class JLinkedinJobs extends JLinkedinObject

Linkedin API Jobs class for the Joomla Platform.


__construct( Registry $options = null, JHttp $client = null, JLinkedinOAuth $oauth = null)


booleanToString( boolean $bool)

Method to convert boolean to string.

getOption( string $key)

Get an option from the JLinkedinObject instance.

setOption( string $key, mixed $value)

Set an option for the JLinkedinObject instance.

getJob( integer $id, string $fields = null)

Method to retrieve detailed information about a job.

getBookmarked( string $fields = null)

Method to get a list of bookmarked jobs for the current member.

bookmark( integer $id)

Method to bookmark a job to the current user's account.

deleteBookmark( integer $id)

Method to delete a bookmark.

getSuggested( string $fields = null, integer $start, integer $count)

Method to retrieve job suggestions for the current user.

search( string $fields = null, string $keywords = null, string $company_name = null, string $job_title = null, string $country_code = null, integer $postal_code = null, integer $distance = null, string $facets = null, array $facet = null, integer $start, integer $count, string $sort = null)

Method to search across LinkedIn's job postings.


__construct( Registry $options = null, JHttp $client = null, JLinkedinOAuth $oauth = null)



Registry $options Linkedin options object.
JHttp $client The HTTP client object.
JLinkedinOAuth $oauth The OAuth client.

string booleanToString( boolean $bool)

Method to convert boolean to string.


boolean $bool The boolean value to convert.

Return Value

string String with the converted boolean.

mixed getOption( string $key)

Get an option from the JLinkedinObject instance.


string $key The name of the option to get.

Return Value

mixed The option value.

JLinkedinObject setOption( string $key, mixed $value)

Set an option for the JLinkedinObject instance.


string $key The name of the option to set.
mixed $value The option value to set.

Return Value

JLinkedinObject This object for method chaining.

array getJob( integer $id, string $fields = null)

Method to retrieve detailed information about a job.


integer $id The unique identifier for a job.
string $fields Request fields beyond the default ones.

Return Value

array The decoded JSON response

array getBookmarked( string $fields = null)

Method to get a list of bookmarked jobs for the current member.


string $fields Request fields beyond the default ones.

Return Value

array The decoded JSON response

array bookmark( integer $id)

Method to bookmark a job to the current user's account.


integer $id The unique identifier for a job.

Return Value

array The decoded JSON response

array deleteBookmark( integer $id)

Method to delete a bookmark.


integer $id The unique identifier for a job.

Return Value

array The decoded JSON response

array getSuggested( string $fields = null, integer $start, integer $count)

Method to retrieve job suggestions for the current user.


string $fields Request fields beyond the default ones.
integer $start Starting location within the result set for paginated returns.
integer $count The number of results returned.

Return Value

array The decoded JSON response

Method to search across LinkedIn's job postings.


string $fields Request fields beyond the default ones.
string $keywords Members who have all the keywords anywhere in their profile.
string $company_name Jobs with a matching company name.
string $job_title Matches jobs with the same job title.
string $country_code Matches members with a location in a specific country. Values are defined in by ISO 3166 standard. Country codes must be in all lower case.
integer $postal_code Matches members centered around a Postal Code. Must be combined with the country-code parameter. Not supported for all countries.
integer $distance Matches members within a distance from a central point. This is measured in miles.
string $facets Facet buckets to return, e.g. location.
array $facet Array of facet values to search over. Contains values for company, date-posted, location, job-function, industry, and salary, in exactly this order, null must be specified for an element if no value.
integer $start Starting location within the result set for paginated returns.
integer $count The number of results returned.
string $sort Controls the search result order. There are four options: R (relationship), DA (date-posted-asc), DD (date-posted-desc).

Return Value

array The decoded JSON response