The members of Android.Content.PM.PackageManager are listed below.
See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object
A constructor used when creating managed representations of JNI objects; called by the runtime. |
[read-only] abstract | DefaultActivityIcon | Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable. Return the generic icon for an activity that is used when no specific icon is defined. |
[read-only] abstract | IsSafeMode | bool. Return whether the device has been booted into safe mode. |
[read-only] abstract | PackageInstaller | PackageInstaller. Return interface that offers the ability to install, upgrade, and remove applications on the device. |
[read-only] override | ThresholdClass | IntPtr. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
[read-only] override | ThresholdType | Type. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
abstract | AddPackageToPreferred(string) | |
abstract | AddPermission(PermissionInfo)Add a new dynamic permission to the system. | |
abstract | AddPermissionAsync(PermissionInfo)Like PackageManager.AddPermission(PermissionInfo) but asynchronously persists the package manager state after returning from the call, allowing it to return quicker and batch a series of adds at the expense of no guarantee the added permission will be retained if the device is rebooted before it is written. | |
abstract | AddPreferredActivity(Android.Content.IntentFilter, Android.Content.MatchResults, Android.Content.ComponentName[], Android.Content.ComponentName) | |
abstract | CanonicalToCurrentPackageNames(string[])Map from a packages canonical name to the current name in use on the device. | |
abstract | CheckPermission(string, string)Check whether a particular package has been granted a particular permission. | |
abstract | CheckSignatures(int, int)Like PackageManager.CheckSignatures(string, System.String), but takes UIDs of the two packages to be checked. | |
abstract | CheckSignatures(string, string)Compare the signatures of two packages to determine if the same signature appears in both of them. | |
abstract | ClearPackagePreferredActivities(string)Remove all preferred activity mappings, previously added with PackageManager.AddPreferredActivity(Android.Content.IntentFilter, Android.Content.MatchResults, Android.Content.MatchResults, Android.Content.MatchResults), from the system whose activities are implemented in the given package name. | |
abstract | CurrentToCanonicalPackageNames(string[])Map from the current package names in use on the device to whatever the current canonical name of that package is. | |
abstract | ExtendVerificationTimeout(int, PackageInstallVerification, long)Allows a package listening to the Android.Content.Intent.ActionPackageNeedsVerification to extend the default timeout for a response and declare what action to perform after the timeout occurs. | |
abstract | GetActivityBanner(Android.Content.ComponentName)Retrieve the banner associated with an activity. | |
abstract | GetActivityBanner(Android.Content.Intent)Retrieve the banner associated with an Intent. | |
abstract | GetActivityIcon(Android.Content.ComponentName)Retrieve the icon associated with an activity. | |
abstract | GetActivityIcon(Android.Content.Intent)Retrieve the icon associated with an Intent. | |
abstract | GetActivityInfo(Android.Content.ComponentName, PackageInfoFlags)Retrieve all of the information we know about a particular activity class. | |
abstract | GetActivityLogo(Android.Content.ComponentName)Retrieve the logo associated with an activity. | |
abstract | GetActivityLogo(Android.Content.Intent)Retrieve the logo associated with an Intent. | |
abstract | GetAllPermissionGroups(PackageInfoFlags)Retrieve all of the known permission groups in the system. | |
abstract | GetApplicationBanner(ApplicationInfo)Retrieve the banner associated with an application. | |
abstract | GetApplicationBanner(string)Retrieve the banner associated with an application. | |
abstract | GetApplicationEnabledSetting(string)Return the enabled setting for an application. | |
abstract | GetApplicationIcon(ApplicationInfo)Retrieve the icon associated with an application. | |
abstract | GetApplicationIcon(string)Retrieve the icon associated with an application. | |
abstract | GetApplicationInfo(string, PackageInfoFlags)Retrieve all of the information we know about a particular package/application. | |
GetApplicationLabel(ApplicationInfo)Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. | ||
abstract | GetApplicationLabelFormatted(ApplicationInfo)Return the label to use for this application. | |
abstract | GetApplicationLogo(ApplicationInfo)Retrieve the logo associated with an application. | |
abstract | GetApplicationLogo(string)Retrieve the logo associated with an application. | |
abstract | GetComponentEnabledSetting(Android.Content.ComponentName)Return the enabled setting for a package component (activity, receiver, service, provider). | |
abstract | GetDrawable(string, int, ApplicationInfo)Retrieve an image from a package. | |
abstract | GetInstalledApplications(PackageInfoFlags)Return a List of all application packages that are installed on the device. | |
abstract | GetInstalledPackages(PackageInfoFlags)Return a List of all packages that are installed on the device. | |
abstract | GetInstallerPackageName(string)Retrieve the package name of the application that installed a package. | |
abstract | GetInstrumentationInfo(Android.Content.ComponentName, PackageInfoFlags)Retrieve all of the information we know about a particular instrumentation class. | |
abstract | GetLaunchIntentForPackage(string)Returns a "good" intent to launch a front-door activity in a package. | |
abstract | GetLeanbackLaunchIntentForPackage(string)Return a "good" intent to launch a front-door Leanback activity in a package, for use for example to implement an "open" button when browsing through packages. | |
abstract | GetNameForUid(int)Retrieve the official name associated with a user id. | |
GetPackageArchiveInfo(string, PackageInfoFlags)Retrieve overall information about an application package defined in a package archive file | ||
abstract | GetPackageGids(string)Return an array of all of the secondary group-ids that have been assigned to a package. | |
abstract | GetPackageInfo(string, PackageInfoFlags)Retrieve overall information about an application package that is installed on the system. | |
abstract | GetPackagesForUid(int)Retrieve the names of all packages that are associated with a particular user id. | |
abstract | GetPackagesHoldingPermissions(string[], PackageInfoFlags)Return a List of all installed packages that are currently holding any of the given permissions. | |
abstract | GetPermissionGroupInfo(string, PackageInfoFlags)Retrieve all of the information we know about a particular group of permissions. | |
abstract | GetPermissionInfo(string, PackageInfoFlags)Retrieve all of the information we know about a particular permission. | |
abstract | GetPreferredActivities(IList<Android.Content.IntentFilter>, IList<Android.Content.ComponentName>, string)Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. | |
abstract | GetPreferredPackages(PackageInfoFlags)Retrieve the list of all currently configured preferred packages. | |
abstract | GetProviderInfo(Android.Content.ComponentName, PackageInfoFlags)Retrieve all of the information we know about a particular content provider class. | |
abstract | GetReceiverInfo(Android.Content.ComponentName, PackageInfoFlags)Retrieve all of the information we know about a particular receiver class. | |
abstract | GetResourcesForActivity(Android.Content.ComponentName)Retrieve the resources associated with an activity. | |
abstract | GetResourcesForApplication(ApplicationInfo)Retrieve the resources for an application. | |
abstract | GetResourcesForApplication(string)Retrieve the resources associated with an application. | |
abstract | GetServiceInfo(Android.Content.ComponentName, PackageInfoFlags)Retrieve all of the information we know about a particular service class. | |
abstract | GetSystemAvailableFeatures()Get a list of features that are available on the system. | |
abstract | GetSystemSharedLibraryNames()Get a list of shared libraries that are available on the system. | |
GetText(string, int, ApplicationInfo)Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. | ||
abstract | GetTextFormatted(string, int, ApplicationInfo)Retrieve text from a package. | |
abstract | GetUserBadgedDrawableForDensity(Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable, Android.OS.UserHandle, Android.Graphics.Rect, int)If the target user is a managed profile of the calling user or the caller is itself a managed profile, then this returns a badged copy of the given drawable allowing the user to distinguish it from the original drawable. | |
abstract | GetUserBadgedIcon(Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable, Android.OS.UserHandle)If the target user is a managed profile of the calling user or the caller is itself a managed profile, then this returns a badged copy of the given icon to be able to distinguish it from the original icon. | |
GetUserBadgedLabel(string, Android.OS.UserHandle)Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. | ||
abstract | GetUserBadgedLabelFormatted(Java.Lang.ICharSequence, Android.OS.UserHandle)If the target user is a managed profile of the calling user or the caller is itself a managed profile, then this returns a copy of the label with badging for accessibility services like talkback. | |
abstract | GetXml(string, int, ApplicationInfo)Retrieve an XML file from a package. | |
abstract | HasSystemFeature(string)Check whether the given feature name is one of the available features as returned by PackageManager.GetSystemAvailableFeatures. | |
abstract | QueryBroadcastReceivers(Android.Content.Intent, PackageInfoFlags)Retrieve all receivers that can handle a broadcast of the given intent. | |
abstract | QueryContentProviders(string, int, PackageInfoFlags)Retrieve content provider information. | |
abstract | QueryInstrumentation(string, PackageInfoFlags)Retrieve information about available instrumentation code. | |
abstract | QueryIntentActivities(Android.Content.Intent, PackageInfoFlags)Retrieve all activities that can be performed for the given intent. | |
abstract | QueryIntentActivityOptions(Android.Content.ComponentName, Android.Content.Intent[], Android.Content.Intent, PackageInfoFlags)Retrieve a set of activities that should be presented to the user as similar options. | |
abstract | QueryIntentContentProviders(Android.Content.Intent, PackageInfoFlags)Retrieve all providers that can match the given intent. | |
abstract | QueryIntentServices(Android.Content.Intent, PackageInfoFlags)Retrieve all services that can match the given intent. | |
abstract | QueryPermissionsByGroup(string, PackageInfoFlags)Query for all of the permissions associated with a particular group. | |
abstract | RemovePackageFromPreferred(string) | |
abstract | RemovePermission(string)Removes a permission that was previously added with PackageManager.AddPermission(PermissionInfo). | |
abstract | ResolveActivity(Android.Content.Intent, PackageInfoFlags)Determine the best action to perform for a given Intent. | |
abstract | ResolveContentProvider(string, PackageInfoFlags)Find a single content provider by its base path name. | |
abstract | ResolveService(Android.Content.Intent, PackageInfoFlags)Determine the best service to handle for a given Intent. | |
abstract | SetApplicationEnabledSetting(string, ComponentEnabledState, ComponentEnableOption)Set the enabled setting for an application This setting will override any enabled state which may have been set by the application in its manifest. | |
abstract | SetComponentEnabledSetting(Android.Content.ComponentName, ComponentEnabledState, ComponentEnableOption)Set the enabled setting for a package component (activity, receiver, service, provider). | |
abstract | SetInstallerPackageName(string, string)Change the installer associated with a given package. | |
abstract | VerifyPendingInstall(int, PackageInstallVerification)Allows a package listening to the Android.Content.Intent.ActionPackageNeedsVerification to respond to the package manager. |