AuthorizationExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Access
Gate::after() — Method in class Gate
Register a callback to run after all Gate checks.
Gate::allows() — Method in class Gate
Determine if the given ability should be granted for the current user.
Gate::authorize() — Method in class Gate
Determine if the given ability should be granted for the current user.
AuthManagerClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth
AuthServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth
AuthenticatableClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth
AttemptingClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Events
AuthenticateWithBasicAuthClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Middleware
SessionGuard::attempt() — Method in class SessionGuard
Attempt to authenticate a user using the given credentials.
SessionGuard::attempting() — Method in class SessionGuard
Register an authentication attempt event listener.
ApcStoreClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
ApcWrapperClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
ArrayStoreClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
MemcachedStore::add() — Method in class MemcachedStore
Store an item in the cache if the key doesn't exist.
RateLimiter::attempts() — Method in class RateLimiter
Get the number of attempts for the given key.
RateLimiter::availableIn() — Method in class RateLimiter
Get the number of seconds until the "key" is accessible again.
Repository::add() — Method in class Repository
Store an item in the cache if the key does not exist.
Repository::all() — Method in class Repository
Get all of the configuration items for the application.
AppNamespaceDetectorTraitClass in namespace Illuminate\Console
ApplicationClass in namespace Illuminate\Console
Application::add() — Method in class Application
Add a command to the console.
Command::argument() — Method in class Command
Get the value of a command argument.
Command::ask() — Method in class Command
Prompt the user for input.
Command::anticipate() — Method in class Command
Prompt the user for input with auto completion.
Command::askWithCompletion() — Method in class Command
Prompt the user for input with auto completion.
ArtisanStartingClass in namespace Illuminate\Console\Events
$ArtisanStartingProperty in class ArtisanStarting
The Artisan application instance.
Event::at() — Method in class Event
Schedule the command at a given time.
Event::appendOutputTo() — Method in class Event
Append the output of the command to a given location.
Event::after() — Method in class Event
Register a callback to be called after the operation.
Container::addContextualBinding() — Method in class Container
Add a contextual binding to the container.
Container::alias() — Method in class Container
Alias a type to a different name.
Container::afterResolving() — Method in class Container
Register a new after resolving callback for all types.
AuthorizableClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Access
Gate::allows() — Method in class Gate
Determine if the given ability should be granted for the current user.
AuthenticatableClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth
StatefulGuard::attempt() — Method in class StatefulGuard
Attempt to authenticate a user using the given credentials.
Repository::add() — Method in class Repository
Store an item in the cache if the key does not exist.
Repository::all() — Method in class Repository
Get all of the configuration items for the application.
ApplicationClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Console
Kernel::all() — Method in class Kernel
Get all of the commands registered with the console.
Container::alias() — Method in class Container
Alias a type to a different name.
Container::afterResolving() — Method in class Container
Register a new after resolving callback.
Filesystem::append() — Method in class Filesystem
Append to a file.
Filesystem::allFiles() — Method in class Filesystem
Get all of the files from the given directory (recursive).
Filesystem::allDirectories() — Method in class Filesystem
Get all (recursive) of the directories within a given directory.
ApplicationClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation
Log::alert() — Method in class Log
Log an alert message to the logs.
Paginator::appends() — Method in class Paginator
Add a set of query string values to the paginator.
Job::attempts() — Method in class Job
Get the number of times the job has been attempted.
UrlGenerator::asset() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Generate a URL to an application asset.
UrlGenerator::action() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Get the URL to a controller action.
ArrayableClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Support
MessageBag::add() — Method in class MessageBag
Add a message to the bag.
MessageBag::all() — Method in class MessageBag
Get all of the messages for every key in the bag.
Validator::after() — Method in class Validator
After an after validation callback.
Factory::addNamespace() — Method in class Factory
Add a new namespace to the loader.
AddQueuedCookiesToResponseClass in namespace Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware
Manager::addConnection() — Method in class Manager
Register a connection with the manager.
Connection::affectingStatement() — Method in class Connection
Run an SQL statement and get the number of rows affected.
ConnectionInterface::affectingStatement() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
Run an SQL statement and get the number of rows affected.
ConnectionResolver::addConnection() — Method in class ConnectionResolver
Add a connection to the resolver.
DatabaseManager::availableDrivers() — Method in class DatabaseManager
Get all of the drivers that are actually available.
Builder::applyScopes() — Method in class Builder
Apply the scopes to the Eloquent builder instance and return it.
Collection::add() — Method in class Collection
Add an item to the collection.
Model::addGlobalScope() — Method in class Model
Register a new global scope on the model.
Model::all() — Method in class Model
Get all of the models from the database.
Model::append() — Method in class Model
Append attributes to query when building a query.
Model::addObservableEvents() — Method in class Model
Add an observable event name.
Model::addHidden() — Method in class Model
Add hidden attributes for the model.
Model::addVisible() — Method in class Model
Add visible attributes for the model.
Model::attributesToArray() — Method in class Model
Convert the model's attributes to an array.
BelongsTo::addConstraints() — Method in class BelongsTo
Set the base constraints on the relation query.
BelongsTo::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class BelongsTo
Set the constraints for an eager load of the relation.
BelongsTo::associate() — Method in class BelongsTo
Associate the model instance to the given parent.
BelongsToMany::addConstraints() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Set the base constraints on the relation query.
BelongsToMany::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Set the constraints for an eager load of the relation.
BelongsToMany::attach() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Attach a model to the parent.
HasManyThrough::addConstraints() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Set the base constraints on the relation query.
HasManyThrough::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Set the constraints for an eager load of the relation.
HasOneOrMany::addConstraints() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Set the base constraints on the relation query.
HasOneOrMany::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Set the constraints for an eager load of the relation.
MorphOneOrMany::addConstraints() — Method in class MorphOneOrMany
Set the base constraints on the relation query.
MorphOneOrMany::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class MorphOneOrMany
Set the constraints for an eager load of the relation.
MorphTo::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class MorphTo
Set the constraints for an eager load of the relation.
MorphTo::associate() — Method in class MorphTo
Associate the model instance to the given parent.
MorphToMany::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class MorphToMany
Set the constraints for an eager load of the relation.
Relation::addConstraints() — Method in class Relation
Set the base constraints on the relation query.
Relation::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class Relation
Set the constraints for an eager load of the relation.
Scope::apply() — Method in class Scope
Apply the scope to a given Eloquent query builder.
SoftDeletingScope::apply() — Method in class SoftDeletingScope
Apply the scope to a given Eloquent query builder.
MigrationCreator::afterCreate() — Method in class MigrationCreator
Register a post migration create hook.
$BuilderProperty in class Builder
An aggregate function and column to be run.
Builder::addSelect() — Method in class Builder
Add a new select column to the query.
Builder::addNestedWhereQuery() — Method in class Builder
Add another query builder as a nested where to the query builder.
Builder::addWhereExistsQuery() — Method in class Builder
Add an exists clause to the query.
Builder::avg() — Method in class Builder
Retrieve the average of the values of a given column.
Builder::average() — Method in class Builder
Alias for the "avg" method.
Builder::aggregate() — Method in class Builder
Execute an aggregate function on the database.
Builder::addBinding() — Method in class Builder
Add a binding to the query.
Blueprint::addColumn() — Method in class Blueprint
Add a new column to the blueprint.
Filesystem::append() — Method in class Filesystem
Append to a file.
Filesystem::allFiles() — Method in class Filesystem
Get all of the files from the given directory (recursive).
FilesystemAdapter::append() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Append to a file.
FilesystemAdapter::allFiles() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Get all of the files from the given directory (recursive).
FilesystemAdapter::allDirectories() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Get all (recursive) of the directories within a given directory.
AliasLoaderClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation
AliasLoader::alias() — Method in class AliasLoader
Add an alias to the loader.
ApplicationClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation
Application::afterLoadingEnvironment() — Method in class Application
Register a callback to run after loading the environment.
Application::afterBootstrapping() — Method in class Application
Register a callback to run after a bootstrapper.
Application::abort() — Method in class Application
Throw an HttpException with the given data.
Application::addDeferredServices() — Method in class Application
Add an array of services to the application's deferred services.
AuthorizableClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\Access
AuthorizesRequestsClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\Access
AuthorizesRequests::authorize() — Method in class AuthorizesRequests
Authorize a given action against a set of arguments.
AuthorizesRequests::authorizeForUser() — Method in class AuthorizesRequests
Authorize a given action for a user.
AuthorizesResourcesClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\Access
AuthorizesResources::authorizeResource() — Method in class AuthorizesResources
Authorize a resource action based on the incoming request.
AuthenticatesAndRegistersUsersClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Auth
AuthenticatesUsersClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Auth
AppNameCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
Kernel::all() — Method in class Kernel
Get all of the commands registered with the console.
FormRequest::attributes() — Method in class FormRequest
Set custom attributes for validator errors.
AuthorizeClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware
ArtisanServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Providers
AuthServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Support\Providers
ImpersonatesUsers::actingAs() — Method in class ImpersonatesUsers
Set the currently logged in user for the application.
InteractsWithConsole::artisan() — Method in class InteractsWithConsole
Call artisan command and return code.
InteractsWithSession::assertSessionHas() — Method in class InteractsWithSession
Assert that the session has a given value.
InteractsWithSession::assertSessionHasAll() — Method in class InteractsWithSession
Assert that the session has a given list of values.
InteractsWithSession::assertSessionMissing() — Method in class InteractsWithSession
Assert that the session does not have a given key.
InteractsWithSession::assertSessionHasErrors() — Method in class InteractsWithSession
Assert that the session has errors bound.
InteractsWithSession::assertHasOldInput() — Method in class InteractsWithSession
Assert that the session has old input.
MakesHttpRequests::action() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
Call a controller action and return the Response.
MakesHttpRequests::assertResponseOk() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
Assert that the client response has an OK status code.
MakesHttpRequests::assertResponseStatus() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
Assert that the client response has a given code.
MakesHttpRequests::assertViewHas() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
Assert that the response view has a given piece of bound data.
MakesHttpRequests::assertViewHasAll() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
Assert that the view has a given list of bound data.
MakesHttpRequests::assertViewMissing() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
Assert that the response view is missing a piece of bound data.
MakesHttpRequests::assertRedirectedTo() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
Assert whether the client was redirected to a given URI.
MakesHttpRequests::assertRedirectedToRoute() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
Assert whether the client was redirected to a given route.
MakesHttpRequests::assertRedirectedToAction() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
Assert whether the client was redirected to a given action.
Request::ajax() — Method in class Request
Determine if the request is the result of an AJAX call.
Request::all() — Method in class Request
Get all of the input and files for the request.
Request::allFiles() — Method in class Request
Get an array of all of the files on the request.
Request::accepts() — Method in class Request
Determines whether the current requests accepts a given content type.
Request::acceptsJson() — Method in class Request
Determines whether a request accepts JSON.
Request::acceptsHtml() — Method in class Request
Determines whether a request accepts HTML.
Writer::alert() — Method in class Writer
Log an alert message to the logs.
Mailer::alwaysFrom() — Method in class Mailer
Set the global from address and name.
Mailer::alwaysTo() — Method in class Mailer
Set the global to address and name.
Message::attach() — Method in class Message
Attach a file to the message.
Message::attachData() — Method in class Message
Attach in-memory data as an attachment.
AbstractPaginatorClass in namespace Illuminate\Pagination
AbstractPaginator::appends() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Add a set of query string values to the paginator.
AbstractPaginator::addQuery() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Add a query string value to the paginator.
Manager::addConnection() — Method in class Manager
Register a connection with the manager.
DatabaseFailedJobProvider::all() — Method in class DatabaseFailedJobProvider
Get a list of all of the failed jobs.
FailedJobProviderInterface::all() — Method in class FailedJobProviderInterface
Get a list of all of the failed jobs.
NullFailedJobProvider::all() — Method in class NullFailedJobProvider
Get a list of all of the failed jobs.
InteractsWithQueue::attempts() — Method in class InteractsWithQueue
Get the number of times the job has been attempted.
BeanstalkdJob::attempts() — Method in class BeanstalkdJob
Get the number of times the job has been attempted.
DatabaseJob::attempts() — Method in class DatabaseJob
Get the number of times the job has been attempted.
Job::attempts() — Method in class Job
Get the number of times the job has been attempted.
RedisJob::attempts() — Method in class RedisJob
Get the number of times the job has been attempted.
SqsJob::attempts() — Method in class SqsJob
Get the number of times the job has been attempted.
SyncJob::attempts() — Method in class SyncJob
Get the number of times the job has been attempted.
QueueManager::after() — Method in class QueueManager
Register an event listener for the after job event.
QueueManager::addConnector() — Method in class QueueManager
Add a queue connection resolver.
ControllerInspector::addUriWildcards() — Method in class ControllerInspector
Add wildcards to the given URI.
Redirector::away() — Method in class Redirector
Create a new redirect response to an external URL (no validation).
Redirector::action() — Method in class Redirector
Create a new redirect response to a controller action.
RouteCollection::add() — Method in class RouteCollection
Add a Route instance to the collection.
Router::any() — Method in class Router
Register a new route responding to all verbs.
Router::auth() — Method in class Router
Register the typical authentication routes for an application.
UrlGenerator::asset() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Generate a URL to an application asset.
UrlGenerator::assetFrom() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Generate a URL to an asset from a custom root domain such as CDN, etc.
UrlGenerator::action() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Get the URL to a controller action.
Store::ageFlashData() — Method in class Store
Age the flash data for the session.
Store::all() — Method in class Store
AggregateServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Support
ArrClass in namespace Illuminate\Support
Arr::accessible() — Method in class Arr
Determine whether the given value is array accessible.
Arr::add() — Method in class Arr
Add an element to an array using "dot" notation if it doesn't exist.
ClassLoader::addDirectories() — Method in class ClassLoader
Add directories to the class loader.
Collection::all() — Method in class Collection
Get all of the items in the collection.
Collection::avg() — Method in class Collection
Get the average value of a given key.
Collection::average() — Method in class Collection
Alias for the "avg" method.
AppClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
ArtisanClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
AuthClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
MessageBag::add() — Method in class MessageBag
Add a message to the bag.
MessageBag::all() — Method in class MessageBag
Get all of the messages for every key in the bag.
MessageBag::any() — Method in class MessageBag
Determine if the message bag has any messages.
Str::ascii() — Method in class Str
Transliterate a UTF-8 value to ASCII.
ArrayLoaderClass in namespace Illuminate\Translation
ArrayLoader::addNamespace() — Method in class ArrayLoader
Add a new namespace to the loader.
ArrayLoader::addMessages() — Method in class ArrayLoader
Add messages to the loader.
FileLoader::addNamespace() — Method in class FileLoader
Add a new namespace to the loader.
LoaderInterface::addNamespace() — Method in class LoaderInterface
Add a new namespace to the loader.
Translator::addNamespace() — Method in class Translator
Add a new namespace to the loader.
Validator::after() — Method in class Validator
After an after validation callback.
Validator::attributes() — Method in class Validator
Get all attributes.
Validator::addExtensions() — Method in class Validator
Register an array of custom validator extensions.
Validator::addImplicitExtensions() — Method in class Validator
Register an array of custom implicit validator extensions.
Validator::addExtension() — Method in class Validator
Register a custom validator extension.
Validator::addImplicitExtension() — Method in class Validator
Register a custom implicit validator extension.
Validator::addReplacers() — Method in class Validator
Register an array of custom validator message replacers.
Validator::addReplacer() — Method in class Validator
Register a custom validator message replacer.
Validator::addCustomAttributes() — Method in class Validator
Add custom attributes to the validator.
Validator::addCustomValues() — Method in class Validator
Add the custom values for the validator.
Factory::alias() — Method in class Factory
Add an alias for a view.
Factory::appendSection() — Method in class Factory
Stop injecting content into a section and append it.
Factory::addLocation() — Method in class Factory
Add a location to the array of view locations.
Factory::addNamespace() — Method in class Factory
Add a new namespace to the loader.
Factory::addExtension() — Method in class Factory
Register a valid view extension and its engine.
FileViewFinder::addLocation() — Method in class FileViewFinder
Add a location to the finder.
FileViewFinder::addNamespace() — Method in class FileViewFinder
Add a namespace hint to the finder.
FileViewFinder::addExtension() — Method in class FileViewFinder
Register an extension with the view finder.
ViewFinderInterface::addLocation() — Method in class ViewFinderInterface
Add a location to the finder.
ViewFinderInterface::addNamespace() — Method in class ViewFinderInterface
Add a namespace hint to the finder.
ViewFinderInterface::addExtension() — Method in class ViewFinderInterface
Add a valid view extension to the finder.


Gate::before() — Method in class Gate
Register a callback to run before all Gate checks.
PasswordBrokerManager::broker() — Method in class PasswordBrokerManager
Attempt to get the broker from the local cache.
SessionGuard::basic() — Method in class SessionGuard
Attempt to authenticate using HTTP Basic Auth.
BroadcastEventClass in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting
BroadcastManagerClass in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting
BroadcastServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting
LogBroadcaster::broadcast() — Method in class LogBroadcaster
Broadcast the given event.
PusherBroadcaster::broadcast() — Method in class PusherBroadcaster
Broadcast the given event.
RedisBroadcaster::broadcast() — Method in class RedisBroadcaster
Broadcast the given event.
BusServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Bus
Event::buildCommand() — Method in class Event
Build the command string.
Event::before() — Method in class Event
Register a callback to be called before the operation.
Container::bound() — Method in class Container
Determine if the given abstract type has been bound.
Container::bind() — Method in class Container
Register a binding with the container.
Container::bindIf() — Method in class Container
Register a binding if it hasn't already been registered.
Container::build() — Method in class Container
Instantiate a concrete instance of the given type.
Gate::before() — Method in class Gate
Register a callback to run before all Gate checks.
PasswordBrokerFactory::broker() — Method in class PasswordBrokerFactory
Get a password broker instance by name.
SupportsBasicAuth::basic() — Method in class SupportsBasicAuth
Attempt to authenticate using HTTP Basic Auth.
BroadcasterClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting
Broadcaster::broadcast() — Method in class Broadcaster
Broadcast the given event.
ShouldBroadcast::broadcastOn() — Method in class ShouldBroadcast
Get the channels the event should broadcast on.
BindingResolutionExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Container
Container::bound() — Method in class Container
Determine if the given abstract type has been bound.
Container::bind() — Method in class Container
Register a binding with the container.
Container::bindIf() — Method in class Container
Register a binding if it hasn't already been registered.
Application::basePath() — Method in class Application
Get the base path of the Laravel installation.
Application::boot() — Method in class Application
Boot the application's service providers.
Application::booting() — Method in class Application
Register a new boot listener.
Application::booted() — Method in class Application
Register a new "booted" listener.
Kernel::bootstrap() — Method in class Kernel
Bootstrap the application for HTTP requests.
Manager::bootEloquent() — Method in class Manager
Bootstrap Eloquent so it is ready for usage.
Connection::beginTransaction() — Method in class Connection
Start a new database transaction.
ConnectionInterface::beginTransaction() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
Start a new database transaction.
BaseCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations
DatabaseServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class DatabaseServiceProvider
Bootstrap the application events.
BuilderClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
Model::belongsTo() — Method in class Model
Define an inverse one-to-one or many relationship.
Model::belongsToMany() — Method in class Model
Define a many-to-many relationship.
BelongsToClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
BelongsToManyClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
SoftDeletes::bootSoftDeletes() — Method in class SoftDeletes
Boot the soft deleting trait for a model.
$QueryExecutedProperty in class QueryExecuted
The array of query bindings.
BuilderClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query
$JoinClauseProperty in class JoinClause
The "on" bindings for the join.
BlueprintClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema
Blueprint::build() — Method in class Blueprint
Execute the blueprint against the database.
Blueprint::bigIncrements() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new auto-incrementing big integer (8-byte) column on the table.
Blueprint::bigInteger() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new big integer (8-byte) column on the table.
Blueprint::boolean() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new boolean column on the table.
Blueprint::binary() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new binary column on the table.
BuilderClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema
Builder::blueprintResolver() — Method in class Builder
Set the Schema Blueprint resolver callback.
BaseEncrypterClass in namespace Illuminate\Encryption
Filesystem::basename() — Method in class Filesystem
Extract the trailing name component from a file path.
Application::bootstrapWith() — Method in class Application
Run the given array of bootstrap classes.
Application::beforeBootstrapping() — Method in class Application
Register a callback to run before a bootstrapper.
Application::basePath() — Method in class Application
Get the base path of the Laravel installation.
Application::bootstrapPath() — Method in class Application
Get the path to the bootstrap directory.
Application::bound() — Method in class Application
Determine if the given abstract type has been bound.
Application::boot() — Method in class Application
Boot the application's service providers.
Application::booting() — Method in class Application
Register a new boot listener.
Application::booted() — Method in class Application
Register a new "booted" listener.
BootProvidersClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap
BootProviders::bootstrap() — Method in class BootProviders
Bootstrap the given application.
ConfigureLogging::bootstrap() — Method in class ConfigureLogging
Bootstrap the given application.
DetectEnvironment::bootstrap() — Method in class DetectEnvironment
Bootstrap the given application.
HandleExceptions::bootstrap() — Method in class HandleExceptions
Bootstrap the given application.
LoadConfiguration::bootstrap() — Method in class LoadConfiguration
Bootstrap the given application.
RegisterFacades::bootstrap() — Method in class RegisterFacades
Bootstrap the given application.
RegisterProviders::bootstrap() — Method in class RegisterProviders
Bootstrap the given application.
SetRequestForConsole::bootstrap() — Method in class SetRequestForConsole
Bootstrap the given application.
Kernel::bootstrap() — Method in class Kernel
Bootstrap the application for artisan commands.
Kernel::bootstrap() — Method in class Kernel
Bootstrap the application for HTTP requests.
FoundationServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class FoundationServiceProvider
Bootstrap the application services.
EventServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class EventServiceProvider
Register the application's event listeners.
RouteServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class RouteServiceProvider
Bootstrap any application services.
ImpersonatesUsers::be() — Method in class ImpersonatesUsers
Set the currently logged in user for the application.
DatabaseTransactions::beginDatabaseTransaction() — Method in class DatabaseTransactions
Handle database transactions on the specified connections.
BcryptHasherClass in namespace Illuminate\Hashing
Request::bearerToken() — Method in class Request
Get the bearer token from the request headers.
Message::bcc() — Method in class Message
Add a blind carbon copy to the message.
BootstrapFourNextPreviousButtonRendererTraitClass in namespace Illuminate\Pagination
BootstrapFourPresenterClass in namespace Illuminate\Pagination
BootstrapThreeNextPreviousButtonRendererTraitClass in namespace Illuminate\Pagination
BootstrapThreePresenterClass in namespace Illuminate\Pagination
BeanstalkdQueueClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue
Manager::bulk() — Method in class Manager
Push a new an array of jobs onto the queue.
BeanstalkdConnectorClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Connectors
DatabaseQueue::bulk() — Method in class DatabaseQueue
Push an array of jobs onto the queue.
BeanstalkdJobClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Jobs
BeanstalkdJob::bury() — Method in class BeanstalkdJob
Bury the job in the queue.
Queue::bulk() — Method in class Queue
Push an array of jobs onto the queue.
QueueManager::before() — Method in class QueueManager
Register an event listener for the before job event.
Redirector::back() — Method in class Redirector
Create a new redirect response to the previous location.
Route::bind() — Method in class Route
Bind the route to a given request for execution.
Route::bindParameters() — Method in class Route
Extract the parameter list from the request.
Router::bind() — Method in class Router
Add a new route parameter binder.
Arr::build() — Method in class Arr
Build a new array using a callback.
BladeClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
BusClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
BladeCompilerClass in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers


Gate::check() — Method in class Gate
Determine if the given ability should be granted for the current user.
AuthManager::createSessionDriver() — Method in class AuthManager
Create a session based authentication guard.
AuthManager::createTokenDriver() — Method in class AuthManager
Create a token based authentication guard.
ClearResetsCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Console
CreatesUserProvidersClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth
CreatesUserProviders::createUserProvider() — Method in class CreatesUserProviders
Create the user provider implementation for the driver.
EloquentUserProvider::createModel() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider
Create a new instance of the model.
$AttemptingProperty in class Attempting
The credentials for the user.
GuardHelpers::check() — Method in class GuardHelpers
Determine if the current user is authenticated.
CanResetPasswordClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Passwords
DatabaseTokenRepository::create() — Method in class DatabaseTokenRepository
Create a new token record.
DatabaseTokenRepository::createNewToken() — Method in class DatabaseTokenRepository
Create a new token for the user.
PasswordBroker::createToken() — Method in class PasswordBroker
Create a new password reset token for the given user.
TokenRepositoryInterface::create() — Method in class TokenRepositoryInterface
Create a new token.
BroadcastManager::connection() — Method in class BroadcastManager
Get a driver instance.
$QueueableProperty in class Queueable
The name of the connection the job should be sent to.
CacheManagerClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
CacheServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
CacheTableCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache\Console
ClearCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache\Console
CacheHitClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache\Events
CacheMissedClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache\Events
MemcachedConnector::connect() — Method in class MemcachedConnector
Create a new Memcached connection.
RateLimiter::clear() — Method in class RateLimiter
Clear the hits and lockout for the given key.
RedisStore::connection() — Method in class RedisStore
Get the Redis connection instance.
Application::call() — Method in class Application
Run an Artisan console command by name.
CommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Console
Command::call() — Method in class Command
Call another console command.
Command::callSilent() — Method in class Command
Call another console command silently.
Command::confirm() — Method in class Command
Confirm a question with the user.
Command::choice() — Method in class Command
Give the user a single choice from an array of answers.
Command::comment() — Method in class Command
Write a string as comment output.
ConfirmableTraitClass in namespace Illuminate\Console
ConfirmableTrait::confirmToProceed() — Method in class ConfirmableTrait
Confirm before proceeding with the action.
CallbackEventClass in namespace Illuminate\Console\Scheduling
$EventProperty in class Event
The command string.
Event::cron() — Method in class Event
The Cron expression representing the event's frequency.
Schedule::call() — Method in class Schedule
Add a new callback event to the schedule.
Schedule::command() — Method in class Schedule
Add a new Artisan command event to the schedule.
ContainerClass in namespace Illuminate\Container
$ContainerProperty in class Container
The contextual binding map.
Container::call() — Method in class Container
Call the given Closure / class@method and inject its dependencies.
ContextualBindingBuilderClass in namespace Illuminate\Container
Authorizable::can() — Method in class Authorizable
Determine if the entity has a given ability.
Gate::check() — Method in class Gate
Determine if the given ability should be granted.
CanResetPasswordClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth
Guard::check() — Method in class Guard
Determine if the current user is authenticated.
Registrar::create() — Method in class Registrar
Create a new user instance after a valid registration.
Factory::connection() — Method in class Factory
Get a broadcaster implementation by name.
Application::call() — Method in class Application
Call a console application command.
Kernel::call() — Method in class Kernel
Run an Artisan console command by name.
ContainerClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Container
Container::call() — Method in class Container
Call the given Closure / class@method and inject its dependencies.
ContextualBindingBuilderClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Container
$ModelIdentifierProperty in class ModelIdentifier
The class name of the model.
CloudClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Filesystem
Filesystem::copy() — Method in class Filesystem
Copy a file to a new location.
Hasher::check() — Method in class Hasher
Check the given plain value against a hash.
Log::critical() — Method in class Log
Log a critical message to the logs.
Paginator::currentPage() — Method in class Paginator
Determine the current page being paginated.
Factory::connection() — Method in class Factory
Resolve a queue connection instance.
Database::command() — Method in class Database
Run a command against the Redis database.
UrlGenerator::current() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Get the current URL for the request.
MessageBag::count() — Method in class MessageBag
Get the number of messages in the container.
Factory::composer() — Method in class Factory
Register a view composer event.
Factory::creator() — Method in class Factory
Register a view creator event.
CookieJarClass in namespace Illuminate\Cookie
CookieServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Cookie
Manager::connection() — Method in class Manager
Get a connection instance from the global manager.
ConnectionClass in namespace Illuminate\Database
Connection::commit() — Method in class Connection
Commit the active database transaction.
ConnectionInterfaceClass in namespace Illuminate\Database
ConnectionInterface::commit() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
Commit the active database transaction.
ConnectionResolverClass in namespace Illuminate\Database
ConnectionResolver::connection() — Method in class ConnectionResolver
Get a database connection instance.
ConnectionResolverInterfaceClass in namespace Illuminate\Database
ConnectionResolverInterface::connection() — Method in class ConnectionResolverInterface
Get a database connection instance.
ConnectionFactoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Connectors
ConnectionFactory::createConnector() — Method in class ConnectionFactory
Create a connector instance based on the configuration.
ConnectorClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Connectors
Connector::createConnection() — Method in class Connector
Create a new PDO connection.
ConnectorInterfaceClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Connectors
ConnectorInterface::connect() — Method in class ConnectorInterface
Establish a database connection.
MySqlConnector::connect() — Method in class MySqlConnector
Establish a database connection.
PostgresConnector::connect() — Method in class PostgresConnector
Establish a database connection.
SQLiteConnector::connect() — Method in class SQLiteConnector
Establish a database connection.
SqlServerConnector::connect() — Method in class SqlServerConnector
Establish a database connection.
DatabaseManager::connection() — Method in class DatabaseManager
Get a database connection instance.
Builder::chunk() — Method in class Builder
Chunk the results of the query.
Builder::chunkById() — Method in class Builder
Chunk the results of a query by comparing numeric IDs.
CollectionClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
Collection::contains() — Method in class Collection
Determine if a key exists in the collection.
Collection::collapse() — Method in class Collection
Collapse the collection of items into a single array.
Factory::construct() — Method in class Factory
Create a new factory container.
Factory::create() — Method in class Factory
Create an instance of the given model and persist it to the database.
Factory::createAs() — Method in class Factory
Create an instance of the given model and type and persist it to the database.
FactoryBuilder::create() — Method in class FactoryBuilder
Create a collection of models and persist them to the database.
Model::clearBootedModels() — Method in class Model
Clear the list of booted models so they will be re-booted.
Model::create() — Method in class Model
Save a new model and return the instance.
Model::creating() — Method in class Model
Register a creating model event with the dispatcher.
Model::created() — Method in class Model
Register a created model event with the dispatcher.
Model::cacheMutatedAttributes() — Method in class Model
Extract and cache all the mutated attributes of a class.
BelongsToMany::chunk() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Chunk the results of the query.
BelongsToMany::create() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Create a new instance of the related model.
BelongsToMany::createMany() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Create an array of new instances of the related models.
BelongsToMany::createdAt() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Get the name of the "created at" column.
HasOneOrMany::create() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Create a new instance of the related model.
HasOneOrMany::createMany() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Create an array of new instances of the related model.
MorphOneOrMany::create() — Method in class MorphOneOrMany
Create a new instance of the related model.
MorphTo::createModelByType() — Method in class MorphTo
Create a new model instance by type.
Relation::createdAt() — Method in class Relation
Get the name of the "created at" column.
ConnectionEventClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Events
$ConnectionEventProperty in class ConnectionEvent
The name of the connection.
$ConnectionEventProperty in class ConnectionEvent
The database connection instance.
$QueryExecutedProperty in class QueryExecuted
The databse connection instance.
$QueryExecutedProperty in class QueryExecuted
The database connection name.
Grammar::columnize() — Method in class Grammar
Convert an array of column names into a delimited string.
DatabaseMigrationRepository::createRepository() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository
Create the migration repository data store.
MigrationCreator::create() — Method in class MigrationCreator
Create a new migration at the given path.
MigrationRepositoryInterface::createRepository() — Method in class MigrationRepositoryInterface
Create the migration repository data store.
$BuilderProperty in class Builder
The columns that should be returned.
Builder::crossJoin() — Method in class Builder
Add a "cross join" clause to the query.
Builder::chunk() — Method in class Builder
Chunk the results of the query.
Builder::chunkById() — Method in class Builder
Chunk the results of a query by comparing numeric IDs.
Builder::count() — Method in class Builder
Retrieve the "count" result of the query.
Grammar::compileSelect() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a select query into SQL.
Grammar::compileExists() — Method in class Grammar
Compile an exists statement into SQL.
Grammar::compileInsert() — Method in class Grammar
Compile an insert statement into SQL.
Grammar::compileInsertGetId() — Method in class Grammar
Compile an insert and get ID statement into SQL.
Grammar::compileUpdate() — Method in class Grammar
Compile an update statement into SQL.
Grammar::compileDelete() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a delete statement into SQL.
Grammar::compileTruncate() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a truncate table statement into SQL.
Grammar::compileSavepoint() — Method in class Grammar
Compile the SQL statement to define a savepoint.
Grammar::compileSavepointRollBack() — Method in class Grammar
Compile the SQL statement to execute a savepoint rollback.
MySqlGrammar::compileSelect() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a select query into SQL.
MySqlGrammar::compileUpdate() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile an update statement into SQL.
MySqlGrammar::compileDelete() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a delete statement into SQL.
PostgresGrammar::compileUpdate() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile an update statement into SQL.
PostgresGrammar::compileInsertGetId() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile an insert and get ID statement into SQL.
PostgresGrammar::compileTruncate() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a truncate table statement into SQL.
SQLiteGrammar::compileInsert() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile an insert statement into SQL.
SQLiteGrammar::compileTruncate() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a truncate table statement into SQL.
SqlServerGrammar::compileSelect() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a select query into SQL.
SqlServerGrammar::compileTruncate() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a truncate table statement into SQL.
SqlServerGrammar::compileExists() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile an exists statement into SQL.
SqlServerGrammar::compileUpdate() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile an update statement into SQL.
$JoinClauseProperty in class JoinClause
The "on" clauses for the join.
$BlueprintProperty in class Blueprint
The default character set that should be used for the table.
$BlueprintProperty in class Blueprint
The collation that should be used for the table.
Blueprint::create() — Method in class Blueprint
Indicate that the table needs to be created.
Blueprint::char() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new char column on the table.
Builder::create() — Method in class Builder
Create a new table on the schema.
Grammar::compileRenameColumn() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a rename column command.
Grammar::compileForeign() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a foreign key command.
Grammar::compileChange() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a change column command into a series of SQL statements.
MySqlGrammar::compileTableExists() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile the query to determine the list of tables.
MySqlGrammar::compileColumnExists() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile the query to determine the list of columns.
MySqlGrammar::compileCreate() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a create table command.
MySqlGrammar::compileAdd() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile an add column command.
MySqlGrammar::compilePrimary() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a primary key command.
MySqlGrammar::compileUnique() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a unique key command.
MySqlGrammar::compileIndex() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a plain index key command.
MySqlGrammar::compileDrop() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a drop table command.
MySqlGrammar::compileDropIfExists() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a drop table (if exists) command.
MySqlGrammar::compileDropColumn() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a drop column command.
MySqlGrammar::compileDropPrimary() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a drop primary key command.
MySqlGrammar::compileDropUnique() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a drop unique key command.
MySqlGrammar::compileDropIndex() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a drop index command.
MySqlGrammar::compileDropForeign() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a drop foreign key command.
MySqlGrammar::compileRename() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a rename table command.
PostgresGrammar::compileTableExists() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile the query to determine if a table exists.
PostgresGrammar::compileColumnExists() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile the query to determine the list of columns.
PostgresGrammar::compileCreate() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a create table command.
PostgresGrammar::compileAdd() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a column addition command.
PostgresGrammar::compilePrimary() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a primary key command.
PostgresGrammar::compileUnique() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a unique key command.
PostgresGrammar::compileIndex() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a plain index key command.
PostgresGrammar::compileDrop() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a drop table command.
PostgresGrammar::compileDropIfExists() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a drop table (if exists) command.
PostgresGrammar::compileDropColumn() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a drop column command.
PostgresGrammar::compileDropPrimary() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a drop primary key command.
PostgresGrammar::compileDropUnique() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a drop unique key command.
PostgresGrammar::compileDropIndex() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a drop index command.
PostgresGrammar::compileDropForeign() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a drop foreign key command.
PostgresGrammar::compileRename() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a rename table command.
SQLiteGrammar::compileTableExists() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile the query to determine if a table exists.
SQLiteGrammar::compileColumnExists() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile the query to determine the list of columns.
SQLiteGrammar::compileCreate() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a create table command.
SQLiteGrammar::compileAdd() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile alter table commands for adding columns.
SQLiteGrammar::compileUnique() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a unique key command.
SQLiteGrammar::compileIndex() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a plain index key command.
SQLiteGrammar::compileForeign() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a foreign key command.
SQLiteGrammar::compileDrop() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a drop table command.
SQLiteGrammar::compileDropIfExists() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a drop table (if exists) command.
SQLiteGrammar::compileDropColumn() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a drop column command.
SQLiteGrammar::compileDropUnique() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a drop unique key command.
SQLiteGrammar::compileDropIndex() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a drop index command.
SQLiteGrammar::compileRename() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a rename table command.
SqlServerGrammar::compileTableExists() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile the query to determine if a table exists.
SqlServerGrammar::compileColumnExists() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile the query to determine the list of columns.
SqlServerGrammar::compileCreate() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a create table command.
SqlServerGrammar::compileAdd() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a column addition table command.
SqlServerGrammar::compilePrimary() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a primary key command.
SqlServerGrammar::compileUnique() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a unique key command.
SqlServerGrammar::compileIndex() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a plain index key command.
SqlServerGrammar::compileDrop() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a drop table command.
SqlServerGrammar::compileDropIfExists() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a drop table (if exists) command.
SqlServerGrammar::compileDropColumn() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a drop column command.
SqlServerGrammar::compileDropPrimary() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a drop primary key command.
SqlServerGrammar::compileDropUnique() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a drop unique key command.
SqlServerGrammar::compileDropIndex() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a drop index command.
SqlServerGrammar::compileDropForeign() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a drop foreign key command.
SqlServerGrammar::compileRename() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a rename table command.
Seeder::call() — Method in class Seeder
Seed the given connection from the given path.
CallQueuedHandlerClass in namespace Illuminate\Events
CallQueuedHandler::call() — Method in class CallQueuedHandler
Handle the queued job.
Dispatcher::createClassListener() — Method in class Dispatcher
Create a class based listener using the IoC container.
ClassFinderClass in namespace Illuminate\Filesystem
Filesystem::copy() — Method in class Filesystem
Copy a file to a new location.
Filesystem::copyDirectory() — Method in class Filesystem
Copy a directory from one location to another.
Filesystem::cleanDirectory() — Method in class Filesystem
Empty the specified directory of all files and folders.
FilesystemAdapter::copy() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Copy a file to a new location.
FilesystemManager::cloud() — Method in class FilesystemManager
Get a default cloud filesystem instance.
FilesystemManager::createLocalDriver() — Method in class FilesystemManager
Create an instance of the local driver.
FilesystemManager::createFtpDriver() — Method in class FilesystemManager
Create an instance of the ftp driver.
FilesystemManager::createS3Driver() — Method in class FilesystemManager
Create an instance of the Amazon S3 driver.
FilesystemManager::createRackspaceDriver() — Method in class FilesystemManager
Create an instance of the Rackspace driver.
Application::configPath() — Method in class Application
Get the path to the application configuration files.
Application::configurationIsCached() — Method in class Application
Determine if the application configuration is cached.
Application::configureMonologUsing() — Method in class Application
Define a callback to be used to configure Monolog.
Authorizable::can() — Method in class Authorizable
Determine if the entity has a given ability.
Authorizable::cant() — Method in class Authorizable
Determine if the entity does not have a given ability.
Authorizable::cannot() — Method in class Authorizable
Determine if the entity does not have a given ability.
ConfigureLoggingClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap
ComposerScriptsClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation
ClearCompiledCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
ConfigCacheCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
ConfigClearCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
ConsoleMakeCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
IlluminateCaster::castApplication() — Method in class IlluminateCaster
Get an array representing the properties of an application.
IlluminateCaster::castCollection() — Method in class IlluminateCaster
Get an array representing the properties of a collection.
IlluminateCaster::castModel() — Method in class IlluminateCaster
Get an array representing the properties of a model.
Kernel::call() — Method in class Kernel
Run an Artisan console command by name.
CheckForMaintenanceModeClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware
ProviderRepository::createProvider() — Method in class ProviderRepository
Create a new provider instance.
ComposerServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Providers
ConsoleSupportServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Providers
MakesHttpRequests::call() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
Call the given URI and return the Response.
MakesHttpRequests::callSecure() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
Call the given HTTPS URI and return the Response.
TestCase::createApplication() — Method in class TestCase
Creates the application.
BcryptHasher::check() — Method in class BcryptHasher
Check the given plain value against a hash.
CheckResponseForModificationsClass in namespace Illuminate\Http\Middleware
Request::capture() — Method in class Request
Create a new Illuminate HTTP request from server variables.
Request::cookie() — Method in class Request
Retrieve a cookie from the request.
Request::createFromBase() — Method in class Request
Create an Illuminate request from a Symfony instance.
ResponseTrait::content() — Method in class ResponseTrait
Get the content of the response.
ResponseTrait::cookie() — Method in class ResponseTrait
Add a cookie to the response.
UploadedFile::clientExtension() — Method in class UploadedFile
Get the file's extension supplied by the client.
UploadedFile::createFromBase() — Method in class UploadedFile
Create a new file instance from a base instance.
Writer::critical() — Method in class Writer
Log a critical message to the logs.
Message::cc() — Method in class Message
Add a carbon copy to the message.
AbstractPaginator::currentPage() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Get the current page.
AbstractPaginator::currentPathResolver() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Set the current request path resolver callback.
AbstractPaginator::currentPageResolver() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Set the current page resolver callback.
AbstractPaginator::count() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Get the number of items for the current page.
CallQueuedHandlerClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue
CallQueuedHandler::call() — Method in class CallQueuedHandler
Handle the queued job.
Manager::connection() — Method in class Manager
Get a connection instance from the global manager.
BeanstalkdConnector::connect() — Method in class BeanstalkdConnector
Establish a queue connection.
ConnectorInterfaceClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Connectors
ConnectorInterface::connect() — Method in class ConnectorInterface
Establish a queue connection.
DatabaseConnector::connect() — Method in class DatabaseConnector
Establish a queue connection.
NullConnector::connect() — Method in class NullConnector
Establish a queue connection.
RedisConnector::connect() — Method in class RedisConnector
Establish a queue connection.
SqsConnector::connect() — Method in class SqsConnector
Establish a queue connection.
SyncConnector::connect() — Method in class SyncConnector
Establish a queue connection.
ConsoleServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue
$JobExceptionOccurredProperty in class JobExceptionOccurred
The connection name.
$JobFailedProperty in class JobFailed
The connection name.
$JobProcessedProperty in class JobProcessed
The connection name.
$JobProcessingProperty in class JobProcessing
The connection name.
QueueManager::connected() — Method in class QueueManager
Determine if the driver is connected.
QueueManager::connection() — Method in class QueueManager
Resolve a queue connection instance.
SqsQueue::createJobsUsing() — Method in class SqsQueue
Define the job creator callback for the connection.
Database::connection() — Method in class Database
Get a specific Redis connection instance.
Database::command() — Method in class Database
Run a command against the Redis database.
ControllerMakeCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Console
ControllerClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing
Controller::callAction() — Method in class Controller
Execute an action on the controller.
ControllerDispatcherClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing
ControllerInspectorClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing
ControllerMiddlewareOptionsClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing
RouteCollection::count() — Method in class RouteCollection
Count the number of items in the collection.
Router::controllers() — Method in class Router
Register an array of controllers with wildcard routing.
Router::controller() — Method in class Router
Route a controller to a URI with wildcard routing.
Router::createClassBinding() — Method in class Router
Create a class based binding using the IoC container.
Router::current() — Method in class Router
Get the currently dispatched route instance.
Router::currentRouteName() — Method in class Router
Get the current route name.
Router::currentRouteNamed() — Method in class Router
Determine if the current route matches a given name.
Router::currentRouteAction() — Method in class Router
Get the current route action.
Router::currentRouteUses() — Method in class Router
Determine if the current route action matches a given action.
UrlGenerator::current() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Get the current URL for the request.
CacheBasedSessionHandlerClass in namespace Illuminate\Session
CacheBasedSessionHandler::close() — Method in class CacheBasedSessionHandler
CookieSessionHandlerClass in namespace Illuminate\Session
CookieSessionHandler::close() — Method in class CookieSessionHandler
DatabaseSessionHandler::close() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler
FileSessionHandler::close() — Method in class FileSessionHandler
LegacyDatabaseSessionHandler::close() — Method in class LegacyDatabaseSessionHandler
Store::clear() — Method in class Store
Arr::collapse() — Method in class Arr
Collapse an array of arrays into a single array.
ClassLoaderClass in namespace Illuminate\Support
CollectionClass in namespace Illuminate\Support
Collection::collapse() — Method in class Collection
Collapse the collection of items into a single array.
Collection::contains() — Method in class Collection
Determine if an item exists in the collection.
Collection::combine() — Method in class Collection
Create a collection by using this collection for keys and another for its values.
Collection::chunk() — Method in class Collection
Chunk the underlying collection array.
Collection::count() — Method in class Collection
Count the number of items in the collection.
ComposerClass in namespace Illuminate\Support
CacheClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
ConfigClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
CookieClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
CryptClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
Facade::clearResolvedInstance() — Method in class Facade
Clear a resolved facade instance.
Facade::clearResolvedInstances() — Method in class Facade
Clear all of the resolved instances.
Schema::connection() — Method in class Schema
Get a schema builder instance for a connection.
MessageBag::count() — Method in class MessageBag
Get the number of messages in the container.
ServiceProvider::commands() — Method in class ServiceProvider
Register the package's custom Artisan commands.
ServiceProvider::compiles() — Method in class ServiceProvider
Get a list of files that should be compiled for the package.
Str::camel() — Method in class Str
Convert a value to camel case.
Str::contains() — Method in class Str
Determine if a given string contains a given substring.
CapsuleManagerTraitClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Traits
ViewErrorBag::count() — Method in class ViewErrorBag
Get the number of messages in the default bag.
Translator::choice() — Method in class Translator
Get a translation according to an integer value.
BladeCompiler::compile() — Method in class BladeCompiler
Compile the view at the given path.
BladeCompiler::compileString() — Method in class BladeCompiler
Compile the given Blade template contents.
BladeCompiler::compileEchoDefaults() — Method in class BladeCompiler
Compile the default values for the echo statement.
CompilerClass in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers
CompilerInterfaceClass in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers
CompilerInterface::compile() — Method in class CompilerInterface
Compile the view at the given path.
CompilerEngineClass in namespace Illuminate\View\Engines
Factory::creator() — Method in class Factory
Register a view creator event.
Factory::composers() — Method in class Factory
Register multiple view composers via an array.
Factory::composer() — Method in class Factory
Register a view composer event.
Factory::callComposer() — Method in class Factory
Call the composer for a given view.
Factory::callCreator() — Method in class Factory
Call the creator for a given view.


Gate::define() — Method in class Gate
Define a new ability.
Gate::denies() — Method in class Gate
Determine if the given ability should be denied for the current user.
DatabaseUserProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth
DatabaseTokenRepositoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Passwords
DatabaseTokenRepository::delete() — Method in class DatabaseTokenRepository
Delete a token record by token.
DatabaseTokenRepository::deleteExpired() — Method in class DatabaseTokenRepository
Delete expired tokens.
PasswordBroker::deleteToken() — Method in class PasswordBroker
Delete the given password reset token.
TokenRepositoryInterface::delete() — Method in class TokenRepositoryInterface
Delete a token record.
TokenRepositoryInterface::deleteExpired() — Method in class TokenRepositoryInterface
Delete expired tokens.
BroadcastManager::driver() — Method in class BroadcastManager
Get a driver instance.
DispatcherClass in namespace Illuminate\Bus
Dispatcher::dispatch() — Method in class Dispatcher
Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler.
Dispatcher::dispatchNow() — Method in class Dispatcher
Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler in the current process.
Dispatcher::dispatchToQueue() — Method in class Dispatcher
Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler behind a queue.
$QueueableProperty in class Queueable
The number of seconds before the job should be made available.
Queueable::delay() — Method in class Queueable
Set the desired delay for the job.
ApcStore::decrement() — Method in class ApcStore
Decrement the value of an item in the cache.
ApcWrapper::decrement() — Method in class ApcWrapper
Decrement the value of an item in the cache.
ApcWrapper::delete() — Method in class ApcWrapper
Remove an item from the cache.
ArrayStore::decrement() — Method in class ArrayStore
Increment the value of an item in the cache.
CacheManager::driver() — Method in class CacheManager
Get a cache driver instance.
DatabaseStoreClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
DatabaseStore::decrement() — Method in class DatabaseStore
Increment the value of an item in the cache.
FileStore::decrement() — Method in class FileStore
Decrement the value of an item in the cache.
MemcachedStore::decrement() — Method in class MemcachedStore
Decrement the value of an item in the cache.
NullStore::decrement() — Method in class NullStore
Increment the value of an item in the cache.
RedisStore::decrement() — Method in class RedisStore
Decrement the value of an item in the cache.
TaggedCache::decrement() — Method in class TaggedCache
Increment the value of an item in the cache.
$EventProperty in class Event
The human readable description of the event.
Event::daily() — Method in class Event
Schedule the event to run daily.
Event::dailyAt() — Method in class Event
Schedule the event to run daily at a given time (10:00, 19:30, etc).
Event::days() — Method in class Event
Set the days of the week the command should run on.
Event::description() — Method in class Event
Set the human-friendly description of the event.
Schedule::dueEvents() — Method in class Schedule
Get all of the events on the schedule that are due.
Gate::define() — Method in class Gate
Define a new ability.
Gate::denies() — Method in class Gate
Determine if the given ability should be denied for the current user.
DispatcherClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Bus
Dispatcher::dispatch() — Method in class Dispatcher
Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler.
Dispatcher::dispatchNow() — Method in class Dispatcher
Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler in the current process.
QueueingDispatcher::dispatchToQueue() — Method in class QueueingDispatcher
Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler behind a queue.
Store::decrement() — Method in class Store
Decrement the value of an item in the cache.
DecryptExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Encryption
Encrypter::decrypt() — Method in class Encrypter
Decrypt the given value.
DispatcherClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Events
Factory::disk() — Method in class Factory
Get a filesystem implementation.
Filesystem::delete() — Method in class Filesystem
Delete the file at a given path.
Filesystem::directories() — Method in class Filesystem
Get all of the directories within a given directory.
Filesystem::deleteDirectory() — Method in class Filesystem
Recursively delete a directory.
Log::debug() — Method in class Log
Log a debug message to the logs.
Job::delete() — Method in class Job
Delete the job from the queue.
DatabaseClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Redis
Registrar::delete() — Method in class Registrar
Register a new DELETE route with the router.
ResponseFactory::download() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Create a new file download response.
EncryptCookies::disableFor() — Method in class EncryptCookies
Disable encryption for the given cookie name(s).
Connection::delete() — Method in class Connection
Run a delete statement against the database.
Connection::disconnect() — Method in class Connection
Disconnect from the underlying PDO connection.
Connection::disableQueryLog() — Method in class Connection
Disable the query log on the connection.
ConnectionInterface::delete() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
Run a delete statement against the database.
DatabaseManagerClass in namespace Illuminate\Database
DatabaseManager::disconnect() — Method in class DatabaseManager
Disconnect from the given database.
DatabaseServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Database
DetectsLostConnectionsClass in namespace Illuminate\Database
Builder::decrement() — Method in class Builder
Decrement a column's value by a given amount.
Builder::delete() — Method in class Builder
Delete a record from the database.
Builder::doesntHave() — Method in class Builder
Add a relationship count / exists condition to the query.
Collection::diff() — Method in class Collection
Diff the collection with the given items.
Factory::defineAs() — Method in class Factory
Define a class with a given short-name.
Factory::define() — Method in class Factory
Define a class with a given set of attributes.
Model::destroy() — Method in class Model
Destroy the models for the given IDs.
Model::delete() — Method in class Model
Delete the model from the database.
Model::deleting() — Method in class Model
Register a deleting model event with the dispatcher.
Model::deleted() — Method in class Model
Register a deleted model event with the dispatcher.
BelongsTo::dissociate() — Method in class BelongsTo
Dissociate previously associated model from the given parent.
BelongsToMany::detach() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Detach models from the relationship.
MorphPivot::delete() — Method in class MorphPivot
Delete the pivot model record from the database.
MorphTo::dissociate() — Method in class MorphTo
Dissociate previously associated model from the given parent.
Pivot::delete() — Method in class Pivot
Delete the model from the database.
DatabaseMigrationRepositoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Migrations
DatabaseMigrationRepository::delete() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository
Remove a migration from the log.
MigrationRepositoryInterface::delete() — Method in class MigrationRepositoryInterface
Remove a migration from the log.
$BuilderProperty in class Builder
Indicates if the query returns distinct results.
Builder::distinct() — Method in class Builder
Force the query to only return distinct results.
Builder::dynamicWhere() — Method in class Builder
Handles dynamic "where" clauses to the query.
Builder::decrement() — Method in class Builder
Decrement a column's value by a given amount.
Builder::delete() — Method in class Builder
Delete a record from the database.
Blueprint::drop() — Method in class Blueprint
Indicate that the table should be dropped.
Blueprint::dropIfExists() — Method in class Blueprint
Indicate that the table should be dropped if it exists.
Blueprint::dropColumn() — Method in class Blueprint
Indicate that the given columns should be dropped.
Blueprint::dropPrimary() — Method in class Blueprint
Indicate that the given primary key should be dropped.
Blueprint::dropUnique() — Method in class Blueprint
Indicate that the given unique key should be dropped.
Blueprint::dropIndex() — Method in class Blueprint
Indicate that the given index should be dropped.
Blueprint::dropForeign() — Method in class Blueprint
Indicate that the given foreign key should be dropped.
Blueprint::dropTimestamps() — Method in class Blueprint
Indicate that the timestamp columns should be dropped.
Blueprint::dropTimestampsTz() — Method in class Blueprint
Indicate that the timestamp columns should be dropped.
Blueprint::dropSoftDeletes() — Method in class Blueprint
Indicate that the soft delete column should be dropped.
Blueprint::dropRememberToken() — Method in class Blueprint
Indicate that the remember token column should be dropped.
Blueprint::double() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new double column on the table.
Blueprint::decimal() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new decimal column on the table.
Blueprint::date() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new date column on the table.
Blueprint::dateTime() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new date-time column on the table.
Blueprint::dateTimeTz() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new date-time column (with time zone) on the table.
Builder::drop() — Method in class Builder
Drop a table from the schema.
Builder::dropIfExists() — Method in class Builder
Drop a table from the schema if it exists.
Encrypter::decrypt() — Method in class Encrypter
Decrypt the given value.
McryptEncrypter::decrypt() — Method in class McryptEncrypter
Decrypt the given value.
DispatcherClass in namespace Illuminate\Events
Filesystem::delete() — Method in class Filesystem
Delete the file at a given path.
Filesystem::dirname() — Method in class Filesystem
Extract the parent directory from a file path.
Filesystem::directories() — Method in class Filesystem
Get all of the directories within a given directory.
Filesystem::deleteDirectory() — Method in class Filesystem
Recursively delete a directory.
FilesystemAdapter::delete() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Delete the file at a given path.
FilesystemAdapter::directories() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Get all of the directories within a given directory.
FilesystemAdapter::deleteDirectory() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Recursively delete a directory.
FilesystemManager::drive() — Method in class FilesystemManager
Get a filesystem instance.
FilesystemManager::disk() — Method in class FilesystemManager
Get a filesystem instance.
Application::databasePath() — Method in class Application
Get the path to the database directory.
Application::detectEnvironment() — Method in class Application
Detect the application's current environment.
DetectEnvironmentClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap
DispatchesJobsClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Bus
DispatchesJobs::dispatchNow() — Method in class DispatchesJobs
Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler in the current process.
DownCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
EnvironmentDetector::detect() — Method in class EnvironmentDetector
Detect the application's current environment.
InteractsWithAuthentication::dontSeeIsAuthenticated() — Method in class InteractsWithAuthentication
Assert that the user is not authenticated.
InteractsWithAuthentication::dontSeeCredentials() — Method in class InteractsWithAuthentication
Assert that the given credentials are invalid.
InteractsWithPages::dontSee() — Method in class InteractsWithPages
Assert that a given string is not seen on the current HTML.
InteractsWithPages::dontSeeElement() — Method in class InteractsWithPages
Assert that an element is not present on the page.
InteractsWithPages::dontSeeText() — Method in class InteractsWithPages
Assert that a given string is not seen on the current text.
InteractsWithPages::dontSeeInElement() — Method in class InteractsWithPages
Assert that a given string is not seen inside an element.
InteractsWithPages::dontSeeLink() — Method in class InteractsWithPages
Assert that a given link is not seen on the page.
InteractsWithPages::dontSeeInField() — Method in class InteractsWithPages
Assert that an input field does not contain the given value.
InteractsWithPages::dontSeeIsSelected() — Method in class InteractsWithPages
Assert that the given value is not selected.
InteractsWithPages::dontSeeIsChecked() — Method in class InteractsWithPages
Assert that the given checkbox is not selected.
MakesHttpRequests::delete() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
Visit the given URI with a DELETE request.
MakesHttpRequests::dontSeeJson() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
Assert that the response doesn't contain JSON.
MakesHttpRequests::dump() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
Dump the content from the last response.
MocksApplicationServices::doesntExpectEvents() — Method in class MocksApplicationServices
Specify a list of events that should not be fired for the given operation.
DatabaseMigrationsClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing
DatabaseTransactionsClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing
WithoutEvents::disableEventsForAllTests() — Method in class WithoutEvents
Prevent all event handles from being executed.
WithoutMiddleware::disableMiddlewareForAllTests() — Method in class WithoutMiddleware
Prevent all middleware from being executed for this test class.
Request::decodedPath() — Method in class Request
Get the current encoded path info for the request.
Request::duplicate() — Method in class Request
Writer::debug() — Method in class Writer
Log a debug message to the logs.
Hub::defaults() — Method in class Hub
Define the default named pipeline.
BeanstalkdQueue::deleteMessage() — Method in class BeanstalkdQueue
Delete a message from the Beanstalk queue.
DatabaseConnectorClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Connectors
DatabaseQueueClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue
DatabaseQueue::deleteReserved() — Method in class DatabaseQueue
Delete a reserved job from the queue.
$JobExceptionOccurredProperty in class JobExceptionOccurred
The data given to the job.
$JobFailedProperty in class JobFailed
The data given to the job.
$JobProcessedProperty in class JobProcessed
The data given to the job.
$JobProcessingProperty in class JobProcessing
The data given to the job.
DatabaseFailedJobProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Failed
InteractsWithQueue::delete() — Method in class InteractsWithQueue
Delete the job from the queue.
BeanstalkdJob::delete() — Method in class BeanstalkdJob
Delete the job from the queue.
DatabaseJobClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Jobs
DatabaseJob::delete() — Method in class DatabaseJob
Delete the job from the queue.
Job::delete() — Method in class Job
Delete the job from the queue.
RedisJob::delete() — Method in class RedisJob
Delete the job from the queue.
SqsJob::delete() — Method in class SqsJob
Delete the job from the queue.
RedisQueue::deleteReserved() — Method in class RedisQueue
Delete a reserved job from the queue.
Worker::daemon() — Method in class Worker
Listen to the given queue in a loop.
DatabaseClass in namespace Illuminate\Redis
ControllerDispatcher::dispatch() — Method in class ControllerDispatcher
Dispatch a request to a given controller and method.
ResponseFactory::download() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Create a new file download response.
Route::defaults() — Method in class Route
Set a default value for the route.
Route::domain() — Method in class Route
Get the domain defined for the route.
Router::delete() — Method in class Router
Register a new DELETE route with the router.
Router::dispatch() — Method in class Router
Dispatch the request to the application.
Router::dispatchToRoute() — Method in class Router
Dispatch the request to a route and return the response.
CacheBasedSessionHandler::destroy() — Method in class CacheBasedSessionHandler
CookieSessionHandler::destroy() — Method in class CookieSessionHandler
DatabaseSessionHandlerClass in namespace Illuminate\Session
DatabaseSessionHandler::destroy() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler
FileSessionHandler::destroy() — Method in class FileSessionHandler
LegacyDatabaseSessionHandler::destroy() — Method in class LegacyDatabaseSessionHandler
Arr::divide() — Method in class Arr
Divide an array into two arrays. One with keys and the other with values.
Arr::dot() — Method in class Arr
Flatten a multi-dimensional associative array with dots.
Collection::diff() — Method in class Collection
Get the items in the collection that are not present in the given items.
Collection::diffKeys() — Method in class Collection
Get the items in the collection whose keys are not present in the given items.
Composer::dumpAutoloads() — Method in class Composer
Regenerate the Composer autoloader files.
Composer::dumpOptimized() — Method in class Composer
Regenerate the optimized Composer autoloader files.
DumperClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Debug
Dumper::dump() — Method in class Dumper
Dump a value with elegance.
DBClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
Manager::driver() — Method in class Manager
Get a driver instance.
DatabasePresenceVerifierClass in namespace Illuminate\Validation
BladeCompiler::directive() — Method in class BladeCompiler
Register a handler for custom directives.
Factory::decrementRender() — Method in class Factory
Decrement the rendering counter.
Factory::doneRendering() — Method in class Factory
Check if there are no active render operations.


AuthManager::extend() — Method in class AuthManager
Register a custom driver creator Closure.
EloquentUserProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth
DatabaseTokenRepository::exists() — Method in class DatabaseTokenRepository
Determine if a token record exists and is valid.
PasswordBroker::emailResetLink() — Method in class PasswordBroker
Send the password reset link via e-mail.
TokenRepositoryInterface::exists() — Method in class TokenRepositoryInterface
Determine if a token record exists and is valid.
BroadcastManager::extend() — Method in class BroadcastManager
Register a custom driver creator Closure.
CacheManager::extend() — Method in class CacheManager
Register a custom driver creator Closure.
Command::error() — Method in class Command
Write a string as error output.
EventClass in namespace Illuminate\Console\Scheduling
$EventProperty in class Event
The cron expression representing the event's frequency.
$EventProperty in class Event
The list of environments the command should run under.
$EventProperty in class Event
Indicates if the command should run in maintenance mode.
Event::everyMinute() — Method in class Event
Schedule the event to run every minute.
Event::everyFiveMinutes() — Method in class Event
Schedule the event to run every five minutes.
Event::everyTenMinutes() — Method in class Event
Schedule the event to run every ten minutes.
Event::everyThirtyMinutes() — Method in class Event
Schedule the event to run every thirty minutes.
Event::environments() — Method in class Event
Limit the environments the command should run in.
Event::evenInMaintenanceMode() — Method in class Event
State that the command should run even in maintenance mode.
Event::emailOutputTo() — Method in class Event
E-mail the results of the scheduled operation.
Event::emailWrittenOutputTo() — Method in class Event
E-mail the results of the scheduled operation if it produces output.
Schedule::exec() — Method in class Schedule
Add a new command event to the schedule.
Schedule::events() — Method in class Schedule
Get all of the events on the schedule.
Container::extend() — Method in class Container
"Extend" an abstract type in the container.
Container::extend() — Method in class Container
"Extend" an abstract type in the container.
ExceptionHandlerClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Debug
EncryptExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Encryption
EncrypterClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Encryption
Encrypter::encrypt() — Method in class Encrypter
Encrypt the given value.
Filesystem::exists() — Method in class Filesystem
Determine if a file exists.
Application::environment() — Method in class Application
Get or check the current application environment.
Log::error() — Method in class Log
Log an error message to the logs.
EntityNotFoundExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Queue
EntityResolverClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Queue
Factory::extend() — Method in class Factory
Register a custom validator extension.
Factory::extendImplicit() — Method in class Factory
Register a custom implicit validator extension.
ValidationException::errors() — Method in class ValidationException
Get the validation error message provider.
Factory::exists() — Method in class Factory
Determine if a given view exists.
EncryptCookiesClass in namespace Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware
Connection::enableQueryLog() — Method in class Connection
Enable the query log on the connection.
DatabaseManager::extend() — Method in class DatabaseManager
Register an extension connection resolver.
Builder::each() — Method in class Builder
Execute a callback over each item while chunking.
Builder::eagerLoadRelations() — Method in class Builder
Eager load the relationships for the models.
Collection::except() — Method in class Collection
Returns all models in the collection except the models with specified keys.
$ModelProperty in class Model
Indicates if the model exists.
SoftDeletingScope::extend() — Method in class SoftDeletingScope
Extend the query builder with the needed functions.
Builder::each() — Method in class Builder
Execute a callback over each item while chunking.
Builder::exists() — Method in class Builder
Determine if any rows exist for the current query.
ExpressionClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query
$BlueprintProperty in class Blueprint
The storage engine that should be used for the table.
Blueprint::enum() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new enum column on the table.
EncrypterClass in namespace Illuminate\Encryption
Encrypter::encrypt() — Method in class Encrypter
Encrypt the given value.
EncryptionServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Encryption
McryptEncrypter::encrypt() — Method in class McryptEncrypter
Encrypt the given value.
EventServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Events
Filesystem::exists() — Method in class Filesystem
Determine if a file or directory exists.
Filesystem::extension() — Method in class Filesystem
Extract the file extension from a file path.
FilesystemAdapter::exists() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Determine if a file exists.
FilesystemManager::extend() — Method in class FilesystemManager
Register a custom driver creator Closure.
Application::environmentPath() — Method in class Application
Get the path to the environment file directory.
Application::environmentFile() — Method in class Application
Get the environment file the application is using.
Application::environmentFilePath() — Method in class Application
Get the fully qualified path to the environment file.
Application::environment() — Method in class Application
Get or check the current application environment.
EnvironmentCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
EventGenerateCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
EventMakeCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
EnvironmentDetectorClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation
EventServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Support\Providers
MocksApplicationServices::expectsEvents() — Method in class MocksApplicationServices
Specify a list of events that should be fired for the given operation.
RedirectResponse::exceptInput() — Method in class RedirectResponse
Flash an array of input to the session.
Request::exists() — Method in class Request
Determine if the request contains a given input item key.
Request::except() — Method in class Request
Get all of the input except for a specified array of items.
$ResponseProperty in class Response
The exception that triggered the error response (if applicable).
UploadedFile::extension() — Method in class UploadedFile
Get the file's extension.
Writer::emergency() — Method in class Writer
Log an emergency message to the logs.
Writer::error() — Method in class Writer
Log an error message to the logs.
Message::embed() — Method in class Message
Embed a file in the message and get the CID.
Message::embedData() — Method in class Message
Embed in-memory data in the message and get the CID.
$JobExceptionOccurredProperty in class JobExceptionOccurred
The exception instance.
QueueManager::exceptionOccurred() — Method in class QueueManager
Register an event listener for the exception occurred job event.
QueueManager::extend() — Method in class QueueManager
Add a queue connection resolver.
ControllerMiddlewareOptions::except() — Method in class ControllerMiddlewareOptions
Set the controller methods the middleware should exclude.
EncryptedStoreClass in namespace Illuminate\Session
ExistenceAwareInterfaceClass in namespace Illuminate\Session
Arr::except() — Method in class Arr
Get all of the given array except for a specified array of items.
Arr::exists() — Method in class Arr
Determine if the given key exists in the provided array.
Collection::each() — Method in class Collection
Execute a callback over each item.
Collection::every() — Method in class Collection
Create a new collection consisting of every n-th element.
Collection::except() — Method in class Collection
Get all items except for those with the specified keys.
EventClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
Manager::extend() — Method in class Manager
Register a custom driver creator Closure.
Str::endsWith() — Method in class Str
Determine if a given string ends with a given substring.
Str::equals() — Method in class Str
Compares two strings using a constant-time algorithm.
Factory::extend() — Method in class Factory
Register a custom validator extension.
Factory::extendImplicit() — Method in class Factory
Register a custom implicit validator extension.
Validator::each() — Method in class Validator
Define a set of rules that apply to each element in an array attribute.
Validator::extractValuesForWildcards() — Method in class Validator
Get all of the exact attribute values for a given wildcard attribute.
Validator::errors() — Method in class Validator
An alternative more semantic shortcut to the message container.
BladeCompiler::extend() — Method in class BladeCompiler
Register a custom Blade compiler.
EngineClass in namespace Illuminate\View\Engines
EngineInterfaceClass in namespace Illuminate\View\Engines
EngineResolverClass in namespace Illuminate\View\Engines
ExpressionClass in namespace Illuminate\View
Factory::exists() — Method in class Factory
Determine if a given view exists.


IlluminateQueueClosure::fire() — Method in class IlluminateQueueClosure
Fire the Closure based queue job.
Gate::forUser() — Method in class Gate
Get a guard instance for the given user.
ClearResetsCommand::fire() — Method in class ClearResetsCommand
Execute the console command.
MakeAuthCommand::fire() — Method in class MakeAuthCommand
Execute the console command.
BroadcastEvent::fire() — Method in class BroadcastEvent
Handle the queued job.
ApcStore::forever() — Method in class ApcStore
Store an item in the cache indefinitely.
ApcStore::forget() — Method in class ApcStore
Remove an item from the cache.
ApcStore::flush() — Method in class ApcStore
Remove all items from the cache.
ApcWrapper::flush() — Method in class ApcWrapper
Remove all items from the cache.
ArrayStore::forever() — Method in class ArrayStore
Store an item in the cache indefinitely.
ArrayStore::forget() — Method in class ArrayStore
Remove an item from the cache.
ArrayStore::flush() — Method in class ArrayStore
Remove all items from the cache.
CacheTableCommand::fire() — Method in class CacheTableCommand
Execute the console command.
ClearCommand::fire() — Method in class ClearCommand
Execute the console command.
DatabaseStore::forever() — Method in class DatabaseStore
Store an item in the cache indefinitely.
DatabaseStore::forget() — Method in class DatabaseStore
Remove an item from the cache.
DatabaseStore::flush() — Method in class DatabaseStore
Remove all items from the cache.
FileStoreClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
FileStore::forever() — Method in class FileStore
Store an item in the cache indefinitely.
FileStore::forget() — Method in class FileStore
Remove an item from the cache.
FileStore::flush() — Method in class FileStore
Remove all items from the cache.
MemcachedStore::forever() — Method in class MemcachedStore
Store an item in the cache indefinitely.
MemcachedStore::forget() — Method in class MemcachedStore
Remove an item from the cache.
MemcachedStore::flush() — Method in class MemcachedStore
Remove all items from the cache.
NullStore::forever() — Method in class NullStore
Store an item in the cache indefinitely.
NullStore::forget() — Method in class NullStore
Remove an item from the cache.
NullStore::flush() — Method in class NullStore
Remove all items from the cache.
RedisStore::forever() — Method in class RedisStore
Store an item in the cache indefinitely.
RedisStore::forget() — Method in class RedisStore
Remove an item from the cache.
RedisStore::flush() — Method in class RedisStore
Remove all items from the cache.
RedisTaggedCache::forever() — Method in class RedisTaggedCache
Store an item in the cache indefinitely.
RedisTaggedCache::flush() — Method in class RedisTaggedCache
Remove all items from the cache.
Repository::forever() — Method in class Repository
Store an item in the cache indefinitely.
Repository::forget() — Method in class Repository
Remove an item from the cache.
TaggedCache::flush() — Method in class TaggedCache
Remove all items from the cache.
GeneratorCommand::fire() — Method in class GeneratorCommand
Execute the console command.
Event::filtersPass() — Method in class Event
Determine if the filters pass for the event.
Event::fridays() — Method in class Event
Schedule the event to run only on Fridays.
ScheduleRunCommand::fire() — Method in class ScheduleRunCommand
Execute the console command.
Container::forgetInstance() — Method in class Container
Remove a resolved instance from the instance cache.
Container::forgetInstances() — Method in class Container
Clear all of the instances from the container.
Container::flush() — Method in class Container
Flush the container of all bindings and resolved instances.
Gate::forUser() — Method in class Gate
Get a guard instance for the given user.
FactoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth
FactoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting
FactoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Cache
Repository::forever() — Method in class Repository
Store an item in the cache indefinitely.
Repository::forget() — Method in class Repository
Remove an item from the cache.
Store::forever() — Method in class Store
Store an item in the cache indefinitely.
Store::forget() — Method in class Store
Remove an item from the cache.
Store::flush() — Method in class Store
Remove all items from the cache.
FactoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Cookie
Factory::forever() — Method in class Factory
Create a cookie that lasts "forever" (five years).
Factory::forget() — Method in class Factory
Expire the given cookie.
Dispatcher::flush() — Method in class Dispatcher
Flush a set of pushed events.
Dispatcher::fire() — Method in class Dispatcher
Fire an event and call the listeners.
Dispatcher::firing() — Method in class Dispatcher
Get the event that is currently firing.
Dispatcher::forget() — Method in class Dispatcher
Remove a set of listeners from the dispatcher.
Dispatcher::forgetPushed() — Method in class Dispatcher
Forget all of the queued listeners.
FactoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Filesystem
FileNotFoundExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Filesystem
FilesystemClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Filesystem
Filesystem::files() — Method in class Filesystem
Get an array of all files in a directory.
Mailer::failures() — Method in class Mailer
Get the array of failed recipients.
Paginator::fragment() — Method in class Paginator
Get / set the URL fragment to be appended to URLs.
Paginator::firstItem() — Method in class Paginator
Get the "index" of the first item being paginated.
FactoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Queue
Job::fire() — Method in class Job
Fire the job.
Job::failed() — Method in class Job
Call the failed method on the job instance.
Monitor::failing() — Method in class Monitor
Register a callback to be executed when a job fails after the maximum amount of retries.
MessageBag::first() — Method in class MessageBag
Get the first message from the bag for a given key.
FactoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Validation
Validator::fails() — Method in class Validator
Determine if the data fails the validation rules.
Validator::failed() — Method in class Validator
Get the failed validation rules.
FactoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\View
Factory::file() — Method in class Factory
Get the evaluated view contents for the given path.
CookieJar::forever() — Method in class CookieJar
Create a cookie that lasts "forever" (five years).
CookieJar::forget() — Method in class CookieJar
Expire the given cookie.
Connection::flushQueryLog() — Method in class Connection
Clear the query log.
InstallCommand::fire() — Method in class InstallCommand
Execute the console command.
MigrateCommand::fire() — Method in class MigrateCommand
Execute the console command.
MigrateMakeCommand::fire() — Method in class MigrateMakeCommand
Execute the console command.
RefreshCommand::fire() — Method in class RefreshCommand
Execute the console command.
ResetCommand::fire() — Method in class ResetCommand
Execute the console command.
RollbackCommand::fire() — Method in class RollbackCommand
Execute the console command.
StatusCommand::fire() — Method in class StatusCommand
Execute the console command.
SeedCommand::fire() — Method in class SeedCommand
Execute the console command.
SeederMakeCommand::fire() — Method in class SeederMakeCommand
Execute the console command.
Builder::find() — Method in class Builder
Find a model by its primary key.
Builder::findMany() — Method in class Builder
Find multiple models by their primary keys.
Builder::findOrFail() — Method in class Builder
Find a model by its primary key or throw an exception.
Builder::findOrNew() — Method in class Builder
Find a model by its primary key or return fresh model instance.
Builder::firstOrNew() — Method in class Builder
Get the first record matching the attributes or instantiate it.
Builder::firstOrCreate() — Method in class Builder
Get the first record matching the attributes or create it.
Builder::first() — Method in class Builder
Execute the query and get the first result.
Builder::firstOrFail() — Method in class Builder
Execute the query and get the first result or throw an exception.
Builder::forceDelete() — Method in class Builder
Run the default delete function on the builder.
Collection::find() — Method in class Collection
Find a model in the collection by key.
Collection::flatten() — Method in class Collection
Get a flattened array of the items in the collection.
Collection::flip() — Method in class Collection
Flip the items in the collection.
FactoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
FactoryBuilderClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
Model::fill() — Method in class Model
Fill the model with an array of attributes.
Model::forceFill() — Method in class Model
Fill the model with an array of attributes. Force mass assignment.
Model::forceCreate() — Method in class Model
Save a new model and return the instance. Allow mass-assignment.
Model::fresh() — Method in class Model
Reload a fresh model instance from the database.
Model::forceDelete() — Method in class Model
Force a hard delete on a soft deleted model.
Model::flushEventListeners() — Method in class Model
Remove all of the event listeners for the model.
Model::freshTimestamp() — Method in class Model
Get a fresh timestamp for the model.
Model::freshTimestampString() — Method in class Model
Get a fresh timestamp for the model.
Model::fillable() — Method in class Model
Set the fillable attributes for the model.
Model::fromDateTime() — Method in class Model
Convert a DateTime to a storable string.
Model::fromJson() — Method in class Model
Decode the given JSON back into an array or object.
BelongsToMany::first() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Execute the query and get the first result.
BelongsToMany::firstOrFail() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Execute the query and get the first result or throw an exception.
BelongsToMany::find() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Find a related model by its primary key.
BelongsToMany::findMany() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Find multiple related models by their primary keys.
BelongsToMany::findOrFail() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Find a related model by its primary key or throw an exception.
BelongsToMany::findOrNew() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Find a related model by its primary key or return new instance of the related model.
BelongsToMany::firstOrNew() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Get the first related model record matching the attributes or instantiate it.
BelongsToMany::firstOrCreate() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Get the first related record matching the attributes or create it.
HasManyThrough::first() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Execute the query and get the first related model.
HasManyThrough::firstOrFail() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Execute the query and get the first result or throw an exception.
HasManyThrough::find() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Find a related model by its primary key.
HasManyThrough::findMany() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Find multiple related models by their primary keys.
HasManyThrough::findOrFail() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Find a related model by its primary key or throw an exception.
HasOneOrMany::findOrNew() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Find a model by its primary key or return new instance of the related model.
HasOneOrMany::firstOrNew() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Get the first related model record matching the attributes or instantiate it.
HasOneOrMany::firstOrCreate() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Get the first related record matching the attributes or create it.
MorphOneOrMany::findOrNew() — Method in class MorphOneOrMany
Find a related model by its primary key or return new instance of the related model.
MorphOneOrMany::firstOrNew() — Method in class MorphOneOrMany
Get the first related model record matching the attributes or instantiate it.
MorphOneOrMany::firstOrCreate() — Method in class MorphOneOrMany
Get the first related record matching the attributes or create it.
SoftDeletes::forceDelete() — Method in class SoftDeletes
Force a hard delete on a soft deleted model.
$BuilderProperty in class Builder
The table which the query is targeting.
Builder::from() — Method in class Builder
Set the table which the query is targeting.
Builder::forNestedWhere() — Method in class Builder
Create a new query instance for nested where condition.
Builder::forPage() — Method in class Builder
Set the limit and offset for a given page.
Builder::forPageAfterId() — Method in class Builder
Constrain the query to the next "page" of results after a given ID.
Builder::find() — Method in class Builder
Execute a query for a single record by ID.
Builder::first() — Method in class Builder
Execute the query and get the first result.
Blueprint::foreign() — Method in class Blueprint
Specify a foreign key for the table.
Blueprint::float() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new float column on the table.
CallQueuedHandler::failed() — Method in class CallQueuedHandler
Call the failed method on the job instance.
Dispatcher::flush() — Method in class Dispatcher
Flush a set of pushed events.
Dispatcher::firing() — Method in class Dispatcher
Get the event that is currently firing.
Dispatcher::fire() — Method in class Dispatcher
Fire an event and call the listeners.
Dispatcher::forget() — Method in class Dispatcher
Remove a set of listeners from the dispatcher.
Dispatcher::forgetPushed() — Method in class Dispatcher
Forget all of the pushed listeners.
ClassFinder::findClasses() — Method in class ClassFinder
Find all the class and interface names in a given directory.
ClassFinder::findClass() — Method in class ClassFinder
Extract the class name from the file at the given path.
FilesystemClass in namespace Illuminate\Filesystem
Filesystem::files() — Method in class Filesystem
Get an array of all files in a directory.
FilesystemAdapterClass in namespace Illuminate\Filesystem
FilesystemAdapter::files() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Get an array of all files in a directory.
FilesystemManagerClass in namespace Illuminate\Filesystem
FilesystemServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Filesystem
Application::flush() — Method in class Application
Flush the container of all bindings and resolved instances.
AppNameCommand::fire() — Method in class AppNameCommand
Execute the console command.
ClearCompiledCommand::fire() — Method in class ClearCompiledCommand
Execute the console command.
ConfigCacheCommand::fire() — Method in class ConfigCacheCommand
Execute the console command.
ConfigClearCommand::fire() — Method in class ConfigClearCommand
Execute the console command.
DownCommand::fire() — Method in class DownCommand
Execute the console command.
EnvironmentCommand::fire() — Method in class EnvironmentCommand
Execute the console command.
EventGenerateCommand::fire() — Method in class EventGenerateCommand
Execute the console command.
KeyGenerateCommand::fire() — Method in class KeyGenerateCommand
Execute the console command.
ListenerMakeCommand::fire() — Method in class ListenerMakeCommand
Execute the console command.
ModelMakeCommand::fire() — Method in class ModelMakeCommand
Execute the console command.
OptimizeCommand::fire() — Method in class OptimizeCommand
Execute the console command.
QueuedJob::fire() — Method in class QueuedJob
Fire the job.
RouteCacheCommand::fire() — Method in class RouteCacheCommand
Execute the console command.
RouteClearCommand::fire() — Method in class RouteClearCommand
Execute the console command.
RouteListCommand::fire() — Method in class RouteListCommand
Execute the console command.
ServeCommand::fire() — Method in class ServeCommand
Execute the console command.
TinkerCommand::fire() — Method in class TinkerCommand
Execute the console command.
UpCommand::fire() — Method in class UpCommand
Execute the console command.
VendorPublishCommand::fire() — Method in class VendorPublishCommand
Execute the console command.
ViewClearCommand::fire() — Method in class ViewClearCommand
Execute the console command.
FormRequestClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Http
FormRequest::forbiddenResponse() — Method in class FormRequest
Get the response for a forbidden operation.
FoundationServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Providers
InteractsWithSession::flushSession() — Method in class InteractsWithSession
Flush all of the current session data.
FormFieldConstraintClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Constraints
FrameGuardClass in namespace Illuminate\Http\Middleware
Request::fullUrl() — Method in class Request
Get the full URL for the request.
Request::fullUrlWithQuery() — Method in class Request
Get the full URL for the request with the added query string parameters.
Request::fullUrlIs() — Method in class Request
Determine if the current request URL and query string matches a pattern.
Request::file() — Method in class Request
Retrieve a file from the request.
Request::flash() — Method in class Request
Flash the input for the current request to the session.
Request::flashOnly() — Method in class Request
Flash only some of the input to the session.
Request::flashExcept() — Method in class Request
Flash only some of the input to the session.
Request::flush() — Method in class Request
Flush all of the old input from the session.
Request::format() — Method in class Request
Get the data format expected in the response.
Request::fingerprint() — Method in class Request
Get a unique fingerprint for the request / route / IP address.
Mailer::failures() — Method in class Mailer
Get the array of failed recipients.
Message::from() — Method in class Message
Add a "from" address to the message.
AbstractPaginator::fragment() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Get / set the URL fragment to be appended to URLs.
AbstractPaginator::firstItem() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Get the number of the first item in the slice.
CallQueuedHandler::failed() — Method in class CallQueuedHandler
Call the failed method on the job instance.
FailedTableCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Console
FailedTableCommand::fire() — Method in class FailedTableCommand
Execute the console command.
FlushFailedCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Console
FlushFailedCommand::fire() — Method in class FlushFailedCommand
Execute the console command.
ForgetFailedCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Console
ForgetFailedCommand::fire() — Method in class ForgetFailedCommand
Execute the console command.
ListFailedCommand::fire() — Method in class ListFailedCommand
Execute the console command.
ListenCommand::fire() — Method in class ListenCommand
Execute the console command.
RestartCommand::fire() — Method in class RestartCommand
Execute the console command.
RetryCommand::fire() — Method in class RetryCommand
Execute the console command.
TableCommand::fire() — Method in class TableCommand
Execute the console command.
WorkCommand::fire() — Method in class WorkCommand
Execute the console command.
DatabaseFailedJobProvider::find() — Method in class DatabaseFailedJobProvider
Get a single failed job.
DatabaseFailedJobProvider::forget() — Method in class DatabaseFailedJobProvider
Delete a single failed job from storage.
DatabaseFailedJobProvider::flush() — Method in class DatabaseFailedJobProvider
Flush all of the failed jobs from storage.
FailedJobProviderInterfaceClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Failed
FailedJobProviderInterface::find() — Method in class FailedJobProviderInterface
Get a single failed job.
FailedJobProviderInterface::forget() — Method in class FailedJobProviderInterface
Delete a single failed job from storage.
FailedJobProviderInterface::flush() — Method in class FailedJobProviderInterface
Flush all of the failed jobs from storage.
NullFailedJobProvider::find() — Method in class NullFailedJobProvider
Get a single failed job.
NullFailedJobProvider::forget() — Method in class NullFailedJobProvider
Delete a single failed job from storage.
NullFailedJobProvider::flush() — Method in class NullFailedJobProvider
Flush all of the failed jobs from storage.
InteractsWithQueue::failed() — Method in class InteractsWithQueue
Fail the job from the queue.
BeanstalkdJob::fire() — Method in class BeanstalkdJob
Fire the job.
DatabaseJob::fire() — Method in class DatabaseJob
Fire the job.
Job::fire() — Method in class Job
Fire the job.
Job::failed() — Method in class Job
Call the failed method on the job instance.
RedisJob::fire() — Method in class RedisJob
Fire the job.
SqsJob::fire() — Method in class SqsJob
Fire the job.
SyncJob::fire() — Method in class SyncJob
Fire the job.
QueueManager::failing() — Method in class QueueManager
Register an event listener for the failed job event.
UrlGenerationException::forMissingParameters() — Method in class UrlGenerationException
Create a new exception for missing route parameters.
ResponseFactory::file() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Return the raw contents of a binary file.
Route::forgetParameter() — Method in class Route
Unset a parameter on the route if it is set.
UrlGenerator::full() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Get the full URL for the current request.
UrlGenerator::forceSchema() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Force the schema for URLs.
UrlGenerator::forceRootUrl() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Set the forced root URL.
SessionTableCommand::fire() — Method in class SessionTableCommand
Execute the console command.
FileSessionHandlerClass in namespace Illuminate\Session
Store::flash() — Method in class Store
Flash a key / value pair to the session.
Store::flashInput() — Method in class Store
Flash an input array to the session.
Store::forget() — Method in class Store
Remove one or many items from the session.
Store::flush() — Method in class Store
Remove all of the items from the session.
Arr::first() — Method in class Arr
Return the first element in an array passing a given truth test.
Arr::flatten() — Method in class Arr
Flatten a multi-dimensional array into a single level.
Arr::forget() — Method in class Arr
Remove one or many array items from a given array using "dot" notation.
Collection::filter() — Method in class Collection
Run a filter over each of the items.
Collection::first() — Method in class Collection
Get the first item from the collection.
Collection::flatten() — Method in class Collection
Get a flattened array of the items in the collection.
Collection::flip() — Method in class Collection
Flip the items in the collection.
Collection::forget() — Method in class Collection
Remove an item from the collection by key.
Collection::flatMap() — Method in class Collection
Map a collection and flatten the result by a single level.
Collection::forPage() — Method in class Collection
"Paginate" the collection by slicing it into a smaller collection.
FacadeClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
FileClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
FluentClass in namespace Illuminate\Support
MessageBag::first() — Method in class MessageBag
Get the first message from the bag for a given key.
Str::finish() — Method in class Str
Cap a string with a single instance of a given value.
FileLoaderClass in namespace Illuminate\Translation
FactoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Validation
Validator::fails() — Method in class Validator
Determine if the data fails the validation rules.
Validator::failed() — Method in class Validator
Get the failed validation rules.
FactoryClass in namespace Illuminate\View
Factory::file() — Method in class Factory
Get the evaluated view contents for the given view.
Factory::flushSections() — Method in class Factory
Flush all of the section contents.
Factory::flushSectionsIfDoneRendering() — Method in class Factory
Flush all of the section contents if done rendering.
FileViewFinderClass in namespace Illuminate\View
FileViewFinder::find() — Method in class FileViewFinder
Get the fully qualified location of the view.
ViewFinderInterface::find() — Method in class ViewFinderInterface
Get the fully qualified location of the view.


GateClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Access
Gate::getPolicyFor() — Method in class Gate
Get a policy instance for a given class.
AuthManager::guard() — Method in class AuthManager
Attempt to get the guard from the local cache.
AuthManager::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class AuthManager
Get the default authentication driver name.
Authenticatable::getAuthIdentifierName() — Method in class Authenticatable
Get the name of the unique identifier for the user.
Authenticatable::getAuthIdentifier() — Method in class Authenticatable
Get the unique identifier for the user.
Authenticatable::getAuthPassword() — Method in class Authenticatable
Get the password for the user.
Authenticatable::getRememberToken() — Method in class Authenticatable
Get the token value for the "remember me" session.
Authenticatable::getRememberTokenName() — Method in class Authenticatable
Get the column name for the "remember me" token.
EloquentUserProvider::getHasher() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider
Gets the hasher implementation.
EloquentUserProvider::getModel() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider
Gets the name of the Eloquent user model.
GenericUserClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth
GenericUser::getAuthIdentifierName() — Method in class GenericUser
Get the name of the unique identifier for the user.
GenericUser::getAuthIdentifier() — Method in class GenericUser
Get the unique identifier for the user.
GenericUser::getAuthPassword() — Method in class GenericUser
Get the password for the user.
GenericUser::getRememberToken() — Method in class GenericUser
Get the "remember me" token value.
GenericUser::getRememberTokenName() — Method in class GenericUser
Get the column name for the "remember me" token.
GuardHelpersClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth
These methods are typically the same across all guards.
GuardHelpers::guest() — Method in class GuardHelpers
Determine if the current user is a guest.
CanResetPassword::getEmailForPasswordReset() — Method in class CanResetPassword
Get the e-mail address where password reset links are sent.
DatabaseTokenRepository::getConnection() — Method in class DatabaseTokenRepository
Get the database connection instance.
PasswordBroker::getUser() — Method in class PasswordBroker
Get the user for the given credentials.
PasswordBroker::getRepository() — Method in class PasswordBroker
Get the password reset token repository implementation.
PasswordBrokerManager::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class PasswordBrokerManager
Get the default password broker name.
SessionGuard::getCookieJar() — Method in class SessionGuard
Get the cookie creator instance used by the guard.
SessionGuard::getDispatcher() — Method in class SessionGuard
Get the event dispatcher instance.
SessionGuard::getSession() — Method in class SessionGuard
Get the session store used by the guard.
SessionGuard::getProvider() — Method in class SessionGuard
Get the user provider used by the guard.
SessionGuard::getUser() — Method in class SessionGuard
Return the currently cached user.
SessionGuard::getRequest() — Method in class SessionGuard
Get the current request instance.
SessionGuard::getLastAttempted() — Method in class SessionGuard
Get the last user we attempted to authenticate.
SessionGuard::getName() — Method in class SessionGuard
Get a unique identifier for the auth session value.
SessionGuard::getRecallerName() — Method in class SessionGuard
Get the name of the cookie used to store the "recaller".
BroadcastManager::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class BroadcastManager
Get the default driver name.
PusherBroadcaster::getPusher() — Method in class PusherBroadcaster
Get the Pusher SDK instance.
ApcStore::get() — Method in class ApcStore
Retrieve an item from the cache by key.
ApcStore::getPrefix() — Method in class ApcStore
Get the cache key prefix.
ApcWrapper::get() — Method in class ApcWrapper
Get an item from the cache.
ArrayStore::get() — Method in class ArrayStore
Retrieve an item from the cache by key.
ArrayStore::getPrefix() — Method in class ArrayStore
Get the cache key prefix.
CacheManager::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class CacheManager
Get the default cache driver name.
DatabaseStore::get() — Method in class DatabaseStore
Retrieve an item from the cache by key.
DatabaseStore::getConnection() — Method in class DatabaseStore
Get the underlying database connection.
DatabaseStore::getEncrypter() — Method in class DatabaseStore
Get the encrypter instance.
DatabaseStore::getPrefix() — Method in class DatabaseStore
Get the cache key prefix.
FileStore::get() — Method in class FileStore
Retrieve an item from the cache by key.
FileStore::getFilesystem() — Method in class FileStore
Get the Filesystem instance.
FileStore::getDirectory() — Method in class FileStore
Get the working directory of the cache.
FileStore::getPrefix() — Method in class FileStore
Get the cache key prefix.
MemcachedStore::get() — Method in class MemcachedStore
Retrieve an item from the cache by key.
MemcachedStore::getMemcached() — Method in class MemcachedStore
Get the underlying Memcached connection.
MemcachedStore::getPrefix() — Method in class MemcachedStore
Get the cache key prefix.
NullStore::get() — Method in class NullStore
Retrieve an item from the cache by key.
NullStore::getPrefix() — Method in class NullStore
Get the cache key prefix.
RedisStore::get() — Method in class RedisStore
Retrieve an item from the cache by key.
RedisStore::getRedis() — Method in class RedisStore
Get the Redis database instance.
RedisStore::getPrefix() — Method in class RedisStore
Get the cache key prefix.
Repository::get() — Method in class Repository
Retrieve an item from the cache by key.
Repository::getDefaultCacheTime() — Method in class Repository
Get the default cache time.
Repository::getStore() — Method in class Repository
Get the cache store implementation.
TagSet::getNamespace() — Method in class TagSet
Get a unique namespace that changes when any of the tags are flushed.
TagSet::getNames() — Method in class TagSet
Get all of the tag names in the set.
Repository::get() — Method in class Repository
Get the specified configuration value.
Application::getLaravel() — Method in class Application
Get the Laravel application instance.
Command::getOutput() — Method in class Command
Get the output implementation.
Command::getLaravel() — Method in class Command
Get the Laravel application instance.
GeneratorCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Console
CallbackEvent::getSummaryForDisplay() — Method in class CallbackEvent
Get the summary of the event for display.
Event::getSummaryForDisplay() — Method in class Event
Get the summary of the event for display.
Event::getExpression() — Method in class Event
Get the Cron expression for the event.
Container::getBindings() — Method in class Container
Get the container's bindings.
Container::getInstance() — Method in class Container
Set the globally available instance of the container.
ContextualBindingBuilder::give() — Method in class ContextualBindingBuilder
Define the implementation for the contextual binding.
GateClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Access
Authenticatable::getAuthIdentifierName() — Method in class Authenticatable
Get the name of the unique identifier for the user.
Authenticatable::getAuthIdentifier() — Method in class Authenticatable
Get the unique identifier for the user.
Authenticatable::getAuthPassword() — Method in class Authenticatable
Get the password for the user.
Authenticatable::getRememberToken() — Method in class Authenticatable
Get the token value for the "remember me" session.
Authenticatable::getRememberTokenName() — Method in class Authenticatable
Get the column name for the "remember me" token.
CanResetPassword::getEmailForPasswordReset() — Method in class CanResetPassword
Get the e-mail address where password reset links are sent.
Factory::guard() — Method in class Factory
Get a guard instance by name.
GuardClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth
Guard::guest() — Method in class Guard
Determine if the current user is a guest.
Repository::get() — Method in class Repository
Retrieve an item from the cache by key.
Store::get() — Method in class Store
Retrieve an item from the cache by key.
Store::getPrefix() — Method in class Store
Get the cache key prefix.
Repository::get() — Method in class Repository
Get the specified configuration value.
ContextualBindingBuilder::give() — Method in class ContextualBindingBuilder
Define the implementation for the contextual binding.
QueueingFactory::getQueuedCookies() — Method in class QueueingFactory
Get the cookies which have been queued for the next request.
Filesystem::get() — Method in class Filesystem
Get the contents of a file.
Filesystem::getVisibility() — Method in class Filesystem
Get the visibility for the given path.
Application::getCachedCompilePath() — Method in class Application
Get the path to the cached "compiled.php" file.
Application::getCachedServicesPath() — Method in class Application
Get the path to the cached services.php file.
Kernel::getApplication() — Method in class Kernel
Get the Laravel application instance.
Job::getName() — Method in class Job
Get the name of the queued job class.
Job::getQueue() — Method in class Job
Get the name of the queue the job belongs to.
Job::getRawBody() — Method in class Job
Get the raw body string for the job.
QueueableEntity::getQueueableId() — Method in class QueueableEntity
Get the queueable identity for the entity.
Registrar::get() — Method in class Registrar
Register a new GET route with the router.
Registrar::group() — Method in class Registrar
Create a route group with shared attributes.
UrlRoutable::getRouteKey() — Method in class UrlRoutable
Get the value of the model's route key.
UrlRoutable::getRouteKeyName() — Method in class UrlRoutable
Get the route key for the model.
MessageBag::get() — Method in class MessageBag
Get all of the messages from the bag for a given key.
MessageBag::getFormat() — Method in class MessageBag
Get the default message format.
MessageProvider::getMessageBag() — Method in class MessageProvider
Get the messages for the instance.
ValidationException::getMessageProvider() — Method in class ValidationException
Get the validation error message provider.
CookieJar::getQueuedCookies() — Method in class CookieJar
Get the cookies which have been queued for the next request.
Manager::getConnection() — Method in class Manager
Get a registered connection instance.
Manager::getDatabaseManager() — Method in class Manager
Get the database manager instance.
Manager::getEventDispatcher() — Method in class Manager
Get the current event dispatcher instance.
Connection::getSchemaBuilder() — Method in class Connection
Get a schema builder instance for the connection.
Connection::getDoctrineColumn() — Method in class Connection
Get a Doctrine Schema Column instance.
Connection::getDoctrineSchemaManager() — Method in class Connection
Get the Doctrine DBAL schema manager for the connection.
Connection::getDoctrineConnection() — Method in class Connection
Get the Doctrine DBAL database connection instance.
Connection::getPdo() — Method in class Connection
Get the current PDO connection.
Connection::getReadPdo() — Method in class Connection
Get the current PDO connection used for reading.
Connection::getName() — Method in class Connection
Get the database connection name.
Connection::getConfig() — Method in class Connection
Get an option from the configuration options.
Connection::getDriverName() — Method in class Connection
Get the PDO driver name.
Connection::getQueryGrammar() — Method in class Connection
Get the query grammar used by the connection.
Connection::getSchemaGrammar() — Method in class Connection
Get the schema grammar used by the connection.
Connection::getPostProcessor() — Method in class Connection
Get the query post processor used by the connection.
Connection::getEventDispatcher() — Method in class Connection
Get the event dispatcher used by the connection.
Connection::getFetchMode() — Method in class Connection
Get the default fetch mode for the connection.
Connection::getFetchArgument() — Method in class Connection
Get the fetch argument to be applied when selecting.
Connection::getFetchConstructorArgument() — Method in class Connection
Get custom constructor arguments for the PDO::FETCH_CLASS fetch mode.
Connection::getQueryLog() — Method in class Connection
Get the connection query log.
Connection::getDatabaseName() — Method in class Connection
Get the name of the connected database.
Connection::getTablePrefix() — Method in class Connection
Get the table prefix for the connection.
ConnectionResolver::getDefaultConnection() — Method in class ConnectionResolver
Get the default connection name.
ConnectionResolverInterface::getDefaultConnection() — Method in class ConnectionResolverInterface
Get the default connection name.
Connector::getOptions() — Method in class Connector
Get the PDO options based on the configuration.
Connector::getDefaultOptions() — Method in class Connector
Get the default PDO connection options.
DatabaseManager::getDefaultConnection() — Method in class DatabaseManager
Get the default connection name.
DatabaseManager::getConnections() — Method in class DatabaseManager
Return all of the created connections.
Builder::get() — Method in class Builder
Execute the query as a "select" statement.
Builder::getModels() — Method in class Builder
Get the hydrated models without eager loading.
Builder::getRelation() — Method in class Builder
Get the relation instance for the given relation name.
Builder::getQuery() — Method in class Builder
Get the underlying query builder instance.
Builder::getEagerLoads() — Method in class Builder
Get the relationships being eagerly loaded.
Builder::getModel() — Method in class Builder
Get the model instance being queried.
Builder::getMacro() — Method in class Builder
Get the given macro by name.
Collection::getDictionary() — Method in class Collection
Get a dictionary keyed by primary keys.
Model::getGlobalScope() — Method in class Model
Get a global scope registered with the model.
Model::getGlobalScopes() — Method in class Model
Get the global scopes for this class instance.
Model::getActualClassNameForMorph() — Method in class Model
Retrieve the fully qualified class name from a slug.
Model::getObservableEvents() — Method in class Model
Get the observable event names.
Model::getCreatedAtColumn() — Method in class Model
Get the name of the "created at" column.
Model::getUpdatedAtColumn() — Method in class Model
Get the name of the "updated at" column.
Model::getTable() — Method in class Model
Get the table associated with the model.
Model::getKey() — Method in class Model
Get the value of the model's primary key.
Model::getQueueableId() — Method in class Model
Get the queueable identity for the entity.
Model::getKeyName() — Method in class Model
Get the primary key for the model.
Model::getQualifiedKeyName() — Method in class Model
Get the table qualified key name.
Model::getRouteKey() — Method in class Model
Get the value of the model's route key.
Model::getRouteKeyName() — Method in class Model
Get the route key for the model.
Model::getMorphClass() — Method in class Model
Get the class name for polymorphic relations.
Model::getPerPage() — Method in class Model
Get the number of models to return per page.
Model::getForeignKey() — Method in class Model
Get the default foreign key name for the model.
Model::getHidden() — Method in class Model
Get the hidden attributes for the model.
Model::getVisible() — Method in class Model
Get the visible attributes for the model.
Model::getFillable() — Method in class Model
Get the fillable attributes for the model.
Model::getGuarded() — Method in class Model
Get the guarded attributes for the model.
Model::guard() — Method in class Model
Set the guarded attributes for the model.
Model::getTouchedRelations() — Method in class Model
Get the relationships that are touched on save.
Model::getIncrementing() — Method in class Model
Get the value indicating whether the IDs are incrementing.
Model::getAttribute() — Method in class Model
Get an attribute from the model.
Model::getAttributeValue() — Method in class Model
Get a plain attribute (not a relationship).
Model::getRelationValue() — Method in class Model
Get a relationship.
Model::getCasts() — Method in class Model
Get the casts array.
Model::getDates() — Method in class Model
Get the attributes that should be converted to dates.
Model::getAttributes() — Method in class Model
Get all of the current attributes on the model.
Model::getOriginal() — Method in class Model
Get the model's original attribute values.
Model::getDirty() — Method in class Model
Get the attributes that have been changed since last sync.
Model::getRelations() — Method in class Model
Get all the loaded relations for the instance.
Model::getRelation() — Method in class Model
Get a specified relationship.
Model::getConnection() — Method in class Model
Get the database connection for the model.
Model::getConnectionName() — Method in class Model
Get the current connection name for the model.
Model::getConnectionResolver() — Method in class Model
Get the connection resolver instance.
Model::getEventDispatcher() — Method in class Model
Get the event dispatcher instance.
Model::getMutatedAttributes() — Method in class Model
Get the mutated attributes for a given instance.
ModelNotFoundException::getModel() — Method in class ModelNotFoundException
Get the affected Eloquent model.
BelongsTo::getResults() — Method in class BelongsTo
Get the results of the relationship.
BelongsTo::getRelationQuery() — Method in class BelongsTo
Add the constraints for a relationship query.
BelongsTo::getRelationQueryForSelfRelation() — Method in class BelongsTo
Add the constraints for a relationship query on the same table.
BelongsTo::getRelationCountHash() — Method in class BelongsTo
Get a relationship join table hash.
BelongsTo::getForeignKey() — Method in class BelongsTo
Get the foreign key of the relationship.
BelongsTo::getQualifiedForeignKey() — Method in class BelongsTo
Get the fully qualified foreign key of the relationship.
BelongsTo::getOtherKey() — Method in class BelongsTo
Get the associated key of the relationship.
BelongsTo::getQualifiedOtherKeyName() — Method in class BelongsTo
Get the fully qualified associated key of the relationship.
BelongsToMany::getResults() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Get the results of the relationship.
BelongsToMany::get() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Execute the query as a "select" statement.
BelongsToMany::getRelationQuery() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Add the constraints for a relationship query.
BelongsToMany::getRelationQueryForSelfJoin() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Add the constraints for a relationship query on the same table.
BelongsToMany::getRelationCountHash() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Get a relationship join table hash.
BelongsToMany::getRelatedIds() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Get all of the IDs for the related models.
BelongsToMany::getRelatedFreshUpdate() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Get the related model's updated at column name.
BelongsToMany::getHasCompareKey() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Get the key for comparing against the parent key in "has" query.
BelongsToMany::getForeignKey() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Get the fully qualified foreign key for the relation.
BelongsToMany::getOtherKey() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Get the fully qualified "other key" for the relation.
BelongsToMany::getTable() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Get the intermediate table for the relationship.
BelongsToMany::getRelationName() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Get the relationship name for the relationship.
HasMany::getResults() — Method in class HasMany
Get the results of the relationship.
HasManyThrough::getRelationQuery() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Add the constraints for a relationship query.
HasManyThrough::getResults() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Get the results of the relationship.
HasManyThrough::get() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Execute the query as a "select" statement.
HasManyThrough::getHasCompareKey() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Get the key for comparing against the parent key in "has" query.
HasManyThrough::getForeignKey() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Get the qualified foreign key on the related model.
HasManyThrough::getThroughKey() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Get the qualified foreign key on the "through" model.
HasOne::getResults() — Method in class HasOne
Get the results of the relationship.
HasOneOrMany::getRelationQuery() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Add the constraints for a relationship query.
HasOneOrMany::getRelationQueryForSelfRelation() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Add the constraints for a relationship query on the same table.
HasOneOrMany::getRelationCountHash() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Get a relationship join table hash.
HasOneOrMany::getHasCompareKey() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Get the key for comparing against the parent key in "has" query.
HasOneOrMany::getForeignKey() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Get the foreign key for the relationship.
HasOneOrMany::getPlainForeignKey() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Get the plain foreign key.
HasOneOrMany::getParentKey() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Get the key value of the parent's local key.
HasOneOrMany::getQualifiedParentKeyName() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Get the fully qualified parent key name.
MorphMany::getResults() — Method in class MorphMany
Get the results of the relationship.
MorphOne::getResults() — Method in class MorphOne
Get the results of the relationship.
MorphOneOrMany::getRelationQuery() — Method in class MorphOneOrMany
Get the relationship query.
MorphOneOrMany::getMorphType() — Method in class MorphOneOrMany
Get the foreign key "type" name.
MorphOneOrMany::getPlainMorphType() — Method in class MorphOneOrMany
Get the plain morph type name without the table.
MorphOneOrMany::getMorphClass() — Method in class MorphOneOrMany
Get the class name of the parent model.
MorphTo::getResults() — Method in class MorphTo
Get the results of the relationship.
MorphTo::getEager() — Method in class MorphTo
Get the relationship for eager loading.
MorphTo::getMorphType() — Method in class MorphTo
Get the foreign key "type" name.
MorphTo::getDictionary() — Method in class MorphTo
Get the dictionary used by the relationship.
MorphToMany::getRelationQuery() — Method in class MorphToMany
Add the constraints for a relationship count query.
MorphToMany::getMorphType() — Method in class MorphToMany
Get the foreign key "type" name.
MorphToMany::getMorphClass() — Method in class MorphToMany
Get the class name of the parent model.
Pivot::getForeignKey() — Method in class Pivot
Get the default foreign key name for the model.
Pivot::getOtherKey() — Method in class Pivot
Get the "other key" column name.
Pivot::getCreatedAtColumn() — Method in class Pivot
Get the name of the "created at" column.
Pivot::getUpdatedAtColumn() — Method in class Pivot
Get the name of the "updated at" column.
Relation::getResults() — Method in class Relation
Get the results of the relationship.
Relation::getEager() — Method in class Relation
Get the relationship for eager loading.
Relation::getRelationCountQuery() — Method in class Relation
Add the constraints for a relationship count query.
Relation::getRelationQuery() — Method in class Relation
Add the constraints for a relationship query.
Relation::getQuery() — Method in class Relation
Get the underlying query for the relation.
Relation::getBaseQuery() — Method in class Relation
Get the base query builder driving the Eloquent builder.
Relation::getParent() — Method in class Relation
Get the parent model of the relation.
Relation::getQualifiedParentKeyName() — Method in class Relation
Get the fully qualified parent key name.
Relation::getRelated() — Method in class Relation
Get the related model of the relation.
SoftDeletes::getDeletedAtColumn() — Method in class SoftDeletes
Get the name of the "deleted at" column.
SoftDeletes::getQualifiedDeletedAtColumn() — Method in class SoftDeletes
Get the fully qualified "deleted at" column.
GrammarClass in namespace Illuminate\Database
Grammar::getValue() — Method in class Grammar
Get the value of a raw expression.
Grammar::getDateFormat() — Method in class Grammar
Get the format for database stored dates.
Grammar::getTablePrefix() — Method in class Grammar
Get the grammar's table prefix.
DatabaseMigrationRepository::getRan() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository
Get the ran migrations.
DatabaseMigrationRepository::getLast() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository
Get the last migration batch.
DatabaseMigrationRepository::getNextBatchNumber() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository
Get the next migration batch number.
DatabaseMigrationRepository::getLastBatchNumber() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository
Get the last migration batch number.
DatabaseMigrationRepository::getConnectionResolver() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository
Get the connection resolver instance.
DatabaseMigrationRepository::getConnection() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository
Resolve the database connection instance.
Migration::getConnection() — Method in class Migration
Get the migration connection name.
MigrationCreator::getStubPath() — Method in class MigrationCreator
Get the path to the stubs.
MigrationCreator::getFilesystem() — Method in class MigrationCreator
Get the filesystem instance.
MigrationRepositoryInterface::getRan() — Method in class MigrationRepositoryInterface
Get the ran migrations for a given package.
MigrationRepositoryInterface::getLast() — Method in class MigrationRepositoryInterface
Get the last migration batch.
MigrationRepositoryInterface::getNextBatchNumber() — Method in class MigrationRepositoryInterface
Get the next migration batch number.
Migrator::getMigrationFiles() — Method in class Migrator
Get all of the migration files in a given path.
Migrator::getNotes() — Method in class Migrator
Get the notes for the last operation.
Migrator::getRepository() — Method in class Migrator
Get the migration repository instance.
Migrator::getFilesystem() — Method in class Migrator
Get the file system instance.
MySqlConnection::getSchemaBuilder() — Method in class MySqlConnection
Get a schema builder instance for the connection.
PostgresConnection::getSchemaBuilder() — Method in class PostgresConnection
Get a schema builder instance for the connection.
QueryException::getSql() — Method in class QueryException
Get the SQL for the query.
QueryException::getBindings() — Method in class QueryException
Get the bindings for the query.
$BuilderProperty in class Builder
The groupings for the query.
Builder::groupBy() — Method in class Builder
Add a "group by" clause to the query.
Builder::get() — Method in class Builder
Execute the query as a "select" statement.
Builder::getCountForPagination() — Method in class Builder
Get the count of the total records for the paginator.
Builder::getBindings() — Method in class Builder
Get the current query value bindings in a flattened array.
Builder::getRawBindings() — Method in class Builder
Get the raw array of bindings.
Builder::getConnection() — Method in class Builder
Get the database connection instance.
Builder::getProcessor() — Method in class Builder
Get the database query processor instance.
Builder::getGrammar() — Method in class Builder
Get the query grammar instance.
Expression::getValue() — Method in class Expression
Get the value of the expression.
GrammarClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query\Grammars
Grammar::getOperators() — Method in class Grammar
Get the gramar specific operators.
SqlServerGrammar::getDateFormat() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Get the format for database stored dates.
Blueprint::getTable() — Method in class Blueprint
Get the table the blueprint describes.
Blueprint::getColumns() — Method in class Blueprint
Get the columns on the blueprint.
Blueprint::getCommands() — Method in class Blueprint
Get the commands on the blueprint.
Blueprint::getAddedColumns() — Method in class Blueprint
Get the columns on the blueprint that should be added.
Blueprint::getChangedColumns() — Method in class Blueprint
Get the columns on the blueprint that should be changed.
Builder::getColumnType() — Method in class Builder
Get the data type for the given column name.
Builder::getColumnListing() — Method in class Builder
Get the column listing for a given table.
Builder::getConnection() — Method in class Builder
Get the database connection instance.
GrammarClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema\Grammars
MySqlBuilder::getColumnListing() — Method in class MySqlBuilder
Get the column listing for a given table.
Dispatcher::getListeners() — Method in class Dispatcher
Get all of the listeners for a given event name.
Filesystem::get() — Method in class Filesystem
Get the contents of a file.
Filesystem::getRequire() — Method in class Filesystem
Get the returned value of a file.
Filesystem::glob() — Method in class Filesystem
Find path names matching a given pattern.
FilesystemAdapter::get() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Get the contents of a file.
FilesystemAdapter::getVisibility() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Get the visibility for the given path.
FilesystemAdapter::getDriver() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Get the Flysystem driver.
FilesystemManager::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class FilesystemManager
Get the default driver name.
FilesystemManager::getDefaultCloudDriver() — Method in class FilesystemManager
Get the default cloud driver name.
AliasLoader::getInstance() — Method in class AliasLoader
Get or create the singleton alias loader instance.
AliasLoader::getAliases() — Method in class AliasLoader
Get the registered aliases.
Application::getProvider() — Method in class Application
Get the registered service provider instance if it exists.
Application::getCachedConfigPath() — Method in class Application
Get the path to the configuration cache file.
Application::getCachedRoutesPath() — Method in class Application
Get the path to the routes cache file.
Application::getCachedCompilePath() — Method in class Application
Get the path to the cached "compiled.php" file.
Application::getCachedServicesPath() — Method in class Application
Get the path to the cached services.php file.
Application::getLoadedProviders() — Method in class Application
Get the service providers that have been loaded.
Application::getDeferredServices() — Method in class Application
Get the application's deferred services.
Application::getMonologConfigurator() — Method in class Application
Get the custom Monolog configurator for the application.
Application::getLocale() — Method in class Application
Get the current application locale.
Application::getNamespace() — Method in class Application
Get the application namespace.
AuthenticatesUsers::getLogin() — Method in class AuthenticatesUsers
Show the application login form.
AuthenticatesUsers::getLogout() — Method in class AuthenticatesUsers
Log the user out of the application.
AuthenticatesUsers::guestMiddleware() — Method in class AuthenticatesUsers
Get the guest middleware for the application.
RegistersUsers::getRegister() — Method in class RegistersUsers
Show the application registration form.
ResetsPasswords::getEmail() — Method in class ResetsPasswords
Display the form to request a password reset link.
ResetsPasswords::getReset() — Method in class ResetsPasswords
Display the password reset view for the given token.
ResetsPasswords::getBroker() — Method in class ResetsPasswords
Get the broker to be used during password reset.
Kernel::getApplication() — Method in class Kernel
Get the Laravel application instance.
MakesHttpRequests::get() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
Visit the given URI with a GET request.
HasLink::getFailureDescription() — Method in class HasLink
Returns the description of the failure.
HasValue::getInputOrTextAreaValue() — Method in class HasValue
Get the value of an input or textarea.
IsSelected::getSelectedValue() — Method in class IsSelected
Get the selected value of a select field or radio group.
HttpResponseException::getResponse() — Method in class HttpResponseException
Get the underlying response instance.
JsonResponse::getData() — Method in class JsonResponse
Get the json_decoded data from the response.
JsonResponse::getJsonOptions() — Method in class JsonResponse
Get the JSON encoding options.
RedirectResponse::getRequest() — Method in class RedirectResponse
Get the request instance.
RedirectResponse::getSession() — Method in class RedirectResponse
Get the session store implementation.
Request::getUserResolver() — Method in class Request
Get the user resolver callback.
Request::getRouteResolver() — Method in class Request
Get the route resolver callback.
Response::getOriginalContent() — Method in class Response
Get the original response content.
Writer::getMonolog() — Method in class Writer
Get the underlying Monolog instance.
Writer::getEventDispatcher() — Method in class Writer
Get the event dispatcher instance.
Mailer::getViewFactory() — Method in class Mailer
Get the view factory instance.
Mailer::getSwiftMailer() — Method in class Mailer
Get the Swift Mailer instance.
Message::getSwiftMessage() — Method in class Message
Get the underlying Swift Message instance.
TransportManager::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class TransportManager
Get the default cache driver name.
MailgunTransport::getKey() — Method in class MailgunTransport
Get the API key being used by the transport.
MailgunTransport::getDomain() — Method in class MailgunTransport
Get the domain being used by the transport.
MandrillTransport::getKey() — Method in class MandrillTransport
Get the API key being used by the transport.
SparkPostTransport::getKey() — Method in class SparkPostTransport
Get the API key being used by the transport.
AbstractPaginator::getUrlRange() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Create a range of pagination URLs.
AbstractPaginator::getPageName() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Get the query string variable used to store the page.
AbstractPaginator::getIterator() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Get an iterator for the items.
AbstractPaginator::getCollection() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Get the paginator's underlying collection.
BootstrapFourNextPreviousButtonRendererTrait::getPreviousButton() — Method in class BootstrapFourNextPreviousButtonRendererTrait
Get the previous page pagination element.
BootstrapFourNextPreviousButtonRendererTrait::getNextButton() — Method in class BootstrapFourNextPreviousButtonRendererTrait
Get the next page pagination element.
BootstrapThreeNextPreviousButtonRendererTrait::getPreviousButton() — Method in class BootstrapThreeNextPreviousButtonRendererTrait
Get the previous page pagination element.
BootstrapThreeNextPreviousButtonRendererTrait::getNextButton() — Method in class BootstrapThreeNextPreviousButtonRendererTrait
Get the next page pagination element.
UrlWindow::get() — Method in class UrlWindow
Get the window of URLs to be shown.
UrlWindow::getAdjacentUrlRange() — Method in class UrlWindow
Get the page range for the current page window.
UrlWindow::getStart() — Method in class UrlWindow
Get the starting URLs of a pagination slider.
UrlWindow::getFinish() — Method in class UrlWindow
Get the ending URLs of a pagination slider.
BeanstalkdQueue::getQueue() — Method in class BeanstalkdQueue
Get the queue or return the default.
BeanstalkdQueue::getPheanstalk() — Method in class BeanstalkdQueue
Get the underlying Pheanstalk instance.
Manager::getConnection() — Method in class Manager
Get a registered connection instance.
Manager::getQueueManager() — Method in class Manager
Get the queue manager instance.
DatabaseQueue::getDatabase() — Method in class DatabaseQueue
Get the underlying database instance.
DatabaseQueue::getExpire() — Method in class DatabaseQueue
Get the expiration time in seconds.
BeanstalkdJob::getRawBody() — Method in class BeanstalkdJob
Get the raw body string for the job.
BeanstalkdJob::getJobId() — Method in class BeanstalkdJob
Get the job identifier.
BeanstalkdJob::getContainer() — Method in class BeanstalkdJob
Get the IoC container instance.
BeanstalkdJob::getPheanstalk() — Method in class BeanstalkdJob
Get the underlying Pheanstalk instance.
BeanstalkdJob::getPheanstalkJob() — Method in class BeanstalkdJob
Get the underlying Pheanstalk job.
DatabaseJob::getJobId() — Method in class DatabaseJob
Get the job identifier.
DatabaseJob::getRawBody() — Method in class DatabaseJob
Get the raw body string for the job.
DatabaseJob::getContainer() — Method in class DatabaseJob
Get the IoC container instance.
DatabaseJob::getDatabaseQueue() — Method in class DatabaseJob
Get the underlying queue driver instance.
DatabaseJob::getDatabaseJob() — Method in class DatabaseJob
Get the underlying database job.
Job::getRawBody() — Method in class Job
Get the raw body string for the job.
Job::getName() — Method in class Job
Get the name of the queued job class.
Job::getQueue() — Method in class Job
Get the name of the queue the job belongs to.
RedisJob::getRawBody() — Method in class RedisJob
Get the raw body string for the job.
RedisJob::getJobId() — Method in class RedisJob
Get the job identifier.
RedisJob::getContainer() — Method in class RedisJob
Get the IoC container instance.
RedisJob::getRedisQueue() — Method in class RedisJob
Get the underlying queue driver instance.
RedisJob::getRedisJob() — Method in class RedisJob
Get the underlying Redis job.
SqsJob::getRawBody() — Method in class SqsJob
Get the raw body string for the job.
SqsJob::getJobId() — Method in class SqsJob
Get the job identifier.
SqsJob::getContainer() — Method in class SqsJob
Get the IoC container instance.
SqsJob::getSqs() — Method in class SqsJob
Get the underlying SQS client instance.
SqsJob::getSqsJob() — Method in class SqsJob
Get the underlying raw SQS job.
SyncJob::getRawBody() — Method in class SyncJob
Get the raw body string for the job.
SyncJob::getJobId() — Method in class SyncJob
Get the job identifier.
Listener::getEnvironment() — Method in class Listener
Get the current listener environment.
Listener::getSleep() — Method in class Listener
Get the amount of seconds to wait before polling the queue.
QueueManager::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class QueueManager
Get the name of the default queue connection.
QueueManager::getName() — Method in class QueueManager
Get the full name for the given connection.
RedisQueue::getRedis() — Method in class RedisQueue
Get the underlying Redis instance.
RedisQueue::getExpire() — Method in class RedisQueue
Get the expiration time in seconds.
SqsQueue::getQueue() — Method in class SqsQueue
Get the queue or return the default.
SqsQueue::getSqs() — Method in class SqsQueue
Get the underlying SQS instance.
Worker::getManager() — Method in class Worker
Get the queue manager instance.
Controller::getMiddleware() — Method in class Controller
Get the middleware assigned to the controller.
Controller::getRouter() — Method in class Controller
Get the router instance.
ControllerDispatcher::getMiddleware() — Method in class ControllerDispatcher
Get the middleware for the controller instance.
ControllerInspector::getRoutable() — Method in class ControllerInspector
Get the routable methods for a controller.
ControllerInspector::getMethodData() — Method in class ControllerInspector
Get the method data for a given method.
ControllerInspector::getVerb() — Method in class ControllerInspector
Extract the verb from a controller action.
ControllerInspector::getPlainUri() — Method in class ControllerInspector
Determine the URI from the given method name.
Redirector::guest() — Method in class Redirector
Create a new redirect response, while putting the current URL in the session.
Redirector::getUrlGenerator() — Method in class Redirector
Get the URL generator instance.
ResourceRegistrar::getResourceUri() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
Get the base resource URI for a given resource.
ResourceRegistrar::getResourceWildcard() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
Format a resource parameter for usage.
ResourceRegistrar::getParameters() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
Get the global parameter map.
Route::getParameter() — Method in class Route
Get a given parameter from the route.
Route::getValidators() — Method in class Route
Get the route validators for the instance.
Route::getPath() — Method in class Route
Get the URI associated with the route.
Route::getMethods() — Method in class Route
Get the HTTP verbs the route responds to.
Route::getUri() — Method in class Route
Get the URI that the route responds to.
Route::getPrefix() — Method in class Route
Get the prefix of the route instance.
Route::getName() — Method in class Route
Get the name of the route instance.
Route::getActionName() — Method in class Route
Get the action name for the route.
Route::getAction() — Method in class Route
Get the action array for the route.
Route::getCompiled() — Method in class Route
Get the compiled version of the route.
RouteCollection::get() — Method in class RouteCollection
Get all of the routes in the collection.
RouteCollection::getByName() — Method in class RouteCollection
Get a route instance by its name.
RouteCollection::getByAction() — Method in class RouteCollection
Get a route instance by its controller action.
RouteCollection::getRoutes() — Method in class RouteCollection
Get all of the routes in the collection.
RouteCollection::getRoutesByMethod() — Method in class RouteCollection
Get all of the routes keyed by their HTTP verb / method.
RouteCollection::getIterator() — Method in class RouteCollection
Get an iterator for the items.
Router::get() — Method in class Router
Register a new GET route with the router.
Router::group() — Method in class Router
Create a route group with shared attributes.
Router::getLastGroupPrefix() — Method in class Router
Get the prefix from the last group on the stack.
Router::gatherRouteMiddlewares() — Method in class Router
Gather the middleware for the given route.
Router::getMiddleware() — Method in class Router
Get all of the defined middleware short-hand names.
Router::getGroupStack() — Method in class Router
Get the current group stack for the router.
Router::getCurrentRoute() — Method in class Router
Get the currently dispatched route instance.
Router::getCurrentRequest() — Method in class Router
Get the request currently being dispatched.
Router::getRoutes() — Method in class Router
Get the underlying route collection.
Router::getPatterns() — Method in class Router
Get the global "where" patterns.
UrlGenerator::getRequest() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Get the request instance.
CacheBasedSessionHandler::gc() — Method in class CacheBasedSessionHandler
CacheBasedSessionHandler::getCache() — Method in class CacheBasedSessionHandler
Get the underlying cache repository.
CookieSessionHandler::gc() — Method in class CookieSessionHandler
DatabaseSessionHandler::gc() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler
EncryptedStore::getEncrypter() — Method in class EncryptedStore
Get the encrypter instance.
FileSessionHandler::gc() — Method in class FileSessionHandler
LegacyDatabaseSessionHandler::gc() — Method in class LegacyDatabaseSessionHandler
StartSession::getSession() — Method in class StartSession
Get the session implementation from the manager.
SessionInterface::getHandler() — Method in class SessionInterface
Get the session handler instance.
SessionManager::getSessionConfig() — Method in class SessionManager
Get the session configuration.
SessionManager::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class SessionManager
Get the default session driver name.
Store::getId() — Method in class Store
Store::getName() — Method in class Store
Store::get() — Method in class Store
Store::getOldInput() — Method in class Store
Get the requested item from the flashed input array.
Store::getBag() — Method in class Store
Store::getMetadataBag() — Method in class Store
Store::getBagData() — Method in class Store
Get the raw bag data array for a given bag.
Store::getToken() — Method in class Store
Get the CSRF token value.
Store::getHandler() — Method in class Store
Get the underlying session handler implementation.
Arr::get() — Method in class Arr
Get an item from an array using "dot" notation.
ClassLoader::getDirectories() — Method in class ClassLoader
Gets all the directories registered with the loader.
Collection::get() — Method in class Collection
Get an item from the collection by key.
Collection::groupBy() — Method in class Collection
Group an associative array by a field or using a callback.
Collection::getIterator() — Method in class Collection
Get an iterator for the items.
Collection::getCachingIterator() — Method in class Collection
Get a CachingIterator instance.
Cookie::get() — Method in class Cookie
Retrieve a cookie from the request.
Facade::getFacadeRoot() — Method in class Facade
Get the root object behind the facade.
Facade::getFacadeApplication() — Method in class Facade
Get the application instance behind the facade.
GateClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
Input::get() — Method in class Input
Get an item from the input data.
Fluent::get() — Method in class Fluent
Get an attribute from the container.
Fluent::getAttributes() — Method in class Fluent
Get the attributes from the container.
Manager::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class Manager
Get the default driver name.
Manager::getDrivers() — Method in class Manager
Get all of the created "drivers".
MessageBag::get() — Method in class MessageBag
Get all of the messages from the bag for a given key.
MessageBag::getMessages() — Method in class MessageBag
Get the raw messages in the container.
MessageBag::getMessageBag() — Method in class MessageBag
Get the messages for the instance.
MessageBag::getFormat() — Method in class MessageBag
Get the default message format.
CapsuleManagerTrait::getContainer() — Method in class CapsuleManagerTrait
Get the IoC container instance.
ViewErrorBag::getBag() — Method in class ViewErrorBag
Get a MessageBag instance from the bags.
ViewErrorBag::getBags() — Method in class ViewErrorBag
Get all the bags.
Translator::get() — Method in class Translator
Get the translation for the given key.
Translator::getSelector() — Method in class Translator
Get the message selector instance.
Translator::getLoader() — Method in class Translator
Get the language line loader implementation.
Translator::getLocale() — Method in class Translator
Get the default locale being used.
Translator::getFallback() — Method in class Translator
Get the fallback locale being used.
DatabasePresenceVerifier::getCount() — Method in class DatabasePresenceVerifier
Count the number of objects in a collection having the given value.
DatabasePresenceVerifier::getMultiCount() — Method in class DatabasePresenceVerifier
Count the number of objects in a collection with the given values.
Factory::getTranslator() — Method in class Factory
Get the Translator implementation.
Factory::getPresenceVerifier() — Method in class Factory
Get the Presence Verifier implementation.
PresenceVerifierInterface::getCount() — Method in class PresenceVerifierInterface
Count the number of objects in a collection having the given value.
PresenceVerifierInterface::getMultiCount() — Method in class PresenceVerifierInterface
Count the number of objects in a collection with the given values.
ValidationException::getResponse() — Method in class ValidationException
Get the underlying response instance.
Validator::guessColumnForQuery() — Method in class Validator
Guess the database column from the given attribute name.
Validator::getDisplayableValue() — Method in class Validator
Get the displayable name of the value.
Validator::getExtensions() — Method in class Validator
Get the array of custom validator extensions.
Validator::getReplacers() — Method in class Validator
Get the array of custom validator message replacers.
Validator::getData() — Method in class Validator
Get the data under validation.
Validator::getRules() — Method in class Validator
Get the validation rules.
Validator::getFiles() — Method in class Validator
Get the files under validation.
Validator::getPresenceVerifier() — Method in class Validator
Get the Presence Verifier implementation.
Validator::getTranslator() — Method in class Validator
Get the Translator implementation.
Validator::getCustomMessages() — Method in class Validator
Get the custom messages for the validator.
Validator::getCustomAttributes() — Method in class Validator
Get the custom attributes used by the validator.
Validator::getCustomValues() — Method in class Validator
Get the custom values for the validator.
Validator::getFallbackMessages() — Method in class Validator
Get the fallback messages for the validator.
Validator::getMessageBag() — Method in class Validator
Get the messages for the instance.
BladeCompiler::getPath() — Method in class BladeCompiler
Get the path currently being compiled.
BladeCompiler::getExtensions() — Method in class BladeCompiler
Get the extensions used by the compiler.
BladeCompiler::getCustomDirectives() — Method in class BladeCompiler
Get the list of custom directives.
BladeCompiler::getRawTags() — Method in class BladeCompiler
Gets the raw tags used by the compiler.
BladeCompiler::getContentTags() — Method in class BladeCompiler
Gets the content tags used for the compiler.
BladeCompiler::getEscapedContentTags() — Method in class BladeCompiler
Gets the escaped content tags used for the compiler.
Compiler::getCompiledPath() — Method in class Compiler
Get the path to the compiled version of a view.
CompilerInterface::getCompiledPath() — Method in class CompilerInterface
Get the path to the compiled version of a view.
CompilerEngine::get() — Method in class CompilerEngine
Get the evaluated contents of the view.
CompilerEngine::getCompiler() — Method in class CompilerEngine
Get the compiler implementation.
Engine::getLastRendered() — Method in class Engine
Get the last view that was rendered.
EngineInterface::get() — Method in class EngineInterface
Get the evaluated contents of the view.
PhpEngine::get() — Method in class PhpEngine
Get the evaluated contents of the view.
Factory::getEngineFromPath() — Method in class Factory
Get the appropriate view engine for the given path.
Factory::getExtensions() — Method in class Factory
Get the extension to engine bindings.
Factory::getEngineResolver() — Method in class Factory
Get the engine resolver instance.
Factory::getFinder() — Method in class Factory
Get the view finder instance.
Factory::getDispatcher() — Method in class Factory
Get the event dispatcher instance.
Factory::getContainer() — Method in class Factory
Get the IoC container instance.
Factory::getShared() — Method in class Factory
Get all of the shared data for the environment.
Factory::getSections() — Method in class Factory
Get the entire array of sections.
Factory::getNames() — Method in class Factory
Get all of the registered named views in environment.
FileViewFinder::getFilesystem() — Method in class FileViewFinder
Get the filesystem instance.
FileViewFinder::getPaths() — Method in class FileViewFinder
Get the active view paths.
FileViewFinder::getHints() — Method in class FileViewFinder
Get the namespace to file path hints.
FileViewFinder::getExtensions() — Method in class FileViewFinder
Get registered extensions.
View::getFactory() — Method in class View
Get the view factory instance.
View::getEngine() — Method in class View
Get the view's rendering engine.
View::getName() — Method in class View
Get the name of the view.
View::getData() — Method in class View
Get the array of view data.
View::getPath() — Method in class View
Get the path to the view file.


Gate::has() — Method in class Gate
Determine if a given ability has been defined.
HandlesAuthorizationClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Access
AuthenticateWithBasicAuth::handle() — Method in class AuthenticateWithBasicAuth
Handle an incoming request.
RateLimiter::hit() — Method in class RateLimiter
Increment the counter for a given key for a given decay time.
Repository::has() — Method in class Repository
Determine if an item exists in the cache.
Repository::has() — Method in class Repository
Determine if the given configuration value exists.
Event::hourly() — Method in class Event
Schedule the event to run hourly.
Gate::has() — Method in class Gate
Determine if a given ability has been defined.
Repository::has() — Method in class Repository
Determine if an item exists in the cache.
Repository::has() — Method in class Repository
Determine if the given configuration value exists.
Kernel::handle() — Method in class Kernel
Handle an incoming console command.
Dispatcher::hasListeners() — Method in class Dispatcher
Determine if a given event has listeners.
HasherClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Hashing
Kernel::handle() — Method in class Kernel
Handle an incoming HTTP request.
Paginator::hasPages() — Method in class Paginator
Determine if there are enough items to split into multiple pages.
Paginator::hasMorePages() — Method in class Paginator
Determine if there is more items in the data store.
Presenter::hasPages() — Method in class Presenter
Determine if the underlying paginator being presented has pages to show.
HubClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Pipeline
HtmlableClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Support
MessageBag::has() — Method in class MessageBag
Determine if messages exist for a given key.
CookieJar::hasQueued() — Method in class CookieJar
Determine if a cookie has been queued.
AddQueuedCookiesToResponse::handle() — Method in class AddQueuedCookiesToResponse
Handle an incoming request.
EncryptCookies::handle() — Method in class EncryptCookies
Handle an incoming request.
ConnectionResolver::hasConnection() — Method in class ConnectionResolver
Check if a connection has been registered.
Builder::has() — Method in class Builder
Add a relationship count / exists condition to the query.
Model::hasGlobalScope() — Method in class Model
Determine if a model has a global scope.
Model::hydrate() — Method in class Model
Create a collection of models from plain arrays.
Model::hydrateRaw() — Method in class Model
Create a collection of models from a raw query.
Model::hasOne() — Method in class Model
Define a one-to-one relationship.
Model::hasMany() — Method in class Model
Define a one-to-many relationship.
Model::hasManyThrough() — Method in class Model
Define a has-many-through relationship.
Model::hasGetMutator() — Method in class Model
Determine if a get mutator exists for an attribute.
Model::hasCast() — Method in class Model
Determine whether an attribute should be cast to a native type.
Model::hasSetMutator() — Method in class Model
Determine if a set mutator exists for an attribute.
HasManyClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
HasManyThroughClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
HasOneClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
HasOneOrManyClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
Pivot::hasTimestampAttributes() — Method in class Pivot
Determine if the pivot model has timestamp attributes.
$BuilderProperty in class Builder
The having constraints for the query.
Builder::having() — Method in class Builder
Add a "having" clause to the query.
Builder::havingRaw() — Method in class Builder
Add a raw having clause to the query.
Builder::hasTable() — Method in class Builder
Determine if the given table exists.
Builder::hasColumn() — Method in class Builder
Determine if the given table has a given column.
Builder::hasColumns() — Method in class Builder
Determine if the given table has given columns.
MySqlBuilder::hasTable() — Method in class MySqlBuilder
Determine if the given table exists.
PostgresBuilder::hasTable() — Method in class PostgresBuilder
Determine if the given table exists.
Dispatcher::hasListeners() — Method in class Dispatcher
Determine if a given event has listeners.
Application::hasBeenBootstrapped() — Method in class Application
Determine if the application has been bootstrapped before.
Application::handle() — Method in class Application
Application::hasMonologConfigurator() — Method in class Application
Determine if the application has a custom Monolog configurator.
HandleExceptionsClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap
HandleExceptions::handleError() — Method in class HandleExceptions
Convert a PHP error to an ErrorException.
HandleExceptions::handleException() — Method in class HandleExceptions
Handle an uncaught exception from the application.
HandleExceptions::handleShutdown() — Method in class HandleExceptions
Handle the PHP shutdown event.
Kernel::handle() — Method in class Kernel
Run the console application.
HandlerClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Exceptions
Kernel::handle() — Method in class Kernel
Handle an incoming HTTP request.
Kernel::hasMiddleware() — Method in class Kernel
Determine if the kernel has a given middleware.
Authorize::handle() — Method in class Authorize
Handle an incoming request.
CheckForMaintenanceMode::handle() — Method in class CheckForMaintenanceMode
Handle an incoming request.
VerifyCsrfToken::handle() — Method in class VerifyCsrfToken
Handle an incoming request.
VerifyPostSize::handle() — Method in class VerifyPostSize
Handle an incoming request.
MakesHttpRequests::handle() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
Send the given request through the application.
HasElementClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Constraints
HasInElementClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Constraints
HasLinkClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Constraints
HasSourceClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Constraints
HasTextClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Constraints
HasValueClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Constraints
HttpExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing
HashServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Hashing
HttpResponseExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Http\Exception
CheckResponseForModifications::handle() — Method in class CheckResponseForModifications
Handle an incoming request.
FrameGuard::handle() — Method in class FrameGuard
Handle the given request and get the response.
Request::has() — Method in class Request
Determine if the request contains a non-empty value for an input item.
Request::hasCookie() — Method in class Request
Determine if a cookie is set on the request.
Request::hasFile() — Method in class Request
Determine if the uploaded data contains a file.
Request::hasHeader() — Method in class Request
Determine if a header is set on the request.
Request::header() — Method in class Request
Retrieve a header from the request.
ResponseTrait::header() — Method in class ResponseTrait
Set a header on the Response.
UploadedFile::hashName() — Method in class UploadedFile
Get a filename for the file that is the MD5 hash of the contents.
Mailer::handleQueuedMessage() — Method in class Mailer
Handle a queued e-mail message job.
AbstractPaginator::hasPages() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Determine if there are enough items to split into multiple pages.
BootstrapFourPresenter::hasPages() — Method in class BootstrapFourPresenter
Determine if the underlying paginator being presented has pages to show.
BootstrapThreePresenter::hasPages() — Method in class BootstrapThreePresenter
Determine if the underlying paginator being presented has pages to show.
LengthAwarePaginator::hasMorePages() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator
Determine if there are more items in the data source.
Paginator::hasMorePages() — Method in class Paginator
Determine if there are more items in the data source.
SimpleBootstrapFourPresenter::hasPages() — Method in class SimpleBootstrapFourPresenter
Determine if the underlying paginator being presented has pages to show.
SimpleBootstrapThreePresenter::hasPages() — Method in class SimpleBootstrapThreePresenter
Determine if the underlying paginator being presented has pages to show.
UrlWindow::hasPages() — Method in class UrlWindow
Determine if the underlying paginator being presented has pages to show.
HubClass in namespace Illuminate\Pipeline
HostValidatorClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Matching
ThrottleRequests::handle() — Method in class ThrottleRequests
Handle an incoming request.
Redirector::home() — Method in class Redirector
Create a new redirect response to the "home" route.
Route::hasParameters() — Method in class Route
Determine if the route has parameters.
Route::hasParameter() — Method in class Route
Determine a given parameter exists from the route.
Route::httpOnly() — Method in class Route
Determine if the route only responds to HTTP requests.
Route::httpsOnly() — Method in class Route
Determine if the route only responds to HTTPS requests.
RouteCollection::hasNamedRoute() — Method in class RouteCollection
Determine if the route collection contains a given named route.
Router::hasGroupStack() — Method in class Router
Determine if the router currently has a group stack.
Router::has() — Method in class Router
Check if a route with the given name exists.
StartSession::handle() — Method in class StartSession
Handle an incoming request.
SessionInterface::handlerNeedsRequest() — Method in class SessionInterface
Determine if the session handler needs a request.
Store::has() — Method in class Store
Store::hasOldInput() — Method in class Store
Determine if the session contains old input.
Store::handlerNeedsRequest() — Method in class Store
Determine if the session handler needs a request.
Arr::has() — Method in class Arr
Check if an item exists in an array using "dot" notation.
Collection::has() — Method in class Collection
Determine if an item exists in the collection by key.
HtmlDumperClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Debug
Cookie::has() — Method in class Cookie
Determine if a cookie exists on the request.
HashClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
HtmlStringClass in namespace Illuminate\Support
MessageBag::has() — Method in class MessageBag
Determine if messages exist for a given key.
Macroable::hasMacro() — Method in class Macroable
Checks if macro is registered.
ViewErrorBag::hasBag() — Method in class ViewErrorBag
Checks if a named MessageBag exists in the bags.
Translator::hasForLocale() — Method in class Translator
Determine if a translation exists for a given locale.
Translator::has() — Method in class Translator
Determine if a translation exists.
Validator::hasAttribute() — Method in class Validator
Checks if an attribute exists.
Factory::hasSection() — Method in class Factory
Check if section exists.
FileViewFinder::hasHintInformation() — Method in class FileViewFinder
Returns whether or not the view specify a hint information.
ShareErrorsFromSession::handle() — Method in class ShareErrorsFromSession
Handle an incoming request.


IlluminateQueueClosureClass in namespace
GuardHelpers::id() — Method in class GuardHelpers
Get the ID for the currently authenticated user.
SessionGuard::id() — Method in class SessionGuard
Get the ID for the currently authenticated user.
ApcStore::increment() — Method in class ApcStore
Increment the value of an item in the cache.
ApcWrapper::increment() — Method in class ApcWrapper
Increment the value of an item in the cache.
ArrayStore::increment() — Method in class ArrayStore
Increment the value of an item in the cache.
DatabaseStore::increment() — Method in class DatabaseStore
Increment the value of an item in the cache.
FileStore::increment() — Method in class FileStore
Increment the value of an item in the cache.
MemcachedStore::increment() — Method in class MemcachedStore
Increment the value of an item in the cache.
NullStore::increment() — Method in class NullStore
Increment the value of an item in the cache.
RedisStore::increment() — Method in class RedisStore
Increment the value of an item in the cache.
TaggedCache::increment() — Method in class TaggedCache
Increment the value of an item in the cache.
Command::info() — Method in class Command
Write a string as information output.
OutputStyle::isQuiet() — Method in class OutputStyle
Returns whether verbosity is quiet (-q).
OutputStyle::isVerbose() — Method in class OutputStyle
Returns whether verbosity is verbose (-v).
OutputStyle::isVeryVerbose() — Method in class OutputStyle
Returns whether verbosity is very verbose (-vv).
OutputStyle::isDebug() — Method in class OutputStyle
Returns whether verbosity is debug (-vvv).
Event::isDue() — Method in class Event
Determine if the given event should run based on the Cron expression.
Container::isAlias() — Method in class Container
Determine if a given string is an alias.
Container::instance() — Method in class Container
Register an existing instance as shared in the container.
Container::isShared() — Method in class Container
Determine if a given type is shared.
Guard::id() — Method in class Guard
Get the ID for the currently authenticated user.
Store::increment() — Method in class Store
Increment the value of an item in the cache.
Container::instance() — Method in class Container
Register an existing instance as shared in the container.
$ModelIdentifierProperty in class ModelIdentifier
The unique identifier of the model.
Application::isDownForMaintenance() — Method in class Application
Determine if the application is currently down for maintenance.
Log::info() — Method in class Log
Log an informational message to the logs.
Paginator::items() — Method in class Paginator
Get all of the items being paginated.
Paginator::isEmpty() — Method in class Paginator
Determine if the list of items is empty or not.
Job::isDeleted() — Method in class Job
Determine if the job has been deleted.
Job::isDeletedOrReleased() — Method in class Job
Determine if the job has been deleted or released.
MessageBag::isEmpty() — Method in class MessageBag
Determine if the message bag has any messages.
EncryptCookies::isDisabled() — Method in class EncryptCookies
Determine whether encryption has been disabled for the given cookie.
Connection::insert() — Method in class Connection
Run an insert statement against the database.
Connection::isDoctrineAvailable() — Method in class Connection
Is Doctrine available?
ConnectionInterface::insert() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
Run an insert statement against the database.
InstallCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations
Builder::increment() — Method in class Builder
Increment a column's value by a given amount.
Collection::intersect() — Method in class Collection
Intersect the collection with the given items.
$ModelProperty in class Model
Indicates if the IDs are auto-incrementing.
Model::isUnguarded() — Method in class Model
Determine if current state is "unguarded".
Model::isFillable() — Method in class Model
Determine if the given attribute may be mass assigned.
Model::isGuarded() — Method in class Model
Determine if the given key is guarded.
Model::isDirty() — Method in class Model
Determine if the model or given attribute(s) have been modified.
BelongsTo::initRelation() — Method in class BelongsTo
Initialize the relation on a set of models.
BelongsToMany::initRelation() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Initialize the relation on a set of models.
HasMany::initRelation() — Method in class HasMany
Initialize the relation on a set of models.
HasManyThrough::initRelation() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Initialize the relation on a set of models.
HasOne::initRelation() — Method in class HasOne
Initialize the relation on a set of models.
MorphMany::initRelation() — Method in class MorphMany
Initialize the relation on a set of models.
MorphOne::initRelation() — Method in class MorphOne
Initialize the relation on a set of models.
Relation::initRelation() — Method in class Relation
Initialize the relation on a set of models.
Grammar::isExpression() — Method in class Grammar
Determine if the given value is a raw expression.
Builder::implode() — Method in class Builder
Concatenate values of a given column as a string.
Builder::insert() — Method in class Builder
Insert a new record into the database.
Builder::insertGetId() — Method in class Builder
Insert a new record and get the value of the primary key.
Builder::increment() — Method in class Builder
Increment a column's value by a given amount.
Blueprint::index() — Method in class Blueprint
Specify an index for the table.
Blueprint::increments() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new auto-incrementing integer (4-byte) column on the table.
Blueprint::integer() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new integer (4-byte) column on the table.
Blueprint::ipAddress() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new IP address column on the table.
Filesystem::isDirectory() — Method in class Filesystem
Determine if the given path is a directory.
Filesystem::isWritable() — Method in class Filesystem
Determine if the given path is writable.
Filesystem::isFile() — Method in class Filesystem
Determine if the given path is a file.
AliasLoader::isRegistered() — Method in class AliasLoader
Indicates if the loader has been registered.
Application::isLocal() — Method in class Application
Determine if application is in local environment.
Application::isBooted() — Method in class Application
Determine if the application has booted.
Application::isDownForMaintenance() — Method in class Application
Determine if the application is currently down for maintenance.
Application::isDeferredService() — Method in class Application
Determine if the given service is a deferred service.
Application::isLocale() — Method in class Application
Determine if application locale is the given locale.
IlluminateCasterClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
InspiringClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation
ImpersonatesUsersClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Concerns
InteractsWithAuthenticationClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Concerns
InteractsWithConsoleClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Concerns
InteractsWithContainerClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Concerns
InteractsWithDatabaseClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Concerns
InteractsWithPagesClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Concerns
InteractsWithSessionClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Concerns
IsCheckedClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Constraints
IsSelectedClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Constraints
Request::instance() — Method in class Request
Return the Request instance.
Request::is() — Method in class Request
Determine if the current request URI matches a pattern.
Request::ip() — Method in class Request
Returns the client IP address.
Request::ips() — Method in class Request
Returns the client IP addresses.
Request::input() — Method in class Request
Retrieve an input item from the request.
Request::intersect() — Method in class Request
Intersect an array of items with the input data.
Request::isJson() — Method in class Request
Determine if the request is sending JSON.
Writer::info() — Method in class Writer
Log an informational message to the logs.
Transport::isStarted() — Method in class Transport
AbstractPaginator::items() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Get the slice of items being paginated.
AbstractPaginator::isEmpty() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Determine if the list of items is empty or not.
InteractsWithQueueClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue
Job::isDeleted() — Method in class Job
Determine if the job has been deleted.
Job::isReleased() — Method in class Job
Determine if the job was released back into the queue.
Job::isDeletedOrReleased() — Method in class Job
Determine if the job has been deleted or released.
QueueManager::isDownForMaintenance() — Method in class QueueManager
Determine if the application is in maintenance mode.
ControllerInspector::isRoutable() — Method in class ControllerInspector
Determine if the given controller method is routable.
Redirector::intended() — Method in class Redirector
Create a new redirect response to the previously intended location.
Router::input() — Method in class Router
Get a route parameter for the current route.
Router::is() — Method in class Router
Alias for the "currentRouteName" method.
UrlGenerator::isValidUrl() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Determine if the given path is a valid URL.
Store::isValidId() — Method in class Store
Determine if this is a valid session ID.
Store::invalidate() — Method in class Store
Store::isStarted() — Method in class Store
Arr::isAssoc() — Method in class Arr
Determines if an array is associative.
Collection::implode() — Method in class Collection
Concatenate values of a given key as a string.
Collection::intersect() — Method in class Collection
Intersect the collection with the given items.
Collection::isEmpty() — Method in class Collection
Determine if the collection is empty or not.
InputClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
MessageBag::isEmpty() — Method in class MessageBag
Determine if the message bag has any messages.
ServiceProvider::isDeferred() — Method in class ServiceProvider
Determine if the provider is deferred.
Str::is() — Method in class Str
Determine if a given string matches a given pattern.
Validator::invalid() — Method in class Validator
Returns the data which was invalid.
Validator::isAValidFileInstance() — Method in class Validator
Check that the given value is a valid file instance.
Compiler::isExpired() — Method in class Compiler
Determine if the view at the given path is expired.
CompilerInterface::isExpired() — Method in class CompilerInterface
Determine if the given view is expired.
Factory::inject() — Method in class Factory
Inject inline content into a section.
Factory::incrementRender() — Method in class Factory
Increment the rendering counter.


JobClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Queue
ResponseFactory::json() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Return a new JSON response from the application.
ResponseFactory::jsonp() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Return a new JSONP response from the application.
JsonableClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Support
Model::joiningTable() — Method in class Model
Get the joining table name for a many-to-many relation.
Model::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Model
Convert the object into something JSON serializable.
$BuilderProperty in class Builder
The table joins for the query.
Builder::join() — Method in class Builder
Add a join clause to the query.
Builder::joinWhere() — Method in class Builder
Add a "join where" clause to the query.
JoinClauseClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query
Blueprint::json() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new json column on the table.
Blueprint::jsonb() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new jsonb column on the table.
JobMakeCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
MakesHttpRequests::json() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
Visit the given URI with a JSON request.
JsonResponseClass in namespace Illuminate\Http
Request::json() — Method in class Request
Get the JSON payload for the request.
LengthAwarePaginator::jsonSerialize() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator
Convert the object into something JSON serializable.
Paginator::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Paginator
Convert the object into something JSON serializable.
JobExceptionOccurredClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Events
$JobExceptionOccurredProperty in class JobExceptionOccurred
The job instance.
JobFailedClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Events
$JobFailedProperty in class JobFailed
The job instance.
JobProcessedClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Events
$JobProcessedProperty in class JobProcessed
The job instance.
JobProcessingClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Events
$JobProcessingProperty in class JobProcessing
The job instance.
JobClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Jobs
ResponseFactory::json() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Return a new JSON response from the application.
ResponseFactory::jsonp() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Return a new JSONP response from the application.
Collection::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Collection
Convert the object into something JSON serializable.
Fluent::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Fluent
Convert the object into something JSON serializable.
MessageBag::jsonSerialize() — Method in class MessageBag
Convert the object into something JSON serializable.


$CacheHitProperty in class CacheHit
The key that was hit.
$CacheMissedProperty in class CacheMissed
THe key that was missed.
KeyForgottenClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache\Events
$KeyForgottenProperty in class KeyForgotten
The key that was forgotten.
KeyWrittenClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache\Events
$KeyWrittenProperty in class KeyWritten
The key that was written.
KernelClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Console
KernelClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Http
MessageBag::keys() — Method in class MessageBag
Get the keys present in the message bag.
Collection::keys() — Method in class Collection
Get the keys of the collection items.
KernelClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
KeyGenerateCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
KernelClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Http
Store::keep() — Method in class Store
Reflash a subset of the current flash data.
Collection::keyBy() — Method in class Collection
Key an associative array by a field or using a callback.
Collection::keys() — Method in class Collection
Get the keys of the collection items.
MessageBag::keys() — Method in class MessageBag
Get the keys present in the message bag.


$AttemptingProperty in class Attempting
Indicates if the user should be authenticated if successful.
LockoutClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Events
LoginClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Events
LogoutClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Events
SessionGuard::login() — Method in class SessionGuard
Log a user into the application.
SessionGuard::loginUsingId() — Method in class SessionGuard
Log the given user ID into the application.
SessionGuard::logout() — Method in class SessionGuard
Log the user out of the application.
LogBroadcasterClass in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting\Broadcasters
Command::line() — Method in class Command
Write a string as standard output.
StatefulGuard::login() — Method in class StatefulGuard
Log a user into the application.
StatefulGuard::loginUsingId() — Method in class StatefulGuard
Log the given user ID into the application.
StatefulGuard::logout() — Method in class StatefulGuard
Log the user out of the application.
Dispatcher::listen() — Method in class Dispatcher
Register an event listener with the dispatcher.
Filesystem::lastModified() — Method in class Filesystem
Get the file's last modification time.
LogClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Logging
Log::log() — Method in class Log
Log a message to the logs.
MailQueue::later() — Method in class MailQueue
Queue a new e-mail message for sending after (n) seconds.
LengthAwarePaginatorClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Pagination
LengthAwarePaginator::lastPage() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator
Get the page number of the last available page.
Paginator::lastItem() — Method in class Paginator
Get the "index" of the last item being paginated.
Monitor::looping() — Method in class Monitor
Register a callback to be executed on every iteration through the queue loop.
Queue::later() — Method in class Queue
Push a new job onto the queue after a delay.
Queue::laterOn() — Method in class Queue
Push a new job onto the queue after a delay.
Connection::logQuery() — Method in class Connection
Log a query in the connection's query log.
Connection::listen() — Method in class Connection
Register a database query listener with the connection.
Connection::logging() — Method in class Connection
Determine whether we're logging queries.
Builder::lists() — Method in class Builder
Alias for the "pluck" method.
Collection::load() — Method in class Collection
Load a set of relationships onto the collection.
Factory::load() — Method in class Factory
Load factories from path.
Model::load() — Method in class Model
Eager load relations on the model.
DatabaseMigrationRepository::log() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository
Log that a migration was run.
MigrationRepositoryInterface::log() — Method in class MigrationRepositoryInterface
Log that a migration was run.
$BuilderProperty in class Builder
The maximum number of records to return.
$BuilderProperty in class Builder
Indicates whether row locking is being used.
Builder::leftJoin() — Method in class Builder
Add a left join to the query.
Builder::leftJoinWhere() — Method in class Builder
Add a "join where" clause to the query.
Builder::latest() — Method in class Builder
Add an "order by" clause for a timestamp to the query.
Builder::limit() — Method in class Builder
Set the "limit" value of the query.
Builder::lock() — Method in class Builder
Lock the selected rows in the table.
Builder::lockForUpdate() — Method in class Builder
Lock the selected rows in the table for updating.
Builder::lists() — Method in class Builder
Alias for the "pluck" method.
Blueprint::longText() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new long text column on the table.
Dispatcher::listen() — Method in class Dispatcher
Register an event listener with the dispatcher.
Filesystem::lastModified() — Method in class Filesystem
Get the file's last modification time.
FilesystemAdapter::lastModified() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Get the file's last modification time.
AliasLoader::load() — Method in class AliasLoader
Load a class alias if it is registered.
Application::langPath() — Method in class Application
Get the path to the language files.
Application::loadEnvironmentFrom() — Method in class Application
Set the environment file to be loaded during bootstrapping.
Application::loadDeferredProviders() — Method in class Application
Load and boot all of the remaining deferred providers.
Application::loadDeferredProvider() — Method in class Application
Load the provider for a deferred service.
AuthenticatesUsers::login() — Method in class AuthenticatesUsers
Handle a login request to the application.
AuthenticatesUsers::logout() — Method in class AuthenticatesUsers
Log the user out of the application.
AuthenticatesUsers::loginUsername() — Method in class AuthenticatesUsers
Get the login username to be used by the controller.
LoadConfigurationClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap
ListenerMakeCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
ProviderRepository::load() — Method in class ProviderRepository
Register the application service providers.
ProviderRepository::loadManifest() — Method in class ProviderRepository
Load the service provider manifest JSON file.
EventServiceProvider::listens() — Method in class EventServiceProvider
Get the events and handlers.
Writer::log() — Method in class Writer
Log a message to the logs.
Writer::listen() — Method in class Writer
Register a new callback handler for when a log event is triggered.
Mailer::later() — Method in class Mailer
Queue a new e-mail message for sending after (n) seconds.
Mailer::laterOn() — Method in class Mailer
Queue a new e-mail message for sending after (n) seconds on the given queue.
LogTransportClass in namespace Illuminate\Mail\Transport
AbstractPaginator::lastItem() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Get the number of the last item in the slice.
LengthAwarePaginatorClass in namespace Illuminate\Pagination
LengthAwarePaginator::lastPage() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator
Get the last page.
LengthAwarePaginator::links() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator
Render the paginator using the given presenter.
Paginator::links() — Method in class Paginator
Render the paginator using the given presenter.
BeanstalkdQueue::later() — Method in class BeanstalkdQueue
Push a new job onto the queue after a delay.
Manager::later() — Method in class Manager
Push a new job onto the queue after a delay.
ListFailedCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Console
ListenCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Console
DatabaseQueue::later() — Method in class DatabaseQueue
Push a new job onto the queue after a delay.
DatabaseFailedJobProvider::log() — Method in class DatabaseFailedJobProvider
Log a failed job into storage.
FailedJobProviderInterface::log() — Method in class FailedJobProviderInterface
Log a failed job into storage.
NullFailedJobProvider::log() — Method in class NullFailedJobProvider
Log a failed job into storage.
ListenerClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue
Listener::listen() — Method in class Listener
Listen to the given queue connection.
NullQueue::later() — Method in class NullQueue
Push a new job onto the queue after a delay.
Queue::laterOn() — Method in class Queue
Push a new job onto the queue after a delay.
QueueManager::looping() — Method in class QueueManager
Register an event listener for the daemon queue loop.
RedisQueue::later() — Method in class RedisQueue
Push a new job onto the queue after a delay.
SqsQueue::later() — Method in class SqsQueue
Push a new job onto the queue after a delay.
SyncQueue::later() — Method in class SyncQueue
Push a new job onto the queue after a delay.
LegacyDatabaseSessionHandlerClass in namespace Illuminate\Session
Arr::last() — Method in class Arr
Return the last element in an array passing a given truth test.
ClassLoader::load() — Method in class ClassLoader
Load the given class file.
Collection::last() — Method in class Collection
Get the last item from the collection.
Collection::lists() — Method in class Collection
Alias for the "pluck" method.
LangClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
LogClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
Str::length() — Method in class Str
Return the length of the given string.
Str::limit() — Method in class Str
Limit the number of characters in a string.
Str::lower() — Method in class Str
Convert the given string to lower-case.
ArrayLoader::load() — Method in class ArrayLoader
Load the messages for the given locale.
FileLoader::load() — Method in class FileLoader
Load the messages for the given locale.
LoaderInterfaceClass in namespace Illuminate\Translation
LoaderInterface::load() — Method in class LoaderInterface
Load the messages for the given locale.
Translator::load() — Method in class Translator
Load the specified language group.
Translator::locale() — Method in class Translator
Get the default locale being used.


Response::message() — Method in class Response
Get the response message.
MakeAuthCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Console
$KeyWrittenProperty in class KeyWritten
The number of minutes the key should be valid.
MemcachedConnectorClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
MemcachedStoreClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
MemcachedStore::many() — Method in class MemcachedStore
Retrieve multiple items from the cache by key.
RedisStore::many() — Method in class RedisStore
Retrieve multiple items from the cache by key.
Repository::many() — Method in class Repository
Retrieve multiple items from the cache by key.
RetrievesMultipleKeys::many() — Method in class RetrievesMultipleKeys
Retrieve multiple items from the cache by key.
Event::mondays() — Method in class Event
Schedule the event to run only on Mondays.
Event::monthly() — Method in class Event
Schedule the event to run monthly.
Event::monthlyOn() — Method in class Event
Schedule the event to run monthly on a given day and time.
Container::make() — Method in class Container
Resolve the given type from the container.
Store::many() — Method in class Store
Retrieve multiple items from the cache by key.
Container::make() — Method in class Container
Resolve the given type from the container.
Factory::make() — Method in class Factory
Create a new cookie instance.
ModelIdentifierClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Database
Filesystem::move() — Method in class Filesystem
Move a file to a new location.
Filesystem::makeDirectory() — Method in class Filesystem
Create a directory.
Hasher::make() — Method in class Hasher
Hash the given value.
MailQueueClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Mail
MailerClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Mail
MonitorClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Queue
Registrar::match() — Method in class Registrar
Register a new route with the given verbs.
ResponseFactory::make() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Return a new response from the application.
MessageBagClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Support
MessageBag::merge() — Method in class MessageBag
Merge a new array of messages into the bag.
MessageProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Support
Factory::make() — Method in class Factory
Create a new Validator instance.
Factory::make() — Method in class Factory
Get the evaluated view contents for the given view.
CookieJar::make() — Method in class CookieJar
Create a new cookie instance.
ManagerClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Capsule
ConnectionFactory::make() — Method in class ConnectionFactory
Establish a PDO connection based on the configuration.
MySqlConnectorClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Connectors
MigrateCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations
MigrateMakeCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations
Builder::macro() — Method in class Builder
Extend the builder with a given callback.
Collection::modelKeys() — Method in class Collection
Get the array of primary keys.
Collection::merge() — Method in class Collection
Merge the collection with the given items.
Collection::makeHidden() — Method in class Collection
Make the given, typically visible, attributes hidden across the entire collection.
Collection::makeVisible() — Method in class Collection
Make the given, typically hidden, attributes visible across the entire collection.
Factory::make() — Method in class Factory
Create an instance of the given model.
Factory::makeAs() — Method in class Factory
Create an instance of the given model and type.
FactoryBuilder::make() — Method in class FactoryBuilder
Create a collection of models.
MassAssignmentExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
ModelClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
$ModelProperty in class Model
The many to many relationship methods.
Model::morphOne() — Method in class Model
Define a polymorphic one-to-one relationship.
Model::morphTo() — Method in class Model
Define a polymorphic, inverse one-to-one or many relationship.
Model::morphMany() — Method in class Model
Define a polymorphic one-to-many relationship.
Model::morphToMany() — Method in class Model
Define a polymorphic many-to-many relationship.
Model::morphedByMany() — Method in class Model
Define a polymorphic, inverse many-to-many relationship.
Model::makeVisible() — Method in class Model
Make the given, typically hidden, attributes visible.
ModelNotFoundExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
BelongsTo::match() — Method in class BelongsTo
Match the eagerly loaded results to their parents.
BelongsToMany::match() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Match the eagerly loaded results to their parents.
HasMany::match() — Method in class HasMany
Match the eagerly loaded results to their parents.
HasManyThrough::match() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Match the eagerly loaded results to their parents.
HasOne::match() — Method in class HasOne
Match the eagerly loaded results to their parents.
HasOneOrMany::matchOne() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Match the eagerly loaded results to their single parents.
HasOneOrMany::matchMany() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Match the eagerly loaded results to their many parents.
MorphManyClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
MorphMany::match() — Method in class MorphMany
Match the eagerly loaded results to their parents.
MorphOneClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
MorphOne::match() — Method in class MorphOne
Match the eagerly loaded results to their parents.
MorphOneOrManyClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
MorphPivotClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
MorphToClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
MorphTo::match() — Method in class MorphTo
Match the eagerly loaded results to their parents.
MorphToManyClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
Relation::match() — Method in class Relation
Match the eagerly loaded results to their parents.
Relation::morphMap() — Method in class Relation
Set or get the morph map for polymorphic relations.
MigrationServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Database
MigrationClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Migrations
MigrationCreatorClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Migrations
MigrationRepositoryInterfaceClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Migrations
MigratorClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Migrations
MySqlConnectionClass in namespace Illuminate\Database
Builder::min() — Method in class Builder
Retrieve the minimum value of a given column.
Builder::max() — Method in class Builder
Retrieve the maximum value of a given column.
Builder::mergeWheres() — Method in class Builder
Merge an array of where clauses and bindings.
Builder::mergeBindings() — Method in class Builder
Merge an array of bindings into our bindings.
MySqlGrammarClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query\Grammars
MySqlProcessorClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query\Processors
Blueprint::mediumIncrements() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new auto-incrementing medium integer (3-byte) column on the table.
Blueprint::mediumText() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new medium text column on the table.
Blueprint::mediumInteger() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new medium integer (3-byte) column on the table.
Blueprint::macAddress() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new MAC address column on the table.
Blueprint::morphs() — Method in class Blueprint
Add the proper columns for a polymorphic table.
MySqlGrammarClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema\Grammars
MySqlBuilderClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema
McryptEncrypterClass in namespace Illuminate\Encryption
Dispatcher::makeListener() — Method in class Dispatcher
Register an event listener with the dispatcher.
Filesystem::move() — Method in class Filesystem
Move a file to a new location.
Filesystem::mimeType() — Method in class Filesystem
Get the mime-type of a given file.
Filesystem::makeDirectory() — Method in class Filesystem
Create a directory.
FilesystemAdapter::move() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Move a file to a new location.
FilesystemAdapter::mimeType() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Get the mime-type of a given file.
FilesystemAdapter::makeDirectory() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Create a directory.
Application::make() — Method in class Application
Resolve the given type from the container.
ModelMakeCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
FormRequest::messages() — Method in class FormRequest
Set custom messages for validator errors.
MakesHttpRequestsClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Concerns
MocksApplicationServicesClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Concerns
HasElement::matches() — Method in class HasElement
Check if the element is found in the given crawler.
HasInElement::matches() — Method in class HasInElement
Check if the source or text is found within the element in the given crawler.
HasLink::matches() — Method in class HasLink
Check if the link is found in the given crawler.
HasValue::matches() — Method in class HasValue
Check if the input contains the expected value.
IsChecked::matches() — Method in class IsChecked
Determine if the checkbox is checked.
ReversePageConstraint::matches() — Method in class ReversePageConstraint
Reverse the original page constraint result.
BcryptHasher::make() — Method in class BcryptHasher
Hash the given value.
Request::method() — Method in class Request
Get the request method.
Request::merge() — Method in class Request
Merge new input into the current request's input array.
Request::matchesType() — Method in class Request
Determine if the given content types match.
MessageSendingClass in namespace Illuminate\Mail\Events
$MessageSendingProperty in class MessageSending
The Swift message instance.
MailServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Mail
MailerClass in namespace Illuminate\Mail
MessageClass in namespace Illuminate\Mail
MailgunTransportClass in namespace Illuminate\Mail\Transport
MandrillTransportClass in namespace Illuminate\Mail\Transport
UrlWindow::make() — Method in class UrlWindow
Create a new URL window instance.
ManagerClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Capsule
Listener::makeProcess() — Method in class Listener
Create a new Symfony process for the worker.
Listener::memoryExceeded() — Method in class Listener
Determine if the memory limit has been exceeded.
RedisQueue::migrateExpiredJobs() — Method in class RedisQueue
Migrate the delayed jobs that are ready to the regular queue.
Worker::memoryExceeded() — Method in class Worker
Determine if the memory limit has been exceeded.
MiddlewareMakeCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Console
Controller::middleware() — Method in class Controller
Register middleware on the controller.
Controller::missingMethod() — Method in class Controller
Handle calls to missing methods on the controller.
ControllerDispatcher::methodExcludedByOptions() — Method in class ControllerDispatcher
Determine if the given options exclude a particular method.
HostValidator::matches() — Method in class HostValidator
Validate a given rule against a route and request.
MethodValidatorClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Matching
MethodValidator::matches() — Method in class MethodValidator
Validate a given rule against a route and request.
SchemeValidator::matches() — Method in class SchemeValidator
Validate a given rule against a route and request.
UriValidator::matches() — Method in class UriValidator
Validate a given rule against a route and request.
ValidatorInterface::matches() — Method in class ValidatorInterface
Validate a given rule against a route and request.
ResponseFactory::make() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Return a new response from the application.
Route::matches() — Method in class Route
Determine if the route matches given request.
Route::middleware() — Method in class Route
Get or set the middlewares attached to the route.
Route::methods() — Method in class Route
Get the HTTP verbs the route responds to.
RouteCollection::match() — Method in class RouteCollection
Find the first route matching a given request.
Router::match() — Method in class Router
Register a new route with the given verbs.
Router::mergeWithLastGroup() — Method in class Router
Merge the given array with the last group stack.
Router::mergeGroup() — Method in class Router
Merge the given group attributes.
Router::matched() — Method in class Router
Register a route matched event listener.
Router::middleware() — Method in class Router
Register a short-hand name for a middleware.
Router::middlewareGroup() — Method in class Router
Register a group of middleware.
Router::model() — Method in class Router
Register a model binder for a wildcard.
Store::migrate() — Method in class Store
Collection::make() — Method in class Collection
Create a new collection instance if the value isn't one already.
Collection::map() — Method in class Collection
Run a map over each of the items.
Collection::max() — Method in class Collection
Get the max value of a given key.
Collection::merge() — Method in class Collection
Merge the collection with the given items.
Collection::min() — Method in class Collection
Get the min value of a given key.
MailClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
ManagerClass in namespace Illuminate\Support
MessageBagClass in namespace Illuminate\Support
MessageBag::merge() — Method in class MessageBag
Merge a new array of messages into the bag.
MessageBag::messages() — Method in class MessageBag
Get the raw messages in the container.
MacroableClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Traits
Macroable::macro() — Method in class Macroable
Register a custom macro.
Factory::make() — Method in class Factory
Create a new Validator instance.
Validator::mergeRules() — Method in class Validator
Merge additional rules into a given attribute(s).
Validator::messages() — Method in class Validator
Get the message container for the validator.
Factory::make() — Method in class Factory
Get the evaluated view contents for the given view.


NullStoreClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
Event::name() — Method in class Event
Set the human-friendly description of the event.
ContextualBindingBuilder::needs() — Method in class ContextualBindingBuilder
Define the abstract target that depends on the context.
ContextualBindingBuilder::needs() — Method in class ContextualBindingBuilder
Define the abstract target that depends on the context.
Hasher::needsRehash() — Method in class Hasher
Check if the given hash has been hashed using the given options.
Log::notice() — Method in class Log
Log a notice to the logs.
Paginator::nextPageUrl() — Method in class Paginator
The the URL for the next page, or null.
View::name() — Method in class View
Get the name of the view.
Model::newInstance() — Method in class Model
Create a new instance of the given model.
Model::newFromBuilder() — Method in class Model
Create a new model instance that is existing.
Model::newQuery() — Method in class Model
Get a new query builder for the model's table.
Model::newQueryWithoutScope() — Method in class Model
Get a new query instance without a given scope.
Model::newQueryWithoutScopes() — Method in class Model
Get a new query builder that doesn't have any global scopes.
Model::newEloquentBuilder() — Method in class Model
Create a new Eloquent query builder for the model.
Model::newCollection() — Method in class Model
Create a new Eloquent Collection instance.
Model::newPivot() — Method in class Model
Create a new pivot model instance.
BelongsToMany::newPivotStatement() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Get a new plain query builder for the pivot table.
BelongsToMany::newPivotStatementForId() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Get a new pivot statement for a given "other" ID.
BelongsToMany::newPivot() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Create a new pivot model instance.
BelongsToMany::newExistingPivot() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Create a new existing pivot model instance.
MorphToMany::newPivot() — Method in class MorphToMany
Create a new pivot model instance.
Relation::noConstraints() — Method in class Relation
Run a callback with constraints disabled on the relation.
Builder::newQuery() — Method in class Builder
Get a new instance of the query builder.
JoinClause::nest() — Method in class JoinClause
Add a nested where statement to the query.
Blueprint::nullableTimestamps() — Method in class Blueprint
Add nullable creation and update timestamps to the table.
Filesystem::name() — Method in class Filesystem
Extract the file name from a file path.
BcryptHasher::needsRehash() — Method in class BcryptHasher
Check if the given hash has been hashed using the given options.
Writer::notice() — Method in class Writer
Log a notice to the logs.
LengthAwarePaginator::nextPageUrl() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator
Get the URL for the next page.
Paginator::nextPageUrl() — Method in class Paginator
Get the URL for the next page.
NullConnectorClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Connectors
NullFailedJobProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Failed
NullQueueClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue
Route::name() — Method in class Route
Add or change the route name.
Store::now() — Method in class Store
Flash a key / value pair to the session for immediate use.
ClassLoader::normalizeClass() — Method in class ClassLoader
Get the normal file name for a class.
NamespacedItemResolverClass in namespace Illuminate\Support
Factory::name() — Method in class Factory
Register a named view.
View::nest() — Method in class View
Add a view instance to the view data.
View::name() — Method in class View
Get the name of the view.


SessionGuard::once() — Method in class SessionGuard
Log a user into the application without sessions or cookies.
SessionGuard::onceBasic() — Method in class SessionGuard
Perform a stateless HTTP Basic login attempt.
SessionGuard::onceUsingId() — Method in class SessionGuard
Log the given user ID into the application without sessions or cookies.
Queueable::onConnection() — Method in class Queueable
Set the desired connection for the job.
Queueable::onQueue() — Method in class Queueable
Set the desired queue for the job.
Repository::offsetExists() — Method in class Repository
Determine if a cached value exists.
Repository::offsetGet() — Method in class Repository
Retrieve an item from the cache by key.
Repository::offsetSet() — Method in class Repository
Store an item in the cache for the default time.
Repository::offsetUnset() — Method in class Repository
Remove an item from the cache.
Repository::offsetExists() — Method in class Repository
Determine if the given configuration option exists.
Repository::offsetGet() — Method in class Repository
Get a configuration option.
Repository::offsetSet() — Method in class Repository
Set a configuration option.
Repository::offsetUnset() — Method in class Repository
Unset a configuration option.
Application::output() — Method in class Application
Get the output for the last run command.
Command::option() — Method in class Command
Get the value of a command option.
OutputStyleClass in namespace Illuminate\Console
$EventProperty in class Event
The location that output should be sent to.
Container::offsetExists() — Method in class Container
Determine if a given offset exists.
Container::offsetGet() — Method in class Container
Get the value at a given offset.
Container::offsetSet() — Method in class Container
Set the value at a given offset.
Container::offsetUnset() — Method in class Container
Unset the value at a given offset.
StatefulGuard::once() — Method in class StatefulGuard
Log a user into the application without sessions or cookies.
StatefulGuard::onceUsingId() — Method in class StatefulGuard
Log the given user ID into the application without sessions or cookies.
SupportsBasicAuth::onceBasic() — Method in class SupportsBasicAuth
Perform a stateless HTTP Basic login attempt.
Application::output() — Method in class Application
Get the output from the last command.
Kernel::output() — Method in class Kernel
Get the output for the last run command.
Registrar::options() — Method in class Registrar
Register a new OPTIONS route with the router.
Builder::onDelete() — Method in class Builder
Register a replacement for the default delete function.
Builder::orWhere() — Method in class Builder
Add an "or where" clause to the query.
Builder::orHas() — Method in class Builder
Add a relationship count / exists condition to the query with an "or".
Builder::orWhereHas() — Method in class Builder
Add a relationship count / exists condition to the query with where clauses and an "or".
Collection::only() — Method in class Collection
Returns only the models from the collection with the specified keys.
Factory::of() — Method in class Factory
Create a builder for the given model.
Factory::offsetExists() — Method in class Factory
Determine if the given offset exists.
Factory::offsetGet() — Method in class Factory
Get the value of the given offset.
Factory::offsetSet() — Method in class Factory
Set the given offset to the given value.
Factory::offsetUnset() — Method in class Factory
Unset the value at the given offset.
Model::observe() — Method in class Model
Register an observer with the Model.
Model::on() — Method in class Model
Begin querying the model on a given connection.
Model::onWriteConnection() — Method in class Model
Begin querying the model on the write connection.
Model::offsetExists() — Method in class Model
Determine if the given attribute exists.
Model::offsetGet() — Method in class Model
Get the value for a given offset.
Model::offsetSet() — Method in class Model
Set the value for a given offset.
Model::offsetUnset() — Method in class Model
Unset the value for a given offset.
BelongsToMany::orWherePivot() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Set an "or where" clause for a pivot table column.
BelongsToMany::orWherePivotIn() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Set an "or where in" clause for a pivot table column.
SoftDeletes::onlyTrashed() — Method in class SoftDeletes
Get a new query builder that only includes soft deletes.
$BuilderProperty in class Builder
The orderings for the query.
$BuilderProperty in class Builder
The number of records to skip.
Builder::orWhere() — Method in class Builder
Add an "or where" clause to the query.
Builder::orWhereRaw() — Method in class Builder
Add a raw or where clause to the query.
Builder::orWhereBetween() — Method in class Builder
Add an or where between statement to the query.
Builder::orWhereNotBetween() — Method in class Builder
Add an or where not between statement to the query.
Builder::orWhereExists() — Method in class Builder
Add an or exists clause to the query.
Builder::orWhereNotExists() — Method in class Builder
Add a where not exists clause to the query.
Builder::orWhereIn() — Method in class Builder
Add an "or where in" clause to the query.
Builder::orWhereNotIn() — Method in class Builder
Add an "or where not in" clause to the query.
Builder::orWhereNull() — Method in class Builder
Add an "or where null" clause to the query.
Builder::orWhereNotNull() — Method in class Builder
Add an "or where not null" clause to the query.
Builder::orWhereDate() — Method in class Builder
Add an "or where date" statement to the query.
Builder::orHaving() — Method in class Builder
Add a "or having" clause to the query.
Builder::orHavingRaw() — Method in class Builder
Add a raw or having clause to the query.
Builder::orderBy() — Method in class Builder
Add an "order by" clause to the query.
Builder::oldest() — Method in class Builder
Add an "order by" clause for a timestamp to the query.
Builder::orderByRaw() — Method in class Builder
Add a raw "order by" clause to the query.
Builder::offset() — Method in class Builder
Set the "offset" value of the query.
JoinClause::on() — Method in class JoinClause
Add an "on" clause to the join.
JoinClause::orOn() — Method in class JoinClause
Add an "or on" clause to the join.
JoinClause::orWhere() — Method in class JoinClause
Add an "or on where" clause to the join.
JoinClause::orWhereNull() — Method in class JoinClause
Add an "or on where is null" clause to the join.
JoinClause::orWhereNotNull() — Method in class JoinClause
Add an "or on where is not null" clause to the join.
JoinClause::orWhereIn() — Method in class JoinClause
Add an "or on where in (.
JoinClause::orWhereNotIn() — Method in class JoinClause
Add an "or on where not in (.
Kernel::output() — Method in class Kernel
Get the output for the last run command.
OptimizeCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
RedirectResponse::onlyInput() — Method in class RedirectResponse
Flash an array of input to the session.
Request::only() — Method in class Request
Get a subset of the items from the input data.
Request::old() — Method in class Request
Retrieve an old input item.
Request::offsetExists() — Method in class Request
Determine if the given offset exists.
Request::offsetGet() — Method in class Request
Get the value at the given offset.
Request::offsetSet() — Method in class Request
Set the value at the given offset.
Request::offsetUnset() — Method in class Request
Remove the value at the given offset.
$ResponseProperty in class Response
The original content of the response.
Mailer::onQueue() — Method in class Mailer
Queue a new e-mail message for sending on the given queue.
AbstractPaginator::offsetExists() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Determine if the given item exists.
AbstractPaginator::offsetGet() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Get the item at the given offset.
AbstractPaginator::offsetSet() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Set the item at the given offset.
AbstractPaginator::offsetUnset() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Unset the item at the given key.
ControllerMiddlewareOptions::only() — Method in class ControllerMiddlewareOptions
Set the controller methods the middleware should apply to.
Router::options() — Method in class Router
Register a new OPTIONS route with the router.
CacheBasedSessionHandler::open() — Method in class CacheBasedSessionHandler
CookieSessionHandler::open() — Method in class CookieSessionHandler
DatabaseSessionHandler::open() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler
FileSessionHandler::open() — Method in class FileSessionHandler
LegacyDatabaseSessionHandler::open() — Method in class LegacyDatabaseSessionHandler
Arr::only() — Method in class Arr
Get a subset of the items from the given array.
Collection::only() — Method in class Collection
Get the items with the specified keys.
Collection::offsetExists() — Method in class Collection
Determine if an item exists at an offset.
Collection::offsetGet() — Method in class Collection
Get an item at a given offset.
Collection::offsetSet() — Method in class Collection
Set the item at a given offset.
Collection::offsetUnset() — Method in class Collection
Unset the item at a given offset.
Fluent::offsetExists() — Method in class Fluent
Determine if the given offset exists.
Fluent::offsetGet() — Method in class Fluent
Get the value for a given offset.
Fluent::offsetSet() — Method in class Fluent
Set the value at the given offset.
Fluent::offsetUnset() — Method in class Fluent
Unset the value at the given offset.
Factory::of() — Method in class Factory
Get the evaluated view contents for a named view.
View::offsetExists() — Method in class View
Determine if a piece of data is bound.
View::offsetGet() — Method in class View
Get a piece of bound data to the view.
View::offsetSet() — Method in class View
Set a piece of data on the view.
View::offsetUnset() — Method in class View
Unset a piece of data from the view.


Gate::policy() — Method in class Gate
Define a policy class for a given class type.
AuthManager::provider() — Method in class AuthManager
Register a custom provider creator Closure.
PasswordBrokerClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Passwords
PasswordBrokerManagerClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Passwords
PasswordResetServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Passwords
PasswordResetServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class PasswordResetServiceProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
BroadcastServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class BroadcastServiceProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
PusherBroadcasterClass in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting\Broadcasters
BusServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class BusServiceProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
Dispatcher::pipeThrough() — Method in class Dispatcher
Set the pipes through which commands should be piped before dispatching.
ApcStore::put() — Method in class ApcStore
Store an item in the cache for a given number of minutes.
ApcWrapper::put() — Method in class ApcWrapper
Store an item in the cache.
ArrayStore::put() — Method in class ArrayStore
Store an item in the cache for a given number of minutes.
ArrayStore::putMultiple() — Method in class ArrayStore
Store multiple items in the cache for a given number of minutes.
CacheServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class CacheServiceProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
DatabaseStore::put() — Method in class DatabaseStore
Store an item in the cache for a given number of minutes.
FileStore::put() — Method in class FileStore
Store an item in the cache for a given number of minutes.
MemcachedStore::put() — Method in class MemcachedStore
Store an item in the cache for a given number of minutes.
MemcachedStore::putMany() — Method in class MemcachedStore
Store multiple items in the cache for a given number of minutes.
NullStore::put() — Method in class NullStore
Store an item in the cache for a given number of minutes.
RedisStore::put() — Method in class RedisStore
Store an item in the cache for a given number of minutes.
RedisStore::putMany() — Method in class RedisStore
Store multiple items in the cache for a given number of minutes.
RedisTaggedCache::put() — Method in class RedisTaggedCache
Store an item in the cache.
Repository::pull() — Method in class Repository
Retrieve an item from the cache and delete it.
Repository::put() — Method in class Repository
Store an item in the cache.
Repository::putMany() — Method in class Repository
Store multiple items in the cache for a given number of minutes.
RetrievesMultipleKeys::putMany() — Method in class RetrievesMultipleKeys
Store multiple items in the cache for a given number of minutes.
Repository::prepend() — Method in class Repository
Prepend a value onto an array configuration value.
Repository::push() — Method in class Repository
Push a value onto an array configuration value.
ParserClass in namespace Illuminate\Console
Parser::parse() — Method in class Parser
Parse the given console command definition into an array.
ScheduleServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class ScheduleServiceProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
Event::pingBefore() — Method in class Event
Register a callback to ping a given URL before the job runs.
Gate::policy() — Method in class Gate
Define a policy class for a given class type.
PasswordBrokerClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth
PasswordBrokerFactoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth
Dispatcher::pipeThrough() — Method in class Dispatcher
Set the pipes commands should be piped through before dispatching.
Repository::pull() — Method in class Repository
Retrieve an item from the cache and delete it.
Repository::put() — Method in class Repository
Store an item in the cache.
Store::put() — Method in class Store
Store an item in the cache for a given number of minutes.
Store::putMany() — Method in class Store
Store multiple items in the cache for a given number of minutes.
Repository::prepend() — Method in class Repository
Prepend a value onto an array configuration value.
Repository::push() — Method in class Repository
Push a value onto an array configuration value.
Dispatcher::push() — Method in class Dispatcher
Register an event and payload to be fired later.
Filesystem::put() — Method in class Filesystem
Write the contents of a file.
Filesystem::prepend() — Method in class Filesystem
Prepend to a file.
PaginatorClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Pagination
Paginator::previousPageUrl() — Method in class Paginator
Get the URL for the previous page, or null.
Paginator::perPage() — Method in class Paginator
Determine how many items are being shown per page.
PresenterClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Pagination
Hub::pipe() — Method in class Hub
Send an object through one of the available pipelines.
PipelineClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Pipeline
Queue::push() — Method in class Queue
Push a new job onto the queue.
Queue::pushRaw() — Method in class Queue
Push a raw payload onto the queue.
Queue::pushOn() — Method in class Queue
Push a new job onto the queue.
Queue::pop() — Method in class Queue
Pop the next job off of the queue.
Registrar::post() — Method in class Registrar
Register a new POST route with the router.
Registrar::put() — Method in class Registrar
Register a new PUT route with the router.
Registrar::patch() — Method in class Registrar
Register a new PATCH route with the router.
Connection::prepareBindings() — Method in class Connection
Prepare the query bindings for execution.
Connection::pretend() — Method in class Connection
Execute the given callback in "dry run" mode.
Connection::pretending() — Method in class Connection
Determine if the connection in a "dry run".
ConnectionInterface::prepareBindings() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
Prepare the query bindings for execution.
ConnectionInterface::pretend() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
Execute the given callback in "dry run" mode.
PostgresConnectorClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Connectors
DatabaseManager::purge() — Method in class DatabaseManager
Disconnect from the given database and remove from local cache.
Builder::pluck() — Method in class Builder
Get an array with the values of a given column.
Builder::paginate() — Method in class Builder
Paginate the given query.
Collection::pluck() — Method in class Collection
Get an array with the values of a given key.
Model::push() — Method in class Model
Save the model and all of its relationships.
BelongsToMany::paginate() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Get a paginator for the "select" statement.
HasManyThrough::parentSoftDeletes() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Determine whether close parent of the relation uses Soft Deletes.
HasManyThrough::paginate() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Get a paginator for the "select" statement.
PivotClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
Grammar::parameterize() — Method in class Grammar
Create query parameter place-holders for an array.
Grammar::parameter() — Method in class Grammar
Get the appropriate query parameter place-holder for a value.
MigrationServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class MigrationServiceProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
PostgresConnectionClass in namespace Illuminate\Database
Builder::paginate() — Method in class Builder
Paginate the given query into a simple paginator.
Builder::pluck() — Method in class Builder
Get an array with the values of a given column.
PostgresGrammarClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query\Grammars
MySqlProcessor::processColumnListing() — Method in class MySqlProcessor
Process the results of a column listing query.
PostgresProcessorClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query\Processors
PostgresProcessor::processInsertGetId() — Method in class PostgresProcessor
Process an "insert get ID" query.
PostgresProcessor::processColumnListing() — Method in class PostgresProcessor
Process the results of a column listing query.
ProcessorClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query\Processors
Processor::processSelect() — Method in class Processor
Process the results of a "select" query.
Processor::processInsertGetId() — Method in class Processor
Process an "insert get ID" query.
Processor::processColumnListing() — Method in class Processor
Process the results of a column listing query.
SQLiteProcessor::processColumnListing() — Method in class SQLiteProcessor
Process the results of a column listing query.
SqlServerProcessor::processInsertGetId() — Method in class SqlServerProcessor
Process an "insert get ID" query.
SqlServerProcessor::processColumnListing() — Method in class SqlServerProcessor
Process the results of a column listing query.
Blueprint::primary() — Method in class Blueprint
Specify the primary key(s) for the table.
Grammar::prefixArray() — Method in class Grammar
Add a prefix to an array of values.
PostgresGrammarClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema\Grammars
PostgresBuilderClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema
SeedServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class SeedServiceProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
Dispatcher::push() — Method in class Dispatcher
Register an event and payload to be fired later.
Filesystem::put() — Method in class Filesystem
Write the contents of a file.
Filesystem::prepend() — Method in class Filesystem
Prepend to a file.
FilesystemAdapter::put() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Write the contents of a file.
FilesystemAdapter::prepend() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Prepend to a file.
Application::path() — Method in class Application
Get the path to the application "app" directory.
Application::publicPath() — Method in class Application
Get the path to the public / web directory.
AuthenticatesUsers::postLogin() — Method in class AuthenticatesUsers
Handle a login request to the application.
RegistersUsers::postRegister() — Method in class RegistersUsers
Handle a registration request for the application.
ResetsPasswords::postEmail() — Method in class ResetsPasswords
Send a reset link to the given user.
ResetsPasswords::postReset() — Method in class ResetsPasswords
Reset the given user's password.
ComposerScripts::postInstall() — Method in class ComposerScripts
Handle the post-install Composer event.
ComposerScripts::postUpdate() — Method in class ComposerScripts
Handle the post-update Composer event.
PolicyMakeCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
ProviderMakeCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
Kernel::prependMiddleware() — Method in class Kernel
Add a new middleware to beginning of the stack if it does not already exist.
Kernel::pushMiddleware() — Method in class Kernel
Add a new middleware to end of the stack if it does not already exist.
ProviderRepositoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation
ArtisanServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
ComposerServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class ComposerServiceProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
MakesHttpRequests::post() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
Visit the given URI with a POST request.
MakesHttpRequests::put() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
Visit the given URI with a PUT request.
MakesHttpRequests::patch() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
Visit the given URI with a PATCH request.
PageConstraintClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Constraints
HashServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class HashServiceProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
PostTooLargeExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Http\Exception
Request::path() — Method in class Request
Get the current path info for the request.
Request::pjax() — Method in class Request
Determine if the request is the result of an PJAX call.
Request::prefers() — Method in class Request
Return the most suitable content type from the given array based on content negotiation.
UploadedFile::path() — Method in class UploadedFile
Get the fully qualified path to the file.
MailServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class MailServiceProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
Mailer::plain() — Method in class Mailer
Send a new message when only a plain part.
Message::priority() — Method in class Message
Set the message priority level.
$TransportProperty in class Transport
The plug-ins registered with the transport.
AbstractPaginator::previousPageUrl() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Get the URL for the previous page.
AbstractPaginator::perPage() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Get the number of items shown per page.
AbstractPaginator::presenter() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Set the default Presenter resolver.
PaginationServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Pagination
PaginatorClass in namespace Illuminate\Pagination
Hub::pipeline() — Method in class Hub
Define a new named pipeline.
Hub::pipe() — Method in class Hub
Send an object through one of the available pipelines.
PipelineClass in namespace Illuminate\Pipeline
PipelineServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Pipeline
PipelineServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class PipelineServiceProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
BeanstalkdQueue::push() — Method in class BeanstalkdQueue
Push a new job onto the queue.
BeanstalkdQueue::pushRaw() — Method in class BeanstalkdQueue
Push a raw payload onto the queue.
BeanstalkdQueue::pop() — Method in class BeanstalkdQueue
Pop the next job off of the queue.
Manager::push() — Method in class Manager
Push a new job onto the queue.
ConsoleServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class ConsoleServiceProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
DatabaseQueue::push() — Method in class DatabaseQueue
Push a new job onto the queue.
DatabaseQueue::pushRaw() — Method in class DatabaseQueue
Push a raw payload onto the queue.
DatabaseQueue::pop() — Method in class DatabaseQueue
Pop the next job off of the queue.
NullQueue::push() — Method in class NullQueue
Push a new job onto the queue.
NullQueue::pushRaw() — Method in class NullQueue
Push a raw payload onto the queue.
NullQueue::pop() — Method in class NullQueue
Pop the next job off of the queue.
Queue::pushOn() — Method in class Queue
Push a new job onto the queue.
QueueServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class QueueServiceProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
RedisQueue::push() — Method in class RedisQueue
Push a new job onto the queue.
RedisQueue::pushRaw() — Method in class RedisQueue
Push a raw payload onto the queue.
RedisQueue::pop() — Method in class RedisQueue
Pop the next job off of the queue.
SqsQueue::push() — Method in class SqsQueue
Push a new job onto the queue.
SqsQueue::pushRaw() — Method in class SqsQueue
Push a raw payload onto the queue.
SqsQueue::pop() — Method in class SqsQueue
Pop the next job off of the queue.
SyncQueue::push() — Method in class SyncQueue
Push a new job onto the queue.
SyncQueue::pushRaw() — Method in class SyncQueue
Push a raw payload onto the queue.
SyncQueue::pop() — Method in class SyncQueue
Pop the next job off of the queue.
Worker::pop() — Method in class Worker
Listen to the given queue.
Worker::process() — Method in class Worker
Process a given job from the queue.
Database::psubscribe() — Method in class Database
Subscribe to a set of given channels with wildcards.
RedisServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class RedisServiceProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
PipelineClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing
This extended pipeline catches any exceptions that occur during each slice.
Route::parameter() — Method in class Route
Get a given parameter from the route.
Route::parameters() — Method in class Route
Get the key / value list of parameters for the route.
Route::parametersWithoutNulls() — Method in class Route
Get the key / value list of parameters without null values.
Route::parameterNames() — Method in class Route
Get all of the parameter names for the route.
Route::prefix() — Method in class Route
Add a prefix to the route URI.
Route::prepareForSerialization() — Method in class Route
Prepare the route instance for serialization.
Router::post() — Method in class Router
Register a new POST route with the router.
Router::put() — Method in class Router
Register a new PUT route with the router.
Router::patch() — Method in class Router
Register a new PATCH route with the router.
Router::prependMiddlewareToGroup() — Method in class Router
Add a middleware to the beginning of a middleware group.
Router::pushMiddlewareToGroup() — Method in class Router
Add a middleware to the end of a middleware group.
Router::pattern() — Method in class Router
Set a global where pattern on all routes.
Router::patterns() — Method in class Router
Set a group of global where patterns on all routes.
Router::prepareResponse() — Method in class Router
Create a response instance from the given value.
UrlGenerator::previous() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Get the URL for the previous request.
Store::pull() — Method in class Store
Get the value of a given key and then forget it.
Store::put() — Method in class Store
Put a key / value pair or array of key / value pairs in the session.
Store::push() — Method in class Store
Push a value onto a session array.
Store::previousUrl() — Method in class Store
Get the previous URL from the session.
AggregateServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class AggregateServiceProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
Arr::pluck() — Method in class Arr
Pluck an array of values from an array.
Arr::prepend() — Method in class Arr
Push an item onto the beginning of an array.
Arr::pull() — Method in class Arr
Get a value from the array, and remove it.
Collection::pluck() — Method in class Collection
Get the values of a given key.
Collection::pop() — Method in class Collection
Get and remove the last item from the collection.
Collection::prepend() — Method in class Collection
Push an item onto the beginning of the collection.
Collection::push() — Method in class Collection
Push an item onto the end of the collection.
Collection::pull() — Method in class Collection
Get and remove an item from the collection.
Collection::put() — Method in class Collection
Put an item in the collection by key.
PasswordClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
NamespacedItemResolver::parseKey() — Method in class NamespacedItemResolver
Parse a key into namespace, group, and item.
PluralizerClass in namespace Illuminate\Support
Pluralizer::plural() — Method in class Pluralizer
Get the plural form of an English word.
ServiceProvider::pathsToPublish() — Method in class ServiceProvider
Get the paths to publish.
ServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class ServiceProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
Str::parseCallback() — Method in class Str
Parse a Class@method style callback into class and method.
Str::plural() — Method in class Str
Get the plural form of an English word.
ViewErrorBag::put() — Method in class ViewErrorBag
Add a new MessageBag instance to the bags.
TranslationServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class TranslationServiceProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
Translator::parseKey() — Method in class Translator
Parse a key into namespace, group, and item.
PresenceVerifierInterfaceClass in namespace Illuminate\Validation
ValidationServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class ValidationServiceProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
Validator::passes() — Method in class Validator
Determine if the data passes the validation rules.
PhpEngineClass in namespace Illuminate\View\Engines
Factory::prependNamespace() — Method in class Factory
Prepend a new namespace to the loader.
FileViewFinder::prependNamespace() — Method in class FileViewFinder
Prepend a namespace hint to the finder.
ViewFinderInterface::prependNamespace() — Method in class ViewFinderInterface
Prepend a namespace hint to the finder.


QueueableClass in namespace Illuminate\Bus
$QueueableProperty in class Queueable
The name of the queue the job should be sent to.
Command::question() — Method in class Command
Write a string as question output.
Event::quarterly() — Method in class Event
Schedule the event to run quarterly.
QueueingDispatcherClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Bus
Kernel::queue() — Method in class Kernel
Queue an Artisan console command by name.
QueueingFactoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Cookie
QueueingFactory::queue() — Method in class QueueingFactory
Queue a cookie to send with the next response.
MailQueue::queue() — Method in class MailQueue
Queue a new e-mail message for sending.
QueueClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Queue
QueueableEntityClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Queue
CookieJar::queued() — Method in class CookieJar
Get a queued cookie instance.
CookieJar::queue() — Method in class CookieJar
Queue a cookie to send with the next response.
Connection::query() — Method in class Connection
Get a new query builder instance.
Model::query() — Method in class Model
Begin querying the model.
QueueEntityResolverClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
QueryExecutedClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Events
QueryExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Database
Kernel::queue() — Method in class Kernel
Queue the given console command.
QueuedJobClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
Inspiring::quote() — Method in class Inspiring
Get an inspiring quote.
Request::query() — Method in class Request
Retrieve a query string item from the request.
Mailer::queue() — Method in class Mailer
Queue a new e-mail message for sending.
Mailer::queueOn() — Method in class Mailer
Queue a new e-mail message for sending on the given queue.
QueueClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue
QueueManagerClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue
QueueServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue
QueueClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
Str::quickRandom() — Method in class Str
Generate a "random" alpha-numeric string.


Gate::resolvePolicy() — Method in class Gate
Build a policy class instance of the given type.
ResponseClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Access
AuthManager::resolveUsersUsing() — Method in class AuthManager
Set the callback to be used to resolve users.
AuthServiceProvider::register() — Method in class AuthServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
DatabaseUserProvider::retrieveById() — Method in class DatabaseUserProvider
Retrieve a user by their unique identifier.
DatabaseUserProvider::retrieveByToken() — Method in class DatabaseUserProvider
Retrieve a user by their unique identifier and "remember me" token.
DatabaseUserProvider::retrieveByCredentials() — Method in class DatabaseUserProvider
Retrieve a user by the given credentials.
EloquentUserProvider::retrieveById() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider
Retrieve a user by their unique identifier.
EloquentUserProvider::retrieveByToken() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider
Retrieve a user by their unique identifier and "remember me" token.
EloquentUserProvider::retrieveByCredentials() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider
Retrieve a user by the given credentials.
$AttemptingProperty in class Attempting
Indicates if the user should be "remembered".
$LockoutProperty in class Lockout
The throttled request.
$LoginProperty in class Login
Indicates if the user should be "remembered".
PasswordBroker::reset() — Method in class PasswordBroker
Reset the password for the given token.
PasswordResetServiceProvider::register() — Method in class PasswordResetServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
RequestGuardClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth
BroadcastServiceProvider::register() — Method in class BroadcastServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
RedisBroadcasterClass in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting\Broadcasters
BusServiceProvider::register() — Method in class BusServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
CacheManager::repository() — Method in class CacheManager
Create a new cache repository with the given implementation.
CacheServiceProvider::register() — Method in class CacheServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
CacheServiceProvider::registerCommands() — Method in class CacheServiceProvider
Register the cache related console commands.
RateLimiterClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
RateLimiter::resetAttempts() — Method in class RateLimiter
Reset the number of attempts for the given key.
RateLimiter::retriesLeft() — Method in class RateLimiter
Get the number of retries left for the given key.
RedisStoreClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
RedisTaggedCacheClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
RepositoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
Repository::remember() — Method in class Repository
Get an item from the cache, or store the default value.
Repository::rememberForever() — Method in class Repository
Get an item from the cache, or store the default value forever.
RetrievesMultipleKeysClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
TagSet::reset() — Method in class TagSet
Reset all tags in the set.
TagSet::resetTag() — Method in class TagSet
Reset the tag and return the new tag identifier.
RepositoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Config
Application::resolve() — Method in class Application
Add a command, resolving through the application.
Application::resolveCommands() — Method in class Application
Resolve an array of commands through the application.
Command::run() — Method in class Command
Run the console command.
ScheduleServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ScheduleServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
CallbackEvent::run() — Method in class CallbackEvent
Run the given event.
Event::run() — Method in class Event
Run the given event.
Event::runsInEnvironment() — Method in class Event
Determine if the event runs in the given environment.
Event::runsInMaintenanceMode() — Method in class Event
Determine if the event runs in maintenance mode.
Container::resolved() — Method in class Container
Determine if the given abstract type has been resolved.
Container::rebinding() — Method in class Container
Bind a new callback to an abstract's rebind event.
Container::refresh() — Method in class Container
Refresh an instance on the given target and method.
Container::resolving() — Method in class Container
Register a new resolving callback.
PasswordBroker::reset() — Method in class PasswordBroker
Reset the password for the given token.
RegistrarClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth
UserProvider::retrieveById() — Method in class UserProvider
Retrieve a user by their unique identifier.
UserProvider::retrieveByToken() — Method in class UserProvider
Retrieve a user by their unique identifier and "remember me" token.
UserProvider::retrieveByCredentials() — Method in class UserProvider
Retrieve a user by the given credentials.
RepositoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Cache
Repository::remember() — Method in class Repository
Get an item from the cache, or store the default value.
Repository::rememberForever() — Method in class Repository
Get an item from the cache, or store the default value forever.
RepositoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Config
Container::resolved() — Method in class Container
Determine if the given abstract type has been resolved.
Container::resolving() — Method in class Container
Register a new resolving callback.
ExceptionHandler::report() — Method in class ExceptionHandler
Report or log an exception.
ExceptionHandler::render() — Method in class ExceptionHandler
Render an exception into an HTTP response.
ExceptionHandler::renderForConsole() — Method in class ExceptionHandler
Render an exception to the console.
Application::registerConfiguredProviders() — Method in class Application
Register all of the configured providers.
Application::register() — Method in class Application
Register a service provider with the application.
Application::registerDeferredProvider() — Method in class Application
Register a deferred provider and service.
Mailer::raw() — Method in class Mailer
Send a new message when only a raw text part.
Paginator::render() — Method in class Paginator
Render the paginator using a given Presenter.
Presenter::render() — Method in class Presenter
Render the given paginator.
EntityResolver::resolve() — Method in class EntityResolver
Resolve the entity for the given ID.
Job::release() — Method in class Job
Release the job back into the queue.
RegistrarClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Routing
Registrar::resource() — Method in class Registrar
Route a resource to a controller.
ResponseFactoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Routing
ResponseFactory::redirectTo() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Create a new redirect response to the given path.
ResponseFactory::redirectToRoute() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Create a new redirect response to a named route.
ResponseFactory::redirectToAction() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Create a new redirect response to a controller action.
ResponseFactory::redirectGuest() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Create a new redirect response, while putting the current URL in the session.
ResponseFactory::redirectToIntended() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Create a new redirect response to the previously intended location.
UrlGenerator::route() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Get the URL to a named route.
RenderableClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Support
Renderable::render() — Method in class Renderable
Get the evaluated contents of the object.
Factory::replacer() — Method in class Factory
Register a custom implicit validator message replacer.
CookieServiceProvider::register() — Method in class CookieServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
Connection::raw() — Method in class Connection
Get a new raw query expression.
Connection::rollBack() — Method in class Connection
Rollback the active database transaction.
Connection::reconnect() — Method in class Connection
Reconnect to the database.
ConnectionInterface::raw() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
Get a new raw query expression.
ConnectionInterface::rollBack() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
Rollback the active database transaction.
RefreshCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations
ResetCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations
RollbackCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations
DatabaseManager::reconnect() — Method in class DatabaseManager
Reconnect to the given database.
DatabaseServiceProvider::register() — Method in class DatabaseServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
Factory::rawOf() — Method in class Factory
Get the raw attribute array for a given named model.
Factory::raw() — Method in class Factory
Get the raw attribute array for a given model.
Model::removeObservableEvents() — Method in class Model
Remove an observable event name.
Model::reguard() — Method in class Model
Enable the mass assignment restrictions.
Model::relationsToArray() — Method in class Model
Get the model's relationships in array form.
Model::replicate() — Method in class Model
Clone the model into a new, non-existing instance.
Model::relationLoaded() — Method in class Model
Determine if the given relation is loaded.
Model::resolveConnection() — Method in class Model
Resolve a connection instance.
QueueEntityResolver::resolve() — Method in class QueueEntityResolver
Resolve the entity for the given ID.
RelationClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
Relation::rawUpdate() — Method in class Relation
Run a raw update against the base query.
Relation::relatedUpdatedAt() — Method in class Relation
Get the name of the related model's "updated at" column.
SoftDeletes::restore() — Method in class SoftDeletes
Restore a soft-deleted model instance.
SoftDeletes::restoring() — Method in class SoftDeletes
Register a restoring model event with the dispatcher.
SoftDeletes::restored() — Method in class SoftDeletes
Register a restored model event with the dispatcher.
MigrationServiceProvider::register() — Method in class MigrationServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
DatabaseMigrationRepository::repositoryExists() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository
Determine if the migration repository exists.
MigrationRepositoryInterface::repositoryExists() — Method in class MigrationRepositoryInterface
Determine if the migration repository exists.
Migrator::run() — Method in class Migrator
Run the outstanding migrations at a given path.
Migrator::runMigrationList() — Method in class Migrator
Run an array of migrations.
Migrator::rollback() — Method in class Migrator
Rollback the last migration operation.
Migrator::reset() — Method in class Migrator
Rolls all of the currently applied migrations back.
Migrator::requireFiles() — Method in class Migrator
Require in all the migration files in a given path.
Migrator::resolve() — Method in class Migrator
Resolve a migration instance from a file.
Migrator::resolveConnection() — Method in class Migrator
Resolve the database connection instance.
Migrator::repositoryExists() — Method in class Migrator
Determine if the migration repository exists.
Builder::rightJoin() — Method in class Builder
Add a right join to the query.
Builder::rightJoinWhere() — Method in class Builder
Add a "right join where" clause to the query.
Builder::raw() — Method in class Builder
Create a raw database expression.
Blueprint::renameColumn() — Method in class Blueprint
Indicate that the given columns should be renamed.
Blueprint::rename() — Method in class Blueprint
Rename the table to a given name.
Blueprint::rememberToken() — Method in class Blueprint
Adds the remember_token column to the table.
Blueprint::removeColumn() — Method in class Blueprint
Remove a column from the schema blueprint.
Builder::rename() — Method in class Builder
Rename a table on the schema.
SeedServiceProvider::register() — Method in class SeedServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
Seeder::run() — Method in class Seeder
Run the database seeds.
EncryptionServiceProvider::register() — Method in class EncryptionServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
EventServiceProvider::register() — Method in class EventServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
Filesystem::requireOnce() — Method in class Filesystem
Require the given file once.
FilesystemServiceProvider::register() — Method in class FilesystemServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
AliasLoader::register() — Method in class AliasLoader
Register the loader on the auto-loader stack.
Application::runningInConsole() — Method in class Application
Determine if we are running in the console.
Application::runningUnitTests() — Method in class Application
Determine if we are running unit tests.
Application::registerConfiguredProviders() — Method in class Application
Register all of the configured providers.
Application::register() — Method in class Application
Register a service provider with the application.
Application::resolveProviderClass() — Method in class Application
Resolve a service provider instance from the class name.
Application::registerDeferredProvider() — Method in class Application
Register a deferred provider and service.
Application::routesAreCached() — Method in class Application
Determine if the application routes are cached.
Application::registerCoreContainerAliases() — Method in class Application
Register the core class aliases in the container.
RedirectsUsersClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Auth
RedirectsUsers::redirectPath() — Method in class RedirectsUsers
Get the post register / login redirect path.
RegistersUsersClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Auth
RegistersUsers::register() — Method in class RegistersUsers
Handle a registration request for the application.
ResetsPasswordsClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Auth
ResetsPasswords::reset() — Method in class ResetsPasswords
Reset the given user's password.
RegisterFacadesClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap
RegisterProvidersClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap
Kernel::registerCommand() — Method in class Kernel
Register the given command with the console application.
RequestMakeCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
RouteCacheCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
RouteClearCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
RouteListCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
Handler::report() — Method in class Handler
Report or log an exception.
Handler::render() — Method in class Handler
Render an exception into a response.
Handler::renderForConsole() — Method in class Handler
Render an exception to the console.
FormRequest::response() — Method in class FormRequest
Get the proper failed validation response for the request.
ArtisanServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
ComposerServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ComposerServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
FoundationServiceProvider::register() — Method in class FoundationServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
AuthServiceProvider::registerPolicies() — Method in class AuthServiceProvider
Register the application's policies.
AuthServiceProvider::register() — Method in class AuthServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
EventServiceProvider::register() — Method in class EventServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
RouteServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Support\Providers
RouteServiceProvider::register() — Method in class RouteServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
MakesHttpRequests::route() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
Call a named route and return the Response.
ReversePageConstraintClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Constraints
DatabaseMigrations::runDatabaseMigrations() — Method in class DatabaseMigrations
Define hooks to migrate the database before and after each test.
HashServiceProvider::register() — Method in class HashServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
RedirectResponseClass in namespace Illuminate\Http
RequestClass in namespace Illuminate\Http
Request::root() — Method in class Request
Get the root URL for the application.
Request::replace() — Method in class Request
Replace the input for the current request.
Request::route() — Method in class Request
Get the route handling the request.
ResponseClass in namespace Illuminate\Http
ResponseTraitClass in namespace Illuminate\Http
MailServiceProvider::register() — Method in class MailServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
MailServiceProvider::registerSwiftMailer() — Method in class MailServiceProvider
Register the Swift Mailer instance.
Mailer::raw() — Method in class Mailer
Send a new message when only a raw text part.
Message::returnPath() — Method in class Message
Set the "return path" of the message.
Message::replyTo() — Method in class Message
Add a reply to address to the message.
Transport::registerPlugin() — Method in class Transport
Register a plug-in with the transport.
AbstractPaginator::resolveCurrentPath() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Resolve the current request path or return the default value.
AbstractPaginator::resolveCurrentPage() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Resolve the current page or return the default value.
BootstrapFourPresenter::render() — Method in class BootstrapFourPresenter
Convert the URL window into Bootstrap HTML.
BootstrapThreePresenter::render() — Method in class BootstrapThreePresenter
Convert the URL window into Bootstrap HTML.
LengthAwarePaginator::render() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator
Render the paginator using the given presenter.
PaginationServiceProvider::register() — Method in class PaginationServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
Paginator::render() — Method in class Paginator
Render the paginator using the given presenter.
SimpleBootstrapFourPresenter::render() — Method in class SimpleBootstrapFourPresenter
Convert the URL window into Bootstrap HTML.
SimpleBootstrapThreePresenter::render() — Method in class SimpleBootstrapThreePresenter
Convert the URL window into Bootstrap HTML.
PipelineServiceProvider::register() — Method in class PipelineServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
RedisConnectorClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Connectors
ConsoleServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ConsoleServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
RestartCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Console
RetryCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Console
DatabaseQueue::release() — Method in class DatabaseQueue
Release a reserved job back onto the queue.
InteractsWithQueue::release() — Method in class InteractsWithQueue
Release the job back into the queue.
BeanstalkdJob::release() — Method in class BeanstalkdJob
Release the job back into the queue.
DatabaseJob::release() — Method in class DatabaseJob
Release the job back into the queue.
Job::release() — Method in class Job
Release the job back into the queue.
RedisJobClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Jobs
RedisJob::release() — Method in class RedisJob
Release the job back into the queue.
SqsJob::release() — Method in class SqsJob
Release the job back into the queue.
SyncJob::release() — Method in class SyncJob
Release the job back into the queue.
Listener::runProcess() — Method in class Listener
Run the given process.
QueueServiceProvider::register() — Method in class QueueServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
QueueServiceProvider::registerRestartCommand() — Method in class QueueServiceProvider
Register the queue restart console command.
QueueServiceProvider::registerConnectors() — Method in class QueueServiceProvider
Register the connectors on the queue manager.
RedisQueueClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue
RedisQueue::release() — Method in class RedisQueue
Release a reserved job back onto the queue.
RedisServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Redis
RedisServiceProvider::register() — Method in class RedisServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
RouteMatchedClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Events
$RouteMatchedProperty in class RouteMatched
The route instance.
$RouteMatchedProperty in class RouteMatched
The request instance.
RedirectorClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing
Redirector::refresh() — Method in class Redirector
Create a new redirect response to the current URI.
Redirector::route() — Method in class Redirector
Create a new redirect response to a named route.
ResourceRegistrarClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing
ResourceRegistrar::register() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
Route a resource to a controller.
ResponseFactoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing
ResponseFactory::redirectTo() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Create a new redirect response to the given path.
ResponseFactory::redirectToRoute() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Create a new redirect response to a named route.
ResponseFactory::redirectToAction() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Create a new redirect response to a controller action.
ResponseFactory::redirectGuest() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Create a new redirect response, while putting the current URL in the session.
ResponseFactory::redirectToIntended() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Create a new redirect response to the previously intended location.
RouteClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing
Route::run() — Method in class Route
Run the route action and return the response.
RouteCollectionClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing
RouteCollection::refreshNameLookups() — Method in class RouteCollection
Refresh the name look-up table.
RouteDependencyResolverTraitClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing
RouteDependencyResolverTrait::resolveMethodDependencies() — Method in class RouteDependencyResolverTrait
Resolve the given method's type-hinted dependencies.
RouterClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing
Router::resourceParameters() — Method in class Router
Set the global resource parameter mapping.
Router::resources() — Method in class Router
Register an array of resource controllers.
Router::resource() — Method in class Router
Route a resource to a controller.
Router::resolveMiddlewareClassName() — Method in class Router
Resolve the middleware name to a class name(s) preserving passed parameters.
RoutingServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing
RoutingServiceProvider::register() — Method in class RoutingServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
UrlGenerator::route() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Get the URL to a named route.
CacheBasedSessionHandler::read() — Method in class CacheBasedSessionHandler
CookieSessionHandler::read() — Method in class CookieSessionHandler
DatabaseSessionHandler::read() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler
FileSessionHandler::read() — Method in class FileSessionHandler
LegacyDatabaseSessionHandler::read() — Method in class LegacyDatabaseSessionHandler
SessionServiceProvider::register() — Method in class SessionServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
Store::regenerate() — Method in class Store
Generate a new session identifier.
Store::reflash() — Method in class Store
Reflash all of the session flash data.
Store::replace() — Method in class Store
Store::remove() — Method in class Store
Store::registerBag() — Method in class Store
Store::regenerateToken() — Method in class Store
Regenerate the CSRF token value.
AggregateServiceProvider::register() — Method in class AggregateServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
ClassLoader::register() — Method in class ClassLoader
Register the given class loader on the auto-loader stack.
ClassLoader::removeDirectories() — Method in class ClassLoader
Remove directories from the class loader.
Collection::random() — Method in class Collection
Get one or more items randomly from the collection.
Collection::reduce() — Method in class Collection
Reduce the collection to a single value.
Collection::reject() — Method in class Collection
Create a collection of all elements that do not pass a given truth test.
Collection::reverse() — Method in class Collection
Reverse items order.
RedirectClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
RedisClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
RequestClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
ResponseClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
RouteClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
ServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
Str::random() — Method in class Str
Generate a more truly "random" alpha-numeric string.
Str::randomBytes() — Method in class Str
Generate a more truly "random" bytes.
Str::replaceFirst() — Method in class Str
Replace the first occurrence of a given value in the string.
Str::replaceLast() — Method in class Str
Replace the last occurrence of a given value in the string.
TranslationServiceProvider::register() — Method in class TranslationServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
Factory::replacer() — Method in class Factory
Register a custom implicit validator message replacer.
Factory::resolver() — Method in class Factory
Set the Validator instance resolver.
$ValidationExceptionProperty in class ValidationException
The recommended response to send to the client.
ValidationServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ValidationServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
EngineResolver::register() — Method in class EngineResolver
Register a new engine resolver.
EngineResolver::resolve() — Method in class EngineResolver
Resolver an engine instance by name.
Factory::renderEach() — Method in class Factory
Get the rendered contents of a partial from a loop.
View::render() — Method in class View
Get the string contents of the view.
View::renderSections() — Method in class View
Get the sections of the rendered view.
ViewServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ViewServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
ViewServiceProvider::registerEngineResolver() — Method in class ViewServiceProvider
Register the engine resolver instance.
ViewServiceProvider::registerPhpEngine() — Method in class ViewServiceProvider
Register the PHP engine implementation.
ViewServiceProvider::registerBladeEngine() — Method in class ViewServiceProvider
Register the Blade engine implementation.
ViewServiceProvider::registerViewFinder() — Method in class ViewServiceProvider
Register the view finder implementation.
ViewServiceProvider::registerFactory() — Method in class ViewServiceProvider
Register the view environment.


AuthManager::shouldUse() — Method in class AuthManager
Set the default guard driver the factory should serve.
AuthManager::setDefaultDriver() — Method in class AuthManager
Set the default authentication driver name.
Authenticatable::setRememberToken() — Method in class Authenticatable
Set the token value for the "remember me" session.
EloquentUserProvider::setHasher() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider
Sets the hasher implementation.
EloquentUserProvider::setModel() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider
Sets the name of the Eloquent user model.
GenericUser::setRememberToken() — Method in class GenericUser
Set the "remember me" token value.
GuardHelpers::setUser() — Method in class GuardHelpers
Set the current user.
PasswordBroker::sendResetLink() — Method in class PasswordBroker
Send a password reset link to a user.
PasswordBrokerManager::setDefaultDriver() — Method in class PasswordBrokerManager
Set the default password broker name.
RequestGuard::setRequest() — Method in class RequestGuard
Set the current request instance.
SessionGuardClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth
SessionGuard::setCookieJar() — Method in class SessionGuard
Set the cookie creator instance used by the guard.
SessionGuard::setDispatcher() — Method in class SessionGuard
Set the event dispatcher instance.
SessionGuard::setProvider() — Method in class SessionGuard
Set the user provider used by the guard.
SessionGuard::setUser() — Method in class SessionGuard
Set the current user.
SessionGuard::setRequest() — Method in class SessionGuard
Set the current request instance.
TokenGuard::setRequest() — Method in class TokenGuard
Set the current request instance.
BroadcastManager::setDefaultDriver() — Method in class BroadcastManager
Set the default driver name.
CacheManager::store() — Method in class CacheManager
Get a cache store instance by name.
CacheManager::setDefaultDriver() — Method in class CacheManager
Set the default cache driver name.
MemcachedStore::setPrefix() — Method in class MemcachedStore
Set the cache key prefix.
RedisStore::setConnection() — Method in class RedisStore
Set the connection name to be used.
RedisStore::setPrefix() — Method in class RedisStore
Set the cache key prefix.
Repository::setEventDispatcher() — Method in class Repository
Set the event dispatcher instance.
Repository::sear() — Method in class Repository
Get an item from the cache, or store the default value forever.
Repository::setDefaultCacheTime() — Method in class Repository
Set the default cache time in minutes.
Repository::set() — Method in class Repository
Set a given configuration value.
Command::secret() — Method in class Command
Prompt the user for input but hide the answer from the console.
Command::setLaravel() — Method in class Command
Set the Laravel application instance.
ScheduleServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Console
Event::saturdays() — Method in class Event
Schedule the event to run only on Saturdays.
Event::sundays() — Method in class Event
Schedule the event to run only on Sundays.
Event::skip() — Method in class Event
Register a callback to further filter the schedule.
Event::sendOutputTo() — Method in class Event
Send the output of the command to a given location.
ScheduleClass in namespace Illuminate\Console\Scheduling
ScheduleRunCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Console\Scheduling
Container::singleton() — Method in class Container
Register a shared binding in the container.
Container::share() — Method in class Container
Wrap a Closure such that it is shared.
Container::setInstance() — Method in class Container
Set the shared instance of the container.
Authenticatable::setRememberToken() — Method in class Authenticatable
Set the token value for the "remember me" session.
Factory::shouldUse() — Method in class Factory
Set the default guard the factory should serve.
Guard::setUser() — Method in class Guard
Set the current user.
PasswordBroker::sendResetLink() — Method in class PasswordBroker
Send a password reset link to a user.
StatefulGuardClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth
SupportsBasicAuthClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth
ShouldBroadcastClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting
ShouldBroadcastNowClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting
SelfHandlingClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Bus
Factory::store() — Method in class Factory
Get a cache store instance by name.
Repository::sear() — Method in class Repository
Get an item from the cache, or store the default value forever.
StoreClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Cache
Repository::set() — Method in class Repository
Set a given configuration value.
Container::singleton() — Method in class Container
Register a shared binding in the container.
Dispatcher::subscribe() — Method in class Dispatcher
Register an event subscriber with the dispatcher.
Filesystem::setVisibility() — Method in class Filesystem
Set the visibility for the given path.
Filesystem::size() — Method in class Filesystem
Get the file size of a given file.
Mailer::send() — Method in class Mailer
Send a new message using a view.
Pipeline::send() — Method in class Pipeline
Set the traveler object being sent on the pipeline.
Monitor::stopping() — Method in class Monitor
Register a callback to be executed when a daemon queue is stopping.
ShouldQueueClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Queue
ResponseFactory::stream() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Return a new streamed response from the application.
UrlGenerator::secure() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Generate a secure, absolute URL to the given path.
UrlGenerator::setRootControllerNamespace() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Set the root controller namespace.
MessageBag::setFormat() — Method in class MessageBag
Set the default message format.
Validator::sometimes() — Method in class Validator
Add conditions to a given field based on a Closure.
Factory::share() — Method in class Factory
Add a piece of shared data to the environment.
CookieJar::setDefaultPathAndDomain() — Method in class CookieJar
Set the default path and domain for the jar.
Manager::schema() — Method in class Manager
Get a schema builder instance.
Manager::setFetchMode() — Method in class Manager
Set the fetch mode for the database connections.
Manager::setEventDispatcher() — Method in class Manager
Set the event dispatcher instance to be used by connections.
Connection::selectOne() — Method in class Connection
Run a select statement and return a single result.
Connection::selectFromWriteConnection() — Method in class Connection
Run a select statement against the database.
Connection::select() — Method in class Connection
Run a select statement against the database.
Connection::statement() — Method in class Connection
Execute an SQL statement and return the boolean result.
Connection::setPdo() — Method in class Connection
Set the PDO connection.
Connection::setReadPdo() — Method in class Connection
Set the PDO connection used for reading.
Connection::setReconnector() — Method in class Connection
Set the reconnect instance on the connection.
Connection::setQueryGrammar() — Method in class Connection
Set the query grammar used by the connection.
Connection::setSchemaGrammar() — Method in class Connection
Set the schema grammar used by the connection.
Connection::setPostProcessor() — Method in class Connection
Set the query post processor used by the connection.
Connection::setEventDispatcher() — Method in class Connection
Set the event dispatcher instance on the connection.
Connection::setFetchMode() — Method in class Connection
Set the default fetch mode for the connection, and optional arguments for the given fetch mode.
Connection::setDatabaseName() — Method in class Connection
Set the name of the connected database.
Connection::setTablePrefix() — Method in class Connection
Set the table prefix in use by the connection.
ConnectionInterface::selectOne() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
Run a select statement and return a single result.
ConnectionInterface::select() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
Run a select statement against the database.
ConnectionInterface::statement() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
Execute an SQL statement and return the boolean result.
ConnectionResolver::setDefaultConnection() — Method in class ConnectionResolver
Set the default connection name.
ConnectionResolverInterface::setDefaultConnection() — Method in class ConnectionResolverInterface
Set the default connection name.
Connector::setDefaultOptions() — Method in class Connector
Set the default PDO connection options.
SQLiteConnectorClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Connectors
SqlServerConnectorClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Connectors
StatusCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations
SeedCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Seeds
SeederMakeCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Seeds
DatabaseManager::setDefaultConnection() — Method in class DatabaseManager
Set the default connection name.
DatabaseManager::supportedDrivers() — Method in class DatabaseManager
Get all of the support drivers.
Builder::simplePaginate() — Method in class Builder
Paginate the given query into a simple paginator.
Builder::setQuery() — Method in class Builder
Set the underlying query builder instance.
Builder::setEagerLoads() — Method in class Builder
Set the relationships being eagerly loaded.
Builder::setModel() — Method in class Builder
Set a model instance for the model being queried.
$ModelProperty in class Model
Indicates whether attributes are snake cased on arrays.
Model::saving() — Method in class Model
Register a saving model event with the dispatcher.
Model::saved() — Method in class Model
Register a saved model event with the dispatcher.
Model::setObservableEvents() — Method in class Model
Set the observable event names.
Model::save() — Method in class Model
Save the model to the database.
Model::saveOrFail() — Method in class Model
Save the model to the database using transaction.
Model::setCreatedAt() — Method in class Model
Set the value of the "created at" attribute.
Model::setUpdatedAt() — Method in class Model
Set the value of the "updated at" attribute.
Model::setTable() — Method in class Model
Set the table associated with the model.
Model::setKeyName() — Method in class Model
Set the primary key for the model.
Model::setPerPage() — Method in class Model
Set the number of models to return per page.
Model::setHidden() — Method in class Model
Set the hidden attributes for the model.
Model::setVisible() — Method in class Model
Set the visible attributes for the model.
Model::setAppends() — Method in class Model
Set the accessors to append to model arrays.
Model::setTouchedRelations() — Method in class Model
Set the relationships that are touched on save.
Model::setIncrementing() — Method in class Model
Set whether IDs are incrementing.
Model::setAttribute() — Method in class Model
Set a given attribute on the model.
Model::setDateFormat() — Method in class Model
Set the date format used by the model.
Model::setRawAttributes() — Method in class Model
Set the array of model attributes. No checking is done.
Model::syncOriginal() — Method in class Model
Sync the original attributes with the current.
Model::syncOriginalAttribute() — Method in class Model
Sync a single original attribute with its current value.
Model::setRelation() — Method in class Model
Set the specific relationship in the model.
Model::setRelations() — Method in class Model
Set the entire relations array on the model.
Model::setConnection() — Method in class Model
Set the connection associated with the model.
Model::setConnectionResolver() — Method in class Model
Set the connection resolver instance.
Model::setEventDispatcher() — Method in class Model
Set the event dispatcher instance.
ModelNotFoundException::setModel() — Method in class ModelNotFoundException
Set the affected Eloquent model.
BelongsToMany::simplePaginate() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Paginate the given query into a simple paginator.
BelongsToMany::save() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Save a new model and attach it to the parent model.
BelongsToMany::saveMany() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Save an array of new models and attach them to the parent model.
BelongsToMany::sync() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Sync the intermediate tables with a list of IDs or collection of models.
HasManyThrough::simplePaginate() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Paginate the given query into a simple paginator.
HasOneOrMany::save() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Attach a model instance to the parent model.
HasOneOrMany::saveMany() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Attach a collection of models to the parent instance.
MorphOneOrMany::save() — Method in class MorphOneOrMany
Attach a model instance to the parent model.
MorphPivot::setMorphType() — Method in class MorphPivot
Set the morph type for the pivot.
MorphPivot::setMorphClass() — Method in class MorphPivot
Set the morph class for the pivot.
Pivot::setPivotKeys() — Method in class Pivot
Set the key names for the pivot model instance.
ScopeClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
ScopeInterfaceClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
SoftDeletesClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
SoftDeletingScopeClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
$QueryExecutedProperty in class QueryExecuted
The SQL query that was executed.
Grammar::setTablePrefix() — Method in class Grammar
Set the grammar's table prefix.
DatabaseMigrationRepository::setSource() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository
Set the information source to gather data.
MigrationRepositoryInterface::setSource() — Method in class MigrationRepositoryInterface
Set the information source to gather data.
Migrator::setConnection() — Method in class Migrator
Set the default connection name.
Builder::select() — Method in class Builder
Set the columns to be selected.
Builder::selectRaw() — Method in class Builder
Add a new "raw" select expression to the query.
Builder::selectSub() — Method in class Builder
Add a subselect expression to the query.
Builder::skip() — Method in class Builder
Alias to set the "offset" value of the query.
Builder::sharedLock() — Method in class Builder
Share lock the selected rows in the table.
Builder::simplePaginate() — Method in class Builder
Get a paginator only supporting simple next and previous links.
Builder::sum() — Method in class Builder
Retrieve the sum of the values of a given column.
Builder::setBindings() — Method in class Builder
Set the bindings on the query builder.
Grammar::supportsSavepoints() — Method in class Grammar
Determine if the grammar supports savepoints.
SQLiteGrammarClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query\Grammars
SqlServerGrammarClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query\Grammars
SqlServerGrammar::supportsSavepoints() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Determine if the grammar supports savepoints.
SQLiteProcessorClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query\Processors
SqlServerProcessorClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query\Processors
SQLiteConnectionClass in namespace Illuminate\Database
Blueprint::smallIncrements() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new auto-incrementing small integer (2-byte) column on the table.
Blueprint::string() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new string column on the table.
Blueprint::smallInteger() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new small integer (2-byte) column on the table.
Blueprint::softDeletes() — Method in class Blueprint
Add a "deleted at" timestamp for the table.
Builder::setConnection() — Method in class Builder
Set the database connection instance.
SQLiteGrammarClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema\Grammars
SqlServerGrammarClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema\Grammars
SeedServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Database
SeederClass in namespace Illuminate\Database
Seeder::setContainer() — Method in class Seeder
Set the IoC container instance.
Seeder::setCommand() — Method in class Seeder
Set the console command instance.
SqlServerConnectionClass in namespace Illuminate\Database
Encrypter::supported() — Method in class Encrypter
Determine if the given key and cipher combination is valid.
McryptEncrypter::supported() — Method in class McryptEncrypter
Determine if the given key and cipher combination is valid.
Dispatcher::subscribe() — Method in class Dispatcher
Register an event subscriber with the dispatcher.
Dispatcher::setQueueResolver() — Method in class Dispatcher
Set the queue resolver implementation.
Filesystem::sharedGet() — Method in class Filesystem
Get contents of a file with shared access.
Filesystem::size() — Method in class Filesystem
Get the file size of a given file.
FilesystemAdapter::setVisibility() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Set the visibility for the given path.
FilesystemAdapter::size() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Get the file size of a given file.
AliasLoader::setAliases() — Method in class AliasLoader
Set the registered aliases.
AliasLoader::setRegistered() — Method in class AliasLoader
Set the "registered" state of the loader.
AliasLoader::setInstance() — Method in class AliasLoader
Set the value of the singleton alias loader.
Application::setBasePath() — Method in class Application
Set the base path for the application.
Application::storagePath() — Method in class Application
Get the path to the storage directory.
Application::shouldSkipMiddleware() — Method in class Application
Determine if middleware has been disabled for the application.
Application::setDeferredServices() — Method in class Application
Set the application's deferred services.
Application::setLocale() — Method in class Application
Set the current application locale.
AuthenticatesUsers::showLoginForm() — Method in class AuthenticatesUsers
Show the application login form.
RegistersUsers::showRegistrationForm() — Method in class RegistersUsers
Show the application registration form.
ResetsPasswords::showLinkRequestForm() — Method in class ResetsPasswords
Display the form to request a password reset link.
ResetsPasswords::sendResetLinkEmail() — Method in class ResetsPasswords
Send a reset link to the given user.
ResetsPasswords::showResetForm() — Method in class ResetsPasswords
Display the password reset view for the given token.
SetRequestForConsoleClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap
ServeCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
Handler::shouldReport() — Method in class Handler
Determine if the exception should be reported.
FormRequest::setRedirector() — Method in class FormRequest
Set the Redirector instance.
FormRequest::setContainer() — Method in class FormRequest
Set the container implementation.
ProviderRepository::shouldRecompile() — Method in class ProviderRepository
Determine if the manifest should be compiled.
InteractsWithAuthentication::seeIsAuthenticated() — Method in class InteractsWithAuthentication
Assert that the user is authenticated.
InteractsWithAuthentication::seeIsAuthenticatedAs() — Method in class InteractsWithAuthentication
Assert that the user is authenticated as the given user.
InteractsWithAuthentication::seeCredentials() — Method in class InteractsWithAuthentication
Assert that the given credentials are valid.
InteractsWithDatabase::seed() — Method in class InteractsWithDatabase
Seed a given database connection.
InteractsWithPages::see() — Method in class InteractsWithPages
Assert that a given string is seen on the current HTML.
InteractsWithPages::seeElement() — Method in class InteractsWithPages
Assert that an element is present on the page.
InteractsWithPages::seeText() — Method in class InteractsWithPages
Assert that a given string is seen on the current text.
InteractsWithPages::seeInElement() — Method in class InteractsWithPages
Assert that a given string is seen inside an element.
InteractsWithPages::seeLink() — Method in class InteractsWithPages
Assert that a given link is seen on the page.
InteractsWithPages::seeInField() — Method in class InteractsWithPages
Assert that an input field contains the given value.
InteractsWithPages::seeIsSelected() — Method in class InteractsWithPages
Assert that the expected value is selected.
InteractsWithPages::seeIsChecked() — Method in class InteractsWithPages
Assert that the given checkbox is selected.
InteractsWithSession::session() — Method in class InteractsWithSession
Set the session to the given array.
InteractsWithSession::seeInSession() — Method in class InteractsWithSession
Assert that the session has a given value.
MakesHttpRequests::seeJsonEquals() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
Assert that the response contains an exact JSON array.
MakesHttpRequests::seeJson() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
Assert that the response contains JSON.
MakesHttpRequests::seeJsonStructure() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
Assert that the JSON response has a given structure.
BcryptHasher::setRounds() — Method in class BcryptHasher
Set the default password work factor.
JsonResponse::setData() — Method in class JsonResponse
JsonResponse::setEncodingOptions() — Method in class JsonResponse
JsonResponse::setJsonOptions() — Method in class JsonResponse
Set the JSON encoding options.
RedirectResponse::setRequest() — Method in class RedirectResponse
Set the request instance.
RedirectResponse::setSession() — Method in class RedirectResponse
Set the session store implementation.
Request::segment() — Method in class Request
Get a segment from the URI (1 based index).
Request::segments() — Method in class Request
Get all of the segments for the request path.
Request::secure() — Method in class Request
Determine if the request is over HTTPS.
Request::server() — Method in class Request
Retrieve a server variable from the request.
Request::session() — Method in class Request
Get the session associated with the request.
Request::setUserResolver() — Method in class Request
Set the user resolver callback.
Request::setRouteResolver() — Method in class Request
Set the route resolver callback.
Response::setContent() — Method in class Response
Set the content on the response.
ResponseTrait::status() — Method in class ResponseTrait
Get the status code for the response.
Writer::setEventDispatcher() — Method in class Writer
Set the event dispatcher instance.
Mailer::send() — Method in class Mailer
Send a new message using a view.
Mailer::setSwiftMailer() — Method in class Mailer
Set the Swift Mailer instance.
Mailer::setQueue() — Method in class Mailer
Set the queue manager instance.
Mailer::setContainer() — Method in class Mailer
Set the IoC container instance.
Message::sender() — Method in class Message
Set the "sender" of the message.
Message::subject() — Method in class Message
Set the subject of the message.
TransportManager::setDefaultDriver() — Method in class TransportManager
Set the default cache driver name.
LogTransport::send() — Method in class LogTransport
MailgunTransport::send() — Method in class MailgunTransport
MailgunTransport::setKey() — Method in class MailgunTransport
Set the API key being used by the transport.
MailgunTransport::setDomain() — Method in class MailgunTransport
Set the domain being used by the transport.
MandrillTransport::send() — Method in class MandrillTransport
MandrillTransport::setKey() — Method in class MandrillTransport
Set the API key being used by the transport.
SesTransportClass in namespace Illuminate\Mail\Transport
SesTransport::send() — Method in class SesTransport
SparkPostTransportClass in namespace Illuminate\Mail\Transport
SparkPostTransport::send() — Method in class SparkPostTransport
SparkPostTransport::setKey() — Method in class SparkPostTransport
Set the API key being used by the transport.
Transport::start() — Method in class Transport
Transport::stop() — Method in class Transport
AbstractPaginator::setPageName() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Set the query string variable used to store the page.
AbstractPaginator::setPath() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Set the base path to assign to all URLs.
AbstractPaginator::setCollection() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Set the paginator's underlying collection.
SimpleBootstrapFourPresenterClass in namespace Illuminate\Pagination
SimpleBootstrapThreePresenterClass in namespace Illuminate\Pagination
Pipeline::send() — Method in class Pipeline
Set the object being sent through the pipeline.
SqsConnectorClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Connectors
SyncConnectorClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Connectors
DatabaseQueue::setExpire() — Method in class DatabaseQueue
Set the expiration time in seconds.
InteractsWithQueue::setJob() — Method in class InteractsWithQueue
Set the base queue job instance.
SqsJobClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Jobs
SyncJobClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Jobs
Listener::stop() — Method in class Listener
Stop listening and bail out of the script.
Listener::setOutputHandler() — Method in class Listener
Set the output handler callback.
Listener::setEnvironment() — Method in class Listener
Set the current environment.
Listener::setSleep() — Method in class Listener
Set the amount of seconds to wait before polling the queue.
Listener::setMaxTries() — Method in class Listener
Set the amount of times to try a job before logging it failed.
Queue::setContainer() — Method in class Queue
Set the IoC container instance.
Queue::setEncrypter() — Method in class Queue
Set the encrypter instance.
QueueManager::stopping() — Method in class QueueManager
Register an event listener for the daemon queue stopping.
QueueManager::setDefaultDriver() — Method in class QueueManager
Set the name of the default queue connection.
RedisQueue::setExpire() — Method in class RedisQueue
Set the expiration time in seconds.
SerializesModelsClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue
SqsQueueClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue
SyncQueueClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue
Worker::stop() — Method in class Worker
Stop listening and bail out of the script.
Worker::sleep() — Method in class Worker
Sleep the script for a given number of seconds.
Worker::setDaemonExceptionHandler() — Method in class Worker
Set the exception handler to use in Daemon mode.
Worker::setCache() — Method in class Worker
Set the cache repository implementation.
Worker::setManager() — Method in class Worker
Set the queue manager instance.
Database::subscribe() — Method in class Database
Subscribe to a set of given channels for messages.
Controller::setRouter() — Method in class Controller
Set the router instance.
SchemeValidatorClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Matching
Redirector::secure() — Method in class Redirector
Create a new redirect response to the given HTTPS path.
Redirector::setSession() — Method in class Redirector
Set the active session store.
ResourceRegistrar::singularParameters() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
Set or unset the unmapped global parameters to singular.
ResourceRegistrar::setParameters() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
Set the global parameter mapping.
ResponseFactory::stream() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Return a new streamed response from the application.
Route::signatureParameters() — Method in class Route
Get the parameters that are listed in the route / controller signature.
Route::setParameter() — Method in class Route
Set a parameter to the given value.
Route::secure() — Method in class Route
Determine if the route only responds to HTTPS requests.
Route::setUri() — Method in class Route
Set the URI that the route responds to.
Route::setAction() — Method in class Route
Set the action array for the route.
Route::setRouter() — Method in class Route
Set the router instance on the route.
Route::setContainer() — Method in class Route
Set the container instance on the route.
Router::singularResourceParameters() — Method in class Router
Set the unmapped global resource parameters to singular.
Router::setRoutes() — Method in class Router
Set the route collection instance.
UrlGenerator::secure() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Generate a secure, absolute URL to the given path.
UrlGenerator::secureAsset() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Generate a URL to a secure asset.
UrlGenerator::setRequest() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Set the current request instance.
UrlGenerator::setRoutes() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Set the route collection.
UrlGenerator::setSessionResolver() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Set the session resolver for the generator.
UrlGenerator::setRootControllerNamespace() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Set the root controller namespace.
SessionTableCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Session\Console
CookieSessionHandler::setRequest() — Method in class CookieSessionHandler
Set the request instance.
DatabaseSessionHandler::setExists() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler
Set the existence state for the session.
ExistenceAwareInterface::setExists() — Method in class ExistenceAwareInterface
Set the existence state for the session.
LegacyDatabaseSessionHandler::setExists() — Method in class LegacyDatabaseSessionHandler
Set the existence state for the session.
StartSessionClass in namespace Illuminate\Session\Middleware
SessionInterfaceClass in namespace Illuminate\Session
SessionInterface::setRequestOnHandler() — Method in class SessionInterface
Set the request on the handler instance.
SessionManagerClass in namespace Illuminate\Session
SessionManager::setDefaultDriver() — Method in class SessionManager
Set the default session driver name.
SessionServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Session
StoreClass in namespace Illuminate\Session
Store::start() — Method in class Store
Store::setId() — Method in class Store
Store::setName() — Method in class Store
Store::save() — Method in class Store
Store::set() — Method in class Store
Store::setPreviousUrl() — Method in class Store
Set the "previous" URL in the session.
Store::setExists() — Method in class Store
Set the existence of the session on the handler if applicable.
Store::setRequestOnHandler() — Method in class Store
Set the request on the handler instance.
Arr::set() — Method in class Arr
Set an array item to a given value using "dot" notation.
Arr::sort() — Method in class Arr
Sort the array using the given callback.
Arr::sortRecursive() — Method in class Arr
Recursively sort an array by keys and values.
Collection::search() — Method in class Collection
Search the collection for a given value and return the corresponding key if successful.
Collection::shift() — Method in class Collection
Get and remove the first item from the collection.
Collection::shuffle() — Method in class Collection
Shuffle the items in the collection.
Collection::slice() — Method in class Collection
Slice the underlying collection array.
Collection::sort() — Method in class Collection
Sort through each item with a callback.
Collection::sortBy() — Method in class Collection
Sort the collection using the given callback.
Collection::sortByDesc() — Method in class Collection
Sort the collection in descending order using the given callback.
Collection::splice() — Method in class Collection
Splice a portion of the underlying collection array.
Collection::sum() — Method in class Collection
Get the sum of the given values.
Composer::setWorkingPath() — Method in class Composer
Set the working path used by the class.
Facade::swap() — Method in class Facade
Hotswap the underlying instance behind the facade.
Facade::shouldReceive() — Method in class Facade
Initiate a mock expectation on the facade.
Facade::setFacadeApplication() — Method in class Facade
Set the application instance.
SchemaClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
SessionClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
StorageClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
MessageBag::setFormat() — Method in class MessageBag
Set the default message format.
NamespacedItemResolver::setParsedKey() — Method in class NamespacedItemResolver
Set the parsed value of a key.
Pluralizer::singular() — Method in class Pluralizer
Get the singular form of an English word.
ServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Support
StrClass in namespace Illuminate\Support
Str::singular() — Method in class Str
Get the singular form of an English word.
Str::slug() — Method in class Str
Generate a URL friendly "slug" from a given string.
Str::snake() — Method in class Str
Convert a string to snake case.
Str::startsWith() — Method in class Str
Determine if a given string starts with a given substring.
Str::studly() — Method in class Str
Convert a value to studly caps case.
Str::substr() — Method in class Str
Returns the portion of string specified by the start and length parameters.
CapsuleManagerTrait::setAsGlobal() — Method in class CapsuleManagerTrait
Make this capsule instance available globally.
CapsuleManagerTrait::setContainer() — Method in class CapsuleManagerTrait
Set the IoC container instance.
Translator::setSelector() — Method in class Translator
Set the message selector instance.
Translator::setLocale() — Method in class Translator
Set the default locale.
Translator::setFallback() — Method in class Translator
Set the fallback locale being used.
DatabasePresenceVerifier::setConnection() — Method in class DatabasePresenceVerifier
Set the connection to be used.
Factory::setPresenceVerifier() — Method in class Factory
Set the Presence Verifier implementation.
Validator::sometimes() — Method in class Validator
Add conditions to a given field based on a Closure.
Validator::setData() — Method in class Validator
Set the data under validation.
Validator::setRules() — Method in class Validator
Set the validation rules.
Validator::setAttributeNames() — Method in class Validator
Set the custom attributes on the validator.
Validator::setValueNames() — Method in class Validator
Set the custom values on the validator.
Validator::setFiles() — Method in class Validator
Set the files under validation.
Validator::setPresenceVerifier() — Method in class Validator
Set the Presence Verifier implementation.
Validator::setTranslator() — Method in class Validator
Set the Translator implementation.
Validator::setCustomMessages() — Method in class Validator
Set the custom messages for the validator.
Validator::setFallbackMessages() — Method in class Validator
Set the fallback messages for the validator.
Validator::setContainer() — Method in class Validator
Set the IoC container instance.
BladeCompiler::setPath() — Method in class BladeCompiler
Set the path currently being compiled.
BladeCompiler::setRawTags() — Method in class BladeCompiler
Sets the raw tags used for the compiler.
BladeCompiler::setContentTags() — Method in class BladeCompiler
Sets the content tags used for the compiler.
BladeCompiler::setEscapedContentTags() — Method in class BladeCompiler
Sets the escaped content tags used for the compiler.
BladeCompiler::setEchoFormat() — Method in class BladeCompiler
Set the echo format to be used by the compiler.
Factory::share() — Method in class Factory
Add a piece of shared data to the environment.
Factory::startSection() — Method in class Factory
Start injecting content into a section.
Factory::stopSection() — Method in class Factory
Stop injecting content into a section.
Factory::startPush() — Method in class Factory
Start injecting content into a push section.
Factory::stopPush() — Method in class Factory
Stop injecting content into a push section.
Factory::setFinder() — Method in class Factory
Set the view finder instance.
Factory::setDispatcher() — Method in class Factory
Set the event dispatcher instance.
Factory::setContainer() — Method in class Factory
Set the IoC container instance.
Factory::shared() — Method in class Factory
Get an item from the shared data.
ShareErrorsFromSessionClass in namespace Illuminate\View\Middleware
View::setPath() — Method in class View
Set the path to the view.


PasswordBroker::tokenExists() — Method in class PasswordBroker
Validate the given password reset token.
TokenRepositoryInterfaceClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Passwords
TokenGuardClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth
$CacheHitProperty in class CacheHit
The tags that were assigned to the key.
$CacheMissedProperty in class CacheMissed
The tags that were assigned to the key.
$KeyForgottenProperty in class KeyForgotten
The tags that were assigned to the key.
$KeyWrittenProperty in class KeyWritten
The tags that were assigned to the key.
RateLimiter::tooManyAttempts() — Method in class RateLimiter
Determine if the given key has been "accessed" too many times.
RedisStore::tags() — Method in class RedisStore
Begin executing a new tags operation.
Repository::tags() — Method in class Repository
Begin executing a new tags operation if the store supports it.
TagSetClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
TagSet::tagId() — Method in class TagSet
Get the unique tag identifier for a given tag.
TagSet::tagKey() — Method in class TagSet
Get the tag identifier key for a given tag.
TaggableStoreClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
TaggableStore::tags() — Method in class TaggableStore
Begin executing a new tags operation.
TaggedCacheClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
TaggedCache::taggedItemKey() — Method in class TaggedCache
Get a fully qualified key for a tagged item.
Command::table() — Method in class Command
Format input to textual table.
$EventProperty in class Event
The timezone the date should be evaluated on.
Event::twiceDaily() — Method in class Event
Schedule the event to run twice daily.
Event::tuesdays() — Method in class Event
Schedule the event to run only on Tuesdays.
Event::thursdays() — Method in class Event
Schedule the event to run only on Thursdays.
Event::timezone() — Method in class Event
Set the timezone the date should be evaluated on.
Event::thenPing() — Method in class Event
Register a callback to ping a given URL after the job runs.
Event::then() — Method in class Event
Register a callback to be called after the operation.
Container::tag() — Method in class Container
Assign a set of tags to a given binding.
Container::tagged() — Method in class Container
Resolve all of the bindings for a given tag.
Container::tag() — Method in class Container
Assign a set of tags to a given binding.
Container::tagged() — Method in class Container
Resolve all of the bindings for a given tag.
Kernel::terminate() — Method in class Kernel
Perform any final actions for the request lifecycle.
LengthAwarePaginator::total() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator
Determine the total number of items in the data store.
Pipeline::through() — Method in class Pipeline
Set the stops of the pipeline.
Pipeline::then() — Method in class Pipeline
Run the pipeline with a final destination callback.
UrlGenerator::to() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Generate a absolute URL to the given path.
Arrayable::toArray() — Method in class Arrayable
Get the instance as an array.
Htmlable::toHtml() — Method in class Htmlable
Get content as a string of HTML.
Jsonable::toJson() — Method in class Jsonable
Convert the object to its JSON representation.
MessageBag::toArray() — Method in class MessageBag
Get the instance as an array.
Manager::table() — Method in class Manager
Get a fluent query builder instance.
Connection::table() — Method in class Connection
Begin a fluent query against a database table.
Connection::transaction() — Method in class Connection
Execute a Closure within a transaction.
Connection::transactionLevel() — Method in class Connection
Get the number of active transactions.
ConnectionInterface::table() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
Begin a fluent query against a database table.
ConnectionInterface::transaction() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
Execute a Closure within a transaction.
ConnectionInterface::transactionLevel() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
Get the number of active transactions.
Builder::toBase() — Method in class Builder
Get a base query builder instance.
Collection::toBase() — Method in class Collection
Get a base Support collection instance from this collection.
FactoryBuilder::times() — Method in class FactoryBuilder
Set the amount of models you wish to create / make.
$ModelProperty in class Model
Indicates if the model should be timestamped.
Model::touchOwners() — Method in class Model
Touch the owning relations of the model.
Model::touches() — Method in class Model
Determine if the model touches a given relation.
Model::touch() — Method in class Model
Update the model's update timestamp.
Model::totallyGuarded() — Method in class Model
Determine if the model is totally guarded.
Model::toJson() — Method in class Model
Convert the model instance to JSON.
Model::toArray() — Method in class Model
Convert the model instance to an array.
BelongsToMany::touch() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Touch all of the related models for the relationship.
BelongsToMany::touchIfTouching() — Method in class BelongsToMany
If we're touching the parent model, touch.
Relation::touch() — Method in class Relation
Touch all of the related models for the relationship.
SoftDeletes::trashed() — Method in class SoftDeletes
Determine if the model instance has been soft-deleted.
$QueryExecutedProperty in class QueryExecuted
The number of milliseconds it took to execute the query.
TransactionBeginningClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Events
TransactionCommittedClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Events
TransactionRolledBackClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Events
Builder::take() — Method in class Builder
Alias to set the "limit" value of the query.
Builder::toSql() — Method in class Builder
Get the SQL representation of the query.
Builder::truncate() — Method in class Builder
Run a truncate statement on the table.
$JoinClauseProperty in class JoinClause
The type of join being performed.
$JoinClauseProperty in class JoinClause
The table the join clause is joining to.
$BlueprintProperty in class Blueprint
Whether to make the table temporary.
Blueprint::toSql() — Method in class Blueprint
Get the raw SQL statements for the blueprint.
Blueprint::temporary() — Method in class Blueprint
Indicate that the table needs to be temporary.
Blueprint::text() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new text column on the table.
Blueprint::tinyInteger() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new tiny integer (1-byte) column on the table.
Blueprint::time() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new time column on the table.
Blueprint::timeTz() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new time column (with time zone) on the table.
Blueprint::timestamp() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new timestamp column on the table.
Blueprint::timestampTz() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new timestamp (with time zone) column on the table.
Blueprint::timestamps() — Method in class Blueprint
Add nullable creation and update timestamps to the table.
Blueprint::timestampsTz() — Method in class Blueprint
Add creation and update timestampTz columns to the table.
Builder::table() — Method in class Builder
Modify a table on the schema.
SqlServerConnection::transaction() — Method in class SqlServerConnection
Execute a Closure within a transaction.
Filesystem::type() — Method in class Filesystem
Get the file type of a given file.
Application::terminating() — Method in class Application
Register a terminating callback with the application.
Application::terminate() — Method in class Application
Terminate the application.
ThrottlesLoginsClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Auth
Kernel::terminate() — Method in class Kernel
Terminate the application.
TestMakeCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
TinkerCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
Kernel::terminate() — Method in class Kernel
Call the terminate method on any terminable middleware.
HasElement::toString() — Method in class HasElement
Returns a string representation of the object.
HasSource::toString() — Method in class HasSource
Returns a string representation of the object.
HasText::toString() — Method in class HasText
Returns a string representation of the object.
PageConstraint::toString() — Method in class PageConstraint
Get a string representation of the object.
ReversePageConstraint::toString() — Method in class ReversePageConstraint
Get a string representation of the object.
TestCaseClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing
Request::toArray() — Method in class Request
Get all of the input and files for the request.
Message::to() — Method in class Message
Add a recipient to the message.
TransportManagerClass in namespace Illuminate\Mail
TransportClass in namespace Illuminate\Mail\Transport
AbstractPaginator::toHtml() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Render the contents of the paginator to HTML.
LengthAwarePaginator::total() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator
Get the total number of items being paginated.
LengthAwarePaginator::toArray() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator
Get the instance as an array.
LengthAwarePaginator::toJson() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator
Convert the object to its JSON representation.
Paginator::toArray() — Method in class Paginator
Get the instance as an array.
Paginator::toJson() — Method in class Paginator
Convert the object to its JSON representation.
Pipeline::through() — Method in class Pipeline
Set the array of pipes.
Pipeline::then() — Method in class Pipeline
Run the pipeline with a final destination callback.
TableCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Console
ThrottleRequestsClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Middleware
Redirector::to() — Method in class Redirector
Create a new redirect response to the given path.
UrlGenerator::to() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Generate an absolute URL to the given path.
StartSession::terminate() — Method in class StartSession
Perform any final actions for the request lifecycle.
Store::token() — Method in class Store
Get the CSRF token value.
TokenMismatchExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Session
Collection::take() — Method in class Collection
Take the first or last {$limit} items.
Collection::transform() — Method in class Collection
Transform each item in the collection using a callback.
Collection::toArray() — Method in class Collection
Get the collection of items as a plain array.
Collection::toJson() — Method in class Collection
Get the collection of items as JSON.
Fluent::toArray() — Method in class Fluent
Convert the Fluent instance to an array.
Fluent::toJson() — Method in class Fluent
Convert the Fluent instance to JSON.
HtmlString::toHtml() — Method in class HtmlString
Get the the HTML string.
MessageBag::toArray() — Method in class MessageBag
Get the instance as an array.
MessageBag::toJson() — Method in class MessageBag
Convert the object to its JSON representation.
Str::title() — Method in class Str
Convert the given string to title case.
TranslationServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Translation
TranslatorClass in namespace Illuminate\Translation
Translator::trans() — Method in class Translator
Get the translation for a given key.
Translator::transChoice() — Method in class Translator
Get a translation according to an integer value.


AuthManager::userResolver() — Method in class AuthManager
Get the user resolver callback.
DatabaseUserProvider::updateRememberToken() — Method in class DatabaseUserProvider
Update the "remember me" token for the given user in storage.
EloquentUserProvider::updateRememberToken() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider
Update the "remember me" token for the given user in storage.
$LoginProperty in class Login
The authenticated user.
$LogoutProperty in class Logout
The authenticated user.
RequestGuard::user() — Method in class RequestGuard
Get the currently authenticated user.
SessionGuard::user() — Method in class SessionGuard
Get the currently authenticated user.
TokenGuard::user() — Method in class TokenGuard
Get the currently authenticated user.
$EventProperty in class Event
The user the command should run as.
Event::user() — Method in class Event
Set which user the command should run as.
Guard::user() — Method in class Guard
Get the currently authenticated user.
UserProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth
UserProvider::updateRememberToken() — Method in class UserProvider
Update the "remember me" token for the given user in storage.
QueueingFactory::unqueue() — Method in class QueueingFactory
Remove a cookie from the queue.
Dispatcher::until() — Method in class Dispatcher
Fire an event until the first non-null response is returned.
Log::useFiles() — Method in class Log
Register a file log handler.
Log::useDailyFiles() — Method in class Log
Register a daily file log handler.
Paginator::url() — Method in class Paginator
Get the URL for a given page.
UrlGeneratorClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Routing
UrlRoutableClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Routing
UnauthorizedExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Validation
CookieJar::unqueue() — Method in class CookieJar
Remove a cookie from the queue.
Connection::useDefaultQueryGrammar() — Method in class Connection
Set the query grammar to the default implementation.
Connection::useDefaultSchemaGrammar() — Method in class Connection
Set the schema grammar to the default implementation.
Connection::useDefaultPostProcessor() — Method in class Connection
Set the query post processor to the default implementation.
Connection::update() — Method in class Connection
Run an update statement against the database.
Connection::unprepared() — Method in class Connection
Run a raw, unprepared query against the PDO connection.
ConnectionInterface::update() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
Run an update statement against the database.
ConnectionInterface::unprepared() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
Run a raw, unprepared query against the PDO connection.
Builder::updateOrCreate() — Method in class Builder
Create or update a record matching the attributes, and fill it with values.
Builder::update() — Method in class Builder
Update a record in the database.
Collection::unique() — Method in class Collection
Return only unique items from the collection.
Model::updating() — Method in class Model
Register an updating model event with the dispatcher.
Model::updated() — Method in class Model
Register an updated model event with the dispatcher.
Model::update() — Method in class Model
Update the model in the database.
Model::usesTimestamps() — Method in class Model
Determine if the model uses timestamps.
Model::unguard() — Method in class Model
Disable all mass assignable restrictions.
Model::unguarded() — Method in class Model
Run the given callable while being unguarded.
Model::unsetConnectionResolver() — Method in class Model
Unset the connection resolver for models.
Model::unsetEventDispatcher() — Method in class Model
Unset the event dispatcher for models.
BelongsTo::update() — Method in class BelongsTo
Update the parent model on the relationship.
BelongsToMany::updateOrCreate() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Create or update a related record matching the attributes, and fill it with values.
BelongsToMany::updateExistingPivot() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Update an existing pivot record on the table.
BelongsToMany::updatedAt() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Get the name of the "updated at" column.
HasOneOrMany::updateOrCreate() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Create or update a related record matching the attributes, and fill it with values.
HasOneOrMany::update() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Perform an update on all the related models.
MorphOneOrMany::updateOrCreate() — Method in class MorphOneOrMany
Create or update a related record matching the attributes, and fill it with values.
Relation::updatedAt() — Method in class Relation
Get the name of the "updated at" column.
$BuilderProperty in class Builder
The query union statements.
$BuilderProperty in class Builder
The maximum number of union records to return.
$BuilderProperty in class Builder
The number of union records to skip.
$BuilderProperty in class Builder
The orderings for the union query.
Builder::union() — Method in class Builder
Add a union statement to the query.
Builder::unionAll() — Method in class Builder
Add a union all statement to the query.
Builder::update() — Method in class Builder
Update a record in the database.
Builder::updateOrInsert() — Method in class Builder
Insert or update a record matching the attributes, and fill it with values.
Builder::useWritePdo() — Method in class Builder
Use the write pdo for query.
Blueprint::unique() — Method in class Blueprint
Specify a unique index for the table.
Blueprint::unsignedTinyInteger() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new unsigned tiny integer (1-byte) column on the table.
Blueprint::unsignedSmallInteger() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new unsigned small integer (2-byte) column on the table.
Blueprint::unsignedMediumInteger() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new unsigned medium integer (3-byte) column on the table.
Blueprint::unsignedInteger() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new unsigned integer (4-byte) column on the table.
Blueprint::unsignedBigInteger() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new unsigned big integer (8-byte) column on the table.
Blueprint::uuid() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new uuid column on the table.
Dispatcher::until() — Method in class Dispatcher
Fire an event until the first non-null response is returned.
FilesystemAdapter::url() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Get the URL for the file at the given path.
Application::useDatabasePath() — Method in class Application
Set the database directory.
Application::useStoragePath() — Method in class Application
Set the storage directory.
Application::useEnvironmentPath() — Method in class Application
Set the directory for the environment file.
UserClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Auth
UpCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
Request::url() — Method in class Request
Get the URL (no query string) for the request.
Request::user() — Method in class Request
Get the user making the request.
UploadedFileClass in namespace Illuminate\Http
Writer::useFiles() — Method in class Writer
Register a file log handler.
Writer::useDailyFiles() — Method in class Writer
Register a daily file log handler.
Writer::useSyslog() — Method in class Writer
Register a Syslog handler.
Writer::useErrorLog() — Method in class Writer
Register an error_log handler.
AbstractPaginator::url() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Get a URL for a given page number.
UrlWindowClass in namespace Illuminate\Pagination
UrlWindowPresenterTraitClass in namespace Illuminate\Pagination
UrlGenerationExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Exceptions
UriValidatorClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Matching
Route::uri() — Method in class Route
Get the URI associated with the route.
Route::uses() — Method in class Route
Set the handler for the route.
Router::uses() — Method in class Router
Alias for the "currentRouteUses" method.
UrlGeneratorClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing
Collection::union() — Method in class Collection
Union the collection with the given items.
Collection::unique() — Method in class Collection
Return only unique items from the collection array.
URLClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
MessageBag::unique() — Method in class MessageBag
Get all of the unique messages for every key in the bag.
$PluralizerProperty in class Pluralizer
Uncountable word forms.
Str::upper() — Method in class Str
Convert the given string to upper-case.
Str::ucfirst() — Method in class Str
Make a string's first character uppercase.


AuthManager::viaRequest() — Method in class AuthManager
Register a new callback based request guard.
DatabaseUserProvider::validateCredentials() — Method in class DatabaseUserProvider
Validate a user against the given credentials.
EloquentUserProvider::validateCredentials() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider
Validate a user against the given credentials.
PasswordBroker::validator() — Method in class PasswordBroker
Set a custom password validator.
PasswordBroker::validateNewPassword() — Method in class PasswordBroker
Determine if the passwords match for the request.
RequestGuard::validate() — Method in class RequestGuard
Validate a user's credentials.
SessionGuard::validate() — Method in class SessionGuard
Validate a user's credentials.
SessionGuard::viaRemember() — Method in class SessionGuard
Determine if the user was authenticated via "remember me" cookie.
TokenGuard::validate() — Method in class TokenGuard
Validate a user's credentials.
$CacheHitProperty in class CacheHit
The value that was retrieved.
$KeyWrittenProperty in class KeyWritten
The value that was written.
Guard::validate() — Method in class Guard
Validate a user's credentials.
PasswordBroker::validator() — Method in class PasswordBroker
Set a custom password validator.
PasswordBroker::validateNewPassword() — Method in class PasswordBroker
Determine if the passwords match for the request.
Registrar::validator() — Method in class Registrar
Get a validator for an incoming registration request.
StatefulGuard::viaRemember() — Method in class StatefulGuard
Determine if the user was authenticated via "remember me" cookie.
UserProvider::validateCredentials() — Method in class UserProvider
Validate a user against the given credentials.
Application::version() — Method in class Application
Get the version number of the application.
Pipeline::via() — Method in class Pipeline
Set the method to call on the stops.
ResponseFactory::view() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Return a new view response from the application.
ValidatesWhenResolvedClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Validation
ValidatesWhenResolved::validate() — Method in class ValidatesWhenResolved
Validate the given class instance.
ValidationExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Validation
ValidatorClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Validation
ViewClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\View
Builder::value() — Method in class Builder
Get a single column's value from the first result of a query.
Builder::value() — Method in class Builder
Get a single column's value from the first result of a query.
Application::version() — Method in class Application
Get the version number of the application.
VendorPublishCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
ViewClearCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
VerifyCsrfTokenClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware
VerifyPostSizeClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware
InteractsWithPages::visit() — Method in class InteractsWithPages
Visit the given URI with a GET request.
ValidatesRequestsClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Validation
ValidatesRequests::validateWith() — Method in class ValidatesRequests
Run the validation routine against the given validator.
ValidatesRequests::validate() — Method in class ValidatesRequests
Validate the given request with the given rules.
ValidatesRequests::validateWithBag() — Method in class ValidatesRequests
Validate the given request with the given rules.
ValidationExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Validation
Pipeline::via() — Method in class Pipeline
Set the method to call on the pipes.
ValidatorInterfaceClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Matching
ResponseFactory::view() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Return a new view response from the application.
$RouteProperty in class Route
The validators used by the routes.
$RouterProperty in class Router
All of the verbs supported by the router.
Collection::values() — Method in class Collection
Reset the keys on the underlying array.
ValidatorClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
ViewClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
ViewErrorBagClass in namespace Illuminate\Support
ValidatesWhenResolvedTraitClass in namespace Illuminate\Validation
Provides default implementation of ValidatesWhenResolved contract.
ValidatesWhenResolvedTrait::validate() — Method in class ValidatesWhenResolvedTrait
Validate the class instance.
ValidationExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Validation
$ValidationExceptionProperty in class ValidationException
The validator instance.
ValidationServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Validation
ValidatorClass in namespace Illuminate\Validation
Validator::valid() — Method in class Validator
Returns the data which was valid.
ViewClass in namespace Illuminate\View
ViewFinderInterfaceClass in namespace Illuminate\View
ViewServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\View


Command::warn() — Method in class Command
Write a string as warning output.
CallbackEvent::withoutOverlapping() — Method in class CallbackEvent
Do not allow the event to overlap each other.
$EventProperty in class Event
Indicates if the command should not overlap itself.
Event::weekdays() — Method in class Event
Schedule the event to run only on weekdays.
Event::wednesdays() — Method in class Event
Schedule the event to run only on Wednesdays.
Event::weekly() — Method in class Event
Schedule the event to run weekly.
Event::weeklyOn() — Method in class Event
Schedule the event to run weekly on a given day and time.
Event::withoutOverlapping() — Method in class Event
Do not allow the event to overlap each other.
Event::when() — Method in class Event
Register a callback to further filter the schedule.
Container::when() — Method in class Container
Define a contextual binding.
Container::wrap() — Method in class Container
Wrap the given closure such that its dependencies will be injected when executed.
Container::when() — Method in class Container
Define a contextual binding.
Log::warning() — Method in class Log
Log a warning message to the logs.
View::with() — Method in class View
Add a piece of data to the view.
Connection::withTablePrefix() — Method in class Connection
Set the table prefix and return the grammar.
Builder::withGlobalScope() — Method in class Builder
Register a new global scope.
Builder::withoutGlobalScope() — Method in class Builder
Remove a registered global scope.
Builder::withoutGlobalScopes() — Method in class Builder
Remove all or passed registered global scopes.
Builder::where() — Method in class Builder
Add a basic where clause to the query.
Builder::whereHas() — Method in class Builder
Add a relationship count / exists condition to the query with where clauses.
Builder::whereDoesntHave() — Method in class Builder
Add a relationship count / exists condition to the query with where clauses.
Builder::with() — Method in class Builder
Set the relationships that should be eager loaded.
Collection::withHidden() — Method in class Collection
Make the given, typically hidden, attributes visible across the entire collection.
$ModelProperty in class Model
Indicates if the model was inserted during the current request lifecycle.
Model::with() — Method in class Model
Begin querying a model with eager loading.
Model::withHidden() — Method in class Model
Make the given, typically hidden, attributes visible.
BelongsToMany::wherePivot() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Set a where clause for a pivot table column.
BelongsToMany::wherePivotIn() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Set a "where in" clause for a pivot table column.
BelongsToMany::withPivot() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Set the columns on the pivot table to retrieve.
BelongsToMany::withTimestamps() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Specify that the pivot table has creation and update timestamps.
MorphTo::withTrashed() — Method in class MorphTo
Fetch soft-deleted model instances with query.
Relation::wrap() — Method in class Relation
Wrap the given value with the parent query's grammar.
SoftDeletes::withTrashed() — Method in class SoftDeletes
Get a new query builder that includes soft deletes.
Grammar::wrapArray() — Method in class Grammar
Wrap an array of values.
Grammar::wrapTable() — Method in class Grammar
Wrap a table in keyword identifiers.
Grammar::wrap() — Method in class Grammar
Wrap a value in keyword identifiers.
$BuilderProperty in class Builder
The where constraints for the query.
Builder::when() — Method in class Builder
Apply the callback's query changes if the given "value" is true.
Builder::where() — Method in class Builder
Add a basic where clause to the query.
Builder::whereRaw() — Method in class Builder
Add a raw where clause to the query.
Builder::whereBetween() — Method in class Builder
Add a where between statement to the query.
Builder::whereNotBetween() — Method in class Builder
Add a where not between statement to the query.
Builder::whereNested() — Method in class Builder
Add a nested where statement to the query.
Builder::whereExists() — Method in class Builder
Add an exists clause to the query.
Builder::whereNotExists() — Method in class Builder
Add a where not exists clause to the query.
Builder::whereIn() — Method in class Builder
Add a "where in" clause to the query.
Builder::whereNotIn() — Method in class Builder
Add a "where not in" clause to the query.
Builder::whereNull() — Method in class Builder
Add a "where null" clause to the query.
Builder::whereNotNull() — Method in class Builder
Add a "where not null" clause to the query.
Builder::whereDate() — Method in class Builder
Add a "where date" statement to the query.
Builder::whereDay() — Method in class Builder
Add a "where day" statement to the query.
Builder::whereMonth() — Method in class Builder
Add a "where month" statement to the query.
Builder::whereYear() — Method in class Builder
Add a "where year" statement to the query.
SqlServerGrammar::wrapTable() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Wrap a table in keyword identifiers.
JoinClause::where() — Method in class JoinClause
Add an "on where" clause to the join.
JoinClause::whereNull() — Method in class JoinClause
Add an "on where is null" clause to the join.
JoinClause::whereNotNull() — Method in class JoinClause
Add an "on where is not null" clause to the join.
JoinClause::whereIn() — Method in class JoinClause
Add an "on where in (.
JoinClause::whereNotIn() — Method in class JoinClause
Add an "on where not in (.
Grammar::wrapTable() — Method in class Grammar
Wrap a table in keyword identifiers.
Grammar::wrap() — Method in class Grammar
Wrap a value in keyword identifiers.
ProviderRepository::writeManifest() — Method in class ProviderRepository
Write the service manifest file to disk.
InteractsWithPages::within() — Method in class InteractsWithPages
Narrow the test content to a specific area of the page.
InteractsWithSession::withSession() — Method in class InteractsWithSession
Set the session to the given array.
MakesHttpRequests::withoutMiddleware() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
Disable middleware for the test.
MocksApplicationServices::withoutObservers() — Method in class MocksApplicationServices
Specify a list of observers that will not run for the given operation.
WithoutEventsClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing
WithoutMiddlewareClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing
RedirectResponse::with() — Method in class RedirectResponse
Flash a piece of data to the session.
RedirectResponse::withCookies() — Method in class RedirectResponse
Add multiple cookies to the response.
RedirectResponse::withInput() — Method in class RedirectResponse
Flash an array of input to the session.
RedirectResponse::withErrors() — Method in class RedirectResponse
Flash a container of errors to the session.
Request::wantsJson() — Method in class Request
Determine if the current request is asking for JSON in return.
Response::withException() — Method in class Response
Set the exception to attach to the response.
ResponseTrait::withHeaders() — Method in class ResponseTrait
Add an array of headers to the response.
ResponseTrait::withCookie() — Method in class ResponseTrait
Add a cookie to the response.
WriterClass in namespace Illuminate\Log
Writer::warning() — Method in class Writer
Log a warning message to the logs.
Writer::write() — Method in class Writer
Dynamically pass log calls into the writer.
WorkCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Console
WorkerStoppingClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Events
WorkerClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue
Route::where() — Method in class Route
Set a regular expression requirement on the route.
CacheBasedSessionHandler::write() — Method in class CacheBasedSessionHandler
CookieSessionHandler::write() — Method in class CookieSessionHandler
DatabaseSessionHandler::write() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler
FileSessionHandler::write() — Method in class FileSessionHandler
LegacyDatabaseSessionHandler::write() — Method in class LegacyDatabaseSessionHandler
Arr::where() — Method in class Arr
Filter the array using the given callback.
Collection::where() — Method in class Collection
Filter items by the given key value pair.
Collection::whereLoose() — Method in class Collection
Filter items by the given key value pair using loose comparison.
Collection::whereIn() — Method in class Collection
Filter items by the given key value pair.
Collection::whereInLoose() — Method in class Collection
Filter items by the given key value pair using loose comparison.
ServiceProvider::when() — Method in class ServiceProvider
Get the events that trigger this service provider to register.
Str::words() — Method in class Str
Limit the number of words in a string.
View::with() — Method in class View
Add a piece of data to the view.
View::withErrors() — Method in class View
Add validation errors to the view.


Event::yearly() — Method in class Event
Schedule the event to run yearly.
Factory::yieldSection() — Method in class Factory
Stop injecting content into a section and return its contents.
Factory::yieldContent() — Method in class Factory
Get the string contents of a section.
Factory::yieldPushContent() — Method in class Factory
Get the string contents of a push section.


Collection::zip() — Method in class Collection
Zip the collection together with one or more arrays.
Collection::zip() — Method in class Collection
Zip the collection together with one or more arrays.


IlluminateQueueClosure::__construct() — Method in class IlluminateQueueClosure
Create a new queued Closure job.
Gate::__construct() — Method in class Gate
Create a new gate instance.
Response::__construct() — Method in class Response
Create a new response.
Response::__toString() — Method in class Response
Get the string representation of the message.
AuthManager::__construct() — Method in class AuthManager
Create a new Auth manager instance.
AuthManager::__call() — Method in class AuthManager
Dynamically call the default driver instance.
DatabaseUserProvider::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseUserProvider
Create a new database user provider.
EloquentUserProvider::__construct() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider
Create a new database user provider.
Attempting::__construct() — Method in class Attempting
Create a new event instance.
Lockout::__construct() — Method in class Lockout
Create a new event instance.
Login::__construct() — Method in class Login
Create a new event instance.
Logout::__construct() — Method in class Logout
Create a new event instance.
GenericUser::__construct() — Method in class GenericUser
Create a new generic User object.
GenericUser::__get() — Method in class GenericUser
Dynamically access the user's attributes.
GenericUser::__set() — Method in class GenericUser
Dynamically set an attribute on the user.
GenericUser::__isset() — Method in class GenericUser
Dynamically check if a value is set on the user.
GenericUser::__unset() — Method in class GenericUser
Dynamically unset a value on the user.
AuthenticateWithBasicAuth::__construct() — Method in class AuthenticateWithBasicAuth
Create a new middleware instance.
DatabaseTokenRepository::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseTokenRepository
Create a new token repository instance.
PasswordBroker::__construct() — Method in class PasswordBroker
Create a new password broker instance.
PasswordBrokerManager::__construct() — Method in class PasswordBrokerManager
Create a new PasswordBroker manager instance.
PasswordBrokerManager::__call() — Method in class PasswordBrokerManager
Dynamically call the default driver instance.
RequestGuard::__construct() — Method in class RequestGuard
Create a new authentication guard.
SessionGuard::__construct() — Method in class SessionGuard
Create a new authentication guard.
TokenGuard::__construct() — Method in class TokenGuard
Create a new authentication guard.
BroadcastEvent::__construct() — Method in class BroadcastEvent
Create a new job handler instance.
BroadcastManager::__construct() — Method in class BroadcastManager
Create a new manager instance.
BroadcastManager::__call() — Method in class BroadcastManager
Dynamically call the default driver instance.
LogBroadcaster::__construct() — Method in class LogBroadcaster
Create a new broadcaster instance.
PusherBroadcaster::__construct() — Method in class PusherBroadcaster
Create a new broadcaster instance.
RedisBroadcaster::__construct() — Method in class RedisBroadcaster
Create a new broadcaster instance.
Dispatcher::__construct() — Method in class Dispatcher
Create a new command dispatcher instance.
ApcStore::__construct() — Method in class ApcStore
Create a new APC store.
ApcWrapper::__construct() — Method in class ApcWrapper
Create a new APC wrapper instance.
CacheManager::__construct() — Method in class CacheManager
Create a new Cache manager instance.
CacheManager::__call() — Method in class CacheManager
Dynamically call the default driver instance.
CacheTableCommand::__construct() — Method in class CacheTableCommand
Create a new session table command instance.
ClearCommand::__construct() — Method in class ClearCommand
Create a new console command instance.
DatabaseStore::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseStore
Create a new database store.
CacheHit::__construct() — Method in class CacheHit
Create a new event instance.
CacheMissed::__construct() — Method in class CacheMissed
Create a new event instance.
KeyForgotten::__construct() — Method in class KeyForgotten
Create a new event instance.
KeyWritten::__construct() — Method in class KeyWritten
Create a new event instance.
FileStore::__construct() — Method in class FileStore
Create a new file cache store instance.
MemcachedStore::__construct() — Method in class MemcachedStore
Create a new Memcached store.
RateLimiter::__construct() — Method in class RateLimiter
Create a new rate limiter instance.
RedisStore::__construct() — Method in class RedisStore
Create a new Redis store.
Repository::__construct() — Method in class Repository
Create a new cache repository instance.
Repository::__call() — Method in class Repository
Handle dynamic calls into macros or pass missing methods to the store.
Repository::__clone() — Method in class Repository
Clone cache repository instance.
TagSet::__construct() — Method in class TagSet
Create a new TagSet instance.
TaggedCache::__construct() — Method in class TaggedCache
Create a new tagged cache instance.
Repository::__construct() — Method in class Repository
Create a new configuration repository.
Application::__construct() — Method in class Application
Create a new Artisan console application.
Command::__construct() — Method in class Command
Create a new console command instance.
ArtisanStarting::__construct() — Method in class ArtisanStarting
Create a new event instance.
GeneratorCommand::__construct() — Method in class GeneratorCommand
Create a new console command instance.
OutputStyle::__construct() — Method in class OutputStyle
Create a new Console OutputStyle instance.
CallbackEvent::__construct() — Method in class CallbackEvent
Create a new event instance.
Event::__construct() — Method in class Event
Create a new event instance.
ScheduleRunCommand::__construct() — Method in class ScheduleRunCommand
Create a new command instance.
Container::__get() — Method in class Container
Dynamically access container services.
Container::__set() — Method in class Container
Dynamically set container services.
ContextualBindingBuilder::__construct() — Method in class ContextualBindingBuilder
Create a new contextual binding builder.
ModelIdentifier::__construct() — Method in class ModelIdentifier
Create a new model identifier.
EntityNotFoundException::__construct() — Method in class EntityNotFoundException
Create a new exception instance.
ValidationException::__construct() — Method in class ValidationException
Create a new validation exception instance.
AddQueuedCookiesToResponse::__construct() — Method in class AddQueuedCookiesToResponse
Create a new CookieQueue instance.
EncryptCookies::__construct() — Method in class EncryptCookies
Create a new CookieGuard instance.
Manager::__construct() — Method in class Manager
Create a new database capsule manager.
Manager::__callStatic() — Method in class Manager
Dynamically pass methods to the default connection.
Connection::__construct() — Method in class Connection
Create a new database connection instance.
ConnectionResolver::__construct() — Method in class ConnectionResolver
Create a new connection resolver instance.
ConnectionFactory::__construct() — Method in class ConnectionFactory
Create a new connection factory instance.
InstallCommand::__construct() — Method in class InstallCommand
Create a new console command instance.
MigrateCommand::__construct() — Method in class MigrateCommand
Create a new migration command instance.
MigrateMakeCommand::__construct() — Method in class MigrateMakeCommand
Create a new migration install command instance.
ResetCommand::__construct() — Method in class ResetCommand
Create a new console command instance.
RollbackCommand::__construct() — Method in class RollbackCommand
Create a new console command instance.
StatusCommand::__construct() — Method in class StatusCommand
Create a new console command instance.
SeedCommand::__construct() — Method in class SeedCommand
Create a new database seed command instance.
SeederMakeCommand::__construct() — Method in class SeederMakeCommand
Create a new command instance.
DatabaseManager::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseManager
Create a new database manager instance.
DatabaseManager::__call() — Method in class DatabaseManager
Dynamically pass methods to the default connection.
Builder::__construct() — Method in class Builder
Create a new Eloquent query builder instance.
Builder::__call() — Method in class Builder
Dynamically handle calls into the query instance.
Builder::__clone() — Method in class Builder
Force a clone of the underlying query builder when cloning.
Factory::__construct() — Method in class Factory
Create a new factory instance.
FactoryBuilder::__construct() — Method in class FactoryBuilder
Create an new builder instance.
Model::__construct() — Method in class Model
Create a new Eloquent model instance.
Model::__get() — Method in class Model
Dynamically retrieve attributes on the model.
Model::__set() — Method in class Model
Dynamically set attributes on the model.
Model::__isset() — Method in class Model
Determine if an attribute exists on the model.
Model::__unset() — Method in class Model
Unset an attribute on the model.
Model::__call() — Method in class Model
Handle dynamic method calls into the model.
Model::__callStatic() — Method in class Model
Handle dynamic static method calls into the method.
Model::__toString() — Method in class Model
Convert the model to its string representation.
Model::__wakeup() — Method in class Model
When a model is being unserialized, check if it needs to be booted.
BelongsTo::__construct() — Method in class BelongsTo
Create a new belongs to relationship instance.
BelongsToMany::__construct() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Create a new belongs to many relationship instance.
HasManyThrough::__construct() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Create a new has many through relationship instance.
HasOneOrMany::__construct() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Create a new has one or many relationship instance.
MorphOneOrMany::__construct() — Method in class MorphOneOrMany
Create a new morph one or many relationship instance.
MorphTo::__construct() — Method in class MorphTo
Create a new belongs to relationship instance.
MorphToMany::__construct() — Method in class MorphToMany
Create a new morph to many relationship instance.
Pivot::__construct() — Method in class Pivot
Create a new Eloquent model instance.
Relation::__construct() — Method in class Relation
Create a new relation instance.
Relation::__call() — Method in class Relation
Handle dynamic method calls to the relationship.
Relation::__clone() — Method in class Relation
Force a clone of the underlying query builder when cloning.
ConnectionEvent::__construct() — Method in class ConnectionEvent
Create a new event instance.
QueryExecuted::__construct() — Method in class QueryExecuted
Create a new event instance.
DatabaseMigrationRepository::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository
Create a new database migration repository instance.
MigrationCreator::__construct() — Method in class MigrationCreator
Create a new migration creator instance.
Migrator::__construct() — Method in class Migrator
Create a new migrator instance.
QueryException::__construct() — Method in class QueryException
Create a new query exception instance.
Builder::__construct() — Method in class Builder
Create a new query builder instance.
Builder::__call() — Method in class Builder
Handle dynamic method calls into the method.
Expression::__construct() — Method in class Expression
Create a new raw query expression.
Expression::__toString() — Method in class Expression
Get the value of the expression.
JoinClause::__construct() — Method in class JoinClause
Create a new join clause instance.
Blueprint::__construct() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new schema blueprint.
Builder::__construct() — Method in class Builder
Create a new database Schema manager.
Encrypter::__construct() — Method in class Encrypter
Create a new encrypter instance.
McryptEncrypter::__construct() — Method in class McryptEncrypter
Create a new encrypter instance.
CallQueuedHandler::__construct() — Method in class CallQueuedHandler
Create a new job instance.
Dispatcher::__construct() — Method in class Dispatcher
Create a new event dispatcher instance.
FilesystemAdapter::__construct() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Create a new filesystem adapter instance.
FilesystemAdapter::__call() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Pass dynamic methods call onto Flysystem.
FilesystemManager::__construct() — Method in class FilesystemManager
Create a new filesystem manager instance.
FilesystemManager::__call() — Method in class FilesystemManager
Dynamically call the default driver instance.
Application::__construct() — Method in class Application
Create a new Illuminate application instance.
AppNameCommand::__construct() — Method in class AppNameCommand
Create a new key generator command.
ConfigCacheCommand::__construct() — Method in class ConfigCacheCommand
Create a new config cache command instance.
ConfigClearCommand::__construct() — Method in class ConfigClearCommand
Create a new console command instance.
Kernel::__construct() — Method in class Kernel
Create a new console kernel instance.
OptimizeCommand::__construct() — Method in class OptimizeCommand
Create a new optimize command instance.
QueuedJob::__construct() — Method in class QueuedJob
Create a new job instance.
RouteCacheCommand::__construct() — Method in class RouteCacheCommand
Create a new route command instance.
RouteClearCommand::__construct() — Method in class RouteClearCommand
Create a new console command instance.
RouteListCommand::__construct() — Method in class RouteListCommand
Create a new route command instance.
VendorPublishCommand::__construct() — Method in class VendorPublishCommand
Create a new console command instance.
ViewClearCommand::__construct() — Method in class ViewClearCommand
Create a new console command instance.
Handler::__construct() — Method in class Handler
Create a new exception handler instance.
Kernel::__construct() — Method in class Kernel
Create a new HTTP kernel instance.
Authorize::__construct() — Method in class Authorize
Create a new middleware instance.
CheckForMaintenanceMode::__construct() — Method in class CheckForMaintenanceMode
Create a new middleware instance.
VerifyCsrfToken::__construct() — Method in class VerifyCsrfToken
Create a new middleware instance.
ProviderRepository::__construct() — Method in class ProviderRepository
Create a new service repository instance.
RouteServiceProvider::__call() — Method in class RouteServiceProvider
Dynamically handle missing method calls.
FormFieldConstraint::__construct() — Method in class FormFieldConstraint
Create a new constraint instance.
HasElement::__construct() — Method in class HasElement
Create a new constraint instance.
HasInElement::__construct() — Method in class HasInElement
Create a new constraint instance.
HasLink::__construct() — Method in class HasLink
Create a new constraint instance.
HasSource::__construct() — Method in class HasSource
Create a new constraint instance.
HasText::__construct() — Method in class HasText
Create a new constraint instance.
IsChecked::__construct() — Method in class IsChecked
Create a new constraint instance.
ReversePageConstraint::__construct() — Method in class ReversePageConstraint
Create a new reverse page constraint instance.
HttpResponseException::__construct() — Method in class HttpResponseException
Create a new HTTP response exception instance.
JsonResponse::__construct() — Method in class JsonResponse
RedirectResponse::__call() — Method in class RedirectResponse
Dynamically bind flash data in the session.
Request::__isset() — Method in class Request
Check if an input element is set on the request.
Request::__get() — Method in class Request
Get an input element from the request.
Writer::__construct() — Method in class Writer
Create a new log writer instance.
MessageSending::__construct() — Method in class MessageSending
Create a new event instance.
Mailer::__construct() — Method in class Mailer
Create a new Mailer instance.
Message::__construct() — Method in class Message
Create a new message instance.
Message::__call() — Method in class Message
Dynamically pass missing methods to the Swift instance.
LogTransport::__construct() — Method in class LogTransport
Create a new log transport instance.
MailgunTransport::__construct() — Method in class MailgunTransport
Create a new Mailgun transport instance.
MandrillTransport::__construct() — Method in class MandrillTransport
Create a new Mandrill transport instance.
SesTransport::__construct() — Method in class SesTransport
Create a new SES transport instance.
SparkPostTransport::__construct() — Method in class SparkPostTransport
Create a new SparkPost transport instance.
AbstractPaginator::__call() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Make dynamic calls into the collection.
AbstractPaginator::__toString() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Render the contents of the paginator when casting to string.
BootstrapFourPresenter::__construct() — Method in class BootstrapFourPresenter
Create a new Bootstrap presenter instance.
BootstrapThreePresenter::__construct() — Method in class BootstrapThreePresenter
Create a new Bootstrap presenter instance.
LengthAwarePaginator::__construct() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator
Create a new paginator instance.
Paginator::__construct() — Method in class Paginator
Create a new paginator instance.
SimpleBootstrapFourPresenter::__construct() — Method in class SimpleBootstrapFourPresenter
Create a simple Bootstrap 4 presenter.
SimpleBootstrapThreePresenter::__construct() — Method in class SimpleBootstrapThreePresenter
Create a simple Bootstrap 3 presenter.
UrlWindow::__construct() — Method in class UrlWindow
Create a new URL window instance.
Hub::__construct() — Method in class Hub
Create a new Hub instance.
Pipeline::__construct() — Method in class Pipeline
Create a new class instance.
BeanstalkdQueue::__construct() — Method in class BeanstalkdQueue
Create a new Beanstalkd queue instance.
CallQueuedHandler::__construct() — Method in class CallQueuedHandler
Create a new handler instance.
Manager::__construct() — Method in class Manager
Create a new queue capsule manager.
Manager::__call() — Method in class Manager
Pass dynamic instance methods to the manager.
Manager::__callStatic() — Method in class Manager
Dynamically pass methods to the default connection.
DatabaseConnector::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseConnector
Create a new connector instance.
RedisConnector::__construct() — Method in class RedisConnector
Create a new Redis queue connector instance.
FailedTableCommand::__construct() — Method in class FailedTableCommand
Create a new failed queue jobs table command instance.
ListenCommand::__construct() — Method in class ListenCommand
Create a new console command instance.
TableCommand::__construct() — Method in class TableCommand
Create a new queue job table command instance.
WorkCommand::__construct() — Method in class WorkCommand
Create a new queue listen command.
DatabaseQueue::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseQueue
Create a new database queue instance.
JobExceptionOccurred::__construct() — Method in class JobExceptionOccurred
Create a new event instance.
JobFailed::__construct() — Method in class JobFailed
Create a new event instance.
JobProcessed::__construct() — Method in class JobProcessed
Create a new event instance.
JobProcessing::__construct() — Method in class JobProcessing
Create a new event instance.
DatabaseFailedJobProvider::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseFailedJobProvider
Create a new database failed job provider.
BeanstalkdJob::__construct() — Method in class BeanstalkdJob
Create a new job instance.
DatabaseJob::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseJob
Create a new job instance.
RedisJob::__construct() — Method in class RedisJob
Create a new job instance.
SqsJob::__construct() — Method in class SqsJob
Create a new job instance.
SyncJob::__construct() — Method in class SyncJob
Create a new job instance.
Listener::__construct() — Method in class Listener
Create a new queue listener.
QueueManager::__construct() — Method in class QueueManager
Create a new queue manager instance.
QueueManager::__call() — Method in class QueueManager
Dynamically pass calls to the default connection.
RedisQueue::__construct() — Method in class RedisQueue
Create a new Redis queue instance.
SerializesModels::__sleep() — Method in class SerializesModels
Prepare the instance for serialization.
SerializesModels::__wakeup() — Method in class SerializesModels
Restore the model after serialization.
SqsQueue::__construct() — Method in class SqsQueue
Create a new Amazon SQS queue instance.
Worker::__construct() — Method in class Worker
Create a new queue worker.
Database::__construct() — Method in class Database
Create a new Redis connection instance.
Database::__call() — Method in class Database
Dynamically make a Redis command.
Controller::__call() — Method in class Controller
Handle calls to missing methods on the controller.
ControllerDispatcher::__construct() — Method in class ControllerDispatcher
Create a new controller dispatcher instance.
ControllerMiddlewareOptions::__construct() — Method in class ControllerMiddlewareOptions
Create a new middleware option instance.
RouteMatched::__construct() — Method in class RouteMatched
Create a new event instance.
ThrottleRequests::__construct() — Method in class ThrottleRequests
Create a new request throttler.
Redirector::__construct() — Method in class Redirector
Create a new Redirector instance.
ResourceRegistrar::__construct() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
Create a new resource registrar instance.
ResponseFactory::__construct() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Create a new response factory instance.
Route::__construct() — Method in class Route
Create a new Route instance.
Route::__get() — Method in class Route
Dynamically access route parameters.
Router::__construct() — Method in class Router
Create a new Router instance.
UrlGenerator::__construct() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Create a new URL Generator instance.
CacheBasedSessionHandler::__construct() — Method in class CacheBasedSessionHandler
Create a new cache driven handler instance.
SessionTableCommand::__construct() — Method in class SessionTableCommand
Create a new session table command instance.
CookieSessionHandler::__construct() — Method in class CookieSessionHandler
Create a new cookie driven handler instance.
DatabaseSessionHandler::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler
Create a new database session handler instance.
EncryptedStore::__construct() — Method in class EncryptedStore
Create a new session instance.
FileSessionHandler::__construct() — Method in class FileSessionHandler
Create a new file driven handler instance.
LegacyDatabaseSessionHandler::__construct() — Method in class LegacyDatabaseSessionHandler
Create a new database session handler instance.
StartSession::__construct() — Method in class StartSession
Create a new session middleware.
Store::__construct() — Method in class Store
Create a new session instance.
Collection::__construct() — Method in class Collection
Create a new collection.
Collection::__toString() — Method in class Collection
Convert the collection to its string representation.
Composer::__construct() — Method in class Composer
Create a new Composer manager instance.
Facade::__callStatic() — Method in class Facade
Handle dynamic, static calls to the object.
Fluent::__construct() — Method in class Fluent
Create a new fluent container instance.
Fluent::__call() — Method in class Fluent
Handle dynamic calls to the container to set attributes.
Fluent::__get() — Method in class Fluent
Dynamically retrieve the value of an attribute.
Fluent::__set() — Method in class Fluent
Dynamically set the value of an attribute.
Fluent::__isset() — Method in class Fluent
Dynamically check if an attribute is set.
Fluent::__unset() — Method in class Fluent
Dynamically unset an attribute.
HtmlString::__construct() — Method in class HtmlString
Create a new HTML string instance.
HtmlString::__toString() — Method in class HtmlString
Get the the HTML string.
Manager::__construct() — Method in class Manager
Create a new manager instance.
Manager::__call() — Method in class Manager
Dynamically call the default driver instance.
MessageBag::__construct() — Method in class MessageBag
Create a new message bag instance.
MessageBag::__toString() — Method in class MessageBag
Convert the message bag to its string representation.
ServiceProvider::__construct() — Method in class ServiceProvider
Create a new service provider instance.
ServiceProvider::__call() — Method in class ServiceProvider
Dynamically handle missing method calls.
Macroable::__callStatic() — Method in class Macroable
Dynamically handle calls to the class.
Macroable::__call() — Method in class Macroable
Dynamically handle calls to the class.
ViewErrorBag::__call() — Method in class ViewErrorBag
Dynamically call methods on the default bag.
ViewErrorBag::__get() — Method in class ViewErrorBag
Dynamically access a view error bag.
ViewErrorBag::__set() — Method in class ViewErrorBag
Dynamically set a view error bag.
FileLoader::__construct() — Method in class FileLoader
Create a new file loader instance.
Translator::__construct() — Method in class Translator
Create a new translator instance.
DatabasePresenceVerifier::__construct() — Method in class DatabasePresenceVerifier
Create a new database presence verifier.
Factory::__construct() — Method in class Factory
Create a new Validator factory instance.
ValidationException::__construct() — Method in class ValidationException
Create a new exception instance.
Validator::__construct() — Method in class Validator
Create a new Validator instance.
Validator::__call() — Method in class Validator
Handle dynamic calls to class methods.
Compiler::__construct() — Method in class Compiler
Create a new compiler instance.
CompilerEngine::__construct() — Method in class CompilerEngine
Create a new Blade view engine instance.
Factory::__construct() — Method in class Factory
Create a new view factory instance.
FileViewFinder::__construct() — Method in class FileViewFinder
Create a new file view loader instance.
ShareErrorsFromSession::__construct() — Method in class ShareErrorsFromSession
Create a new error binder instance.
View::__construct() — Method in class View
Create a new view instance.
View::__get() — Method in class View
Get a piece of data from the view.
View::__set() — Method in class View
Set a piece of data on the view.
View::__isset() — Method in class View
Check if a piece of data is bound to the view.
View::__unset() — Method in class View
Remove a piece of bound data from the view.
View::__call() — Method in class View
Dynamically bind parameters to the view.
View::__toString() — Method in class View
Get the string contents of the view.