class Cli extends Input

Joomla! Input CLI Class


string $executable The executable that was called to run the CLI script.
array $args The additional arguments passed to the script that are not associated with a specific argument name.


__construct( array $source = null, array $options = array())


__get( mixed $name)

Magic method to get an input object

from Input
getArray( array $vars = array(), mixed $datasource = null, string $defaultFilter = 'unknown')

Gets an array of values from the request.

from Input
unserialize( string $input)

Method to unserialize the input.


Method to serialize the input.


__construct( array $source = null, array $options = array())



array $source Source data (Optional, default is $_REQUEST)
array $options Array of configuration parameters (Optional)

Input __get( mixed $name)

Magic method to get an input object


mixed $name Name of the input object to retrieve.

Return Value

Input The request input object

mixed getArray( array $vars = array(), mixed $datasource = null, string $defaultFilter = 'unknown')

Gets an array of values from the request.


array $vars Associative array of keys and filter types to apply. If empty and datasource is null, all the input data will be returned but filtered using the filter given by the parameter defaultFilter in JFilterInput::clean.
mixed $datasource Array to retrieve data from, or null.
string $defaultFilter Default filter used in JFilterInput::clean if vars is empty and datasource is null. If 'unknown', the default case is used in JFilterInput::clean.

Return Value

mixed The filtered input data.

Input unserialize( string $input)

Method to unserialize the input.


string $input The serialized input.

Return Value

Input The input object.

string serialize()

Method to serialize the input.

Return Value

string The serialized input.