class Associations

Utitlity class for associations in multilang


static  array
getAssociations( string $extension, string $tablename, string $context, integer $id, string $pk = 'id', string $aliasField = 'alias', string $catField = 'catid', array $advClause = array())

Get the associations.

static  boolean

Method to determine if the language filter Associations parameter is enabled.


static array getAssociations( string $extension, string $tablename, string $context, integer $id, string $pk = 'id', string $aliasField = 'alias', string $catField = 'catid', array $advClause = array())

Get the associations.


string $extension The name of the component.
string $tablename The name of the table.
string $context The context
integer $id The primary key value.
string $pk The name of the primary key in the given $table.
string $aliasField If the table has an alias field set it here. Null to not use it
string $catField If the table has a catid field set it here. Null to not use it
array $advClause Additional advanced 'where' clause; use c as parent column key, c2 as associations column key

Return Value

array The associated items



static boolean isEnabled()

Method to determine if the language filter Associations parameter is enabled.

This works for both site and administrator.

Return Value

boolean True if the parameter is implemented; false otherwise.