Android.Net.WifiMode Enumeration
Enumerates values returned by the WifiMode.Full, WifiMode.FullHighPerf, and WifiMode.ScanOnly members and taken as a parameter of the Android.Net.Wifi.WifiManager.CreateWifiLock member.


public enum WifiMode


Enumerates values returned by the WifiMode.Full, WifiMode.FullHighPerf, and WifiMode.ScanOnly members and taken as a parameter of the Android.Net.Wifi.WifiManager.CreateWifiLock member.


Member NameDescription
FullIn this Wi-Fi lock mode, Wi-Fi will be kept active, and will behave normally, i.e., it will attempt to automatically establish a connection to a remembered access point that is within range, and will do periodic scans if there are remembered access points but none are in range.


WifiMode.Full WifiMode.FullHighPerf

When there is no support from the hardware, this lock mode will have the same behavior as WifiMode.Full

ScanOnlyIn this Wi-Fi lock mode, Wi-Fi will be kept active, but the only operation that will be supported is initiation of scans, and the subsequent reporting of scan results. No attempts will be made to automatically connect to remembered access points, nor will periodic scans be automatically performed looking for remembered access points. Scans must be explicitly requested by an application in this mode.


Namespace: Android.Net
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions: