Android.Content.MatchResults Enumeration
Enumerates values returned by several types and taken as a parameter of the Android.Content.PM.PackageManager.AddPreferredActivity, and Android.Test.Mock.MockPackageManager.AddPreferredActivity members.


public enum MatchResults


Enumerates values returned by the following: and taken as a parameter of the Android.Content.PM.PackageManager.AddPreferredActivity, and Android.Test.Mock.MockPackageManager.AddPreferredActivity members.


Member NameDescription
MatchAdjustmentMaskThe part of a match constant that applies a quality adjustment to the basic category of match. The value MatchResults.MatchAdjustmentNormal is no adjustment; higher numbers than that improve the quality, while lower numbers reduce it.
MatchAdjustmentNormalQuality adjustment applied to the category of match that signifies the default, base value; higher numbers improve the quality while lower numbers reduce it.
MatchCategoryEmptyThe filter matched an intent that had no data specified.
MatchCategoryHostThe filter matched an intent with the same data URI scheme and authority host.
MatchCategoryMaskThe part of a match constant that describes the category of match that occurred. May be either MatchResults.MatchCategoryEmpty, MatchResults.MatchCategoryScheme, MatchResults.MatchCategoryHost, MatchResults.MatchCategoryPort, MatchResults.MatchCategoryPath, or MatchResults.MatchCategoryType. Higher values indicate a better match.
MatchCategoryPathThe filter matched an intent with the same data URI scheme, authority, and path.
MatchCategoryPortThe filter matched an intent with the same data URI scheme and authority host and port.
MatchCategorySchemeThe filter matched an intent with the same data URI scheme.
MatchCategorySchemeSpecificPartDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
MatchCategoryTypeThe filter matched an intent with the same data MIME type.
NoMatchActionThe filter didn't match due to different actions.
NoMatchCategoryThe filter didn't match because it required one or more categories that were not in the Intent.
NoMatchDataThe filter didn't match due to different data URIs.
NoMatchTypeThe filter didn't match due to different MIME types.


Namespace: Android.Content
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions: