Android.App.Admin.PasswordQuality Enumeration
Enumerates values returned by several types and taken as a parameter of the DevicePolicyManager.GetPasswordMaximumLength, and DevicePolicyManager.SetPasswordQuality members.


public enum PasswordQuality


Enumerates values returned by the following: and taken as a parameter of the DevicePolicyManager.GetPasswordMaximumLength, and DevicePolicyManager.SetPasswordQuality members.


Member NameDescription
AlphabeticConstant for DevicePolicyManager.SetPasswordQuality(Android.Content.ComponentName, Android.App.Admin.PasswordQuality): the user must have entered a password containing at least alphabetic (or other symbol) characters. Note that quality constants are ordered so that higher values are more restrictive.
AlphanumericConstant for DevicePolicyManager.SetPasswordQuality(Android.Content.ComponentName, Android.App.Admin.PasswordQuality): the user must have entered a password containing at least both> numeric and alphabetic (or other symbol) characters. Note that quality constants are ordered so that higher values are more restrictive.
BiometricWeakConstant for DevicePolicyManager.SetPasswordQuality(Android.Content.ComponentName, Android.App.Admin.PasswordQuality): the policy allows for low-security biometric recognition technology. This implies technologies that can recognize the identity of an individual to about a 3 digit PIN (false detection is less than 1 in 1,000). Note that quality constants are ordered so that higher values are more restrictive.
ComplexConstant for DevicePolicyManager.SetPasswordQuality(Android.Content.ComponentName, Android.App.Admin.PasswordQuality): the user must have entered a password containing at least a letter, a numerical digit and a special symbol, by default. With this password quality, passwords can be restricted to contain various sets of characters, like at least an uppercase letter, etc. These are specified using various methods, like DevicePolicyManager.SetPasswordMinimumLowerCase(Android.Content.ComponentName, System.Int32). Note that quality constants are ordered so that higher values are more restrictive.
NumericConstant for DevicePolicyManager.SetPasswordQuality(Android.Content.ComponentName, Android.App.Admin.PasswordQuality): the user must have entered a password containing at least numeric characters. Note that quality constants are ordered so that higher values are more restrictive.
NumericComplexDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
SomethingConstant for DevicePolicyManager.SetPasswordQuality(Android.Content.ComponentName, Android.App.Admin.PasswordQuality): the policy requires some kind of password, but doesn't care what it is. Note that quality constants are ordered so that higher values are more restrictive.
UnspecifiedConstant for DevicePolicyManager.SetPasswordQuality(Android.Content.ComponentName, Android.App.Admin.PasswordQuality): the policy has no requirements for the password. Note that quality constants are ordered so that higher values are more restrictive.


Namespace: Android.App.Admin
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions: