interface TableInterface

Table class interface.


bind( mixed $src, mixed $ignore = array())

Method to bind an associative array or object to the TableInterface instance.


Method to perform sanity checks on the TableInterface instance properties to ensure they are safe to store in the database.

delete( mixed $pk = null)

Method to delete a record.


Method to get the \JDatabaseDriver object.


Method to get the primary key field name for the table.

load( mixed $keys = null, boolean $reset = true)

Method to load a row from the database by primary key and bind the fields to the TableInterface instance properties.


Method to reset class properties to the defaults set in the class definition.

store( boolean $updateNulls = false)

Method to store a row in the database from the TableInterface instance properties.


boolean bind( mixed $src, mixed $ignore = array())

Method to bind an associative array or object to the TableInterface instance.

This method only binds properties that are publicly accessible and optionally takes an array of properties to ignore when binding.


mixed $src An associative array or object to bind to the TableInterface instance.
mixed $ignore An optional array or space separated list of properties to ignore while binding.

Return Value

boolean True on success.



boolean check()

Method to perform sanity checks on the TableInterface instance properties to ensure they are safe to store in the database.

Implementations of this interface should use this method to make sure the data they are storing in the database is safe and as expected before storage.

Return Value

boolean True if the instance is sane and able to be stored in the database.

boolean delete( mixed $pk = null)

Method to delete a record.


mixed $pk An optional primary key value to delete. If not set the instance property value is used.

Return Value

boolean True on success.



JDatabaseDriver getDbo()

Method to get the \JDatabaseDriver object.

Return Value

JDatabaseDriver The internal database driver object.

string getKeyName()

Method to get the primary key field name for the table.

Return Value

string The name of the primary key for the table.

boolean load( mixed $keys = null, boolean $reset = true)

Method to load a row from the database by primary key and bind the fields to the TableInterface instance properties.


mixed $keys An optional primary key value to load the row by, or an array of fields to match. If not set the instance property value is used.
boolean $reset True to reset the default values before loading the new row.

Return Value

boolean True if successful. False if row not found.



void reset()

Method to reset class properties to the defaults set in the class definition.

It will ignore the primary key as well as any private class properties.

Return Value


boolean store( boolean $updateNulls = false)

Method to store a row in the database from the TableInterface instance properties.

If a primary key value is set the row with that primary key value will be updated with the instance property values. If no primary key value is set a new row will be inserted into the database with the properties from the TableInterface instance.


boolean $updateNulls True to update fields even if they are null.

Return Value

boolean True on success.