Android.Nfc.Tech.NfcA Members

The members of Android.Nfc.Tech.NfcA are listed below.

See Also: Inherited members from Android.Nfc.Tech.BasicTagTechnology

Public Properties

IsConnectedbool. Helper to indicate if I/O operations should be possible.
MaxTransceiveLengthint. Return the maximum number of bytes that can be sent with NfcA.Transceive(Byte[]).
Sakshort. Return the SAK/SEL_RES bytes from tag discovery.
TagAndroid.Nfc.Tag. Get the Android.Nfc.Tag object backing this Android.Nfc.Tech.ITagTechnology object.
Timeoutint. Get the current NfcA.Transceive(Byte[]) timeout in milliseconds.

Protected Properties

ThresholdClassIntPtr. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ThresholdTypeType. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

Public Methods

Disable I/O operations to the tag from this Android.Nfc.Tech.ITagTechnology object, and release resources.
Enable I/O operations to the tag from this Android.Nfc.Tech.ITagTechnology object.
Get(Android.Nfc.Tag) : NfcA
Get an instance of Android.Nfc.Tech.NfcA for the given tag.
GetAtqa() : byte[]
Return the ATQA/SENS_RES bytes from tag discovery.
Transceive(byte[]) : byte[]
Send raw NFC-A commands to the tag and receive the response.
TransceiveAsync(byte[]) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Byte[]>
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