Android.Nfc.NfcAdapter: Method Members

The methods of Android.Nfc.NfcAdapter are listed below. For a list of all members, see the NfcAdapter Members list.

See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object

Public Methods

Disable foreground dispatch to the given activity.
Disable NDEF message push over P2P.
Restore the NFC adapter to normal mode of operation: supporting peer-to-peer (Android Beam), card emulation, and polling for all supported tag technologies.
EnableForegroundDispatch(Android.App.Activity, Android.App.PendingIntent, Android.Content.IntentFilter[], string[][])
Enable foreground dispatch to the given Activity.
EnableForegroundNdefPush(Android.App.Activity, NdefMessage)
Enable NDEF message push over NFC while this Activity is in the foreground.
EnableReaderMode(Android.App.Activity, NfcAdapter.IReaderCallback, NfcReaderFlags, Android.OS.Bundle)
Limit the NFC controller to reader mode while this Activity is in the foreground.
GetDefaultAdapter(Android.Content.Context) : NfcAdapter
Helper to get the default NFC Adapter.
InvokeBeam(Android.App.Activity) : bool
Manually invoke Android Beam to share data.
SetBeamPushUris(Android.Net.Uri[], Android.App.Activity)
Set one or more Android.Net.Uris to send using Android Beam (TM).
SetBeamPushUrisCallback(NfcAdapter.ICreateBeamUrisCallback, Android.App.Activity)
Set a callback that will dynamically generate one or more Android.Net.Uris to send using Android Beam (TM).
SetNdefPushMessage(NdefMessage, Android.App.Activity, params Android.App.Activity[])
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SetNdefPushMessageCallback(NfcAdapter.ICreateNdefMessageCallback, Android.App.Activity, params Android.App.Activity[])
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SetOnNdefPushCompleteCallback(NfcAdapter.IOnNdefPushCompleteCallback, Android.App.Activity, params Android.App.Activity[])
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