| AddContentView(Android.Views.View, Android.Views.ViewGroup.LayoutParams)Add an additional content view to the activity. |
| CloseContextMenu()Programmatically closes the most recently opened context menu, if showing. |
| CloseOptionsMenu()Progammatically closes the options menu. |
| CreatePendingResult(int, Android.Content.Intent, PendingIntentFlags) : PendingIntentCreate a new PendingIntent object which you can hand to others
for them to use to send result data back to your
Activity.OnActivityResult(int, Android.App.Result, Android.App.Result) callback. |
| DismissDialog(int)Dismiss a dialog that was previously shown via Activity.ShowDialog(int). |
| DispatchGenericMotionEvent(Android.Views.MotionEvent) : boolCalled to process generic motion events. |
| DispatchKeyEvent(Android.Views.KeyEvent) : boolCalled to process key events. |
| DispatchKeyShortcutEvent(Android.Views.KeyEvent) : boolCalled to process a key shortcut event. |
| DispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent(Android.Views.Accessibility.AccessibilityEvent) : boolCalled to process population of Android.Views.Accessibility.AccessibilityEvents. |
| DispatchTouchEvent(Android.Views.MotionEvent) : boolCalled to process touch screen events. |
| DispatchTrackballEvent(Android.Views.MotionEvent) : boolCalled to process trackball events. |
| Dump(string, Java.IO.FileDescriptor, Java.IO.PrintWriter, string[])Print the Activity's state into the given stream. |
| FindViewById(int) : Android.Views.ViewFinds a view that was identified by the id attribute from the XML that
was processed in Activity.OnCreate(Android.OS.Bundle). |
| FindViewById<T>(int) : TFinds a view that was identified by the id attribute from the XML layout resource. |
| Finish()Call this when your activity is done and should be closed. |
| FinishActivity(int)Force finish another activity that you had previously started with
Activity.StartActivityForResult(Android.Content.Intent, System.Int32). |
| FinishActivityFromChild(Activity, int)This is called when a child activity of this one calls its
finishActivity(). |
| FinishAffinity()Finish this activity as well as all activities immediately below it
in the current task that have the same affinity. |
| FinishAfterTransition()Reverses the Activity Scene entry Transition and triggers the calling Activity
to reverse its exit Transition. |
| FinishAndRemoveTask()Call this when your activity is done and should be closed and the task should be completely
removed as a part of finishing the Activity. |
| FinishFromChild(Activity)This is called when a child activity of this one calls its
Activity.Finish method. |
| GetPreferences(Android.Content.FileCreationMode) : Android.Content.ISharedPreferencesRetrieve a Android.Content.ISharedPreferences object for accessing preferences
that are private to this activity. |
| InvalidateOptionsMenu()Declare that the options menu has changed, so should be recreated. |
| ManagedQuery(Android.Net.Uri, string[], string, string[], string) : Android.Database.ICursorWrapper around
Android.Content.ContentResolver.Query(Android.Net.Uri, System.String[], System.String[], System.String[], System.String[])
that gives the resulting Android.Database.ICursor to call
Activity.StartManagingCursor(Android.Database.ICursor) so that the activity will manage its
lifecycle for you. |
| MoveTaskToBack(bool) : boolMove the task containing this activity to the back of the activity
stack. |
| NavigateUpTo(Android.Content.Intent) : boolNavigate from this activity to the activity specified by upIntent, finishing this activity
in the process. |
| NavigateUpToFromChild(Activity, Android.Content.Intent) : boolThis is called when a child activity of this one calls its
Activity.NavigateUpTo(Android.Content.Intent) method. |
| OnActionModeFinished(Android.Views.ActionMode)Notifies the activity that an action mode has finished. |
| OnActionModeStarted(Android.Views.ActionMode)Notifies the Activity that an action mode has been started. |
| OnActivityReenter(int, Android.Content.Intent)Called when an activity you launched with an activity transition exposes this
Activity through a returning activity transition, giving you the resultCode
and any additional data from it. |
| OnAttachedToWindow()Called when the main window associated with the activity has been
attached to the window manager. |
| OnAttachFragment(Fragment)Called when a Fragment is being attached to this activity, immediately
after the call to its Fragment.OnAttach(Activity)
method and before Fragment.OnCreate(Android.OS.Bundle). |
| OnBackPressed()Called when the activity has detected the user's press of the back
key. |
| OnConfigurationChanged(Android.Content.Res.Configuration)Called by the system when the device configuration changes while your
activity is running. |
| OnContentChanged()This hook is called whenever the content view of the screen changes
(due to a call to
Android.Views.Window.SetContentView(Android.Views.View, .LayoutParams) or
Android.Views.Window.AddContentView(Android.Views.View, .LayoutParams)). |
| OnContextItemSelected(Android.Views.IMenuItem) : boolThis hook is called whenever an item in a context menu is selected. |
| OnContextMenuClosed(Android.Views.IMenu)This hook is called whenever the context menu is being closed (either by
the user canceling the menu with the back/menu button, or when an item is
selected). |
| OnCreate(Android.OS.Bundle, Android.OS.PersistableBundle)Same as Activity.OnCreate(Android.OS.Bundle) but called for those activities created with
the attribute NoType:android/R$attr;Href=../../../reference/android/R.attr.html#persistableMode set to
persistAcrossReboots. |
| OnCreateContextMenu(Android.Views.IContextMenu, Android.Views.View, Android.Views.IContextMenuContextMenuInfo)Called when a context menu for the view is about to be shown. |
| OnCreateDescription() : stringDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
| OnCreateDescriptionFormatted() : Java.Lang.ICharSequenceGenerate a new description for this activity. |
| OnCreateNavigateUpTaskStack(TaskStackBuilder)Define the synthetic task stack that will be generated during Up navigation from
a different task. |
| OnCreateOptionsMenu(Android.Views.IMenu) : boolInitialize the contents of the Activity's standard options menu. |
| OnCreatePanelMenu(int, Android.Views.IMenu) : boolDefault implementation of
NoType:android/view/Window$Callback;Href=../../../reference/android/view/Window.Callback.html#onCreatePanelMenu(int, android.view.Menu)
for activities. |
| OnCreatePanelView(int) : Android.Views.ViewDefault implementation of
for activities. |
| OnCreateThumbnail(Android.Graphics.Bitmap, Android.Graphics.Canvas) : boolGenerate a new thumbnail for this activity. |
| OnCreateView(string, Android.Content.Context, Android.Util.IAttributeSet) : Android.Views.ViewStandard implementation of
NoType:android/view/LayoutInflater$Factory;Href=../../../reference/android/view/LayoutInflater.Factory.html#onCreateView(java.lang.String, android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) used when
inflating with the LayoutInflater returned by Activity.getSystemService(java.lang.String). |
| OnCreateView(Android.Views.View, string, Android.Content.Context, Android.Util.IAttributeSet) : Android.Views.ViewStandard implementation of
NoType:android/view/LayoutInflater$Factory2;Href=../../../reference/android/view/LayoutInflater.Factory2.html#onCreateView(android.view.View, java.lang.String, android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet)
used when inflating with the LayoutInflater returned by Activity.getSystemService(java.lang.String). |
| OnDetachedFromWindow()Called when the main window associated with the activity has been
detached from the window manager. |
| OnEnterAnimationComplete()Activities cannot draw during the period that their windows are animating in. |
| OnGenericMotionEvent(Android.Views.MotionEvent) : boolCalled when a generic motion event was not handled by any of the
views inside of the activity. |
| OnKeyDown(Android.Views.Keycode, Android.Views.KeyEvent) : boolCalled when a key was pressed down and not handled by any of the views
inside of the activity. |
| OnKeyLongPress(Android.Views.Keycode, Android.Views.KeyEvent) : boolDefault implementation of NoType:android/view/KeyEvent$Callback;Href=../../../reference/android/view/KeyEvent.Callback.html#onKeyLongPress(int, android.view.KeyEvent): always returns false (doesn't handle
the event). |
| OnKeyMultiple(Android.Views.Keycode, int, Android.Views.KeyEvent) : boolDefault implementation of NoType:android/view/KeyEvent$Callback;Href=../../../reference/android/view/KeyEvent.Callback.html#onKeyMultiple(int, int, android.view.KeyEvent): always returns false (doesn't handle
the event). |
| OnKeyShortcut(Android.Views.Keycode, Android.Views.KeyEvent) : boolCalled when a key shortcut event is not handled by any of the views in the Activity. |
| OnKeyUp(Android.Views.Keycode, Android.Views.KeyEvent) : boolCalled when a key was released and not handled by any of the views
inside of the activity. |
| OnLowMemory()This is called when the overall system is running low on memory, and
actively running processes should trim their memory usage. |
| OnMenuItemSelected(int, Android.Views.IMenuItem) : boolDefault implementation of
NoType:android/view/Window$Callback;Href=../../../reference/android/view/Window.Callback.html#onMenuItemSelected(int, android.view.MenuItem)
for activities. |
| OnMenuOpened(int, Android.Views.IMenu) : boolCalled when a panel's menu is opened by the user. |
| OnNavigateUp() : boolThis method is called whenever the user chooses to navigate Up within your application's
activity hierarchy from the action bar. |
| OnNavigateUpFromChild(Activity) : boolThis is called when a child activity of this one attempts to navigate up. |
| OnOptionsItemSelected(Android.Views.IMenuItem) : boolThis hook is called whenever an item in your options menu is selected. |
| OnOptionsMenuClosed(Android.Views.IMenu)This hook is called whenever the options menu is being closed (either by the user canceling
the menu with the back/menu button, or when an item is selected). |
| OnPanelClosed(int, Android.Views.IMenu)Default implementation of
NoType:android/view/Window$Callback;Href=../../../reference/android/view/Window.Callback.html#onPanelClosed(int, android.view.Menu) for
activities. |
| OnPostCreate(Android.OS.Bundle, Android.OS.PersistableBundle)This is the same as Activity.OnPostCreate(Android.OS.Bundle) but is called for activities
created with the attribute NoType:android/R$attr;Href=../../../reference/android/R.attr.html#persistableMode set to
persistAcrossReboots. |
| OnPrepareNavigateUpTaskStack(TaskStackBuilder)Prepare the synthetic task stack that will be generated during Up navigation
from a different task. |
| OnPrepareOptionsMenu(Android.Views.IMenu) : boolPrepare the Screen's standard options menu to be displayed. |
| OnPreparePanel(int, Android.Views.View, Android.Views.IMenu) : boolDefault implementation of
NoType:android/view/Window$Callback;Href=../../../reference/android/view/Window.Callback.html#onPreparePanel(int, android.view.View, android.view.Menu)
for activities. |
| OnProvideAssistData(Android.OS.Bundle)This is called when the user is requesting an assist, to build a full
Android.Content.Intent.ActionAssist Intent with all of the context of the current
application. |
| OnRestoreInstanceState(Android.OS.Bundle, Android.OS.PersistableBundle)This is the same as Activity.OnRestoreInstanceState(Android.OS.Bundle) but is called for activities
created with the attribute NoType:android/R$attr;Href=../../../reference/android/R.attr.html#persistableMode set to
persistAcrossReboots. |
| OnRetainNonConfigurationInstance() : Java.Lang.ObjectCalled by the system, as part of destroying an
activity due to a configuration change, when it is known that a new
instance will immediately be created for the new configuration. |
| OnSaveInstanceState(Android.OS.Bundle, Android.OS.PersistableBundle)This is the same as Activity.OnSaveInstanceState(Android.OS.Bundle) but is called for activities
created with the attribute NoType:android/R$attr;Href=../../../reference/android/R.attr.html#persistableMode set to
persistAcrossReboots. |
| OnSearchRequested() : boolThis hook is called when the user signals the desire to start a search. |
| OnTouchEvent(Android.Views.MotionEvent) : boolCalled when a touch screen event was not handled by any of the views
under it. |
| OnTrackballEvent(Android.Views.MotionEvent) : boolCalled when the trackball was moved and not handled by any of the
views inside of the activity. |
| OnTrimMemory(Android.Content.TrimMemory)Called when the operating system has determined that it is a good
time for a process to trim unneeded memory from its process. |
| OnUserInteraction()Called whenever a key, touch, or trackball event is dispatched to the
activity. |
| OnVisibleBehindCanceled()Called when a translucent activity over this activity is becoming opaque or another
activity is being launched. |
| OnWindowAttributesChanged(Android.Views.WindowManagerLayoutParams)This is called whenever the current window attributes change. |
| OnWindowFocusChanged(bool)Called when the current Android.Views.Window of the activity gains or loses
focus. |
| OnWindowStartingActionMode(Android.Views.ActionMode.ICallback) : Android.Views.ActionModeGive the Activity a chance to control the UI for an action mode requested
by the system. |
| OpenContextMenu(Android.Views.View)Programmatically opens the context menu for a particular view. |
| OpenOptionsMenu()Programmatically opens the options menu. |
| OverridePendingTransition(int, int)Call immediately after one of the flavors of Activity.startActivity(android.content.Intent)
or Activity.Finish to specify an explicit transition animation to
perform next. |
| PostponeEnterTransition()Postpone the entering activity transition when Activity was started with
ActivityOptions.makeSceneTransitionAnimation(android.app.Activity, android.util.Pair<android.view.View, java.lang.String>...). |
| Recreate()Cause this Activity to be recreated with a new instance. |
| RegisterForContextMenu(Android.Views.View)Registers a context menu to be shown for the given view (multiple views
can show the context menu). |
| ReleaseInstance() : boolAsk that the local app instance of this activity be released to free up its memory. |
| RemoveDialog(int)Removes any internal references to a dialog managed by this Activity. |
| ReportFullyDrawn()Report to the system that your app is now fully drawn, purely for diagnostic
purposes (calling it does not impact the visible behavior of the activity). |
| RequestVisibleBehind(bool) : boolActivities that want to remain visible behind a translucent activity above them must call
this method anytime between the start of Activity.OnResume and the return from
Activity.OnPause. |
| RequestWindowFeature(Android.Views.WindowFeatures) : boolEnable extended window features. |
| RunOnUiThread(Java.Lang.IRunnable)Runs the specified action on the UI thread. |
| RunOnUiThread(Action)Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
| SetActionBar(Android.Widget.Toolbar)Set a Android.Widget.Toolbar to act as the Android.App.ActionBar for this
Activity window. |
| SetContentView(Android.Views.View)Set the activity content to an explicit view. |
| SetContentView(int)Set the activity content from a layout resource. |
| SetContentView(Android.Views.View, Android.Views.ViewGroup.LayoutParams)Set the activity content to an explicit view. |
| SetDefaultKeyMode(DefaultKey)Select the default key handling for this activity. |
| SetEnterSharedElementCallback(SharedElementCallback)When ActivityOptions.MakeSceneTransitionAnimation(Activity, Android.Views.View, Android.Views.View) was used to start an Activity, callback
will be called to handle shared elements on the launched Activity. |
| SetExitSharedElementCallback(SharedElementCallback)When ActivityOptions.MakeSceneTransitionAnimation(Activity, Android.Views.View, Android.Views.View) was used to start an Activity, callback
will be called to handle shared elements on the launching Activity. |
| SetFeatureDrawable(Android.Views.WindowFeatures, Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable)Convenience for calling
Android.Views.Window.SetFeatureDrawable(Android.Views.WindowFeatures, Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable). |
| SetFeatureDrawableAlpha(Android.Views.WindowFeatures, int)Convenience for calling
Android.Views.Window.SetFeatureDrawableAlpha(Android.Views.WindowFeatures, System.Int32). |
| SetFeatureDrawableResource(Android.Views.WindowFeatures, int)Convenience for calling
Android.Views.Window.SetFeatureDrawableResource(Android.Views.WindowFeatures, System.Int32). |
| SetFeatureDrawableUri(Android.Views.WindowFeatures, Android.Net.Uri)Convenience for calling
Android.Views.Window.SetFeatureDrawableUri(Android.Views.WindowFeatures, Android.Net.Uri). |
| SetFinishOnTouchOutside(bool)Sets whether this activity is finished when touched outside its window's
bounds. |
| SetPersistent(bool)Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
| SetProgress(int)Sets the progress for the progress bars in the title. |
| SetProgressBarIndeterminate(bool)Sets whether the horizontal progress bar in the title should be indeterminate (the circular
is always indeterminate). |
| SetProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility(bool)Sets the visibility of the indeterminate progress bar in the title. |
| SetProgressBarVisibility(bool)Sets the visibility of the progress bar in the title. |
| SetResult(Result)Call this to set the result that your activity will return to its
caller. |
| SetResult(Result, Android.Content.Intent)Call this to set the result that your activity will return to its
caller. |
| SetSecondaryProgress(int)Sets the secondary progress for the progress bar in the title. |
| SetTaskDescription(ActivityManager.TaskDescription)Sets information describing the task with this activity for presentation inside the Recents
System UI. |
| SetTitle(int)Change the title associated with this activity. |
| SetVisible(bool)Control whether this activity's main window is visible. |
| ShouldUpRecreateTask(Android.Content.Intent) : boolReturns true if the app should recreate the task when navigating 'up' from this activity
by using targetIntent. |
| ShowDialog(int)Simple version of Activity.ShowDialog(int, Android.OS.Bundle) that does not
take any arguments. |
| ShowDialog(int, Android.OS.Bundle) : boolShow a dialog managed by this activity. |
| StartActionMode(Android.Views.ActionMode.ICallback) : Android.Views.ActionModeStart an action mode. |
| StartActivityForResult(Android.Content.Intent, int)Same as calling Activity.StartActivityForResult(Android.Content.Intent, System.Int32, System.Int32)
with no options. |
| StartActivityForResult(Type, int)Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
| StartActivityForResult(Android.Content.Intent, int, Android.OS.Bundle)Launch an activity for which you would like a result when it finished. |
| StartActivityFromChild(Activity, Android.Content.Intent, int)Same as calling Activity.StartActivityFromChild(Activity, Android.Content.Intent, Android.Content.Intent, Android.Content.Intent)
with no options. |
| StartActivityFromChild(Activity, Android.Content.Intent, int, Android.OS.Bundle)This is called when a child activity of this one calls its
Activity.startActivity(android.content.Intent) or Activity.StartActivityForResult(Android.Content.Intent, System.Int32) method. |
| StartActivityFromFragment(Fragment, Android.Content.Intent, int)Same as calling Activity.StartActivityFromFragment(Fragment, Android.Content.Intent, Android.Content.Intent, Android.Content.Intent)
with no options. |
| StartActivityFromFragment(Fragment, Android.Content.Intent, int, Android.OS.Bundle)This is called when a Fragment in this activity calls its
Fragment.StartActivity(Android.Content.Intent) or Fragment.StartActivityForResult(Android.Content.Intent, System.Int32)
method. |
| StartActivityIfNeeded(Android.Content.Intent, int) : boolSame as calling Activity.StartActivityIfNeeded(Android.Content.Intent, System.Int32, System.Int32)
with no options. |
| StartActivityIfNeeded(Android.Content.Intent, int, Android.OS.Bundle) : boolA special variation to launch an activity only if a new activity
instance is needed to handle the given Intent. |
| StartIntentSenderForResult(Android.Content.IntentSender, int, Android.Content.Intent, Android.Content.ActivityFlags, Android.Content.ActivityFlags, int)Same as calling Activity.StartIntentSenderForResult(Android.Content.IntentSender, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32) with no options. |
| StartIntentSenderForResult(Android.Content.IntentSender, int, Android.Content.Intent, Android.Content.ActivityFlags, Android.Content.ActivityFlags, int, Android.OS.Bundle)Like Activity.StartActivityForResult(Android.Content.Intent, System.Int32), but allowing you
to use a IntentSender to describe the activity to be started. |
| StartIntentSenderFromChild(Activity, Android.Content.IntentSender, int, Android.Content.Intent, Android.Content.ActivityFlags, Android.Content.ActivityFlags, int)Same as calling Activity.StartIntentSenderFromChild(Activity, Android.Content.IntentSender, Android.Content.IntentSender, Android.Content.IntentSender, Android.Content.IntentSender, Android.Content.IntentSender, Android.Content.IntentSender, Android.Content.IntentSender) with no options. |
| StartIntentSenderFromChild(Activity, Android.Content.IntentSender, int, Android.Content.Intent, Android.Content.ActivityFlags, Android.Content.ActivityFlags, int, Android.OS.Bundle)Like Activity.StartActivityFromChild(Activity, Android.Content.Intent, Android.Content.Intent), but
taking a IntentSender; see
Activity.StartIntentSenderForResult(Android.Content.IntentSender, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32)
for more information. |
| StartLockTask()Request to put this Activity in a mode where the user is locked to the
current task. |
| StartManagingCursor(Android.Database.ICursor)This method allows the activity to take care of managing the given
Android.Database.ICursor's lifecycle for you based on the activity's lifecycle. |
| StartNextMatchingActivity(Android.Content.Intent) : boolSame as calling Activity.StartNextMatchingActivity(Android.Content.Intent, Android.OS.Bundle) with
no options. |
| StartNextMatchingActivity(Android.Content.Intent, Android.OS.Bundle) : boolSpecial version of starting an activity, for use when you are replacing
other activity components. |
| StartPostponedEnterTransition()Begin postponed transitions after Activity.PostponeEnterTransition was called. |
| StartSearch(string, bool, Android.OS.Bundle, bool)This hook is called to launch the search UI. |
| StopLockTask()Allow the user to switch away from the current task. |
| StopManagingCursor(Android.Database.ICursor)Given a Cursor that was previously given to
Activity.StartManagingCursor(Android.Database.ICursor), stop the activity's management of that
cursor. |
| TakeKeyEvents(bool)Request that key events come to this activity. |
| TriggerSearch(string, Android.OS.Bundle)Similar to Activity.StartSearch(string, System.Boolean, System.Boolean, System.Boolean), but actually fires off the search query after invoking
the search dialog. |
| UnregisterForContextMenu(Android.Views.View)Prevents a context menu to be shown for the given view. |