the map type ()
JGoogleEmbedMaps::setAdditionalMapOptions() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedMaps
Method to add additional map options
JGoogleEmbedMaps::setAdditionalJavascript() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedMaps
Method to add additional javascript
JGoogleEmbedMaps::setZoom() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedMaps
Method to set the map zoom
JGoogleEmbedMaps::setCenter() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedMaps
Method to set the center of the map
JGoogleEmbedMaps::setAsyncCallback() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedMaps
Method to set the callback function for async javascript loading
JGoogleEmbedMaps::setAutoload() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedMaps
Automatically add the callback to the window
JGrid::setTableOptions() — Method in class JGrid
Method to set the attributes for a table-tag
JGrid::setColumns() — Method in class JGrid
Method to set a whole range of columns at once This can be used to re-order the columns, too
JGrid::setRowOptions() — Method in class JGrid
Method to set the attributes of the currently active row
JGrid::setActiveRow() — Method in class JGrid
Set the currently active row
JGrid::setRowCell() — Method in class JGrid
Set cell content for a specific column for the currently active row
JHtmlBehavior::switcher() — Method in class JHtmlBehavior
Add unobtrusive JavaScript support for submenu switcher support
JHtmlBehavior::simplecolorpicker() — Method in class JHtmlBehavior
Add unobtrusive JavaScript support for a simple color picker.
JHtmlBootstrap::scrollspy() — Method in class JHtmlBootstrap
Add javascript support for Bootstrap ScrollSpy
JHtmlBootstrap::startAccordion() — Method in class JHtmlBootstrap
Add javascript support for Bootstrap accordians and insert the accordian
JHtmlBootstrap::startTabSet() — Method in class JHtmlBootstrap
Creates a tab pane
JHtmlBootstrap::startPane() — Method in class JHtmlBootstrap
Creates a tab pane
JHtmlDropdown::start() — Method in class JHtmlDropdown
Method to start a new dropdown menu
JHtmlGrid::sort() — Method in class JHtmlGrid
Method to sort a column in a grid
JHtmlGrid::state() — Method in class JHtmlGrid
Method to create a select list of states for filtering By default the filter shows only published and unpublished items
JHtmlJGrid::state() — Method in class JHtmlJGrid
Returns a state on a grid
JHtmlSearchtools::sort() — Method in class JHtmlSearchtools
Method to sort a column in a grid
JHtmlSelect::suggestionlist() — Method in class JHtmlSelect
Method to build a list with suggestions
JHtmlSidebar::setAction() — Method in class JHtmlSidebar
Set value for the action attribute of the filter form
JHtmlSliders::start() — Method in class JHtmlSliders
Creates a panes and loads the javascript behavior for it.
JHtmlSortablelist::sortable() — Method in class JHtmlSortablelist
Method to load the Sortable script and make table sortable
JHtmlTabs::start() — Method in class JHtmlTabs
Creates a panes and creates the JavaScript object for it.
JKeychain::saveKeychain() — Method in class JKeychain
Save this keychain to a file.
$JLessFormatterJoomlaProperty in class JLessFormatterJoomla
JLinkedin::setOption() — Method in class JLinkedin
Set an option for the Linkedin instance.
JLinkedinCommunications::sendMessage() — Method in class JLinkedinCommunications
Method used to send messages via LinkedIn between two or more individuals connected to the member sending the message.
JLinkedinCompanies::search() — Method in class JLinkedinCompanies
Method to search across company pages.
JLinkedinJobs::search() — Method in class JLinkedinJobs
Method to search across LinkedIn's job postings.
JLinkedinOauth::setScope() — Method in class JLinkedinOauth
Method used to set permissions.
JLinkedinObject::setOption() — Method in class JLinkedinObject
Set an option for the JLinkedinObject instance.
JLinkedinPeople::search() — Method in class JLinkedinPeople
Method to get information about people.
JLinkedinStream::share() — Method in class JLinkedinStream
Method to add a new share. Note: post must contain comment and/or (title and url).
JLoader::setup() — Method in class JLoader
Method to setup the autoloaders for the Joomla Platform.
JMediawiki::setOption() — Method in class JMediawiki
Set an option for the JMediawiki instance.
JMediawikiSearch::search() — Method in class JMediawikiSearch
Method to perform a full text search.
JModel::setState() — Method in class JModel
Set the model state.
JModelBase::setState() — Method in class JModelBase
Set the model state.
JModelDatabase::setDb() — Method in class JModelDatabase
Set the database driver.
JNode::setParent() — Method in class JNode
Set the parent of a this node
JOAuth1Client::safeEncode() — Method in class JOAuth1Client
Encodes the string or array passed in a way compatible with OAuth.
JOAuth1Client::setOption() — Method in class JOAuth1Client
Set an option for the JOauth1aClient instance.
JOAuth1Client::setToken() — Method in class JOAuth1Client
Set the oauth token.
JOAuth2Client::setOption() — Method in class JOAuth2Client
Set an option for the JOAuth2Client instance.
JOAuth2Client::setToken() — Method in class JOAuth2Client
Set an option for the JOAuth2Client instance.
JOpenstreetmap::setOption() — Method in class JOpenstreetmap
Set an option for the Openstreetmap instance.
JOpenstreetmapObject::setOption() — Method in class JOpenstreetmapObject
Set an option for the JOpenstreetmapObject instance.
JOpenstreetmapObject::sendRequest() — Method in class JOpenstreetmapObject
Method to send the request which does not require authentication.
JRequest::setVar() — Method in class JRequest
Set a variable in one of the request variables.
JRequest::set() — Method in class JRequest
Sets a request variable.
JResponse::setHeader() — Method in class JResponse
Set a header.
JResponse::sendHeaders() — Method in class JResponse
Send all headers.
JResponse::setBody() — Method in class JResponse
Set body content.
JSessionHandlerInterface::start() — Method in class JSessionHandlerInterface
Starts the session.
JSessionHandlerInterface::setId() — Method in class JSessionHandlerInterface
Sets the session ID
JSessionHandlerInterface::setName() — Method in class JSessionHandlerInterface
Sets the session name
JSessionHandlerInterface::save() — Method in class JSessionHandlerInterface
Force the session to be saved and closed.
JSessionHandlerJoomla::start() — Method in class JSessionHandlerJoomla
Starts the session
JSessionHandlerNative::start() — Method in class JSessionHandlerNative
Starts the session
JSessionHandlerNative::setId() — Method in class JSessionHandlerNative
Sets the session ID
JSessionHandlerNative::setName() — Method in class JSessionHandlerNative
Sets the session name
JSessionHandlerNative::save() — Method in class JSessionHandlerNative
Force the session to be saved and closed.
JString::splitCamelCase() — Method in class JString
Split a string in camel case format
JTwitter::setOption() — Method in class JTwitter
Set an option for the JTwitter instance.
JTwitterDirectmessages::sendDirectMessages() — Method in class JTwitterDirectmessages
Method to send a new direct message to the specified user from the authenticating user.
JTwitterLists::subscribe() — Method in class JTwitterLists
Method to subscribe the authenticated user to the specified list.
JTwitterObject::sendRequest() — Method in class JTwitterObject
Method to send the request.
JTwitterObject::setOption() — Method in class JTwitterObject
Set an option for the JTwitterObject instance.
JTwitterPlaces::search() — Method in class JTwitterPlaces
Method to search for places that can be attached to a statuses/update.
JTwitterUsers::searchUsers() — Method in class JTwitterUsers
Method used to search for users
JTwittersearch::search() — Method in class JTwittersearch
Method to get tweets that match a specified query.
JViewHtml::setLayout() — Method in class JViewHtml
Method to set the view layout.
JViewHtml::setPaths() — Method in class JViewHtml
Method to set the view paths.
ApplicationHelper::stringURLSafe() — Method in class ApplicationHelper
This method transliterates a string into a URL safe string or returns a URL safe UTF-8 string based on the global configuration
$CMSApplicationProperty in class CMSApplication
The scope of the application.
CMSApplication::setUserState() — Method in class CMSApplication
Sets the value of a user state variable.
CliApplication::setOutput() — Method in class CliApplication
Set an output object.
DaemonApplication::signal() — Method in class DaemonApplication
Method to handle POSIX signals.
DaemonApplication::stop() — Method in class DaemonApplication
Stop daemon process.
SiteApplicationClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Application
Joomla! Site Application class
SiteApplication::setDetectBrowser() — Method in class SiteApplication
Set the current state of the detect browser option.
SiteApplication::setLanguageFilter() — Method in class SiteApplication
Set the current state of the language filter.
SiteApplication::setTemplate() — Method in class SiteApplication
Overrides the default template that would be used
WebApplication::setHeader() — Method in class WebApplication
Method to set a response header. If the replace flag is set then all headers with the given name will be replaced by the new one. The headers are stored in an internal array to be sent when the site is sent to the browser.
WebApplication::sendHeaders() — Method in class WebApplication
Send the response headers.
WebApplication::setBody() — Method in class WebApplication
Set body content. If body content already defined, this will replace it.
$AuthenticationResponseProperty in class AuthenticationResponse
Response status (see status codes)
Cache::setCaching() — Method in class Cache
Set caching enabled state
Cache::setLifeTime() — Method in class Cache
Set cache lifetime
Cache::store() — Method in class Cache
Store the cached data by ID and group
Cache::setWorkarounds() — Method in class Cache
Create workarounds for data to be cached
CacheController::store() — Method in class CacheController
Store data to cache by ID and group
CacheStorage::store() — Method in class CacheStorage
Store the data to cache by ID and group
OutputController::start() — Method in class OutputController
Start the cache
OutputController::store() — Method in class OutputController
Store data to cache by ID and group
PageController::store() — Method in class PageController
Stop the cache buffer and store the cached data
ApcStorage::store() — Method in class ApcStorage
Store the data to cache by ID and group
ApcuStorage::store() — Method in class ApcuStorage
Store the data to cache by ID and group
$CacheStorageHelperProperty in class CacheStorageHelper
Cached item size
CacheliteStorage::store() — Method in class CacheliteStorage
Store the data to cache by ID and group
FileStorage::store() — Method in class FileStorage
Store the data to cache by ID and group
MemcacheStorage::store() — Method in class MemcacheStorage
Store the data to cache by ID and group
MemcachedStorage::store() — Method in class MemcachedStorage
Store the data to cache by ID and group
RedisStorage::store() — Method in class RedisStorage
Store the data to cache by ID and group
WincacheStorage::store() — Method in class WincacheStorage
Store the data to cache by ID and group
XcacheStorage::store() — Method in class XcacheStorage
Store the data to cache by ID and group
Captcha::setupField() — Method in class Captcha
Method to react on the setup of a captcha field. Gives the possibility to change the field and/or the XML element for the field.
HttpBridgePostRequestMethod::submit() — Method in class HttpBridgePostRequestMethod
Submit the request with the specified parameters.
$CategoryNodeProperty in class CategoryNode
Slug fo the category (used in URL)
CategoryNode::setParent() — Method in class CategoryNode
Set the parent of this category
CategoryNode::setSibling() — Method in class CategoryNode
Function to set the left or right sibling of a category
CategoryNode::setAllLoaded() — Method in class CategoryNode
Set to load all children
ClientHelper::setCredentials() — Method in class ClientHelper
Method to set client login credentials
ClientHelper::setCredentialsFromRequest() — Method in class ClientHelper
Determine whether input fields for client settings need to be shown
ClientWrapper::setCredentials() — Method in class ClientWrapper
Helper wrapper method for setCredentials
ClientWrapper::setCredentialsFromRequest() — Method in class ClientWrapper
Helper wrapper method for setCredentialsFromRequest
FtpClient::setOptions() — Method in class FtpClient
Set client options
FtpClient::syst() — Method in class FtpClient
Method to system string from the FTP server
FtpClient::store() — Method in class FtpClient
Method to store a file to the FTP server
FtpClient::size() — Method in class FtpClient
Get the size of the remote file.
ComponentRecord::setParams() — Method in class ComponentRecord
Sets the menu item parameters
RouterViewConfiguration::setName() — Method in class RouterViewConfiguration
Set the name of the view
RouterViewConfiguration::setKey() — Method in class RouterViewConfiguration
Set the key-identifier for the view
RouterViewConfiguration::setParent() — Method in class RouterViewConfiguration
Set the parent view of this view
RouterViewConfiguration::setNestable() — Method in class RouterViewConfiguration
Set if this view is nestable or not
StandardRulesClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Component\Router\Rules
Rule for the standard handling of component routing
SimpleCipherClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Crypt\Cipher
Crypt cipher for Simple encryption, decryption and key generation.
SodiumCipherClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Crypt\Cipher
JCrypt cipher for sodium algorithm encryption, decryption and key generation.
SodiumCipher::setNonce() — Method in class SodiumCipher
Set the nonce to use for encrypting/decrypting messages
Crypt::setKey() — Method in class Crypt
Method to set the encryption key[/pair] object.
Crypt::safeStrlen() — Method in class Crypt
Safely detect a string's length
Crypt::safeSubstr() — Method in class Crypt
Safely extract a substring
CryptPassword::setDefaultType() — Method in class CryptPassword
Sets a default prefix
SimpleCryptPasswordClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Crypt\Password
Joomla Platform Password Crypter
SimpleCryptPassword::setCost() — Method in class SimpleCryptPassword
Sets the cost parameter for the generated hash for algorithms that use a cost factor.
SimpleCryptPassword::setDefaultType() — Method in class SimpleCryptPassword
Sets a default type
Date::setTimezone() — Method in class Date
Method to wrap the setTimezone() function and set the internal time zone object.
Date::sub() — Method in class Date
Subtracts an amount of days, months, years, hours, minutes and seconds from a JDate object.
Document::setType() — Method in class Document
Set the document type
Document::setBuffer() — Method in class Document
Set the contents of the document buffer
Document::setMetaData() — Method in class Document
Sets or alters a meta tag.
Document::setCharset() — Method in class Document
Sets the document charset
Document::setLanguage() — Method in class Document
Sets the global document language declaration. Default is English (en-gb).
Document::setDirection() — Method in class Document
Sets the global document direction declaration. Default is left-to-right (ltr).
Document::setTitle() — Method in class Document
Sets the title of the document
Document::setMediaVersion() — Method in class Document
Set the assets version
Document::setBase() — Method in class Document
Sets the base URI of the document
Document::setDescription() — Method in class Document
Sets the description of the document
Document::setLink() — Method in class Document
Sets the document link
Document::setGenerator() — Method in class Document
Sets the document generator
Document::setModifiedDate() — Method in class Document
Sets the document modified date
Document::setMimeEncoding() — Method in class Document
Sets the document MIME encoding that is sent to the browser.
Document::setLineEnd() — Method in class Document
Sets the line end style to Windows, Mac, Unix or a custom string.
Document::setTab() — Method in class Document
Sets the string used to indent HTML
ErrorDocument::setError() — Method in class ErrorDocument
Set error object
$FeedDocumentProperty in class FeedDocument
Syndication URL feed element
$FeedDocumentProperty in class FeedDocument
Skiphours feed element
$FeedDocumentProperty in class FeedDocument
Skipdays feed element
$FeedItemProperty in class FeedItem
Source element
FeedItem::setEnclosure() — Method in class FeedItem
Set the FeedEnclosure for this item
HtmlDocument::setHeadData() — Method in class HtmlDocument
Set the HTML document head data
HtmlDocument::setHtml5() — Method in class HtmlDocument
Sets whether the document should be output as HTML5
HtmlDocument::setBuffer() — Method in class HtmlDocument
Set the contents a document includes
JsonDocument::setName() — Method in class JsonDocument
Sets the document name
OpensearchDocument::setShortName() — Method in class OpensearchDocument
Sets the short name
XmlDocument::setName() — Method in class XmlDocument
Sets the document name
XmlDocument::setDownload() — Method in class XmlDocument
Sets the document's download state
Editor::save() — Method in class Editor
Save the editor content
Editor::setContent() — Method in class Editor
Set the editor contents
Browser::setBrowser() — Method in class Browser
Sets the current browser.
$FactoryProperty in class Factory
Global session object
Feed::setAuthor() — Method in class Feed
Shortcut method to set the author for the feed object.
$FeedEntryProperty in class FeedEntry
Feed$sourceThe feed from which the entry is sourced.
FeedEntry::setAuthor() — Method in class FeedEntry
Shortcut method to set the author for the feed entry object.
File::stripExt() — Method in class File
Strips the last extension off of a file name
Path::setPermissions() — Method in class Path
Chmods files and directories recursively to given permissions.
StreamClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Filesystem
Joomla! Stream Interface
Stream::seek() — Method in class Stream
Seek the file
Stream::setContextOptions() — Method in class Stream
Updates the context to the array
StreamStringClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Streams
String Stream Wrapper
StreamString::stream_open() — Method in class StreamString
Method to open a file or URL.
StreamString::stream_stat() — Method in class StreamString
Method to retrieve information from a file resource
StreamString::stream_read() — Method in class StreamString
Method to read a given number of bytes starting at the current position and moving to the end of the string defined by the current position plus the given number.
StreamString::stream_write() — Method in class StreamString
Stream write, always returning false.
StreamString::stream_tell() — Method in class StreamString
Method to get the current position
StreamString::stream_eof() — Method in class StreamString
End of field check
StreamString::stream_seek() — Method in class StreamString
Stream offset
StreamString::stream_flush() — Method in class StreamString
Stream flush, always returns true.
StringControllerClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Support
String Controller
FileWrapper::stripExt() — Method in class FileWrapper
Helper wrapper method for stripExt
PathWrapper::setPermissions() — Method in class PathWrapper
Helper wrapper method for setPermissions
$InputFilterProperty in class InputFilter
A flag for Unicode Supplementary Characters (4-byte Unicode character) stripping.
OutputFilter::stringJSSafe() — Method in class OutputFilter
This method processes a string and escapes it for use in JavaScript
OutputFilter::stringURLSafe() — Method in class OutputFilter
This method processes a string and replaces all accented UTF-8 characters by unaccented ASCII-7 "equivalents", whitespaces are replaced by hyphens and the string is lowercase.
OutputFilterWrapper::stringURLSafe() — Method in class OutputFilterWrapper
Helper wrapper method for stringURLSafe
OutputFilterWrapper::stringURLUnicodeSlug() — Method in class OutputFilterWrapper
Helper wrapper method for stringURLUnicodeSlug
OutputFilterWrapper::stripImages() — Method in class OutputFilterWrapper
Helper wrapper method for stripImages
OutputFilterWrapper::stripIframes() — Method in class OutputFilterWrapper
Helper wrapper method for stripIframes
CaptchaField::setup() — Method in class CaptchaField
Method to attach a JForm object to the field.
ChromestyleField::setup() — Method in class ChromestyleField
Method to attach a JForm object to the field.
EditorField::setup() — Method in class EditorField
Method to attach a JForm object to the field.
EditorField::save() — Method in class EditorField
Method to get the JEditor output for an onSave event.
MediaField::setup() — Method in class MediaField
Method to attach a JForm object to the field.
MenuitemField::setup() — Method in class MenuitemField
Method to attach a JForm object to the field.
ModuleorderField::setup() — Method in class ModuleorderField
Method to attach a JForm object to the field.
ModulepositionField::setup() — Method in class ModulepositionField
Method to attach a JForm object to the field.
OrderingField::setup() — Method in class OrderingField
Method to attach a JForm object to the field.
StatusFieldClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form\Field
Form Field to load a list of states
TemplatestyleField::setup() — Method in class TemplatestyleField
Method to attach a JForm object to the field.
UserField::setup() — Method in class UserField
Method to attach a JForm object to the field.
UsergrouplistField::setup() — Method in class UsergrouplistField
Method to attach a JForm object to the field.
Form::setField() — Method in class Form
Method to set a field XML element to the form definition. If the replace flag is set then the field will be set whether it already exists or not. If it isn't set, then the field will not be replaced if it already exists.
Form::setFieldAttribute() — Method in class Form
Method to set an attribute value for a field XML element.
Form::setFields() — Method in class Form
Method to set some field XML elements to the form definition. If the replace flag is set then the fields will be set whether they already exists or not. If it isn't set, then the fields will not be replaced if they already exist.
Form::setValue() — Method in class Form
Method to set the value of a field. If the field does not exist in the form then the method will return false.
FormField::setForm() — Method in class FormField
Method to attach a JForm object to the field.
FormField::setup() — Method in class FormField
Method to attach a JForm object to the field.
FormField::setValue() — Method in class FormField
Simple method to set the value
HTMLHelper::stylesheet() — Method in class HTMLHelper
Write a <link> element to load a CSS file
HTMLHelper::script() — Method in class HTMLHelper
Write a <script> element to load a JavaScript file
HTMLHelper::setFormatOptions() — Method in class HTMLHelper
Set format related options.
ContentHistoryHelper::store() — Method in class ContentHistoryHelper
Method to save a version snapshot to the content history table.
LibraryHelper::saveParams() — Method in class LibraryHelper
Save the parameters object for the library
SearchHelperClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Helper
Helper class for Joomla! Search components
TagsHelper::searchTags() — Method in class TagsHelper
Function to search tags
UserGroupsHelper::setGroups() — Method in class UserGroupsHelper
Set the groups to be used as source.
Http::setOption() — Method in class Http
Set an option for the HTTP client.
SocketTransportClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Http\Transport
HTTP transport class for using sockets directly.
StreamTransportClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Http\Transport
HTTP transport class for using PHP streams.
Cli::serialize() — Method in class Cli
Method to serialize the input.
Cookie::set() — Method in class Cookie
Sets a value
Files::set() — Method in class Files
Sets a value.
Installer::setOverwrite() — Method in class Installer
Set the allow overwrite switch
Installer::setRedirectUrl() — Method in class Installer
Set the redirect location
Installer::setPackageUninstall() — Method in class Installer
Set whether this installer is uninstalling extensions which are part of a package
Installer::setUpgrade() — Method in class Installer
Set the upgrade switch
Installer::setPath() — Method in class Installer
Sets an installer path by name
Installer::setupInstall() — Method in class Installer
Prepare for installation: this method sets the installation directory, finds and checks the installation file and verifies the installation type.
Installer::setSchemaVersion() — Method in class Installer
Set the schema version for an extension by looking at its latest update
InstallerAdapter::setManifest() — Method in class InstallerAdapter
Set the manifest object.
InstallerAdapter::setRoute() — Method in class InstallerAdapter
Set the install route being followed
InstallerHelper::splitSql() — Method in class InstallerHelper
Splits contents of a sql file into array of discreet queries.
InstallerScript::setParams() — Method in class InstallerScript
Sets parameter values in the extensions row of the extension table. Note that the this must be called separately for deleting and editing. Note if edit is called as a type then if the param doesn't exist it will be created
$PackageManifestProperty in class PackageManifest
Scriptfile for the package
Language::setTransliterator() — Method in class Language
Set the transliteration function.
Language::setPluralSuffixesCallback() — Method in class Language
Set the pluralSuffixes function.
Language::setIgnoredSearchWordsCallback() — Method in class Language
Setter for the ignoredSearchWordsCallback function
Language::setLowerLimitSearchWordCallback() — Method in class Language
Setter for the lowerLimitSearchWordCallback function.
Language::setUpperLimitSearchWordCallback() — Method in class Language
Setter for the upperLimitSearchWordCallback function
Language::setSearchDisplayedCharactersNumberCallback() — Method in class Language
Setter for the searchDisplayedCharactersNumberCallback function.
Language::setDebug() — Method in class Language
Set the Debug property.
Language::setDefault() — Method in class Language
Set the default language code.
Language::setLanguage() — Method in class Language
Set the language attributes to the given language.
LanguageHelper::saveToIniFile() — Method in class LanguageHelper
Save strings to a language file.
LanguageStemmer::stem() — Method in class LanguageStemmer
Method to stem a token and return the root.
Porteren::stem() — Method in class Porteren
Method to stem a token and return the root.
Text::sprintf() — Method in class Text
Passes a string thru a sprintf.
Text::script() — Method in class Text
Translate a string into the current language and stores it in the JavaScript language store.
JTextWrapper::sprintf() — Method in class JTextWrapper
Helper wrapper method for sprintf
JTextWrapper::script() — Method in class JTextWrapper
Helper wrapper method for script
BaseLayout::setOptions() — Method in class BaseLayout
Set the options
BaseLayout::set() — Method in class BaseLayout
Method to set a value in the data array. Example: $layout->set('items', $items);
BaseLayout::setData() — Method in class BaseLayout
Set the the data passed the layout
BaseLayout::setDebug() — Method in class BaseLayout
Change the debug mode
FileLayout::setComponent() — Method in class FileLayout
Method to change the component where search for layouts
FileLayout::setClient() — Method in class FileLayout
Function to initialise the application client
FileLayout::setLayout() — Method in class FileLayout
Change the layout
FileLayout::setLayoutId() — Method in class FileLayout
Set the active layout id
FileLayout::setIncludePaths() — Method in class FileLayout
Set the include paths to search for layouts
FileLayout::setSuffixes() — Method in class FileLayout
Set suffixes to search layouts
FileLayout::sublayout() — Method in class FileLayout
Render a layout with the same include paths & options
Log::setInstance() — Method in class Log
Returns a reference to the a Log object, only creating it if it doesn't already exist.
SyslogLoggerClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Log\Logger
Joomla! Syslog Log class
AdminController::saveorder() — Method in class AdminController
Method to save the submitted ordering values for records.
AdminController::saveOrderAjax() — Method in class AdminController
Method to save the submitted ordering values for records via AJAX.
BaseController::setMessage() — Method in class BaseController
Sets the internal message that is passed with a redirect
BaseController::setRedirect() — Method in class BaseController
Set a URL for browser redirection.
FormController::save() — Method in class FormController
Method to save a record.
AdminModel::save() — Method in class AdminModel
Method to save the form data.
AdminModel::saveorder() — Method in class AdminModel
Saves the manually set order of records.
BaseDatabaseModel::setDbo() — Method in class BaseDatabaseModel
Method to set the database driver object
BaseDatabaseModel::setState() — Method in class BaseDatabaseModel
Method to set model state variables
HtmlView::setModel() — Method in class HtmlView
Method to add a model to the view. We support a multiple model single view system by which models are referenced by classname. A caveat to the classname referencing is that any classname prepended by \JModel will be referenced by the name without \JModel, eg. \JModelCategory is just Category.
HtmlView::setLayout() — Method in class HtmlView
Sets the layout name to use
HtmlView::setLayoutExt() — Method in class HtmlView
Allows a different extension for the layout files to be used
HtmlView::setEscape() — Method in class HtmlView
Sets the _escape() callback.
HtmlView::setDocumentTitle() — Method in class HtmlView
Sets the document title according to Global Configuration options
Mail::Send() — Method in class Mail
Send the mail
Mail::setFrom() — Method in class Mail
Set the From and FromName properties.
Mail::setSender() — Method in class Mail
Set the email sender
Mail::setSubject() — Method in class Mail
Set the email subject
Mail::setBody() — Method in class Mail
Set the email body
Mail::sendMail() — Method in class Mail
Function to send an email
Mail::sendAdminMail() — Method in class Mail
Sends mail to administrator for approval of a user submission
AbstractMenu::setDefault() — Method in class AbstractMenu
Set the default item by id and language code.
AbstractMenu::setActive() — Method in class AbstractMenu
Set the default item by id
MenuItem::setParams() — Method in class MenuItem
Sets the menu item parameters
MenuItem::set() — Method in class MenuItem
Modifies a property of the object, creating it if it does not already exist.
Node::setActive() — Method in class Node
Set the active state on or off
Node::setParams() — Method in class Node
set the params array
SeparatorClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Menu\Node
A Separator type of node for MenuTree
SiteMenuClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Menu
Menu class
Tree::setCurrent() — Method in class Tree
Get the current node
Microdata::setType() — Method in class Microdata
Set a new http://schema.org Type
Microdata::sanitizeType() — Method in class Microdata
Return the sanitized $Type
Microdata::sanitizeProperty() — Method in class Microdata
Return the sanitized $Property
CMSObject::set() — Method in class CMSObject
Modifies a property of the object, creating it if it does not already exist.
CMSObject::setProperties() — Method in class CMSObject
Set the object properties based on a named array/hash.
CMSObject::setError() — Method in class CMSObject
Add an error message.
Pagination::setAdditionalUrlParam() — Method in class Pagination
Method to set an additional URL parameter to be added to all pagination class generated links.
Pagination::set() — Method in class Pagination
Modifies a property of the object, creating it if it does not already exist.
Pathway::setPathway() — Method in class Pathway
Set the Pathway items array.
Pathway::setItemName() — Method in class Pathway
Set item name.
SitePathwayClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Pathway
Class to manage the site application pathway.
Profiler::setStart() — Method in class Profiler
Sets the start time.
$JsonResponseProperty in class JsonResponse
Determines whether the request was successful
Router::setMode() — Method in class Router
Set the router mode
Router::setVar() — Method in class Router
Set a router variable, creating it if it doesn't exist
Router::setVars() — Method in class Router
Set the router variable array
SiteRouterClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Router
Class to create and parse routes for the site application
SiteRouter::setComponentRouter() — Method in class SiteRouter
Set a router for a component
SqlsrvChangeItemClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Schema\ChangeItem
Checks the database schema against one SQL Server DDL query to see if it has been run.
SessionClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Session
Class for managing HTTP sessions
Session::set() — Method in class Session
Set data into the session store.
Session::start() — Method in class Session
Start a session.
Session::setHandler() — Method in class Session
Set the session handler
Category::store() — Method in class Category
Overridden Table::store to set created/modified and user id.
Content::store() — Method in class Content
Overrides Table::store to set modified data and user id.
ContentHistory::store() — Method in class ContentHistory
Overrides Table::store to set modified hash, user id, and save date.
ContentType::store() — Method in class ContentType
Overridden Table::store.
CoreContent::store() — Method in class CoreContent
Overrides Table::store to set modified data and user id.
Language::store() — Method in class Language
Overrides Table::store to check unique fields.
Menu::store() — Method in class Menu
Overloaded store function
MenuType::store() — Method in class MenuType
Method to store a row in the database from the Table instance properties.
Module::store() — Method in class Module
Stores a module.
Nested::setLocation() — Method in class Nested
Method to set the location of a node in the tree object. This method does not save the new location to the database, but will set it in the object so that when the node is stored it will be stored in the new location.
Nested::store() — Method in class Nested
Method to store a node in the database table.
Nested::saveorder() — Method in class Nested
Method to update order of table rows
Tags::setNewTags() — Method in class Tags
Sets the new tags to be added or to replace existing tags
Table::setDbo() — Method in class Table
Method to set the \JDatabaseDriver object.
Table::setRules() — Method in class Table
Method to set rules for the record.
Table::store() — Method in class Table
Method to store a row in the database from the Table instance properties.
Table::save() — Method in class Table
Method to provide a shortcut to binding, checking and storing a Table instance to the database table.
Table::setColumnAlias() — Method in class Table
Method to register a column alias for a "special" column.
TableInterface::store() — Method in class TableInterface
Method to store a row in the database from the TableInterface instance properties.
User::store() — Method in class User
Method to store a row in the database from the Table instance properties.
User::setLastVisit() — Method in class User
Updates last visit time of user
Usergroup::store() — Method in class Usergroup
Inserts a new row if id is zero or updates an existing row in the database table
SeparatorButtonClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Toolbar\Button
Renders a button separator
SliderButtonClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Toolbar\Button
Renders a button to render an HTML element in a slider container
StandardButtonClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Toolbar\Button
Renders a standard button
ToolbarHelper::spacer() — Method in class ToolbarHelper
Writes a spacer cell.
ToolbarHelper::save() — Method in class ToolbarHelper
Writes a save button for a given option.
ToolbarHelper::save2new() — Method in class ToolbarHelper
Writes a save and create new button for a given option.
ToolbarHelper::save2copy() — Method in class ToolbarHelper
Writes a save as copy button for a given option.
UCMContent::save() — Method in class UCMContent
Method to save the data
Uri::setPath() — Method in class Uri
Set the URI path string. Note we keep this method here so it uses the old _cleanPath function
$UserProperty in class User
Should this user receive system email
User::setParam() — Method in class User
Method to set a parameter
User::setLastVisit() — Method in class User
Pass through method to the table for setting the last visit date
User::setParameters() — Method in class User
Method to get the user parameters
User::save() — Method in class User
Method to save the User object to the database
UserHelper::setUserGroups() — Method in class UserHelper
Method to set the groups for a user.
UserWrapper::setUserGroups() — Method in class UserWrapper
Helper wrapper method for setUserGroups
BufferStreamHandler::stream_register() — Method in class BufferStreamHandler
Function to register the stream wrapper
BufferStreamHandler::stream_open() — Method in class BufferStreamHandler
Function to open file or url
BufferStreamHandler::stream_read() — Method in class BufferStreamHandler
Read stream
BufferStreamHandler::stream_write() — Method in class BufferStreamHandler
Write stream
BufferStreamHandler::stream_tell() — Method in class BufferStreamHandler
Function to get the current position of the stream
BufferStreamHandler::stream_eof() — Method in class BufferStreamHandler
Function to test for end of file pointer
BufferStreamHandler::stream_seek() — Method in class BufferStreamHandler
The read write position updates in response to $offset and $whence
Version::setMediaVersion() — Method in class Version
Sets the media version which is used to append to Joomla core media files.


JArrayHelper::toInteger() — Method in class JArrayHelper
Function to convert array to integer values
JArrayHelper::toObject() — Method in class JArrayHelper
Utility function to map an array to a stdClass object.
JArrayHelper::toString() — Method in class JArrayHelper
Utility function to map an array to a string.
JDatabase::test() — Method in class JDatabase
Test to see if the connector is available.
JDatabaseDriver::transactionCommit() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Method to commit a transaction.
JDatabaseDriver::transactionRollback() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Method to roll back a transaction.
JDatabaseDriver::transactionStart() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Method to initialize a transaction.
JDatabaseDriver::truncateTable() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Method to truncate a table.
JDatabaseDriverMysqli::transactionCommit() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverMysqli
Method to commit a transaction.
JDatabaseDriverMysqli::transactionRollback() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverMysqli
Method to roll back a transaction.
JDatabaseDriverMysqli::transactionStart() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverMysqli
Method to initialize a transaction.
JDatabaseDriverOracle::transactionCommit() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverOracle
Method to commit a transaction.
JDatabaseDriverOracle::transactionRollback() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverOracle
Method to roll back a transaction.
JDatabaseDriverOracle::transactionStart() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverOracle
Method to initialize a transaction.
JDatabaseDriverPdo::transactionCommit() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPdo
Method to commit a transaction.
JDatabaseDriverPdo::transactionRollback() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPdo
Method to roll back a transaction.
JDatabaseDriverPdo::transactionStart() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPdo
Method to initialize a transaction.
JDatabaseDriverPdomysql::transactionCommit() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPdomysql
Method to commit a transaction.
JDatabaseDriverPdomysql::transactionRollback() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPdomysql
Method to roll back a transaction.
JDatabaseDriverPdomysql::transactionStart() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPdomysql
Method to initialize a transaction.
JDatabaseDriverPgsql::transactionCommit() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPgsql
Method to commit a transaction.
JDatabaseDriverPgsql::transactionRollback() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPgsql
Method to roll back a transaction.
JDatabaseDriverPgsql::transactionStart() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPgsql
Method to initialize a transaction.
JDatabaseDriverPostgresql::test() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPostgresql
Test to see if the PostgreSQL connector is available
JDatabaseDriverPostgresql::transactionCommit() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPostgresql
Method to commit a transaction.
JDatabaseDriverPostgresql::transactionRollback() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPostgresql
Method to roll back a transaction.
JDatabaseDriverPostgresql::transactionStart() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPostgresql
Method to initialize a transaction.
JDatabaseDriverPostgresql::transactionSavepoint() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPostgresql
Method to create a savepoint.
JDatabaseDriverSqlite::transactionCommit() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlite
Method to commit a transaction.
JDatabaseDriverSqlite::transactionRollback() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlite
Method to roll back a transaction.
JDatabaseDriverSqlite::transactionStart() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlite
Method to initialize a transaction.
JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv::transactionCommit() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv
Method to commit a transaction.
JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv::transactionRollback() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv
Method to roll back a transaction.
JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv::transactionStart() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv
Method to initialize a transaction.
JError::throwError() — Method in class JError
Throw an error
JError::translateErrorLevel() — Method in class JError
Translate an error level integer to a human readable string e.g. E_ERROR will be translated to 'Error'
JEventDispatcher::trigger() — Method in class JEventDispatcher
Triggers an event by dispatching arguments to all observers that handle the event and returning their return values.
JException::toString() — Method in class JException
Returns to error message
$JFormFieldCategoryProperty in class JFormFieldCategory
The form field type.
$JFormFieldSQLProperty in class JFormFieldSQL
The form field type.
JGithubHooks::test() — Method in class JGithubHooks
Method to test a hook against the latest repository commit
JGithubPackageRepositoriesHooks::test() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositoriesHooks
Method to test a hook against the latest repository commit
JGrid::toString() — Method in class JGrid
Render the HTML table
JHtmlActionsDropdown::trash() — Method in class JHtmlActionsDropdown
Append a trash item to the current dropdown menu
JHtmlBatch::tag() — Method in class JHtmlBatch
Display a batch widget for the tag selector.
JHtmlBehavior::tooltip() — Method in class JHtmlBehavior
Add unobtrusive JavaScript support for a hover tooltips.
JHtmlBehavior::tree() — Method in class JHtmlBehavior
Add unobtrusive javascript support for a collapsible tree.
JHtmlBehavior::tabstate() — Method in class JHtmlBehavior
Add unobtrusive JavaScript support to keep a tab state.
JHtmlBootstrap::tooltip() — Method in class JHtmlBootstrap
Add javascript support for Bootstrap tooltips
JHtmlBootstrap::tooltipExtended() — Method in class JHtmlBootstrap
Loads js and css files needed by Bootstrap Tooltip Extended plugin
JHtmlBootstrap::typeahead() — Method in class JHtmlBootstrap
Add javascript support for Bootstrap typeahead
JHtmlDropdown::trash() — Method in class JHtmlDropdown
Append a trash item to the current dropdown menu
JHtmlForm::token() — Method in class JHtmlForm
Displays a hidden token field to reduce the risk of CSRF exploits
JHtmlJquery::token() — Method in class JHtmlJquery
Auto set CSRF token to ajaxSetup so all jQuery ajax call will contains CSRF token.
JHtmlMenu::treerecurse() — Method in class JHtmlMenu
Build the list representing the menu tree
JHtmlString::truncate() — Method in class JHtmlString
Truncates text blocks over the specified character limit and closes all open HTML tags. The method will optionally not truncate an individual word, it will find the first space that is within the limit and truncate at that point. This method is UTF-8 safe.
JHtmlString::truncateComplex() — Method in class JHtmlString
Method to extend the truncate method to more complex situations
JHtmlTag::tags() — Method in class JHtmlTag
Returns an array of tags.
JHtmlTel::tel() — Method in class JHtmlTel
Converts strings of integers into more readable telephone format
JOAuth1Client::toUrl() — Method in class JOAuth1Client
Method to create the URL formed string with the parameters.
JResponse::toString() — Method in class JResponse
Sends all headers prior to returning the string
JSessionStorage::test() — Method in class JSessionStorage
Test to see if the SessionHandler is available.
JStringWrapperNormalise::toCamelCase() — Method in class JStringWrapperNormalise
Helper wrapper method for toCamelCase
JStringWrapperNormalise::toDashSeparated() — Method in class JStringWrapperNormalise
Helper wrapper method for toDashSeparated
JStringWrapperNormalise::toSpaceSeparated() — Method in class JStringWrapperNormalise
Helper wrapper method for toSpaceSeparated
JStringWrapperNormalise::toUnderscoreSeparated() — Method in class JStringWrapperNormalise
Helper wrapper method for toUnderscoreSeparated
JStringWrapperNormalise::toVariable() — Method in class JStringWrapperNormalise
Helper wrapper method for toVariable
JStringWrapperNormalise::toKey() — Method in class JStringWrapperNormalise
Helper wrapper method for toKey
JStringWrapperPunycode::toPunycode() — Method in class JStringWrapperPunycode
Helper wrapper method for toPunycode
JTwitterStatuses::tweet() — Method in class JTwitterStatuses
Method to post a tweet.
JTwitterStatuses::tweetWithMedia() — Method in class JTwitterStatuses
Method to post a tweet with media.
BaseApplication::triggerEvent() — Method in class BaseApplication
Calls all handlers associated with an event group.
CMSApplication::toString() — Method in class CMSApplication
Sends all headers prior to returning the string
$AuthenticationResponseProperty in class AuthenticationResponse
The type of authentication that was successful
$AuthenticationResponseProperty in class AuthenticationResponse
ASCII string from TimeZone database
CacheStorage::test() — Method in class CacheStorage
Test to see if the storage handler is available.
$CategoryNodeProperty in class CategoryNode
The menu title for the category (a short name)
TripleDesCipherClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Crypt\Cipher
JCrypt cipher for Triple DES encryption, decryption and key generation.
Crypt::timingSafeCompare() — Method in class Crypt
A timing safe comparison method.
Date::toISO8601() — Method in class Date
Gets the date as an ISO 8601 string. IETF RFC 3339 defines the ISO 8601 format and it can be found at the IETF Web site.
Date::toSql() — Method in class Date
Gets the date as an SQL datetime string.
Date::toRFC822() — Method in class Date
Gets the date as an RFC 822 string. IETF RFC 2822 supercedes RFC 822 and its definition can be found at the IETF Web site.
Date::toUnix() — Method in class Date
Gets the date as UNIX time stamp.
$DocumentProperty in class Document
Document title
$ErrorDocumentProperty in class ErrorDocument
Name of the template
$FeedDocumentProperty in class FeedDocument
TTL feed attribute
$FeedEnclosureProperty in class FeedEnclosure
Type enclosure element
$FeedImageProperty in class FeedImage
Title image attribute
$FeedItemProperty in class FeedItem
Title item element
$HtmlDocumentProperty in class HtmlDocument
Name of the template
$OpensearchImageProperty in class OpensearchImage
The images MIME type
$OpensearchUrlProperty in class OpensearchUrl
Type item element
$OpensearchUrlProperty in class OpensearchUrl
Template item element. Has to contain the {searchTerms} parameter to work.
$FeedProperty in class Feed
string$titleA human readable title for the feed.
$FeedEntryProperty in class FeedEntry
string$titleA human readable title for the feed entry.
$FeedLinkProperty in class FeedLink
The resource type.
$FeedLinkProperty in class FeedLink
The title of the resource.
$FeedPersonProperty in class FeedPerson
The type of person.
Stream::tell() — Method in class Stream
Returns the current position of the file read/write pointer.
$AuthorFieldProperty in class AuthorField
The form field type.
$ChromestyleFieldProperty in class ChromestyleField
The form field type.
$ContenthistoryFieldProperty in class ContenthistoryField
The form field type.
$ContentlanguageFieldProperty in class ContentlanguageField
The form field type.
$ContenttypeFieldProperty in class ContenttypeField
A flexible tag list that respects access controls
$EditorFieldProperty in class EditorField
The form field type.
$FrontendlanguageFieldProperty in class FrontendlanguageField
The form field type.
$HelpsiteFieldProperty in class HelpsiteField
The form field type.
$LimitboxFieldProperty in class LimitboxField
The form field type.
$MenuFieldProperty in class MenuField
The form field type.
$MenuitemFieldProperty in class MenuitemField
The form field type.
$PluginstatusFieldProperty in class PluginstatusField
The form field type.
$RedirectStatusFieldProperty in class RedirectStatusField
The form field type.
$StatusFieldProperty in class StatusField
The form field type.
TagFieldClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form\Field
List of Tags field.
$TagFieldProperty in class TagField
A flexible tag list that respects access controls
TemplatestyleFieldClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form\Field
Supports a select grouped list of template styles
$TemplatestyleFieldProperty in class TemplatestyleField
The form field type.
$UserFieldProperty in class UserField
The form field type.
FormRule::test() — Method in class FormRule
Method to test the value.
CalendarRule::test() — Method in class CalendarRule
Method to test the calendar value for a valid parts.
CaptchaRule::test() — Method in class CaptchaRule
Method to test if the Captcha is correct.
ColorRule::test() — Method in class ColorRule
Method to test for a valid color in hexadecimal.
EmailRule::test() — Method in class EmailRule
Method to test the email address and optionally check for uniqueness.
EqualsRule::test() — Method in class EqualsRule
Method to test if two values are equal. To use this rule, the form XML needs a validate attribute of equals and a field attribute that is equal to the field to test against.
ExistsRule::test() — Method in class ExistsRule
Method to test the username for uniqueness.
NotequalsRule::test() — Method in class NotequalsRule
Method to test if two values are not equal. To use this rule, the form XML needs a validate attribute of equals and a field attribute that is equal to the field to test against.
NumberRule::test() — Method in class NumberRule
Method to test the range for a number value using min and max attributes.
OptionsRule::test() — Method in class OptionsRule
Method to test the value.
PasswordRule::test() — Method in class PasswordRule
Method to test if two values are not equal. To use this rule, the form XML needs a validate attribute of equals and a field attribute that is equal to the field to test against.
RulesRule::test() — Method in class RulesRule
Method to test the value.
TelRuleClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form\Rule
Form Rule class for the Joomla Platform
TelRule::test() — Method in class TelRule
Method to test the url for a valid parts.
UrlRule::test() — Method in class UrlRule
Method to test an external or internal url for all valid parts.
UsernameRule::test() — Method in class UsernameRule
Method to test the username for uniqueness.
HTMLHelper::tooltip() — Method in class HTMLHelper
Creates a tooltip with an image as button
HTMLHelper::tooltipText() — Method in class HTMLHelper
Converts a double colon separated string or 2 separate strings to a string ready for bootstrap tooltips
$ContentHistoryHelperProperty in class ContentHistoryHelper
Alias for storing type in versions table
MediaHelper::toBytes() — Method in class MediaHelper
Small helper function that properly converts any configuration options to their byte representation.
TagsHelperClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Helper
Tags helper class, provides methods to perform various tasks relevant tagging of content.
$TagsHelperProperty in class TagsHelper
Alias for querying mapping and content type table.
TagsHelper::tagDeleteInstances() — Method in class TagsHelper
Method to delete all instances of a tag from the mapping table. Generally used when a tag is deleted.
TagsHelper::tagItem() — Method in class TagsHelper
Method to add or update tags associated with an item.
UserGroupsHelper::total() — Method in class UserGroupsHelper
Get total available user groups in database.
Http::trace() — Method in class Http
Method to send the TRACE command to the server.
TransportInterfaceClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Http
HTTP transport class interface.
TemplateAdapterClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Installer\Adapter
Template installer
$InstallerExtensionProperty in class InstallerExtension
Type of the extension
Language::transliterate() — Method in class Language
Transliterate function
TextClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Language
Text handling class.
TransliterateClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Language
Class to transliterate strings
TransliterateWrapperClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Language\Wrapper
Wrapper class for Transliterate
$AdminModelProperty in class AdminModel
The type alias for this content type (for example, 'com_content.article').
$MenuItemProperty in class MenuItem
The display title of the menu item
$MenuItemProperty in class MenuItem
The type of link
$MenuItemProperty in class MenuItem
The optional template style applied to this menu item
$MenuItemProperty in class MenuItem
The tree of parent menu items
TreeClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Menu
Menu Tree class to represent a menu tree hierarchy
$PaginationProperty in class Pagination
$PaginationObjectProperty in class PaginationObject
PunycodeHelper::toPunycode() — Method in class PunycodeHelper
Transforms a UTF-8 string to a Punycode string
$AssetProperty in class Asset
The human readable title of the asset.
TagsClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Table\Observer
Abstract class defining methods that can be implemented by an Observer class of a Table class (which is an Observable).
TableClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Table
Abstract Table class
TableInterfaceClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Table
Table class interface.
ToolbarClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Toolbar
ToolBar handler
ToolbarButtonClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Toolbar
Button base class
ToolbarHelperClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Toolbar
Utility class for the button bar.
ToolbarHelper::title() — Method in class ToolbarHelper
Title cell.
ToolbarHelper::trash() — Method in class ToolbarHelper
Writes a common 'trash' button for a list of records.
$UCMTypeProperty in class UCMType
The UCM Type
$DownloadSourceProperty in class DownloadSource
The download type


JControllerBase::unserialize() — Method in class JControllerBase
Unserialize the controller.
JDatabaseDriver::updateObject() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Updates a row in a table based on an object's properties.
JDatabaseDriver::unlockTables() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Unlocks tables in the database.
JDatabaseDriverMysqli::unlockTables() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverMysqli
Unlocks tables in the database.
JDatabaseDriverOracle::unlockTables() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverOracle
Unlocks tables in the database.
JDatabaseDriverPdomysql::unlockTables() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPdomysql
Unlocks tables in the database.
JDatabaseDriverPgsql::unlockTables() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPgsql
Unlocks tables in the database, this command does not exist in PostgreSQL, it is automatically done on commit or rollback.
JDatabaseDriverPgsql::updateObject() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPgsql
Updates a row in a table based on an object's properties.
JDatabaseDriverPostgresql::unlockTables() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPostgresql
Unlocks tables in the database, this command does not exist in PostgreSQL, it is automatically done on commit or rollback.
JDatabaseDriverPostgresql::updateObject() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPostgresql
Updates a row in a table based on an object's properties.
JDatabaseDriverSqlite::unlockTables() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlite
Unlocks tables in the database.
JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv::unlockTables() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv
Unlocks tables in the database.
JDatabaseQuery::update() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Add a table name to the UPDATE clause of the query.
JDatabaseQuery::union() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Add a query to UNION with the current query.
JDatabaseQuery::unionDistinct() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Add a query to UNION DISTINCT with the current query. Simply a proxy to union with the DISTINCT keyword.
JDatabaseQuery::unionAll() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Add a query to UNION ALL with the current query.
JEvent::update() — Method in class JEvent
Method to trigger events.
JFacebookPhoto::updateTag() — Method in class JFacebookPhoto
Method to update the position of the tag for a particular Users in a photo.
JFacebookUser::updateNotification() — Method in class JFacebookUser
Method to mark a notification as read. Requires authentication and manage_notifications permission.
JGithubPackageActivityStarring::unstar() — Method in class JGithubPackageActivityStarring
Unstar a repository.
JGithubPackageActivityWatching::unwatch() — Method in class JGithubPackageActivityWatching
Stop watching a repository (LEGACY).
JGithubPackageGists::unstar() — Method in class JGithubPackageGists
Method to star a gist.
JGithubPackageIssuesLabels::update() — Method in class JGithubPackageIssuesLabels
Method to update a label on a repo.
JGithubPackageRepositoriesDownloads::upload() — Method in class JGithubPackageRepositoriesDownloads
Create a new download (Part 2: Upload file to s3).
JGithubPackageSearch::users() — Method in class JGithubPackageSearch
Search users.
JGithubPackageUsers::updateUser() — Method in class JGithubPackageUsers
Update a user.
JGithubPackageUsersFollowers::unfollow() — Method in class JGithubPackageUsersFollowers
Unfollow a user.
JGoogleDataPicasaAlbum::upload() — Method in class JGoogleDataPicasaAlbum
Add photo
JGoogleEmbedAnalytics::useAsync() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedAnalytics
Load javascript asynchronously
JGoogleEmbedAnalytics::useSync() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedAnalytics
Load javascript synchronously
JGoogleEmbedMaps::useAsync() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedMaps
Load javascript asynchronously
JGoogleEmbedMaps::useSync() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedMaps
Load javascript synchronously
JGoogleEmbedMaps::useSensor() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedMaps
Require access to sensor data
JHtmlAccess::usergroup() — Method in class JHtmlAccess
Displays a list of the available user groups.
JHtmlAccess::usergroups() — Method in class JHtmlAccess
Returns a UL list of user groups with checkboxes
JHtmlActionsDropdown::unpublish() — Method in class JHtmlActionsDropdown
Append an unpublish item to the current dropdown menu
JHtmlActionsDropdown::unfeature() — Method in class JHtmlActionsDropdown
Append an unfeature item to the current dropdown menu
JHtmlActionsDropdown::unarchive() — Method in class JHtmlActionsDropdown
Append an unarchive item to the current dropdown menu
JHtmlActionsDropdown::untrash() — Method in class JHtmlActionsDropdown
Append an untrash item to the current dropdown menu
JHtmlBatch::user() — Method in class JHtmlBatch
Display a batch widget for the user selector.
JHtmlDropdown::unpublish() — Method in class JHtmlDropdown
Append an unpublish item to the current dropdown menu
JHtmlDropdown::unfeatured() — Method in class JHtmlDropdown
Append an unfeatured item to the current dropdown menu
JHtmlDropdown::unarchive() — Method in class JHtmlDropdown
Append an unarchive item to the current dropdown menu
JHtmlDropdown::untrash() — Method in class JHtmlDropdown
Append an untrash item to the current dropdown menu
JHtmlJquery::ui() — Method in class JHtmlJquery
Method to load the jQuery UI JavaScript framework into the document head
JHtmlList::users() — Method in class JHtmlList
Select list of active users
JHtmlUser::userlist() — Method in class JHtmlUser
Get a list of users.
JLinkedinCompanies::unfollow() — Method in class JLinkedinCompanies
Method to unfollow a company.
JLinkedinGroups::unlikePost() — Method in class JLinkedinGroups
Method used to unlike a post.
JLinkedinGroups::unfollowPost() — Method in class JLinkedinGroups
Method used to unfollow a post.
JLinkedinStream::unlike() — Method in class JLinkedinStream
Method used to unlike an update.
JMediawikiPages::undeletePage() — Method in class JMediawikiPages
Method to restore certain revisions of a deleted page.
JMediawikiUsers::unBlockUserByName() — Method in class JMediawikiUsers
Method to unblock a user.
JMediawikiUsers::unBlockUserById() — Method in class JMediawikiUsers
Method to unblock a user.
JObserver::update() — Method in class JObserver
Method to update the state of observable objects
JObserverUpdater::update() — Method in class JObserverUpdater
Call all observers for $event with $params
JObserverUpdaterInterface::update() — Method in class JObserverUpdaterInterface
Call all observers for $event with $params
JOpenstreetmapChangesets::updateChangeset() — Method in class JOpenstreetmapChangesets
Method to update a changeset
JOpenstreetmapElements::updateElement() — Method in class JOpenstreetmapElements
Method to update an Element [node|way|relation]
JOpenstreetmapGps::uploadTrace() — Method in class JOpenstreetmapGps
Method to upload GPS Traces
JStringWrapperPunycode::urlToPunycode() — Method in class JStringWrapperPunycode
Helper wrapper method for urlToPunycode
JStringWrapperPunycode::urlToUTF8() — Method in class JStringWrapperPunycode
Helper wrapper method for urlToUTF8
JTableSession::update() — Method in class JTableSession
Updates the session
JTwitterBlock::unblock() — Method in class JTwitterBlock
Method to unblock the specified user from following the authenticating user.
JTwitterFriends::unfollow() — Method in class JTwitterFriends
Allows the authenticating users to unfollow the user specified in the ID parameter.
JTwitterFriends::updateFriendship() — Method in class JTwitterFriends
Allows one to enable or disable retweets and device notifications from the specified user.
JTwitterLists::unsubscribe() — Method in class JTwitterLists
Method to unsubscribe the authenticated user from the specified list.
JTwitterLists::update() — Method in class JTwitterLists
Method to update the specified list
JTwitterProfile::updateProfile() — Method in class JTwitterProfile
Method to et values that users are able to set under the "Account" tab of their settings page.
JTwitterProfile::updateProfileBackgroundImage() — Method in class JTwitterProfile
Method to update the authenticating user's profile background image. This method can also be used to enable or disable the profile background image.
JTwitterProfile::updateProfileImage() — Method in class JTwitterProfile
Method to update the authenticating user's profile image.
JTwitterProfile::updateProfileColors() — Method in class JTwitterProfile
Method to set one or more hex values that control the color scheme of the authenticating user's profile page on twitter.com.
JTwitterProfile::updateSettings() — Method in class JTwitterProfile
Method to update the authenticating user's settings.
$AuthenticationResponseProperty in class AuthenticationResponse
Any UTF-8 string that the End User wants to use as a username.
Cache::unlock() — Method in class Cache
Unset lock flag on cached item
CacheStorage::unlock() — Method in class CacheStorage
Unlock cached item
UnsupportedCacheExceptionClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Cache\Exception
Exception class defining an unsupported cache storage object
ApcStorage::unlock() — Method in class ApcStorage
Unlock cached item
ApcuStorage::unlock() — Method in class ApcuStorage
Unlock cached item
CacheStorageHelper::updateSize() — Method in class CacheStorageHelper
Increase cache items count.
FileStorage::unlock() — Method in class FileStorage
Unlock cached item
MemcacheStorage::unlock() — Method in class MemcacheStorage
Unlock cached item
MemcachedStorage::unlock() — Method in class MemcachedStorage
Unlock cached item
$FeedEnclosureProperty in class FeedEnclosure
URL enclosure element
$FeedImageProperty in class FeedImage
URL image attribute
$FeedProperty in class Feed
Date$updatedDateThe last time the content of the feed changed.
$FeedProperty in class Feed
string$uriUniversal, permanent identifier for the feed.
$FeedEntryProperty in class FeedEntry
Date$updatedDateThe last time the content of the feed entry changed.
$FeedEntryProperty in class FeedEntry
string$uriUniversal, permanent identifier for the feed entry.
$FeedLinkProperty in class FeedLink
The URI to the linked resource.
$FeedPersonProperty in class FeedPerson
The URI for the person.
File::upload() — Method in class File
Moves an uploaded file to a destination folder
Stream::upload() — Method in class Stream
Upload a file
StreamString::url_stat() — Method in class StreamString
Method to retrieve information about a file.
FileWrapper::upload() — Method in class FileWrapper
Helper wrapper method for upload
UserFieldClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form\Field
Field to select a user ID from a modal list.
UseractiveFieldClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form\Field
Field to show a list of available user active statuses
UsergrouplistFieldClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form\Field
Field to load a dropdown list of available user groups
UserstateFieldClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form\Field
Field to load a list of available users statuses
UrlRuleClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form\Rule
Form Rule class for the Joomla Platform.
UsernameRuleClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Form\Rule
Form Rule class for the Joomla Platform.
HTMLHelper::unregister() — Method in class HTMLHelper
Removes a key for a method from registry.
TagsHelper::unTagItem() — Method in class TagsHelper
Method to untag an item
UserGroupsHelperClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Helper
Helper to deal with user groups.
Cli::unserialize() — Method in class Cli
Method to unserialize the input.
Input::unserialize() — Method in class Input
Method to unserialize the input.
ComponentAdapter::uninstall() — Method in class ComponentAdapter
Custom uninstall method for components
FileAdapter::uninstall() — Method in class FileAdapter
Custom uninstall method
LanguageAdapter::update() — Method in class LanguageAdapter
Custom update method
LanguageAdapter::uninstall() — Method in class LanguageAdapter
Custom uninstall method
LibraryAdapter::update() — Method in class LibraryAdapter
Custom update method
LibraryAdapter::uninstall() — Method in class LibraryAdapter
Custom uninstall method
ModuleAdapter::uninstall() — Method in class ModuleAdapter
Custom uninstall method
PackageAdapter::uninstall() — Method in class PackageAdapter
Custom uninstall method
PluginAdapter::uninstall() — Method in class PluginAdapter
Custom uninstall method
TemplateAdapter::uninstall() — Method in class TemplateAdapter
Custom uninstall method
Installer::update() — Method in class Installer
Package update method
Installer::uninstall() — Method in class Installer
Package uninstallation method
InstallerAdapter::update() — Method in class InstallerAdapter
Generic update method for extensions
InstallerHelper::unpack() — Method in class InstallerHelper
Unpacks a file and verifies it as a Joomla element package Supports .gz .tar .tar.gz and .zip
$ManifestProperty in class Manifest
Update site for the extension
$PackageManifestProperty in class PackageManifest
Website for the package
Transliterate::utf8_latin_to_ascii() — Method in class Transliterate
Returns strings transliterated from UTF-8 to Latin
TransliterateWrapper::utf8_latin_to_ascii() — Method in class TransliterateWrapper
Helper wrapper method for utf8latinto_ascii
BaseController::unregisterTask() — Method in class BaseController
Unregister (unmap) a task in the class.
Mail::useSendmail() — Method in class Mail
Use sendmail for sending the email
Mail::useSmtp() — Method in class Mail
Use SMTP for sending the email
UrlClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Menu\Node
An external Url type of node for MenuTree
$ChangeItemProperty in class ChangeItem
Update query: query used to change the db schema (one line from the file)
UnsupportedStorageExceptionClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Session\Exception
Exception class defining an unsupported session storage object
PunycodeHelper::urlToPunycode() — Method in class PunycodeHelper
Transforms a UTF-8 URL to a Punycode URL
PunycodeHelper::urlToUTF8() — Method in class PunycodeHelper
Transforms a Punycode URL to a UTF-8 URL
UcmClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Table
UCM map table
UpdateClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Table
Update table Stores updates temporarily
UpdateSiteClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Table
Update site table Stores the update sites for extensions
UserClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Table
Users table
UsergroupClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Table
Usergroup table class.
ToolbarHelper::unpublish() — Method in class ToolbarHelper
Writes a common 'unpublish' button.
ToolbarHelper::unpublishList() — Method in class ToolbarHelper
Writes a common 'unpublish' button for a list of records.
ToolbarHelper::unarchiveList() — Method in class ToolbarHelper
Writes an unarchive button for a list of records.
UCMClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\UCM
Interface to handle UCM
UCMBaseClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\UCM
Base class for implementing UCM
UCMContentClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\UCM
Base class for implementing UCM
$UCMContentProperty in class UCMContent
The UCM data array
UCMTypeClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\UCM
UCM Class for handling content types
$DownloadSourceProperty in class DownloadSource
The URL to retrieve the package from
UpdateClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Updater
Update class. It is used by Updater::update() to install an update. Use Updater::findUpdates() to find updates for an extension.
UpdateAdapterClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Updater
UpdateAdapter class.
UpdaterClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Updater
Updater Class
Updater::update() — Method in class Updater
Finds an update for an extension
UriClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Uri
JUri Class
UserClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\User
User class. Handles all application interaction with a user
$UserProperty in class User
The login name
UserHelperClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\User
Authorisation helper class, provides static methods to perform various tasks relevant to the Joomla user and authorisation classes
UserWrapperClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\User
Wrapper class for UserHelper
UtilityClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Utility
JUtility is a utility functions class


JDatabaseIterator::valid() — Method in class JDatabaseIterator
Checks if the current position of the iterator is valid.
JDatabaseQuery::values() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Adds a tuple, or array of tuples that would be used as values for an INSERT INTO statement.
JGithubPackageActivityNotifications::viewThread() — Method in class JGithubPackageActivityNotifications
View a single thread.
JLinkedinOauth::verifyCredentials() — Method in class JLinkedinOauth
Method to verify if the access token is valid by making a request to an API endpoint.
JLinkedinOauth::validateResponse() — Method in class JLinkedinOauth
Method to validate a response.
JMediawikiObject::validateResponse() — Method in class JMediawikiObject
Method to validate response for errors
JOAuth1Client::validateResponse() — Method in class JOAuth1Client
Method to validate a response.
JOAuth1Client::verifyCredentials() — Method in class JOAuth1Client
Returns an HTTP 200 OK response code and a representation of the requesting user if authentication was successful; returns a 401 status code and an error message if not.
JOpenstreetmapElements::versionOfElement() — Method in class JOpenstreetmapElements
Method to get details about a version of an element [node|way|relation]
JOpenstreetmapOauth::verifyCredentials() — Method in class JOpenstreetmapOauth
Method to verify if the access token is valid by making a request to an API endpoint.
JOpenstreetmapOauth::validateResponse() — Method in class JOpenstreetmapOauth
Method to validate a response.
JTwitterOAuth::verifyCredentials() — Method in class JTwitterOAuth
Method to verify if the access token is valid by making a request.
JTwitterOAuth::validateResponse() — Method in class JTwitterOAuth
Method to validate a response.
ViewControllerClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Cache\Controller
Joomla! Cache view type object
CryptPassword::verify() — Method in class CryptPassword
Verifies a password hash
SimpleCryptPassword::verify() — Method in class SimpleCryptPassword
Verifies a password hash
Form::validate() — Method in class Form
Method to validate form data.
$ManifestProperty in class Manifest
Version of the extension
FormModel::validate() — Method in class FormModel
Method to validate the form data.
ViewLevelClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Table
Viewlevels table class.
ToolbarHelper::versions() — Method in class ToolbarHelper
Writes a version history
UserHelper::verifyPassword() — Method in class UserHelper
Formats a password using the current encryption. If the user ID is given and the hash does not fit the current hashing algorithm, it automatically updates the hash.
UserWrapper::verifyPassword() — Method in class UserWrapper
Helper wrapper method for verifyPassword
VersionClass in namespace Joomla\CMS
Version information class for the Joomla CMS.


JDatabaseExporter::withStructure() — Method in class JDatabaseExporter
Sets an internal option to export the structure of the input table(s).
JDatabaseImporter::withStructure() — Method in class JDatabaseImporter
Sets an internal option to merge the structure based on the input data.
JDatabaseQuery::where() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Add a single condition, or an array of conditions to the WHERE clause of the query.
JGithubPackageActivityWatching::watch() — Method in class JGithubPackageActivityWatching
Watch a repository (LEGACY).
JOpenstreetmapElements::waysForNode() — Method in class JOpenstreetmapElements
Method to get ways for a Node element
JSessionStorage::write() — Method in class JSessionStorage
Write session data to the SessionHandler backend.
JSessionStorageApc::write() — Method in class JSessionStorageApc
Write session data to the SessionHandler backend.
JSessionStorageApcu::write() — Method in class JSessionStorageApcu
Write session data to the SessionHandler backend.
JSessionStorageDatabase::write() — Method in class JSessionStorageDatabase
Write session data to the SessionHandler backend.
JSessionStorageXcache::write() — Method in class JSessionStorageXcache
Write session data to the SessionHandler backend.
WebApplicationClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Application
Base class for a Joomla! Web application.
WincacheStorageClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Cache\Storage
WinCache cache storage handler
FtpClient::write() — Method in class FtpClient
Method to write a string to the FTP server
$FeedDocumentProperty in class FeedDocument
Webmaster email feed element
$FeedImageProperty in class FeedImage
Width image attribute
$OpensearchImageProperty in class OpensearchImage
The image's width
File::write() — Method in class File
Write contents to a file
Stream::write() — Method in class Stream
File write
Stream::writeFile() — Method in class Stream
Writes a chunk of data to a file.
FileWrapper::write() — Method in class FileWrapper
Helper wrapper method for write
W3cLoggerClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Log\Logger
Joomla! W3C Logging class


$JHtmlDebugProperty in class JHtmlDebug
xdebug.filelinkformat from the php.ini.
JHtmlDebug::xdebuglink() — Method in class JHtmlDebug
Replaces the Joomla! root with "JROOT" to improve readability.
XcacheStorageClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Cache\Storage
XCache cache storage handler
XmlDocumentClass in namespace Joomla\CMS\Document
XmlDocument class, provides an easy interface to parse and display XML output


JDatabaseQuery::year() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Used to get a string to extract year from date column.
JDatabaseQueryPostgresql::year() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryPostgresql
Used to get a string to extract year from date column.


JAdapter::__construct() — Method in class JAdapter
JAdapterInstance::__construct() — Method in class JAdapterInstance
JApplication::__construct() — Method in class JApplication
Class constructor.
JApplication::__toString() — Method in class JApplication
Returns the response as a string.
JApplicationWebRouter::__construct() — Method in class JApplicationWebRouter
JArchiveGzip::_getFilePosition() — Method in class JArchiveGzip
Get file data offset for archive
JClassLoader::__construct() — Method in class JClassLoader
JControllerBase::__construct() — Method in class JControllerBase
Instantiate the controller.
JDatabaseDriver::__call() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
Magic method to provide method alias support for quote() and quoteName().
JDatabaseDriver::__construct() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
JDatabaseDriver::__destruct() — Method in class JDatabaseDriver
JDatabaseDriverMysql::__construct() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverMysql
JDatabaseDriverMysqli::__construct() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverMysqli
JDatabaseDriverOracle::__construct() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverOracle
JDatabaseDriverPdo::__construct() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPdo
JDatabaseDriverPdo::__sleep() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPdo
PDO does not support serialize
JDatabaseDriverPdo::__wakeup() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPdo
Wake up after serialization
JDatabaseDriverPdomysql::__construct() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPdomysql
JDatabaseDriverPgsql::__construct() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPgsql
Database object constructor
JDatabaseDriverPostgresql::__construct() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverPostgresql
Database object constructor
JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv::__construct() — Method in class JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv
JDatabaseExceptionExecuting::__construct() — Method in class JDatabaseExceptionExecuting
Construct the exception
JDatabaseExporter::__construct() — Method in class JDatabaseExporter
JDatabaseExporter::__toString() — Method in class JDatabaseExporter
Magic function to exports the data to a string.
JDatabaseImporter::__construct() — Method in class JDatabaseImporter
JDatabaseIterator::__construct() — Method in class JDatabaseIterator
Database iterator constructor.
JDatabaseIterator::__destruct() — Method in class JDatabaseIterator
Database iterator destructor.
JDatabaseQuery::__call() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Magic method to provide method alias support for quote() and quoteName().
JDatabaseQuery::__construct() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Class constructor.
JDatabaseQuery::__toString() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Magic function to convert the query to a string.
JDatabaseQuery::__get() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Magic function to get protected variable value
JDatabaseQuery::__clone() — Method in class JDatabaseQuery
Method to provide deep copy support to nested objects and arrays when cloning.
JDatabaseQueryElement::__construct() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryElement
JDatabaseQueryElement::__toString() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryElement
Magic function to convert the query element to a string.
JDatabaseQueryElement::__clone() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryElement
Method to provide deep copy support to nested objects and arrays when cloning.
JDatabaseQueryMysqli::__toString() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryMysqli
Magic function to convert the query to a string.
JDatabaseQueryPostgresql::__toString() — Method in class JDatabaseQueryPostgresql
Magic function to convert the query to a string, only for postgresql specific query
JDatabaseQuerySqlite::__toString() — Method in class JDatabaseQuerySqlite
Magic function to convert the query to a string.
JDatabaseQuerySqlsrv::__toString() — Method in class JDatabaseQuerySqlsrv
Magic function to convert the query to a string.
JDispatcher::__construct() — Method in class JDispatcher
JEvent::__construct() — Method in class JEvent
JException::__construct() — Method in class JException
Constructor - used to set up the error with all needed error details.
JException::__toString() — Method in class JException
Returns to error message
JFacebook::__construct() — Method in class JFacebook
JFacebook::__get() — Method in class JFacebook
Magic method to lazily create API objects
JFacebookOAuth::__construct() — Method in class JFacebookOAuth
JFacebookObject::__construct() — Method in class JFacebookObject
JFormFieldCalendar::__get() — Method in class JFormFieldCalendar
Method to get certain otherwise inaccessible properties from the form field object.
JFormFieldCalendar::__set() — Method in class JFormFieldCalendar
Method to set certain otherwise inaccessible properties of the form field object.
JFormFieldCheckbox::__get() — Method in class JFormFieldCheckbox
Method to get certain otherwise inaccessible properties from the form field object.
JFormFieldCheckbox::__set() — Method in class JFormFieldCheckbox
Method to set certain otherwise inaccessible properties of the form field object.
JFormFieldCheckboxes::__get() — Method in class JFormFieldCheckboxes
Method to get certain otherwise inaccessible properties from the form field object.
JFormFieldCheckboxes::__set() — Method in class JFormFieldCheckboxes
Method to set certain otherwise inaccessible properties of the form field object.
JFormFieldColor::__get() — Method in class JFormFieldColor
Method to get certain otherwise inaccessible properties from the form field object.
JFormFieldColor::__set() — Method in class JFormFieldColor
Method to set certain otherwise inaccessible properties of the form field object.
JFormFieldFile::__get() — Method in class JFormFieldFile
Method to get certain otherwise inaccessible properties from the form field object.
JFormFieldFile::__set() — Method in class JFormFieldFile
Method to set certain otherwise inaccessible properties of the form field object.
JFormFieldFileList::__get() — Method in class JFormFieldFileList
Method to get certain otherwise inaccessible properties from the form field object.
JFormFieldFileList::__set() — Method in class JFormFieldFileList
Method to set certain otherwise inaccessible properties of the form field object.
JFormFieldFolderList::__get() — Method in class JFormFieldFolderList
Method to get certain otherwise inaccessible properties from the form field object.
JFormFieldFolderList::__set() — Method in class JFormFieldFolderList
Method to set certain otherwise inaccessible properties of the form field object.
JFormFieldList::__get() — Method in class JFormFieldList
Method to get certain otherwise inaccessible properties from the form field object.
JFormFieldMeter::__get() — Method in class JFormFieldMeter
Method to get certain otherwise inaccessible properties from the form field object.
JFormFieldMeter::__set() — Method in class JFormFieldMeter
Method to set certain otherwise inaccessible properties of the form field object.
JFormFieldNumber::__get() — Method in class JFormFieldNumber
Method to get certain otherwise inaccessible properties from the form field object.
JFormFieldNumber::__set() — Method in class JFormFieldNumber
Method to set certain otherwise inaccessible properties of the form field object.
JFormFieldPassword::__get() — Method in class JFormFieldPassword
Method to get certain otherwise inaccessible properties from the form field object.
JFormFieldPassword::__set() — Method in class JFormFieldPassword
Method to set certain otherwise inaccessible properties of the form field object.
JFormFieldPlugins::__get() — Method in class JFormFieldPlugins
Method to get certain otherwise inaccessible properties from the form field object.
JFormFieldPlugins::__set() — Method in class JFormFieldPlugins
Method to set certain otherwise inaccessible properties of the form field object.
JFormFieldRules::__get() — Method in class JFormFieldRules
Method to get certain otherwise inaccessible properties from the form field object.
JFormFieldRules::__set() — Method in class JFormFieldRules
Method to set certain otherwise inaccessible properties of the form field object.
JFormFieldSQL::__get() — Method in class JFormFieldSQL
Method to get certain otherwise inaccessible properties from the form field object.
JFormFieldSQL::__set() — Method in class JFormFieldSQL
Method to set certain otherwise inaccessible properties of the form field object.
JFormFieldSubform::__get() — Method in class JFormFieldSubform
Method to get certain otherwise inaccessible properties from the form field object.
JFormFieldSubform::__set() — Method in class JFormFieldSubform
Method to set certain otherwise inaccessible properties of the form field object.
JFormFieldText::__get() — Method in class JFormFieldText
Method to get certain otherwise inaccessible properties from the form field object.
JFormFieldText::__set() — Method in class JFormFieldText
Method to set certain otherwise inaccessible properties of the form field object.
JFormFieldTextarea::__get() — Method in class JFormFieldTextarea
Method to get certain otherwise inaccessible properties from the form field object.
JFormFieldTextarea::__set() — Method in class JFormFieldTextarea
Method to set certain otherwise inaccessible properties of the form field object.
JFormFieldTimezone::__get() — Method in class JFormFieldTimezone
Method to get certain otherwise inaccessible properties from the form field object.
JFormFieldTimezone::__set() — Method in class JFormFieldTimezone
Method to set certain otherwise inaccessible properties of the form field object.
JGithub::__construct() — Method in class JGithub
JGithub::__get() — Method in class JGithub
Magic method to lazily create API objects
JGithubHttp::__construct() — Method in class JGithubHttp
JGithubObject::__construct() — Method in class JGithubObject
JGithubPackage::__get() — Method in class JGithubPackage
Magic method to lazily create API objects
JGoogle::__construct() — Method in class JGoogle
JGoogleAuthOauth2::__construct() — Method in class JGoogleAuthOauth2
JGoogleData::__construct() — Method in class JGoogleData
JGoogleDataAdsense::__construct() — Method in class JGoogleDataAdsense
JGoogleDataCalendar::__construct() — Method in class JGoogleDataCalendar
JGoogleDataPicasa::__construct() — Method in class JGoogleDataPicasa
JGoogleDataPicasaAlbum::__construct() — Method in class JGoogleDataPicasaAlbum
JGoogleDataPicasaPhoto::__construct() — Method in class JGoogleDataPicasaPhoto
JGoogleDataPlus::__construct() — Method in class JGoogleDataPlus
JGoogleDataPlus::__get() — Method in class JGoogleDataPlus
Magic method to lazily create API objects
JGoogleDataPlusActivities::__construct() — Method in class JGoogleDataPlusActivities
JGoogleDataPlusComments::__construct() — Method in class JGoogleDataPlusComments
JGoogleDataPlusPeople::__construct() — Method in class JGoogleDataPlusPeople
JGoogleEmbed::__construct() — Method in class JGoogleEmbed
JGoogleEmbedMaps::__construct() — Method in class JGoogleEmbedMaps
JGrid::__construct() — Method in class JGrid
Constructor for a JGrid object
JGrid::__toString() — Method in class JGrid
Magic function to render this object as a table.
JHtmlSortablelist::_proceedSaveOrderButton() — Method in class JHtmlSortablelist
Method to inject script for enabled and disable Save order button when changing value of ordering input boxes
JLess::__construct() — Method in class JLess
JLinkedin::__construct() — Method in class JLinkedin
JLinkedin::__get() — Method in class JLinkedin
Magic method to lazily create API objects
JLinkedinOauth::__construct() — Method in class JLinkedinOauth
JLinkedinObject::__construct() — Method in class JLinkedinObject
JLoader::_autoload() — Method in class JLoader
Autoload a class based on name.
JMediawiki::__construct() — Method in class JMediawiki
JMediawiki::__get() — Method in class JMediawiki
Magic method to lazily create API objects
JMediawikiHttp::__construct() — Method in class JMediawikiHttp
JMediawikiObject::__construct() — Method in class JMediawikiObject
JModelBase::__construct() — Method in class JModelBase
Instantiate the model.
JModelDatabase::__construct() — Method in class JModelDatabase
Instantiate the model.
JNode::__construct() — Method in class JNode
JOAuth1Client::__construct() — Method in class JOAuth1Client
JOAuth2Client::__construct() — Method in class JOAuth2Client
JObservable::__construct() — Method in class JObservable
JObserver::__construct() — Method in class JObserver
JObserverUpdater::__construct() — Method in class JObserverUpdater
JObserverUpdaterInterface::__construct() — Method in class JObserverUpdaterInterface
JOpenstreetmap::__construct() — Method in class JOpenstreetmap
JOpenstreetmap::__get() — Method in class JOpenstreetmap
Method to get object instances
JOpenstreetmapOauth::__construct() — Method in class JOpenstreetmapOauth
JOpenstreetmapObject::__construct() — Method in class JOpenstreetmapObject
JRouteWrapperRoute::_() — Method in class JRouteWrapperRoute
Helper wrapper method for _
JSessionHandlerJoomla::__construct() — Method in class JSessionHandlerJoomla
Public constructor
JSessionStorage::__construct() — Method in class JSessionStorage
JSessionStorageApc::__construct() — Method in class JSessionStorageApc
JSessionStorageApcu::__construct() — Method in class JSessionStorageApcu
JSessionStorageMemcache::__construct() — Method in class JSessionStorageMemcache
JSessionStorageMemcached::__construct() — Method in class JSessionStorageMemcached
JSessionStorageRedis::__construct() — Method in class JSessionStorageRedis
JSessionStorageWincache::__construct() — Method in class JSessionStorageWincache
JSessionStorageXcache::__construct() — Method in class JSessionStorageXcache
JSimplecrypt::__construct() — Method in class JSimplecrypt
Object Constructor takes an optional key to be used for encryption/decryption. If no key is given then the secret word from the configuration object is used.
JTableSession::__construct() — Method in class JTableSession
JTree::__construct() — Method in class JTree
JTwitter::__construct() — Method in class JTwitter
JTwitter::__get() — Method in class JTwitter
Magic method to lazily create API objects
JTwitterOAuth::__construct() — Method in class JTwitterOAuth
JTwitterObject::__construct() — Method in class JTwitterObject
JViewBase::__construct() — Method in class JViewBase
Method to instantiate the view.
JViewHtml::__construct() — Method in class JViewHtml
Method to instantiate the view.
JViewHtml::__toString() — Method in class JViewHtml
Magic toString method that is a proxy for the render method.
Rule::__construct() — Method in class Rule
Rule::__toString() — Method in class Rule
Convert this object into a JSON encoded string.
Rules::__construct() — Method in class Rules
Rules::__toString() — Method in class Rules
Magic method to convert the object to JSON string representation.
AdministratorApplication::__construct() — Method in class AdministratorApplication
Class constructor.
BaseApplication::__construct() — Method in class BaseApplication
Class constructor.
CMSApplication::__construct() — Method in class CMSApplication
Class constructor.
CliApplication::__construct() — Method in class CliApplication
Class constructor.
DaemonApplication::__construct() — Method in class DaemonApplication
Class constructor.
SiteApplication::__construct() — Method in class SiteApplication
Class constructor.
WebApplication::__construct() — Method in class WebApplication
Class constructor.
Authentication::__construct() — Method in class Authentication
$CacheProperty in class Cache
Storage handler
$CacheProperty in class Cache
Cache options
Cache::__construct() — Method in class Cache
Cache::_getStorage() — Method in class Cache
Get the cache storage handler
CacheController::__construct() — Method in class CacheController
CacheController::__call() — Method in class CacheController
Magic method to proxy CacheController method calls to Cache
$CacheStorageProperty in class CacheStorage
Time that the cache storage handler was instantiated
$CacheStorageProperty in class CacheStorage
Cache lifetime
$CacheStorageProperty in class CacheStorage
Flag if locking is enabled
$CacheStorageProperty in class CacheStorage
Language code
$CacheStorageProperty in class CacheStorage
Application name
$CacheStorageProperty in class CacheStorage
Object hash
CacheStorage::__construct() — Method in class CacheStorage
CacheStorageHelper::__construct() — Method in class CacheStorageHelper
CacheliteStorage::__construct() — Method in class CacheliteStorage
FileStorage::__construct() — Method in class FileStorage
MemcacheStorage::__construct() — Method in class MemcacheStorage
MemcachedStorage::__construct() — Method in class MemcachedStorage
RedisStorage::__construct() — Method in class RedisStorage
Captcha::__construct() — Method in class Captcha
Class constructor.
HttpBridgePostRequestMethod::__construct() — Method in class HttpBridgePostRequestMethod
Class constructor.
Categories::__construct() — Method in class Categories
Class constructor
CategoryNode::__construct() — Method in class CategoryNode
Class constructor
FtpClient::__construct() — Method in class FtpClient
FtpClient object constructor
FtpClient::__destruct() — Method in class FtpClient
FtpClient object destructor
ComponentRecord::__construct() — Method in class ComponentRecord
Class constructor
ComponentRecord::__get() — Method in class ComponentRecord
Method to get certain otherwise inaccessible properties from the form field object.
ComponentRecord::__set() — Method in class ComponentRecord
Method to set certain otherwise inaccessible properties of the form field object.
MissingComponentException::__construct() — Method in class MissingComponentException
RouterBase::__construct() — Method in class RouterBase
Class constructor.
RouterLegacy::__construct() — Method in class RouterLegacy
RouterViewConfiguration::__construct() — Method in class RouterViewConfiguration
Constructor for the View-configuration class
MenuRules::__construct() — Method in class MenuRules
Class constructor.
NomenuRules::__construct() — Method in class NomenuRules
Class constructor.
StandardRules::__construct() — Method in class StandardRules
Class constructor.
McryptCipher::__construct() — Method in class McryptCipher
Crypt::__construct() — Method in class Crypt
Object Constructor takes an optional key to be used for encryption/decryption. If no key is given then the secret word from the configuration object is used.
Key::__construct() — Method in class Key
Key::__get() — Method in class Key
Magic method to return some protected property values.
Date::__construct() — Method in class Date
Date::__get() — Method in class Date
Magic method to access properties of the date given by class to the format method.
Date::__toString() — Method in class Date
Magic method to render the date object in the format specified in the public static member Date::$format.
$DocumentProperty in class Document
Document generator
$DocumentProperty in class Document
Document modified date
$DocumentProperty in class Document
Tab string
$DocumentProperty in class Document
Contains the line end string
$DocumentProperty in class Document
Contains the character encoding string
$DocumentProperty in class Document
Document mime type
$DocumentProperty in class Document
Document namespace
$DocumentProperty in class Document
Document profile
$DocumentProperty in class Document
Array of linked scripts
$DocumentProperty in class Document
Array of scripts placed in the header
$DocumentProperty in class Document
Array of linked style sheets
$DocumentProperty in class Document
Array of included style declarations
$DocumentProperty in class Document
Array of meta tags
$DocumentProperty in class Document
The rendering engine
$DocumentProperty in class Document
The document type
$DocumentProperty in class Document
Array of buffered output
Document::__construct() — Method in class Document
Class constructor.
Document::_getLineEnd() — Method in class Document
Returns the lineEnd
Document::_getTab() — Method in class Document
Returns a string containing the unit for indenting HTML
DocumentRenderer::__construct() — Method in class DocumentRenderer
Class constructor
$ErrorDocumentProperty in class ErrorDocument
File name
ErrorDocument::__construct() — Method in class ErrorDocument
Class constructor
ErrorDocument::_loadTemplate() — Method in class ErrorDocument
Load a template file
FeedDocument::__construct() — Method in class FeedDocument
Class constructor
$HtmlDocumentProperty in class HtmlDocument
Array of Header <link> tags
$HtmlDocumentProperty in class HtmlDocument
Array of custom tags
$HtmlDocumentProperty in class HtmlDocument
File name
HtmlDocument::__construct() — Method in class HtmlDocument
Class constructor
ImageDocument::__construct() — Method in class ImageDocument
Class constructor
JsonDocument::__construct() — Method in class JsonDocument
Class constructor
OpensearchDocument::__construct() — Method in class OpensearchDocument
Class constructor
RawDocument::__construct() — Method in class RawDocument
Class constructor
XmlDocument::__construct() — Method in class XmlDocument
Class constructor
Editor::__construct() — Method in class Editor
Browser::__construct() — Method in class Browser
Create a browser instance (constructor).
Feed::__get() — Method in class Feed
Magic method to return values for feed properties.
Feed::__set() — Method in class Feed
Magic method to set values for feed properties.
FeedEntry::__get() — Method in class FeedEntry
Magic method to return values for feed entry properties.
FeedEntry::__set() — Method in class FeedEntry
Magic method to set values for feed properties.
FeedLink::__construct() — Method in class FeedLink
FeedParser::__construct() — Method in class FeedParser
FeedPerson::__construct() — Method in class FeedPerson
Stream::__construct() — Method in class Stream
Stream::__destruct() — Method in class Stream
Stream::_buildContext() — Method in class Stream
Stream contexts Builds the context from the array
Stream::_getFilename() — Method in class Stream
Determine the appropriate 'filename' of a file
StringController::_getArray() — Method in class StringController
Defines a variable as an array
InputFilter::__construct() — Method in class InputFilter
Constructor for inputFilter class. Only first parameter is required.
OutputFilter::_ampReplaceCallback() — Method in class OutputFilter
Callback method for replacing & with & in a string
OutputFilterWrapper::_ampReplaceCallback() — Method in class OutputFilterWrapper
Helper wrapper method for _ampReplaceCallback
CaptchaField::__get() — Method in class CaptchaField
Method to get certain otherwise inaccessible properties from the form field object.
CaptchaField::__set() — Method in class CaptchaField
Method to set certain otherwise inaccessible properties of the form field object.
ChromestyleField::__get() — Method in class ChromestyleField
Method to get certain otherwise inaccessible properties from the form field object.
ChromestyleField::__set() — Method in class ChromestyleField
Method to set certain otherwise inaccessible properties of the form field object.
EditorField::__get() — Method in class EditorField
Method to get certain otherwise inaccessible properties from the form field object.
EditorField::__set() — Method in class EditorField
Method to set certain otherwise inaccessible properties of the form field object.
LastvisitdaterangeField::__construct() — Method in class LastvisitdaterangeField
Method to instantiate the form field object.
MediaField::__get() — Method in class MediaField
Method to get certain otherwise inaccessible properties from the form field object.
MediaField::__set() — Method in class MediaField
Method to set certain otherwise inaccessible properties of the form field object.
MenuitemField::__get() — Method in class MenuitemField
Method to get certain otherwise inaccessible properties from the form field object.
MenuitemField::__set() — Method in class MenuitemField
Method to set certain otherwise inaccessible properties of the form field object.
ModuleorderField::__get() — Method in class ModuleorderField
Method to get certain otherwise inaccessible properties from the form field object.
ModuleorderField::__set() — Method in class ModuleorderField
Method to set certain otherwise inaccessible properties of the form field object.
ModulepositionField::__get() — Method in class ModulepositionField
Method to get certain otherwise inaccessible properties from the form field object.
ModulepositionField::__set() — Method in class ModulepositionField
Method to set certain otherwise inaccessible properties of the form field object.
OrderingField::__get() — Method in class OrderingField
Method to get certain otherwise inaccessible properties from the form field object.
OrderingField::__set() — Method in class OrderingField
Method to set certain otherwise inaccessible properties of the form field object.
RegistrationdaterangeField::__construct() — Method in class RegistrationdaterangeField
Method to instantiate the form field object.
TagField::__construct() — Method in class TagField
TemplatestyleField::__get() — Method in class TemplatestyleField
Method to get certain otherwise inaccessible properties from the form field object.
TemplatestyleField::__set() — Method in class TemplatestyleField
Method to set certain otherwise inaccessible properties of the form field object.
UseractiveField::__construct() — Method in class UseractiveField
Method to instantiate the form field object.
Form::__construct() — Method in class Form
Method to instantiate the form object.
FormField::__construct() — Method in class FormField
Method to instantiate the form field object.
FormField::__get() — Method in class FormField
Method to get certain otherwise inaccessible properties from the form field object.
FormField::__set() — Method in class FormField
Method to set certain otherwise inaccessible properties of the form field object.
HTMLHelper::_() — Method in class HTMLHelper
Class loader method
ContentHelper::_getActions() — Method in class ContentHelper
Gets a list of the actions that can be performed.
ContentHistoryHelper::__construct() — Method in class ContentHistoryHelper
UserGroupsHelper::__construct() — Method in class UserGroupsHelper
Http::__construct() — Method in class Http
TransportInterface::__construct() — Method in class TransportInterface
CurlTransport::__construct() — Method in class CurlTransport
Constructor. CURLOPTFOLLOWLOCATION must be disabled when openbasedir or safe_mode are enabled.
SocketTransport::__construct() — Method in class SocketTransport
StreamTransport::__construct() — Method in class StreamTransport
Image::__construct() — Method in class Image
Class constructor.
ImageFilter::__construct() — Method in class ImageFilter
Class constructor.
Cli::__construct() — Method in class Cli
Cookie::__construct() — Method in class Cookie
Files::__construct() — Method in class Files
The class constructor.
Input::__construct() — Method in class Input
Input::__get() — Method in class Input
Magic method to get an input object
Json::__construct() — Method in class Json
Installer::__construct() — Method in class Installer
InstallerAdapter::__construct() — Method in class InstallerAdapter
InstallerExtension::__construct() — Method in class InstallerExtension
Manifest::__construct() — Method in class Manifest
Language::__construct() — Method in class Language
Constructor activating the default information of the language.
Language::_() — Method in class Language
Translate function, mimics the php gettext (alias _) function.
Text::_() — Method in class Text
Translates a string into the current language.
JTextWrapper::_() — Method in class JTextWrapper
Helper wrapper method for _
FileLayout::__construct() — Method in class FileLayout
Method to instantiate the file-based layout.
DelegatingPsrLogger::__construct() — Method in class DelegatingPsrLogger
LogEntry::__construct() — Method in class LogEntry
Logger::__construct() — Method in class Logger
CallbackLogger::__construct() — Method in class CallbackLogger
DatabaseLogger::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseLogger
EchoLogger::__construct() — Method in class EchoLogger
FormattedtextLogger::__construct() — Method in class FormattedtextLogger
FormattedtextLogger::__destruct() — Method in class FormattedtextLogger
If deferred, write all pending logs.
SyslogLogger::__construct() — Method in class SyslogLogger
SyslogLogger::__destruct() — Method in class SyslogLogger
W3cLogger::__construct() — Method in class W3cLogger
AdminController::__construct() — Method in class AdminController
BaseController::__construct() — Method in class BaseController
FormController::__construct() — Method in class FormController
AdminModel::__construct() — Method in class AdminModel
BaseDatabaseModel::__construct() — Method in class BaseDatabaseModel
FormModel::__construct() — Method in class FormModel
ListModel::__construct() — Method in class ListModel
HtmlView::__construct() — Method in class HtmlView
Mail::__construct() — Method in class Mail
AbstractMenu::__construct() — Method in class AbstractMenu
Class constructor
MenuItem::__construct() — Method in class MenuItem
Class constructor
MenuItem::__get() — Method in class MenuItem
Method to get certain otherwise inaccessible properties from the form field object.
MenuItem::__set() — Method in class MenuItem
Method to set certain otherwise inaccessible properties of the form field object.
MenuItem::__isset() — Method in class MenuItem
Method check if a certain otherwise inaccessible properties of the form field object is set.
Node::__construct() — Method in class Node
Component::__construct() — Method in class Component
Constructor for the class.
Heading::__construct() — Method in class Heading
Constructor for the class.
Separator::__construct() — Method in class Separator
Constructor for the class.
Url::__construct() — Method in class Url
Constructor for the class.
SiteMenu::__construct() — Method in class SiteMenu
Class constructor
Tree::__construct() — Method in class Tree
Microdata::__construct() — Method in class Microdata
Initialize the class and setup the default $Type
CMSObject::__construct() — Method in class CMSObject
Class constructor, overridden in descendant classes.
CMSObject::__toString() — Method in class CMSObject
Magic method to convert the object to a string gracefully.
Pagination::__construct() — Method in class Pagination
PaginationObject::__construct() — Method in class PaginationObject
Class constructor.
Pathway::__construct() — Method in class Pathway
Class constructor
SitePathway::__construct() — Method in class SitePathway
Class constructor.
CMSPlugin::__construct() — Method in class CMSPlugin
Profiler::__construct() — Method in class Profiler
JsonResponse::__construct() — Method in class JsonResponse
JsonResponse::__toString() — Method in class JsonResponse
Magic toString method for sending the response in JSON format
RouteNotFoundException::__construct() — Method in class RouteNotFoundException
Route::_() — Method in class Route
Translates an internal Joomla URL to a humanly readable URL. This method builds links for the current active client.
Router::__construct() — Method in class Router
Class constructor
SiteRouter::__construct() — Method in class SiteRouter
Class constructor
ChangeItem::__construct() — Method in class ChangeItem
Constructor: builds check query and message from $updateQuery
ChangeSet::__construct() — Method in class ChangeSet
Constructor: builds array of $changeItems by processing the .sql files in a folder.
MetadataManager::__construct() — Method in class MetadataManager
MetadataManager constructor.
Session::__construct() — Method in class Session
Session::__get() — Method in class Session
Magic method to get read-only access to properties.
Asset::__construct() — Method in class Asset
Category::__construct() — Method in class Category
Content::__construct() — Method in class Content
ContentHistory::__construct() — Method in class ContentHistory
ContentType::__construct() — Method in class ContentType
CoreContent::__construct() — Method in class CoreContent
Extension::__construct() — Method in class Extension
Language::__construct() — Method in class Language
Menu::__construct() — Method in class Menu
MenuType::__construct() — Method in class MenuType
Module::__construct() — Method in class Module
AbstractObserver::__construct() — Method in class AbstractObserver
Constructor: Associates to $table $this observer
$ContentHistoryProperty in class ContentHistory
Not public, so marking private and deprecated, but needed internally in parseTypeAlias for PHP < 5.4.0 as it's not passing context $this to closure function.
$TagsProperty in class Tags
Not public, so marking private and deprecated, but needed internally in parseTypeAlias for PHP < 5.4.0 as it's not passing context $this to closure function.
Table::__construct() — Method in class Table
Object constructor to set table and key fields. In most cases this will be overridden by child classes to explicitly set the table and key fields for a particular database table.
Ucm::__construct() — Method in class Ucm
Update::__construct() — Method in class Update
UpdateSite::__construct() — Method in class UpdateSite
User::__construct() — Method in class User
Usergroup::__construct() — Method in class Usergroup
ViewLevel::__construct() — Method in class ViewLevel
Toolbar::__construct() — Method in class Toolbar
ToolbarButton::__construct() — Method in class ToolbarButton
UCMBase::__construct() — Method in class UCMBase
Instantiate the UCMBase.
UCMContent::__construct() — Method in class UCMContent
Instantiate UCMContent.
UCMType::__construct() — Method in class UCMType
Class constructor
UCMType::__get() — Method in class UCMType
Magic method to get the name of the field mapped to a ucm field (core_something).
CollectionAdapter::_startElement() — Method in class CollectionAdapter
Opening an XML element
Update::_startElement() — Method in class Update
XML Start Element callback
Update::_endElement() — Method in class Update
Callback for closing the element
Update::_characterData() — Method in class Update
Character Parser Function
Updater::__construct() — Method in class Updater
User::__construct() — Method in class User
Constructor activating the default information of the language
User::__sleep() — Method in class User
Method to allow serialize the object with minimal properties.
User::__wakeup() — Method in class User
Method to recover the full object on unserialize.
Version::__get() — Method in class Version
Magic getter providing access to constants previously defined as class member vars.