class JHtmlFormbehavior

Utility class for form related behaviors


static  void
chosen( string $selector = '.advancedSelect', mixed $debug = null, array $options = array())

Method to load the Chosen JavaScript framework and supporting CSS into the document head

static  void
ajaxchosen( Registry $options, mixed $debug = null)

Method to load the AJAX Chosen library


static void chosen( string $selector = '.advancedSelect', mixed $debug = null, array $options = array())

Method to load the Chosen JavaScript framework and supporting CSS into the document head

If debugging mode is on an uncompressed version of Chosen is included for easier debugging.


string $selector Class for Chosen elements.
mixed $debug Is debugging mode on? [optional]
array $options the possible Chosen options as name => value [optional]

Return Value


static void ajaxchosen( Registry $options, mixed $debug = null)

Method to load the AJAX Chosen library

If debugging mode is on an uncompressed version of AJAX Chosen is included for easier debugging.


Registry $options Options in a Registry object
mixed $debug Is debugging mode on? [optional]

Return Value
