Android.Nfc.Tech.MifareUltralight Class
Provides access to MIFARE Ultralight properties and I/O operations on a Android.Nfc.Tag.

See Also: MifareUltralight Members


[Android.Runtime.Register("android/nfc/tech/MifareUltralight", DoNotGenerateAcw=true)]
public sealed class MifareUltralight : BasicTagTechnology


Provides access to MIFARE Ultralight properties and I/O operations on a Android.Nfc.Tag.

Acquire a Android.Nfc.Tech.MifareUltralight object using MifareUltralight.Get(Android.Nfc.Tag).

MIFARE Ultralight compatible tags have 4 byte pages MifareUltralight.PageSize. The primary operations on an Ultralight tag are MifareUltralight.ReadPages(int) and MifareUltralight.WritePage(int, System.Byte[]).

The original MIFARE Ultralight consists of a 64 byte EEPROM. The first 4 pages are for the OTP area, manufacturer data, and locking bits. They are readable and some bits are writable. The final 12 pages are the user read/write area. For more information see the NXP data sheet MF0ICU1.

The MIFARE Ultralight C consists of a 192 byte EEPROM. The first 4 pages are for OTP, manufacturer data, and locking bits. The next 36 pages are the user read/write area. The next 4 pages are additional locking bits, counters and authentication configuration and are readable. The final 4 pages are for the authentication key and are not readable. For more information see the NXP data sheet MF0ICU2.

Implementation of this class on a Android NFC device is optional. If it is not implemented, then Android.Nfc.Tech.MifareUltralight will never be enumerated in Android.Nfc.Tag.GetTechList. If it is enumerated, then all Android.Nfc.Tech.MifareUltralight I/O operations will be supported. In either case, Android.Nfc.Tech.NfcA will also be enumerated on the tag, because all MIFARE Ultralight tags are also Android.Nfc.Tech.NfcA tags.

Note: Methods that perform I/O operations require the NoType:android/Manifest$permission;Href=../../../../reference/android/Manifest.permission.html#NFC permission.

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Android.Nfc.Tech
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Since: Added in API level 10