Android.Nfc.Tech.ITagTechnology is an interface to a technology in a Android.Nfc.Tag.

See Also: ITagTechnology Members


[Android.Runtime.Register("android/nfc/tech/TagTechnology", "", "Android.Nfc.Tech.ITagTechnologyInvoker")]
public interface ITagTechnology : Java.IO.ICloseable, IDisposable


Android.Nfc.Tech.ITagTechnology is an interface to a technology in a Android.Nfc.Tag.

Obtain a Android.Nfc.Tech.ITagTechnology implementation by calling the static method get() on the implementation class.

NFC tags are based on a number of independently developed technologies and offer a wide range of capabilities. The Android.Nfc.Tech.ITagTechnology implementations provide access to these different technologies and capabilities. Some sub-classes map to technology specification (for example Android.Nfc.Tech.NfcA, Android.Nfc.Tech.IsoDep, others map to pseudo-technologies or capabilities (for example Android.Nfc.Tech.Ndef, Android.Nfc.Tech.NdefFormatable).

It is mandatory for all Android NFC devices to provide the following Android.Nfc.Tech.ITagTechnology implementations.

It is optional for Android NFC devices to provide the following Android.Nfc.Tech.ITagTechnology implementations. If it is not provided, the Android device will never enumerate that class via Android.Nfc.Tag.GetTechList.

Android.Nfc.Tech.ITagTechnology implementations provide methods that fall into two classes: cached getters and I/O operations.

Cached getters

These methods (usually prefixed by get or is) return properties of the tag, as determined at discovery time. These methods will never block or cause RF activity, and do not require ITagTechnology.Connect to have been called. They also never update, for example if a property is changed by an I/O operation with a tag then the cached getter will still return the result from tag discovery time.

I/O operations

I/O operations may require RF activity, and may block. They have the following semantics.

Note: Methods that perform I/O operations require the NoType:android/Manifest$permission;Href=../../../../reference/android/Manifest.permission.html#NFC permission.

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Android.Nfc.Tech
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Since: Added in API level 10