Parameters: |
- num : integer or string, optional, default: None
If not provided, a new figure will be created, and the figure number
will be incremented. The figure objects holds this number in a number
If num is provided, and a figure with this id already exists, make
it active, and returns a reference to it. If this figure does not
exists, create it and returns it.
If num is a string, the window title will be set to this figure's
num .
- figsize : (float, float), optional, default: None
width, height in inches. If not provided, defaults to
rcParams["figure.figsize"] = [6.4, 4.8] .
- dpi : integer, optional, default: None
resolution of the figure. If not provided, defaults to
rcParams["figure.dpi"] = 100 .
- facecolor :
the background color. If not provided, defaults to
rcParams["figure.facecolor"] = 'w' .
- edgecolor :
the border color. If not provided, defaults to
rcParams["figure.edgecolor"] = 'w' .
- frameon : bool, optional, default: True
If False, suppress drawing the figure frame.
- FigureClass : subclass of
Optionally use a custom Figure instance.
- clear : bool, optional, default: False
If True and the figure already exists, then it is cleared.