class EqualsRule extends FormRule

Form Rule class for the Joomla Platform.


test( SimpleXMLElement $element, mixed $value, string $group = null, Registry $input = null, Form $form = null)

Method to test if two values are equal. To use this rule, the form XML needs a validate attribute of equals and a field attribute that is equal to the field to test against.


boolean test( SimpleXMLElement $element, mixed $value, string $group = null, Registry $input = null, Form $form = null)

Method to test if two values are equal. To use this rule, the form XML needs a validate attribute of equals and a field attribute that is equal to the field to test against.


SimpleXMLElement $element The SimpleXMLElement object representing the <field> tag for the form field object.
mixed $value The form field value to validate.
string $group The field name group control value. This acts as as an array container for the field. For example if the field has name="foo" and the group value is set to "bar" then the full field name would end up being "bar[foo]".
Registry $input An optional Registry object with the entire data set to validate against the entire form.
Form $form The form object for which the field is being tested.

Return Value

boolean True if the value is valid, false otherwise.

