Android.Net Namespace


Classes that help with network access, beyond the normal* APIs.


ConnectivityManagerClass that answers queries about the state of network connectivity.
ConnectivityManager+IOnNetworkActiveListenerDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
ConnectivityManager+NetworkCallbackDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
ConnectivityTypeEnumerates values returned by several types and taken as a parameter of several methods of Android.Net.ConnectivityManager.
CredentialsA class for representing UNIX credentials passed via ancillary data on UNIX domain sockets.
DhcpInfoA simple object for retrieving the results of a DHCP request.
DhcpInfo+InterfaceConstsDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
IllegalCharacterFlagsEnumerates values returned by several methods of Android.Net.IllegalCharacterFlags and taken as a parameter of the Android.Net.UrlQuerySanitizer.IllegalCharacterValueSanitizer..ctor member.
IpPrefixThis class represents an IP prefix, i.e., a contiguous block of IP addresses aligned on a power of two boundary (also known as an "IP subnet").
IpPrefix+InterfaceConstsDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
LinkAddressIdentifies an IP address on a network link.
LinkAddress+InterfaceConstsDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
LinkPropertiesDescribes the properties of a network link.
LinkProperties+InterfaceConstsDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
LocalServerSocketnon-standard class for creating inbound UNIX-domain socket on the Android platform, this is created in the Linux non-filesystem namespace.
LocalSocketCreates a (non-server) socket in the UNIX-domain namespace.
LocalSocketAddressA UNIX-domain (AF_LOCAL) socket address.
LocalSocketAddress+NamespaceThe namespace that this address exists in.
MailToMailTo URL parser This class parses a mailto scheme URL and then can be queried for the parsed parameters.
NetCapabilityEnumerates values returned by several types and taken as a parameter of the Android.Net.NetworkCapabilities.HasCapability, Android.Net.NetworkRequest.Builder.AddCapability, and Android.Net.NetworkRequest.Builder.RemoveCapability members.
NetworkIdentifies a Network.
Network+InterfaceConstsDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
NetworkCapabilitiesThis class represents the capabilities of a network.
NetworkCapabilities+InterfaceConstsDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
NetworkInfoDescribes the status of a network interface.
NetworkInfo+DetailedStateThe fine-grained state of a network connection.
NetworkInfo+InterfaceConstsDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
NetworkInfo+StateCoarse-grained network state.
NetworkRequestDefines a request for a network, made through NoType:android/net/NetworkRequest$Builder;Href=../../../reference/android/net/NetworkRequest.Builder.html and used to request a network via Android.Net.ConnectivityManager.RequestNetwork(Android.Net.NetworkRequest, .NetworkCallback) or listen for changes via Android.Net.ConnectivityManager.RegisterNetworkCallback(Android.Net.NetworkRequest, .NetworkCallback).
NetworkRequest+BuilderDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
NetworkRequest+InterfaceConstsDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
ParseExceptionThrown when parsing a URL fails.
ProxyA convenience class for accessing the user and default proxy settings.
ProxyInfoDescribes a proxy configuration.
ProxyInfo+InterfaceConstsDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
PskKeyManagerProvider of key material for pre-shared key (PSK) key exchange used in TLS-PSK cipher suites.
RouteInfoRepresents a network route.
RouteInfo+InterfaceConstsDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
SocketTypeEnumerates values returned by several types and taken as a parameter of the Android.Net.LocalSocket..ctor member.
SSLCertificateSocketFactorySSLSocketFactory implementation with several extra features:
  • Timeout specification for SSL handshake operations
  • Hostname verification in most cases (see WARNINGs below)
  • Optional SSL session caching with Android.Net.SSLSessionCache
  • Optionally bypass all SSL certificate checks
The handshake timeout does not apply to actual TCP socket connection.
SSLSessionCacheFile-based cache of established SSL sessions.
TrafficStatsClass that provides network traffic statistics.
TransportTypeEnumerates values returned by several types and taken as a parameter of the Android.Net.NetworkCapabilities.HasTransport, Android.Net.NetworkRequest.Builder.AddTransportType, and Android.Net.NetworkRequest.Builder.RemoveTransportType members.
UriImmutable URI reference.
Uri+BuilderHelper class for building or manipulating URI references.
Uri+InterfaceConstsDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
UrlQuerySanitizerSanitizes the Query portion of a URL.
UrlQuerySanitizer+IllegalCharacterValueSanitizerSanitize values based on which characters they contain.
UrlQuerySanitizer+IValueSanitizerA functor used to sanitize a single query value.
UrlQuerySanitizer+ParameterValuePairA simple tuple that holds parameter-value pairs.
VpnServiceVpnService is a base class for applications to extend and build their own VPN solutions.
VpnService+BuilderHelper class to create a VPN interface.
WifiModeEnumerates values returned by the Android.Net.WifiMode.Full, Android.Net.WifiMode.FullHighPerf, and Android.Net.WifiMode.ScanOnly members and taken as a parameter of the Android.Net.Wifi.WifiManager.CreateWifiLock member.
WifiStateEnumerates values returned by several types.