Android.Content.IntentFilter: Method Members

The methods of Android.Content.IntentFilter are listed below. For a list of all members, see the IntentFilter Members list.

See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object

Public Methods

ActionsIterator() : Java.Util.IIterator
Return an iterator over the filter's actions.
Add a new Intent action to match against.
Add a new Intent category to match against.
AddDataAuthority(string, string)
Add a new Intent data authority to match against.
AddDataPath(string, Android.OS.Pattern)
Add a new Intent data path to match against.
Add a new Intent data scheme to match against.
AddDataSchemeSpecificPart(string, Android.OS.Pattern)
Add a new Intent data "scheme specific part" to match against.
Add a new Intent data type to match against.
AuthoritiesIterator() : Java.Util.IIterator
Return an iterator over the filter's data authorities.
CategoriesIterator() : Java.Util.IIterator
Return an iterator over the filter's categories.
CountActions() : int
Return the number of actions in the filter.
CountCategories() : int
Return the number of categories in the filter.
CountDataAuthorities() : int
Return the number of data authorities in the filter.
CountDataPaths() : int
Return the number of data paths in the filter.
CountDataSchemes() : int
Return the number of data schemes in the filter.
CountDataSchemeSpecificParts() : int
Return the number of data scheme specific parts in the filter.
CountDataTypes() : int
Return the number of data types in the filter.
Create(string, string) : IntentFilter
Create a new IntentFilter instance with a specified action and MIME type, where you know the MIME type is correctly formatted.
DescribeContents() : int
Describe the kinds of special objects contained in this Parcelable's marshalled representation.
Dump(Android.Util.IPrinter, string)
GetAction(int) : string
Return an action in the filter.
GetCategory(int) : string
Return a category in the filter.
GetDataAuthority(int) : IntentFilter.AuthorityEntry
Return a data authority in the filter.
GetDataPath(int) : Android.OS.PatternMatcher
Return a data path in the filter.
GetDataScheme(int) : string
Return a data scheme in the filter.
GetDataSchemeSpecificPart(int) : Android.OS.PatternMatcher
Return a data scheme specific part in the filter.
GetDataType(int) : string
Return a data type in the filter.
HasAction(string) : bool
Is the given action included in the filter? Note that if the filter does not include any actions, false will always be returned.
HasCategory(string) : bool
Is the given category included in the filter?
HasDataAuthority(Android.Net.Uri) : bool
Is the given data authority included in the filter? Note that if the filter does not include any authorities, false will always be returned.
HasDataPath(string) : bool
Is the given data path included in the filter? Note that if the filter does not include any paths, false will always be returned.
HasDataScheme(string) : bool
Is the given data scheme included in the filter? Note that if the filter does not include any scheme, false will always be returned.
HasDataSchemeSpecificPart(string) : bool
Is the given data scheme specific part included in the filter? Note that if the filter does not include any scheme specific parts, false will always be returned.
HasDataType(string) : bool
Is the given data type included in the filter? Note that if the filter does not include any type, false will always be returned.
Match(ContentResolver, Intent, bool, string) : MatchResults
Test whether this filter matches the given intent.
Match(string, string, string, Android.Net.Uri, ICollection<string>, string) : MatchResults
Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.
MatchAction(string) : bool
Match this filter against an Intent's action.
MatchCategories(ICollection<string>) : string
Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.
MatchData(string, string, Android.Net.Uri) : MatchResults
Match this filter against an Intent's data (type, scheme and path).
MatchDataAuthority(Android.Net.Uri) : MatchResults
Match this intent filter against the given Intent data.
PathsIterator() : Java.Util.IIterator
Return an iterator over the filter's data paths.
SchemesIterator() : Java.Util.IIterator
Return an iterator over the filter's data schemes.
SchemeSpecificPartsIterator() : Java.Util.IIterator
Return an iterator over the filter's data scheme specific parts.
TypesIterator() : Java.Util.IIterator
Return an iterator over the filter's data types.
WriteToParcel(Android.OS.Parcel, Android.OS.ParcelableWriteFlags)
Flatten this object in to a Parcel.
Write the contents of the IntentFilter as an XML stream.