- AuthorizationException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Access
- Gate::after() — Method in class Gate
- Register a callback to run after all Gate checks.
- Gate::allows() — Method in class Gate
- Determine if the given ability should be granted for the current user.
- Gate::authorize() — Method in class Gate
- Determine if the given ability should be granted for the current user.
- AuthManager — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth
- AuthServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth
- Authenticatable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth
- Attempting — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Events
- AuthenticateWithBasicAuth — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Middleware
- SessionGuard::attempt() — Method in class SessionGuard
- Attempt to authenticate a user using the given credentials.
- SessionGuard::attempting() — Method in class SessionGuard
- Register an authentication attempt event listener.
- ApcStore — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- ApcWrapper — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- ArrayStore — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- MemcachedStore::add() — Method in class MemcachedStore
- Store an item in the cache if the key doesn't exist.
- RateLimiter::attempts() — Method in class RateLimiter
- Get the number of attempts for the given key.
- RateLimiter::availableIn() — Method in class RateLimiter
- Get the number of seconds until the "key" is accessible again.
- Repository::add() — Method in class Repository
- Store an item in the cache if the key does not exist.
- Repository::all() — Method in class Repository
- Get all of the configuration items for the application.
- AppNamespaceDetectorTrait — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console
- Application — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console
- Application::add() — Method in class Application
- Add a command to the console.
- Command::argument() — Method in class Command
- Get the value of a command argument.
- Command::ask() — Method in class Command
- Prompt the user for input.
- Command::anticipate() — Method in class Command
- Prompt the user for input with auto completion.
- Command::askWithCompletion() — Method in class Command
- Prompt the user for input with auto completion.
- ArtisanStarting — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\Events
- $ArtisanStarting — Property in class ArtisanStarting
- The Artisan application instance.
- Event::at() — Method in class Event
- Schedule the command at a given time.
- Event::appendOutputTo() — Method in class Event
- Append the output of the command to a given location.
- Event::after() — Method in class Event
- Register a callback to be called after the operation.
- Container::addContextualBinding() — Method in class Container
- Add a contextual binding to the container.
- Container::alias() — Method in class Container
- Alias a type to a different name.
- Container::afterResolving() — Method in class Container
- Register a new after resolving callback for all types.
- Authorizable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Access
- Gate::allows() — Method in class Gate
- Determine if the given ability should be granted for the current user.
- Authenticatable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth
- StatefulGuard::attempt() — Method in class StatefulGuard
- Attempt to authenticate a user using the given credentials.
- Repository::add() — Method in class Repository
- Store an item in the cache if the key does not exist.
- Repository::all() — Method in class Repository
- Get all of the configuration items for the application.
- Application — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Console
- Kernel::all() — Method in class Kernel
- Get all of the commands registered with the console.
- Container::alias() — Method in class Container
- Alias a type to a different name.
- Container::afterResolving() — Method in class Container
- Register a new after resolving callback.
- Filesystem::append() — Method in class Filesystem
- Append to a file.
- Filesystem::allFiles() — Method in class Filesystem
- Get all of the files from the given directory (recursive).
- Filesystem::allDirectories() — Method in class Filesystem
- Get all (recursive) of the directories within a given directory.
- Application — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation
- Log::alert() — Method in class Log
- Log an alert message to the logs.
- Paginator::appends() — Method in class Paginator
- Add a set of query string values to the paginator.
- Job::attempts() — Method in class Job
- Get the number of times the job has been attempted.
- UrlGenerator::asset() — Method in class UrlGenerator
- Generate a URL to an application asset.
- UrlGenerator::action() — Method in class UrlGenerator
- Get the URL to a controller action.
- Arrayable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Support
- MessageBag::add() — Method in class MessageBag
- Add a message to the bag.
- MessageBag::all() — Method in class MessageBag
- Get all of the messages for every key in the bag.
- Validator::after() — Method in class Validator
- After an after validation callback.
- Factory::addNamespace() — Method in class Factory
- Add a new namespace to the loader.
- AddQueuedCookiesToResponse — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware
- Manager::addConnection() — Method in class Manager
- Register a connection with the manager.
- Connection::affectingStatement() — Method in class Connection
- Run an SQL statement and get the number of rows affected.
- ConnectionInterface::affectingStatement() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
- Run an SQL statement and get the number of rows affected.
- ConnectionResolver::addConnection() — Method in class ConnectionResolver
- Add a connection to the resolver.
- DatabaseManager::availableDrivers() — Method in class DatabaseManager
- Get all of the drivers that are actually available.
- Builder::applyScopes() — Method in class Builder
- Apply the scopes to the Eloquent builder instance and return it.
- Collection::add() — Method in class Collection
- Add an item to the collection.
- Model::addGlobalScope() — Method in class Model
- Register a new global scope on the model.
- Model::all() — Method in class Model
- Get all of the models from the database.
- Model::append() — Method in class Model
- Append attributes to query when building a query.
- Model::addObservableEvents() — Method in class Model
- Add an observable event name.
- Model::addHidden() — Method in class Model
- Add hidden attributes for the model.
- Model::addVisible() — Method in class Model
- Add visible attributes for the model.
- Model::attributesToArray() — Method in class Model
- Convert the model's attributes to an array.
- BelongsTo::addConstraints() — Method in class BelongsTo
- Set the base constraints on the relation query.
- BelongsTo::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class BelongsTo
- Set the constraints for an eager load of the relation.
- BelongsTo::associate() — Method in class BelongsTo
- Associate the model instance to the given parent.
- BelongsToMany::addConstraints() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Set the base constraints on the relation query.
- BelongsToMany::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Set the constraints for an eager load of the relation.
- BelongsToMany::attach() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Attach a model to the parent.
- HasManyThrough::addConstraints() — Method in class HasManyThrough
- Set the base constraints on the relation query.
- HasManyThrough::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class HasManyThrough
- Set the constraints for an eager load of the relation.
- HasOneOrMany::addConstraints() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
- Set the base constraints on the relation query.
- HasOneOrMany::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
- Set the constraints for an eager load of the relation.
- MorphOneOrMany::addConstraints() — Method in class MorphOneOrMany
- Set the base constraints on the relation query.
- MorphOneOrMany::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class MorphOneOrMany
- Set the constraints for an eager load of the relation.
- MorphTo::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class MorphTo
- Set the constraints for an eager load of the relation.
- MorphTo::associate() — Method in class MorphTo
- Associate the model instance to the given parent.
- MorphToMany::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class MorphToMany
- Set the constraints for an eager load of the relation.
- Relation::addConstraints() — Method in class Relation
- Set the base constraints on the relation query.
- Relation::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class Relation
- Set the constraints for an eager load of the relation.
- Scope::apply() — Method in class Scope
- Apply the scope to a given Eloquent query builder.
- SoftDeletingScope::apply() — Method in class SoftDeletingScope
- Apply the scope to a given Eloquent query builder.
- MigrationCreator::afterCreate() — Method in class MigrationCreator
- Register a post migration create hook.
- $Builder — Property in class Builder
- An aggregate function and column to be run.
- Builder::addSelect() — Method in class Builder
- Add a new select column to the query.
- Builder::addNestedWhereQuery() — Method in class Builder
- Add another query builder as a nested where to the query builder.
- Builder::addWhereExistsQuery() — Method in class Builder
- Add an exists clause to the query.
- Builder::avg() — Method in class Builder
- Retrieve the average of the values of a given column.
- Builder::average() — Method in class Builder
- Alias for the "avg" method.
- Builder::aggregate() — Method in class Builder
- Execute an aggregate function on the database.
- Builder::addBinding() — Method in class Builder
- Add a binding to the query.
- Blueprint::addColumn() — Method in class Blueprint
- Add a new column to the blueprint.
- Filesystem::append() — Method in class Filesystem
- Append to a file.
- Filesystem::allFiles() — Method in class Filesystem
- Get all of the files from the given directory (recursive).
- FilesystemAdapter::append() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
- Append to a file.
- FilesystemAdapter::allFiles() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
- Get all of the files from the given directory (recursive).
- FilesystemAdapter::allDirectories() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
- Get all (recursive) of the directories within a given directory.
- AliasLoader — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation
- AliasLoader::alias() — Method in class AliasLoader
- Add an alias to the loader.
- Application — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation
- Application::afterLoadingEnvironment() — Method in class Application
- Register a callback to run after loading the environment.
- Application::afterBootstrapping() — Method in class Application
- Register a callback to run after a bootstrapper.
- Application::abort() — Method in class Application
- Throw an HttpException with the given data.
- Application::addDeferredServices() — Method in class Application
- Add an array of services to the application's deferred services.
- Authorizable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\Access
- AuthorizesRequests — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\Access
- AuthorizesRequests::authorize() — Method in class AuthorizesRequests
- Authorize a given action against a set of arguments.
- AuthorizesRequests::authorizeForUser() — Method in class AuthorizesRequests
- Authorize a given action for a user.
- AuthorizesResources — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\Access
- AuthorizesResources::authorizeResource() — Method in class AuthorizesResources
- Authorize a resource action based on the incoming request.
- AuthenticatesAndRegistersUsers — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Auth
- AuthenticatesUsers — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Auth
- AppNameCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- Kernel::all() — Method in class Kernel
- Get all of the commands registered with the console.
- FormRequest::attributes() — Method in class FormRequest
- Set custom attributes for validator errors.
- Authorize — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware
- ArtisanServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Providers
- AuthServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Support\Providers
- ImpersonatesUsers::actingAs() — Method in class ImpersonatesUsers
- Set the currently logged in user for the application.
- InteractsWithConsole::artisan() — Method in class InteractsWithConsole
- Call artisan command and return code.
- InteractsWithSession::assertSessionHas() — Method in class InteractsWithSession
- Assert that the session has a given value.
- InteractsWithSession::assertSessionHasAll() — Method in class InteractsWithSession
- Assert that the session has a given list of values.
- InteractsWithSession::assertSessionMissing() — Method in class InteractsWithSession
- Assert that the session does not have a given key.
- InteractsWithSession::assertSessionHasErrors() — Method in class InteractsWithSession
- Assert that the session has errors bound.
- InteractsWithSession::assertHasOldInput() — Method in class InteractsWithSession
- Assert that the session has old input.
- MakesHttpRequests::action() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
- Call a controller action and return the Response.
- MakesHttpRequests::assertResponseOk() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
- Assert that the client response has an OK status code.
- MakesHttpRequests::assertResponseStatus() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
- Assert that the client response has a given code.
- MakesHttpRequests::assertViewHas() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
- Assert that the response view has a given piece of bound data.
- MakesHttpRequests::assertViewHasAll() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
- Assert that the view has a given list of bound data.
- MakesHttpRequests::assertViewMissing() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
- Assert that the response view is missing a piece of bound data.
- MakesHttpRequests::assertRedirectedTo() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
- Assert whether the client was redirected to a given URI.
- MakesHttpRequests::assertRedirectedToRoute() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
- Assert whether the client was redirected to a given route.
- MakesHttpRequests::assertRedirectedToAction() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
- Assert whether the client was redirected to a given action.
- Request::ajax() — Method in class Request
- Determine if the request is the result of an AJAX call.
- Request::all() — Method in class Request
- Get all of the input and files for the request.
- Request::allFiles() — Method in class Request
- Get an array of all of the files on the request.
- Request::accepts() — Method in class Request
- Determines whether the current requests accepts a given content type.
- Request::acceptsJson() — Method in class Request
- Determines whether a request accepts JSON.
- Request::acceptsHtml() — Method in class Request
- Determines whether a request accepts HTML.
- Writer::alert() — Method in class Writer
- Log an alert message to the logs.
- Mailer::alwaysFrom() — Method in class Mailer
- Set the global from address and name.
- Mailer::alwaysTo() — Method in class Mailer
- Set the global to address and name.
- Message::attach() — Method in class Message
- Attach a file to the message.
- Message::attachData() — Method in class Message
- Attach in-memory data as an attachment.
- AbstractPaginator — Class in namespace Illuminate\Pagination
- AbstractPaginator::appends() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
- Add a set of query string values to the paginator.
- AbstractPaginator::addQuery() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
- Add a query string value to the paginator.
- Manager::addConnection() — Method in class Manager
- Register a connection with the manager.
- DatabaseFailedJobProvider::all() — Method in class DatabaseFailedJobProvider
- Get a list of all of the failed jobs.
- FailedJobProviderInterface::all() — Method in class FailedJobProviderInterface
- Get a list of all of the failed jobs.
- NullFailedJobProvider::all() — Method in class NullFailedJobProvider
- Get a list of all of the failed jobs.
- InteractsWithQueue::attempts() — Method in class InteractsWithQueue
- Get the number of times the job has been attempted.
- BeanstalkdJob::attempts() — Method in class BeanstalkdJob
- Get the number of times the job has been attempted.
- DatabaseJob::attempts() — Method in class DatabaseJob
- Get the number of times the job has been attempted.
- Job::attempts() — Method in class Job
- Get the number of times the job has been attempted.
- RedisJob::attempts() — Method in class RedisJob
- Get the number of times the job has been attempted.
- SqsJob::attempts() — Method in class SqsJob
- Get the number of times the job has been attempted.
- SyncJob::attempts() — Method in class SyncJob
- Get the number of times the job has been attempted.
- QueueManager::after() — Method in class QueueManager
- Register an event listener for the after job event.
- QueueManager::addConnector() — Method in class QueueManager
- Add a queue connection resolver.
- ControllerInspector::addUriWildcards() — Method in class ControllerInspector
- Add wildcards to the given URI.
- Redirector::away() — Method in class Redirector
- Create a new redirect response to an external URL (no validation).
- Redirector::action() — Method in class Redirector
- Create a new redirect response to a controller action.
- RouteCollection::add() — Method in class RouteCollection
- Add a Route instance to the collection.
- Router::any() — Method in class Router
- Register a new route responding to all verbs.
- Router::auth() — Method in class Router
- Register the typical authentication routes for an application.
- UrlGenerator::asset() — Method in class UrlGenerator
- Generate a URL to an application asset.
- UrlGenerator::assetFrom() — Method in class UrlGenerator
- Generate a URL to an asset from a custom root domain such as CDN, etc.
- UrlGenerator::action() — Method in class UrlGenerator
- Get the URL to a controller action.
- Store::ageFlashData() — Method in class Store
- Age the flash data for the session.
- Store::all() — Method in class Store
- {@inheritdoc}
- AggregateServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- Arr — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- Arr::accessible() — Method in class Arr
- Determine whether the given value is array accessible.
- Arr::add() — Method in class Arr
- Add an element to an array using "dot" notation if it doesn't exist.
- ClassLoader::addDirectories() — Method in class ClassLoader
- Add directories to the class loader.
- Collection::all() — Method in class Collection
- Get all of the items in the collection.
- Collection::avg() — Method in class Collection
- Get the average value of a given key.
- Collection::average() — Method in class Collection
- Alias for the "avg" method.
- App — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Artisan — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Auth — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- MessageBag::add() — Method in class MessageBag
- Add a message to the bag.
- MessageBag::all() — Method in class MessageBag
- Get all of the messages for every key in the bag.
- MessageBag::any() — Method in class MessageBag
- Determine if the message bag has any messages.
- Str::ascii() — Method in class Str
- Transliterate a UTF-8 value to ASCII.
- ArrayLoader — Class in namespace Illuminate\Translation
- ArrayLoader::addNamespace() — Method in class ArrayLoader
- Add a new namespace to the loader.
- ArrayLoader::addMessages() — Method in class ArrayLoader
- Add messages to the loader.
- FileLoader::addNamespace() — Method in class FileLoader
- Add a new namespace to the loader.
- LoaderInterface::addNamespace() — Method in class LoaderInterface
- Add a new namespace to the loader.
- Translator::addNamespace() — Method in class Translator
- Add a new namespace to the loader.
- Validator::after() — Method in class Validator
- After an after validation callback.
- Validator::attributes() — Method in class Validator
- Get all attributes.
- Validator::addExtensions() — Method in class Validator
- Register an array of custom validator extensions.
- Validator::addImplicitExtensions() — Method in class Validator
- Register an array of custom implicit validator extensions.
- Validator::addExtension() — Method in class Validator
- Register a custom validator extension.
- Validator::addImplicitExtension() — Method in class Validator
- Register a custom implicit validator extension.
- Validator::addReplacers() — Method in class Validator
- Register an array of custom validator message replacers.
- Validator::addReplacer() — Method in class Validator
- Register a custom validator message replacer.
- Validator::addCustomAttributes() — Method in class Validator
- Add custom attributes to the validator.
- Validator::addCustomValues() — Method in class Validator
- Add the custom values for the validator.
- Factory::alias() — Method in class Factory
- Add an alias for a view.
- Factory::appendSection() — Method in class Factory
- Stop injecting content into a section and append it.
- Factory::addLocation() — Method in class Factory
- Add a location to the array of view locations.
- Factory::addNamespace() — Method in class Factory
- Add a new namespace to the loader.
- Factory::addExtension() — Method in class Factory
- Register a valid view extension and its engine.
- FileViewFinder::addLocation() — Method in class FileViewFinder
- Add a location to the finder.
- FileViewFinder::addNamespace() — Method in class FileViewFinder
- Add a namespace hint to the finder.
- FileViewFinder::addExtension() — Method in class FileViewFinder
- Register an extension with the view finder.
- ViewFinderInterface::addLocation() — Method in class ViewFinderInterface
- Add a location to the finder.
- ViewFinderInterface::addNamespace() — Method in class ViewFinderInterface
- Add a namespace hint to the finder.
- ViewFinderInterface::addExtension() — Method in class ViewFinderInterface
- Add a valid view extension to the finder.
- Gate::before() — Method in class Gate
- Register a callback to run before all Gate checks.
- PasswordBrokerManager::broker() — Method in class PasswordBrokerManager
- Attempt to get the broker from the local cache.
- SessionGuard::basic() — Method in class SessionGuard
- Attempt to authenticate using HTTP Basic Auth.
- BroadcastEvent — Class in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting
- BroadcastManager — Class in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting
- BroadcastServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting
- LogBroadcaster::broadcast() — Method in class LogBroadcaster
- Broadcast the given event.
- PusherBroadcaster::broadcast() — Method in class PusherBroadcaster
- Broadcast the given event.
- RedisBroadcaster::broadcast() — Method in class RedisBroadcaster
- Broadcast the given event.
- BusServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Bus
- Event::buildCommand() — Method in class Event
- Build the command string.
- Event::before() — Method in class Event
- Register a callback to be called before the operation.
- Container::bound() — Method in class Container
- Determine if the given abstract type has been bound.
- Container::bind() — Method in class Container
- Register a binding with the container.
- Container::bindIf() — Method in class Container
- Register a binding if it hasn't already been registered.
- Container::build() — Method in class Container
- Instantiate a concrete instance of the given type.
- Gate::before() — Method in class Gate
- Register a callback to run before all Gate checks.
- PasswordBrokerFactory::broker() — Method in class PasswordBrokerFactory
- Get a password broker instance by name.
- SupportsBasicAuth::basic() — Method in class SupportsBasicAuth
- Attempt to authenticate using HTTP Basic Auth.
- Broadcaster — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting
- Broadcaster::broadcast() — Method in class Broadcaster
- Broadcast the given event.
- ShouldBroadcast::broadcastOn() — Method in class ShouldBroadcast
- Get the channels the event should broadcast on.
- BindingResolutionException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Container
- Container::bound() — Method in class Container
- Determine if the given abstract type has been bound.
- Container::bind() — Method in class Container
- Register a binding with the container.
- Container::bindIf() — Method in class Container
- Register a binding if it hasn't already been registered.
- Application::basePath() — Method in class Application
- Get the base path of the Laravel installation.
- Application::boot() — Method in class Application
- Boot the application's service providers.
- Application::booting() — Method in class Application
- Register a new boot listener.
- Application::booted() — Method in class Application
- Register a new "booted" listener.
- Kernel::bootstrap() — Method in class Kernel
- Bootstrap the application for HTTP requests.
- Manager::bootEloquent() — Method in class Manager
- Bootstrap Eloquent so it is ready for usage.
- Connection::beginTransaction() — Method in class Connection
- Start a new database transaction.
- ConnectionInterface::beginTransaction() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
- Start a new database transaction.
- BaseCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations
- DatabaseServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class DatabaseServiceProvider
- Bootstrap the application events.
- Builder — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
- Model::belongsTo() — Method in class Model
- Define an inverse one-to-one or many relationship.
- Model::belongsToMany() — Method in class Model
- Define a many-to-many relationship.
- BelongsTo — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
- BelongsToMany — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
- SoftDeletes::bootSoftDeletes() — Method in class SoftDeletes
- Boot the soft deleting trait for a model.
- $QueryExecuted — Property in class QueryExecuted
- The array of query bindings.
- Builder — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query
- $JoinClause — Property in class JoinClause
- The "on" bindings for the join.
- Blueprint — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema
- Blueprint::build() — Method in class Blueprint
- Execute the blueprint against the database.
- Blueprint::bigIncrements() — Method in class Blueprint
- Create a new auto-incrementing big integer (8-byte) column on the table.
- Blueprint::bigInteger() — Method in class Blueprint
- Create a new big integer (8-byte) column on the table.
- Blueprint::boolean() — Method in class Blueprint
- Create a new boolean column on the table.
- Blueprint::binary() — Method in class Blueprint
- Create a new binary column on the table.
- Builder — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema
- Builder::blueprintResolver() — Method in class Builder
- Set the Schema Blueprint resolver callback.
- BaseEncrypter — Class in namespace Illuminate\Encryption
- Filesystem::basename() — Method in class Filesystem
- Extract the trailing name component from a file path.
- Application::bootstrapWith() — Method in class Application
- Run the given array of bootstrap classes.
- Application::beforeBootstrapping() — Method in class Application
- Register a callback to run before a bootstrapper.
- Application::basePath() — Method in class Application
- Get the base path of the Laravel installation.
- Application::bootstrapPath() — Method in class Application
- Get the path to the bootstrap directory.
- Application::bound() — Method in class Application
- Determine if the given abstract type has been bound.
- Application::boot() — Method in class Application
- Boot the application's service providers.
- Application::booting() — Method in class Application
- Register a new boot listener.
- Application::booted() — Method in class Application
- Register a new "booted" listener.
- BootProviders — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap
- BootProviders::bootstrap() — Method in class BootProviders
- Bootstrap the given application.
- ConfigureLogging::bootstrap() — Method in class ConfigureLogging
- Bootstrap the given application.
- DetectEnvironment::bootstrap() — Method in class DetectEnvironment
- Bootstrap the given application.
- HandleExceptions::bootstrap() — Method in class HandleExceptions
- Bootstrap the given application.
- LoadConfiguration::bootstrap() — Method in class LoadConfiguration
- Bootstrap the given application.
- RegisterFacades::bootstrap() — Method in class RegisterFacades
- Bootstrap the given application.
- RegisterProviders::bootstrap() — Method in class RegisterProviders
- Bootstrap the given application.
- SetRequestForConsole::bootstrap() — Method in class SetRequestForConsole
- Bootstrap the given application.
- Kernel::bootstrap() — Method in class Kernel
- Bootstrap the application for artisan commands.
- Kernel::bootstrap() — Method in class Kernel
- Bootstrap the application for HTTP requests.
- FoundationServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class FoundationServiceProvider
- Bootstrap the application services.
- EventServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class EventServiceProvider
- Register the application's event listeners.
- RouteServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class RouteServiceProvider
- Bootstrap any application services.
- ImpersonatesUsers::be() — Method in class ImpersonatesUsers
- Set the currently logged in user for the application.
- DatabaseTransactions::beginDatabaseTransaction() — Method in class DatabaseTransactions
- Handle database transactions on the specified connections.
- BcryptHasher — Class in namespace Illuminate\Hashing
- Request::bearerToken() — Method in class Request
- Get the bearer token from the request headers.
- Message::bcc() — Method in class Message
- Add a blind carbon copy to the message.
- BootstrapFourNextPreviousButtonRendererTrait — Class in namespace Illuminate\Pagination
- BootstrapFourPresenter — Class in namespace Illuminate\Pagination
- BootstrapThreeNextPreviousButtonRendererTrait — Class in namespace Illuminate\Pagination
- BootstrapThreePresenter — Class in namespace Illuminate\Pagination
- BeanstalkdQueue — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue
- Manager::bulk() — Method in class Manager
- Push a new an array of jobs onto the queue.
- BeanstalkdConnector — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Connectors
- DatabaseQueue::bulk() — Method in class DatabaseQueue
- Push an array of jobs onto the queue.
- BeanstalkdJob — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Jobs
- BeanstalkdJob::bury() — Method in class BeanstalkdJob
- Bury the job in the queue.
- Queue::bulk() — Method in class Queue
- Push an array of jobs onto the queue.
- QueueManager::before() — Method in class QueueManager
- Register an event listener for the before job event.
- Redirector::back() — Method in class Redirector
- Create a new redirect response to the previous location.
- Route::bind() — Method in class Route
- Bind the route to a given request for execution.
- Route::bindParameters() — Method in class Route
- Extract the parameter list from the request.
- Router::bind() — Method in class Router
- Add a new route parameter binder.
- Arr::build() — Method in class Arr
- Build a new array using a callback.
- Blade — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Bus — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- BladeCompiler — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers
- Gate::check() — Method in class Gate
- Determine if the given ability should be granted for the current user.
- AuthManager::createSessionDriver() — Method in class AuthManager
- Create a session based authentication guard.
- AuthManager::createTokenDriver() — Method in class AuthManager
- Create a token based authentication guard.
- ClearResetsCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Console
- CreatesUserProviders — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth
- CreatesUserProviders::createUserProvider() — Method in class CreatesUserProviders
- Create the user provider implementation for the driver.
- EloquentUserProvider::createModel() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider
- Create a new instance of the model.
- $Attempting — Property in class Attempting
- The credentials for the user.
- GuardHelpers::check() — Method in class GuardHelpers
- Determine if the current user is authenticated.
- CanResetPassword — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Passwords
- DatabaseTokenRepository::create() — Method in class DatabaseTokenRepository
- Create a new token record.
- DatabaseTokenRepository::createNewToken() — Method in class DatabaseTokenRepository
- Create a new token for the user.
- PasswordBroker::createToken() — Method in class PasswordBroker
- Create a new password reset token for the given user.
- TokenRepositoryInterface::create() — Method in class TokenRepositoryInterface
- Create a new token.
- BroadcastManager::connection() — Method in class BroadcastManager
- Get a driver instance.
- $Queueable — Property in class Queueable
- The name of the connection the job should be sent to.
- CacheManager — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- CacheServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- CacheTableCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache\Console
- ClearCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache\Console
- CacheHit — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache\Events
- CacheMissed — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache\Events
- MemcachedConnector::connect() — Method in class MemcachedConnector
- Create a new Memcached connection.
- RateLimiter::clear() — Method in class RateLimiter
- Clear the hits and lockout for the given key.
- RedisStore::connection() — Method in class RedisStore
- Get the Redis connection instance.
- Application::call() — Method in class Application
- Run an Artisan console command by name.
- Command — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console
- Command::call() — Method in class Command
- Call another console command.
- Command::callSilent() — Method in class Command
- Call another console command silently.
- Command::confirm() — Method in class Command
- Confirm a question with the user.
- Command::choice() — Method in class Command
- Give the user a single choice from an array of answers.
- Command::comment() — Method in class Command
- Write a string as comment output.
- ConfirmableTrait — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console
- ConfirmableTrait::confirmToProceed() — Method in class ConfirmableTrait
- Confirm before proceeding with the action.
- CallbackEvent — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\Scheduling
- $Event — Property in class Event
- The command string.
- Event::cron() — Method in class Event
- The Cron expression representing the event's frequency.
- Schedule::call() — Method in class Schedule
- Add a new callback event to the schedule.
- Schedule::command() — Method in class Schedule
- Add a new Artisan command event to the schedule.
- Container — Class in namespace Illuminate\Container
- $Container — Property in class Container
- The contextual binding map.
- Container::call() — Method in class Container
- Call the given Closure / class@method and inject its dependencies.
- ContextualBindingBuilder — Class in namespace Illuminate\Container
- Authorizable::can() — Method in class Authorizable
- Determine if the entity has a given ability.
- Gate::check() — Method in class Gate
- Determine if the given ability should be granted.
- CanResetPassword — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth
- Guard::check() — Method in class Guard
- Determine if the current user is authenticated.
- Registrar::create() — Method in class Registrar
- Create a new user instance after a valid registration.
- Factory::connection() — Method in class Factory
- Get a broadcaster implementation by name.
- Application::call() — Method in class Application
- Call a console application command.
- Kernel::call() — Method in class Kernel
- Run an Artisan console command by name.
- Container — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Container
- Container::call() — Method in class Container
- Call the given Closure / class@method and inject its dependencies.
- ContextualBindingBuilder — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Container
- $ModelIdentifier — Property in class ModelIdentifier
- The class name of the model.
- Cloud — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Filesystem
- Filesystem::copy() — Method in class Filesystem
- Copy a file to a new location.
- Hasher::check() — Method in class Hasher
- Check the given plain value against a hash.
- Log::critical() — Method in class Log
- Log a critical message to the logs.
- Paginator::currentPage() — Method in class Paginator
- Determine the current page being paginated.
- Factory::connection() — Method in class Factory
- Resolve a queue connection instance.
- Database::command() — Method in class Database
- Run a command against the Redis database.
- UrlGenerator::current() — Method in class UrlGenerator
- Get the current URL for the request.
- MessageBag::count() — Method in class MessageBag
- Get the number of messages in the container.
- Factory::composer() — Method in class Factory
- Register a view composer event.
- Factory::creator() — Method in class Factory
- Register a view creator event.
- CookieJar — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cookie
- CookieServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cookie
- Manager::connection() — Method in class Manager
- Get a connection instance from the global manager.
- Connection — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- Connection::commit() — Method in class Connection
- Commit the active database transaction.
- ConnectionInterface — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- ConnectionInterface::commit() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
- Commit the active database transaction.
- ConnectionResolver — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- ConnectionResolver::connection() — Method in class ConnectionResolver
- Get a database connection instance.
- ConnectionResolverInterface — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- ConnectionResolverInterface::connection() — Method in class ConnectionResolverInterface
- Get a database connection instance.
- ConnectionFactory — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Connectors
- ConnectionFactory::createConnector() — Method in class ConnectionFactory
- Create a connector instance based on the configuration.
- Connector — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Connectors
- Connector::createConnection() — Method in class Connector
- Create a new PDO connection.
- ConnectorInterface — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Connectors
- ConnectorInterface::connect() — Method in class ConnectorInterface
- Establish a database connection.
- MySqlConnector::connect() — Method in class MySqlConnector
- Establish a database connection.
- PostgresConnector::connect() — Method in class PostgresConnector
- Establish a database connection.
- SQLiteConnector::connect() — Method in class SQLiteConnector
- Establish a database connection.
- SqlServerConnector::connect() — Method in class SqlServerConnector
- Establish a database connection.
- DatabaseManager::connection() — Method in class DatabaseManager
- Get a database connection instance.
- Builder::chunk() — Method in class Builder
- Chunk the results of the query.
- Builder::chunkById() — Method in class Builder
- Chunk the results of a query by comparing numeric IDs.
- Collection — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
- Collection::contains() — Method in class Collection
- Determine if a key exists in the collection.
- Collection::collapse() — Method in class Collection
- Collapse the collection of items into a single array.
- Factory::construct() — Method in class Factory
- Create a new factory container.
- Factory::create() — Method in class Factory
- Create an instance of the given model and persist it to the database.
- Factory::createAs() — Method in class Factory
- Create an instance of the given model and type and persist it to the database.
- FactoryBuilder::create() — Method in class FactoryBuilder
- Create a collection of models and persist them to the database.
- Model::clearBootedModels() — Method in class Model
- Clear the list of booted models so they will be re-booted.
- Model::create() — Method in class Model
- Save a new model and return the instance.
- Model::creating() — Method in class Model
- Register a creating model event with the dispatcher.
- Model::created() — Method in class Model
- Register a created model event with the dispatcher.
- Model::cacheMutatedAttributes() — Method in class Model
- Extract and cache all the mutated attributes of a class.
- BelongsToMany::chunk() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Chunk the results of the query.
- BelongsToMany::create() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Create a new instance of the related model.
- BelongsToMany::createMany() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Create an array of new instances of the related models.
- BelongsToMany::createdAt() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Get the name of the "created at" column.
- HasOneOrMany::create() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
- Create a new instance of the related model.
- HasOneOrMany::createMany() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
- Create an array of new instances of the related model.
- MorphOneOrMany::create() — Method in class MorphOneOrMany
- Create a new instance of the related model.
- MorphTo::createModelByType() — Method in class MorphTo
- Create a new model instance by type.
- Relation::createdAt() — Method in class Relation
- Get the name of the "created at" column.
- ConnectionEvent — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Events
- $ConnectionEvent — Property in class ConnectionEvent
- The name of the connection.
- $ConnectionEvent — Property in class ConnectionEvent
- The database connection instance.
- $QueryExecuted — Property in class QueryExecuted
- The databse connection instance.
- $QueryExecuted — Property in class QueryExecuted
- The database connection name.
- Grammar::columnize() — Method in class Grammar
- Convert an array of column names into a delimited string.
- DatabaseMigrationRepository::createRepository() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository
- Create the migration repository data store.
- MigrationCreator::create() — Method in class MigrationCreator
- Create a new migration at the given path.
- MigrationRepositoryInterface::createRepository() — Method in class MigrationRepositoryInterface
- Create the migration repository data store.
- $Builder — Property in class Builder
- The columns that should be returned.
- Builder::crossJoin() — Method in class Builder
- Add a "cross join" clause to the query.
- Builder::chunk() — Method in class Builder
- Chunk the results of the query.
- Builder::chunkById() — Method in class Builder
- Chunk the results of a query by comparing numeric IDs.
- Builder::count() — Method in class Builder
- Retrieve the "count" result of the query.
- Grammar::compileSelect() — Method in class Grammar
- Compile a select query into SQL.
- Grammar::compileExists() — Method in class Grammar
- Compile an exists statement into SQL.
- Grammar::compileInsert() — Method in class Grammar
- Compile an insert statement into SQL.
- Grammar::compileInsertGetId() — Method in class Grammar
- Compile an insert and get ID statement into SQL.
- Grammar::compileUpdate() — Method in class Grammar
- Compile an update statement into SQL.
- Grammar::compileDelete() — Method in class Grammar
- Compile a delete statement into SQL.
- Grammar::compileTruncate() — Method in class Grammar
- Compile a truncate table statement into SQL.
- Grammar::compileSavepoint() — Method in class Grammar
- Compile the SQL statement to define a savepoint.
- Grammar::compileSavepointRollBack() — Method in class Grammar
- Compile the SQL statement to execute a savepoint rollback.
- MySqlGrammar::compileSelect() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
- Compile a select query into SQL.
- MySqlGrammar::compileUpdate() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
- Compile an update statement into SQL.
- MySqlGrammar::compileDelete() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
- Compile a delete statement into SQL.
- PostgresGrammar::compileUpdate() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
- Compile an update statement into SQL.
- PostgresGrammar::compileInsertGetId() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
- Compile an insert and get ID statement into SQL.
- PostgresGrammar::compileTruncate() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
- Compile a truncate table statement into SQL.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileInsert() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
- Compile an insert statement into SQL.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileTruncate() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
- Compile a truncate table statement into SQL.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileSelect() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
- Compile a select query into SQL.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileTruncate() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
- Compile a truncate table statement into SQL.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileExists() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
- Compile an exists statement into SQL.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileUpdate() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
- Compile an update statement into SQL.
- $JoinClause — Property in class JoinClause
- The "on" clauses for the join.
- $Blueprint — Property in class Blueprint
- The default character set that should be used for the table.
- $Blueprint — Property in class Blueprint
- The collation that should be used for the table.
- Blueprint::create() — Method in class Blueprint
- Indicate that the table needs to be created.
- Blueprint::char() — Method in class Blueprint
- Create a new char column on the table.
- Builder::create() — Method in class Builder
- Create a new table on the schema.
- Grammar::compileRenameColumn() — Method in class Grammar
- Compile a rename column command.
- Grammar::compileForeign() — Method in class Grammar
- Compile a foreign key command.
- Grammar::compileChange() — Method in class Grammar
- Compile a change column command into a series of SQL statements.
- MySqlGrammar::compileTableExists() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
- Compile the query to determine the list of tables.
- MySqlGrammar::compileColumnExists() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
- Compile the query to determine the list of columns.
- MySqlGrammar::compileCreate() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
- Compile a create table command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileAdd() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
- Compile an add column command.
- MySqlGrammar::compilePrimary() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
- Compile a primary key command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileUnique() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
- Compile a unique key command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileIndex() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
- Compile a plain index key command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileDrop() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
- Compile a drop table command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileDropIfExists() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
- Compile a drop table (if exists) command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileDropColumn() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
- Compile a drop column command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileDropPrimary() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
- Compile a drop primary key command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileDropUnique() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
- Compile a drop unique key command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileDropIndex() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
- Compile a drop index command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileDropForeign() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
- Compile a drop foreign key command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileRename() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
- Compile a rename table command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileTableExists() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
- Compile the query to determine if a table exists.
- PostgresGrammar::compileColumnExists() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
- Compile the query to determine the list of columns.
- PostgresGrammar::compileCreate() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
- Compile a create table command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileAdd() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
- Compile a column addition command.
- PostgresGrammar::compilePrimary() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
- Compile a primary key command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileUnique() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
- Compile a unique key command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileIndex() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
- Compile a plain index key command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileDrop() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
- Compile a drop table command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileDropIfExists() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
- Compile a drop table (if exists) command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileDropColumn() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
- Compile a drop column command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileDropPrimary() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
- Compile a drop primary key command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileDropUnique() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
- Compile a drop unique key command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileDropIndex() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
- Compile a drop index command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileDropForeign() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
- Compile a drop foreign key command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileRename() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
- Compile a rename table command.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileTableExists() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
- Compile the query to determine if a table exists.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileColumnExists() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
- Compile the query to determine the list of columns.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileCreate() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
- Compile a create table command.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileAdd() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
- Compile alter table commands for adding columns.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileUnique() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
- Compile a unique key command.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileIndex() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
- Compile a plain index key command.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileForeign() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
- Compile a foreign key command.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileDrop() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
- Compile a drop table command.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileDropIfExists() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
- Compile a drop table (if exists) command.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileDropColumn() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
- Compile a drop column command.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileDropUnique() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
- Compile a drop unique key command.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileDropIndex() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
- Compile a drop index command.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileRename() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
- Compile a rename table command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileTableExists() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
- Compile the query to determine if a table exists.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileColumnExists() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
- Compile the query to determine the list of columns.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileCreate() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
- Compile a create table command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileAdd() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
- Compile a column addition table command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compilePrimary() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
- Compile a primary key command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileUnique() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
- Compile a unique key command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileIndex() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
- Compile a plain index key command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileDrop() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
- Compile a drop table command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileDropIfExists() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
- Compile a drop table (if exists) command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileDropColumn() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
- Compile a drop column command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileDropPrimary() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
- Compile a drop primary key command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileDropUnique() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
- Compile a drop unique key command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileDropIndex() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
- Compile a drop index command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileDropForeign() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
- Compile a drop foreign key command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileRename() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
- Compile a rename table command.
- Seeder::call() — Method in class Seeder
- Seed the given connection from the given path.
- CallQueuedHandler — Class in namespace Illuminate\Events
- CallQueuedHandler::call() — Method in class CallQueuedHandler
- Handle the queued job.
- Dispatcher::createClassListener() — Method in class Dispatcher
- Create a class based listener using the IoC container.
- ClassFinder — Class in namespace Illuminate\Filesystem
- Filesystem::copy() — Method in class Filesystem
- Copy a file to a new location.
- Filesystem::copyDirectory() — Method in class Filesystem
- Copy a directory from one location to another.
- Filesystem::cleanDirectory() — Method in class Filesystem
- Empty the specified directory of all files and folders.
- FilesystemAdapter::copy() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
- Copy a file to a new location.
- FilesystemManager::cloud() — Method in class FilesystemManager
- Get a default cloud filesystem instance.
- FilesystemManager::createLocalDriver() — Method in class FilesystemManager
- Create an instance of the local driver.
- FilesystemManager::createFtpDriver() — Method in class FilesystemManager
- Create an instance of the ftp driver.
- FilesystemManager::createS3Driver() — Method in class FilesystemManager
- Create an instance of the Amazon S3 driver.
- FilesystemManager::createRackspaceDriver() — Method in class FilesystemManager
- Create an instance of the Rackspace driver.
- Application::configPath() — Method in class Application
- Get the path to the application configuration files.
- Application::configurationIsCached() — Method in class Application
- Determine if the application configuration is cached.
- Application::configureMonologUsing() — Method in class Application
- Define a callback to be used to configure Monolog.
- Authorizable::can() — Method in class Authorizable
- Determine if the entity has a given ability.
- Authorizable::cant() — Method in class Authorizable
- Determine if the entity does not have a given ability.
- Authorizable::cannot() — Method in class Authorizable
- Determine if the entity does not have a given ability.
- ConfigureLogging — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap
- ComposerScripts — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation
- ClearCompiledCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- ConfigCacheCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- ConfigClearCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- ConsoleMakeCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- IlluminateCaster::castApplication() — Method in class IlluminateCaster
- Get an array representing the properties of an application.
- IlluminateCaster::castCollection() — Method in class IlluminateCaster
- Get an array representing the properties of a collection.
- IlluminateCaster::castModel() — Method in class IlluminateCaster
- Get an array representing the properties of a model.
- Kernel::call() — Method in class Kernel
- Run an Artisan console command by name.
- CheckForMaintenanceMode — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware
- ProviderRepository::createProvider() — Method in class ProviderRepository
- Create a new provider instance.
- ComposerServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Providers
- ConsoleSupportServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Providers
- MakesHttpRequests::call() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
- Call the given URI and return the Response.
- MakesHttpRequests::callSecure() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
- Call the given HTTPS URI and return the Response.
- TestCase::createApplication() — Method in class TestCase
- Creates the application.
- BcryptHasher::check() — Method in class BcryptHasher
- Check the given plain value against a hash.
- CheckResponseForModifications — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Middleware
- Request::capture() — Method in class Request
- Create a new Illuminate HTTP request from server variables.
- Request::cookie() — Method in class Request
- Retrieve a cookie from the request.
- Request::createFromBase() — Method in class Request
- Create an Illuminate request from a Symfony instance.
- ResponseTrait::content() — Method in class ResponseTrait
- Get the content of the response.
- ResponseTrait::cookie() — Method in class ResponseTrait
- Add a cookie to the response.
- UploadedFile::clientExtension() — Method in class UploadedFile
- Get the file's extension supplied by the client.
- UploadedFile::createFromBase() — Method in class UploadedFile
- Create a new file instance from a base instance.
- Writer::critical() — Method in class Writer
- Log a critical message to the logs.
- Message::cc() — Method in class Message
- Add a carbon copy to the message.
- AbstractPaginator::currentPage() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
- Get the current page.
- AbstractPaginator::currentPathResolver() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
- Set the current request path resolver callback.
- AbstractPaginator::currentPageResolver() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
- Set the current page resolver callback.
- AbstractPaginator::count() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
- Get the number of items for the current page.
- CallQueuedHandler — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue
- CallQueuedHandler::call() — Method in class CallQueuedHandler
- Handle the queued job.
- Manager::connection() — Method in class Manager
- Get a connection instance from the global manager.
- BeanstalkdConnector::connect() — Method in class BeanstalkdConnector
- Establish a queue connection.
- ConnectorInterface — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Connectors
- ConnectorInterface::connect() — Method in class ConnectorInterface
- Establish a queue connection.
- DatabaseConnector::connect() — Method in class DatabaseConnector
- Establish a queue connection.
- NullConnector::connect() — Method in class NullConnector
- Establish a queue connection.
- RedisConnector::connect() — Method in class RedisConnector
- Establish a queue connection.
- SqsConnector::connect() — Method in class SqsConnector
- Establish a queue connection.
- SyncConnector::connect() — Method in class SyncConnector
- Establish a queue connection.
- ConsoleServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue
- $JobExceptionOccurred — Property in class JobExceptionOccurred
- The connection name.
- $JobFailed — Property in class JobFailed
- The connection name.
- $JobProcessed — Property in class JobProcessed
- The connection name.
- $JobProcessing — Property in class JobProcessing
- The connection name.
- QueueManager::connected() — Method in class QueueManager
- Determine if the driver is connected.
- QueueManager::connection() — Method in class QueueManager
- Resolve a queue connection instance.
- SqsQueue::createJobsUsing() — Method in class SqsQueue
- Define the job creator callback for the connection.
- Database::connection() — Method in class Database
- Get a specific Redis connection instance.
- Database::command() — Method in class Database
- Run a command against the Redis database.
- ControllerMakeCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Console
- Controller — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- Controller::callAction() — Method in class Controller
- Execute an action on the controller.
- ControllerDispatcher — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- ControllerInspector — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- ControllerMiddlewareOptions — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- RouteCollection::count() — Method in class RouteCollection
- Count the number of items in the collection.
- Router::controllers() — Method in class Router
- Register an array of controllers with wildcard routing.
- Router::controller() — Method in class Router
- Route a controller to a URI with wildcard routing.
- Router::createClassBinding() — Method in class Router
- Create a class based binding using the IoC container.
- Router::current() — Method in class Router
- Get the currently dispatched route instance.
- Router::currentRouteName() — Method in class Router
- Get the current route name.
- Router::currentRouteNamed() — Method in class Router
- Determine if the current route matches a given name.
- Router::currentRouteAction() — Method in class Router
- Get the current route action.
- Router::currentRouteUses() — Method in class Router
- Determine if the current route action matches a given action.
- UrlGenerator::current() — Method in class UrlGenerator
- Get the current URL for the request.
- CacheBasedSessionHandler — Class in namespace Illuminate\Session
- CacheBasedSessionHandler::close() — Method in class CacheBasedSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- CookieSessionHandler — Class in namespace Illuminate\Session
- CookieSessionHandler::close() — Method in class CookieSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- DatabaseSessionHandler::close() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- FileSessionHandler::close() — Method in class FileSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- LegacyDatabaseSessionHandler::close() — Method in class LegacyDatabaseSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- Store::clear() — Method in class Store
- {@inheritdoc}
- Arr::collapse() — Method in class Arr
- Collapse an array of arrays into a single array.
- ClassLoader — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- Collection — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- Collection::collapse() — Method in class Collection
- Collapse the collection of items into a single array.
- Collection::contains() — Method in class Collection
- Determine if an item exists in the collection.
- Collection::combine() — Method in class Collection
- Create a collection by using this collection for keys and another for its values.
- Collection::chunk() — Method in class Collection
- Chunk the underlying collection array.
- Collection::count() — Method in class Collection
- Count the number of items in the collection.
- Composer — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- Cache — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Config — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Cookie — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Crypt — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Facade::clearResolvedInstance() — Method in class Facade
- Clear a resolved facade instance.
- Facade::clearResolvedInstances() — Method in class Facade
- Clear all of the resolved instances.
- Schema::connection() — Method in class Schema
- Get a schema builder instance for a connection.
- MessageBag::count() — Method in class MessageBag
- Get the number of messages in the container.
- ServiceProvider::commands() — Method in class ServiceProvider
- Register the package's custom Artisan commands.
- ServiceProvider::compiles() — Method in class ServiceProvider
- Get a list of files that should be compiled for the package.
- Str::camel() — Method in class Str
- Convert a value to camel case.
- Str::contains() — Method in class Str
- Determine if a given string contains a given substring.
- CapsuleManagerTrait — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Traits
- ViewErrorBag::count() — Method in class ViewErrorBag
- Get the number of messages in the default bag.
- Translator::choice() — Method in class Translator
- Get a translation according to an integer value.
- BladeCompiler::compile() — Method in class BladeCompiler
- Compile the view at the given path.
- BladeCompiler::compileString() — Method in class BladeCompiler
- Compile the given Blade template contents.
- BladeCompiler::compileEchoDefaults() — Method in class BladeCompiler
- Compile the default values for the echo statement.
- Compiler — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers
- CompilerInterface — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers
- CompilerInterface::compile() — Method in class CompilerInterface
- Compile the view at the given path.
- CompilerEngine — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Engines
- Factory::creator() — Method in class Factory
- Register a view creator event.
- Factory::composers() — Method in class Factory
- Register multiple view composers via an array.
- Factory::composer() — Method in class Factory
- Register a view composer event.
- Factory::callComposer() — Method in class Factory
- Call the composer for a given view.
- Factory::callCreator() — Method in class Factory
- Call the creator for a given view.
- Gate::define() — Method in class Gate
- Define a new ability.
- Gate::denies() — Method in class Gate
- Determine if the given ability should be denied for the current user.
- DatabaseUserProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth
- DatabaseTokenRepository — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Passwords
- DatabaseTokenRepository::delete() — Method in class DatabaseTokenRepository
- Delete a token record by token.
- DatabaseTokenRepository::deleteExpired() — Method in class DatabaseTokenRepository
- Delete expired tokens.
- PasswordBroker::deleteToken() — Method in class PasswordBroker
- Delete the given password reset token.
- TokenRepositoryInterface::delete() — Method in class TokenRepositoryInterface
- Delete a token record.
- TokenRepositoryInterface::deleteExpired() — Method in class TokenRepositoryInterface
- Delete expired tokens.
- BroadcastManager::driver() — Method in class BroadcastManager
- Get a driver instance.
- Dispatcher — Class in namespace Illuminate\Bus
- Dispatcher::dispatch() — Method in class Dispatcher
- Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler.
- Dispatcher::dispatchNow() — Method in class Dispatcher
- Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler in the current process.
- Dispatcher::dispatchToQueue() — Method in class Dispatcher
- Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler behind a queue.
- $Queueable — Property in class Queueable
- The number of seconds before the job should be made available.
- Queueable::delay() — Method in class Queueable
- Set the desired delay for the job.
- ApcStore::decrement() — Method in class ApcStore
- Decrement the value of an item in the cache.
- ApcWrapper::decrement() — Method in class ApcWrapper
- Decrement the value of an item in the cache.
- ApcWrapper::delete() — Method in class ApcWrapper
- Remove an item from the cache.
- ArrayStore::decrement() — Method in class ArrayStore
- Increment the value of an item in the cache.
- CacheManager::driver() — Method in class CacheManager
- Get a cache driver instance.
- DatabaseStore — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- DatabaseStore::decrement() — Method in class DatabaseStore
- Increment the value of an item in the cache.
- FileStore::decrement() — Method in class FileStore
- Decrement the value of an item in the cache.
- MemcachedStore::decrement() — Method in class MemcachedStore
- Decrement the value of an item in the cache.
- NullStore::decrement() — Method in class NullStore
- Increment the value of an item in the cache.
- RedisStore::decrement() — Method in class RedisStore
- Decrement the value of an item in the cache.
- TaggedCache::decrement() — Method in class TaggedCache
- Increment the value of an item in the cache.
- $Event — Property in class Event
- The human readable description of the event.
- Event::daily() — Method in class Event
- Schedule the event to run daily.
- Event::dailyAt() — Method in class Event
- Schedule the event to run daily at a given time (10:00, 19:30, etc).
- Event::days() — Method in class Event
- Set the days of the week the command should run on.
- Event::description() — Method in class Event
- Set the human-friendly description of the event.
- Schedule::dueEvents() — Method in class Schedule
- Get all of the events on the schedule that are due.
- Gate::define() — Method in class Gate
- Define a new ability.
- Gate::denies() — Method in class Gate
- Determine if the given ability should be denied for the current user.
- Dispatcher — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Bus
- Dispatcher::dispatch() — Method in class Dispatcher
- Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler.
- Dispatcher::dispatchNow() — Method in class Dispatcher
- Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler in the current process.
- QueueingDispatcher::dispatchToQueue() — Method in class QueueingDispatcher
- Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler behind a queue.
- Store::decrement() — Method in class Store
- Decrement the value of an item in the cache.
- DecryptException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Encryption
- Encrypter::decrypt() — Method in class Encrypter
- Decrypt the given value.
- Dispatcher — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Events
- Factory::disk() — Method in class Factory
- Get a filesystem implementation.
- Filesystem::delete() — Method in class Filesystem
- Delete the file at a given path.
- Filesystem::directories() — Method in class Filesystem
- Get all of the directories within a given directory.
- Filesystem::deleteDirectory() — Method in class Filesystem
- Recursively delete a directory.
- Log::debug() — Method in class Log
- Log a debug message to the logs.
- Job::delete() — Method in class Job
- Delete the job from the queue.
- Database — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Redis
- Registrar::delete() — Method in class Registrar
- Register a new DELETE route with the router.
- ResponseFactory::download() — Method in class ResponseFactory
- Create a new file download response.
- EncryptCookies::disableFor() — Method in class EncryptCookies
- Disable encryption for the given cookie name(s).
- Connection::delete() — Method in class Connection
- Run a delete statement against the database.
- Connection::disconnect() — Method in class Connection
- Disconnect from the underlying PDO connection.
- Connection::disableQueryLog() — Method in class Connection
- Disable the query log on the connection.
- ConnectionInterface::delete() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
- Run a delete statement against the database.
- DatabaseManager — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- DatabaseManager::disconnect() — Method in class DatabaseManager
- Disconnect from the given database.
- DatabaseServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- DetectsLostConnections — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- Builder::decrement() — Method in class Builder
- Decrement a column's value by a given amount.
- Builder::delete() — Method in class Builder
- Delete a record from the database.
- Builder::doesntHave() — Method in class Builder
- Add a relationship count / exists condition to the query.
- Collection::diff() — Method in class Collection
- Diff the collection with the given items.
- Factory::defineAs() — Method in class Factory
- Define a class with a given short-name.
- Factory::define() — Method in class Factory
- Define a class with a given set of attributes.
- Model::destroy() — Method in class Model
- Destroy the models for the given IDs.
- Model::delete() — Method in class Model
- Delete the model from the database.
- Model::deleting() — Method in class Model
- Register a deleting model event with the dispatcher.
- Model::deleted() — Method in class Model
- Register a deleted model event with the dispatcher.
- BelongsTo::dissociate() — Method in class BelongsTo
- Dissociate previously associated model from the given parent.
- BelongsToMany::detach() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Detach models from the relationship.
- MorphPivot::delete() — Method in class MorphPivot
- Delete the pivot model record from the database.
- MorphTo::dissociate() — Method in class MorphTo
- Dissociate previously associated model from the given parent.
- Pivot::delete() — Method in class Pivot
- Delete the model from the database.
- DatabaseMigrationRepository — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Migrations
- DatabaseMigrationRepository::delete() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository
- Remove a migration from the log.
- MigrationRepositoryInterface::delete() — Method in class MigrationRepositoryInterface
- Remove a migration from the log.
- $Builder — Property in class Builder
- Indicates if the query returns distinct results.
- Builder::distinct() — Method in class Builder
- Force the query to only return distinct results.
- Builder::dynamicWhere() — Method in class Builder
- Handles dynamic "where" clauses to the query.
- Builder::decrement() — Method in class Builder
- Decrement a column's value by a given amount.
- Builder::delete() — Method in class Builder
- Delete a record from the database.
- Blueprint::drop() — Method in class Blueprint
- Indicate that the table should be dropped.
- Blueprint::dropIfExists() — Method in class Blueprint
- Indicate that the table should be dropped if it exists.
- Blueprint::dropColumn() — Method in class Blueprint
- Indicate that the given columns should be dropped.
- Blueprint::dropPrimary() — Method in class Blueprint
- Indicate that the given primary key should be dropped.
- Blueprint::dropUnique() — Method in class Blueprint
- Indicate that the given unique key should be dropped.
- Blueprint::dropIndex() — Method in class Blueprint
- Indicate that the given index should be dropped.
- Blueprint::dropForeign() — Method in class Blueprint
- Indicate that the given foreign key should be dropped.
- Blueprint::dropTimestamps() — Method in class Blueprint
- Indicate that the timestamp columns should be dropped.
- Blueprint::dropTimestampsTz() — Method in class Blueprint
- Indicate that the timestamp columns should be dropped.
- Blueprint::dropSoftDeletes() — Method in class Blueprint
- Indicate that the soft delete column should be dropped.
- Blueprint::dropRememberToken() — Method in class Blueprint
- Indicate that the remember token column should be dropped.
- Blueprint::double() — Method in class Blueprint
- Create a new double column on the table.
- Blueprint::decimal() — Method in class Blueprint
- Create a new decimal column on the table.
- Blueprint::date() — Method in class Blueprint
- Create a new date column on the table.
- Blueprint::dateTime() — Method in class Blueprint
- Create a new date-time column on the table.
- Blueprint::dateTimeTz() — Method in class Blueprint
- Create a new date-time column (with time zone) on the table.
- Builder::drop() — Method in class Builder
- Drop a table from the schema.
- Builder::dropIfExists() — Method in class Builder
- Drop a table from the schema if it exists.
- Encrypter::decrypt() — Method in class Encrypter
- Decrypt the given value.
- McryptEncrypter::decrypt() — Method in class McryptEncrypter
- Decrypt the given value.
- Dispatcher — Class in namespace Illuminate\Events
- Filesystem::delete() — Method in class Filesystem
- Delete the file at a given path.
- Filesystem::dirname() — Method in class Filesystem
- Extract the parent directory from a file path.
- Filesystem::directories() — Method in class Filesystem
- Get all of the directories within a given directory.
- Filesystem::deleteDirectory() — Method in class Filesystem
- Recursively delete a directory.
- FilesystemAdapter::delete() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
- Delete the file at a given path.
- FilesystemAdapter::directories() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
- Get all of the directories within a given directory.
- FilesystemAdapter::deleteDirectory() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
- Recursively delete a directory.
- FilesystemManager::drive() — Method in class FilesystemManager
- Get a filesystem instance.
- FilesystemManager::disk() — Method in class FilesystemManager
- Get a filesystem instance.
- Application::databasePath() — Method in class Application
- Get the path to the database directory.
- Application::detectEnvironment() — Method in class Application
- Detect the application's current environment.
- DetectEnvironment — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap
- DispatchesJobs — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Bus
- DispatchesJobs::dispatchNow() — Method in class DispatchesJobs
- Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler in the current process.
- DownCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- EnvironmentDetector::detect() — Method in class EnvironmentDetector
- Detect the application's current environment.
- InteractsWithAuthentication::dontSeeIsAuthenticated() — Method in class InteractsWithAuthentication
- Assert that the user is not authenticated.
- InteractsWithAuthentication::dontSeeCredentials() — Method in class InteractsWithAuthentication
- Assert that the given credentials are invalid.
- InteractsWithPages::dontSee() — Method in class InteractsWithPages
- Assert that a given string is not seen on the current HTML.
- InteractsWithPages::dontSeeElement() — Method in class InteractsWithPages
- Assert that an element is not present on the page.
- InteractsWithPages::dontSeeText() — Method in class InteractsWithPages
- Assert that a given string is not seen on the current text.
- InteractsWithPages::dontSeeInElement() — Method in class InteractsWithPages
- Assert that a given string is not seen inside an element.
- InteractsWithPages::dontSeeLink() — Method in class InteractsWithPages
- Assert that a given link is not seen on the page.
- InteractsWithPages::dontSeeInField() — Method in class InteractsWithPages
- Assert that an input field does not contain the given value.
- InteractsWithPages::dontSeeIsSelected() — Method in class InteractsWithPages
- Assert that the given value is not selected.
- InteractsWithPages::dontSeeIsChecked() — Method in class InteractsWithPages
- Assert that the given checkbox is not selected.
- MakesHttpRequests::delete() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
- Visit the given URI with a DELETE request.
- MakesHttpRequests::dontSeeJson() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
- Assert that the response doesn't contain JSON.
- MakesHttpRequests::dump() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
- Dump the content from the last response.
- MocksApplicationServices::doesntExpectEvents() — Method in class MocksApplicationServices
- Specify a list of events that should not be fired for the given operation.
- DatabaseMigrations — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing
- DatabaseTransactions — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing
- WithoutEvents::disableEventsForAllTests() — Method in class WithoutEvents
- Prevent all event handles from being executed.
- WithoutMiddleware::disableMiddlewareForAllTests() — Method in class WithoutMiddleware
- Prevent all middleware from being executed for this test class.
- Request::decodedPath() — Method in class Request
- Get the current encoded path info for the request.
- Request::duplicate() — Method in class Request
- {@inheritdoc}
- Writer::debug() — Method in class Writer
- Log a debug message to the logs.
- Hub::defaults() — Method in class Hub
- Define the default named pipeline.
- BeanstalkdQueue::deleteMessage() — Method in class BeanstalkdQueue
- Delete a message from the Beanstalk queue.
- DatabaseConnector — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Connectors
- DatabaseQueue — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue
- DatabaseQueue::deleteReserved() — Method in class DatabaseQueue
- Delete a reserved job from the queue.
- $JobExceptionOccurred — Property in class JobExceptionOccurred
- The data given to the job.
- $JobFailed — Property in class JobFailed
- The data given to the job.
- $JobProcessed — Property in class JobProcessed
- The data given to the job.
- $JobProcessing — Property in class JobProcessing
- The data given to the job.
- DatabaseFailedJobProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Failed
- InteractsWithQueue::delete() — Method in class InteractsWithQueue
- Delete the job from the queue.
- BeanstalkdJob::delete() — Method in class BeanstalkdJob
- Delete the job from the queue.
- DatabaseJob — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Jobs
- DatabaseJob::delete() — Method in class DatabaseJob
- Delete the job from the queue.
- Job::delete() — Method in class Job
- Delete the job from the queue.
- RedisJob::delete() — Method in class RedisJob
- Delete the job from the queue.
- SqsJob::delete() — Method in class SqsJob
- Delete the job from the queue.
- RedisQueue::deleteReserved() — Method in class RedisQueue
- Delete a reserved job from the queue.
- Worker::daemon() — Method in class Worker
- Listen to the given queue in a loop.
- Database — Class in namespace Illuminate\Redis
- ControllerDispatcher::dispatch() — Method in class ControllerDispatcher
- Dispatch a request to a given controller and method.
- ResponseFactory::download() — Method in class ResponseFactory
- Create a new file download response.
- Route::defaults() — Method in class Route
- Set a default value for the route.
- Route::domain() — Method in class Route
- Get the domain defined for the route.
- Router::delete() — Method in class Router
- Register a new DELETE route with the router.
- Router::dispatch() — Method in class Router
- Dispatch the request to the application.
- Router::dispatchToRoute() — Method in class Router
- Dispatch the request to a route and return the response.
- CacheBasedSessionHandler::destroy() — Method in class CacheBasedSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- CookieSessionHandler::destroy() — Method in class CookieSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- DatabaseSessionHandler — Class in namespace Illuminate\Session
- DatabaseSessionHandler::destroy() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- FileSessionHandler::destroy() — Method in class FileSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- LegacyDatabaseSessionHandler::destroy() — Method in class LegacyDatabaseSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- Arr::divide() — Method in class Arr
- Divide an array into two arrays. One with keys and the other with values.
- Arr::dot() — Method in class Arr
- Flatten a multi-dimensional associative array with dots.
- Collection::diff() — Method in class Collection
- Get the items in the collection that are not present in the given items.
- Collection::diffKeys() — Method in class Collection
- Get the items in the collection whose keys are not present in the given items.
- Composer::dumpAutoloads() — Method in class Composer
- Regenerate the Composer autoloader files.
- Composer::dumpOptimized() — Method in class Composer
- Regenerate the optimized Composer autoloader files.
- Dumper — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Debug
- Dumper::dump() — Method in class Dumper
- Dump a value with elegance.
- DB — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Manager::driver() — Method in class Manager
- Get a driver instance.
- DatabasePresenceVerifier — Class in namespace Illuminate\Validation
- BladeCompiler::directive() — Method in class BladeCompiler
- Register a handler for custom directives.
- Factory::decrementRender() — Method in class Factory
- Decrement the rendering counter.
- Factory::doneRendering() — Method in class Factory
- Check if there are no active render operations.
- AuthManager::extend() — Method in class AuthManager
- Register a custom driver creator Closure.
- EloquentUserProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth
- DatabaseTokenRepository::exists() — Method in class DatabaseTokenRepository
- Determine if a token record exists and is valid.
- PasswordBroker::emailResetLink() — Method in class PasswordBroker
- Send the password reset link via e-mail.
- TokenRepositoryInterface::exists() — Method in class TokenRepositoryInterface
- Determine if a token record exists and is valid.
- BroadcastManager::extend() — Method in class BroadcastManager
- Register a custom driver creator Closure.
- CacheManager::extend() — Method in class CacheManager
- Register a custom driver creator Closure.
- Command::error() — Method in class Command
- Write a string as error output.
- Event — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\Scheduling
- $Event — Property in class Event
- The cron expression representing the event's frequency.
- $Event — Property in class Event
- The list of environments the command should run under.
- $Event — Property in class Event
- Indicates if the command should run in maintenance mode.
- Event::everyMinute() — Method in class Event
- Schedule the event to run every minute.
- Event::everyFiveMinutes() — Method in class Event
- Schedule the event to run every five minutes.
- Event::everyTenMinutes() — Method in class Event
- Schedule the event to run every ten minutes.
- Event::everyThirtyMinutes() — Method in class Event
- Schedule the event to run every thirty minutes.
- Event::environments() — Method in class Event
- Limit the environments the command should run in.
- Event::evenInMaintenanceMode() — Method in class Event
- State that the command should run even in maintenance mode.
- Event::emailOutputTo() — Method in class Event
- E-mail the results of the scheduled operation.
- Event::emailWrittenOutputTo() — Method in class Event
- E-mail the results of the scheduled operation if it produces output.
- Schedule::exec() — Method in class Schedule
- Add a new command event to the schedule.
- Schedule::events() — Method in class Schedule
- Get all of the events on the schedule.
- Container::extend() — Method in class Container
- "Extend" an abstract type in the container.
- Container::extend() — Method in class Container
- "Extend" an abstract type in the container.
- ExceptionHandler — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Debug
- EncryptException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Encryption
- Encrypter — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Encryption
- Encrypter::encrypt() — Method in class Encrypter
- Encrypt the given value.
- Filesystem::exists() — Method in class Filesystem
- Determine if a file exists.
- Application::environment() — Method in class Application
- Get or check the current application environment.
- Log::error() — Method in class Log
- Log an error message to the logs.
- EntityNotFoundException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Queue
- EntityResolver — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Queue
- Factory::extend() — Method in class Factory
- Register a custom validator extension.
- Factory::extendImplicit() — Method in class Factory
- Register a custom implicit validator extension.
- ValidationException::errors() — Method in class ValidationException
- Get the validation error message provider.
- Factory::exists() — Method in class Factory
- Determine if a given view exists.
- EncryptCookies — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware
- Connection::enableQueryLog() — Method in class Connection
- Enable the query log on the connection.
- DatabaseManager::extend() — Method in class DatabaseManager
- Register an extension connection resolver.
- Builder::each() — Method in class Builder
- Execute a callback over each item while chunking.
- Builder::eagerLoadRelations() — Method in class Builder
- Eager load the relationships for the models.
- Collection::except() — Method in class Collection
- Returns all models in the collection except the models with specified keys.
- $Model — Property in class Model
- Indicates if the model exists.
- SoftDeletingScope::extend() — Method in class SoftDeletingScope
- Extend the query builder with the needed functions.
- Builder::each() — Method in class Builder
- Execute a callback over each item while chunking.
- Builder::exists() — Method in class Builder
- Determine if any rows exist for the current query.
- Expression — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query
- $Blueprint — Property in class Blueprint
- The storage engine that should be used for the table.
- Blueprint::enum() — Method in class Blueprint
- Create a new enum column on the table.
- Encrypter — Class in namespace Illuminate\Encryption
- Encrypter::encrypt() — Method in class Encrypter
- Encrypt the given value.
- EncryptionServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Encryption
- McryptEncrypter::encrypt() — Method in class McryptEncrypter
- Encrypt the given value.
- EventServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Events
- Filesystem::exists() — Method in class Filesystem
- Determine if a file or directory exists.
- Filesystem::extension() — Method in class Filesystem
- Extract the file extension from a file path.
- FilesystemAdapter::exists() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
- Determine if a file exists.
- FilesystemManager::extend() — Method in class FilesystemManager
- Register a custom driver creator Closure.
- Application::environmentPath() — Method in class Application
- Get the path to the environment file directory.
- Application::environmentFile() — Method in class Application
- Get the environment file the application is using.
- Application::environmentFilePath() — Method in class Application
- Get the fully qualified path to the environment file.
- Application::environment() — Method in class Application
- Get or check the current application environment.
- EnvironmentCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- EventGenerateCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- EventMakeCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- EnvironmentDetector — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation
- EventServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Support\Providers
- MocksApplicationServices::expectsEvents() — Method in class MocksApplicationServices
- Specify a list of events that should be fired for the given operation.
- RedirectResponse::exceptInput() — Method in class RedirectResponse
- Flash an array of input to the session.
- Request::exists() — Method in class Request
- Determine if the request contains a given input item key.
- Request::except() — Method in class Request
- Get all of the input except for a specified array of items.
- $Response — Property in class Response
- The exception that triggered the error response (if applicable).
- UploadedFile::extension() — Method in class UploadedFile
- Get the file's extension.
- Writer::emergency() — Method in class Writer
- Log an emergency message to the logs.
- Writer::error() — Method in class Writer
- Log an error message to the logs.
- Message::embed() — Method in class Message
- Embed a file in the message and get the CID.
- Message::embedData() — Method in class Message
- Embed in-memory data in the message and get the CID.
- $JobExceptionOccurred — Property in class JobExceptionOccurred
- The exception instance.
- QueueManager::exceptionOccurred() — Method in class QueueManager
- Register an event listener for the exception occurred job event.
- QueueManager::extend() — Method in class QueueManager
- Add a queue connection resolver.
- ControllerMiddlewareOptions::except() — Method in class ControllerMiddlewareOptions
- Set the controller methods the middleware should exclude.
- EncryptedStore — Class in namespace Illuminate\Session
- ExistenceAwareInterface — Class in namespace Illuminate\Session
- Arr::except() — Method in class Arr
- Get all of the given array except for a specified array of items.
- Arr::exists() — Method in class Arr
- Determine if the given key exists in the provided array.
- Collection::each() — Method in class Collection
- Execute a callback over each item.
- Collection::every() — Method in class Collection
- Create a new collection consisting of every n-th element.
- Collection::except() — Method in class Collection
- Get all items except for those with the specified keys.
- Event — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Manager::extend() — Method in class Manager
- Register a custom driver creator Closure.
- Str::endsWith() — Method in class Str
- Determine if a given string ends with a given substring.
- Str::equals() — Method in class Str
- Compares two strings using a constant-time algorithm.
- Factory::extend() — Method in class Factory
- Register a custom validator extension.
- Factory::extendImplicit() — Method in class Factory
- Register a custom implicit validator extension.
- Validator::each() — Method in class Validator
- Define a set of rules that apply to each element in an array attribute.
- Validator::extractValuesForWildcards() — Method in class Validator
- Get all of the exact attribute values for a given wildcard attribute.
- Validator::errors() — Method in class Validator
- An alternative more semantic shortcut to the message container.
- BladeCompiler::extend() — Method in class BladeCompiler
- Register a custom Blade compiler.
- Engine — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Engines
- EngineInterface — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Engines
- EngineResolver — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Engines
- Expression — Class in namespace Illuminate\View
- Factory::exists() — Method in class Factory
- Determine if a given view exists.
- IlluminateQueueClosure::fire() — Method in class IlluminateQueueClosure
- Fire the Closure based queue job.
- Gate::forUser() — Method in class Gate
- Get a guard instance for the given user.
- ClearResetsCommand::fire() — Method in class ClearResetsCommand
- Execute the console command.
- MakeAuthCommand::fire() — Method in class MakeAuthCommand
- Execute the console command.
- BroadcastEvent::fire() — Method in class BroadcastEvent
- Handle the queued job.
- ApcStore::forever() — Method in class ApcStore
- Store an item in the cache indefinitely.
- ApcStore::forget() — Method in class ApcStore
- Remove an item from the cache.
- ApcStore::flush() — Method in class ApcStore
- Remove all items from the cache.
- ApcWrapper::flush() — Method in class ApcWrapper
- Remove all items from the cache.
- ArrayStore::forever() — Method in class ArrayStore
- Store an item in the cache indefinitely.
- ArrayStore::forget() — Method in class ArrayStore
- Remove an item from the cache.
- ArrayStore::flush() — Method in class ArrayStore
- Remove all items from the cache.
- CacheTableCommand::fire() — Method in class CacheTableCommand
- Execute the console command.
- ClearCommand::fire() — Method in class ClearCommand
- Execute the console command.
- DatabaseStore::forever() — Method in class DatabaseStore
- Store an item in the cache indefinitely.
- DatabaseStore::forget() — Method in class DatabaseStore
- Remove an item from the cache.
- DatabaseStore::flush() — Method in class DatabaseStore
- Remove all items from the cache.
- FileStore — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- FileStore::forever() — Method in class FileStore
- Store an item in the cache indefinitely.
- FileStore::forget() — Method in class FileStore
- Remove an item from the cache.
- FileStore::flush() — Method in class FileStore
- Remove all items from the cache.
- MemcachedStore::forever() — Method in class MemcachedStore
- Store an item in the cache indefinitely.
- MemcachedStore::forget() — Method in class MemcachedStore
- Remove an item from the cache.
- MemcachedStore::flush() — Method in class MemcachedStore
- Remove all items from the cache.
- NullStore::forever() — Method in class NullStore
- Store an item in the cache indefinitely.
- NullStore::forget() — Method in class NullStore
- Remove an item from the cache.
- NullStore::flush() — Method in class NullStore
- Remove all items from the cache.
- RedisStore::forever() — Method in class RedisStore
- Store an item in the cache indefinitely.
- RedisStore::forget() — Method in class RedisStore
- Remove an item from the cache.
- RedisStore::flush() — Method in class RedisStore
- Remove all items from the cache.
- RedisTaggedCache::forever() — Method in class RedisTaggedCache
- Store an item in the cache indefinitely.
- RedisTaggedCache::flush() — Method in class RedisTaggedCache
- Remove all items from the cache.
- Repository::forever() — Method in class Repository
- Store an item in the cache indefinitely.
- Repository::forget() — Method in class Repository
- Remove an item from the cache.
- TaggedCache::flush() — Method in class TaggedCache
- Remove all items from the cache.
- GeneratorCommand::fire() — Method in class GeneratorCommand
- Execute the console command.
- Event::filtersPass() — Method in class Event
- Determine if the filters pass for the event.
- Event::fridays() — Method in class Event
- Schedule the event to run only on Fridays.
- ScheduleRunCommand::fire() — Method in class ScheduleRunCommand
- Execute the console command.
- Container::forgetInstance() — Method in class Container
- Remove a resolved instance from the instance cache.
- Container::forgetInstances() — Method in class Container
- Clear all of the instances from the container.
- Container::flush() — Method in class Container
- Flush the container of all bindings and resolved instances.
- Gate::forUser() — Method in class Gate
- Get a guard instance for the given user.
- Factory — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth
- Factory — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting
- Factory — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Cache
- Repository::forever() — Method in class Repository
- Store an item in the cache indefinitely.
- Repository::forget() — Method in class Repository
- Remove an item from the cache.
- Store::forever() — Method in class Store
- Store an item in the cache indefinitely.
- Store::forget() — Method in class Store
- Remove an item from the cache.
- Store::flush() — Method in class Store
- Remove all items from the cache.
- Factory — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Cookie
- Factory::forever() — Method in class Factory
- Create a cookie that lasts "forever" (five years).
- Factory::forget() — Method in class Factory
- Expire the given cookie.
- Dispatcher::flush() — Method in class Dispatcher
- Flush a set of pushed events.
- Dispatcher::fire() — Method in class Dispatcher
- Fire an event and call the listeners.
- Dispatcher::firing() — Method in class Dispatcher
- Get the event that is currently firing.
- Dispatcher::forget() — Method in class Dispatcher
- Remove a set of listeners from the dispatcher.
- Dispatcher::forgetPushed() — Method in class Dispatcher
- Forget all of the queued listeners.
- Factory — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Filesystem
- FileNotFoundException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Filesystem
- Filesystem — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Filesystem
- Filesystem::files() — Method in class Filesystem
- Get an array of all files in a directory.
- Mailer::failures() — Method in class Mailer
- Get the array of failed recipients.
- Paginator::fragment() — Method in class Paginator
- Get / set the URL fragment to be appended to URLs.
- Paginator::firstItem() — Method in class Paginator
- Get the "index" of the first item being paginated.
- Factory — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Queue
- Job::fire() — Method in class Job
- Fire the job.
- Job::failed() — Method in class Job
- Call the failed method on the job instance.
- Monitor::failing() — Method in class Monitor
- Register a callback to be executed when a job fails after the maximum amount of retries.
- MessageBag::first() — Method in class MessageBag
- Get the first message from the bag for a given key.
- Factory — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Validation
- Validator::fails() — Method in class Validator
- Determine if the data fails the validation rules.
- Validator::failed() — Method in class Validator
- Get the failed validation rules.
- Factory — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\View
- Factory::file() — Method in class Factory
- Get the evaluated view contents for the given path.
- CookieJar::forever() — Method in class CookieJar
- Create a cookie that lasts "forever" (five years).
- CookieJar::forget() — Method in class CookieJar
- Expire the given cookie.
- Connection::flushQueryLog() — Method in class Connection
- Clear the query log.
- InstallCommand::fire() — Method in class InstallCommand
- Execute the console command.
- MigrateCommand::fire() — Method in class MigrateCommand
- Execute the console command.
- MigrateMakeCommand::fire() — Method in class MigrateMakeCommand
- Execute the console command.
- RefreshCommand::fire() — Method in class RefreshCommand
- Execute the console command.
- ResetCommand::fire() — Method in class ResetCommand
- Execute the console command.
- RollbackCommand::fire() — Method in class RollbackCommand
- Execute the console command.
- StatusCommand::fire() — Method in class StatusCommand
- Execute the console command.
- SeedCommand::fire() — Method in class SeedCommand
- Execute the console command.
- SeederMakeCommand::fire() — Method in class SeederMakeCommand
- Execute the console command.
- Builder::find() — Method in class Builder
- Find a model by its primary key.
- Builder::findMany() — Method in class Builder
- Find multiple models by their primary keys.
- Builder::findOrFail() — Method in class Builder
- Find a model by its primary key or throw an exception.
- Builder::findOrNew() — Method in class Builder
- Find a model by its primary key or return fresh model instance.
- Builder::firstOrNew() — Method in class Builder
- Get the first record matching the attributes or instantiate it.
- Builder::firstOrCreate() — Method in class Builder
- Get the first record matching the attributes or create it.
- Builder::first() — Method in class Builder
- Execute the query and get the first result.
- Builder::firstOrFail() — Method in class Builder
- Execute the query and get the first result or throw an exception.
- Builder::forceDelete() — Method in class Builder
- Run the default delete function on the builder.
- Collection::find() — Method in class Collection
- Find a model in the collection by key.
- Collection::flatten() — Method in class Collection
- Get a flattened array of the items in the collection.
- Collection::flip() — Method in class Collection
- Flip the items in the collection.
- Factory — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
- FactoryBuilder — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
- Model::fill() — Method in class Model
- Fill the model with an array of attributes.
- Model::forceFill() — Method in class Model
- Fill the model with an array of attributes. Force mass assignment.
- Model::forceCreate() — Method in class Model
- Save a new model and return the instance. Allow mass-assignment.
- Model::fresh() — Method in class Model
- Reload a fresh model instance from the database.
- Model::forceDelete() — Method in class Model
- Force a hard delete on a soft deleted model.
- Model::flushEventListeners() — Method in class Model
- Remove all of the event listeners for the model.
- Model::freshTimestamp() — Method in class Model
- Get a fresh timestamp for the model.
- Model::freshTimestampString() — Method in class Model
- Get a fresh timestamp for the model.
- Model::fillable() — Method in class Model
- Set the fillable attributes for the model.
- Model::fromDateTime() — Method in class Model
- Convert a DateTime to a storable string.
- Model::fromJson() — Method in class Model
- Decode the given JSON back into an array or object.
- BelongsToMany::first() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Execute the query and get the first result.
- BelongsToMany::firstOrFail() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Execute the query and get the first result or throw an exception.
- BelongsToMany::find() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Find a related model by its primary key.
- BelongsToMany::findMany() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Find multiple related models by their primary keys.
- BelongsToMany::findOrFail() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Find a related model by its primary key or throw an exception.
- BelongsToMany::findOrNew() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Find a related model by its primary key or return new instance of the related model.
- BelongsToMany::firstOrNew() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Get the first related model record matching the attributes or instantiate it.
- BelongsToMany::firstOrCreate() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Get the first related record matching the attributes or create it.
- HasManyThrough::first() — Method in class HasManyThrough
- Execute the query and get the first related model.
- HasManyThrough::firstOrFail() — Method in class HasManyThrough
- Execute the query and get the first result or throw an exception.
- HasManyThrough::find() — Method in class HasManyThrough
- Find a related model by its primary key.
- HasManyThrough::findMany() — Method in class HasManyThrough
- Find multiple related models by their primary keys.
- HasManyThrough::findOrFail() — Method in class HasManyThrough
- Find a related model by its primary key or throw an exception.
- HasOneOrMany::findOrNew() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
- Find a model by its primary key or return new instance of the related model.
- HasOneOrMany::firstOrNew() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
- Get the first related model record matching the attributes or instantiate it.
- HasOneOrMany::firstOrCreate() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
- Get the first related record matching the attributes or create it.
- MorphOneOrMany::findOrNew() — Method in class MorphOneOrMany
- Find a related model by its primary key or return new instance of the related model.
- MorphOneOrMany::firstOrNew() — Method in class MorphOneOrMany
- Get the first related model record matching the attributes or instantiate it.
- MorphOneOrMany::firstOrCreate() — Method in class MorphOneOrMany
- Get the first related record matching the attributes or create it.
- SoftDeletes::forceDelete() — Method in class SoftDeletes
- Force a hard delete on a soft deleted model.
- $Builder — Property in class Builder
- The table which the query is targeting.
- Builder::from() — Method in class Builder
- Set the table which the query is targeting.
- Builder::forNestedWhere() — Method in class Builder
- Create a new query instance for nested where condition.
- Builder::forPage() — Method in class Builder
- Set the limit and offset for a given page.
- Builder::forPageAfterId() — Method in class Builder
- Constrain the query to the next "page" of results after a given ID.
- Builder::find() — Method in class Builder
- Execute a query for a single record by ID.
- Builder::first() — Method in class Builder
- Execute the query and get the first result.
- Blueprint::foreign() — Method in class Blueprint
- Specify a foreign key for the table.
- Blueprint::float() — Method in class Blueprint
- Create a new float column on the table.
- CallQueuedHandler::failed() — Method in class CallQueuedHandler
- Call the failed method on the job instance.
- Dispatcher::flush() — Method in class Dispatcher
- Flush a set of pushed events.
- Dispatcher::firing() — Method in class Dispatcher
- Get the event that is currently firing.
- Dispatcher::fire() — Method in class Dispatcher
- Fire an event and call the listeners.
- Dispatcher::forget() — Method in class Dispatcher
- Remove a set of listeners from the dispatcher.
- Dispatcher::forgetPushed() — Method in class Dispatcher
- Forget all of the pushed listeners.
- ClassFinder::findClasses() — Method in class ClassFinder
- Find all the class and interface names in a given directory.
- ClassFinder::findClass() — Method in class ClassFinder
- Extract the class name from the file at the given path.
- Filesystem — Class in namespace Illuminate\Filesystem
- Filesystem::files() — Method in class Filesystem
- Get an array of all files in a directory.
- FilesystemAdapter — Class in namespace Illuminate\Filesystem
- FilesystemAdapter::files() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
- Get an array of all files in a directory.
- FilesystemManager — Class in namespace Illuminate\Filesystem
- FilesystemServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Filesystem
- Application::flush() — Method in class Application
- Flush the container of all bindings and resolved instances.
- AppNameCommand::fire() — Method in class AppNameCommand
- Execute the console command.
- ClearCompiledCommand::fire() — Method in class ClearCompiledCommand
- Execute the console command.
- ConfigCacheCommand::fire() — Method in class ConfigCacheCommand
- Execute the console command.
- ConfigClearCommand::fire() — Method in class ConfigClearCommand
- Execute the console command.
- DownCommand::fire() — Method in class DownCommand
- Execute the console command.
- EnvironmentCommand::fire() — Method in class EnvironmentCommand
- Execute the console command.
- EventGenerateCommand::fire() — Method in class EventGenerateCommand
- Execute the console command.
- KeyGenerateCommand::fire() — Method in class KeyGenerateCommand
- Execute the console command.
- ListenerMakeCommand::fire() — Method in class ListenerMakeCommand
- Execute the console command.
- ModelMakeCommand::fire() — Method in class ModelMakeCommand
- Execute the console command.
- OptimizeCommand::fire() — Method in class OptimizeCommand
- Execute the console command.
- QueuedJob::fire() — Method in class QueuedJob
- Fire the job.
- RouteCacheCommand::fire() — Method in class RouteCacheCommand
- Execute the console command.
- RouteClearCommand::fire() — Method in class RouteClearCommand
- Execute the console command.
- RouteListCommand::fire() — Method in class RouteListCommand
- Execute the console command.
- ServeCommand::fire() — Method in class ServeCommand
- Execute the console command.
- TinkerCommand::fire() — Method in class TinkerCommand
- Execute the console command.
- UpCommand::fire() — Method in class UpCommand
- Execute the console command.
- VendorPublishCommand::fire() — Method in class VendorPublishCommand
- Execute the console command.
- ViewClearCommand::fire() — Method in class ViewClearCommand
- Execute the console command.
- FormRequest — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Http
- FormRequest::forbiddenResponse() — Method in class FormRequest
- Get the response for a forbidden operation.
- FoundationServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Providers
- InteractsWithSession::flushSession() — Method in class InteractsWithSession
- Flush all of the current session data.
- FormFieldConstraint — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Constraints
- FrameGuard — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Middleware
- Request::fullUrl() — Method in class Request
- Get the full URL for the request.
- Request::fullUrlWithQuery() — Method in class Request
- Get the full URL for the request with the added query string parameters.
- Request::fullUrlIs() — Method in class Request
- Determine if the current request URL and query string matches a pattern.
- Request::file() — Method in class Request
- Retrieve a file from the request.
- Request::flash() — Method in class Request
- Flash the input for the current request to the session.
- Request::flashOnly() — Method in class Request
- Flash only some of the input to the session.
- Request::flashExcept() — Method in class Request
- Flash only some of the input to the session.
- Request::flush() — Method in class Request
- Flush all of the old input from the session.
- Request::format() — Method in class Request
- Get the data format expected in the response.
- Request::fingerprint() — Method in class Request
- Get a unique fingerprint for the request / route / IP address.
- Mailer::failures() — Method in class Mailer
- Get the array of failed recipients.
- Message::from() — Method in class Message
- Add a "from" address to the message.
- AbstractPaginator::fragment() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
- Get / set the URL fragment to be appended to URLs.
- AbstractPaginator::firstItem() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
- Get the number of the first item in the slice.
- CallQueuedHandler::failed() — Method in class CallQueuedHandler
- Call the failed method on the job instance.
- FailedTableCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Console
- FailedTableCommand::fire() — Method in class FailedTableCommand
- Execute the console command.
- FlushFailedCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Console
- FlushFailedCommand::fire() — Method in class FlushFailedCommand
- Execute the console command.
- ForgetFailedCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Console
- ForgetFailedCommand::fire() — Method in class ForgetFailedCommand
- Execute the console command.
- ListFailedCommand::fire() — Method in class ListFailedCommand
- Execute the console command.
- ListenCommand::fire() — Method in class ListenCommand
- Execute the console command.
- RestartCommand::fire() — Method in class RestartCommand
- Execute the console command.
- RetryCommand::fire() — Method in class RetryCommand
- Execute the console command.
- TableCommand::fire() — Method in class TableCommand
- Execute the console command.
- WorkCommand::fire() — Method in class WorkCommand
- Execute the console command.
- DatabaseFailedJobProvider::find() — Method in class DatabaseFailedJobProvider
- Get a single failed job.
- DatabaseFailedJobProvider::forget() — Method in class DatabaseFailedJobProvider
- Delete a single failed job from storage.
- DatabaseFailedJobProvider::flush() — Method in class DatabaseFailedJobProvider
- Flush all of the failed jobs from storage.
- FailedJobProviderInterface — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Failed
- FailedJobProviderInterface::find() — Method in class FailedJobProviderInterface
- Get a single failed job.
- FailedJobProviderInterface::forget() — Method in class FailedJobProviderInterface
- Delete a single failed job from storage.
- FailedJobProviderInterface::flush() — Method in class FailedJobProviderInterface
- Flush all of the failed jobs from storage.
- NullFailedJobProvider::find() — Method in class NullFailedJobProvider
- Get a single failed job.
- NullFailedJobProvider::forget() — Method in class NullFailedJobProvider
- Delete a single failed job from storage.
- NullFailedJobProvider::flush() — Method in class NullFailedJobProvider
- Flush all of the failed jobs from storage.
- InteractsWithQueue::failed() — Method in class InteractsWithQueue
- Fail the job from the queue.
- BeanstalkdJob::fire() — Method in class BeanstalkdJob
- Fire the job.
- DatabaseJob::fire() — Method in class DatabaseJob
- Fire the job.
- Job::fire() — Method in class Job
- Fire the job.
- Job::failed() — Method in class Job
- Call the failed method on the job instance.
- RedisJob::fire() — Method in class RedisJob
- Fire the job.
- SqsJob::fire() — Method in class SqsJob
- Fire the job.
- SyncJob::fire() — Method in class SyncJob
- Fire the job.
- QueueManager::failing() — Method in class QueueManager
- Register an event listener for the failed job event.
- UrlGenerationException::forMissingParameters() — Method in class UrlGenerationException
- Create a new exception for missing route parameters.
- ResponseFactory::file() — Method in class ResponseFactory
- Return the raw contents of a binary file.
- Route::forgetParameter() — Method in class Route
- Unset a parameter on the route if it is set.
- UrlGenerator::full() — Method in class UrlGenerator
- Get the full URL for the current request.
- UrlGenerator::forceSchema() — Method in class UrlGenerator
- Force the schema for URLs.
- UrlGenerator::forceRootUrl() — Method in class UrlGenerator
- Set the forced root URL.
- SessionTableCommand::fire() — Method in class SessionTableCommand
- Execute the console command.
- FileSessionHandler — Class in namespace Illuminate\Session
- Store::flash() — Method in class Store
- Flash a key / value pair to the session.
- Store::flashInput() — Method in class Store
- Flash an input array to the session.
- Store::forget() — Method in class Store
- Remove one or many items from the session.
- Store::flush() — Method in class Store
- Remove all of the items from the session.
- Arr::first() — Method in class Arr
- Return the first element in an array passing a given truth test.
- Arr::flatten() — Method in class Arr
- Flatten a multi-dimensional array into a single level.
- Arr::forget() — Method in class Arr
- Remove one or many array items from a given array using "dot" notation.
- Collection::filter() — Method in class Collection
- Run a filter over each of the items.
- Collection::first() — Method in class Collection
- Get the first item from the collection.
- Collection::flatten() — Method in class Collection
- Get a flattened array of the items in the collection.
- Collection::flip() — Method in class Collection
- Flip the items in the collection.
- Collection::forget() — Method in class Collection
- Remove an item from the collection by key.
- Collection::flatMap() — Method in class Collection
- Map a collection and flatten the result by a single level.
- Collection::forPage() — Method in class Collection
- "Paginate" the collection by slicing it into a smaller collection.
- Facade — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- File — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Fluent — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- MessageBag::first() — Method in class MessageBag
- Get the first message from the bag for a given key.
- Str::finish() — Method in class Str
- Cap a string with a single instance of a given value.
- FileLoader — Class in namespace Illuminate\Translation
- Factory — Class in namespace Illuminate\Validation
- Validator::fails() — Method in class Validator
- Determine if the data fails the validation rules.
- Validator::failed() — Method in class Validator
- Get the failed validation rules.
- Factory — Class in namespace Illuminate\View
- Factory::file() — Method in class Factory
- Get the evaluated view contents for the given view.
- Factory::flushSections() — Method in class Factory
- Flush all of the section contents.
- Factory::flushSectionsIfDoneRendering() — Method in class Factory
- Flush all of the section contents if done rendering.
- FileViewFinder — Class in namespace Illuminate\View
- FileViewFinder::find() — Method in class FileViewFinder
- Get the fully qualified location of the view.
- ViewFinderInterface::find() — Method in class ViewFinderInterface
- Get the fully qualified location of the view.
- Gate — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Access
- Gate::getPolicyFor() — Method in class Gate
- Get a policy instance for a given class.
- AuthManager::guard() — Method in class AuthManager
- Attempt to get the guard from the local cache.
- AuthManager::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class AuthManager
- Get the default authentication driver name.
- Authenticatable::getAuthIdentifierName() — Method in class Authenticatable
- Get the name of the unique identifier for the user.
- Authenticatable::getAuthIdentifier() — Method in class Authenticatable
- Get the unique identifier for the user.
- Authenticatable::getAuthPassword() — Method in class Authenticatable
- Get the password for the user.
- Authenticatable::getRememberToken() — Method in class Authenticatable
- Get the token value for the "remember me" session.
- Authenticatable::getRememberTokenName() — Method in class Authenticatable
- Get the column name for the "remember me" token.
- EloquentUserProvider::getHasher() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider
- Gets the hasher implementation.
- EloquentUserProvider::getModel() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider
- Gets the name of the Eloquent user model.
- GenericUser — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth
- GenericUser::getAuthIdentifierName() — Method in class GenericUser
- Get the name of the unique identifier for the user.
- GenericUser::getAuthIdentifier() — Method in class GenericUser
- Get the unique identifier for the user.
- GenericUser::getAuthPassword() — Method in class GenericUser
- Get the password for the user.
- GenericUser::getRememberToken() — Method in class GenericUser
- Get the "remember me" token value.
- GenericUser::getRememberTokenName() — Method in class GenericUser
- Get the column name for the "remember me" token.
- GuardHelpers — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth
- These methods are typically the same across all guards.
- GuardHelpers::guest() — Method in class GuardHelpers
- Determine if the current user is a guest.
- CanResetPassword::getEmailForPasswordReset() — Method in class CanResetPassword
- Get the e-mail address where password reset links are sent.
- DatabaseTokenRepository::getConnection() — Method in class DatabaseTokenRepository
- Get the database connection instance.
- PasswordBroker::getUser() — Method in class PasswordBroker
- Get the user for the given credentials.
- PasswordBroker::getRepository() — Method in class PasswordBroker
- Get the password reset token repository implementation.
- PasswordBrokerManager::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class PasswordBrokerManager
- Get the default password broker name.
- SessionGuard::getCookieJar() — Method in class SessionGuard
- Get the cookie creator instance used by the guard.
- SessionGuard::getDispatcher() — Method in class SessionGuard
- Get the event dispatcher instance.
- SessionGuard::getSession() — Method in class SessionGuard
- Get the session store used by the guard.
- SessionGuard::getProvider() — Method in class SessionGuard
- Get the user provider used by the guard.
- SessionGuard::getUser() — Method in class SessionGuard
- Return the currently cached user.
- SessionGuard::getRequest() — Method in class SessionGuard
- Get the current request instance.
- SessionGuard::getLastAttempted() — Method in class SessionGuard
- Get the last user we attempted to authenticate.
- SessionGuard::getName() — Method in class SessionGuard
- Get a unique identifier for the auth session value.
- SessionGuard::getRecallerName() — Method in class SessionGuard
- Get the name of the cookie used to store the "recaller".
- BroadcastManager::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class BroadcastManager
- Get the default driver name.
- PusherBroadcaster::getPusher() — Method in class PusherBroadcaster
- Get the Pusher SDK instance.
- ApcStore::get() — Method in class ApcStore
- Retrieve an item from the cache by key.
- ApcStore::getPrefix() — Method in class ApcStore
- Get the cache key prefix.
- ApcWrapper::get() — Method in class ApcWrapper
- Get an item from the cache.
- ArrayStore::get() — Method in class ArrayStore
- Retrieve an item from the cache by key.
- ArrayStore::getPrefix() — Method in class ArrayStore
- Get the cache key prefix.
- CacheManager::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class CacheManager
- Get the default cache driver name.
- DatabaseStore::get() — Method in class DatabaseStore
- Retrieve an item from the cache by key.
- DatabaseStore::getConnection() — Method in class DatabaseStore
- Get the underlying database connection.
- DatabaseStore::getEncrypter() — Method in class DatabaseStore
- Get the encrypter instance.
- DatabaseStore::getPrefix() — Method in class DatabaseStore
- Get the cache key prefix.
- FileStore::get() — Method in class FileStore
- Retrieve an item from the cache by key.
- FileStore::getFilesystem() — Method in class FileStore
- Get the Filesystem instance.
- FileStore::getDirectory() — Method in class FileStore
- Get the working directory of the cache.
- FileStore::getPrefix() — Method in class FileStore
- Get the cache key prefix.
- MemcachedStore::get() — Method in class MemcachedStore
- Retrieve an item from the cache by key.
- MemcachedStore::getMemcached() — Method in class MemcachedStore
- Get the underlying Memcached connection.
- MemcachedStore::getPrefix() — Method in class MemcachedStore
- Get the cache key prefix.
- NullStore::get() — Method in class NullStore
- Retrieve an item from the cache by key.
- NullStore::getPrefix() — Method in class NullStore
- Get the cache key prefix.
- RedisStore::get() — Method in class RedisStore
- Retrieve an item from the cache by key.
- RedisStore::getRedis() — Method in class RedisStore
- Get the Redis database instance.
- RedisStore::getPrefix() — Method in class RedisStore
- Get the cache key prefix.
- Repository::get() — Method in class Repository
- Retrieve an item from the cache by key.
- Repository::getDefaultCacheTime() — Method in class Repository
- Get the default cache time.
- Repository::getStore() — Method in class Repository
- Get the cache store implementation.
- TagSet::getNamespace() — Method in class TagSet
- Get a unique namespace that changes when any of the tags are flushed.
- TagSet::getNames() — Method in class TagSet
- Get all of the tag names in the set.
- Repository::get() — Method in class Repository
- Get the specified configuration value.
- Application::getLaravel() — Method in class Application
- Get the Laravel application instance.
- Command::getOutput() — Method in class Command
- Get the output implementation.
- Command::getLaravel() — Method in class Command
- Get the Laravel application instance.
- GeneratorCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console
- CallbackEvent::getSummaryForDisplay() — Method in class CallbackEvent
- Get the summary of the event for display.
- Event::getSummaryForDisplay() — Method in class Event
- Get the summary of the event for display.
- Event::getExpression() — Method in class Event
- Get the Cron expression for the event.
- Container::getBindings() — Method in class Container
- Get the container's bindings.
- Container::getInstance() — Method in class Container
- Set the globally available instance of the container.
- ContextualBindingBuilder::give() — Method in class ContextualBindingBuilder
- Define the implementation for the contextual binding.
- Gate — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Access
- Authenticatable::getAuthIdentifierName() — Method in class Authenticatable
- Get the name of the unique identifier for the user.
- Authenticatable::getAuthIdentifier() — Method in class Authenticatable
- Get the unique identifier for the user.
- Authenticatable::getAuthPassword() — Method in class Authenticatable
- Get the password for the user.
- Authenticatable::getRememberToken() — Method in class Authenticatable
- Get the token value for the "remember me" session.
- Authenticatable::getRememberTokenName() — Method in class Authenticatable
- Get the column name for the "remember me" token.
- CanResetPassword::getEmailForPasswordReset() — Method in class CanResetPassword
- Get the e-mail address where password reset links are sent.
- Factory::guard() — Method in class Factory
- Get a guard instance by name.
- Guard — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth
- Guard::guest() — Method in class Guard
- Determine if the current user is a guest.
- Repository::get() — Method in class Repository
- Retrieve an item from the cache by key.
- Store::get() — Method in class Store
- Retrieve an item from the cache by key.
- Store::getPrefix() — Method in class Store
- Get the cache key prefix.
- Repository::get() — Method in class Repository
- Get the specified configuration value.
- ContextualBindingBuilder::give() — Method in class ContextualBindingBuilder
- Define the implementation for the contextual binding.
- QueueingFactory::getQueuedCookies() — Method in class QueueingFactory
- Get the cookies which have been queued for the next request.
- Filesystem::get() — Method in class Filesystem
- Get the contents of a file.
- Filesystem::getVisibility() — Method in class Filesystem
- Get the visibility for the given path.
- Application::getCachedCompilePath() — Method in class Application
- Get the path to the cached "compiled.php" file.
- Application::getCachedServicesPath() — Method in class Application
- Get the path to the cached services.php file.
- Kernel::getApplication() — Method in class Kernel
- Get the Laravel application instance.
- Job::getName() — Method in class Job
- Get the name of the queued job class.
- Job::getQueue() — Method in class Job
- Get the name of the queue the job belongs to.
- Job::getRawBody() — Method in class Job
- Get the raw body string for the job.
- QueueableEntity::getQueueableId() — Method in class QueueableEntity
- Get the queueable identity for the entity.
- Registrar::get() — Method in class Registrar
- Register a new GET route with the router.
- Registrar::group() — Method in class Registrar
- Create a route group with shared attributes.
- UrlRoutable::getRouteKey() — Method in class UrlRoutable
- Get the value of the model's route key.
- UrlRoutable::getRouteKeyName() — Method in class UrlRoutable
- Get the route key for the model.
- MessageBag::get() — Method in class MessageBag
- Get all of the messages from the bag for a given key.
- MessageBag::getFormat() — Method in class MessageBag
- Get the default message format.
- MessageProvider::getMessageBag() — Method in class MessageProvider
- Get the messages for the instance.
- ValidationException::getMessageProvider() — Method in class ValidationException
- Get the validation error message provider.
- CookieJar::getQueuedCookies() — Method in class CookieJar
- Get the cookies which have been queued for the next request.
- Manager::getConnection() — Method in class Manager
- Get a registered connection instance.
- Manager::getDatabaseManager() — Method in class Manager
- Get the database manager instance.
- Manager::getEventDispatcher() — Method in class Manager
- Get the current event dispatcher instance.
- Connection::getSchemaBuilder() — Method in class Connection
- Get a schema builder instance for the connection.
- Connection::getDoctrineColumn() — Method in class Connection
- Get a Doctrine Schema Column instance.
- Connection::getDoctrineSchemaManager() — Method in class Connection
- Get the Doctrine DBAL schema manager for the connection.
- Connection::getDoctrineConnection() — Method in class Connection
- Get the Doctrine DBAL database connection instance.
- Connection::getPdo() — Method in class Connection
- Get the current PDO connection.
- Connection::getReadPdo() — Method in class Connection
- Get the current PDO connection used for reading.
- Connection::getName() — Method in class Connection
- Get the database connection name.
- Connection::getConfig() — Method in class Connection
- Get an option from the configuration options.
- Connection::getDriverName() — Method in class Connection
- Get the PDO driver name.
- Connection::getQueryGrammar() — Method in class Connection
- Get the query grammar used by the connection.
- Connection::getSchemaGrammar() — Method in class Connection
- Get the schema grammar used by the connection.
- Connection::getPostProcessor() — Method in class Connection
- Get the query post processor used by the connection.
- Connection::getEventDispatcher() — Method in class Connection
- Get the event dispatcher used by the connection.
- Connection::getFetchMode() — Method in class Connection
- Get the default fetch mode for the connection.
- Connection::getFetchArgument() — Method in class Connection
- Get the fetch argument to be applied when selecting.
- Connection::getFetchConstructorArgument() — Method in class Connection
- Get custom constructor arguments for the PDO::FETCH_CLASS fetch mode.
- Connection::getQueryLog() — Method in class Connection
- Get the connection query log.
- Connection::getDatabaseName() — Method in class Connection
- Get the name of the connected database.
- Connection::getTablePrefix() — Method in class Connection
- Get the table prefix for the connection.
- ConnectionResolver::getDefaultConnection() — Method in class ConnectionResolver
- Get the default connection name.
- ConnectionResolverInterface::getDefaultConnection() — Method in class ConnectionResolverInterface
- Get the default connection name.
- Connector::getOptions() — Method in class Connector
- Get the PDO options based on the configuration.
- Connector::getDefaultOptions() — Method in class Connector
- Get the default PDO connection options.
- DatabaseManager::getDefaultConnection() — Method in class DatabaseManager
- Get the default connection name.
- DatabaseManager::getConnections() — Method in class DatabaseManager
- Return all of the created connections.
- Builder::get() — Method in class Builder
- Execute the query as a "select" statement.
- Builder::getModels() — Method in class Builder
- Get the hydrated models without eager loading.
- Builder::getRelation() — Method in class Builder
- Get the relation instance for the given relation name.
- Builder::getQuery() — Method in class Builder
- Get the underlying query builder instance.
- Builder::getEagerLoads() — Method in class Builder
- Get the relationships being eagerly loaded.
- Builder::getModel() — Method in class Builder
- Get the model instance being queried.
- Builder::getMacro() — Method in class Builder
- Get the given macro by name.
- Collection::getDictionary() — Method in class Collection
- Get a dictionary keyed by primary keys.
- Model::getGlobalScope() — Method in class Model
- Get a global scope registered with the model.
- Model::getGlobalScopes() — Method in class Model
- Get the global scopes for this class instance.
- Model::getActualClassNameForMorph() — Method in class Model
- Retrieve the fully qualified class name from a slug.
- Model::getObservableEvents() — Method in class Model
- Get the observable event names.
- Model::getCreatedAtColumn() — Method in class Model
- Get the name of the "created at" column.
- Model::getUpdatedAtColumn() — Method in class Model
- Get the name of the "updated at" column.
- Model::getTable() — Method in class Model
- Get the table associated with the model.
- Model::getKey() — Method in class Model
- Get the value of the model's primary key.
- Model::getQueueableId() — Method in class Model
- Get the queueable identity for the entity.
- Model::getKeyName() — Method in class Model
- Get the primary key for the model.
- Model::getQualifiedKeyName() — Method in class Model
- Get the table qualified key name.
- Model::getRouteKey() — Method in class Model
- Get the value of the model's route key.
- Model::getRouteKeyName() — Method in class Model
- Get the route key for the model.
- Model::getMorphClass() — Method in class Model
- Get the class name for polymorphic relations.
- Model::getPerPage() — Method in class Model
- Get the number of models to return per page.
- Model::getForeignKey() — Method in class Model
- Get the default foreign key name for the model.
- Model::getHidden() — Method in class Model
- Get the hidden attributes for the model.
- Model::getVisible() — Method in class Model
- Get the visible attributes for the model.
- Model::getFillable() — Method in class Model
- Get the fillable attributes for the model.
- Model::getGuarded() — Method in class Model
- Get the guarded attributes for the model.
- Model::guard() — Method in class Model
- Set the guarded attributes for the model.
- Model::getTouchedRelations() — Method in class Model
- Get the relationships that are touched on save.
- Model::getIncrementing() — Method in class Model
- Get the value indicating whether the IDs are incrementing.
- Model::getAttribute() — Method in class Model
- Get an attribute from the model.
- Model::getAttributeValue() — Method in class Model
- Get a plain attribute (not a relationship).
- Model::getRelationValue() — Method in class Model
- Get a relationship.
- Model::getCasts() — Method in class Model
- Get the casts array.
- Model::getDates() — Method in class Model
- Get the attributes that should be converted to dates.
- Model::getAttributes() — Method in class Model
- Get all of the current attributes on the model.
- Model::getOriginal() — Method in class Model
- Get the model's original attribute values.
- Model::getDirty() — Method in class Model
- Get the attributes that have been changed since last sync.
- Model::getRelations() — Method in class Model
- Get all the loaded relations for the instance.
- Model::getRelation() — Method in class Model
- Get a specified relationship.
- Model::getConnection() — Method in class Model
- Get the database connection for the model.
- Model::getConnectionName() — Method in class Model
- Get the current connection name for the model.
- Model::getConnectionResolver() — Method in class Model
- Get the connection resolver instance.
- Model::getEventDispatcher() — Method in class Model
- Get the event dispatcher instance.
- Model::getMutatedAttributes() — Method in class Model
- Get the mutated attributes for a given instance.
- ModelNotFoundException::getModel() — Method in class ModelNotFoundException
- Get the affected Eloquent model.
- BelongsTo::getResults() — Method in class BelongsTo
- Get the results of the relationship.
- BelongsTo::getRelationQuery() — Method in class BelongsTo
- Add the constraints for a relationship query.
- BelongsTo::getRelationQueryForSelfRelation() — Method in class BelongsTo
- Add the constraints for a relationship query on the same table.
- BelongsTo::getRelationCountHash() — Method in class BelongsTo
- Get a relationship join table hash.
- BelongsTo::getForeignKey() — Method in class BelongsTo
- Get the foreign key of the relationship.
- BelongsTo::getQualifiedForeignKey() — Method in class BelongsTo
- Get the fully qualified foreign key of the relationship.
- BelongsTo::getOtherKey() — Method in class BelongsTo
- Get the associated key of the relationship.
- BelongsTo::getQualifiedOtherKeyName() — Method in class BelongsTo
- Get the fully qualified associated key of the relationship.
- BelongsToMany::getResults() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Get the results of the relationship.
- BelongsToMany::get() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Execute the query as a "select" statement.
- BelongsToMany::getRelationQuery() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Add the constraints for a relationship query.
- BelongsToMany::getRelationQueryForSelfJoin() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Add the constraints for a relationship query on the same table.
- BelongsToMany::getRelationCountHash() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Get a relationship join table hash.
- BelongsToMany::getRelatedIds() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Get all of the IDs for the related models.
- BelongsToMany::getRelatedFreshUpdate() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Get the related model's updated at column name.
- BelongsToMany::getHasCompareKey() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Get the key for comparing against the parent key in "has" query.
- BelongsToMany::getForeignKey() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Get the fully qualified foreign key for the relation.
- BelongsToMany::getOtherKey() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Get the fully qualified "other key" for the relation.
- BelongsToMany::getTable() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Get the intermediate table for the relationship.
- BelongsToMany::getRelationName() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Get the relationship name for the relationship.
- HasMany::getResults() — Method in class HasMany
- Get the results of the relationship.
- HasManyThrough::getRelationQuery() — Method in class HasManyThrough
- Add the constraints for a relationship query.
- HasManyThrough::getResults() — Method in class HasManyThrough
- Get the results of the relationship.
- HasManyThrough::get() — Method in class HasManyThrough
- Execute the query as a "select" statement.
- HasManyThrough::getHasCompareKey() — Method in class HasManyThrough
- Get the key for comparing against the parent key in "has" query.
- HasManyThrough::getForeignKey() — Method in class HasManyThrough
- Get the qualified foreign key on the related model.
- HasManyThrough::getThroughKey() — Method in class HasManyThrough
- Get the qualified foreign key on the "through" model.
- HasOne::getResults() — Method in class HasOne
- Get the results of the relationship.
- HasOneOrMany::getRelationQuery() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
- Add the constraints for a relationship query.
- HasOneOrMany::getRelationQueryForSelfRelation() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
- Add the constraints for a relationship query on the same table.
- HasOneOrMany::getRelationCountHash() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
- Get a relationship join table hash.
- HasOneOrMany::getHasCompareKey() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
- Get the key for comparing against the parent key in "has" query.
- HasOneOrMany::getForeignKey() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
- Get the foreign key for the relationship.
- HasOneOrMany::getPlainForeignKey() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
- Get the plain foreign key.
- HasOneOrMany::getParentKey() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
- Get the key value of the parent's local key.
- HasOneOrMany::getQualifiedParentKeyName() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
- Get the fully qualified parent key name.
- MorphMany::getResults() — Method in class MorphMany
- Get the results of the relationship.
- MorphOne::getResults() — Method in class MorphOne
- Get the results of the relationship.
- MorphOneOrMany::getRelationQuery() — Method in class MorphOneOrMany
- Get the relationship query.
- MorphOneOrMany::getMorphType() — Method in class MorphOneOrMany
- Get the foreign key "type" name.
- MorphOneOrMany::getPlainMorphType() — Method in class MorphOneOrMany
- Get the plain morph type name without the table.
- MorphOneOrMany::getMorphClass() — Method in class MorphOneOrMany
- Get the class name of the parent model.
- MorphTo::getResults() — Method in class MorphTo
- Get the results of the relationship.
- MorphTo::getEager() — Method in class MorphTo
- Get the relationship for eager loading.
- MorphTo::getMorphType() — Method in class MorphTo
- Get the foreign key "type" name.
- MorphTo::getDictionary() — Method in class MorphTo
- Get the dictionary used by the relationship.
- MorphToMany::getRelationQuery() — Method in class MorphToMany
- Add the constraints for a relationship count query.
- MorphToMany::getMorphType() — Method in class MorphToMany
- Get the foreign key "type" name.
- MorphToMany::getMorphClass() — Method in class MorphToMany
- Get the class name of the parent model.
- Pivot::getForeignKey() — Method in class Pivot
- Get the default foreign key name for the model.
- Pivot::getOtherKey() — Method in class Pivot
- Get the "other key" column name.
- Pivot::getCreatedAtColumn() — Method in class Pivot
- Get the name of the "created at" column.
- Pivot::getUpdatedAtColumn() — Method in class Pivot
- Get the name of the "updated at" column.
- Relation::getResults() — Method in class Relation
- Get the results of the relationship.
- Relation::getEager() — Method in class Relation
- Get the relationship for eager loading.
- Relation::getRelationCountQuery() — Method in class Relation
- Add the constraints for a relationship count query.
- Relation::getRelationQuery() — Method in class Relation
- Add the constraints for a relationship query.
- Relation::getQuery() — Method in class Relation
- Get the underlying query for the relation.
- Relation::getBaseQuery() — Method in class Relation
- Get the base query builder driving the Eloquent builder.
- Relation::getParent() — Method in class Relation
- Get the parent model of the relation.
- Relation::getQualifiedParentKeyName() — Method in class Relation
- Get the fully qualified parent key name.
- Relation::getRelated() — Method in class Relation
- Get the related model of the relation.
- SoftDeletes::getDeletedAtColumn() — Method in class SoftDeletes
- Get the name of the "deleted at" column.
- SoftDeletes::getQualifiedDeletedAtColumn() — Method in class SoftDeletes
- Get the fully qualified "deleted at" column.
- Grammar — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- Grammar::getValue() — Method in class Grammar
- Get the value of a raw expression.
- Grammar::getDateFormat() — Method in class Grammar
- Get the format for database stored dates.
- Grammar::getTablePrefix() — Method in class Grammar
- Get the grammar's table prefix.
- DatabaseMigrationRepository::getRan() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository
- Get the ran migrations.
- DatabaseMigrationRepository::getLast() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository
- Get the last migration batch.
- DatabaseMigrationRepository::getNextBatchNumber() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository
- Get the next migration batch number.
- DatabaseMigrationRepository::getLastBatchNumber() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository
- Get the last migration batch number.
- DatabaseMigrationRepository::getConnectionResolver() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository
- Get the connection resolver instance.
- DatabaseMigrationRepository::getConnection() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository
- Resolve the database connection instance.
- Migration::getConnection() — Method in class Migration
- Get the migration connection name.
- MigrationCreator::getStubPath() — Method in class MigrationCreator
- Get the path to the stubs.
- MigrationCreator::getFilesystem() — Method in class MigrationCreator
- Get the filesystem instance.
- MigrationRepositoryInterface::getRan() — Method in class MigrationRepositoryInterface
- Get the ran migrations for a given package.
- MigrationRepositoryInterface::getLast() — Method in class MigrationRepositoryInterface
- Get the last migration batch.
- MigrationRepositoryInterface::getNextBatchNumber() — Method in class MigrationRepositoryInterface
- Get the next migration batch number.
- Migrator::getMigrationFiles() — Method in class Migrator
- Get all of the migration files in a given path.
- Migrator::getNotes() — Method in class Migrator
- Get the notes for the last operation.
- Migrator::getRepository() — Method in class Migrator
- Get the migration repository instance.
- Migrator::getFilesystem() — Method in class Migrator
- Get the file system instance.
- MySqlConnection::getSchemaBuilder() — Method in class MySqlConnection
- Get a schema builder instance for the connection.
- PostgresConnection::getSchemaBuilder() — Method in class PostgresConnection
- Get a schema builder instance for the connection.
- QueryException::getSql() — Method in class QueryException
- Get the SQL for the query.
- QueryException::getBindings() — Method in class QueryException
- Get the bindings for the query.
- $Builder — Property in class Builder
- The groupings for the query.
- Builder::groupBy() — Method in class Builder
- Add a "group by" clause to the query.
- Builder::get() — Method in class Builder
- Execute the query as a "select" statement.
- Builder::getCountForPagination() — Method in class Builder
- Get the count of the total records for the paginator.
- Builder::getBindings() — Method in class Builder
- Get the current query value bindings in a flattened array.
- Builder::getRawBindings() — Method in class Builder
- Get the raw array of bindings.
- Builder::getConnection() — Method in class Builder
- Get the database connection instance.
- Builder::getProcessor() — Method in class Builder
- Get the database query processor instance.
- Builder::getGrammar() — Method in class Builder
- Get the query grammar instance.
- Expression::getValue() — Method in class Expression
- Get the value of the expression.
- Grammar — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query\Grammars
- Grammar::getOperators() — Method in class Grammar
- Get the gramar specific operators.
- SqlServerGrammar::getDateFormat() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
- Get the format for database stored dates.
- Blueprint::getTable() — Method in class Blueprint
- Get the table the blueprint describes.
- Blueprint::getColumns() — Method in class Blueprint
- Get the columns on the blueprint.
- Blueprint::getCommands() — Method in class Blueprint
- Get the commands on the blueprint.
- Blueprint::getAddedColumns() — Method in class Blueprint
- Get the columns on the blueprint that should be added.
- Blueprint::getChangedColumns() — Method in class Blueprint
- Get the columns on the blueprint that should be changed.
- Builder::getColumnType() — Method in class Builder
- Get the data type for the given column name.
- Builder::getColumnListing() — Method in class Builder
- Get the column listing for a given table.
- Builder::getConnection() — Method in class Builder
- Get the database connection instance.
- Grammar — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema\Grammars
- MySqlBuilder::getColumnListing() — Method in class MySqlBuilder
- Get the column listing for a given table.
- Dispatcher::getListeners() — Method in class Dispatcher
- Get all of the listeners for a given event name.
- Filesystem::get() — Method in class Filesystem
- Get the contents of a file.
- Filesystem::getRequire() — Method in class Filesystem
- Get the returned value of a file.
- Filesystem::glob() — Method in class Filesystem
- Find path names matching a given pattern.
- FilesystemAdapter::get() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
- Get the contents of a file.
- FilesystemAdapter::getVisibility() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
- Get the visibility for the given path.
- FilesystemAdapter::getDriver() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
- Get the Flysystem driver.
- FilesystemManager::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class FilesystemManager
- Get the default driver name.
- FilesystemManager::getDefaultCloudDriver() — Method in class FilesystemManager
- Get the default cloud driver name.
- AliasLoader::getInstance() — Method in class AliasLoader
- Get or create the singleton alias loader instance.
- AliasLoader::getAliases() — Method in class AliasLoader
- Get the registered aliases.
- Application::getProvider() — Method in class Application
- Get the registered service provider instance if it exists.
- Application::getCachedConfigPath() — Method in class Application
- Get the path to the configuration cache file.
- Application::getCachedRoutesPath() — Method in class Application
- Get the path to the routes cache file.
- Application::getCachedCompilePath() — Method in class Application
- Get the path to the cached "compiled.php" file.
- Application::getCachedServicesPath() — Method in class Application
- Get the path to the cached services.php file.
- Application::getLoadedProviders() — Method in class Application
- Get the service providers that have been loaded.
- Application::getDeferredServices() — Method in class Application
- Get the application's deferred services.
- Application::getMonologConfigurator() — Method in class Application
- Get the custom Monolog configurator for the application.
- Application::getLocale() — Method in class Application
- Get the current application locale.
- Application::getNamespace() — Method in class Application
- Get the application namespace.
- AuthenticatesUsers::getLogin() — Method in class AuthenticatesUsers
- Show the application login form.
- AuthenticatesUsers::getLogout() — Method in class AuthenticatesUsers
- Log the user out of the application.
- AuthenticatesUsers::guestMiddleware() — Method in class AuthenticatesUsers
- Get the guest middleware for the application.
- RegistersUsers::getRegister() — Method in class RegistersUsers
- Show the application registration form.
- ResetsPasswords::getEmail() — Method in class ResetsPasswords
- Display the form to request a password reset link.
- ResetsPasswords::getReset() — Method in class ResetsPasswords
- Display the password reset view for the given token.
- ResetsPasswords::getBroker() — Method in class ResetsPasswords
- Get the broker to be used during password reset.
- Kernel::getApplication() — Method in class Kernel
- Get the Laravel application instance.
- MakesHttpRequests::get() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
- Visit the given URI with a GET request.
- HasLink::getFailureDescription() — Method in class HasLink
- Returns the description of the failure.
- HasValue::getInputOrTextAreaValue() — Method in class HasValue
- Get the value of an input or textarea.
- IsSelected::getSelectedValue() — Method in class IsSelected
- Get the selected value of a select field or radio group.
- HttpResponseException::getResponse() — Method in class HttpResponseException
- Get the underlying response instance.
- JsonResponse::getData() — Method in class JsonResponse
- Get the json_decoded data from the response.
- JsonResponse::getJsonOptions() — Method in class JsonResponse
- Get the JSON encoding options.
- RedirectResponse::getRequest() — Method in class RedirectResponse
- Get the request instance.
- RedirectResponse::getSession() — Method in class RedirectResponse
- Get the session store implementation.
- Request::getUserResolver() — Method in class Request
- Get the user resolver callback.
- Request::getRouteResolver() — Method in class Request
- Get the route resolver callback.
- Response::getOriginalContent() — Method in class Response
- Get the original response content.
- Writer::getMonolog() — Method in class Writer
- Get the underlying Monolog instance.
- Writer::getEventDispatcher() — Method in class Writer
- Get the event dispatcher instance.
- Mailer::getViewFactory() — Method in class Mailer
- Get the view factory instance.
- Mailer::getSwiftMailer() — Method in class Mailer
- Get the Swift Mailer instance.
- Message::getSwiftMessage() — Method in class Message
- Get the underlying Swift Message instance.
- TransportManager::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class TransportManager
- Get the default cache driver name.
- MailgunTransport::getKey() — Method in class MailgunTransport
- Get the API key being used by the transport.
- MailgunTransport::getDomain() — Method in class MailgunTransport
- Get the domain being used by the transport.
- MandrillTransport::getKey() — Method in class MandrillTransport
- Get the API key being used by the transport.
- SparkPostTransport::getKey() — Method in class SparkPostTransport
- Get the API key being used by the transport.
- AbstractPaginator::getUrlRange() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
- Create a range of pagination URLs.
- AbstractPaginator::getPageName() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
- Get the query string variable used to store the page.
- AbstractPaginator::getIterator() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
- Get an iterator for the items.
- AbstractPaginator::getCollection() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
- Get the paginator's underlying collection.
- BootstrapFourNextPreviousButtonRendererTrait::getPreviousButton() — Method in class BootstrapFourNextPreviousButtonRendererTrait
- Get the previous page pagination element.
- BootstrapFourNextPreviousButtonRendererTrait::getNextButton() — Method in class BootstrapFourNextPreviousButtonRendererTrait
- Get the next page pagination element.
- BootstrapThreeNextPreviousButtonRendererTrait::getPreviousButton() — Method in class BootstrapThreeNextPreviousButtonRendererTrait
- Get the previous page pagination element.
- BootstrapThreeNextPreviousButtonRendererTrait::getNextButton() — Method in class BootstrapThreeNextPreviousButtonRendererTrait
- Get the next page pagination element.
- UrlWindow::get() — Method in class UrlWindow
- Get the window of URLs to be shown.
- UrlWindow::getAdjacentUrlRange() — Method in class UrlWindow
- Get the page range for the current page window.
- UrlWindow::getStart() — Method in class UrlWindow
- Get the starting URLs of a pagination slider.
- UrlWindow::getFinish() — Method in class UrlWindow
- Get the ending URLs of a pagination slider.
- BeanstalkdQueue::getQueue() — Method in class BeanstalkdQueue
- Get the queue or return the default.
- BeanstalkdQueue::getPheanstalk() — Method in class BeanstalkdQueue
- Get the underlying Pheanstalk instance.
- Manager::getConnection() — Method in class Manager
- Get a registered connection instance.
- Manager::getQueueManager() — Method in class Manager
- Get the queue manager instance.
- DatabaseQueue::getDatabase() — Method in class DatabaseQueue
- Get the underlying database instance.
- DatabaseQueue::getExpire() — Method in class DatabaseQueue
- Get the expiration time in seconds.
- BeanstalkdJob::getRawBody() — Method in class BeanstalkdJob
- Get the raw body string for the job.
- BeanstalkdJob::getJobId() — Method in class BeanstalkdJob
- Get the job identifier.
- BeanstalkdJob::getContainer() — Method in class BeanstalkdJob
- Get the IoC container instance.
- BeanstalkdJob::getPheanstalk() — Method in class BeanstalkdJob
- Get the underlying Pheanstalk instance.
- BeanstalkdJob::getPheanstalkJob() — Method in class BeanstalkdJob
- Get the underlying Pheanstalk job.
- DatabaseJob::getJobId() — Method in class DatabaseJob
- Get the job identifier.
- DatabaseJob::getRawBody() — Method in class DatabaseJob
- Get the raw body string for the job.
- DatabaseJob::getContainer() — Method in class DatabaseJob
- Get the IoC container instance.
- DatabaseJob::getDatabaseQueue() — Method in class DatabaseJob
- Get the underlying queue driver instance.
- DatabaseJob::getDatabaseJob() — Method in class DatabaseJob
- Get the underlying database job.
- Job::getRawBody() — Method in class Job
- Get the raw body string for the job.
- Job::getName() — Method in class Job
- Get the name of the queued job class.
- Job::getQueue() — Method in class Job
- Get the name of the queue the job belongs to.
- RedisJob::getRawBody() — Method in class RedisJob
- Get the raw body string for the job.
- RedisJob::getJobId() — Method in class RedisJob
- Get the job identifier.
- RedisJob::getContainer() — Method in class RedisJob
- Get the IoC container instance.
- RedisJob::getRedisQueue() — Method in class RedisJob
- Get the underlying queue driver instance.
- RedisJob::getRedisJob() — Method in class RedisJob
- Get the underlying Redis job.
- SqsJob::getRawBody() — Method in class SqsJob
- Get the raw body string for the job.
- SqsJob::getJobId() — Method in class SqsJob
- Get the job identifier.
- SqsJob::getContainer() — Method in class SqsJob
- Get the IoC container instance.
- SqsJob::getSqs() — Method in class SqsJob
- Get the underlying SQS client instance.
- SqsJob::getSqsJob() — Method in class SqsJob
- Get the underlying raw SQS job.
- SyncJob::getRawBody() — Method in class SyncJob
- Get the raw body string for the job.
- SyncJob::getJobId() — Method in class SyncJob
- Get the job identifier.
- Listener::getEnvironment() — Method in class Listener
- Get the current listener environment.
- Listener::getSleep() — Method in class Listener
- Get the amount of seconds to wait before polling the queue.
- QueueManager::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class QueueManager
- Get the name of the default queue connection.
- QueueManager::getName() — Method in class QueueManager
- Get the full name for the given connection.
- RedisQueue::getRedis() — Method in class RedisQueue
- Get the underlying Redis instance.
- RedisQueue::getExpire() — Method in class RedisQueue
- Get the expiration time in seconds.
- SqsQueue::getQueue() — Method in class SqsQueue
- Get the queue or return the default.
- SqsQueue::getSqs() — Method in class SqsQueue
- Get the underlying SQS instance.
- Worker::getManager() — Method in class Worker
- Get the queue manager instance.
- Controller::getMiddleware() — Method in class Controller
- Get the middleware assigned to the controller.
- Controller::getRouter() — Method in class Controller
- Get the router instance.
- ControllerDispatcher::getMiddleware() — Method in class ControllerDispatcher
- Get the middleware for the controller instance.
- ControllerInspector::getRoutable() — Method in class ControllerInspector
- Get the routable methods for a controller.
- ControllerInspector::getMethodData() — Method in class ControllerInspector
- Get the method data for a given method.
- ControllerInspector::getVerb() — Method in class ControllerInspector
- Extract the verb from a controller action.
- ControllerInspector::getPlainUri() — Method in class ControllerInspector
- Determine the URI from the given method name.
- Redirector::guest() — Method in class Redirector
- Create a new redirect response, while putting the current URL in the session.
- Redirector::getUrlGenerator() — Method in class Redirector
- Get the URL generator instance.
- ResourceRegistrar::getResourceUri() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
- Get the base resource URI for a given resource.
- ResourceRegistrar::getResourceWildcard() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
- Format a resource parameter for usage.
- ResourceRegistrar::getParameters() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
- Get the global parameter map.
- Route::getParameter() — Method in class Route
- Get a given parameter from the route.
- Route::getValidators() — Method in class Route
- Get the route validators for the instance.
- Route::getPath() — Method in class Route
- Get the URI associated with the route.
- Route::getMethods() — Method in class Route
- Get the HTTP verbs the route responds to.
- Route::getUri() — Method in class Route
- Get the URI that the route responds to.
- Route::getPrefix() — Method in class Route
- Get the prefix of the route instance.
- Route::getName() — Method in class Route
- Get the name of the route instance.
- Route::getActionName() — Method in class Route
- Get the action name for the route.
- Route::getAction() — Method in class Route
- Get the action array for the route.
- Route::getCompiled() — Method in class Route
- Get the compiled version of the route.
- RouteCollection::get() — Method in class RouteCollection
- Get all of the routes in the collection.
- RouteCollection::getByName() — Method in class RouteCollection
- Get a route instance by its name.
- RouteCollection::getByAction() — Method in class RouteCollection
- Get a route instance by its controller action.
- RouteCollection::getRoutes() — Method in class RouteCollection
- Get all of the routes in the collection.
- RouteCollection::getRoutesByMethod() — Method in class RouteCollection
- Get all of the routes keyed by their HTTP verb / method.
- RouteCollection::getIterator() — Method in class RouteCollection
- Get an iterator for the items.
- Router::get() — Method in class Router
- Register a new GET route with the router.
- Router::group() — Method in class Router
- Create a route group with shared attributes.
- Router::getLastGroupPrefix() — Method in class Router
- Get the prefix from the last group on the stack.
- Router::gatherRouteMiddlewares() — Method in class Router
- Gather the middleware for the given route.
- Router::getMiddleware() — Method in class Router
- Get all of the defined middleware short-hand names.
- Router::getGroupStack() — Method in class Router
- Get the current group stack for the router.
- Router::getCurrentRoute() — Method in class Router
- Get the currently dispatched route instance.
- Router::getCurrentRequest() — Method in class Router
- Get the request currently being dispatched.
- Router::getRoutes() — Method in class Router
- Get the underlying route collection.
- Router::getPatterns() — Method in class Router
- Get the global "where" patterns.
- UrlGenerator::getRequest() — Method in class UrlGenerator
- Get the request instance.
- CacheBasedSessionHandler::gc() — Method in class CacheBasedSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- CacheBasedSessionHandler::getCache() — Method in class CacheBasedSessionHandler
- Get the underlying cache repository.
- CookieSessionHandler::gc() — Method in class CookieSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- DatabaseSessionHandler::gc() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- EncryptedStore::getEncrypter() — Method in class EncryptedStore
- Get the encrypter instance.
- FileSessionHandler::gc() — Method in class FileSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- LegacyDatabaseSessionHandler::gc() — Method in class LegacyDatabaseSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- StartSession::getSession() — Method in class StartSession
- Get the session implementation from the manager.
- SessionInterface::getHandler() — Method in class SessionInterface
- Get the session handler instance.
- SessionManager::getSessionConfig() — Method in class SessionManager
- Get the session configuration.
- SessionManager::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class SessionManager
- Get the default session driver name.
- Store::getId() — Method in class Store
- {@inheritdoc}
- Store::getName() — Method in class Store
- {@inheritdoc}
- Store::get() — Method in class Store
- {@inheritdoc}
- Store::getOldInput() — Method in class Store
- Get the requested item from the flashed input array.
- Store::getBag() — Method in class Store
- {@inheritdoc}
- Store::getMetadataBag() — Method in class Store
- {@inheritdoc}
- Store::getBagData() — Method in class Store
- Get the raw bag data array for a given bag.
- Store::getToken() — Method in class Store
- Get the CSRF token value.
- Store::getHandler() — Method in class Store
- Get the underlying session handler implementation.
- Arr::get() — Method in class Arr
- Get an item from an array using "dot" notation.
- ClassLoader::getDirectories() — Method in class ClassLoader
- Gets all the directories registered with the loader.
- Collection::get() — Method in class Collection
- Get an item from the collection by key.
- Collection::groupBy() — Method in class Collection
- Group an associative array by a field or using a callback.
- Collection::getIterator() — Method in class Collection
- Get an iterator for the items.
- Collection::getCachingIterator() — Method in class Collection
- Get a CachingIterator instance.
- Cookie::get() — Method in class Cookie
- Retrieve a cookie from the request.
- Facade::getFacadeRoot() — Method in class Facade
- Get the root object behind the facade.
- Facade::getFacadeApplication() — Method in class Facade
- Get the application instance behind the facade.
- Gate — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Input::get() — Method in class Input
- Get an item from the input data.
- Fluent::get() — Method in class Fluent
- Get an attribute from the container.
- Fluent::getAttributes() — Method in class Fluent
- Get the attributes from the container.
- Manager::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class Manager
- Get the default driver name.
- Manager::getDrivers() — Method in class Manager
- Get all of the created "drivers".
- MessageBag::get() — Method in class MessageBag
- Get all of the messages from the bag for a given key.
- MessageBag::getMessages() — Method in class MessageBag
- Get the raw messages in the container.
- MessageBag::getMessageBag() — Method in class MessageBag
- Get the messages for the instance.
- MessageBag::getFormat() — Method in class MessageBag
- Get the default message format.
- CapsuleManagerTrait::getContainer() — Method in class CapsuleManagerTrait
- Get the IoC container instance.
- ViewErrorBag::getBag() — Method in class ViewErrorBag
- Get a MessageBag instance from the bags.
- ViewErrorBag::getBags() — Method in class ViewErrorBag
- Get all the bags.
- Translator::get() — Method in class Translator
- Get the translation for the given key.
- Translator::getSelector() — Method in class Translator
- Get the message selector instance.
- Translator::getLoader() — Method in class Translator
- Get the language line loader implementation.
- Translator::getLocale() — Method in class Translator
- Get the default locale being used.
- Translator::getFallback() — Method in class Translator
- Get the fallback locale being used.
- DatabasePresenceVerifier::getCount() — Method in class DatabasePresenceVerifier
- Count the number of objects in a collection having the given value.
- DatabasePresenceVerifier::getMultiCount() — Method in class DatabasePresenceVerifier
- Count the number of objects in a collection with the given values.
- Factory::getTranslator() — Method in class Factory
- Get the Translator implementation.
- Factory::getPresenceVerifier() — Method in class Factory
- Get the Presence Verifier implementation.
- PresenceVerifierInterface::getCount() — Method in class PresenceVerifierInterface
- Count the number of objects in a collection having the given value.
- PresenceVerifierInterface::getMultiCount() — Method in class PresenceVerifierInterface
- Count the number of objects in a collection with the given values.
- ValidationException::getResponse() — Method in class ValidationException
- Get the underlying response instance.
- Validator::guessColumnForQuery() — Method in class Validator
- Guess the database column from the given attribute name.
- Validator::getDisplayableValue() — Method in class Validator
- Get the displayable name of the value.
- Validator::getExtensions() — Method in class Validator
- Get the array of custom validator extensions.
- Validator::getReplacers() — Method in class Validator
- Get the array of custom validator message replacers.
- Validator::getData() — Method in class Validator
- Get the data under validation.
- Validator::getRules() — Method in class Validator
- Get the validation rules.
- Validator::getFiles() — Method in class Validator
- Get the files under validation.
- Validator::getPresenceVerifier() — Method in class Validator
- Get the Presence Verifier implementation.
- Validator::getTranslator() — Method in class Validator
- Get the Translator implementation.
- Validator::getCustomMessages() — Method in class Validator
- Get the custom messages for the validator.
- Validator::getCustomAttributes() — Method in class Validator
- Get the custom attributes used by the validator.
- Validator::getCustomValues() — Method in class Validator
- Get the custom values for the validator.
- Validator::getFallbackMessages() — Method in class Validator
- Get the fallback messages for the validator.
- Validator::getMessageBag() — Method in class Validator
- Get the messages for the instance.
- BladeCompiler::getPath() — Method in class BladeCompiler
- Get the path currently being compiled.
- BladeCompiler::getExtensions() — Method in class BladeCompiler
- Get the extensions used by the compiler.
- BladeCompiler::getCustomDirectives() — Method in class BladeCompiler
- Get the list of custom directives.
- BladeCompiler::getRawTags() — Method in class BladeCompiler
- Gets the raw tags used by the compiler.
- BladeCompiler::getContentTags() — Method in class BladeCompiler
- Gets the content tags used for the compiler.
- BladeCompiler::getEscapedContentTags() — Method in class BladeCompiler
- Gets the escaped content tags used for the compiler.
- Compiler::getCompiledPath() — Method in class Compiler
- Get the path to the compiled version of a view.
- CompilerInterface::getCompiledPath() — Method in class CompilerInterface
- Get the path to the compiled version of a view.
- CompilerEngine::get() — Method in class CompilerEngine
- Get the evaluated contents of the view.
- CompilerEngine::getCompiler() — Method in class CompilerEngine
- Get the compiler implementation.
- Engine::getLastRendered() — Method in class Engine
- Get the last view that was rendered.
- EngineInterface::get() — Method in class EngineInterface
- Get the evaluated contents of the view.
- PhpEngine::get() — Method in class PhpEngine
- Get the evaluated contents of the view.
- Factory::getEngineFromPath() — Method in class Factory
- Get the appropriate view engine for the given path.
- Factory::getExtensions() — Method in class Factory
- Get the extension to engine bindings.
- Factory::getEngineResolver() — Method in class Factory
- Get the engine resolver instance.
- Factory::getFinder() — Method in class Factory
- Get the view finder instance.
- Factory::getDispatcher() — Method in class Factory
- Get the event dispatcher instance.
- Factory::getContainer() — Method in class Factory
- Get the IoC container instance.
- Factory::getShared() — Method in class Factory
- Get all of the shared data for the environment.
- Factory::getSections() — Method in class Factory
- Get the entire array of sections.
- Factory::getNames() — Method in class Factory
- Get all of the registered named views in environment.
- FileViewFinder::getFilesystem() — Method in class FileViewFinder
- Get the filesystem instance.
- FileViewFinder::getPaths() — Method in class FileViewFinder
- Get the active view paths.
- FileViewFinder::getHints() — Method in class FileViewFinder
- Get the namespace to file path hints.
- FileViewFinder::getExtensions() — Method in class FileViewFinder
- Get registered extensions.
- View::getFactory() — Method in class View
- Get the view factory instance.
- View::getEngine() — Method in class View
- Get the view's rendering engine.
- View::getName() — Method in class View
- Get the name of the view.
- View::getData() — Method in class View
- Get the array of view data.
- View::getPath() — Method in class View
- Get the path to the view file.
- Gate::has() — Method in class Gate
- Determine if a given ability has been defined.
- HandlesAuthorization — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Access
- AuthenticateWithBasicAuth::handle() — Method in class AuthenticateWithBasicAuth
- Handle an incoming request.
- RateLimiter::hit() — Method in class RateLimiter
- Increment the counter for a given key for a given decay time.
- Repository::has() — Method in class Repository
- Determine if an item exists in the cache.
- Repository::has() — Method in class Repository
- Determine if the given configuration value exists.
- Event::hourly() — Method in class Event
- Schedule the event to run hourly.
- Gate::has() — Method in class Gate
- Determine if a given ability has been defined.
- Repository::has() — Method in class Repository
- Determine if an item exists in the cache.
- Repository::has() — Method in class Repository
- Determine if the given configuration value exists.
- Kernel::handle() — Method in class Kernel
- Handle an incoming console command.
- Dispatcher::hasListeners() — Method in class Dispatcher
- Determine if a given event has listeners.
- Hasher — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Hashing
- Kernel::handle() — Method in class Kernel
- Handle an incoming HTTP request.
- Paginator::hasPages() — Method in class Paginator
- Determine if there are enough items to split into multiple pages.
- Paginator::hasMorePages() — Method in class Paginator
- Determine if there is more items in the data store.
- Presenter::hasPages() — Method in class Presenter
- Determine if the underlying paginator being presented has pages to show.
- Hub — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Pipeline
- Htmlable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Support
- MessageBag::has() — Method in class MessageBag
- Determine if messages exist for a given key.
- CookieJar::hasQueued() — Method in class CookieJar
- Determine if a cookie has been queued.
- AddQueuedCookiesToResponse::handle() — Method in class AddQueuedCookiesToResponse
- Handle an incoming request.
- EncryptCookies::handle() — Method in class EncryptCookies
- Handle an incoming request.
- ConnectionResolver::hasConnection() — Method in class ConnectionResolver
- Check if a connection has been registered.
- Builder::has() — Method in class Builder
- Add a relationship count / exists condition to the query.
- Model::hasGlobalScope() — Method in class Model
- Determine if a model has a global scope.
- Model::hydrate() — Method in class Model
- Create a collection of models from plain arrays.
- Model::hydrateRaw() — Method in class Model
- Create a collection of models from a raw query.
- Model::hasOne() — Method in class Model
- Define a one-to-one relationship.
- Model::hasMany() — Method in class Model
- Define a one-to-many relationship.
- Model::hasManyThrough() — Method in class Model
- Define a has-many-through relationship.
- Model::hasGetMutator() — Method in class Model
- Determine if a get mutator exists for an attribute.
- Model::hasCast() — Method in class Model
- Determine whether an attribute should be cast to a native type.
- Model::hasSetMutator() — Method in class Model
- Determine if a set mutator exists for an attribute.
- HasMany — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
- HasManyThrough — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
- HasOne — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
- HasOneOrMany — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
- Pivot::hasTimestampAttributes() — Method in class Pivot
- Determine if the pivot model has timestamp attributes.
- $Builder — Property in class Builder
- The having constraints for the query.
- Builder::having() — Method in class Builder
- Add a "having" clause to the query.
- Builder::havingRaw() — Method in class Builder
- Add a raw having clause to the query.
- Builder::hasTable() — Method in class Builder
- Determine if the given table exists.
- Builder::hasColumn() — Method in class Builder
- Determine if the given table has a given column.
- Builder::hasColumns() — Method in class Builder
- Determine if the given table has given columns.
- MySqlBuilder::hasTable() — Method in class MySqlBuilder
- Determine if the given table exists.
- PostgresBuilder::hasTable() — Method in class PostgresBuilder
- Determine if the given table exists.
- Dispatcher::hasListeners() — Method in class Dispatcher
- Determine if a given event has listeners.
- Application::hasBeenBootstrapped() — Method in class Application
- Determine if the application has been bootstrapped before.
- Application::handle() — Method in class Application
- {@inheritdoc}
- Application::hasMonologConfigurator() — Method in class Application
- Determine if the application has a custom Monolog configurator.
- HandleExceptions — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap
- HandleExceptions::handleError() — Method in class HandleExceptions
- Convert a PHP error to an ErrorException.
- HandleExceptions::handleException() — Method in class HandleExceptions
- Handle an uncaught exception from the application.
- HandleExceptions::handleShutdown() — Method in class HandleExceptions
- Handle the PHP shutdown event.
- Kernel::handle() — Method in class Kernel
- Run the console application.
- Handler — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Exceptions
- Kernel::handle() — Method in class Kernel
- Handle an incoming HTTP request.
- Kernel::hasMiddleware() — Method in class Kernel
- Determine if the kernel has a given middleware.
- Authorize::handle() — Method in class Authorize
- Handle an incoming request.
- CheckForMaintenanceMode::handle() — Method in class CheckForMaintenanceMode
- Handle an incoming request.
- VerifyCsrfToken::handle() — Method in class VerifyCsrfToken
- Handle an incoming request.
- VerifyPostSize::handle() — Method in class VerifyPostSize
- Handle an incoming request.
- MakesHttpRequests::handle() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
- Send the given request through the application.
- HasElement — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Constraints
- HasInElement — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Constraints
- HasLink — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Constraints
- HasSource — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Constraints
- HasText — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Constraints
- HasValue — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Constraints
- HttpException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing
- HashServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Hashing
- HttpResponseException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Exception
- CheckResponseForModifications::handle() — Method in class CheckResponseForModifications
- Handle an incoming request.
- FrameGuard::handle() — Method in class FrameGuard
- Handle the given request and get the response.
- Request::has() — Method in class Request
- Determine if the request contains a non-empty value for an input item.
- Request::hasCookie() — Method in class Request
- Determine if a cookie is set on the request.
- Request::hasFile() — Method in class Request
- Determine if the uploaded data contains a file.
- Request::hasHeader() — Method in class Request
- Determine if a header is set on the request.
- Request::header() — Method in class Request
- Retrieve a header from the request.
- ResponseTrait::header() — Method in class ResponseTrait
- Set a header on the Response.
- UploadedFile::hashName() — Method in class UploadedFile
- Get a filename for the file that is the MD5 hash of the contents.
- Mailer::handleQueuedMessage() — Method in class Mailer
- Handle a queued e-mail message job.
- AbstractPaginator::hasPages() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
- Determine if there are enough items to split into multiple pages.
- BootstrapFourPresenter::hasPages() — Method in class BootstrapFourPresenter
- Determine if the underlying paginator being presented has pages to show.
- BootstrapThreePresenter::hasPages() — Method in class BootstrapThreePresenter
- Determine if the underlying paginator being presented has pages to show.
- LengthAwarePaginator::hasMorePages() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator
- Determine if there are more items in the data source.
- Paginator::hasMorePages() — Method in class Paginator
- Determine if there are more items in the data source.
- SimpleBootstrapFourPresenter::hasPages() — Method in class SimpleBootstrapFourPresenter
- Determine if the underlying paginator being presented has pages to show.
- SimpleBootstrapThreePresenter::hasPages() — Method in class SimpleBootstrapThreePresenter
- Determine if the underlying paginator being presented has pages to show.
- UrlWindow::hasPages() — Method in class UrlWindow
- Determine if the underlying paginator being presented has pages to show.
- Hub — Class in namespace Illuminate\Pipeline
- HostValidator — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Matching
- ThrottleRequests::handle() — Method in class ThrottleRequests
- Handle an incoming request.
- Redirector::home() — Method in class Redirector
- Create a new redirect response to the "home" route.
- Route::hasParameters() — Method in class Route
- Determine if the route has parameters.
- Route::hasParameter() — Method in class Route
- Determine a given parameter exists from the route.
- Route::httpOnly() — Method in class Route
- Determine if the route only responds to HTTP requests.
- Route::httpsOnly() — Method in class Route
- Determine if the route only responds to HTTPS requests.
- RouteCollection::hasNamedRoute() — Method in class RouteCollection
- Determine if the route collection contains a given named route.
- Router::hasGroupStack() — Method in class Router
- Determine if the router currently has a group stack.
- Router::has() — Method in class Router
- Check if a route with the given name exists.
- StartSession::handle() — Method in class StartSession
- Handle an incoming request.
- SessionInterface::handlerNeedsRequest() — Method in class SessionInterface
- Determine if the session handler needs a request.
- Store::has() — Method in class Store
- {@inheritdoc}
- Store::hasOldInput() — Method in class Store
- Determine if the session contains old input.
- Store::handlerNeedsRequest() — Method in class Store
- Determine if the session handler needs a request.
- Arr::has() — Method in class Arr
- Check if an item exists in an array using "dot" notation.
- Collection::has() — Method in class Collection
- Determine if an item exists in the collection by key.
- HtmlDumper — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Debug
- Cookie::has() — Method in class Cookie
- Determine if a cookie exists on the request.
- Hash — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- HtmlString — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- MessageBag::has() — Method in class MessageBag
- Determine if messages exist for a given key.
- Macroable::hasMacro() — Method in class Macroable
- Checks if macro is registered.
- ViewErrorBag::hasBag() — Method in class ViewErrorBag
- Checks if a named MessageBag exists in the bags.
- Translator::hasForLocale() — Method in class Translator
- Determine if a translation exists for a given locale.
- Translator::has() — Method in class Translator
- Determine if a translation exists.
- Validator::hasAttribute() — Method in class Validator
- Checks if an attribute exists.
- Factory::hasSection() — Method in class Factory
- Check if section exists.
- FileViewFinder::hasHintInformation() — Method in class FileViewFinder
- Returns whether or not the view specify a hint information.
- ShareErrorsFromSession::handle() — Method in class ShareErrorsFromSession
- Handle an incoming request.
- IlluminateQueueClosure — Class in namespace
- GuardHelpers::id() — Method in class GuardHelpers
- Get the ID for the currently authenticated user.
- SessionGuard::id() — Method in class SessionGuard
- Get the ID for the currently authenticated user.
- ApcStore::increment() — Method in class ApcStore
- Increment the value of an item in the cache.
- ApcWrapper::increment() — Method in class ApcWrapper
- Increment the value of an item in the cache.
- ArrayStore::increment() — Method in class ArrayStore
- Increment the value of an item in the cache.
- DatabaseStore::increment() — Method in class DatabaseStore
- Increment the value of an item in the cache.
- FileStore::increment() — Method in class FileStore
- Increment the value of an item in the cache.
- MemcachedStore::increment() — Method in class MemcachedStore
- Increment the value of an item in the cache.
- NullStore::increment() — Method in class NullStore
- Increment the value of an item in the cache.
- RedisStore::increment() — Method in class RedisStore
- Increment the value of an item in the cache.
- TaggedCache::increment() — Method in class TaggedCache
- Increment the value of an item in the cache.
- Command::info() — Method in class Command
- Write a string as information output.
- OutputStyle::isQuiet() — Method in class OutputStyle
- Returns whether verbosity is quiet (-q).
- OutputStyle::isVerbose() — Method in class OutputStyle
- Returns whether verbosity is verbose (-v).
- OutputStyle::isVeryVerbose() — Method in class OutputStyle
- Returns whether verbosity is very verbose (-vv).
- OutputStyle::isDebug() — Method in class OutputStyle
- Returns whether verbosity is debug (-vvv).
- Event::isDue() — Method in class Event
- Determine if the given event should run based on the Cron expression.
- Container::isAlias() — Method in class Container
- Determine if a given string is an alias.
- Container::instance() — Method in class Container
- Register an existing instance as shared in the container.
- Container::isShared() — Method in class Container
- Determine if a given type is shared.
- Guard::id() — Method in class Guard
- Get the ID for the currently authenticated user.
- Store::increment() — Method in class Store
- Increment the value of an item in the cache.
- Container::instance() — Method in class Container
- Register an existing instance as shared in the container.
- $ModelIdentifier — Property in class ModelIdentifier
- The unique identifier of the model.
- Application::isDownForMaintenance() — Method in class Application
- Determine if the application is currently down for maintenance.
- Log::info() — Method in class Log
- Log an informational message to the logs.
- Paginator::items() — Method in class Paginator
- Get all of the items being paginated.
- Paginator::isEmpty() — Method in class Paginator
- Determine if the list of items is empty or not.
- Job::isDeleted() — Method in class Job
- Determine if the job has been deleted.
- Job::isDeletedOrReleased() — Method in class Job
- Determine if the job has been deleted or released.
- MessageBag::isEmpty() — Method in class MessageBag
- Determine if the message bag has any messages.
- EncryptCookies::isDisabled() — Method in class EncryptCookies
- Determine whether encryption has been disabled for the given cookie.
- Connection::insert() — Method in class Connection
- Run an insert statement against the database.
- Connection::isDoctrineAvailable() — Method in class Connection
- Is Doctrine available?
- ConnectionInterface::insert() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
- Run an insert statement against the database.
- InstallCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations
- Builder::increment() — Method in class Builder
- Increment a column's value by a given amount.
- Collection::intersect() — Method in class Collection
- Intersect the collection with the given items.
- $Model — Property in class Model
- Indicates if the IDs are auto-incrementing.
- Model::isUnguarded() — Method in class Model
- Determine if current state is "unguarded".
- Model::isFillable() — Method in class Model
- Determine if the given attribute may be mass assigned.
- Model::isGuarded() — Method in class Model
- Determine if the given key is guarded.
- Model::isDirty() — Method in class Model
- Determine if the model or given attribute(s) have been modified.
- BelongsTo::initRelation() — Method in class BelongsTo
- Initialize the relation on a set of models.
- BelongsToMany::initRelation() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Initialize the relation on a set of models.
- HasMany::initRelation() — Method in class HasMany
- Initialize the relation on a set of models.
- HasManyThrough::initRelation() — Method in class HasManyThrough
- Initialize the relation on a set of models.
- HasOne::initRelation() — Method in class HasOne
- Initialize the relation on a set of models.
- MorphMany::initRelation() — Method in class MorphMany
- Initialize the relation on a set of models.
- MorphOne::initRelation() — Method in class MorphOne
- Initialize the relation on a set of models.
- Relation::initRelation() — Method in class Relation
- Initialize the relation on a set of models.
- Grammar::isExpression() — Method in class Grammar
- Determine if the given value is a raw expression.
- Builder::implode() — Method in class Builder
- Concatenate values of a given column as a string.
- Builder::insert() — Method in class Builder
- Insert a new record into the database.
- Builder::insertGetId() — Method in class Builder
- Insert a new record and get the value of the primary key.
- Builder::increment() — Method in class Builder
- Increment a column's value by a given amount.
- Blueprint::index() — Method in class Blueprint
- Specify an index for the table.
- Blueprint::increments() — Method in class Blueprint
- Create a new auto-incrementing integer (4-byte) column on the table.
- Blueprint::integer() — Method in class Blueprint
- Create a new integer (4-byte) column on the table.
- Blueprint::ipAddress() — Method in class Blueprint
- Create a new IP address column on the table.
- Filesystem::isDirectory() — Method in class Filesystem
- Determine if the given path is a directory.
- Filesystem::isWritable() — Method in class Filesystem
- Determine if the given path is writable.
- Filesystem::isFile() — Method in class Filesystem
- Determine if the given path is a file.
- AliasLoader::isRegistered() — Method in class AliasLoader
- Indicates if the loader has been registered.
- Application::isLocal() — Method in class Application
- Determine if application is in local environment.
- Application::isBooted() — Method in class Application
- Determine if the application has booted.
- Application::isDownForMaintenance() — Method in class Application
- Determine if the application is currently down for maintenance.
- Application::isDeferredService() — Method in class Application
- Determine if the given service is a deferred service.
- Application::isLocale() — Method in class Application
- Determine if application locale is the given locale.
- IlluminateCaster — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- Inspiring — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation
- ImpersonatesUsers — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Concerns
- InteractsWithAuthentication — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Concerns
- InteractsWithConsole — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Concerns
- InteractsWithContainer — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Concerns
- InteractsWithDatabase — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Concerns
- InteractsWithPages — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Concerns
- InteractsWithSession — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Concerns
- IsChecked — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Constraints
- IsSelected — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Constraints
- Request::instance() — Method in class Request
- Return the Request instance.
- Request::is() — Method in class Request
- Determine if the current request URI matches a pattern.
- Request::ip() — Method in class Request
- Returns the client IP address.
- Request::ips() — Method in class Request
- Returns the client IP addresses.
- Request::input() — Method in class Request
- Retrieve an input item from the request.
- Request::intersect() — Method in class Request
- Intersect an array of items with the input data.
- Request::isJson() — Method in class Request
- Determine if the request is sending JSON.
- Writer::info() — Method in class Writer
- Log an informational message to the logs.
- Transport::isStarted() — Method in class Transport
- {@inheritdoc}
- AbstractPaginator::items() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
- Get the slice of items being paginated.
- AbstractPaginator::isEmpty() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
- Determine if the list of items is empty or not.
- InteractsWithQueue — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue
- Job::isDeleted() — Method in class Job
- Determine if the job has been deleted.
- Job::isReleased() — Method in class Job
- Determine if the job was released back into the queue.
- Job::isDeletedOrReleased() — Method in class Job
- Determine if the job has been deleted or released.
- QueueManager::isDownForMaintenance() — Method in class QueueManager
- Determine if the application is in maintenance mode.
- ControllerInspector::isRoutable() — Method in class ControllerInspector
- Determine if the given controller method is routable.
- Redirector::intended() — Method in class Redirector
- Create a new redirect response to the previously intended location.
- Router::input() — Method in class Router
- Get a route parameter for the current route.
- Router::is() — Method in class Router
- Alias for the "currentRouteName" method.
- UrlGenerator::isValidUrl() — Method in class UrlGenerator
- Determine if the given path is a valid URL.
- Store::isValidId() — Method in class Store
- Determine if this is a valid session ID.
- Store::invalidate() — Method in class Store
- {@inheritdoc}
- Store::isStarted() — Method in class Store
- {@inheritdoc}
- Arr::isAssoc() — Method in class Arr
- Determines if an array is associative.
- Collection::implode() — Method in class Collection
- Concatenate values of a given key as a string.
- Collection::intersect() — Method in class Collection
- Intersect the collection with the given items.
- Collection::isEmpty() — Method in class Collection
- Determine if the collection is empty or not.
- Input — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- MessageBag::isEmpty() — Method in class MessageBag
- Determine if the message bag has any messages.
- ServiceProvider::isDeferred() — Method in class ServiceProvider
- Determine if the provider is deferred.
- Str::is() — Method in class Str
- Determine if a given string matches a given pattern.
- Validator::invalid() — Method in class Validator
- Returns the data which was invalid.
- Validator::isAValidFileInstance() — Method in class Validator
- Check that the given value is a valid file instance.
- Compiler::isExpired() — Method in class Compiler
- Determine if the view at the given path is expired.
- CompilerInterface::isExpired() — Method in class CompilerInterface
- Determine if the given view is expired.
- Factory::inject() — Method in class Factory
- Inject inline content into a section.
- Factory::incrementRender() — Method in class Factory
- Increment the rendering counter.
- Job — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Queue
- ResponseFactory::json() — Method in class ResponseFactory
- Return a new JSON response from the application.
- ResponseFactory::jsonp() — Method in class ResponseFactory
- Return a new JSONP response from the application.
- Jsonable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Support
- Model::joiningTable() — Method in class Model
- Get the joining table name for a many-to-many relation.
- Model::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Model
- Convert the object into something JSON serializable.
- $Builder — Property in class Builder
- The table joins for the query.
- Builder::join() — Method in class Builder
- Add a join clause to the query.
- Builder::joinWhere() — Method in class Builder
- Add a "join where" clause to the query.
- JoinClause — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query
- Blueprint::json() — Method in class Blueprint
- Create a new json column on the table.
- Blueprint::jsonb() — Method in class Blueprint
- Create a new jsonb column on the table.
- JobMakeCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- MakesHttpRequests::json() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
- Visit the given URI with a JSON request.
- JsonResponse — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http
- Request::json() — Method in class Request
- Get the JSON payload for the request.
- LengthAwarePaginator::jsonSerialize() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator
- Convert the object into something JSON serializable.
- Paginator::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Paginator
- Convert the object into something JSON serializable.
- JobExceptionOccurred — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Events
- $JobExceptionOccurred — Property in class JobExceptionOccurred
- The job instance.
- JobFailed — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Events
- $JobFailed — Property in class JobFailed
- The job instance.
- JobProcessed — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Events
- $JobProcessed — Property in class JobProcessed
- The job instance.
- JobProcessing — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Events
- $JobProcessing — Property in class JobProcessing
- The job instance.
- Job — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Jobs
- ResponseFactory::json() — Method in class ResponseFactory
- Return a new JSON response from the application.
- ResponseFactory::jsonp() — Method in class ResponseFactory
- Return a new JSONP response from the application.
- Collection::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Collection
- Convert the object into something JSON serializable.
- Fluent::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Fluent
- Convert the object into something JSON serializable.
- MessageBag::jsonSerialize() — Method in class MessageBag
- Convert the object into something JSON serializable.
- $CacheHit — Property in class CacheHit
- The key that was hit.
- $CacheMissed — Property in class CacheMissed
- THe key that was missed.
- KeyForgotten — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache\Events
- $KeyForgotten — Property in class KeyForgotten
- The key that was forgotten.
- KeyWritten — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache\Events
- $KeyWritten — Property in class KeyWritten
- The key that was written.
- Kernel — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Console
- Kernel — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Http
- MessageBag::keys() — Method in class MessageBag
- Get the keys present in the message bag.
- Collection::keys() — Method in class Collection
- Get the keys of the collection items.
- Kernel — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- KeyGenerateCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- Kernel — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Http
- Store::keep() — Method in class Store
- Reflash a subset of the current flash data.
- Collection::keyBy() — Method in class Collection
- Key an associative array by a field or using a callback.
- Collection::keys() — Method in class Collection
- Get the keys of the collection items.
- MessageBag::keys() — Method in class MessageBag
- Get the keys present in the message bag.
- $Attempting — Property in class Attempting
- Indicates if the user should be authenticated if successful.
- Lockout — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Events
- Login — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Events
- Logout — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Events
- SessionGuard::login() — Method in class SessionGuard
- Log a user into the application.
- SessionGuard::loginUsingId() — Method in class SessionGuard
- Log the given user ID into the application.
- SessionGuard::logout() — Method in class SessionGuard
- Log the user out of the application.
- LogBroadcaster — Class in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting\Broadcasters
- Command::line() — Method in class Command
- Write a string as standard output.
- StatefulGuard::login() — Method in class StatefulGuard
- Log a user into the application.
- StatefulGuard::loginUsingId() — Method in class StatefulGuard
- Log the given user ID into the application.
- StatefulGuard::logout() — Method in class StatefulGuard
- Log the user out of the application.
- Dispatcher::listen() — Method in class Dispatcher
- Register an event listener with the dispatcher.
- Filesystem::lastModified() — Method in class Filesystem
- Get the file's last modification time.
- Log — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Logging
- Log::log() — Method in class Log
- Log a message to the logs.
- MailQueue::later() — Method in class MailQueue
- Queue a new e-mail message for sending after (n) seconds.
- LengthAwarePaginator — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Pagination
- LengthAwarePaginator::lastPage() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator
- Get the page number of the last available page.
- Paginator::lastItem() — Method in class Paginator
- Get the "index" of the last item being paginated.
- Monitor::looping() — Method in class Monitor
- Register a callback to be executed on every iteration through the queue loop.
- Queue::later() — Method in class Queue
- Push a new job onto the queue after a delay.
- Queue::laterOn() — Method in class Queue
- Push a new job onto the queue after a delay.
- Connection::logQuery() — Method in class Connection
- Log a query in the connection's query log.
- Connection::listen() — Method in class Connection
- Register a database query listener with the connection.
- Connection::logging() — Method in class Connection
- Determine whether we're logging queries.
- Builder::lists() — Method in class Builder
- Alias for the "pluck" method.
- Collection::load() — Method in class Collection
- Load a set of relationships onto the collection.
- Factory::load() — Method in class Factory
- Load factories from path.
- Model::load() — Method in class Model
- Eager load relations on the model.
- DatabaseMigrationRepository::log() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository
- Log that a migration was run.
- MigrationRepositoryInterface::log() — Method in class MigrationRepositoryInterface
- Log that a migration was run.
- $Builder — Property in class Builder
- The maximum number of records to return.
- $Builder — Property in class Builder
- Indicates whether row locking is being used.
- Builder::leftJoin() — Method in class Builder
- Add a left join to the query.
- Builder::leftJoinWhere() — Method in class Builder
- Add a "join where" clause to the query.
- Builder::latest() — Method in class Builder
- Add an "order by" clause for a timestamp to the query.
- Builder::limit() — Method in class Builder
- Set the "limit" value of the query.
- Builder::lock() — Method in class Builder
- Lock the selected rows in the table.
- Builder::lockForUpdate() — Method in class Builder
- Lock the selected rows in the table for updating.
- Builder::lists() — Method in class Builder
- Alias for the "pluck" method.
- Blueprint::longText() — Method in class Blueprint
- Create a new long text column on the table.
- Dispatcher::listen() — Method in class Dispatcher
- Register an event listener with the dispatcher.
- Filesystem::lastModified() — Method in class Filesystem
- Get the file's last modification time.
- FilesystemAdapter::lastModified() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
- Get the file's last modification time.
- AliasLoader::load() — Method in class AliasLoader
- Load a class alias if it is registered.
- Application::langPath() — Method in class Application
- Get the path to the language files.
- Application::loadEnvironmentFrom() — Method in class Application
- Set the environment file to be loaded during bootstrapping.
- Application::loadDeferredProviders() — Method in class Application
- Load and boot all of the remaining deferred providers.
- Application::loadDeferredProvider() — Method in class Application
- Load the provider for a deferred service.
- AuthenticatesUsers::login() — Method in class AuthenticatesUsers
- Handle a login request to the application.
- AuthenticatesUsers::logout() — Method in class AuthenticatesUsers
- Log the user out of the application.
- AuthenticatesUsers::loginUsername() — Method in class AuthenticatesUsers
- Get the login username to be used by the controller.
- LoadConfiguration — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap
- ListenerMakeCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- ProviderRepository::load() — Method in class ProviderRepository
- Register the application service providers.
- ProviderRepository::loadManifest() — Method in class ProviderRepository
- Load the service provider manifest JSON file.
- EventServiceProvider::listens() — Method in class EventServiceProvider
- Get the events and handlers.
- Writer::log() — Method in class Writer
- Log a message to the logs.
- Writer::listen() — Method in class Writer
- Register a new callback handler for when a log event is triggered.
- Mailer::later() — Method in class Mailer
- Queue a new e-mail message for sending after (n) seconds.
- Mailer::laterOn() — Method in class Mailer
- Queue a new e-mail message for sending after (n) seconds on the given queue.
- LogTransport — Class in namespace Illuminate\Mail\Transport
- AbstractPaginator::lastItem() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
- Get the number of the last item in the slice.
- LengthAwarePaginator — Class in namespace Illuminate\Pagination
- LengthAwarePaginator::lastPage() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator
- Get the last page.
- LengthAwarePaginator::links() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator
- Render the paginator using the given presenter.
- Paginator::links() — Method in class Paginator
- Render the paginator using the given presenter.
- BeanstalkdQueue::later() — Method in class BeanstalkdQueue
- Push a new job onto the queue after a delay.
- Manager::later() — Method in class Manager
- Push a new job onto the queue after a delay.
- ListFailedCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Console
- ListenCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Console
- DatabaseQueue::later() — Method in class DatabaseQueue
- Push a new job onto the queue after a delay.
- DatabaseFailedJobProvider::log() — Method in class DatabaseFailedJobProvider
- Log a failed job into storage.
- FailedJobProviderInterface::log() — Method in class FailedJobProviderInterface
- Log a failed job into storage.
- NullFailedJobProvider::log() — Method in class NullFailedJobProvider
- Log a failed job into storage.
- Listener — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue
- Listener::listen() — Method in class Listener
- Listen to the given queue connection.
- NullQueue::later() — Method in class NullQueue
- Push a new job onto the queue after a delay.
- Queue::laterOn() — Method in class Queue
- Push a new job onto the queue after a delay.
- QueueManager::looping() — Method in class QueueManager
- Register an event listener for the daemon queue loop.
- RedisQueue::later() — Method in class RedisQueue
- Push a new job onto the queue after a delay.
- SqsQueue::later() — Method in class SqsQueue
- Push a new job onto the queue after a delay.
- SyncQueue::later() — Method in class SyncQueue
- Push a new job onto the queue after a delay.
- LegacyDatabaseSessionHandler — Class in namespace Illuminate\Session
- Arr::last() — Method in class Arr
- Return the last element in an array passing a given truth test.
- ClassLoader::load() — Method in class ClassLoader
- Load the given class file.
- Collection::last() — Method in class Collection
- Get the last item from the collection.
- Collection::lists() — Method in class Collection
- Alias for the "pluck" method.
- Lang — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Log — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Str::length() — Method in class Str
- Return the length of the given string.
- Str::limit() — Method in class Str
- Limit the number of characters in a string.
- Str::lower() — Method in class Str
- Convert the given string to lower-case.
- ArrayLoader::load() — Method in class ArrayLoader
- Load the messages for the given locale.
- FileLoader::load() — Method in class FileLoader
- Load the messages for the given locale.
- LoaderInterface — Class in namespace Illuminate\Translation
- LoaderInterface::load() — Method in class LoaderInterface
- Load the messages for the given locale.
- Translator::load() — Method in class Translator
- Load the specified language group.
- Translator::locale() — Method in class Translator
- Get the default locale being used.
- Response::message() — Method in class Response
- Get the response message.
- MakeAuthCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Console
- $KeyWritten — Property in class KeyWritten
- The number of minutes the key should be valid.
- MemcachedConnector — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- MemcachedStore — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- MemcachedStore::many() — Method in class MemcachedStore
- Retrieve multiple items from the cache by key.
- RedisStore::many() — Method in class RedisStore
- Retrieve multiple items from the cache by key.
- Repository::many() — Method in class Repository
- Retrieve multiple items from the cache by key.
- RetrievesMultipleKeys::many() — Method in class RetrievesMultipleKeys
- Retrieve multiple items from the cache by key.
- Event::mondays() — Method in class Event
- Schedule the event to run only on Mondays.
- Event::monthly() — Method in class Event
- Schedule the event to run monthly.
- Event::monthlyOn() — Method in class Event
- Schedule the event to run monthly on a given day and time.
- Container::make() — Method in class Container
- Resolve the given type from the container.
- Store::many() — Method in class Store
- Retrieve multiple items from the cache by key.
- Container::make() — Method in class Container
- Resolve the given type from the container.
- Factory::make() — Method in class Factory
- Create a new cookie instance.
- ModelIdentifier — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Database
- Filesystem::move() — Method in class Filesystem
- Move a file to a new location.
- Filesystem::makeDirectory() — Method in class Filesystem
- Create a directory.
- Hasher::make() — Method in class Hasher
- Hash the given value.
- MailQueue — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Mail
- Mailer — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Mail
- Monitor — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Queue
- Registrar::match() — Method in class Registrar
- Register a new route with the given verbs.
- ResponseFactory::make() — Method in class ResponseFactory
- Return a new response from the application.
- MessageBag — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Support
- MessageBag::merge() — Method in class MessageBag
- Merge a new array of messages into the bag.
- MessageProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Support
- Factory::make() — Method in class Factory
- Create a new Validator instance.
- Factory::make() — Method in class Factory
- Get the evaluated view contents for the given view.
- CookieJar::make() — Method in class CookieJar
- Create a new cookie instance.
- Manager — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Capsule
- ConnectionFactory::make() — Method in class ConnectionFactory
- Establish a PDO connection based on the configuration.
- MySqlConnector — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Connectors
- MigrateCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations
- MigrateMakeCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations
- Builder::macro() — Method in class Builder
- Extend the builder with a given callback.
- Collection::modelKeys() — Method in class Collection
- Get the array of primary keys.
- Collection::merge() — Method in class Collection
- Merge the collection with the given items.
- Collection::makeHidden() — Method in class Collection
- Make the given, typically visible, attributes hidden across the entire collection.
- Collection::makeVisible() — Method in class Collection
- Make the given, typically hidden, attributes visible across the entire collection.
- Factory::make() — Method in class Factory
- Create an instance of the given model.
- Factory::makeAs() — Method in class Factory
- Create an instance of the given model and type.
- FactoryBuilder::make() — Method in class FactoryBuilder
- Create a collection of models.
- MassAssignmentException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
- Model — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
- $Model — Property in class Model
- The many to many relationship methods.
- Model::morphOne() — Method in class Model
- Define a polymorphic one-to-one relationship.
- Model::morphTo() — Method in class Model
- Define a polymorphic, inverse one-to-one or many relationship.
- Model::morphMany() — Method in class Model
- Define a polymorphic one-to-many relationship.
- Model::morphToMany() — Method in class Model
- Define a polymorphic many-to-many relationship.
- Model::morphedByMany() — Method in class Model
- Define a polymorphic, inverse many-to-many relationship.
- Model::makeVisible() — Method in class Model
- Make the given, typically hidden, attributes visible.
- ModelNotFoundException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
- BelongsTo::match() — Method in class BelongsTo
- Match the eagerly loaded results to their parents.
- BelongsToMany::match() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Match the eagerly loaded results to their parents.
- HasMany::match() — Method in class HasMany
- Match the eagerly loaded results to their parents.
- HasManyThrough::match() — Method in class HasManyThrough
- Match the eagerly loaded results to their parents.
- HasOne::match() — Method in class HasOne
- Match the eagerly loaded results to their parents.
- HasOneOrMany::matchOne() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
- Match the eagerly loaded results to their single parents.
- HasOneOrMany::matchMany() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
- Match the eagerly loaded results to their many parents.
- MorphMany — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
- MorphMany::match() — Method in class MorphMany
- Match the eagerly loaded results to their parents.
- MorphOne — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
- MorphOne::match() — Method in class MorphOne
- Match the eagerly loaded results to their parents.
- MorphOneOrMany — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
- MorphPivot — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
- MorphTo — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
- MorphTo::match() — Method in class MorphTo
- Match the eagerly loaded results to their parents.
- MorphToMany — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
- Relation::match() — Method in class Relation
- Match the eagerly loaded results to their parents.
- Relation::morphMap() — Method in class Relation
- Set or get the morph map for polymorphic relations.
- MigrationServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- Migration — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Migrations
- MigrationCreator — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Migrations
- MigrationRepositoryInterface — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Migrations
- Migrator — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Migrations
- MySqlConnection — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- Builder::min() — Method in class Builder
- Retrieve the minimum value of a given column.
- Builder::max() — Method in class Builder
- Retrieve the maximum value of a given column.
- Builder::mergeWheres() — Method in class Builder
- Merge an array of where clauses and bindings.
- Builder::mergeBindings() — Method in class Builder
- Merge an array of bindings into our bindings.
- MySqlGrammar — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query\Grammars
- MySqlProcessor — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query\Processors
- Blueprint::mediumIncrements() — Method in class Blueprint
- Create a new auto-incrementing medium integer (3-byte) column on the table.
- Blueprint::mediumText() — Method in class Blueprint
- Create a new medium text column on the table.
- Blueprint::mediumInteger() — Method in class Blueprint
- Create a new medium integer (3-byte) column on the table.
- Blueprint::macAddress() — Method in class Blueprint
- Create a new MAC address column on the table.
- Blueprint::morphs() — Method in class Blueprint
- Add the proper columns for a polymorphic table.
- MySqlGrammar — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema\Grammars
- MySqlBuilder — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema
- McryptEncrypter — Class in namespace Illuminate\Encryption
- Dispatcher::makeListener() — Method in class Dispatcher
- Register an event listener with the dispatcher.
- Filesystem::move() — Method in class Filesystem
- Move a file to a new location.
- Filesystem::mimeType() — Method in class Filesystem
- Get the mime-type of a given file.
- Filesystem::makeDirectory() — Method in class Filesystem
- Create a directory.
- FilesystemAdapter::move() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
- Move a file to a new location.
- FilesystemAdapter::mimeType() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
- Get the mime-type of a given file.
- FilesystemAdapter::makeDirectory() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
- Create a directory.
- Application::make() — Method in class Application
- Resolve the given type from the container.
- ModelMakeCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- FormRequest::messages() — Method in class FormRequest
- Set custom messages for validator errors.
- MakesHttpRequests — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Concerns
- MocksApplicationServices — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Concerns
- HasElement::matches() — Method in class HasElement
- Check if the element is found in the given crawler.
- HasInElement::matches() — Method in class HasInElement
- Check if the source or text is found within the element in the given crawler.
- HasLink::matches() — Method in class HasLink
- Check if the link is found in the given crawler.
- HasValue::matches() — Method in class HasValue
- Check if the input contains the expected value.
- IsChecked::matches() — Method in class IsChecked
- Determine if the checkbox is checked.
- ReversePageConstraint::matches() — Method in class ReversePageConstraint
- Reverse the original page constraint result.
- BcryptHasher::make() — Method in class BcryptHasher
- Hash the given value.
- Request::method() — Method in class Request
- Get the request method.
- Request::merge() — Method in class Request
- Merge new input into the current request's input array.
- Request::matchesType() — Method in class Request
- Determine if the given content types match.
- MessageSending — Class in namespace Illuminate\Mail\Events
- $MessageSending — Property in class MessageSending
- The Swift message instance.
- MailServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Mail
- Mailer — Class in namespace Illuminate\Mail
- Message — Class in namespace Illuminate\Mail
- MailgunTransport — Class in namespace Illuminate\Mail\Transport
- MandrillTransport — Class in namespace Illuminate\Mail\Transport
- UrlWindow::make() — Method in class UrlWindow
- Create a new URL window instance.
- Manager — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Capsule
- Listener::makeProcess() — Method in class Listener
- Create a new Symfony process for the worker.
- Listener::memoryExceeded() — Method in class Listener
- Determine if the memory limit has been exceeded.
- RedisQueue::migrateExpiredJobs() — Method in class RedisQueue
- Migrate the delayed jobs that are ready to the regular queue.
- Worker::memoryExceeded() — Method in class Worker
- Determine if the memory limit has been exceeded.
- MiddlewareMakeCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Console
- Controller::middleware() — Method in class Controller
- Register middleware on the controller.
- Controller::missingMethod() — Method in class Controller
- Handle calls to missing methods on the controller.
- ControllerDispatcher::methodExcludedByOptions() — Method in class ControllerDispatcher
- Determine if the given options exclude a particular method.
- HostValidator::matches() — Method in class HostValidator
- Validate a given rule against a route and request.
- MethodValidator — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Matching
- MethodValidator::matches() — Method in class MethodValidator
- Validate a given rule against a route and request.
- SchemeValidator::matches() — Method in class SchemeValidator
- Validate a given rule against a route and request.
- UriValidator::matches() — Method in class UriValidator
- Validate a given rule against a route and request.
- ValidatorInterface::matches() — Method in class ValidatorInterface
- Validate a given rule against a route and request.
- ResponseFactory::make() — Method in class ResponseFactory
- Return a new response from the application.
- Route::matches() — Method in class Route
- Determine if the route matches given request.
- Route::middleware() — Method in class Route
- Get or set the middlewares attached to the route.
- Route::methods() — Method in class Route
- Get the HTTP verbs the route responds to.
- RouteCollection::match() — Method in class RouteCollection
- Find the first route matching a given request.
- Router::match() — Method in class Router
- Register a new route with the given verbs.
- Router::mergeWithLastGroup() — Method in class Router
- Merge the given array with the last group stack.
- Router::mergeGroup() — Method in class Router
- Merge the given group attributes.
- Router::matched() — Method in class Router
- Register a route matched event listener.
- Router::middleware() — Method in class Router
- Register a short-hand name for a middleware.
- Router::middlewareGroup() — Method in class Router
- Register a group of middleware.
- Router::model() — Method in class Router
- Register a model binder for a wildcard.
- Store::migrate() — Method in class Store
- {@inheritdoc}
- Collection::make() — Method in class Collection
- Create a new collection instance if the value isn't one already.
- Collection::map() — Method in class Collection
- Run a map over each of the items.
- Collection::max() — Method in class Collection
- Get the max value of a given key.
- Collection::merge() — Method in class Collection
- Merge the collection with the given items.
- Collection::min() — Method in class Collection
- Get the min value of a given key.
- Mail — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Manager — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- MessageBag — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- MessageBag::merge() — Method in class MessageBag
- Merge a new array of messages into the bag.
- MessageBag::messages() — Method in class MessageBag
- Get the raw messages in the container.
- Macroable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Traits
- Macroable::macro() — Method in class Macroable
- Register a custom macro.
- Factory::make() — Method in class Factory
- Create a new Validator instance.
- Validator::mergeRules() — Method in class Validator
- Merge additional rules into a given attribute(s).
- Validator::messages() — Method in class Validator
- Get the message container for the validator.
- Factory::make() — Method in class Factory
- Get the evaluated view contents for the given view.
- NullStore — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- Event::name() — Method in class Event
- Set the human-friendly description of the event.
- ContextualBindingBuilder::needs() — Method in class ContextualBindingBuilder
- Define the abstract target that depends on the context.
- ContextualBindingBuilder::needs() — Method in class ContextualBindingBuilder
- Define the abstract target that depends on the context.
- Hasher::needsRehash() — Method in class Hasher
- Check if the given hash has been hashed using the given options.
- Log::notice() — Method in class Log
- Log a notice to the logs.
- Paginator::nextPageUrl() — Method in class Paginator
- The the URL for the next page, or null.
- View::name() — Method in class View
- Get the name of the view.
- Model::newInstance() — Method in class Model
- Create a new instance of the given model.
- Model::newFromBuilder() — Method in class Model
- Create a new model instance that is existing.
- Model::newQuery() — Method in class Model
- Get a new query builder for the model's table.
- Model::newQueryWithoutScope() — Method in class Model
- Get a new query instance without a given scope.
- Model::newQueryWithoutScopes() — Method in class Model
- Get a new query builder that doesn't have any global scopes.
- Model::newEloquentBuilder() — Method in class Model
- Create a new Eloquent query builder for the model.
- Model::newCollection() — Method in class Model
- Create a new Eloquent Collection instance.
- Model::newPivot() — Method in class Model
- Create a new pivot model instance.
- BelongsToMany::newPivotStatement() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Get a new plain query builder for the pivot table.
- BelongsToMany::newPivotStatementForId() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Get a new pivot statement for a given "other" ID.
- BelongsToMany::newPivot() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Create a new pivot model instance.
- BelongsToMany::newExistingPivot() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Create a new existing pivot model instance.
- MorphToMany::newPivot() — Method in class MorphToMany
- Create a new pivot model instance.
- Relation::noConstraints() — Method in class Relation
- Run a callback with constraints disabled on the relation.
- Builder::newQuery() — Method in class Builder
- Get a new instance of the query builder.
- JoinClause::nest() — Method in class JoinClause
- Add a nested where statement to the query.
- Blueprint::nullableTimestamps() — Method in class Blueprint
- Add nullable creation and update timestamps to the table.
- Filesystem::name() — Method in class Filesystem
- Extract the file name from a file path.
- BcryptHasher::needsRehash() — Method in class BcryptHasher
- Check if the given hash has been hashed using the given options.
- Writer::notice() — Method in class Writer
- Log a notice to the logs.
- LengthAwarePaginator::nextPageUrl() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator
- Get the URL for the next page.
- Paginator::nextPageUrl() — Method in class Paginator
- Get the URL for the next page.
- NullConnector — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Connectors
- NullFailedJobProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Failed
- NullQueue — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue
- Route::name() — Method in class Route
- Add or change the route name.
- Store::now() — Method in class Store
- Flash a key / value pair to the session
for immediate use.
- ClassLoader::normalizeClass() — Method in class ClassLoader
- Get the normal file name for a class.
- NamespacedItemResolver — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- Factory::name() — Method in class Factory
- Register a named view.
- View::nest() — Method in class View
- Add a view instance to the view data.
- View::name() — Method in class View
- Get the name of the view.
- SessionGuard::once() — Method in class SessionGuard
- Log a user into the application without sessions or cookies.
- SessionGuard::onceBasic() — Method in class SessionGuard
- Perform a stateless HTTP Basic login attempt.
- SessionGuard::onceUsingId() — Method in class SessionGuard
- Log the given user ID into the application without sessions or cookies.
- Queueable::onConnection() — Method in class Queueable
- Set the desired connection for the job.
- Queueable::onQueue() — Method in class Queueable
- Set the desired queue for the job.
- Repository::offsetExists() — Method in class Repository
- Determine if a cached value exists.
- Repository::offsetGet() — Method in class Repository
- Retrieve an item from the cache by key.
- Repository::offsetSet() — Method in class Repository
- Store an item in the cache for the default time.
- Repository::offsetUnset() — Method in class Repository
- Remove an item from the cache.
- Repository::offsetExists() — Method in class Repository
- Determine if the given configuration option exists.
- Repository::offsetGet() — Method in class Repository
- Get a configuration option.
- Repository::offsetSet() — Method in class Repository
- Set a configuration option.
- Repository::offsetUnset() — Method in class Repository
- Unset a configuration option.
- Application::output() — Method in class Application
- Get the output for the last run command.
- Command::option() — Method in class Command
- Get the value of a command option.
- OutputStyle — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console
- $Event — Property in class Event
- The location that output should be sent to.
- Container::offsetExists() — Method in class Container
- Determine if a given offset exists.
- Container::offsetGet() — Method in class Container
- Get the value at a given offset.
- Container::offsetSet() — Method in class Container
- Set the value at a given offset.
- Container::offsetUnset() — Method in class Container
- Unset the value at a given offset.
- StatefulGuard::once() — Method in class StatefulGuard
- Log a user into the application without sessions or cookies.
- StatefulGuard::onceUsingId() — Method in class StatefulGuard
- Log the given user ID into the application without sessions or cookies.
- SupportsBasicAuth::onceBasic() — Method in class SupportsBasicAuth
- Perform a stateless HTTP Basic login attempt.
- Application::output() — Method in class Application
- Get the output from the last command.
- Kernel::output() — Method in class Kernel
- Get the output for the last run command.
- Registrar::options() — Method in class Registrar
- Register a new OPTIONS route with the router.
- Builder::onDelete() — Method in class Builder
- Register a replacement for the default delete function.
- Builder::orWhere() — Method in class Builder
- Add an "or where" clause to the query.
- Builder::orHas() — Method in class Builder
- Add a relationship count / exists condition to the query with an "or".
- Builder::orWhereHas() — Method in class Builder
- Add a relationship count / exists condition to the query with where clauses and an "or".
- Collection::only() — Method in class Collection
- Returns only the models from the collection with the specified keys.
- Factory::of() — Method in class Factory
- Create a builder for the given model.
- Factory::offsetExists() — Method in class Factory
- Determine if the given offset exists.
- Factory::offsetGet() — Method in class Factory
- Get the value of the given offset.
- Factory::offsetSet() — Method in class Factory
- Set the given offset to the given value.
- Factory::offsetUnset() — Method in class Factory
- Unset the value at the given offset.
- Model::observe() — Method in class Model
- Register an observer with the Model.
- Model::on() — Method in class Model
- Begin querying the model on a given connection.
- Model::onWriteConnection() — Method in class Model
- Begin querying the model on the write connection.
- Model::offsetExists() — Method in class Model
- Determine if the given attribute exists.
- Model::offsetGet() — Method in class Model
- Get the value for a given offset.
- Model::offsetSet() — Method in class Model
- Set the value for a given offset.
- Model::offsetUnset() — Method in class Model
- Unset the value for a given offset.
- BelongsToMany::orWherePivot() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Set an "or where" clause for a pivot table column.
- BelongsToMany::orWherePivotIn() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Set an "or where in" clause for a pivot table column.
- SoftDeletes::onlyTrashed() — Method in class SoftDeletes
- Get a new query builder that only includes soft deletes.
- $Builder — Property in class Builder
- The orderings for the query.
- $Builder — Property in class Builder
- The number of records to skip.
- Builder::orWhere() — Method in class Builder
- Add an "or where" clause to the query.
- Builder::orWhereRaw() — Method in class Builder
- Add a raw or where clause to the query.
- Builder::orWhereBetween() — Method in class Builder
- Add an or where between statement to the query.
- Builder::orWhereNotBetween() — Method in class Builder
- Add an or where not between statement to the query.
- Builder::orWhereExists() — Method in class Builder
- Add an or exists clause to the query.
- Builder::orWhereNotExists() — Method in class Builder
- Add a where not exists clause to the query.
- Builder::orWhereIn() — Method in class Builder
- Add an "or where in" clause to the query.
- Builder::orWhereNotIn() — Method in class Builder
- Add an "or where not in" clause to the query.
- Builder::orWhereNull() — Method in class Builder
- Add an "or where null" clause to the query.
- Builder::orWhereNotNull() — Method in class Builder
- Add an "or where not null" clause to the query.
- Builder::orWhereDate() — Method in class Builder
- Add an "or where date" statement to the query.
- Builder::orHaving() — Method in class Builder
- Add a "or having" clause to the query.
- Builder::orHavingRaw() — Method in class Builder
- Add a raw or having clause to the query.
- Builder::orderBy() — Method in class Builder
- Add an "order by" clause to the query.
- Builder::oldest() — Method in class Builder
- Add an "order by" clause for a timestamp to the query.
- Builder::orderByRaw() — Method in class Builder
- Add a raw "order by" clause to the query.
- Builder::offset() — Method in class Builder
- Set the "offset" value of the query.
- JoinClause::on() — Method in class JoinClause
- Add an "on" clause to the join.
- JoinClause::orOn() — Method in class JoinClause
- Add an "or on" clause to the join.
- JoinClause::orWhere() — Method in class JoinClause
- Add an "or on where" clause to the join.
- JoinClause::orWhereNull() — Method in class JoinClause
- Add an "or on where is null" clause to the join.
- JoinClause::orWhereNotNull() — Method in class JoinClause
- Add an "or on where is not null" clause to the join.
- JoinClause::orWhereIn() — Method in class JoinClause
- Add an "or on where in (.
- JoinClause::orWhereNotIn() — Method in class JoinClause
- Add an "or on where not in (.
- Kernel::output() — Method in class Kernel
- Get the output for the last run command.
- OptimizeCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- RedirectResponse::onlyInput() — Method in class RedirectResponse
- Flash an array of input to the session.
- Request::only() — Method in class Request
- Get a subset of the items from the input data.
- Request::old() — Method in class Request
- Retrieve an old input item.
- Request::offsetExists() — Method in class Request
- Determine if the given offset exists.
- Request::offsetGet() — Method in class Request
- Get the value at the given offset.
- Request::offsetSet() — Method in class Request
- Set the value at the given offset.
- Request::offsetUnset() — Method in class Request
- Remove the value at the given offset.
- $Response — Property in class Response
- The original content of the response.
- Mailer::onQueue() — Method in class Mailer
- Queue a new e-mail message for sending on the given queue.
- AbstractPaginator::offsetExists() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
- Determine if the given item exists.
- AbstractPaginator::offsetGet() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
- Get the item at the given offset.
- AbstractPaginator::offsetSet() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
- Set the item at the given offset.
- AbstractPaginator::offsetUnset() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
- Unset the item at the given key.
- ControllerMiddlewareOptions::only() — Method in class ControllerMiddlewareOptions
- Set the controller methods the middleware should apply to.
- Router::options() — Method in class Router
- Register a new OPTIONS route with the router.
- CacheBasedSessionHandler::open() — Method in class CacheBasedSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- CookieSessionHandler::open() — Method in class CookieSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- DatabaseSessionHandler::open() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- FileSessionHandler::open() — Method in class FileSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- LegacyDatabaseSessionHandler::open() — Method in class LegacyDatabaseSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- Arr::only() — Method in class Arr
- Get a subset of the items from the given array.
- Collection::only() — Method in class Collection
- Get the items with the specified keys.
- Collection::offsetExists() — Method in class Collection
- Determine if an item exists at an offset.
- Collection::offsetGet() — Method in class Collection
- Get an item at a given offset.
- Collection::offsetSet() — Method in class Collection
- Set the item at a given offset.
- Collection::offsetUnset() — Method in class Collection
- Unset the item at a given offset.
- Fluent::offsetExists() — Method in class Fluent
- Determine if the given offset exists.
- Fluent::offsetGet() — Method in class Fluent
- Get the value for a given offset.
- Fluent::offsetSet() — Method in class Fluent
- Set the value at the given offset.
- Fluent::offsetUnset() — Method in class Fluent
- Unset the value at the given offset.
- Factory::of() — Method in class Factory
- Get the evaluated view contents for a named view.
- View::offsetExists() — Method in class View
- Determine if a piece of data is bound.
- View::offsetGet() — Method in class View
- Get a piece of bound data to the view.
- View::offsetSet() — Method in class View
- Set a piece of data on the view.
- View::offsetUnset() — Method in class View
- Unset a piece of data from the view.
- Gate::policy() — Method in class Gate
- Define a policy class for a given class type.
- AuthManager::provider() — Method in class AuthManager
- Register a custom provider creator Closure.
- PasswordBroker — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Passwords
- PasswordBrokerManager — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Passwords
- PasswordResetServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Passwords
- PasswordResetServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class PasswordResetServiceProvider
- Get the services provided by the provider.
- BroadcastServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class BroadcastServiceProvider
- Get the services provided by the provider.
- PusherBroadcaster — Class in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting\Broadcasters
- BusServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class BusServiceProvider
- Get the services provided by the provider.
- Dispatcher::pipeThrough() — Method in class Dispatcher
- Set the pipes through which commands should be piped before dispatching.
- ApcStore::put() — Method in class ApcStore
- Store an item in the cache for a given number of minutes.
- ApcWrapper::put() — Method in class ApcWrapper
- Store an item in the cache.
- ArrayStore::put() — Method in class ArrayStore
- Store an item in the cache for a given number of minutes.
- ArrayStore::putMultiple() — Method in class ArrayStore
- Store multiple items in the cache for a given number of minutes.
- CacheServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class CacheServiceProvider
- Get the services provided by the provider.
- DatabaseStore::put() — Method in class DatabaseStore
- Store an item in the cache for a given number of minutes.
- FileStore::put() — Method in class FileStore
- Store an item in the cache for a given number of minutes.
- MemcachedStore::put() — Method in class MemcachedStore
- Store an item in the cache for a given number of minutes.
- MemcachedStore::putMany() — Method in class MemcachedStore
- Store multiple items in the cache for a given number of minutes.
- NullStore::put() — Method in class NullStore
- Store an item in the cache for a given number of minutes.
- RedisStore::put() — Method in class RedisStore
- Store an item in the cache for a given number of minutes.
- RedisStore::putMany() — Method in class RedisStore
- Store multiple items in the cache for a given number of minutes.
- RedisTaggedCache::put() — Method in class RedisTaggedCache
- Store an item in the cache.
- Repository::pull() — Method in class Repository
- Retrieve an item from the cache and delete it.
- Repository::put() — Method in class Repository
- Store an item in the cache.
- Repository::putMany() — Method in class Repository
- Store multiple items in the cache for a given number of minutes.
- RetrievesMultipleKeys::putMany() — Method in class RetrievesMultipleKeys
- Store multiple items in the cache for a given number of minutes.
- Repository::prepend() — Method in class Repository
- Prepend a value onto an array configuration value.
- Repository::push() — Method in class Repository
- Push a value onto an array configuration value.
- Parser — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console
- Parser::parse() — Method in class Parser
- Parse the given console command definition into an array.
- ScheduleServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class ScheduleServiceProvider
- Get the services provided by the provider.
- Event::pingBefore() — Method in class Event
- Register a callback to ping a given URL before the job runs.
- Gate::policy() — Method in class Gate
- Define a policy class for a given class type.
- PasswordBroker — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth
- PasswordBrokerFactory — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth
- Dispatcher::pipeThrough() — Method in class Dispatcher
- Set the pipes commands should be piped through before dispatching.
- Repository::pull() — Method in class Repository
- Retrieve an item from the cache and delete it.
- Repository::put() — Method in class Repository
- Store an item in the cache.
- Store::put() — Method in class Store
- Store an item in the cache for a given number of minutes.
- Store::putMany() — Method in class Store
- Store multiple items in the cache for a given number of minutes.
- Repository::prepend() — Method in class Repository
- Prepend a value onto an array configuration value.
- Repository::push() — Method in class Repository
- Push a value onto an array configuration value.
- Dispatcher::push() — Method in class Dispatcher
- Register an event and payload to be fired later.
- Filesystem::put() — Method in class Filesystem
- Write the contents of a file.
- Filesystem::prepend() — Method in class Filesystem
- Prepend to a file.
- Paginator — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Pagination
- Paginator::previousPageUrl() — Method in class Paginator
- Get the URL for the previous page, or null.
- Paginator::perPage() — Method in class Paginator
- Determine how many items are being shown per page.
- Presenter — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Pagination
- Hub::pipe() — Method in class Hub
- Send an object through one of the available pipelines.
- Pipeline — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Pipeline
- Queue::push() — Method in class Queue
- Push a new job onto the queue.
- Queue::pushRaw() — Method in class Queue
- Push a raw payload onto the queue.
- Queue::pushOn() — Method in class Queue
- Push a new job onto the queue.
- Queue::pop() — Method in class Queue
- Pop the next job off of the queue.
- Registrar::post() — Method in class Registrar
- Register a new POST route with the router.
- Registrar::put() — Method in class Registrar
- Register a new PUT route with the router.
- Registrar::patch() — Method in class Registrar
- Register a new PATCH route with the router.
- Connection::prepareBindings() — Method in class Connection
- Prepare the query bindings for execution.
- Connection::pretend() — Method in class Connection
- Execute the given callback in "dry run" mode.
- Connection::pretending() — Method in class Connection
- Determine if the connection in a "dry run".
- ConnectionInterface::prepareBindings() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
- Prepare the query bindings for execution.
- ConnectionInterface::pretend() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
- Execute the given callback in "dry run" mode.
- PostgresConnector — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Connectors
- DatabaseManager::purge() — Method in class DatabaseManager
- Disconnect from the given database and remove from local cache.
- Builder::pluck() — Method in class Builder
- Get an array with the values of a given column.
- Builder::paginate() — Method in class Builder
- Paginate the given query.
- Collection::pluck() — Method in class Collection
- Get an array with the values of a given key.
- Model::push() — Method in class Model
- Save the model and all of its relationships.
- BelongsToMany::paginate() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Get a paginator for the "select" statement.
- HasManyThrough::parentSoftDeletes() — Method in class HasManyThrough
- Determine whether close parent of the relation uses Soft Deletes.
- HasManyThrough::paginate() — Method in class HasManyThrough
- Get a paginator for the "select" statement.
- Pivot — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
- Grammar::parameterize() — Method in class Grammar
- Create query parameter place-holders for an array.
- Grammar::parameter() — Method in class Grammar
- Get the appropriate query parameter place-holder for a value.
- MigrationServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class MigrationServiceProvider
- Get the services provided by the provider.
- PostgresConnection — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- Builder::paginate() — Method in class Builder
- Paginate the given query into a simple paginator.
- Builder::pluck() — Method in class Builder
- Get an array with the values of a given column.
- PostgresGrammar — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query\Grammars
- MySqlProcessor::processColumnListing() — Method in class MySqlProcessor
- Process the results of a column listing query.
- PostgresProcessor — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query\Processors
- PostgresProcessor::processInsertGetId() — Method in class PostgresProcessor
- Process an "insert get ID" query.
- PostgresProcessor::processColumnListing() — Method in class PostgresProcessor
- Process the results of a column listing query.
- Processor — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query\Processors
- Processor::processSelect() — Method in class Processor
- Process the results of a "select" query.
- Processor::processInsertGetId() — Method in class Processor
- Process an "insert get ID" query.
- Processor::processColumnListing() — Method in class Processor
- Process the results of a column listing query.
- SQLiteProcessor::processColumnListing() — Method in class SQLiteProcessor
- Process the results of a column listing query.
- SqlServerProcessor::processInsertGetId() — Method in class SqlServerProcessor
- Process an "insert get ID" query.
- SqlServerProcessor::processColumnListing() — Method in class SqlServerProcessor
- Process the results of a column listing query.
- Blueprint::primary() — Method in class Blueprint
- Specify the primary key(s) for the table.
- Grammar::prefixArray() — Method in class Grammar
- Add a prefix to an array of values.
- PostgresGrammar — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema\Grammars
- PostgresBuilder — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema
- SeedServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class SeedServiceProvider
- Get the services provided by the provider.
- Dispatcher::push() — Method in class Dispatcher
- Register an event and payload to be fired later.
- Filesystem::put() — Method in class Filesystem
- Write the contents of a file.
- Filesystem::prepend() — Method in class Filesystem
- Prepend to a file.
- FilesystemAdapter::put() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
- Write the contents of a file.
- FilesystemAdapter::prepend() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
- Prepend to a file.
- Application::path() — Method in class Application
- Get the path to the application "app" directory.
- Application::publicPath() — Method in class Application
- Get the path to the public / web directory.
- AuthenticatesUsers::postLogin() — Method in class AuthenticatesUsers
- Handle a login request to the application.
- RegistersUsers::postRegister() — Method in class RegistersUsers
- Handle a registration request for the application.
- ResetsPasswords::postEmail() — Method in class ResetsPasswords
- Send a reset link to the given user.
- ResetsPasswords::postReset() — Method in class ResetsPasswords
- Reset the given user's password.
- ComposerScripts::postInstall() — Method in class ComposerScripts
- Handle the post-install Composer event.
- ComposerScripts::postUpdate() — Method in class ComposerScripts
- Handle the post-update Composer event.
- PolicyMakeCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- ProviderMakeCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- Kernel::prependMiddleware() — Method in class Kernel
- Add a new middleware to beginning of the stack if it does not already exist.
- Kernel::pushMiddleware() — Method in class Kernel
- Add a new middleware to end of the stack if it does not already exist.
- ProviderRepository — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation
- ArtisanServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
- Get the services provided by the provider.
- ComposerServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class ComposerServiceProvider
- Get the services provided by the provider.
- MakesHttpRequests::post() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
- Visit the given URI with a POST request.
- MakesHttpRequests::put() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
- Visit the given URI with a PUT request.
- MakesHttpRequests::patch() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
- Visit the given URI with a PATCH request.
- PageConstraint — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Constraints
- HashServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class HashServiceProvider
- Get the services provided by the provider.
- PostTooLargeException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Exception
- Request::path() — Method in class Request
- Get the current path info for the request.
- Request::pjax() — Method in class Request
- Determine if the request is the result of an PJAX call.
- Request::prefers() — Method in class Request
- Return the most suitable content type from the given array based on content negotiation.
- UploadedFile::path() — Method in class UploadedFile
- Get the fully qualified path to the file.
- MailServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class MailServiceProvider
- Get the services provided by the provider.
- Mailer::plain() — Method in class Mailer
- Send a new message when only a plain part.
- Message::priority() — Method in class Message
- Set the message priority level.
- $Transport — Property in class Transport
- The plug-ins registered with the transport.
- AbstractPaginator::previousPageUrl() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
- Get the URL for the previous page.
- AbstractPaginator::perPage() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
- Get the number of items shown per page.
- AbstractPaginator::presenter() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
- Set the default Presenter resolver.
- PaginationServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Pagination
- Paginator — Class in namespace Illuminate\Pagination
- Hub::pipeline() — Method in class Hub
- Define a new named pipeline.
- Hub::pipe() — Method in class Hub
- Send an object through one of the available pipelines.
- Pipeline — Class in namespace Illuminate\Pipeline
- PipelineServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Pipeline
- PipelineServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class PipelineServiceProvider
- Get the services provided by the provider.
- BeanstalkdQueue::push() — Method in class BeanstalkdQueue
- Push a new job onto the queue.
- BeanstalkdQueue::pushRaw() — Method in class BeanstalkdQueue
- Push a raw payload onto the queue.
- BeanstalkdQueue::pop() — Method in class BeanstalkdQueue
- Pop the next job off of the queue.
- Manager::push() — Method in class Manager
- Push a new job onto the queue.
- ConsoleServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class ConsoleServiceProvider
- Get the services provided by the provider.
- DatabaseQueue::push() — Method in class DatabaseQueue
- Push a new job onto the queue.
- DatabaseQueue::pushRaw() — Method in class DatabaseQueue
- Push a raw payload onto the queue.
- DatabaseQueue::pop() — Method in class DatabaseQueue
- Pop the next job off of the queue.
- NullQueue::push() — Method in class NullQueue
- Push a new job onto the queue.
- NullQueue::pushRaw() — Method in class NullQueue
- Push a raw payload onto the queue.
- NullQueue::pop() — Method in class NullQueue
- Pop the next job off of the queue.
- Queue::pushOn() — Method in class Queue
- Push a new job onto the queue.
- QueueServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class QueueServiceProvider
- Get the services provided by the provider.
- RedisQueue::push() — Method in class RedisQueue
- Push a new job onto the queue.
- RedisQueue::pushRaw() — Method in class RedisQueue
- Push a raw payload onto the queue.
- RedisQueue::pop() — Method in class RedisQueue
- Pop the next job off of the queue.
- SqsQueue::push() — Method in class SqsQueue
- Push a new job onto the queue.
- SqsQueue::pushRaw() — Method in class SqsQueue
- Push a raw payload onto the queue.
- SqsQueue::pop() — Method in class SqsQueue
- Pop the next job off of the queue.
- SyncQueue::push() — Method in class SyncQueue
- Push a new job onto the queue.
- SyncQueue::pushRaw() — Method in class SyncQueue
- Push a raw payload onto the queue.
- SyncQueue::pop() — Method in class SyncQueue
- Pop the next job off of the queue.
- Worker::pop() — Method in class Worker
- Listen to the given queue.
- Worker::process() — Method in class Worker
- Process a given job from the queue.
- Database::psubscribe() — Method in class Database
- Subscribe to a set of given channels with wildcards.
- RedisServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class RedisServiceProvider
- Get the services provided by the provider.
- Pipeline — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- This extended pipeline catches any exceptions that occur during each slice.
- Route::parameter() — Method in class Route
- Get a given parameter from the route.
- Route::parameters() — Method in class Route
- Get the key / value list of parameters for the route.
- Route::parametersWithoutNulls() — Method in class Route
- Get the key / value list of parameters without null values.
- Route::parameterNames() — Method in class Route
- Get all of the parameter names for the route.
- Route::prefix() — Method in class Route
- Add a prefix to the route URI.
- Route::prepareForSerialization() — Method in class Route
- Prepare the route instance for serialization.
- Router::post() — Method in class Router
- Register a new POST route with the router.
- Router::put() — Method in class Router
- Register a new PUT route with the router.
- Router::patch() — Method in class Router
- Register a new PATCH route with the router.
- Router::prependMiddlewareToGroup() — Method in class Router
- Add a middleware to the beginning of a middleware group.
- Router::pushMiddlewareToGroup() — Method in class Router
- Add a middleware to the end of a middleware group.
- Router::pattern() — Method in class Router
- Set a global where pattern on all routes.
- Router::patterns() — Method in class Router
- Set a group of global where patterns on all routes.
- Router::prepareResponse() — Method in class Router
- Create a response instance from the given value.
- UrlGenerator::previous() — Method in class UrlGenerator
- Get the URL for the previous request.
- Store::pull() — Method in class Store
- Get the value of a given key and then forget it.
- Store::put() — Method in class Store
- Put a key / value pair or array of key / value pairs in the session.
- Store::push() — Method in class Store
- Push a value onto a session array.
- Store::previousUrl() — Method in class Store
- Get the previous URL from the session.
- AggregateServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class AggregateServiceProvider
- Get the services provided by the provider.
- Arr::pluck() — Method in class Arr
- Pluck an array of values from an array.
- Arr::prepend() — Method in class Arr
- Push an item onto the beginning of an array.
- Arr::pull() — Method in class Arr
- Get a value from the array, and remove it.
- Collection::pluck() — Method in class Collection
- Get the values of a given key.
- Collection::pop() — Method in class Collection
- Get and remove the last item from the collection.
- Collection::prepend() — Method in class Collection
- Push an item onto the beginning of the collection.
- Collection::push() — Method in class Collection
- Push an item onto the end of the collection.
- Collection::pull() — Method in class Collection
- Get and remove an item from the collection.
- Collection::put() — Method in class Collection
- Put an item in the collection by key.
- Password — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- NamespacedItemResolver::parseKey() — Method in class NamespacedItemResolver
- Parse a key into namespace, group, and item.
- Pluralizer — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- Pluralizer::plural() — Method in class Pluralizer
- Get the plural form of an English word.
- ServiceProvider::pathsToPublish() — Method in class ServiceProvider
- Get the paths to publish.
- ServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class ServiceProvider
- Get the services provided by the provider.
- Str::parseCallback() — Method in class Str
- Parse a Class@method style callback into class and method.
- Str::plural() — Method in class Str
- Get the plural form of an English word.
- ViewErrorBag::put() — Method in class ViewErrorBag
- Add a new MessageBag instance to the bags.
- TranslationServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class TranslationServiceProvider
- Get the services provided by the provider.
- Translator::parseKey() — Method in class Translator
- Parse a key into namespace, group, and item.
- PresenceVerifierInterface — Class in namespace Illuminate\Validation
- ValidationServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class ValidationServiceProvider
- Get the services provided by the provider.
- Validator::passes() — Method in class Validator
- Determine if the data passes the validation rules.
- PhpEngine — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Engines
- Factory::prependNamespace() — Method in class Factory
- Prepend a new namespace to the loader.
- FileViewFinder::prependNamespace() — Method in class FileViewFinder
- Prepend a namespace hint to the finder.
- ViewFinderInterface::prependNamespace() — Method in class ViewFinderInterface
- Prepend a namespace hint to the finder.
- Queueable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Bus
- $Queueable — Property in class Queueable
- The name of the queue the job should be sent to.
- Command::question() — Method in class Command
- Write a string as question output.
- Event::quarterly() — Method in class Event
- Schedule the event to run quarterly.
- QueueingDispatcher — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Bus
- Kernel::queue() — Method in class Kernel
- Queue an Artisan console command by name.
- QueueingFactory — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Cookie
- QueueingFactory::queue() — Method in class QueueingFactory
- Queue a cookie to send with the next response.
- MailQueue::queue() — Method in class MailQueue
- Queue a new e-mail message for sending.
- Queue — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Queue
- QueueableEntity — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Queue
- CookieJar::queued() — Method in class CookieJar
- Get a queued cookie instance.
- CookieJar::queue() — Method in class CookieJar
- Queue a cookie to send with the next response.
- Connection::query() — Method in class Connection
- Get a new query builder instance.
- Model::query() — Method in class Model
- Begin querying the model.
- QueueEntityResolver — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
- QueryExecuted — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Events
- QueryException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- Kernel::queue() — Method in class Kernel
- Queue the given console command.
- QueuedJob — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- Inspiring::quote() — Method in class Inspiring
- Get an inspiring quote.
- Request::query() — Method in class Request
- Retrieve a query string item from the request.
- Mailer::queue() — Method in class Mailer
- Queue a new e-mail message for sending.
- Mailer::queueOn() — Method in class Mailer
- Queue a new e-mail message for sending on the given queue.
- Queue — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue
- QueueManager — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue
- QueueServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue
- Queue — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Str::quickRandom() — Method in class Str
- Generate a "random" alpha-numeric string.
- Gate::resolvePolicy() — Method in class Gate
- Build a policy class instance of the given type.
- Response — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Access
- AuthManager::resolveUsersUsing() — Method in class AuthManager
- Set the callback to be used to resolve users.
- AuthServiceProvider::register() — Method in class AuthServiceProvider
- Register the service provider.
- DatabaseUserProvider::retrieveById() — Method in class DatabaseUserProvider
- Retrieve a user by their unique identifier.
- DatabaseUserProvider::retrieveByToken() — Method in class DatabaseUserProvider
- Retrieve a user by their unique identifier and "remember me" token.
- DatabaseUserProvider::retrieveByCredentials() — Method in class DatabaseUserProvider
- Retrieve a user by the given credentials.
- EloquentUserProvider::retrieveById() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider
- Retrieve a user by their unique identifier.
- EloquentUserProvider::retrieveByToken() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider
- Retrieve a user by their unique identifier and "remember me" token.
- EloquentUserProvider::retrieveByCredentials() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider
- Retrieve a user by the given credentials.
- $Attempting — Property in class Attempting
- Indicates if the user should be "remembered".
- $Lockout — Property in class Lockout
- The throttled request.
- $Login — Property in class Login
- Indicates if the user should be "remembered".
- PasswordBroker::reset() — Method in class PasswordBroker
- Reset the password for the given token.
- PasswordResetServiceProvider::register() — Method in class PasswordResetServiceProvider
- Register the service provider.
- RequestGuard — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth
- BroadcastServiceProvider::register() — Method in class BroadcastServiceProvider
- Register the service provider.
- RedisBroadcaster — Class in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting\Broadcasters
- BusServiceProvider::register() — Method in class BusServiceProvider
- Register the service provider.
- CacheManager::repository() — Method in class CacheManager
- Create a new cache repository with the given implementation.
- CacheServiceProvider::register() — Method in class CacheServiceProvider
- Register the service provider.
- CacheServiceProvider::registerCommands() — Method in class CacheServiceProvider
- Register the cache related console commands.
- RateLimiter — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- RateLimiter::resetAttempts() — Method in class RateLimiter
- Reset the number of attempts for the given key.
- RateLimiter::retriesLeft() — Method in class RateLimiter
- Get the number of retries left for the given key.
- RedisStore — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- RedisTaggedCache — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- Repository — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- Repository::remember() — Method in class Repository
- Get an item from the cache, or store the default value.
- Repository::rememberForever() — Method in class Repository
- Get an item from the cache, or store the default value forever.
- RetrievesMultipleKeys — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- TagSet::reset() — Method in class TagSet
- Reset all tags in the set.
- TagSet::resetTag() — Method in class TagSet
- Reset the tag and return the new tag identifier.
- Repository — Class in namespace Illuminate\Config
- Application::resolve() — Method in class Application
- Add a command, resolving through the application.
- Application::resolveCommands() — Method in class Application
- Resolve an array of commands through the application.
- Command::run() — Method in class Command
- Run the console command.
- ScheduleServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ScheduleServiceProvider
- Register the service provider.
- CallbackEvent::run() — Method in class CallbackEvent
- Run the given event.
- Event::run() — Method in class Event
- Run the given event.
- Event::runsInEnvironment() — Method in class Event
- Determine if the event runs in the given environment.
- Event::runsInMaintenanceMode() — Method in class Event
- Determine if the event runs in maintenance mode.
- Container::resolved() — Method in class Container
- Determine if the given abstract type has been resolved.
- Container::rebinding() — Method in class Container
- Bind a new callback to an abstract's rebind event.
- Container::refresh() — Method in class Container
- Refresh an instance on the given target and method.
- Container::resolving() — Method in class Container
- Register a new resolving callback.
- PasswordBroker::reset() — Method in class PasswordBroker
- Reset the password for the given token.
- Registrar — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth
- UserProvider::retrieveById() — Method in class UserProvider
- Retrieve a user by their unique identifier.
- UserProvider::retrieveByToken() — Method in class UserProvider
- Retrieve a user by their unique identifier and "remember me" token.
- UserProvider::retrieveByCredentials() — Method in class UserProvider
- Retrieve a user by the given credentials.
- Repository — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Cache
- Repository::remember() — Method in class Repository
- Get an item from the cache, or store the default value.
- Repository::rememberForever() — Method in class Repository
- Get an item from the cache, or store the default value forever.
- Repository — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Config
- Container::resolved() — Method in class Container
- Determine if the given abstract type has been resolved.
- Container::resolving() — Method in class Container
- Register a new resolving callback.
- ExceptionHandler::report() — Method in class ExceptionHandler
- Report or log an exception.
- ExceptionHandler::render() — Method in class ExceptionHandler
- Render an exception into an HTTP response.
- ExceptionHandler::renderForConsole() — Method in class ExceptionHandler
- Render an exception to the console.
- Application::registerConfiguredProviders() — Method in class Application
- Register all of the configured providers.
- Application::register() — Method in class Application
- Register a service provider with the application.
- Application::registerDeferredProvider() — Method in class Application
- Register a deferred provider and service.
- Mailer::raw() — Method in class Mailer
- Send a new message when only a raw text part.
- Paginator::render() — Method in class Paginator
- Render the paginator using a given Presenter.
- Presenter::render() — Method in class Presenter
- Render the given paginator.
- EntityResolver::resolve() — Method in class EntityResolver
- Resolve the entity for the given ID.
- Job::release() — Method in class Job
- Release the job back into the queue.
- Registrar — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Routing
- Registrar::resource() — Method in class Registrar
- Route a resource to a controller.
- ResponseFactory — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Routing
- ResponseFactory::redirectTo() — Method in class ResponseFactory
- Create a new redirect response to the given path.
- ResponseFactory::redirectToRoute() — Method in class ResponseFactory
- Create a new redirect response to a named route.
- ResponseFactory::redirectToAction() — Method in class ResponseFactory
- Create a new redirect response to a controller action.
- ResponseFactory::redirectGuest() — Method in class ResponseFactory
- Create a new redirect response, while putting the current URL in the session.
- ResponseFactory::redirectToIntended() — Method in class ResponseFactory
- Create a new redirect response to the previously intended location.
- UrlGenerator::route() — Method in class UrlGenerator
- Get the URL to a named route.
- Renderable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Support
- Renderable::render() — Method in class Renderable
- Get the evaluated contents of the object.
- Factory::replacer() — Method in class Factory
- Register a custom implicit validator message replacer.
- CookieServiceProvider::register() — Method in class CookieServiceProvider
- Register the service provider.
- Connection::raw() — Method in class Connection
- Get a new raw query expression.
- Connection::rollBack() — Method in class Connection
- Rollback the active database transaction.
- Connection::reconnect() — Method in class Connection
- Reconnect to the database.
- ConnectionInterface::raw() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
- Get a new raw query expression.
- ConnectionInterface::rollBack() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
- Rollback the active database transaction.
- RefreshCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations
- ResetCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations
- RollbackCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations
- DatabaseManager::reconnect() — Method in class DatabaseManager
- Reconnect to the given database.
- DatabaseServiceProvider::register() — Method in class DatabaseServiceProvider
- Register the service provider.
- Factory::rawOf() — Method in class Factory
- Get the raw attribute array for a given named model.
- Factory::raw() — Method in class Factory
- Get the raw attribute array for a given model.
- Model::removeObservableEvents() — Method in class Model
- Remove an observable event name.
- Model::reguard() — Method in class Model
- Enable the mass assignment restrictions.
- Model::relationsToArray() — Method in class Model
- Get the model's relationships in array form.
- Model::replicate() — Method in class Model
- Clone the model into a new, non-existing instance.
- Model::relationLoaded() — Method in class Model
- Determine if the given relation is loaded.
- Model::resolveConnection() — Method in class Model
- Resolve a connection instance.
- QueueEntityResolver::resolve() — Method in class QueueEntityResolver
- Resolve the entity for the given ID.
- Relation — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
- Relation::rawUpdate() — Method in class Relation
- Run a raw update against the base query.
- Relation::relatedUpdatedAt() — Method in class Relation
- Get the name of the related model's "updated at" column.
- SoftDeletes::restore() — Method in class SoftDeletes
- Restore a soft-deleted model instance.
- SoftDeletes::restoring() — Method in class SoftDeletes
- Register a restoring model event with the dispatcher.
- SoftDeletes::restored() — Method in class SoftDeletes
- Register a restored model event with the dispatcher.
- MigrationServiceProvider::register() — Method in class MigrationServiceProvider
- Register the service provider.
- DatabaseMigrationRepository::repositoryExists() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository
- Determine if the migration repository exists.
- MigrationRepositoryInterface::repositoryExists() — Method in class MigrationRepositoryInterface
- Determine if the migration repository exists.
- Migrator::run() — Method in class Migrator
- Run the outstanding migrations at a given path.
- Migrator::runMigrationList() — Method in class Migrator
- Run an array of migrations.
- Migrator::rollback() — Method in class Migrator
- Rollback the last migration operation.
- Migrator::reset() — Method in class Migrator
- Rolls all of the currently applied migrations back.
- Migrator::requireFiles() — Method in class Migrator
- Require in all the migration files in a given path.
- Migrator::resolve() — Method in class Migrator
- Resolve a migration instance from a file.
- Migrator::resolveConnection() — Method in class Migrator
- Resolve the database connection instance.
- Migrator::repositoryExists() — Method in class Migrator
- Determine if the migration repository exists.
- Builder::rightJoin() — Method in class Builder
- Add a right join to the query.
- Builder::rightJoinWhere() — Method in class Builder
- Add a "right join where" clause to the query.
- Builder::raw() — Method in class Builder
- Create a raw database expression.
- Blueprint::renameColumn() — Method in class Blueprint
- Indicate that the given columns should be renamed.
- Blueprint::rename() — Method in class Blueprint
- Rename the table to a given name.
- Blueprint::rememberToken() — Method in class Blueprint
- Adds the
column to the table. - Blueprint::removeColumn() — Method in class Blueprint
- Remove a column from the schema blueprint.
- Builder::rename() — Method in class Builder
- Rename a table on the schema.
- SeedServiceProvider::register() — Method in class SeedServiceProvider
- Register the service provider.
- Seeder::run() — Method in class Seeder
- Run the database seeds.
- EncryptionServiceProvider::register() — Method in class EncryptionServiceProvider
- Register the service provider.
- EventServiceProvider::register() — Method in class EventServiceProvider
- Register the service provider.
- Filesystem::requireOnce() — Method in class Filesystem
- Require the given file once.
- FilesystemServiceProvider::register() — Method in class FilesystemServiceProvider
- Register the service provider.
- AliasLoader::register() — Method in class AliasLoader
- Register the loader on the auto-loader stack.
- Application::runningInConsole() — Method in class Application
- Determine if we are running in the console.
- Application::runningUnitTests() — Method in class Application
- Determine if we are running unit tests.
- Application::registerConfiguredProviders() — Method in class Application
- Register all of the configured providers.
- Application::register() — Method in class Application
- Register a service provider with the application.
- Application::resolveProviderClass() — Method in class Application
- Resolve a service provider instance from the class name.
- Application::registerDeferredProvider() — Method in class Application
- Register a deferred provider and service.
- Application::routesAreCached() — Method in class Application
- Determine if the application routes are cached.
- Application::registerCoreContainerAliases() — Method in class Application
- Register the core class aliases in the container.
- RedirectsUsers — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Auth
- RedirectsUsers::redirectPath() — Method in class RedirectsUsers
- Get the post register / login redirect path.
- RegistersUsers — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Auth
- RegistersUsers::register() — Method in class RegistersUsers
- Handle a registration request for the application.
- ResetsPasswords — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Auth
- ResetsPasswords::reset() — Method in class ResetsPasswords
- Reset the given user's password.
- RegisterFacades — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap
- RegisterProviders — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap
- Kernel::registerCommand() — Method in class Kernel
- Register the given command with the console application.
- RequestMakeCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- RouteCacheCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- RouteClearCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- RouteListCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- Handler::report() — Method in class Handler
- Report or log an exception.
- Handler::render() — Method in class Handler
- Render an exception into a response.
- Handler::renderForConsole() — Method in class Handler
- Render an exception to the console.
- FormRequest::response() — Method in class FormRequest
- Get the proper failed validation response for the request.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
- Register the service provider.
- ComposerServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ComposerServiceProvider
- Register the service provider.
- FoundationServiceProvider::register() — Method in class FoundationServiceProvider
- Register the service provider.
- AuthServiceProvider::registerPolicies() — Method in class AuthServiceProvider
- Register the application's policies.
- AuthServiceProvider::register() — Method in class AuthServiceProvider
- Register the service provider.
- EventServiceProvider::register() — Method in class EventServiceProvider
- Register the service provider.
- RouteServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Support\Providers
- RouteServiceProvider::register() — Method in class RouteServiceProvider
- Register the service provider.
- MakesHttpRequests::route() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
- Call a named route and return the Response.
- ReversePageConstraint — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Constraints
- DatabaseMigrations::runDatabaseMigrations() — Method in class DatabaseMigrations
- Define hooks to migrate the database before and after each test.
- HashServiceProvider::register() — Method in class HashServiceProvider
- Register the service provider.
- RedirectResponse — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http
- Request — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http
- Request::root() — Method in class Request
- Get the root URL for the application.
- Request::replace() — Method in class Request
- Replace the input for the current request.
- Request::route() — Method in class Request
- Get the route handling the request.
- Response — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http
- ResponseTrait — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http
- MailServiceProvider::register() — Method in class MailServiceProvider
- Register the service provider.
- MailServiceProvider::registerSwiftMailer() — Method in class MailServiceProvider
- Register the Swift Mailer instance.
- Mailer::raw() — Method in class Mailer
- Send a new message when only a raw text part.
- Message::returnPath() — Method in class Message
- Set the "return path" of the message.
- Message::replyTo() — Method in class Message
- Add a reply to address to the message.
- Transport::registerPlugin() — Method in class Transport
- Register a plug-in with the transport.
- AbstractPaginator::resolveCurrentPath() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
- Resolve the current request path or return the default value.
- AbstractPaginator::resolveCurrentPage() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
- Resolve the current page or return the default value.
- BootstrapFourPresenter::render() — Method in class BootstrapFourPresenter
- Convert the URL window into Bootstrap HTML.
- BootstrapThreePresenter::render() — Method in class BootstrapThreePresenter
- Convert the URL window into Bootstrap HTML.
- LengthAwarePaginator::render() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator
- Render the paginator using the given presenter.
- PaginationServiceProvider::register() — Method in class PaginationServiceProvider
- Register the service provider.
- Paginator::render() — Method in class Paginator
- Render the paginator using the given presenter.
- SimpleBootstrapFourPresenter::render() — Method in class SimpleBootstrapFourPresenter
- Convert the URL window into Bootstrap HTML.
- SimpleBootstrapThreePresenter::render() — Method in class SimpleBootstrapThreePresenter
- Convert the URL window into Bootstrap HTML.
- PipelineServiceProvider::register() — Method in class PipelineServiceProvider
- Register the service provider.
- RedisConnector — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Connectors
- ConsoleServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ConsoleServiceProvider
- Register the service provider.
- RestartCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Console
- RetryCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Console
- DatabaseQueue::release() — Method in class DatabaseQueue
- Release a reserved job back onto the queue.
- InteractsWithQueue::release() — Method in class InteractsWithQueue
- Release the job back into the queue.
- BeanstalkdJob::release() — Method in class BeanstalkdJob
- Release the job back into the queue.
- DatabaseJob::release() — Method in class DatabaseJob
- Release the job back into the queue.
- Job::release() — Method in class Job
- Release the job back into the queue.
- RedisJob — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Jobs
- RedisJob::release() — Method in class RedisJob
- Release the job back into the queue.
- SqsJob::release() — Method in class SqsJob
- Release the job back into the queue.
- SyncJob::release() — Method in class SyncJob
- Release the job back into the queue.
- Listener::runProcess() — Method in class Listener
- Run the given process.
- QueueServiceProvider::register() — Method in class QueueServiceProvider
- Register the service provider.
- QueueServiceProvider::registerRestartCommand() — Method in class QueueServiceProvider
- Register the queue restart console command.
- QueueServiceProvider::registerConnectors() — Method in class QueueServiceProvider
- Register the connectors on the queue manager.
- RedisQueue — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue
- RedisQueue::release() — Method in class RedisQueue
- Release a reserved job back onto the queue.
- RedisServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Redis
- RedisServiceProvider::register() — Method in class RedisServiceProvider
- Register the service provider.
- RouteMatched — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Events
- $RouteMatched — Property in class RouteMatched
- The route instance.
- $RouteMatched — Property in class RouteMatched
- The request instance.
- Redirector — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- Redirector::refresh() — Method in class Redirector
- Create a new redirect response to the current URI.
- Redirector::route() — Method in class Redirector
- Create a new redirect response to a named route.
- ResourceRegistrar — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- ResourceRegistrar::register() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
- Route a resource to a controller.
- ResponseFactory — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- ResponseFactory::redirectTo() — Method in class ResponseFactory
- Create a new redirect response to the given path.
- ResponseFactory::redirectToRoute() — Method in class ResponseFactory
- Create a new redirect response to a named route.
- ResponseFactory::redirectToAction() — Method in class ResponseFactory
- Create a new redirect response to a controller action.
- ResponseFactory::redirectGuest() — Method in class ResponseFactory
- Create a new redirect response, while putting the current URL in the session.
- ResponseFactory::redirectToIntended() — Method in class ResponseFactory
- Create a new redirect response to the previously intended location.
- Route — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- Route::run() — Method in class Route
- Run the route action and return the response.
- RouteCollection — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- RouteCollection::refreshNameLookups() — Method in class RouteCollection
- Refresh the name look-up table.
- RouteDependencyResolverTrait — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- RouteDependencyResolverTrait::resolveMethodDependencies() — Method in class RouteDependencyResolverTrait
- Resolve the given method's type-hinted dependencies.
- Router — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- Router::resourceParameters() — Method in class Router
- Set the global resource parameter mapping.
- Router::resources() — Method in class Router
- Register an array of resource controllers.
- Router::resource() — Method in class Router
- Route a resource to a controller.
- Router::resolveMiddlewareClassName() — Method in class Router
- Resolve the middleware name to a class name(s) preserving passed parameters.
- RoutingServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- RoutingServiceProvider::register() — Method in class RoutingServiceProvider
- Register the service provider.
- UrlGenerator::route() — Method in class UrlGenerator
- Get the URL to a named route.
- CacheBasedSessionHandler::read() — Method in class CacheBasedSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- CookieSessionHandler::read() — Method in class CookieSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- DatabaseSessionHandler::read() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- FileSessionHandler::read() — Method in class FileSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- LegacyDatabaseSessionHandler::read() — Method in class LegacyDatabaseSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- SessionServiceProvider::register() — Method in class SessionServiceProvider
- Register the service provider.
- Store::regenerate() — Method in class Store
- Generate a new session identifier.
- Store::reflash() — Method in class Store
- Reflash all of the session flash data.
- Store::replace() — Method in class Store
- {@inheritdoc}
- Store::remove() — Method in class Store
- {@inheritdoc}
- Store::registerBag() — Method in class Store
- {@inheritdoc}
- Store::regenerateToken() — Method in class Store
- Regenerate the CSRF token value.
- AggregateServiceProvider::register() — Method in class AggregateServiceProvider
- Register the service provider.
- ClassLoader::register() — Method in class ClassLoader
- Register the given class loader on the auto-loader stack.
- ClassLoader::removeDirectories() — Method in class ClassLoader
- Remove directories from the class loader.
- Collection::random() — Method in class Collection
- Get one or more items randomly from the collection.
- Collection::reduce() — Method in class Collection
- Reduce the collection to a single value.
- Collection::reject() — Method in class Collection
- Create a collection of all elements that do not pass a given truth test.
- Collection::reverse() — Method in class Collection
- Reverse items order.
- Redirect — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Redis — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Request — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Response — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Route — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- ServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ServiceProvider
- Register the service provider.
- Str::random() — Method in class Str
- Generate a more truly "random" alpha-numeric string.
- Str::randomBytes() — Method in class Str
- Generate a more truly "random" bytes.
- Str::replaceFirst() — Method in class Str
- Replace the first occurrence of a given value in the string.
- Str::replaceLast() — Method in class Str
- Replace the last occurrence of a given value in the string.
- TranslationServiceProvider::register() — Method in class TranslationServiceProvider
- Register the service provider.
- Factory::replacer() — Method in class Factory
- Register a custom implicit validator message replacer.
- Factory::resolver() — Method in class Factory
- Set the Validator instance resolver.
- $ValidationException — Property in class ValidationException
- The recommended response to send to the client.
- ValidationServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ValidationServiceProvider
- Register the service provider.
- EngineResolver::register() — Method in class EngineResolver
- Register a new engine resolver.
- EngineResolver::resolve() — Method in class EngineResolver
- Resolver an engine instance by name.
- Factory::renderEach() — Method in class Factory
- Get the rendered contents of a partial from a loop.
- View::render() — Method in class View
- Get the string contents of the view.
- View::renderSections() — Method in class View
- Get the sections of the rendered view.
- ViewServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ViewServiceProvider
- Register the service provider.
- ViewServiceProvider::registerEngineResolver() — Method in class ViewServiceProvider
- Register the engine resolver instance.
- ViewServiceProvider::registerPhpEngine() — Method in class ViewServiceProvider
- Register the PHP engine implementation.
- ViewServiceProvider::registerBladeEngine() — Method in class ViewServiceProvider
- Register the Blade engine implementation.
- ViewServiceProvider::registerViewFinder() — Method in class ViewServiceProvider
- Register the view finder implementation.
- ViewServiceProvider::registerFactory() — Method in class ViewServiceProvider
- Register the view environment.
- AuthManager::shouldUse() — Method in class AuthManager
- Set the default guard driver the factory should serve.
- AuthManager::setDefaultDriver() — Method in class AuthManager
- Set the default authentication driver name.
- Authenticatable::setRememberToken() — Method in class Authenticatable
- Set the token value for the "remember me" session.
- EloquentUserProvider::setHasher() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider
- Sets the hasher implementation.
- EloquentUserProvider::setModel() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider
- Sets the name of the Eloquent user model.
- GenericUser::setRememberToken() — Method in class GenericUser
- Set the "remember me" token value.
- GuardHelpers::setUser() — Method in class GuardHelpers
- Set the current user.
- PasswordBroker::sendResetLink() — Method in class PasswordBroker
- Send a password reset link to a user.
- PasswordBrokerManager::setDefaultDriver() — Method in class PasswordBrokerManager
- Set the default password broker name.
- RequestGuard::setRequest() — Method in class RequestGuard
- Set the current request instance.
- SessionGuard — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth
- SessionGuard::setCookieJar() — Method in class SessionGuard
- Set the cookie creator instance used by the guard.
- SessionGuard::setDispatcher() — Method in class SessionGuard
- Set the event dispatcher instance.
- SessionGuard::setProvider() — Method in class SessionGuard
- Set the user provider used by the guard.
- SessionGuard::setUser() — Method in class SessionGuard
- Set the current user.
- SessionGuard::setRequest() — Method in class SessionGuard
- Set the current request instance.
- TokenGuard::setRequest() — Method in class TokenGuard
- Set the current request instance.
- BroadcastManager::setDefaultDriver() — Method in class BroadcastManager
- Set the default driver name.
- CacheManager::store() — Method in class CacheManager
- Get a cache store instance by name.
- CacheManager::setDefaultDriver() — Method in class CacheManager
- Set the default cache driver name.
- MemcachedStore::setPrefix() — Method in class MemcachedStore
- Set the cache key prefix.
- RedisStore::setConnection() — Method in class RedisStore
- Set the connection name to be used.
- RedisStore::setPrefix() — Method in class RedisStore
- Set the cache key prefix.
- Repository::setEventDispatcher() — Method in class Repository
- Set the event dispatcher instance.
- Repository::sear() — Method in class Repository
- Get an item from the cache, or store the default value forever.
- Repository::setDefaultCacheTime() — Method in class Repository
- Set the default cache time in minutes.
- Repository::set() — Method in class Repository
- Set a given configuration value.
- Command::secret() — Method in class Command
- Prompt the user for input but hide the answer from the console.
- Command::setLaravel() — Method in class Command
- Set the Laravel application instance.
- ScheduleServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console
- Event::saturdays() — Method in class Event
- Schedule the event to run only on Saturdays.
- Event::sundays() — Method in class Event
- Schedule the event to run only on Sundays.
- Event::skip() — Method in class Event
- Register a callback to further filter the schedule.
- Event::sendOutputTo() — Method in class Event
- Send the output of the command to a given location.
- Schedule — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\Scheduling
- ScheduleRunCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\Scheduling
- Container::singleton() — Method in class Container
- Register a shared binding in the container.
- Container::share() — Method in class Container
- Wrap a Closure such that it is shared.
- Container::setInstance() — Method in class Container
- Set the shared instance of the container.
- Authenticatable::setRememberToken() — Method in class Authenticatable
- Set the token value for the "remember me" session.
- Factory::shouldUse() — Method in class Factory
- Set the default guard the factory should serve.
- Guard::setUser() — Method in class Guard
- Set the current user.
- PasswordBroker::sendResetLink() — Method in class PasswordBroker
- Send a password reset link to a user.
- StatefulGuard — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth
- SupportsBasicAuth — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth
- ShouldBroadcast — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting
- ShouldBroadcastNow — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting
- SelfHandling — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Bus
- Factory::store() — Method in class Factory
- Get a cache store instance by name.
- Repository::sear() — Method in class Repository
- Get an item from the cache, or store the default value forever.
- Store — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Cache
- Repository::set() — Method in class Repository
- Set a given configuration value.
- Container::singleton() — Method in class Container
- Register a shared binding in the container.
- Dispatcher::subscribe() — Method in class Dispatcher
- Register an event subscriber with the dispatcher.
- Filesystem::setVisibility() — Method in class Filesystem
- Set the visibility for the given path.
- Filesystem::size() — Method in class Filesystem
- Get the file size of a given file.
- Mailer::send() — Method in class Mailer
- Send a new message using a view.
- Pipeline::send() — Method in class Pipeline
- Set the traveler object being sent on the pipeline.
- Monitor::stopping() — Method in class Monitor
- Register a callback to be executed when a daemon queue is stopping.
- ShouldQueue — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Queue
- ResponseFactory::stream() — Method in class ResponseFactory
- Return a new streamed response from the application.
- UrlGenerator::secure() — Method in class UrlGenerator
- Generate a secure, absolute URL to the given path.
- UrlGenerator::setRootControllerNamespace() — Method in class UrlGenerator
- Set the root controller namespace.
- MessageBag::setFormat() — Method in class MessageBag
- Set the default message format.
- Validator::sometimes() — Method in class Validator
- Add conditions to a given field based on a Closure.
- Factory::share() — Method in class Factory
- Add a piece of shared data to the environment.
- CookieJar::setDefaultPathAndDomain() — Method in class CookieJar
- Set the default path and domain for the jar.
- Manager::schema() — Method in class Manager
- Get a schema builder instance.
- Manager::setFetchMode() — Method in class Manager
- Set the fetch mode for the database connections.
- Manager::setEventDispatcher() — Method in class Manager
- Set the event dispatcher instance to be used by connections.
- Connection::selectOne() — Method in class Connection
- Run a select statement and return a single result.
- Connection::selectFromWriteConnection() — Method in class Connection
- Run a select statement against the database.
- Connection::select() — Method in class Connection
- Run a select statement against the database.
- Connection::statement() — Method in class Connection
- Execute an SQL statement and return the boolean result.
- Connection::setPdo() — Method in class Connection
- Set the PDO connection.
- Connection::setReadPdo() — Method in class Connection
- Set the PDO connection used for reading.
- Connection::setReconnector() — Method in class Connection
- Set the reconnect instance on the connection.
- Connection::setQueryGrammar() — Method in class Connection
- Set the query grammar used by the connection.
- Connection::setSchemaGrammar() — Method in class Connection
- Set the schema grammar used by the connection.
- Connection::setPostProcessor() — Method in class Connection
- Set the query post processor used by the connection.
- Connection::setEventDispatcher() — Method in class Connection
- Set the event dispatcher instance on the connection.
- Connection::setFetchMode() — Method in class Connection
- Set the default fetch mode for the connection, and optional arguments for the given fetch mode.
- Connection::setDatabaseName() — Method in class Connection
- Set the name of the connected database.
- Connection::setTablePrefix() — Method in class Connection
- Set the table prefix in use by the connection.
- ConnectionInterface::selectOne() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
- Run a select statement and return a single result.
- ConnectionInterface::select() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
- Run a select statement against the database.
- ConnectionInterface::statement() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
- Execute an SQL statement and return the boolean result.
- ConnectionResolver::setDefaultConnection() — Method in class ConnectionResolver
- Set the default connection name.
- ConnectionResolverInterface::setDefaultConnection() — Method in class ConnectionResolverInterface
- Set the default connection name.
- Connector::setDefaultOptions() — Method in class Connector
- Set the default PDO connection options.
- SQLiteConnector — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Connectors
- SqlServerConnector — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Connectors
- StatusCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations
- SeedCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Seeds
- SeederMakeCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Seeds
- DatabaseManager::setDefaultConnection() — Method in class DatabaseManager
- Set the default connection name.
- DatabaseManager::supportedDrivers() — Method in class DatabaseManager
- Get all of the support drivers.
- Builder::simplePaginate() — Method in class Builder
- Paginate the given query into a simple paginator.
- Builder::setQuery() — Method in class Builder
- Set the underlying query builder instance.
- Builder::setEagerLoads() — Method in class Builder
- Set the relationships being eagerly loaded.
- Builder::setModel() — Method in class Builder
- Set a model instance for the model being queried.
- $Model — Property in class Model
- Indicates whether attributes are snake cased on arrays.
- Model::saving() — Method in class Model
- Register a saving model event with the dispatcher.
- Model::saved() — Method in class Model
- Register a saved model event with the dispatcher.
- Model::setObservableEvents() — Method in class Model
- Set the observable event names.
- Model::save() — Method in class Model
- Save the model to the database.
- Model::saveOrFail() — Method in class Model
- Save the model to the database using transaction.
- Model::setCreatedAt() — Method in class Model
- Set the value of the "created at" attribute.
- Model::setUpdatedAt() — Method in class Model
- Set the value of the "updated at" attribute.
- Model::setTable() — Method in class Model
- Set the table associated with the model.
- Model::setKeyName() — Method in class Model
- Set the primary key for the model.
- Model::setPerPage() — Method in class Model
- Set the number of models to return per page.
- Model::setHidden() — Method in class Model
- Set the hidden attributes for the model.
- Model::setVisible() — Method in class Model
- Set the visible attributes for the model.
- Model::setAppends() — Method in class Model
- Set the accessors to append to model arrays.
- Model::setTouchedRelations() — Method in class Model
- Set the relationships that are touched on save.
- Model::setIncrementing() — Method in class Model
- Set whether IDs are incrementing.
- Model::setAttribute() — Method in class Model
- Set a given attribute on the model.
- Model::setDateFormat() — Method in class Model
- Set the date format used by the model.
- Model::setRawAttributes() — Method in class Model
- Set the array of model attributes. No checking is done.
- Model::syncOriginal() — Method in class Model
- Sync the original attributes with the current.
- Model::syncOriginalAttribute() — Method in class Model
- Sync a single original attribute with its current value.
- Model::setRelation() — Method in class Model
- Set the specific relationship in the model.
- Model::setRelations() — Method in class Model
- Set the entire relations array on the model.
- Model::setConnection() — Method in class Model
- Set the connection associated with the model.
- Model::setConnectionResolver() — Method in class Model
- Set the connection resolver instance.
- Model::setEventDispatcher() — Method in class Model
- Set the event dispatcher instance.
- ModelNotFoundException::setModel() — Method in class ModelNotFoundException
- Set the affected Eloquent model.
- BelongsToMany::simplePaginate() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Paginate the given query into a simple paginator.
- BelongsToMany::save() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Save a new model and attach it to the parent model.
- BelongsToMany::saveMany() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Save an array of new models and attach them to the parent model.
- BelongsToMany::sync() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Sync the intermediate tables with a list of IDs or collection of models.
- HasManyThrough::simplePaginate() — Method in class HasManyThrough
- Paginate the given query into a simple paginator.
- HasOneOrMany::save() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
- Attach a model instance to the parent model.
- HasOneOrMany::saveMany() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
- Attach a collection of models to the parent instance.
- MorphOneOrMany::save() — Method in class MorphOneOrMany
- Attach a model instance to the parent model.
- MorphPivot::setMorphType() — Method in class MorphPivot
- Set the morph type for the pivot.
- MorphPivot::setMorphClass() — Method in class MorphPivot
- Set the morph class for the pivot.
- Pivot::setPivotKeys() — Method in class Pivot
- Set the key names for the pivot model instance.
- Scope — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
- ScopeInterface — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
- SoftDeletes — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
- SoftDeletingScope — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
- $QueryExecuted — Property in class QueryExecuted
- The SQL query that was executed.
- Grammar::setTablePrefix() — Method in class Grammar
- Set the grammar's table prefix.
- DatabaseMigrationRepository::setSource() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository
- Set the information source to gather data.
- MigrationRepositoryInterface::setSource() — Method in class MigrationRepositoryInterface
- Set the information source to gather data.
- Migrator::setConnection() — Method in class Migrator
- Set the default connection name.
- Builder::select() — Method in class Builder
- Set the columns to be selected.
- Builder::selectRaw() — Method in class Builder
- Add a new "raw" select expression to the query.
- Builder::selectSub() — Method in class Builder
- Add a subselect expression to the query.
- Builder::skip() — Method in class Builder
- Alias to set the "offset" value of the query.
- Builder::sharedLock() — Method in class Builder
- Share lock the selected rows in the table.
- Builder::simplePaginate() — Method in class Builder
- Get a paginator only supporting simple next and previous links.
- Builder::sum() — Method in class Builder
- Retrieve the sum of the values of a given column.
- Builder::setBindings() — Method in class Builder
- Set the bindings on the query builder.
- Grammar::supportsSavepoints() — Method in class Grammar
- Determine if the grammar supports savepoints.
- SQLiteGrammar — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query\Grammars
- SqlServerGrammar — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query\Grammars
- SqlServerGrammar::supportsSavepoints() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
- Determine if the grammar supports savepoints.
- SQLiteProcessor — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query\Processors
- SqlServerProcessor — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query\Processors
- SQLiteConnection — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- Blueprint::smallIncrements() — Method in class Blueprint
- Create a new auto-incrementing small integer (2-byte) column on the table.
- Blueprint::string() — Method in class Blueprint
- Create a new string column on the table.
- Blueprint::smallInteger() — Method in class Blueprint
- Create a new small integer (2-byte) column on the table.
- Blueprint::softDeletes() — Method in class Blueprint
- Add a "deleted at" timestamp for the table.
- Builder::setConnection() — Method in class Builder
- Set the database connection instance.
- SQLiteGrammar — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema\Grammars
- SqlServerGrammar — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema\Grammars
- SeedServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- Seeder — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- Seeder::setContainer() — Method in class Seeder
- Set the IoC container instance.
- Seeder::setCommand() — Method in class Seeder
- Set the console command instance.
- SqlServerConnection — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- Encrypter::supported() — Method in class Encrypter
- Determine if the given key and cipher combination is valid.
- McryptEncrypter::supported() — Method in class McryptEncrypter
- Determine if the given key and cipher combination is valid.
- Dispatcher::subscribe() — Method in class Dispatcher
- Register an event subscriber with the dispatcher.
- Dispatcher::setQueueResolver() — Method in class Dispatcher
- Set the queue resolver implementation.
- Filesystem::sharedGet() — Method in class Filesystem
- Get contents of a file with shared access.
- Filesystem::size() — Method in class Filesystem
- Get the file size of a given file.
- FilesystemAdapter::setVisibility() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
- Set the visibility for the given path.
- FilesystemAdapter::size() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
- Get the file size of a given file.
- AliasLoader::setAliases() — Method in class AliasLoader
- Set the registered aliases.
- AliasLoader::setRegistered() — Method in class AliasLoader
- Set the "registered" state of the loader.
- AliasLoader::setInstance() — Method in class AliasLoader
- Set the value of the singleton alias loader.
- Application::setBasePath() — Method in class Application
- Set the base path for the application.
- Application::storagePath() — Method in class Application
- Get the path to the storage directory.
- Application::shouldSkipMiddleware() — Method in class Application
- Determine if middleware has been disabled for the application.
- Application::setDeferredServices() — Method in class Application
- Set the application's deferred services.
- Application::setLocale() — Method in class Application
- Set the current application locale.
- AuthenticatesUsers::showLoginForm() — Method in class AuthenticatesUsers
- Show the application login form.
- RegistersUsers::showRegistrationForm() — Method in class RegistersUsers
- Show the application registration form.
- ResetsPasswords::showLinkRequestForm() — Method in class ResetsPasswords
- Display the form to request a password reset link.
- ResetsPasswords::sendResetLinkEmail() — Method in class ResetsPasswords
- Send a reset link to the given user.
- ResetsPasswords::showResetForm() — Method in class ResetsPasswords
- Display the password reset view for the given token.
- SetRequestForConsole — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap
- ServeCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- Handler::shouldReport() — Method in class Handler
- Determine if the exception should be reported.
- FormRequest::setRedirector() — Method in class FormRequest
- Set the Redirector instance.
- FormRequest::setContainer() — Method in class FormRequest
- Set the container implementation.
- ProviderRepository::shouldRecompile() — Method in class ProviderRepository
- Determine if the manifest should be compiled.
- InteractsWithAuthentication::seeIsAuthenticated() — Method in class InteractsWithAuthentication
- Assert that the user is authenticated.
- InteractsWithAuthentication::seeIsAuthenticatedAs() — Method in class InteractsWithAuthentication
- Assert that the user is authenticated as the given user.
- InteractsWithAuthentication::seeCredentials() — Method in class InteractsWithAuthentication
- Assert that the given credentials are valid.
- InteractsWithDatabase::seed() — Method in class InteractsWithDatabase
- Seed a given database connection.
- InteractsWithPages::see() — Method in class InteractsWithPages
- Assert that a given string is seen on the current HTML.
- InteractsWithPages::seeElement() — Method in class InteractsWithPages
- Assert that an element is present on the page.
- InteractsWithPages::seeText() — Method in class InteractsWithPages
- Assert that a given string is seen on the current text.
- InteractsWithPages::seeInElement() — Method in class InteractsWithPages
- Assert that a given string is seen inside an element.
- InteractsWithPages::seeLink() — Method in class InteractsWithPages
- Assert that a given link is seen on the page.
- InteractsWithPages::seeInField() — Method in class InteractsWithPages
- Assert that an input field contains the given value.
- InteractsWithPages::seeIsSelected() — Method in class InteractsWithPages
- Assert that the expected value is selected.
- InteractsWithPages::seeIsChecked() — Method in class InteractsWithPages
- Assert that the given checkbox is selected.
- InteractsWithSession::session() — Method in class InteractsWithSession
- Set the session to the given array.
- InteractsWithSession::seeInSession() — Method in class InteractsWithSession
- Assert that the session has a given value.
- MakesHttpRequests::seeJsonEquals() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
- Assert that the response contains an exact JSON array.
- MakesHttpRequests::seeJson() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
- Assert that the response contains JSON.
- MakesHttpRequests::seeJsonStructure() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
- Assert that the JSON response has a given structure.
- BcryptHasher::setRounds() — Method in class BcryptHasher
- Set the default password work factor.
- JsonResponse::setData() — Method in class JsonResponse
- {@inheritdoc}
- JsonResponse::setEncodingOptions() — Method in class JsonResponse
- {@inheritdoc}
- JsonResponse::setJsonOptions() — Method in class JsonResponse
- Set the JSON encoding options.
- RedirectResponse::setRequest() — Method in class RedirectResponse
- Set the request instance.
- RedirectResponse::setSession() — Method in class RedirectResponse
- Set the session store implementation.
- Request::segment() — Method in class Request
- Get a segment from the URI (1 based index).
- Request::segments() — Method in class Request
- Get all of the segments for the request path.
- Request::secure() — Method in class Request
- Determine if the request is over HTTPS.
- Request::server() — Method in class Request
- Retrieve a server variable from the request.
- Request::session() — Method in class Request
- Get the session associated with the request.
- Request::setUserResolver() — Method in class Request
- Set the user resolver callback.
- Request::setRouteResolver() — Method in class Request
- Set the route resolver callback.
- Response::setContent() — Method in class Response
- Set the content on the response.
- ResponseTrait::status() — Method in class ResponseTrait
- Get the status code for the response.
- Writer::setEventDispatcher() — Method in class Writer
- Set the event dispatcher instance.
- Mailer::send() — Method in class Mailer
- Send a new message using a view.
- Mailer::setSwiftMailer() — Method in class Mailer
- Set the Swift Mailer instance.
- Mailer::setQueue() — Method in class Mailer
- Set the queue manager instance.
- Mailer::setContainer() — Method in class Mailer
- Set the IoC container instance.
- Message::sender() — Method in class Message
- Set the "sender" of the message.
- Message::subject() — Method in class Message
- Set the subject of the message.
- TransportManager::setDefaultDriver() — Method in class TransportManager
- Set the default cache driver name.
- LogTransport::send() — Method in class LogTransport
- {@inheritdoc}
- MailgunTransport::send() — Method in class MailgunTransport
- {@inheritdoc}
- MailgunTransport::setKey() — Method in class MailgunTransport
- Set the API key being used by the transport.
- MailgunTransport::setDomain() — Method in class MailgunTransport
- Set the domain being used by the transport.
- MandrillTransport::send() — Method in class MandrillTransport
- {@inheritdoc}
- MandrillTransport::setKey() — Method in class MandrillTransport
- Set the API key being used by the transport.
- SesTransport — Class in namespace Illuminate\Mail\Transport
- SesTransport::send() — Method in class SesTransport
- {@inheritdoc}
- SparkPostTransport — Class in namespace Illuminate\Mail\Transport
- SparkPostTransport::send() — Method in class SparkPostTransport
- {@inheritdoc}
- SparkPostTransport::setKey() — Method in class SparkPostTransport
- Set the API key being used by the transport.
- Transport::start() — Method in class Transport
- {@inheritdoc}
- Transport::stop() — Method in class Transport
- {@inheritdoc}
- AbstractPaginator::setPageName() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
- Set the query string variable used to store the page.
- AbstractPaginator::setPath() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
- Set the base path to assign to all URLs.
- AbstractPaginator::setCollection() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
- Set the paginator's underlying collection.
- SimpleBootstrapFourPresenter — Class in namespace Illuminate\Pagination
- SimpleBootstrapThreePresenter — Class in namespace Illuminate\Pagination
- Pipeline::send() — Method in class Pipeline
- Set the object being sent through the pipeline.
- SqsConnector — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Connectors
- SyncConnector — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Connectors
- DatabaseQueue::setExpire() — Method in class DatabaseQueue
- Set the expiration time in seconds.
- InteractsWithQueue::setJob() — Method in class InteractsWithQueue
- Set the base queue job instance.
- SqsJob — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Jobs
- SyncJob — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Jobs
- Listener::stop() — Method in class Listener
- Stop listening and bail out of the script.
- Listener::setOutputHandler() — Method in class Listener
- Set the output handler callback.
- Listener::setEnvironment() — Method in class Listener
- Set the current environment.
- Listener::setSleep() — Method in class Listener
- Set the amount of seconds to wait before polling the queue.
- Listener::setMaxTries() — Method in class Listener
- Set the amount of times to try a job before logging it failed.
- Queue::setContainer() — Method in class Queue
- Set the IoC container instance.
- Queue::setEncrypter() — Method in class Queue
- Set the encrypter instance.
- QueueManager::stopping() — Method in class QueueManager
- Register an event listener for the daemon queue stopping.
- QueueManager::setDefaultDriver() — Method in class QueueManager
- Set the name of the default queue connection.
- RedisQueue::setExpire() — Method in class RedisQueue
- Set the expiration time in seconds.
- SerializesModels — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue
- SqsQueue — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue
- SyncQueue — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue
- Worker::stop() — Method in class Worker
- Stop listening and bail out of the script.
- Worker::sleep() — Method in class Worker
- Sleep the script for a given number of seconds.
- Worker::setDaemonExceptionHandler() — Method in class Worker
- Set the exception handler to use in Daemon mode.
- Worker::setCache() — Method in class Worker
- Set the cache repository implementation.
- Worker::setManager() — Method in class Worker
- Set the queue manager instance.
- Database::subscribe() — Method in class Database
- Subscribe to a set of given channels for messages.
- Controller::setRouter() — Method in class Controller
- Set the router instance.
- SchemeValidator — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Matching
- Redirector::secure() — Method in class Redirector
- Create a new redirect response to the given HTTPS path.
- Redirector::setSession() — Method in class Redirector
- Set the active session store.
- ResourceRegistrar::singularParameters() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
- Set or unset the unmapped global parameters to singular.
- ResourceRegistrar::setParameters() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
- Set the global parameter mapping.
- ResponseFactory::stream() — Method in class ResponseFactory
- Return a new streamed response from the application.
- Route::signatureParameters() — Method in class Route
- Get the parameters that are listed in the route / controller signature.
- Route::setParameter() — Method in class Route
- Set a parameter to the given value.
- Route::secure() — Method in class Route
- Determine if the route only responds to HTTPS requests.
- Route::setUri() — Method in class Route
- Set the URI that the route responds to.
- Route::setAction() — Method in class Route
- Set the action array for the route.
- Route::setRouter() — Method in class Route
- Set the router instance on the route.
- Route::setContainer() — Method in class Route
- Set the container instance on the route.
- Router::singularResourceParameters() — Method in class Router
- Set the unmapped global resource parameters to singular.
- Router::setRoutes() — Method in class Router
- Set the route collection instance.
- UrlGenerator::secure() — Method in class UrlGenerator
- Generate a secure, absolute URL to the given path.
- UrlGenerator::secureAsset() — Method in class UrlGenerator
- Generate a URL to a secure asset.
- UrlGenerator::setRequest() — Method in class UrlGenerator
- Set the current request instance.
- UrlGenerator::setRoutes() — Method in class UrlGenerator
- Set the route collection.
- UrlGenerator::setSessionResolver() — Method in class UrlGenerator
- Set the session resolver for the generator.
- UrlGenerator::setRootControllerNamespace() — Method in class UrlGenerator
- Set the root controller namespace.
- SessionTableCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Session\Console
- CookieSessionHandler::setRequest() — Method in class CookieSessionHandler
- Set the request instance.
- DatabaseSessionHandler::setExists() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler
- Set the existence state for the session.
- ExistenceAwareInterface::setExists() — Method in class ExistenceAwareInterface
- Set the existence state for the session.
- LegacyDatabaseSessionHandler::setExists() — Method in class LegacyDatabaseSessionHandler
- Set the existence state for the session.
- StartSession — Class in namespace Illuminate\Session\Middleware
- SessionInterface — Class in namespace Illuminate\Session
- SessionInterface::setRequestOnHandler() — Method in class SessionInterface
- Set the request on the handler instance.
- SessionManager — Class in namespace Illuminate\Session
- SessionManager::setDefaultDriver() — Method in class SessionManager
- Set the default session driver name.
- SessionServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Session
- Store — Class in namespace Illuminate\Session
- Store::start() — Method in class Store
- {@inheritdoc}
- Store::setId() — Method in class Store
- {@inheritdoc}
- Store::setName() — Method in class Store
- {@inheritdoc}
- Store::save() — Method in class Store
- {@inheritdoc}
- Store::set() — Method in class Store
- {@inheritdoc}
- Store::setPreviousUrl() — Method in class Store
- Set the "previous" URL in the session.
- Store::setExists() — Method in class Store
- Set the existence of the session on the handler if applicable.
- Store::setRequestOnHandler() — Method in class Store
- Set the request on the handler instance.
- Arr::set() — Method in class Arr
- Set an array item to a given value using "dot" notation.
- Arr::sort() — Method in class Arr
- Sort the array using the given callback.
- Arr::sortRecursive() — Method in class Arr
- Recursively sort an array by keys and values.
- Collection::search() — Method in class Collection
- Search the collection for a given value and return the corresponding key if successful.
- Collection::shift() — Method in class Collection
- Get and remove the first item from the collection.
- Collection::shuffle() — Method in class Collection
- Shuffle the items in the collection.
- Collection::slice() — Method in class Collection
- Slice the underlying collection array.
- Collection::sort() — Method in class Collection
- Sort through each item with a callback.
- Collection::sortBy() — Method in class Collection
- Sort the collection using the given callback.
- Collection::sortByDesc() — Method in class Collection
- Sort the collection in descending order using the given callback.
- Collection::splice() — Method in class Collection
- Splice a portion of the underlying collection array.
- Collection::sum() — Method in class Collection
- Get the sum of the given values.
- Composer::setWorkingPath() — Method in class Composer
- Set the working path used by the class.
- Facade::swap() — Method in class Facade
- Hotswap the underlying instance behind the facade.
- Facade::shouldReceive() — Method in class Facade
- Initiate a mock expectation on the facade.
- Facade::setFacadeApplication() — Method in class Facade
- Set the application instance.
- Schema — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Session — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Storage — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- MessageBag::setFormat() — Method in class MessageBag
- Set the default message format.
- NamespacedItemResolver::setParsedKey() — Method in class NamespacedItemResolver
- Set the parsed value of a key.
- Pluralizer::singular() — Method in class Pluralizer
- Get the singular form of an English word.
- ServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- Str — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- Str::singular() — Method in class Str
- Get the singular form of an English word.
- Str::slug() — Method in class Str
- Generate a URL friendly "slug" from a given string.
- Str::snake() — Method in class Str
- Convert a string to snake case.
- Str::startsWith() — Method in class Str
- Determine if a given string starts with a given substring.
- Str::studly() — Method in class Str
- Convert a value to studly caps case.
- Str::substr() — Method in class Str
- Returns the portion of string specified by the start and length parameters.
- CapsuleManagerTrait::setAsGlobal() — Method in class CapsuleManagerTrait
- Make this capsule instance available globally.
- CapsuleManagerTrait::setContainer() — Method in class CapsuleManagerTrait
- Set the IoC container instance.
- Translator::setSelector() — Method in class Translator
- Set the message selector instance.
- Translator::setLocale() — Method in class Translator
- Set the default locale.
- Translator::setFallback() — Method in class Translator
- Set the fallback locale being used.
- DatabasePresenceVerifier::setConnection() — Method in class DatabasePresenceVerifier
- Set the connection to be used.
- Factory::setPresenceVerifier() — Method in class Factory
- Set the Presence Verifier implementation.
- Validator::sometimes() — Method in class Validator
- Add conditions to a given field based on a Closure.
- Validator::setData() — Method in class Validator
- Set the data under validation.
- Validator::setRules() — Method in class Validator
- Set the validation rules.
- Validator::setAttributeNames() — Method in class Validator
- Set the custom attributes on the validator.
- Validator::setValueNames() — Method in class Validator
- Set the custom values on the validator.
- Validator::setFiles() — Method in class Validator
- Set the files under validation.
- Validator::setPresenceVerifier() — Method in class Validator
- Set the Presence Verifier implementation.
- Validator::setTranslator() — Method in class Validator
- Set the Translator implementation.
- Validator::setCustomMessages() — Method in class Validator
- Set the custom messages for the validator.
- Validator::setFallbackMessages() — Method in class Validator
- Set the fallback messages for the validator.
- Validator::setContainer() — Method in class Validator
- Set the IoC container instance.
- BladeCompiler::setPath() — Method in class BladeCompiler
- Set the path currently being compiled.
- BladeCompiler::setRawTags() — Method in class BladeCompiler
- Sets the raw tags used for the compiler.
- BladeCompiler::setContentTags() — Method in class BladeCompiler
- Sets the content tags used for the compiler.
- BladeCompiler::setEscapedContentTags() — Method in class BladeCompiler
- Sets the escaped content tags used for the compiler.
- BladeCompiler::setEchoFormat() — Method in class BladeCompiler
- Set the echo format to be used by the compiler.
- Factory::share() — Method in class Factory
- Add a piece of shared data to the environment.
- Factory::startSection() — Method in class Factory
- Start injecting content into a section.
- Factory::stopSection() — Method in class Factory
- Stop injecting content into a section.
- Factory::startPush() — Method in class Factory
- Start injecting content into a push section.
- Factory::stopPush() — Method in class Factory
- Stop injecting content into a push section.
- Factory::setFinder() — Method in class Factory
- Set the view finder instance.
- Factory::setDispatcher() — Method in class Factory
- Set the event dispatcher instance.
- Factory::setContainer() — Method in class Factory
- Set the IoC container instance.
- Factory::shared() — Method in class Factory
- Get an item from the shared data.
- ShareErrorsFromSession — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Middleware
- View::setPath() — Method in class View
- Set the path to the view.
- PasswordBroker::tokenExists() — Method in class PasswordBroker
- Validate the given password reset token.
- TokenRepositoryInterface — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Passwords
- TokenGuard — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth
- $CacheHit — Property in class CacheHit
- The tags that were assigned to the key.
- $CacheMissed — Property in class CacheMissed
- The tags that were assigned to the key.
- $KeyForgotten — Property in class KeyForgotten
- The tags that were assigned to the key.
- $KeyWritten — Property in class KeyWritten
- The tags that were assigned to the key.
- RateLimiter::tooManyAttempts() — Method in class RateLimiter
- Determine if the given key has been "accessed" too many times.
- RedisStore::tags() — Method in class RedisStore
- Begin executing a new tags operation.
- Repository::tags() — Method in class Repository
- Begin executing a new tags operation if the store supports it.
- TagSet — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- TagSet::tagId() — Method in class TagSet
- Get the unique tag identifier for a given tag.
- TagSet::tagKey() — Method in class TagSet
- Get the tag identifier key for a given tag.
- TaggableStore — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- TaggableStore::tags() — Method in class TaggableStore
- Begin executing a new tags operation.
- TaggedCache — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- TaggedCache::taggedItemKey() — Method in class TaggedCache
- Get a fully qualified key for a tagged item.
- Command::table() — Method in class Command
- Format input to textual table.
- $Event — Property in class Event
- The timezone the date should be evaluated on.
- Event::twiceDaily() — Method in class Event
- Schedule the event to run twice daily.
- Event::tuesdays() — Method in class Event
- Schedule the event to run only on Tuesdays.
- Event::thursdays() — Method in class Event
- Schedule the event to run only on Thursdays.
- Event::timezone() — Method in class Event
- Set the timezone the date should be evaluated on.
- Event::thenPing() — Method in class Event
- Register a callback to ping a given URL after the job runs.
- Event::then() — Method in class Event
- Register a callback to be called after the operation.
- Container::tag() — Method in class Container
- Assign a set of tags to a given binding.
- Container::tagged() — Method in class Container
- Resolve all of the bindings for a given tag.
- Container::tag() — Method in class Container
- Assign a set of tags to a given binding.
- Container::tagged() — Method in class Container
- Resolve all of the bindings for a given tag.
- Kernel::terminate() — Method in class Kernel
- Perform any final actions for the request lifecycle.
- LengthAwarePaginator::total() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator
- Determine the total number of items in the data store.
- Pipeline::through() — Method in class Pipeline
- Set the stops of the pipeline.
- Pipeline::then() — Method in class Pipeline
- Run the pipeline with a final destination callback.
- UrlGenerator::to() — Method in class UrlGenerator
- Generate a absolute URL to the given path.
- Arrayable::toArray() — Method in class Arrayable
- Get the instance as an array.
- Htmlable::toHtml() — Method in class Htmlable
- Get content as a string of HTML.
- Jsonable::toJson() — Method in class Jsonable
- Convert the object to its JSON representation.
- MessageBag::toArray() — Method in class MessageBag
- Get the instance as an array.
- Manager::table() — Method in class Manager
- Get a fluent query builder instance.
- Connection::table() — Method in class Connection
- Begin a fluent query against a database table.
- Connection::transaction() — Method in class Connection
- Execute a Closure within a transaction.
- Connection::transactionLevel() — Method in class Connection
- Get the number of active transactions.
- ConnectionInterface::table() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
- Begin a fluent query against a database table.
- ConnectionInterface::transaction() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
- Execute a Closure within a transaction.
- ConnectionInterface::transactionLevel() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
- Get the number of active transactions.
- Builder::toBase() — Method in class Builder
- Get a base query builder instance.
- Collection::toBase() — Method in class Collection
- Get a base Support collection instance from this collection.
- FactoryBuilder::times() — Method in class FactoryBuilder
- Set the amount of models you wish to create / make.
- $Model — Property in class Model
- Indicates if the model should be timestamped.
- Model::touchOwners() — Method in class Model
- Touch the owning relations of the model.
- Model::touches() — Method in class Model
- Determine if the model touches a given relation.
- Model::touch() — Method in class Model
- Update the model's update timestamp.
- Model::totallyGuarded() — Method in class Model
- Determine if the model is totally guarded.
- Model::toJson() — Method in class Model
- Convert the model instance to JSON.
- Model::toArray() — Method in class Model
- Convert the model instance to an array.
- BelongsToMany::touch() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Touch all of the related models for the relationship.
- BelongsToMany::touchIfTouching() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- If we're touching the parent model, touch.
- Relation::touch() — Method in class Relation
- Touch all of the related models for the relationship.
- SoftDeletes::trashed() — Method in class SoftDeletes
- Determine if the model instance has been soft-deleted.
- $QueryExecuted — Property in class QueryExecuted
- The number of milliseconds it took to execute the query.
- TransactionBeginning — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Events
- TransactionCommitted — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Events
- TransactionRolledBack — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Events
- Builder::take() — Method in class Builder
- Alias to set the "limit" value of the query.
- Builder::toSql() — Method in class Builder
- Get the SQL representation of the query.
- Builder::truncate() — Method in class Builder
- Run a truncate statement on the table.
- $JoinClause — Property in class JoinClause
- The type of join being performed.
- $JoinClause — Property in class JoinClause
- The table the join clause is joining to.
- $Blueprint — Property in class Blueprint
- Whether to make the table temporary.
- Blueprint::toSql() — Method in class Blueprint
- Get the raw SQL statements for the blueprint.
- Blueprint::temporary() — Method in class Blueprint
- Indicate that the table needs to be temporary.
- Blueprint::text() — Method in class Blueprint
- Create a new text column on the table.
- Blueprint::tinyInteger() — Method in class Blueprint
- Create a new tiny integer (1-byte) column on the table.
- Blueprint::time() — Method in class Blueprint
- Create a new time column on the table.
- Blueprint::timeTz() — Method in class Blueprint
- Create a new time column (with time zone) on the table.
- Blueprint::timestamp() — Method in class Blueprint
- Create a new timestamp column on the table.
- Blueprint::timestampTz() — Method in class Blueprint
- Create a new timestamp (with time zone) column on the table.
- Blueprint::timestamps() — Method in class Blueprint
- Add nullable creation and update timestamps to the table.
- Blueprint::timestampsTz() — Method in class Blueprint
- Add creation and update timestampTz columns to the table.
- Builder::table() — Method in class Builder
- Modify a table on the schema.
- SqlServerConnection::transaction() — Method in class SqlServerConnection
- Execute a Closure within a transaction.
- Filesystem::type() — Method in class Filesystem
- Get the file type of a given file.
- Application::terminating() — Method in class Application
- Register a terminating callback with the application.
- Application::terminate() — Method in class Application
- Terminate the application.
- ThrottlesLogins — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Auth
- Kernel::terminate() — Method in class Kernel
- Terminate the application.
- TestMakeCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- TinkerCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- Kernel::terminate() — Method in class Kernel
- Call the terminate method on any terminable middleware.
- HasElement::toString() — Method in class HasElement
- Returns a string representation of the object.
- HasSource::toString() — Method in class HasSource
- Returns a string representation of the object.
- HasText::toString() — Method in class HasText
- Returns a string representation of the object.
- PageConstraint::toString() — Method in class PageConstraint
- Get a string representation of the object.
- ReversePageConstraint::toString() — Method in class ReversePageConstraint
- Get a string representation of the object.
- TestCase — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing
- Request::toArray() — Method in class Request
- Get all of the input and files for the request.
- Message::to() — Method in class Message
- Add a recipient to the message.
- TransportManager — Class in namespace Illuminate\Mail
- Transport — Class in namespace Illuminate\Mail\Transport
- AbstractPaginator::toHtml() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
- Render the contents of the paginator to HTML.
- LengthAwarePaginator::total() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator
- Get the total number of items being paginated.
- LengthAwarePaginator::toArray() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator
- Get the instance as an array.
- LengthAwarePaginator::toJson() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator
- Convert the object to its JSON representation.
- Paginator::toArray() — Method in class Paginator
- Get the instance as an array.
- Paginator::toJson() — Method in class Paginator
- Convert the object to its JSON representation.
- Pipeline::through() — Method in class Pipeline
- Set the array of pipes.
- Pipeline::then() — Method in class Pipeline
- Run the pipeline with a final destination callback.
- TableCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Console
- ThrottleRequests — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Middleware
- Redirector::to() — Method in class Redirector
- Create a new redirect response to the given path.
- UrlGenerator::to() — Method in class UrlGenerator
- Generate an absolute URL to the given path.
- StartSession::terminate() — Method in class StartSession
- Perform any final actions for the request lifecycle.
- Store::token() — Method in class Store
- Get the CSRF token value.
- TokenMismatchException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Session
- Collection::take() — Method in class Collection
- Take the first or last {$limit} items.
- Collection::transform() — Method in class Collection
- Transform each item in the collection using a callback.
- Collection::toArray() — Method in class Collection
- Get the collection of items as a plain array.
- Collection::toJson() — Method in class Collection
- Get the collection of items as JSON.
- Fluent::toArray() — Method in class Fluent
- Convert the Fluent instance to an array.
- Fluent::toJson() — Method in class Fluent
- Convert the Fluent instance to JSON.
- HtmlString::toHtml() — Method in class HtmlString
- Get the the HTML string.
- MessageBag::toArray() — Method in class MessageBag
- Get the instance as an array.
- MessageBag::toJson() — Method in class MessageBag
- Convert the object to its JSON representation.
- Str::title() — Method in class Str
- Convert the given string to title case.
- TranslationServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Translation
- Translator — Class in namespace Illuminate\Translation
- Translator::trans() — Method in class Translator
- Get the translation for a given key.
- Translator::transChoice() — Method in class Translator
- Get a translation according to an integer value.
- AuthManager::userResolver() — Method in class AuthManager
- Get the user resolver callback.
- DatabaseUserProvider::updateRememberToken() — Method in class DatabaseUserProvider
- Update the "remember me" token for the given user in storage.
- EloquentUserProvider::updateRememberToken() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider
- Update the "remember me" token for the given user in storage.
- $Login — Property in class Login
- The authenticated user.
- $Logout — Property in class Logout
- The authenticated user.
- RequestGuard::user() — Method in class RequestGuard
- Get the currently authenticated user.
- SessionGuard::user() — Method in class SessionGuard
- Get the currently authenticated user.
- TokenGuard::user() — Method in class TokenGuard
- Get the currently authenticated user.
- $Event — Property in class Event
- The user the command should run as.
- Event::user() — Method in class Event
- Set which user the command should run as.
- Guard::user() — Method in class Guard
- Get the currently authenticated user.
- UserProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth
- UserProvider::updateRememberToken() — Method in class UserProvider
- Update the "remember me" token for the given user in storage.
- QueueingFactory::unqueue() — Method in class QueueingFactory
- Remove a cookie from the queue.
- Dispatcher::until() — Method in class Dispatcher
- Fire an event until the first non-null response is returned.
- Log::useFiles() — Method in class Log
- Register a file log handler.
- Log::useDailyFiles() — Method in class Log
- Register a daily file log handler.
- Paginator::url() — Method in class Paginator
- Get the URL for a given page.
- UrlGenerator — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Routing
- UrlRoutable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Routing
- UnauthorizedException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Validation
- CookieJar::unqueue() — Method in class CookieJar
- Remove a cookie from the queue.
- Connection::useDefaultQueryGrammar() — Method in class Connection
- Set the query grammar to the default implementation.
- Connection::useDefaultSchemaGrammar() — Method in class Connection
- Set the schema grammar to the default implementation.
- Connection::useDefaultPostProcessor() — Method in class Connection
- Set the query post processor to the default implementation.
- Connection::update() — Method in class Connection
- Run an update statement against the database.
- Connection::unprepared() — Method in class Connection
- Run a raw, unprepared query against the PDO connection.
- ConnectionInterface::update() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
- Run an update statement against the database.
- ConnectionInterface::unprepared() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
- Run a raw, unprepared query against the PDO connection.
- Builder::updateOrCreate() — Method in class Builder
- Create or update a record matching the attributes, and fill it with values.
- Builder::update() — Method in class Builder
- Update a record in the database.
- Collection::unique() — Method in class Collection
- Return only unique items from the collection.
- Model::updating() — Method in class Model
- Register an updating model event with the dispatcher.
- Model::updated() — Method in class Model
- Register an updated model event with the dispatcher.
- Model::update() — Method in class Model
- Update the model in the database.
- Model::usesTimestamps() — Method in class Model
- Determine if the model uses timestamps.
- Model::unguard() — Method in class Model
- Disable all mass assignable restrictions.
- Model::unguarded() — Method in class Model
- Run the given callable while being unguarded.
- Model::unsetConnectionResolver() — Method in class Model
- Unset the connection resolver for models.
- Model::unsetEventDispatcher() — Method in class Model
- Unset the event dispatcher for models.
- BelongsTo::update() — Method in class BelongsTo
- Update the parent model on the relationship.
- BelongsToMany::updateOrCreate() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Create or update a related record matching the attributes, and fill it with values.
- BelongsToMany::updateExistingPivot() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Update an existing pivot record on the table.
- BelongsToMany::updatedAt() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Get the name of the "updated at" column.
- HasOneOrMany::updateOrCreate() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
- Create or update a related record matching the attributes, and fill it with values.
- HasOneOrMany::update() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
- Perform an update on all the related models.
- MorphOneOrMany::updateOrCreate() — Method in class MorphOneOrMany
- Create or update a related record matching the attributes, and fill it with values.
- Relation::updatedAt() — Method in class Relation
- Get the name of the "updated at" column.
- $Builder — Property in class Builder
- The query union statements.
- $Builder — Property in class Builder
- The maximum number of union records to return.
- $Builder — Property in class Builder
- The number of union records to skip.
- $Builder — Property in class Builder
- The orderings for the union query.
- Builder::union() — Method in class Builder
- Add a union statement to the query.
- Builder::unionAll() — Method in class Builder
- Add a union all statement to the query.
- Builder::update() — Method in class Builder
- Update a record in the database.
- Builder::updateOrInsert() — Method in class Builder
- Insert or update a record matching the attributes, and fill it with values.
- Builder::useWritePdo() — Method in class Builder
- Use the write pdo for query.
- Blueprint::unique() — Method in class Blueprint
- Specify a unique index for the table.
- Blueprint::unsignedTinyInteger() — Method in class Blueprint
- Create a new unsigned tiny integer (1-byte) column on the table.
- Blueprint::unsignedSmallInteger() — Method in class Blueprint
- Create a new unsigned small integer (2-byte) column on the table.
- Blueprint::unsignedMediumInteger() — Method in class Blueprint
- Create a new unsigned medium integer (3-byte) column on the table.
- Blueprint::unsignedInteger() — Method in class Blueprint
- Create a new unsigned integer (4-byte) column on the table.
- Blueprint::unsignedBigInteger() — Method in class Blueprint
- Create a new unsigned big integer (8-byte) column on the table.
- Blueprint::uuid() — Method in class Blueprint
- Create a new uuid column on the table.
- Dispatcher::until() — Method in class Dispatcher
- Fire an event until the first non-null response is returned.
- FilesystemAdapter::url() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
- Get the URL for the file at the given path.
- Application::useDatabasePath() — Method in class Application
- Set the database directory.
- Application::useStoragePath() — Method in class Application
- Set the storage directory.
- Application::useEnvironmentPath() — Method in class Application
- Set the directory for the environment file.
- User — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Auth
- UpCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- Request::url() — Method in class Request
- Get the URL (no query string) for the request.
- Request::user() — Method in class Request
- Get the user making the request.
- UploadedFile — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http
- Writer::useFiles() — Method in class Writer
- Register a file log handler.
- Writer::useDailyFiles() — Method in class Writer
- Register a daily file log handler.
- Writer::useSyslog() — Method in class Writer
- Register a Syslog handler.
- Writer::useErrorLog() — Method in class Writer
- Register an error_log handler.
- AbstractPaginator::url() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
- Get a URL for a given page number.
- UrlWindow — Class in namespace Illuminate\Pagination
- UrlWindowPresenterTrait — Class in namespace Illuminate\Pagination
- UrlGenerationException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Exceptions
- UriValidator — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Matching
- Route::uri() — Method in class Route
- Get the URI associated with the route.
- Route::uses() — Method in class Route
- Set the handler for the route.
- Router::uses() — Method in class Router
- Alias for the "currentRouteUses" method.
- UrlGenerator — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- Collection::union() — Method in class Collection
- Union the collection with the given items.
- Collection::unique() — Method in class Collection
- Return only unique items from the collection array.
- URL — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- MessageBag::unique() — Method in class MessageBag
- Get all of the unique messages for every key in the bag.
- $Pluralizer — Property in class Pluralizer
- Uncountable word forms.
- Str::upper() — Method in class Str
- Convert the given string to upper-case.
- Str::ucfirst() — Method in class Str
- Make a string's first character uppercase.
- AuthManager::viaRequest() — Method in class AuthManager
- Register a new callback based request guard.
- DatabaseUserProvider::validateCredentials() — Method in class DatabaseUserProvider
- Validate a user against the given credentials.
- EloquentUserProvider::validateCredentials() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider
- Validate a user against the given credentials.
- PasswordBroker::validator() — Method in class PasswordBroker
- Set a custom password validator.
- PasswordBroker::validateNewPassword() — Method in class PasswordBroker
- Determine if the passwords match for the request.
- RequestGuard::validate() — Method in class RequestGuard
- Validate a user's credentials.
- SessionGuard::validate() — Method in class SessionGuard
- Validate a user's credentials.
- SessionGuard::viaRemember() — Method in class SessionGuard
- Determine if the user was authenticated via "remember me" cookie.
- TokenGuard::validate() — Method in class TokenGuard
- Validate a user's credentials.
- $CacheHit — Property in class CacheHit
- The value that was retrieved.
- $KeyWritten — Property in class KeyWritten
- The value that was written.
- Guard::validate() — Method in class Guard
- Validate a user's credentials.
- PasswordBroker::validator() — Method in class PasswordBroker
- Set a custom password validator.
- PasswordBroker::validateNewPassword() — Method in class PasswordBroker
- Determine if the passwords match for the request.
- Registrar::validator() — Method in class Registrar
- Get a validator for an incoming registration request.
- StatefulGuard::viaRemember() — Method in class StatefulGuard
- Determine if the user was authenticated via "remember me" cookie.
- UserProvider::validateCredentials() — Method in class UserProvider
- Validate a user against the given credentials.
- Application::version() — Method in class Application
- Get the version number of the application.
- Pipeline::via() — Method in class Pipeline
- Set the method to call on the stops.
- ResponseFactory::view() — Method in class ResponseFactory
- Return a new view response from the application.
- ValidatesWhenResolved — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Validation
- ValidatesWhenResolved::validate() — Method in class ValidatesWhenResolved
- Validate the given class instance.
- ValidationException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Validation
- Validator — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Validation
- View — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\View
- Builder::value() — Method in class Builder
- Get a single column's value from the first result of a query.
- Builder::value() — Method in class Builder
- Get a single column's value from the first result of a query.
- Application::version() — Method in class Application
- Get the version number of the application.
- VendorPublishCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- ViewClearCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- VerifyCsrfToken — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware
- VerifyPostSize — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware
- InteractsWithPages::visit() — Method in class InteractsWithPages
- Visit the given URI with a GET request.
- ValidatesRequests — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Validation
- ValidatesRequests::validateWith() — Method in class ValidatesRequests
- Run the validation routine against the given validator.
- ValidatesRequests::validate() — Method in class ValidatesRequests
- Validate the given request with the given rules.
- ValidatesRequests::validateWithBag() — Method in class ValidatesRequests
- Validate the given request with the given rules.
- ValidationException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Validation
- Pipeline::via() — Method in class Pipeline
- Set the method to call on the pipes.
- ValidatorInterface — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Matching
- ResponseFactory::view() — Method in class ResponseFactory
- Return a new view response from the application.
- $Route — Property in class Route
- The validators used by the routes.
- $Router — Property in class Router
- All of the verbs supported by the router.
- Collection::values() — Method in class Collection
- Reset the keys on the underlying array.
- Validator — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- View — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- ViewErrorBag — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- ValidatesWhenResolvedTrait — Class in namespace Illuminate\Validation
- Provides default implementation of ValidatesWhenResolved contract.
- ValidatesWhenResolvedTrait::validate() — Method in class ValidatesWhenResolvedTrait
- Validate the class instance.
- ValidationException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Validation
- $ValidationException — Property in class ValidationException
- The validator instance.
- ValidationServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Validation
- Validator — Class in namespace Illuminate\Validation
- Validator::valid() — Method in class Validator
- Returns the data which was valid.
- View — Class in namespace Illuminate\View
- ViewFinderInterface — Class in namespace Illuminate\View
- ViewServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\View
- Command::warn() — Method in class Command
- Write a string as warning output.
- CallbackEvent::withoutOverlapping() — Method in class CallbackEvent
- Do not allow the event to overlap each other.
- $Event — Property in class Event
- Indicates if the command should not overlap itself.
- Event::weekdays() — Method in class Event
- Schedule the event to run only on weekdays.
- Event::wednesdays() — Method in class Event
- Schedule the event to run only on Wednesdays.
- Event::weekly() — Method in class Event
- Schedule the event to run weekly.
- Event::weeklyOn() — Method in class Event
- Schedule the event to run weekly on a given day and time.
- Event::withoutOverlapping() — Method in class Event
- Do not allow the event to overlap each other.
- Event::when() — Method in class Event
- Register a callback to further filter the schedule.
- Container::when() — Method in class Container
- Define a contextual binding.
- Container::wrap() — Method in class Container
- Wrap the given closure such that its dependencies will be injected when executed.
- Container::when() — Method in class Container
- Define a contextual binding.
- Log::warning() — Method in class Log
- Log a warning message to the logs.
- View::with() — Method in class View
- Add a piece of data to the view.
- Connection::withTablePrefix() — Method in class Connection
- Set the table prefix and return the grammar.
- Builder::withGlobalScope() — Method in class Builder
- Register a new global scope.
- Builder::withoutGlobalScope() — Method in class Builder
- Remove a registered global scope.
- Builder::withoutGlobalScopes() — Method in class Builder
- Remove all or passed registered global scopes.
- Builder::where() — Method in class Builder
- Add a basic where clause to the query.
- Builder::whereHas() — Method in class Builder
- Add a relationship count / exists condition to the query with where clauses.
- Builder::whereDoesntHave() — Method in class Builder
- Add a relationship count / exists condition to the query with where clauses.
- Builder::with() — Method in class Builder
- Set the relationships that should be eager loaded.
- Collection::withHidden() — Method in class Collection
- Make the given, typically hidden, attributes visible across the entire collection.
- $Model — Property in class Model
- Indicates if the model was inserted during the current request lifecycle.
- Model::with() — Method in class Model
- Begin querying a model with eager loading.
- Model::withHidden() — Method in class Model
- Make the given, typically hidden, attributes visible.
- BelongsToMany::wherePivot() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Set a where clause for a pivot table column.
- BelongsToMany::wherePivotIn() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Set a "where in" clause for a pivot table column.
- BelongsToMany::withPivot() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Set the columns on the pivot table to retrieve.
- BelongsToMany::withTimestamps() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Specify that the pivot table has creation and update timestamps.
- MorphTo::withTrashed() — Method in class MorphTo
- Fetch soft-deleted model instances with query.
- Relation::wrap() — Method in class Relation
- Wrap the given value with the parent query's grammar.
- SoftDeletes::withTrashed() — Method in class SoftDeletes
- Get a new query builder that includes soft deletes.
- Grammar::wrapArray() — Method in class Grammar
- Wrap an array of values.
- Grammar::wrapTable() — Method in class Grammar
- Wrap a table in keyword identifiers.
- Grammar::wrap() — Method in class Grammar
- Wrap a value in keyword identifiers.
- $Builder — Property in class Builder
- The where constraints for the query.
- Builder::when() — Method in class Builder
- Apply the callback's query changes if the given "value" is true.
- Builder::where() — Method in class Builder
- Add a basic where clause to the query.
- Builder::whereRaw() — Method in class Builder
- Add a raw where clause to the query.
- Builder::whereBetween() — Method in class Builder
- Add a where between statement to the query.
- Builder::whereNotBetween() — Method in class Builder
- Add a where not between statement to the query.
- Builder::whereNested() — Method in class Builder
- Add a nested where statement to the query.
- Builder::whereExists() — Method in class Builder
- Add an exists clause to the query.
- Builder::whereNotExists() — Method in class Builder
- Add a where not exists clause to the query.
- Builder::whereIn() — Method in class Builder
- Add a "where in" clause to the query.
- Builder::whereNotIn() — Method in class Builder
- Add a "where not in" clause to the query.
- Builder::whereNull() — Method in class Builder
- Add a "where null" clause to the query.
- Builder::whereNotNull() — Method in class Builder
- Add a "where not null" clause to the query.
- Builder::whereDate() — Method in class Builder
- Add a "where date" statement to the query.
- Builder::whereDay() — Method in class Builder
- Add a "where day" statement to the query.
- Builder::whereMonth() — Method in class Builder
- Add a "where month" statement to the query.
- Builder::whereYear() — Method in class Builder
- Add a "where year" statement to the query.
- SqlServerGrammar::wrapTable() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
- Wrap a table in keyword identifiers.
- JoinClause::where() — Method in class JoinClause
- Add an "on where" clause to the join.
- JoinClause::whereNull() — Method in class JoinClause
- Add an "on where is null" clause to the join.
- JoinClause::whereNotNull() — Method in class JoinClause
- Add an "on where is not null" clause to the join.
- JoinClause::whereIn() — Method in class JoinClause
- Add an "on where in (.
- JoinClause::whereNotIn() — Method in class JoinClause
- Add an "on where not in (.
- Grammar::wrapTable() — Method in class Grammar
- Wrap a table in keyword identifiers.
- Grammar::wrap() — Method in class Grammar
- Wrap a value in keyword identifiers.
- ProviderRepository::writeManifest() — Method in class ProviderRepository
- Write the service manifest file to disk.
- InteractsWithPages::within() — Method in class InteractsWithPages
- Narrow the test content to a specific area of the page.
- InteractsWithSession::withSession() — Method in class InteractsWithSession
- Set the session to the given array.
- MakesHttpRequests::withoutMiddleware() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
- Disable middleware for the test.
- MocksApplicationServices::withoutObservers() — Method in class MocksApplicationServices
- Specify a list of observers that will not run for the given operation.
- WithoutEvents — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing
- WithoutMiddleware — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing
- RedirectResponse::with() — Method in class RedirectResponse
- Flash a piece of data to the session.
- RedirectResponse::withCookies() — Method in class RedirectResponse
- Add multiple cookies to the response.
- RedirectResponse::withInput() — Method in class RedirectResponse
- Flash an array of input to the session.
- RedirectResponse::withErrors() — Method in class RedirectResponse
- Flash a container of errors to the session.
- Request::wantsJson() — Method in class Request
- Determine if the current request is asking for JSON in return.
- Response::withException() — Method in class Response
- Set the exception to attach to the response.
- ResponseTrait::withHeaders() — Method in class ResponseTrait
- Add an array of headers to the response.
- ResponseTrait::withCookie() — Method in class ResponseTrait
- Add a cookie to the response.
- Writer — Class in namespace Illuminate\Log
- Writer::warning() — Method in class Writer
- Log a warning message to the logs.
- Writer::write() — Method in class Writer
- Dynamically pass log calls into the writer.
- WorkCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Console
- WorkerStopping — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Events
- Worker — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue
- Route::where() — Method in class Route
- Set a regular expression requirement on the route.
- CacheBasedSessionHandler::write() — Method in class CacheBasedSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- CookieSessionHandler::write() — Method in class CookieSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- DatabaseSessionHandler::write() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- FileSessionHandler::write() — Method in class FileSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- LegacyDatabaseSessionHandler::write() — Method in class LegacyDatabaseSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- Arr::where() — Method in class Arr
- Filter the array using the given callback.
- Collection::where() — Method in class Collection
- Filter items by the given key value pair.
- Collection::whereLoose() — Method in class Collection
- Filter items by the given key value pair using loose comparison.
- Collection::whereIn() — Method in class Collection
- Filter items by the given key value pair.
- Collection::whereInLoose() — Method in class Collection
- Filter items by the given key value pair using loose comparison.
- ServiceProvider::when() — Method in class ServiceProvider
- Get the events that trigger this service provider to register.
- Str::words() — Method in class Str
- Limit the number of words in a string.
- View::with() — Method in class View
- Add a piece of data to the view.
- View::withErrors() — Method in class View
- Add validation errors to the view.
- Event::yearly() — Method in class Event
- Schedule the event to run yearly.
- Factory::yieldSection() — Method in class Factory
- Stop injecting content into a section and return its contents.
- Factory::yieldContent() — Method in class Factory
- Get the string contents of a section.
- Factory::yieldPushContent() — Method in class Factory
- Get the string contents of a push section.
- Collection::zip() — Method in class Collection
- Zip the collection together with one or more arrays.
- Collection::zip() — Method in class Collection
- Zip the collection together with one or more arrays.
- IlluminateQueueClosure::__construct() — Method in class IlluminateQueueClosure
- Create a new queued Closure job.
- Gate::__construct() — Method in class Gate
- Create a new gate instance.
- Response::__construct() — Method in class Response
- Create a new response.
- Response::__toString() — Method in class Response
- Get the string representation of the message.
- AuthManager::__construct() — Method in class AuthManager
- Create a new Auth manager instance.
- AuthManager::__call() — Method in class AuthManager
- Dynamically call the default driver instance.
- DatabaseUserProvider::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseUserProvider
- Create a new database user provider.
- EloquentUserProvider::__construct() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider
- Create a new database user provider.
- Attempting::__construct() — Method in class Attempting
- Create a new event instance.
- Lockout::__construct() — Method in class Lockout
- Create a new event instance.
- Login::__construct() — Method in class Login
- Create a new event instance.
- Logout::__construct() — Method in class Logout
- Create a new event instance.
- GenericUser::__construct() — Method in class GenericUser
- Create a new generic User object.
- GenericUser::__get() — Method in class GenericUser
- Dynamically access the user's attributes.
- GenericUser::__set() — Method in class GenericUser
- Dynamically set an attribute on the user.
- GenericUser::__isset() — Method in class GenericUser
- Dynamically check if a value is set on the user.
- GenericUser::__unset() — Method in class GenericUser
- Dynamically unset a value on the user.
- AuthenticateWithBasicAuth::__construct() — Method in class AuthenticateWithBasicAuth
- Create a new middleware instance.
- DatabaseTokenRepository::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseTokenRepository
- Create a new token repository instance.
- PasswordBroker::__construct() — Method in class PasswordBroker
- Create a new password broker instance.
- PasswordBrokerManager::__construct() — Method in class PasswordBrokerManager
- Create a new PasswordBroker manager instance.
- PasswordBrokerManager::__call() — Method in class PasswordBrokerManager
- Dynamically call the default driver instance.
- RequestGuard::__construct() — Method in class RequestGuard
- Create a new authentication guard.
- SessionGuard::__construct() — Method in class SessionGuard
- Create a new authentication guard.
- TokenGuard::__construct() — Method in class TokenGuard
- Create a new authentication guard.
- BroadcastEvent::__construct() — Method in class BroadcastEvent
- Create a new job handler instance.
- BroadcastManager::__construct() — Method in class BroadcastManager
- Create a new manager instance.
- BroadcastManager::__call() — Method in class BroadcastManager
- Dynamically call the default driver instance.
- LogBroadcaster::__construct() — Method in class LogBroadcaster
- Create a new broadcaster instance.
- PusherBroadcaster::__construct() — Method in class PusherBroadcaster
- Create a new broadcaster instance.
- RedisBroadcaster::__construct() — Method in class RedisBroadcaster
- Create a new broadcaster instance.
- Dispatcher::__construct() — Method in class Dispatcher
- Create a new command dispatcher instance.
- ApcStore::__construct() — Method in class ApcStore
- Create a new APC store.
- ApcWrapper::__construct() — Method in class ApcWrapper
- Create a new APC wrapper instance.
- CacheManager::__construct() — Method in class CacheManager
- Create a new Cache manager instance.
- CacheManager::__call() — Method in class CacheManager
- Dynamically call the default driver instance.
- CacheTableCommand::__construct() — Method in class CacheTableCommand
- Create a new session table command instance.
- ClearCommand::__construct() — Method in class ClearCommand
- Create a new console command instance.
- DatabaseStore::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseStore
- Create a new database store.
- CacheHit::__construct() — Method in class CacheHit
- Create a new event instance.
- CacheMissed::__construct() — Method in class CacheMissed
- Create a new event instance.
- KeyForgotten::__construct() — Method in class KeyForgotten
- Create a new event instance.
- KeyWritten::__construct() — Method in class KeyWritten
- Create a new event instance.
- FileStore::__construct() — Method in class FileStore
- Create a new file cache store instance.
- MemcachedStore::__construct() — Method in class MemcachedStore
- Create a new Memcached store.
- RateLimiter::__construct() — Method in class RateLimiter
- Create a new rate limiter instance.
- RedisStore::__construct() — Method in class RedisStore
- Create a new Redis store.
- Repository::__construct() — Method in class Repository
- Create a new cache repository instance.
- Repository::__call() — Method in class Repository
- Handle dynamic calls into macros or pass missing methods to the store.
- Repository::__clone() — Method in class Repository
- Clone cache repository instance.
- TagSet::__construct() — Method in class TagSet
- Create a new TagSet instance.
- TaggedCache::__construct() — Method in class TaggedCache
- Create a new tagged cache instance.
- Repository::__construct() — Method in class Repository
- Create a new configuration repository.
- Application::__construct() — Method in class Application
- Create a new Artisan console application.
- Command::__construct() — Method in class Command
- Create a new console command instance.
- ArtisanStarting::__construct() — Method in class ArtisanStarting
- Create a new event instance.
- GeneratorCommand::__construct() — Method in class GeneratorCommand
- Create a new console command instance.
- OutputStyle::__construct() — Method in class OutputStyle
- Create a new Console OutputStyle instance.
- CallbackEvent::__construct() — Method in class CallbackEvent
- Create a new event instance.
- Event::__construct() — Method in class Event
- Create a new event instance.
- ScheduleRunCommand::__construct() — Method in class ScheduleRunCommand
- Create a new command instance.
- Container::__get() — Method in class Container
- Dynamically access container services.
- Container::__set() — Method in class Container
- Dynamically set container services.
- ContextualBindingBuilder::__construct() — Method in class ContextualBindingBuilder
- Create a new contextual binding builder.
- ModelIdentifier::__construct() — Method in class ModelIdentifier
- Create a new model identifier.
- EntityNotFoundException::__construct() — Method in class EntityNotFoundException
- Create a new exception instance.
- ValidationException::__construct() — Method in class ValidationException
- Create a new validation exception instance.
- AddQueuedCookiesToResponse::__construct() — Method in class AddQueuedCookiesToResponse
- Create a new CookieQueue instance.
- EncryptCookies::__construct() — Method in class EncryptCookies
- Create a new CookieGuard instance.
- Manager::__construct() — Method in class Manager
- Create a new database capsule manager.
- Manager::__callStatic() — Method in class Manager
- Dynamically pass methods to the default connection.
- Connection::__construct() — Method in class Connection
- Create a new database connection instance.
- ConnectionResolver::__construct() — Method in class ConnectionResolver
- Create a new connection resolver instance.
- ConnectionFactory::__construct() — Method in class ConnectionFactory
- Create a new connection factory instance.
- InstallCommand::__construct() — Method in class InstallCommand
- Create a new console command instance.
- MigrateCommand::__construct() — Method in class MigrateCommand
- Create a new migration command instance.
- MigrateMakeCommand::__construct() — Method in class MigrateMakeCommand
- Create a new migration install command instance.
- ResetCommand::__construct() — Method in class ResetCommand
- Create a new console command instance.
- RollbackCommand::__construct() — Method in class RollbackCommand
- Create a new console command instance.
- StatusCommand::__construct() — Method in class StatusCommand
- Create a new console command instance.
- SeedCommand::__construct() — Method in class SeedCommand
- Create a new database seed command instance.
- SeederMakeCommand::__construct() — Method in class SeederMakeCommand
- Create a new command instance.
- DatabaseManager::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseManager
- Create a new database manager instance.
- DatabaseManager::__call() — Method in class DatabaseManager
- Dynamically pass methods to the default connection.
- Builder::__construct() — Method in class Builder
- Create a new Eloquent query builder instance.
- Builder::__call() — Method in class Builder
- Dynamically handle calls into the query instance.
- Builder::__clone() — Method in class Builder
- Force a clone of the underlying query builder when cloning.
- Factory::__construct() — Method in class Factory
- Create a new factory instance.
- FactoryBuilder::__construct() — Method in class FactoryBuilder
- Create an new builder instance.
- Model::__construct() — Method in class Model
- Create a new Eloquent model instance.
- Model::__get() — Method in class Model
- Dynamically retrieve attributes on the model.
- Model::__set() — Method in class Model
- Dynamically set attributes on the model.
- Model::__isset() — Method in class Model
- Determine if an attribute exists on the model.
- Model::__unset() — Method in class Model
- Unset an attribute on the model.
- Model::__call() — Method in class Model
- Handle dynamic method calls into the model.
- Model::__callStatic() — Method in class Model
- Handle dynamic static method calls into the method.
- Model::__toString() — Method in class Model
- Convert the model to its string representation.
- Model::__wakeup() — Method in class Model
- When a model is being unserialized, check if it needs to be booted.
- BelongsTo::__construct() — Method in class BelongsTo
- Create a new belongs to relationship instance.
- BelongsToMany::__construct() — Method in class BelongsToMany
- Create a new belongs to many relationship instance.
- HasManyThrough::__construct() — Method in class HasManyThrough
- Create a new has many through relationship instance.
- HasOneOrMany::__construct() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
- Create a new has one or many relationship instance.
- MorphOneOrMany::__construct() — Method in class MorphOneOrMany
- Create a new morph one or many relationship instance.
- MorphTo::__construct() — Method in class MorphTo
- Create a new belongs to relationship instance.
- MorphToMany::__construct() — Method in class MorphToMany
- Create a new morph to many relationship instance.
- Pivot::__construct() — Method in class Pivot
- Create a new Eloquent model instance.
- Relation::__construct() — Method in class Relation
- Create a new relation instance.
- Relation::__call() — Method in class Relation
- Handle dynamic method calls to the relationship.
- Relation::__clone() — Method in class Relation
- Force a clone of the underlying query builder when cloning.
- ConnectionEvent::__construct() — Method in class ConnectionEvent
- Create a new event instance.
- QueryExecuted::__construct() — Method in class QueryExecuted
- Create a new event instance.
- DatabaseMigrationRepository::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository
- Create a new database migration repository instance.
- MigrationCreator::__construct() — Method in class MigrationCreator
- Create a new migration creator instance.
- Migrator::__construct() — Method in class Migrator
- Create a new migrator instance.
- QueryException::__construct() — Method in class QueryException
- Create a new query exception instance.
- Builder::__construct() — Method in class Builder
- Create a new query builder instance.
- Builder::__call() — Method in class Builder
- Handle dynamic method calls into the method.
- Expression::__construct() — Method in class Expression
- Create a new raw query expression.
- Expression::__toString() — Method in class Expression
- Get the value of the expression.
- JoinClause::__construct() — Method in class JoinClause
- Create a new join clause instance.
- Blueprint::__construct() — Method in class Blueprint
- Create a new schema blueprint.
- Builder::__construct() — Method in class Builder
- Create a new database Schema manager.
- Encrypter::__construct() — Method in class Encrypter
- Create a new encrypter instance.
- McryptEncrypter::__construct() — Method in class McryptEncrypter
- Create a new encrypter instance.
- CallQueuedHandler::__construct() — Method in class CallQueuedHandler
- Create a new job instance.
- Dispatcher::__construct() — Method in class Dispatcher
- Create a new event dispatcher instance.
- FilesystemAdapter::__construct() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
- Create a new filesystem adapter instance.
- FilesystemAdapter::__call() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
- Pass dynamic methods call onto Flysystem.
- FilesystemManager::__construct() — Method in class FilesystemManager
- Create a new filesystem manager instance.
- FilesystemManager::__call() — Method in class FilesystemManager
- Dynamically call the default driver instance.
- Application::__construct() — Method in class Application
- Create a new Illuminate application instance.
- AppNameCommand::__construct() — Method in class AppNameCommand
- Create a new key generator command.
- ConfigCacheCommand::__construct() — Method in class ConfigCacheCommand
- Create a new config cache command instance.
- ConfigClearCommand::__construct() — Method in class ConfigClearCommand
- Create a new console command instance.
- Kernel::__construct() — Method in class Kernel
- Create a new console kernel instance.
- OptimizeCommand::__construct() — Method in class OptimizeCommand
- Create a new optimize command instance.
- QueuedJob::__construct() — Method in class QueuedJob
- Create a new job instance.
- RouteCacheCommand::__construct() — Method in class RouteCacheCommand
- Create a new route command instance.
- RouteClearCommand::__construct() — Method in class RouteClearCommand
- Create a new console command instance.
- RouteListCommand::__construct() — Method in class RouteListCommand
- Create a new route command instance.
- VendorPublishCommand::__construct() — Method in class VendorPublishCommand
- Create a new console command instance.
- ViewClearCommand::__construct() — Method in class ViewClearCommand
- Create a new console command instance.
- Handler::__construct() — Method in class Handler
- Create a new exception handler instance.
- Kernel::__construct() — Method in class Kernel
- Create a new HTTP kernel instance.
- Authorize::__construct() — Method in class Authorize
- Create a new middleware instance.
- CheckForMaintenanceMode::__construct() — Method in class CheckForMaintenanceMode
- Create a new middleware instance.
- VerifyCsrfToken::__construct() — Method in class VerifyCsrfToken
- Create a new middleware instance.
- ProviderRepository::__construct() — Method in class ProviderRepository
- Create a new service repository instance.
- RouteServiceProvider::__call() — Method in class RouteServiceProvider
- Dynamically handle missing method calls.
- FormFieldConstraint::__construct() — Method in class FormFieldConstraint
- Create a new constraint instance.
- HasElement::__construct() — Method in class HasElement
- Create a new constraint instance.
- HasInElement::__construct() — Method in class HasInElement
- Create a new constraint instance.
- HasLink::__construct() — Method in class HasLink
- Create a new constraint instance.
- HasSource::__construct() — Method in class HasSource
- Create a new constraint instance.
- HasText::__construct() — Method in class HasText
- Create a new constraint instance.
- IsChecked::__construct() — Method in class IsChecked
- Create a new constraint instance.
- ReversePageConstraint::__construct() — Method in class ReversePageConstraint
- Create a new reverse page constraint instance.
- HttpResponseException::__construct() — Method in class HttpResponseException
- Create a new HTTP response exception instance.
- JsonResponse::__construct() — Method in class JsonResponse
- Constructor.
- RedirectResponse::__call() — Method in class RedirectResponse
- Dynamically bind flash data in the session.
- Request::__isset() — Method in class Request
- Check if an input element is set on the request.
- Request::__get() — Method in class Request
- Get an input element from the request.
- Writer::__construct() — Method in class Writer
- Create a new log writer instance.
- MessageSending::__construct() — Method in class MessageSending
- Create a new event instance.
- Mailer::__construct() — Method in class Mailer
- Create a new Mailer instance.
- Message::__construct() — Method in class Message
- Create a new message instance.
- Message::__call() — Method in class Message
- Dynamically pass missing methods to the Swift instance.
- LogTransport::__construct() — Method in class LogTransport
- Create a new log transport instance.
- MailgunTransport::__construct() — Method in class MailgunTransport
- Create a new Mailgun transport instance.
- MandrillTransport::__construct() — Method in class MandrillTransport
- Create a new Mandrill transport instance.
- SesTransport::__construct() — Method in class SesTransport
- Create a new SES transport instance.
- SparkPostTransport::__construct() — Method in class SparkPostTransport
- Create a new SparkPost transport instance.
- AbstractPaginator::__call() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
- Make dynamic calls into the collection.
- AbstractPaginator::__toString() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
- Render the contents of the paginator when casting to string.
- BootstrapFourPresenter::__construct() — Method in class BootstrapFourPresenter
- Create a new Bootstrap presenter instance.
- BootstrapThreePresenter::__construct() — Method in class BootstrapThreePresenter
- Create a new Bootstrap presenter instance.
- LengthAwarePaginator::__construct() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator
- Create a new paginator instance.
- Paginator::__construct() — Method in class Paginator
- Create a new paginator instance.
- SimpleBootstrapFourPresenter::__construct() — Method in class SimpleBootstrapFourPresenter
- Create a simple Bootstrap 4 presenter.
- SimpleBootstrapThreePresenter::__construct() — Method in class SimpleBootstrapThreePresenter
- Create a simple Bootstrap 3 presenter.
- UrlWindow::__construct() — Method in class UrlWindow
- Create a new URL window instance.
- Hub::__construct() — Method in class Hub
- Create a new Hub instance.
- Pipeline::__construct() — Method in class Pipeline
- Create a new class instance.
- BeanstalkdQueue::__construct() — Method in class BeanstalkdQueue
- Create a new Beanstalkd queue instance.
- CallQueuedHandler::__construct() — Method in class CallQueuedHandler
- Create a new handler instance.
- Manager::__construct() — Method in class Manager
- Create a new queue capsule manager.
- Manager::__call() — Method in class Manager
- Pass dynamic instance methods to the manager.
- Manager::__callStatic() — Method in class Manager
- Dynamically pass methods to the default connection.
- DatabaseConnector::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseConnector
- Create a new connector instance.
- RedisConnector::__construct() — Method in class RedisConnector
- Create a new Redis queue connector instance.
- FailedTableCommand::__construct() — Method in class FailedTableCommand
- Create a new failed queue jobs table command instance.
- ListenCommand::__construct() — Method in class ListenCommand
- Create a new console command instance.
- TableCommand::__construct() — Method in class TableCommand
- Create a new queue job table command instance.
- WorkCommand::__construct() — Method in class WorkCommand
- Create a new queue listen command.
- DatabaseQueue::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseQueue
- Create a new database queue instance.
- JobExceptionOccurred::__construct() — Method in class JobExceptionOccurred
- Create a new event instance.
- JobFailed::__construct() — Method in class JobFailed
- Create a new event instance.
- JobProcessed::__construct() — Method in class JobProcessed
- Create a new event instance.
- JobProcessing::__construct() — Method in class JobProcessing
- Create a new event instance.
- DatabaseFailedJobProvider::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseFailedJobProvider
- Create a new database failed job provider.
- BeanstalkdJob::__construct() — Method in class BeanstalkdJob
- Create a new job instance.
- DatabaseJob::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseJob
- Create a new job instance.
- RedisJob::__construct() — Method in class RedisJob
- Create a new job instance.
- SqsJob::__construct() — Method in class SqsJob
- Create a new job instance.
- SyncJob::__construct() — Method in class SyncJob
- Create a new job instance.
- Listener::__construct() — Method in class Listener
- Create a new queue listener.
- QueueManager::__construct() — Method in class QueueManager
- Create a new queue manager instance.
- QueueManager::__call() — Method in class QueueManager
- Dynamically pass calls to the default connection.
- RedisQueue::__construct() — Method in class RedisQueue
- Create a new Redis queue instance.
- SerializesModels::__sleep() — Method in class SerializesModels
- Prepare the instance for serialization.
- SerializesModels::__wakeup() — Method in class SerializesModels
- Restore the model after serialization.
- SqsQueue::__construct() — Method in class SqsQueue
- Create a new Amazon SQS queue instance.
- Worker::__construct() — Method in class Worker
- Create a new queue worker.
- Database::__construct() — Method in class Database
- Create a new Redis connection instance.
- Database::__call() — Method in class Database
- Dynamically make a Redis command.
- Controller::__call() — Method in class Controller
- Handle calls to missing methods on the controller.
- ControllerDispatcher::__construct() — Method in class ControllerDispatcher
- Create a new controller dispatcher instance.
- ControllerMiddlewareOptions::__construct() — Method in class ControllerMiddlewareOptions
- Create a new middleware option instance.
- RouteMatched::__construct() — Method in class RouteMatched
- Create a new event instance.
- ThrottleRequests::__construct() — Method in class ThrottleRequests
- Create a new request throttler.
- Redirector::__construct() — Method in class Redirector
- Create a new Redirector instance.
- ResourceRegistrar::__construct() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
- Create a new resource registrar instance.
- ResponseFactory::__construct() — Method in class ResponseFactory
- Create a new response factory instance.
- Route::__construct() — Method in class Route
- Create a new Route instance.
- Route::__get() — Method in class Route
- Dynamically access route parameters.
- Router::__construct() — Method in class Router
- Create a new Router instance.
- UrlGenerator::__construct() — Method in class UrlGenerator
- Create a new URL Generator instance.
- CacheBasedSessionHandler::__construct() — Method in class CacheBasedSessionHandler
- Create a new cache driven handler instance.
- SessionTableCommand::__construct() — Method in class SessionTableCommand
- Create a new session table command instance.
- CookieSessionHandler::__construct() — Method in class CookieSessionHandler
- Create a new cookie driven handler instance.
- DatabaseSessionHandler::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler
- Create a new database session handler instance.
- EncryptedStore::__construct() — Method in class EncryptedStore
- Create a new session instance.
- FileSessionHandler::__construct() — Method in class FileSessionHandler
- Create a new file driven handler instance.
- LegacyDatabaseSessionHandler::__construct() — Method in class LegacyDatabaseSessionHandler
- Create a new database session handler instance.
- StartSession::__construct() — Method in class StartSession
- Create a new session middleware.
- Store::__construct() — Method in class Store
- Create a new session instance.
- Collection::__construct() — Method in class Collection
- Create a new collection.
- Collection::__toString() — Method in class Collection
- Convert the collection to its string representation.
- Composer::__construct() — Method in class Composer
- Create a new Composer manager instance.
- Facade::__callStatic() — Method in class Facade
- Handle dynamic, static calls to the object.
- Fluent::__construct() — Method in class Fluent
- Create a new fluent container instance.
- Fluent::__call() — Method in class Fluent
- Handle dynamic calls to the container to set attributes.
- Fluent::__get() — Method in class Fluent
- Dynamically retrieve the value of an attribute.
- Fluent::__set() — Method in class Fluent
- Dynamically set the value of an attribute.
- Fluent::__isset() — Method in class Fluent
- Dynamically check if an attribute is set.
- Fluent::__unset() — Method in class Fluent
- Dynamically unset an attribute.
- HtmlString::__construct() — Method in class HtmlString
- Create a new HTML string instance.
- HtmlString::__toString() — Method in class HtmlString
- Get the the HTML string.
- Manager::__construct() — Method in class Manager
- Create a new manager instance.
- Manager::__call() — Method in class Manager
- Dynamically call the default driver instance.
- MessageBag::__construct() — Method in class MessageBag
- Create a new message bag instance.
- MessageBag::__toString() — Method in class MessageBag
- Convert the message bag to its string representation.
- ServiceProvider::__construct() — Method in class ServiceProvider
- Create a new service provider instance.
- ServiceProvider::__call() — Method in class ServiceProvider
- Dynamically handle missing method calls.
- Macroable::__callStatic() — Method in class Macroable
- Dynamically handle calls to the class.
- Macroable::__call() — Method in class Macroable
- Dynamically handle calls to the class.
- ViewErrorBag::__call() — Method in class ViewErrorBag
- Dynamically call methods on the default bag.
- ViewErrorBag::__get() — Method in class ViewErrorBag
- Dynamically access a view error bag.
- ViewErrorBag::__set() — Method in class ViewErrorBag
- Dynamically set a view error bag.
- FileLoader::__construct() — Method in class FileLoader
- Create a new file loader instance.
- Translator::__construct() — Method in class Translator
- Create a new translator instance.
- DatabasePresenceVerifier::__construct() — Method in class DatabasePresenceVerifier
- Create a new database presence verifier.
- Factory::__construct() — Method in class Factory
- Create a new Validator factory instance.
- ValidationException::__construct() — Method in class ValidationException
- Create a new exception instance.
- Validator::__construct() — Method in class Validator
- Create a new Validator instance.
- Validator::__call() — Method in class Validator
- Handle dynamic calls to class methods.
- Compiler::__construct() — Method in class Compiler
- Create a new compiler instance.
- CompilerEngine::__construct() — Method in class CompilerEngine
- Create a new Blade view engine instance.
- Factory::__construct() — Method in class Factory
- Create a new view factory instance.
- FileViewFinder::__construct() — Method in class FileViewFinder
- Create a new file view loader instance.
- ShareErrorsFromSession::__construct() — Method in class ShareErrorsFromSession
- Create a new error binder instance.
- View::__construct() — Method in class View
- Create a new view instance.
- View::__get() — Method in class View
- Get a piece of data from the view.
- View::__set() — Method in class View
- Set a piece of data on the view.
- View::__isset() — Method in class View
- Check if a piece of data is bound to the view.
- View::__unset() — Method in class View
- Remove a piece of bound data from the view.
- View::__call() — Method in class View
- Dynamically bind parameters to the view.
- View::__toString() — Method in class View
- Get the string contents of the view.