class Text

Text handling class.


static  string
_( string $string, mixed $jsSafe = false, boolean $interpretBackSlashes = true, boolean $script = false)

Translates a string into the current language.

static  string
alt( string $string, string $alt, mixed $jsSafe = false, boolean $interpretBackSlashes = true, boolean $script = false)

Translates a string into the current language.

static  string
plural( string $string, integer $n)

Like Text::sprintf but tries to pluralise the string.

static  string
sprintf( string $string)

Passes a string thru a sprintf.

static  mixed
printf( string $string)

Passes a string thru an printf.

static  string
script( string $string = null, boolean $jsSafe = false, boolean $interpretBackSlashes = true)

Translate a string into the current language and stores it in the JavaScript language store.

static  array

Get the strings that have been loaded to the JavaScript language store.


static string _( string $string, mixed $jsSafe = false, boolean $interpretBackSlashes = true, boolean $script = false)

Translates a string into the current language.

Examples: <script>alert(Joomla.JText._('<?php echo Text::_("JDEFAULT", array("script"=>true)); ?>'));</script> will generate an alert message containing 'Default' <?php echo Text::_("JDEFAULT"); ?> will generate a 'Default' string


string $string The string to translate.
mixed $jsSafe Boolean: Make the result javascript safe.
boolean $interpretBackSlashes To interpret backslashes (\=\, \n=carriage return, \t=tabulation)
boolean $script To indicate that the string will be push in the javascript language store

Return Value

string The translated string or the key if $script is true

static string alt( string $string, string $alt, mixed $jsSafe = false, boolean $interpretBackSlashes = true, boolean $script = false)

Translates a string into the current language.

Examples: <?php echo Text::alt('JALL', 'language'); ?> will generate a 'All' string in English but a "Toutes" string in French <?php echo Text::alt('JALL', 'module'); ?> will generate a 'All' string in English but a "Tous" string in French


string $string The string to translate.
string $alt The alternate option for global string
mixed $jsSafe Boolean: Make the result javascript safe.
boolean $interpretBackSlashes To interpret backslashes (\=\, \n=carriage return, \t=tabulation)
boolean $script To indicate that the string will be pushed in the javascript language store

Return Value

string The translated string or the key if $script is true

static string plural( string $string, integer $n)

Like Text::sprintf but tries to pluralise the string.

Note that this method can take a mixed number of arguments as for the sprintf function.

The last argument can take an array of options:

array('jsSafe'=>boolean, 'interpretBackSlashes'=>boolean, 'script'=>boolean)


jsSafe is a boolean to generate a javascript safe strings. interpretBackSlashes is a boolean to interpret backslashes \->\, \n->new line, \t->tabulation. script is a boolean to indicate that the string will be push in the javascript language store.

Examples: <script>alert(Joomla.JText._('<?php echo Text::plural("COM_PLUGINS_N_ITEMS_UNPUBLISHED", 1, array("script"=>true)); ?>'));</script> will generate an alert message containing '1 plugin successfully disabled' <?php echo Text::plural('COM_PLUGINS_N_ITEMS_UNPUBLISHED', 1); ?> will generate a '1 plugin successfully disabled' string


string $string The format string.
integer $n The number of items

Return Value

string The translated strings or the key if 'script' is true in the array of options

static string sprintf( string $string)

Passes a string thru a sprintf.

Note that this method can take a mixed number of arguments as for the sprintf function.

The last argument can take an array of options:

array('jsSafe'=>boolean, 'interpretBackSlashes'=>boolean, 'script'=>boolean)


jsSafe is a boolean to generate a javascript safe strings. interpretBackSlashes is a boolean to interpret backslashes \->\, \n->new line, \t->tabulation. script is a boolean to indicate that the string will be push in the javascript language store.


string $string The format string.

Return Value

string The translated strings or the key if 'script' is true in the array of options.

static mixed printf( string $string)

Passes a string thru an printf.

Note that this method can take a mixed number of arguments as for the sprintf function.


string $string The format string.

Return Value


static string script( string $string = null, boolean $jsSafe = false, boolean $interpretBackSlashes = true)

Translate a string into the current language and stores it in the JavaScript language store.


string $string The Text key.
boolean $jsSafe Ensure the output is JavaScript safe.
boolean $interpretBackSlashes Interpret \t and \n.

Return Value


static array getScriptStrings()

Get the strings that have been loaded to the JavaScript language store.

Return Value
