Android.Media.ImageReader.NewInstance Method


[Android.Runtime.Register("newInstance", "(IIII)Landroid/media/ImageReader;", "")]
public static ImageReader NewInstance (int width, int height, [Android.Runtime.GeneratedEnum] Android.Graphics.ImageFormatType format, int maxImages)

See Also



The default width in pixels of the Images that this reader will produce.
The default height in pixels of the Images that this reader will produce.
The format of the Image that this reader will produce. This must be one of the Android.Graphics.ImageFormat or Android.Graphics.PixelFormat constants. Note that not all formats is supported, like ImageFormat.NV21.
The maximum number of images the user will want to access simultaneously. This should be as small as possible to limit memory use. Once maxImages Images are obtained by the user, one of them has to be released before a new Image will become available for access through ImageReader.AcquireLatestImage or ImageReader.AcquireNextImage. Must be greater than 0.


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Create a new reader for images of the desired size and format.

The maxImages parameter determines the maximum number of Android.Media.Image objects that can be be acquired from the ImageReader simultaneously. Requesting more buffers will use up more memory, so it is important to use only the minimum number necessary for the use case.

The valid sizes and formats depend on the source of the image data.

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Android.Media
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions: