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matplotlib.pyplot.spy(Z, precision=0, marker=None, markersize=None, aspect='equal', origin='upper', **kwargs)[source]

Plot the sparsity pattern of a 2D array.

This visualizes the non-zero values of the array.

Two plotting styles are available: image and marker. Both are available for full arrays, but only the marker style works for scipy.sparse.spmatrix instances.

Image style

If marker and markersize are None, imshow is used. Any extra remaining kwargs are passed to this method.

Marker style

If Z is a scipy.sparse.spmatrix or marker or markersize are None, a Line2D object will be returned with the value of marker determining the marker type, and any remaining kwargs passed to plot.

Z : array-like (M, N)

The array to be plotted.

precision : float or 'present', optional, default: 0

If precision is 0, any non-zero value will be plotted. Otherwise, values of \(|Z| > precision\) will be plotted.

For scipy.sparse.spmatrix instances, you can also pass 'present'. In this case any value present in the array will be plotted, even if it is identically zero.

origin : {'upper', 'lower'}, optional

Place the [0,0] index of the array in the upper left or lower left corner of the axes. The convention 'upper' is typically used for matrices and images. If not given, rcParams["image.origin"] is used, defaulting to 'upper'.

aspect : {'equal', 'auto', None} or float, optional

Controls the aspect ratio of the axes. The aspect is of particular relevance for images since it may distort the image, i.e. pixel will not be square.

This parameter is a shortcut for explicitly calling Axes.set_aspect. See there for further details.

  • 'equal': Ensures an aspect ratio of 1. Pixels will be square.
  • 'auto': The axes is kept fixed and the aspect is adjusted so that the data fit in the axes. In general, this will result in non-square pixels.
  • None: Use rcParams["image.aspect"] (default: 'equal').

Default: 'equal'

ret : AxesImage or Line2D

The return type depends on the plotting style (see above).

Other Parameters:

The supported additional parameters depend on the plotting style.

For the image style, you can pass the following additional parameters of imshow:

For the marker style, you can pass any Line2D property except for linestyle:

Property Description
agg_filter a filter function, which takes a (m, n, 3) float array and a dpi value, and returns a (m, n, 3) array
alpha float
animated bool
antialiased bool
clip_box Bbox
clip_on bool
clip_path [(Path, Transform) | Patch | None]
color color
contains callable
dash_capstyle {'butt', 'round', 'projecting'}
dash_joinstyle {'miter', 'round', 'bevel'}
dashes sequence of floats (on/off ink in points) or (None, None)
drawstyle {'default', 'steps', 'steps-pre', 'steps-mid', 'steps-post'}
figure Figure
fillstyle {'full', 'left', 'right', 'bottom', 'top', 'none'}
gid str
in_layout bool
label object
linestyle {'-', '--', '-.', ':', '', (offset, on-off-seq), ...}
linewidth float
marker unknown
markeredgecolor color
markeredgewidth float
markerfacecolor color
markerfacecoloralt color
markersize float
markevery unknown
path_effects AbstractPathEffect
picker float or callable[[Artist, Event], Tuple[bool, dict]]
pickradius float
rasterized bool or None
sketch_params (scale: float, length: float, randomness: float)
snap bool or None
solid_capstyle {'butt', 'round', 'projecting'}
solid_joinstyle {'miter', 'round', 'bevel'}
transform matplotlib.transforms.Transform
url str
visible bool
xdata 1D array
ydata 1D array
zorder float

Examples using matplotlib.pyplot.spy